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渭河盆地东南缘铲形正断层上盘活动特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯建军  白太绪 《中国地震》1993,9(4):351-355
本文根据野外和力学分析,认为渭河盆地东南缘铲形正断层上盘块体沿凹曲的断层面向下滑动和旋转作用,在山前冲洪积平原区产生了同向断层、反向断层和上盘横断层。这些构造的差异活动及其在地表的表现特征,可作为铲形正断层分段的重要标志。  相似文献   

昌马断裂的运动方式与1932年昌马地震   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王华林 《地震研究》1989,12(1):29-36
本文从断裂的沉积、地貌和变形特征方面研究了昌马断裂的运动方式。结果表明,昌马断裂是一条枢纽断裂,枢纽轴位于断裂中段。提出了昌马断裂的力学模式,认为昌马地震是在北东~南西向水平挤压应力产生的左旋剪切应力和垂直断裂面的正压力联合作用下,昌马断裂枢纽轴部的介质强化,应力集中的结果  相似文献   

昌马断裂位于祁连山西段,是祁连山系列次级断裂与阿尔金断裂东段的重要构造转换断层之一,于1932年发生7.6级地震。位于昌马断裂中东段的臭水柳沟古地震探槽揭示了2次地震事件:一次为1932年昌马地震事件,另一次为(902±44)a B.P.以来发生的事件,这弥补了昌马断裂全新世晚期古地震事件缺失的现状。结合前人的研究结果可确定昌马断裂全新世至少发生7次古地震事件,推测地震复发间隔为1ka左右,部分事件未能揭示。通过探槽揭示的低角度断层、地层变形和部分断裂的地貌特征可知,受阿尔金断裂NEE向挤出的影响,昌马断裂部分段落表现出低角度的逆冲推覆活动,形成其特有的低角度走滑现象,以吸收阿尔金断裂东段的左旋位移。这也说明昌马断裂在承担阿尔金断裂与祁连山西段系列断层的构造转换中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

青藏高原中部温泉盆地西缘的晚新生代正断层作用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
在青藏高原中部的温泉盆地西侧发育了1条倾向东的强烈活动的近SN正断层——温泉盆地西缘断裂。它是在印度板块与欧亚板块强烈碰撞的背景下,青藏高原中北部地区自晚新生代以来发生近EW向伸展变形的产物。晚新生代以来,该断裂上的最大垂直错动量不会<21km,错动中生代褶皱地层所暗示的最大垂直位移量为(60±22)km。第四纪期间,该断裂发生了多期活动,形成了山前的多套断层三角面和多级断层陡坎地貌。根据断裂垂直错动晚第四纪期间不同时代的地层和地貌体所形成的断层崖高度估算,其晚第四纪以来的最大活动速率不超过12mm/a,平均活动速率为045mm/a。初步的探槽分析表明,晚更新世末期以来沿该断裂至少发生了3次震级不同的古地震事件。综合该断裂的全新世活动特点推断,它是在未来具有较大可能发生6~7级地震的一条重要控震断裂  相似文献   

侯康明 《内陆地震》1990,4(3):230-238
利用仪器记录资料,讨论了自1954年以来昌马断裂带及邻区地震活动的时空分布特征。  相似文献   

昌马断裂带地震滑坡的基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据详细的野外地质调查和滑坡探槽资料,讨论了昌马断裂带地震滑坡形成的地质环境与内部结构特征。  相似文献   

吐鲁番盆地地震地质初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
吐鲁番盆地是海西期褶皱基底上发生、发展起来的沉积盆地.晚新生代以来,盆地演化为单侧冲断推覆型压性盆地。盆地本世纪内地震活动水平整体上是较低的,但区内断裂、褶皱活动自晚更新世晚期以来就一直进行着。盆地中央断裂带经开挖研究认为,全新世以来有3次古地震活动事件,其大震复现间隔为3000年左右.由于最后一次大震发生距今已有约2500年,所以盆地中央潜在大震的危险。  相似文献   

