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Light attenuation is considered as a sentinel for environmental change in lakes and has a profound influence on aquatic ecosystems. However, the spatial distribution of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) attenuation, and the underlying mechanisms are still not fully understood. We carried out a field investigation with 60 sampling sites covering the entire Lake Qiandaohu from November 29 to December 1, 2013, during the weak stratification period to elucidate the spatial pattern and driving mechanisms. The diffuse attenuation coefficient of UVB (Kd(313)), UVA (Kd(340)) and PAR (Kd(PAR)) varied from 1.48 to 4.63 m−1, 1.09 to 3.43 m−1, and 0.26 to 0.94 m−1, respectively. The corresponding ranges for the 1% attenuation depths were from 0.10 to 3.11 m, 1.34–4.21 m and 4.87–17.58 m, respectively. Total suspended matter (TSM) concentration was highly significantly correlated with Kd(313), Kd(340) and Kd(PAR) indicating that TSM was the main driver of UVR and PAR attenuation in Lake Qiandaohu in the late autumn and early winter. TSM concentration, Kd(313), Kd(340) and Kd(PAR) had obvious horizontal spatial heterogeneity presenting a decreasing trend from the estuary area to the center area in the lake. These results suggested that the spatial distribution of TSM from the inflow drived the spatial distribution of UVR and PAR attenuation. Significantly positive correlations were also observed between the chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption coefficient and Kd(313). TSM and CDOM absorption spectra showed that in the UVR waveband (350–400 nm), the mean relative contribution rates of CDOM (ag(λ)), non-algal particles (anap(λ)), phytoplankton (aph(λ)) and pure water (aw(λ)) to the total absorption were 67.5 %, 24.0 %, 5.0 % and 3.5 %, respectively. In the PAR waveband, the mean relative contribution rates of ag(λ), anap(λ), aph(λ) and aw(λ) to the total absorption were 25.4 %, 18.6 %, 9.4 % and 46.6 %, respectively. Our findings could provide support for ecological environment protection in Lake Qiandaohu considering the importance of UVR and PAR attenuation in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Modelling of water levels in the Baltic Sea, aimed at evaluating the influence of the trajectories and propagation speeds of a deep idealized cyclone on sea-level extremes in the Gulf of Finland, is done using the hydrodynamic model BSM6. An analytical expression for determination of the atmospheric pressure in this cyclone takes into account the existence of the cold front and the time evolution of the cyclone intensity. The empirical parameters in this relation are based on those of the deep cyclone ‘Erwin’ which passed over the Baltic Sea region in 2005.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass and primary production were monitored in the Hauraki Gulf and on the northeastern continental shelf, New Zealand - using ship surveys, moored instruments and satellite observations (1998-2001) - capturing variability across a range of space and time scales. A depth-integrated primary production model (DIM) was used to predict integrated productivity from surface parameters, enabling regional-specific estimates from satellite data. The shelf site was dominated by pico-phytoplankton, with low chlorophyll-a (<1 mg m−3) and annual production (136 g C m−2 yr−1). In contrast, the gulf contained a micro/nano-phytoplankton-dominated community, with relatively high chlorophyll-a (>1 mg m−3) and annual production (178 g C m−2 yr−1). Biomass and productivity responded to physico-chemical factors; a combination of light, critical mixing depths and/or nutrient limitation—particularly new nitrate-N. Relatively low biomass and production was observed during 1999. This coincided with inter-annual variability in the timing and extent of upwelling- and downwelling-favourable along-shelf wind-stress, influencing the fluxes of new nitrate-N to the shelf and gulf. Relationships with the Southern Oscillation Index are also discussed. Our multi-scaled sampling highlighted details associated with stratification and de-stratification events, and deep sub-surface chlorophyll-a not visible to satellite sensors. This study demonstrates the importance of multi-scaled sampling in gaining estimates of regional production and its responses to physico-chemical forcing.  相似文献   

