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Soil survey of Hissar district (Haryana) covering total area of 6,331 sq. kms. was carried out using the aerial photographs of 1 : 25,000 scale. A detailed physiographic legend was prepared and boundaries were confirmed in relation to soil. Soil-landscape relationship was established during the course of study. Four major physiographic units were identified in the area : i. e. i) Aeolian plain, ii) Alluvial plain, iii) Drishdawati flood plain, iv) Ghaggar flood plain. Each of the major unit was sub-divided on the basis of photo elements, tone, texture, erosion, parcelling etc. The soils of the sand dunes/ Bars are classified as Typic Torripsamments/Ustipsamments; plain-Typic, Camborthids/Calciorthids/Ustrochrepts; basins-Aquic Ustochrepts and salt affected plain-Aquic Natrustalfs.  相似文献   

Visual Interpretation of Landsat Imagery (TM-FCC) on 1∶250,000 scale covering 2410 sq km in a part of Mahandi Delta, Kataka district, Orissa was carried out for delineating the physiographic units. The major physiographic units identified and delineated were ‘Delta plain’ and ‘Coastal plain’. These units were further subdivided on the basis of image elements. The abstraction level attained was ‘Family’ based on Soil Taxonomy. The soils of the beach were classified as Typic Ustipsamments; old coastal plain as fine, Typic Haplaquept and coarse loamy Aquic Ustifluvent; Tidal flat as fine Typic Haplaquept and fine loamy Aquic Ustifluvent; mud flat as fine Typic Haplaquept; Levee-plain complex as Typic Ustipsamment and fine loamy Typic Ustorthent; old Delta plain as fine Udic Ustochrept and Aeric Haplaquept and recent delta plain as fine loamy and coarse loamy Typic Ustorthent. The soils are mixed in mineralogy and Isohyperthermic in temperature regime.  相似文献   

Soilscapes of the Ghaggar river basin falling in Haryana and Punjab were interpreted and studied by using the Landsat imagery and aerial photographs. Five major landform units identified and demarcated in the area were : channel courses, levees, flood-plains undulating, basinal floodplains and relict basins. On the basis of sedimentation, nature of the river pattern and soil characteristics, the whole basin was divided into three reaches — upper, middle and lower. Taxonomically the soils were placed under Typic Ustipsamments, Typic Ustorthents and lypic Ustifluvents on channel courses; Aquic Ustifluvents, Typic Ustifluvents and Typic Ustochrepts on levees; Fluventic Ustochrepts, Udic Ustochrepts and lypic Camborthids on floodplains undulating; Typic Ustorthents and Udic Ustochrepts on basinal floodplains; Typic Natrustalfs and Natric Camborthids on relict basins. Two new subgroups were proposed, i.e., Natric within the order of Entisol and Inceptisol, and Aquic-udic within the order of Inceptisol. Two dominant geomorphic processes were observed, i.e., fluvial and aeolian.  相似文献   

Multispectral and multitemporal landsat-FCC of 1:250,000 and transparancies on 1:1000,000 scales of bands 4, 5, 6 and 7 were interepreted to identify and delineate the areas under varying intensities of dunal activity in the western part of Haryana State comprising an area of 12610 sq. km. CCTs of some representative areas were also interpreted on the Multispectral Interactive Data Analysis System. Field checks were made to correlate the laboratory interpretation and the ground truth. The study areas were differentiated into the following units: (1) Sandy desert zone: No cultivation on dune tops except some shrubs, (2) Aeolian cover with sandy hummocks: low intensity cultivation, (3) Plain with aeolian cover: moderately cultivated, (4) Plain: Moderately to intensively cultivated. The major soils in association were Typic Torripsamments/Ustipsamments/Ustorthents/Ustifluvents/Calciorthids and Natric Camborthids.  相似文献   

Remote sensing techniques have been employed to identify and delineate soils in a part of Dibrugarh district of Assam. Landsat-4 MSS data in the form of FCC (4, 5, 7) were interpreted visually for physiographic analysis in conjunction with Survey of India topographic maps. Ground data were translated in terms of soils using composite interpretation map as base. The abstraction level attained was Families of Soil Taxonomy. Four major physiographic units were delineated, viz. active flood plain, recent alluvial plain, gently undulating old alluvial plain and gently sloping to undulating piedmont plain. Dominant soils identified are: coarse loamy Aeric Fluvaquents and fine loamy Typic Udifluvents in active flood plain; fine Typic Haplaquepts and fine loamy Aquic Dystrochrepts in recent alluvial plain; fine loamy Umbric Dystrochrepts and fine Ultic Hapludalfs in old alluvial plain; coarse loamy Typic Udorthents and fine Mollic Hapludalfs in piedmont plain.  相似文献   