山西大同盆地恒山北缘断裂全新世古地震活动   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
野外调查表明 ,恒山北缘断裂断错了恒山北侧的洪积扇和恒山冲沟沟口的Ⅰ级阶地。地层测年资料表明 ,恒山北缘洪积扇中部、后缘以及恒山冲沟沟口Ⅰ级阶地的表层由距今约 5 2 0 0~ 6 80 0a的地层组成。位于恒山山前开挖的何庄及牛槽峪探槽揭示恒山北缘断裂在全新世早期以来曾发生过 3次古地震事件。这 3次古地震事件分别发生在 2 2 6 0± 190aBP~ 4 370±15 0aBP、接近 5 6 2 8± 15 0aBP和 80 83± 2 5 0aBP~ 84 30± 72 0aBP。 3次古地震事件的间隔为 2 313a及2 6 2 8a ,平均 2 4 71a。古地震事件的同震垂直位移为 1 0~ 3 0m。由于该断裂最新活动的离逝时间已超过全新世时期的古地震间隔 ,今后该断裂具备发生强震的可能 ,需加强观测。  相似文献   

酒西盆地断层活动特征及古地震研究   总被引:21,自引:12,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
通过室内航片判读和野外调查 ,在酒西盆地发现 3条全新世活动逆掩断层 ,它们全新世以来的垂直活动速率都很接近 ,为 0 18~ 0 2 5mm/a。通过探槽揭露出的 3条断层全新世以来各发生两次古地震事件。根据探槽揭露的古地震年代及断层活动所形成的微地貌特征分析 ,阴洼山断层是独立活动的 ;北大河断层和新民堡断层上的古地震事件在时间上可能非常接近 ,具有丛集特征 ,或者是一次地震事件分别破裂这两条断层 ,但目前的测年手段还无法区别它们是一次破裂事件形成还是时间上非常接近的两次事件所形成的  相似文献   

EpisodesandagesofseismiclandslidesalongtheChangmafaultzoneLai-XunKANG;(康来迅)andJian-RongWANG(王建荣)(EarthquakeResearchInstituteo...  相似文献   

李满  肖骑彬  喻国 《地球物理学报》1954,63(11):4125-4143
阿尔金断裂带东段走滑速率沿断裂走向方向存在明显的流失现象,有关阿尔金断裂带的影响范围及走滑速率变化的机制需要有更多的深部结构证据来提供支撑.本文以阿尔金断裂带昌马段为窗口,获取了4条横穿阿尔金断裂带及相邻地区的大地电磁测深剖面.二维电性剖面显示在阿尔金断裂带北侧中上地壳以连续的高阻体为主,而南侧祁连山内部的深部电性结构在横向上有较为复杂的变化.这一点与区域构造背景相对应,即北侧的塔里木盆地东缘依然具有较好的整体性,南侧的祁连山是青藏高原北缘生长的最前端,变形强烈.在断裂带的结构特征上,阿尔金断裂带沿走向方向的切割深度在昌马盆地西侧发生了显著的降低,与阿尔金断裂带相对应的电性边界在这里向南偏移了约15 km,对应F18断裂,并与昌马盆地相接.祁连山北部的断裂带,包括昌马断裂、旱峡—大黄沟断裂总体呈现出低角度南倾的样式,切过高阻异常体的顶部.虽然昌马盆地可以起到连接断裂带的阶区的作用,将部分阿尔金断裂的走滑分量转移到盆地南侧的昌马断裂上,但是昌马断裂的走滑速率从西向东是增加的,东侧的走滑速率甚至大于阿尔金断裂沿走向方向的流失分量.我们认为在青藏高原北部主要断裂带的活动还是受印度—欧亚板块碰撞引起的远程挤压效应的影响,包括阿尔金断裂以及祁连山内部系列断层都处于斜向挤压应力环境.在这种基本构造模式下,阿尔金断裂、断裂F18、昌马盆地、昌马断裂构成了一个局部的走滑速率分解-转换-吸收体系,对局部应力状态产生影响.  相似文献   