Time series changes in chlorophyll a concentration before and after the Hebei Spirit oil spill that occurred in December 2007 were analyzed using NCEP wind and SeaWiFS/MODIS ocean color data. Prevailing southwesterly winds and northeast/southwestward tidal currents pushed the oil towards Korea’s West Sea coast of Taean. After the oil spill, daily chlorophyll a concentration decreased about 45-50% compared to the normal condition before the oil spill, and this decrease continued for about two weeks. Monthly mean chlorophyll a concentration in December 2007 was lower compared to the average value for the same month between 1998 and 2007, but, in October and November 2007 before the spill and in January-February 2008 after the spill, the concentration value was higher than average for the same period between 1998 and 2007.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of particulate organic matter (POM) in surface water and 63–200 μm-sized microphytoplankton collected at the fluorescence maximum were studied in four sites in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean), a marine area influenced by the Rhone River inputs, in May and November 2004. Some environmental (temperature, salinity) and biological (POM, Chlorophyll a and phaeopigments contents, phytoplankton biomass and composition) parameters were also analysed. Significantly different C and N isotopic signatures between surface water POM and microphytoplankton were recorded in all sites and seasons. Surface water POM presented systematically lower δ13C (∼4.2‰) and higher δ15N (∼2.8‰) values than those of microphytoplankton, due to a higher content of continental and detrital material. Seasonal variations were observed for all environmental and biological parameters, except salinity. Water temperature was lower in May than in November, the fluorescence maximum was located deeper and the Chlorophyll a content and the phytoplankton biomass were higher, along with low PON/Chl a ratio, corresponding to spring bloom conditions. At all sites and seasons, diatoms dominated the phytoplankton community in abundance, whereas dinoflagellate importance increased in autumn particularly in coastal sites. C and N isotopic signatures of phytoplankton did not vary with season. However, the δ15N of surface water POM was significantly higher in November than in May in all sites likely in relation to an increase in 15N/14N ratio of the Rhone River POM which influenced surface water in the Gulf of Lions. As it is important to determine true baseline values of primary producers for analysing marine food webs, this study demonstrated that C and N isotopic values of surface water POM cannot be used as phytoplankton proxy in coastal areas submitted to high river inputs.  相似文献   

Sedimentary hydrocarbons have been studied quantitatively and qualitatively in 11 coastal stations located in the Gulf of Fos (French Mediterranean coast). Hydrocarbon levels ranged from 10 to 260 mg kg(-1) sed. dry weight. A new parameter "NAR" (Natural n-alkane ratio) is proposed to evaluate the contribution of terrestrial inputs of hydrocarbons in the sediments. The origins of hydrocarbons are multiple: terrestrial inputs, biogenic, pyrolytic (industry emissions mainly steel and iron industries, ship and road traffic). Generally, the main source of contamination is not petroleum. Several ratios between parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons show that the sources of hydrocarbons in the sediments are generally much more pyrolytic than petrogenic.  相似文献   

吴东浩  贾更华  吴浩云 《湖泊科学》2021,33(5):1364-1375
基于太湖31个站点的逐月监测数据,分析了2007-2019年太湖藻型湖区和草型湖区的叶绿素a变化特征,并分析研究不同环境因子对不同类型湖区叶绿素a的影响.结果表明,近年来太湖不同类型湖区的总磷浓度和叶绿素a浓度变化基本一致,均呈波动上升趋势.不同类型湖区的总磷浓度拐点均为2015年,叶绿素a浓度拐点均为2016年.最低月平均水温、前冬积温、年平均水温、年均风速与藻型湖区和草型湖区叶绿素a浓度均呈显著相关.沉水植物分布面积与草型湖区叶绿素a浓度之间呈显著相关.湖西区年内和年度降雨剧烈变化,湖西区年降雨量与不同类型湖区当年叶绿素a浓度的关系不明显,5日极端降雨量与不同类型湖区下年度叶绿素a浓度均呈显著正相关.太湖蓝藻水华强度在短期内可能仍会处于较高水平,迫切需要高度重视高温时段太湖蓝藻打捞处置工作,保障饮用水安全;同时,要进一步加强湖西区强降雨期间的非点源污染防控措施研究,推动入湖污染通量稳步降低,并探索东西山之间及东茭咀附近水域沉水植物生态修复技术,降低风浪扰动作用,尽快恢复相关重要水域的沉水植物.  相似文献   