Visual interpretation of IRS-L1SS-II (January, 1995) FCC (1:50,000 scale) of spectral bands 2, 3 and 4 was carried out for the identification and mapping of major physiographic units in an arid watershed of Jodhpur district (Rajasthan). Based on image characteristics and field traverses, seven major physiographic units identified are (1) hills (2) pediments, flat to undulating (3) buried pediments, moderately deep to deep, coarse textured (4) buried pediment, shallow to moderately deep and deep, medium to fine textured, saline (5) older alluvial plains, deep and very deep, coarse textured (6) younger alluvial plains, deep to very deep, very coarse textured and (7) dune complexes. Based on physiographicvariatton and soil or site characteristics such as texture, depth, slope, erosion and underneath substrata, 41 soil mapping units were identified and mapped. Final physiography, soil, slope, drainage and landuse maps were prepared on 1:5,000 scale. Taxonomically, the soils of the watershed were classified as Para-Lithic Torriorthents, coarse-loamy, Lithic/Typic Haplocambids, fine-loamy, Lithic/Typic Haplosalids and Typic Torrifluvents and Typic Torripsamments. Land suitability for various mapping units in the watershed have been assessed on the basis of soil physico-chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

In-situ spectral reflectance of soils was measured at various test sites of India in four spectral bands within the visible and near-infrared wavelength comparable to Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS). Reflectance behaviour of soils under different field conditions was analysed and the spectral reflectance curves for different soil types were obtained. Soil samples pertaining to each test site were analysed for mechanical composition, physioco-chemical properties to identify their relationship with soil reflectance. These spectral reflectance curves were further examined as to their usefulness in discriminating various soil types. Five distinct soil types namely, Black cotton soils (Typic Pellusterts), Marine Soils (Typic Halaquepts), Lateritic Soils (Plinthic Tropohumults), Alluvial Soils (Typic Ustochrepts), Coastal Sandy Soils (Typic Psammaquents), were discriminated on the basis of significant relationships between the spectral reflectance data and soil properties.  相似文献   

Hydrogeological studies in the Quaternary alluvial plain of a part of Azamgarh and Ghazipur districts, using air photos on scale 1:60,000 indicate the presence of five hydromorphic units namely, Alluvial upland, older alluvial plain of Mangat-Besu, older flood plain of Ganga—Gomti, youngest terrace of Ganga—Gomti and present flood plain of Ganga-Gomti. From the groundwater point of view older flood plain of Ganga—Gomti is the most promising hydromorphic unit. Abandoned channel of river Ganga offers favourable site for deep groundwater exploration with high potentiality. Chemical quality of shallow and deep aquifers is suitable for irrigation and other purposes.  相似文献   

Landsat MSS data in the form of BW imagery were used to generate Soil Map of Punjab convering an area of about 5 million ha. MSS bands 2 and 4 (L4) were interpreted singly and combined to form a compostie interpretetion map with which field check, was translated in terms of soils. The abstraction level attained was Great Groups of Soil Taxonomy. The distribution of soils of Punjab, with Aridisols in the SW through Inceptisols in the Central zone, to Alfisols in the NE sectors suggested a strong geographic bias in their evolution. The major soils of the aridic zone (SW sectors of the state) are: Camborthids, Calciorthids, Torripsamments and Torrifluvents and of the Ustic zone (Central Punjab) are Ustochrepts and Haplustalfs (the most productive soils of the State), Ustipsamments and Ustifluvents. The salt affected soils are found interspersed with these soils. In the udic zone (NE fringe), Hapludalfs, Eutrochrepts, Udifluvents, Udorthents and Hapludolls are the major soil formations. The soil map reveals that about one-third of the total area of the state suffers from various soil problems, such as soil salinity and sodicity, water logging, and soil erosion. For increasing agricultural production, these soils need to be brought under the plough. The study leads to conclude that for quick and precise macro level land use planning, the use of Landsat imagery is imperative.  相似文献   