李满  肖骑彬  喻国 《地球物理学报》2020,63(11):4125-4143

阿尔金断裂带东段走滑速率沿断裂走向方向存在明显的流失现象,有关阿尔金断裂带的影响范围及走滑速率变化的机制需要有更多的深部结构证据来提供支撑.本文以阿尔金断裂带昌马段为窗口,获取了4条横穿阿尔金断裂带及相邻地区的大地电磁测深剖面.二维电性剖面显示在阿尔金断裂带北侧中上地壳以连续的高阻体为主,而南侧祁连山内部的深部电性结构在横向上有较为复杂的变化.这一点与区域构造背景相对应,即北侧的塔里木盆地东缘依然具有较好的整体性,南侧的祁连山是青藏高原北缘生长的最前端,变形强烈.在断裂带的结构特征上,阿尔金断裂带沿走向方向的切割深度在昌马盆地西侧发生了显著的降低,与阿尔金断裂带相对应的电性边界在这里向南偏移了约15 km,对应F18断裂,并与昌马盆地相接.祁连山北部的断裂带,包括昌马断裂、旱峡—大黄沟断裂总体呈现出低角度南倾的样式,切过高阻异常体的顶部.虽然昌马盆地可以起到连接断裂带的阶区的作用,将部分阿尔金断裂的走滑分量转移到盆地南侧的昌马断裂上,但是昌马断裂的走滑速率从西向东是增加的,东侧的走滑速率甚至大于阿尔金断裂沿走向方向的流失分量.我们认为在青藏高原北部主要断裂带的活动还是受印度—欧亚板块碰撞引起的远程挤压效应的影响,包括阿尔金断裂以及祁连山内部系列断层都处于斜向挤压应力环境.在这种基本构造模式下,阿尔金断裂、断裂F18、昌马盆地、昌马断裂构成了一个局部的走滑速率分解-转换-吸收体系,对局部应力状态产生影响.


It is understood that sample size could be an issue in earthquake statistical studies, causing the best estimate being too deterministic or less representative derived from limited statistics from observation. Like many Bayesian analyses and estimates, this study shows another novel application of the Bayesian approach to earthquake engineering, using prior data to help compensate the limited observation for the target problem to estimate the magnitude of the recurring Meishan earthquake in central Taiwan. With the Bayesian algorithms developed, the Bayesian analysis suggests that the next major event induced by the Meishan fault in central Taiwan should be in Mw 6.44±0.33, based on one magnitude observation of Mw 6.4 from the last event, along with the prior data including fault length of 14 km, rupture width of 15 km, rupture area of 216 km2, average displacement of 0.7 m, slip rate of 6 mm/yr, and five earthquake empirical models.  相似文献   

Historical and active seismicity in the south-western Alps (France and Italy) shows the recurrence of relatively high-magnitude earthquakes (M  5.8), like the one that recently affected the Italian Apennine range (M = 6.3 on the 30th March 2009). However, up-to-date detailed mapping of the active fault network has been poorly established. The evaluation of seismological hazard in particular in the highly populated French and Italian coastal region cannot be done without this. Here, we present a detailed study of the main active fault system, based on geological observations along the south-western flank of the Alpine arc. This N140° right-lateral strike-slip active fault system runs along the edge of the Argentera-Mercantour range and can be followed down to the Mediterranean Sea. It is evidenced by (1) Holocene offsets of glacial geomorphology witnessing ongoing fault activity since 10 ka, (2) widespread recent (10–20 Ma) pseudotachylytes featuring long term activity of the faults, (3) active landslides along the main fault zone, (4) geothermal anomalies (hot springs) emerging in the active faults, (5) ongoing low-magnitude seismic activity and (6) localization of the main historical events. In the light of our investigations, we propose a new tectonic pattern for the active fault system in the south-western Alps.  相似文献   