As part of a continuing toxic microalgae monitoring program, 22 phytoplankton samples were collected from July to November 2010 at several sampling stations along the southern coast of the Baja California Peninsula. For the first time, the toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum was found along the southeastern and southwestsern coasts of the peninsula. P. bahamense var. bahamense was first observed off San José del Cabo, which is an extension of the range of this variety. Both varieties occur as solitary cells. P. bahamense var. compressum occurred at temperatures ranging between 24.5 °C and 31 °C, whereas var. P.bahamense occurred at 28.5 °C to 29 °C, indicating its tropical and subtropical nature. Occurrence of P. bahamense var. compressum along this coastline may be related to El Niño 2009-2010.  相似文献   

Samples of liver, lung, heart, muscle, and blubber tissue from the carcasses of juvenile gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) found stranded on the coast off the Sea of Cortez, México were analyzed for a range of trace metals (Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Cd). The highest concentrations of copper, iron, zinc, and manganese were found in liver; nickel and lead in heart, and cadmium in kidney. In all tissues analyzed, iron, zinc and copper were present in the highest concentrations; however, some whales also showed high levels of cadmium in the kidney which could be related to their diet. Elevated concentrations of copper were found only in the liver of one whale. In general, where low levels of iron were found in the liver, they were associated with poor nutrition. Lead, nickel, manganese and zinc levels in liver were within the normal range, indicating that these whales had not been exposed to high levels of these metals.  相似文献   

To investigate the relative importance of mesoscale physical events, such as upwellings and physical and chemical variables during an algae bloom of Prorocentrum minimum, 25 sampling sites were established offshore of the Navachiste Lagoon Complex on the east side of the Gulf of California. Samples were analyzed for phytoplankton concentration, water chemistry, and temperature during November 1999, January, March, April, May, and August 2000. Satellite imagery of sea surface temperature (SST) for April 2000 was processed to obtain a synoptic view of the area during the extraordinary bloom of P. minimum in the open waters of the Gulf of California. The bloom was associated with change of oceanographic conditions from moderate winds to calm period, temperature increase and high nitrate (NO3-N) and ammonia (NH4+-N) content in the offshore waters. Depletion of these nutrients during the bloom suggests that this species uses both types of nitrogen substrates. Cysts in the northernmost sampling stations in January and March indicate that upwelling water, rich in nitrates, also carried a seed stock population of P. minimum. SST patterns in the satellite imagery suggest wind-forcing as the responsible mechanisms triggering the algal bloom offshore of the Navachiste Lagoon Complex.  相似文献   

Stratification (throughout the year) and low solar radiation (during monsoon periods) have caused low chlorophyll a and primary production (seasonal average 13–18 mg m−2 and 242–265 mg C m−2 d−1, respectively) in the western Bay of Bengal (BoB). The microzooplankton (MZP) community of BoB was numerically dominated by heterotrophic dinoflagellates (HDS) followed by ciliates (CTS). The highest MZP abundance (average 665±226×104 m−2), biomass (average 260±145 mg C m−2) and species diversity (Shannon weaver index 2.8±0.42 for CTS and 2.6±0.35 for HDS) have occurred during the spring intermonsoon (SIM). This might be due to high abundance of smaller phytoplankton in the western BoB during SIM as a consequence of intense stratification and nitrate limitation (nitracline at 60 m depth). The strong stratification during SIM was biologically evidenced by intense blooms of Trichodesmium erythraeum and frequent Synechococcus–HDS associations. The high abundance of smaller phytoplankton favors microbial food webs where photosynthetic carbon is channeled to higher trophic levels through MZP. This causes less efficient transfer of primary organic carbon to higher trophic levels than through the traditional food web. The microbial food web dominant in the western BoB during SIM might be responsible for the lowest mesozooplankton biomass observed (average 223 mg C m−2). The long residence time of the organic carbon in the surface waters due to the active herbivorous pathways of the microbial food web could be a causative factor for the low vertical flux of biogenic carbon during SIM.  相似文献   

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