A detailed-reconnaissance soil survey of the Sangrur district was undertaken through systematic aerial photo-interpretation technique and a soil map on 1: 50,000 scale showing the association of soil series prepared. The salt-affected soils have been grouped into 4 soil associations and 8 soil series based on the diffrences in texture, drainge, profile development and degree of deterioration. The salt-affected soils are found both in plains and Channels. The piain unit without distinct parcelling (barren) white and fine textured tones represented the association of salic Natraqualfs (Ghabdan series) and Aquic Natruststalfs (Kaheru series). The piain units partly cultivated whitish-gray, fine to medium textured tones consisted of a association of Natraquic Calciorthids (Langrian and Narikc series) and Natraquic Camborthids (Isri Series). Lastly, the piain units with pattern of dark-tone and light mottles (mottled-iones,) distinct parceiling, cultivated consists of Typic Ustochrepts (Balewal series), Aquic Camborthids (Phaguwala series) and Natraquic Calciorthids (Marike series). The filled up Channels whitish-gray tones, concave relief, cultivated comprise wet soils (Jatwan series) which have been classified as Aeric Halaquepts. It is found that about 17% of the mapped area in Sangrur district is salt-affected, out of which 12% consisiing Ghabdan, Kaheru, Langrian and Isri series is severely salt-affected and rest 5% consisting, Phaguwala, Narike and Jatwan series is moderately to slightly affected.  相似文献   

Geological and geomorphological mapping was carried out for a part of Ganjam district, Orissa through visual interpretation of IRS-IB LISS II flase colour composites. Various lithounits such as khondalites, charnockites and granites of Archaean age were mapped. The study area is traversed by two sets of vertical joints — one trending in NE-SW direction and the other in NW-SE direction. Three sets of lineaments in the study area trending in NE-SW, NW-SE and ENE-WSW suggest that the study area was subject to very high degree of deformation in the past. Major geomorphic units delineated are, Hills, Pediments, Valley Fills, New Flood Plains, Old Flood Plains, New Coastal Plains and Old Coastal Plains. Different landforms under each geomorphic unit are also mapped.  相似文献   

Integrated resource study in Ropar wetland ecosystem was undertaken to analyse physiography, drainage, landuse and vegetation status. Various thematic maps have been prepared using black and white aerial photographs on 1:20,000 scale and IRS 1A LISS-II (FCC) on 1:50,000 scale. The Ropar wetland ecosystem is comprised of six major landforms i.e. Siwalik hills, Valley, Piedmont plain, Alluvial plain, River terraces and River courses. The study area show high drainage density with sub dendritic and sub parallel drainage. The area has poor vegetative cover which results in extensive erosion and sedimentation of Ropar lake. The water spread and. qualitative turbidity level in the notified wetland area was also monitored. Anthropogenic pressure, industrial pollution, sedimentation, eutrophication, illegal fishing and flooding have been identified as major threats to the wetland. Keeping in view the threats to Ropar wetland, the conservation measures have been suggested.  相似文献   

The state of Haryana and the adjoining areas are covered to a large extent by Quaternary sediments of alluvial/aeolian origin. An attempt has been made to study this area and classify the various geomorphic zones and a geological-cum geomorphological map of the area has been prepared based on MSS Landsat Imagery on 1:1 million. The geological set-up of the area comprises the sub-Himalayan system of rocks, mostly belonging to Siwalik Group which are exposed in the northeastern extremity and adjoining parts. In the south and southwestern corner of Haryana bordering the state of Rajastan, older rocks belonging to Delhi Supergroup are exposed. In between lies the vast stretch of Quaternary sediments of aliuvial/aeolian origin. The different geomorphic units recognised include 1) High structural hills, 2) Moderate structural cum denudational hills, 3) Low structural-cum-denudational hills, 4) Older and younger piedmont zones, 5) Flood plain, 6) Older Alluvial surface, 7)Aeolian zone, 8) Transitional zone & 9) Upland tract. Except the river Yamuna flowing along the eastern boundary of the State, the only other stream is the Ghagghar. A well-defined palaeo-channel of the Ghagghar is clearly picked up on the imagery. This river appears to be structure controlled and flows along well-defined tectonic lines. The southerly to southeasterly direction of flow of the river Yamuna indicates a basement high. The topographical low passing through Delhi-Rohtak-Hissar and Sirsa appears to coincide with basement high and the gradual shift in the drainage system indicates some neotectonic activity in the region. The most important ecological problem of the state of Harayana is the rapid desertification due to migration of dunal sands in the south and southwestern parts. Other environmental problems related to landuse are the salt efflorescence, waterlogging, unscientific stone quarrying, etc. It is felt that geomorphic maps generated should be utilised for regional land-use planning and restoration of the eco-balance in the State.  相似文献   