Far from the continental margin, drainage basins in Central Amazonia should be in topographic steady state; but they are not. Abandoned remnant fluvial valleys up to hundreds of square kilometers in size are observed throughout Amazonia, and are evidence of significant landscape reorganization. While major Late Miocene drainage shifts occurred due to initiation of the transcontinental Amazon River, local landscape change has remained active until today. Driven either by dynamic topography, tectonism, and/or climatic fluctuations, drainage captures in Amazonia provide a natural experiment for assessing the geomorphic response of low‐slope basins to sudden, capture related base‐level falls. This paper evaluates the timing of geomorphic change by examining a drainage capture event across the Baependi fault scarp involving the Cuieiras and Tarumã‐Mirim River basins northwest of the city of Manaus in Brazil. A system of capture‐related knickpoints was generated by base‐level fall following drainage capture; through numerical modeling of their initiation and propagation, the capture event is inferred to have occurred between the middle and late Pleistocene, consistent with other studies of landscape change in surrounding areas. In low‐slope settings like the Amazon River basin, base‐level fall can increase erosion rates by more than an order of magnitude, and moderate to large river basins can respond to episodes of base‐level fall over timescales of tens to hundreds of thousands of years. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

地球物理方法对城市活断层的探测与研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用综合地球物理方法对长春市活断层进行探测,实践证明,利用联合剖面法、高密度电法、地质雷达、瞬变电磁法、高分辨率地震和重磁方法等,在研究活断层的位置、产状与形态上均具有很好的作用,针对城区干扰因素多环境复杂等不利因素,通过采用新的数据处理方法技术,取得了理想的探测效果,为今后开展活断层的探测与研究提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

Fracturing and hydrothermal alteration in normal fault zones   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Large normal fault zones are characterized by intense fracturing and hydrothermal alteration. Displacement is localized in a slip zone of cataclasite, breccia and phyllonite surrounding corrugated and striated fault surfaces. Slip zone rock grades into fractured, but less comminuted and hydrothermally altered rock in the transition zone, which in turn grades abruptly into the wall rock. Fracturing and fluid flow is episodic, because permeability generated during earthquakes is destroyed by hydrothermal processes during the time between earthquakes.Fracture networks are described by a fracture fabric tensor (F). The permeability tensor (k) is used to estimate fluid transport properties if the trace of F is sufficiently large. Variations in elastic moduli and seismic velocities between fault zone and wall rock are estimated as a function of fracture density (). Fracturing decreases elastic moduli in the transition zone by 50–100% relative to the country rock, and similar or even greater changes presumably occur in the slip zone.P-andS-wave velocity decrease, andV p /V s increases in the fault zone relative to the wall rock. Fracture permeability is highly variable, ranging between 10–13 m2 and 10–19 m2 at depths near 10 km. Changes in permeability arise from variations in effective stress and fracture sealing and healing.Hydrothermal alteration of quartzo-feldspathic rock atT>300°C creates mica, chlorite, epidote and alters the quartz content. Alteration changes elastic moduli, but the changes are much less than those caused by fracturing.P-andS-wave velocities also decrease in the hydrothermally altered fault rock relative to the country rock, and there is a slight decrease inV p /V s , which partially offsets the increase inV p /V s caused by fracturing.Fracturing and hydrothermal alteration affect fault mechanics. Low modulus rock surrounding fault surfaces increases the probability of exceeding the critical slip distance required for the onset of unstable slip during rupture initiation. Boundaries between low modulus fault rock and higher modulus wall rock also act as rupture guides and enhance rupture acceleration to dynamic velocity. Hydrothermal alteration at temperatures in excess of 300°C weakens the deeper parts of the fault zone by producingphyllitic mineral assemblages. Sealing of fracture in time periods between large earthquakes generates pods of abnormally pressured fluid which may play a fundamental role in the initiation of large earthquakes.  相似文献   

ApplicationresearchofseismicmethodinasesmentofactivefaultMINGCAIXU(徐明才)JINGHUAGAO(高景华)MINGTAOCHAI(柴铭涛)GUANGKEWANG(王广科)JI...  相似文献   

对活断层探测与评价中几个问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出了对活断层探测和评价中的几个问题的认识与思考,这些问题包括:探测方法的分辨率及有效性、断层交切与断层活动性强弱的关系、水平运动与垂直运动的关系、主干断裂位置确定与地震影响场的关系、探测结果一致性与综合解释、断层上断点与最新活动年代、孕震标志与设定地震、评价成果可用性。  相似文献   

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