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探求地图投影模型是一个很复杂的数学问题,涉及诸多数学理论和方法,解算步骤和过程一般都很繁琐。此处根据现代数学中的算子微分理论和微分几何理论,采用反演的方法对地图投影的正解变换进行了研究,简化了地图投影正解求解的过程和步骤。基本思路是先通过求解地图投影的反解变换,再根据反解变换求其相应的正解变换。并利用微分算子理论中的等角和等面积投影定理,分别验证了所探求的正反解是等角投影还是等面积投影。最后经过算例证明该方法的快捷性和有效性。 相似文献
归纳总结地图投影数值变换的常用方法,并在实践基础上围绕数值变换的精度及稳定性等核心问题对各种方法作一综合评述. 相似文献
地图投影变换是数字地图制图和地理信息系统中进行地理空间数据处理的重要步骤和过程,而多项式变换又是地图投影数值变换中最常用和最有效的方法之一。提出了影响地图投影多项式变换精度的若干因素,深入分析了这些因素对多项式变换精度的影响,最后得出了提高多项式投影变换精度的相关结论。 相似文献
地图投影变换功能是GIS的基础功能,目前各种商用的GIS软件都具备地图投影变换功能,但其完整性、通用性、规范性以及可扩充性都有所不足.为了提高地图投影变换功能软件的通用性及可扩充性,对通用地图投影变换接口技术进行了深入研究,设计并实现了通用地图投影变换接口模块.通过实验测试,本接口模块可以很好地满足用户实际应用需求,具有一定的实用价值. 相似文献
Steven E. Greco 《地球空间信息科学学报》2013,16(4):288-293
ABSTRACTConceptually, the theory and implementation of “map projection” in geographic information system (GIS) technology is difficult to comprehend for most introductory students and novice users. Compounding this difficulty is the concept of a “map projection file” that defines map projection parameters of geo-spatial data. The problem of the “missing projection file” appears ubiquitous for all users, especially in practice where data is widely shared. Another common problem is inadvertent misapplication of the “Define Projection” tool that can result in a GIS dataset with an incorrectly defined map projection file. GIS education should provide more guidance in differentiating the concepts of map projection versus projection files by increasing understanding and minimizing common errors. A novel pedagogical device is introduced in this paper: the seven possible states of GIS data with respect to map projection and definition. The seven possible states are: (1) a projected coordinate system (PCS) that is correctly defined, (2) a PCS that is incorrectly defined, (3) a PCS that is undefined, (4) a geographic coordinate system (GCS) that is correctly defined, (5) a GCS that is incorrectly defined, (6) a GCS that is undefined, and (7) a non-GCS. Recently created automated troubleshooting tools to determine a missing map projection file are discussed. 相似文献
小比例尺地图投影设计方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对地图投影的设计通常只能由具有数学与制图专业知识的专家完成的不足,该文对Robinson完全视觉化的地图投影方法进行扩展,提出一种基于软件方法的小比例尺世界地图投影设计方法,使普通用户能够快速创建新的地图投影或是修改一个已存在的投影:利用纬线长、纬线与赤道的距离、纬线弯曲度、经线弯曲度四个参数描述一种投影,并通过对比例变形、面积变形、角度变形、可接受的变形度等变形指标的视觉化展示向用户直观反映新投影的变形程度;同时通过可结构化的指数从整体上评估区域和角度变形。最后以Aitoff投影为例验证了方法的正确性。 相似文献
为解决网络地理信息应用二、三维一体化显示需要,通常做法是处理并存储两套不同投影的地图瓦片数据,一套采用Web墨卡托投影,面向二维地图应用;一套采用经纬度坐标,面向三维地图应用。这在一定程度上降低数据处理效率、浪费存储资源。文中提出一种改进Web墨卡托地图投影方法,并设计一种面向影像地图和DEM数据的瓦片化方法。方法生成的影像地图瓦片数据既能同时面向二维地图和三维可视化场景使用,又有效解决Web墨卡托投影不支持高纬度地区栅格地图表达的缺陷。将新型的地图投影和数据模型通过瓦片地图服务系统进行验证,证明这种新改进的投影和影像,以及DEM瓦片化方法具备较高的实用性。 相似文献
Daniel “daan” Strebe 《制图学和地理信息科学》2013,40(3):260-276
ABSTRACTSometimes map projection designers need to create equal-area projections to best fill the projections’ purposes. However, unlike for conformal projections, few transformations have been described that can be applied to equal-area projections to develop new equal-area projections. Here, I survey area-preserving transformations, giving examples of their applications and proposing an efficient way of deploying an equal-area system for raster-based Web mapping. Together, these transformations provide a toolbox for the map projection designer working in the area-preserving domain. 相似文献
The adaptive composite map projection technique changes the projection to minimize distortion for the geographic area shown on a map. This article improves the transition between the Lambert azimuthal projection and the transverse equal-area cylindrical projection that are used by adaptive composite projections for portrait-format maps. Originally, a transverse Albers conic projection was suggested for transforming between these two projections, resulting in graticules that are not symmetric relative to the central meridian. We propose the alternative transverse Wagner transformation between the two projections and provide equations and parameters for the transition. The suggested technique results in a graticule that is symmetric relative to the central meridian, and a map transformation that is visually continuous with changing map scale. 相似文献