Land use and land cover change, perhaps the most significant anthropogenic disturbance to the environment, mainly due to rapid urbanization/industrialization and large scale agricultural activities. In this paper, an attempt has been made to appraise land use/land cover changes over a century (1914–2007) in the Neyyar River Basin (L=56 km; Area = 483.4 km2) in southern Kerala – a biodiversity hot spot in Peninsular India. In this study, digital remote sensing data of the Indian Remote Sensing satellite series I-D (LISS III, 2006–2007) on 1:50,000 scale, Survey of India (SOI) toposheet of 1914 (1:63,360) and 1967 (1:50,000) have been utilized to map various land use/land cover changes. Maps of different periods have been registered and resampled to similar geographic coordinates using ERDAS Imagine 9.0. The most notable changes include decreases in areas of paddy cultivation, mixed crops, scrub lands and evergreen forests, and increases in built-up areas, rubber plantations, dense mixed forests, and water bodies. Further, large scale exploitation of flood plain mud and river sand have reached menacing proportions leading to bank caving and cut offs at channel bends. Conservation of land and water resources forms an important aspect of ecosystem management in the basin.  相似文献   

Remote sensing data pertaining to LANDSAT TM FCC of bands 2, 3 and 4 of 9th May 1991 and IRS-1A LISS II digital data of 3rd May 1991, have been utilized for the study of geomorphology of Bulandshahr district, U.P. Visual interpretation technique has been followed for geomorphological mapping and the area has been separated into four broadly defined geomorphic zones, namely Varahasi Older Alluvial Plain, Aligarh Older Alluvial Plain, Terrace Zone and Recent Flood Plains of Ganga and Yamuna, each characterized by its own geomorphic/landform elements discernable on remote sensing data. The Varanasi Older Alluvial Plain represents the oldest geomorphic surface occurring at highest tectonic level in the Gangetic plain. The Aligarh Older Alluvial Plain represents a palaeo-flood plain of a north flowing palaeo-drainage in the area. The Terrace zone represents the older flood plain of Ganga and its tributaries. The Recent Flood Plains of Ganga and Yamuna rivers, which get periodically inundated, constitute the youngest geomorphic surface in the study area. Digital image processing outputs, particularly ratio images have been found to be helpful in identifying certain geomorphic landforms (old/abandoned channels, scars etc.) due to greater contrast within ratio images.  相似文献   

王岩  范子贤  李成名  戴昭鑫  吴政 《测绘通报》2021,(7):117-120,125
在城市内涝模拟研究中,汇水区划分是十分重要的环节,同时对大尺度平原城市进行汇水区精细划分也是研究者共同研究的技术难点。针对现有基于DEM流向分析的划分方法存在的无法正确反映实际城市复杂地形和流向问题,本文提出了一种顾及地类和流向,适用于大尺度平原城市的精细汇水区分级划分方法。首先,从城市自然地形和主干河流出发,进行一级宏观尺度划分;然后,依据城市主次干道,干渠和管网实现二级中观尺度划分;最后,在二级划分的基础上,结合流向和地类做精细的三级子汇水区微观尺度划分。本文选取东营市30 km2核心主城区进行了验证分析,研究结果表明,划分结果跟实际地物类型和真实流向相吻合,该方法对于大尺度平原城市具有良好的适用性。  相似文献   

‘Terrain Analysis’ of the the Assam Plains and adjoining areas of the Naga foothills and Mikir hills plateau has been carried out using LANDSAT images and cartographic maps, essentially as an aid for planning seismic surveys for hydrocarbon exploration. The terrain is divisible into five geomorphic zones of distinct characters and processes of evolution. They are: i) Brahmaputra flood plains, ii) Assam Alluvial Plains, iii) Naga Piedmont plains, iv) Mikir Denudational hills, and v) Naga Structural Hills. A number of geomorphic anomalies have been identified in these zones. Maximum number of the anomalies occur in the piedmont zone which is considered to be most prospective since suitable hydrocarbon generation and entrapment conditions exist in that part of the basin. There dominant trends of lineaments striking ENE-WSW NW-SE and E-W are observed in the area in that order of extent and frequency. The last mentioned appears to be youngest which has off-setted even the Naga Thrust. Five distinct planation surfaces/summit levels have been identified in the Mikir as well as Naga hills. They are correlatable with the known unconformities at the top of basement, top of Barails, top of Girujan, top of Namsang and top of Dihing Formations. The subsurface lithology expected during shot hole drilling for seismic surveys has been predicted considering the process of evolution of each zone.  相似文献   

The area of the Solani-Ganga interfluve, which lies between 29°16′N to 30°15′N latitude and 77°45′E to 78°15′E longitude was undertaken for the present study using LANDSAT imagery of band 5 and 7 and the false colour composite on the scale of 1:250,000 in combination with aerial photographs (1:25,000). Major geomorphic units, e.g., Siwalik Hills. Solani-upper alluvial plain, Solani lower alluvial plain, ‘Tarai’ and Ganga alluvial plain were delineated on LANDSAT and colour composite. Sample areas selected from LANDSAT were studied on aerial photographs in details and soil physiography relationship was developed. The soils on Siwalik hills are classified as Orthents. The soils of the pledmont plain and the recent terraces of Solani river and its tributaries were Psamments, Orthents, Fluvents, Orchrepts and Aquepts. The soils of upper alluvial tract of the Ganga plain is mostly Ustalfs with inclusion of Aqualfs, while the strong hydromorphic Tarai tract consists of partly Aquepts, Ochrepts (cultivated) and partly of Aquolls, Ustolls and Ustalfs (under forest). The present study aims to pin point the nature of soil relief relationship with the help of LANDSAT imagery and aerial photographs and diagnose the intensity of the depletion of soil resources (by prevailing factors like swift run off of biykderfed torrents, fast-flow of ground water, soil creep, mass wasting) through field studies and then treat them with ecological dose of soil conservation. For agronomic development of the region, it is worked out that the present crop-combination and crop-rotation systems should be slightly modified according to its ecosystem to prevent the depletion of soil nutrients.  相似文献   

The arid tract of Punjab experiences various problems like thick sand cover (sand dunes) in large area, poor retention of water and nutrients in coarse textured soils, soil salinity and/or alkalinity, water logging and poor ground water quality. In the present study multidate remotely sensed data both in the form of aerial photographs and satellite imagery on 1:50,000 scale were interpreted visually to map physiography and soils. The ground water samples from tubewells distributed all over the area were collected and analysed to prepare ground water quality map. The soil and ground water quality maps were integrated to produce a resource constraint map of the area showing physical, chemical and hydrological constraints. The study revealed that alluvial plain suffers from hydrological constraints due to marginal to.poor ground water in 86% of the total area. The sand dunes show both physical and hydrological constraints due to coarse textured (sandy) soils and brackish ground water. The basins having soil salinity and brackish ground water cover 0.10% of the area. Keeping in view the type of constraint, locale specific measures like levelling and stabilisation of sand dunes, reclamation of salt affected and water logged areas followed by plantation of tree species which act as biopumps are suggested. The conjuctive use of surface (canal) and ground water is essential to prevent secondary salinization and sodification. The study demonstrates the potential usefulness of remote sensing technology in mapping natural resources and assess the nature, magnitude and spatial distribution of resource constraints.  相似文献   

In the present study, the rainfall-runoff relationship is determined using USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method. The coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.99, which indicates a high correlation between rainfall and runoff. The runoff potential map was prepared by assigning individual class weight and scores input map. Annual spatial soil loss estimation was computed using Morgan, Morgan and Finney mathematical model in conjunction with remote sensing and GIS techniques. Higher soil erosion was found to occur in the northern part of the Tons watershed. The soil texture in the affected area is coarse loamy to loamy skeletal and soil detachment is higher. Moreover the land use has open forests, which does not reduce the impact of rainfall. The average soil loss for all the four sub-watersheds was calculated, and it was found that the maximum average soil loss of 24.1 t/ha occurred in the sub-watershed 1.  相似文献   

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