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Wave propagation in weakly anisotropic inhomogeneous media is studied by the quasi-isotropic approximation of ray theory. The approach is based on the ray-tracing and dynamic ray-tracing differential equations for an isotropic background medium. In addition, it requires the integration of a system of two complex coupled differential equations along the isotropic ray.
The interference of the qS waves is described by traveltime and polarization corrections of interacting isotropic S waves. For qP waves the approach leads to a correction of the traveltime of the P wave in the isotropic background medium.
Seismograms and particle-motion diagrams obtained from numerical computations are presented for models with different strengths of anisotropy.
The equivalence of the quasi-isotropic approximation and the quasi-shear-wave coupling theory is demonstrated. The quasi-isotropic approximation allows for a consideration of the limit from weak anisotropy to isotropy, especially in the case of qS waves, where the usual ray theory for anisotropic media fails.  相似文献   

Summary. A set of stable algorithms for computing synthetic seismograms in attenuating transversely isotropic media is presented. The structures of these algorithms for anisotropic media are formally equivalent to their counterparts for isotropic media. The seismic responses of a periodically layered isotropic medium are compared with those of its long-wave equivalent transversely isotropic medium. The synthetics for the two media show observable differences in the range of frequencies considered. The differences are small in the P -waves, but partly large in later arrivals.  相似文献   

We present a complete ray theory for the calculation of surface-wave observables from anisotropic phase-velocity maps. Starting with the surface-wave dispersion relation in an anisotropic earth model, we derive practical dynamical ray-tracing equations. These equations allow calculation of the observables phase, arrival-angle and amplitude in a ray theoretical framework. Using perturbation theory, we also obtain approximate expressions for these observables. We assess the accuracy of the first-order approximations by using both theories to make predictions on a sample anisotropic phase-velocity map. A comparison of the two methods illustrates the size and type of errors which are introduced by perturbation theory. Perturbation theory phase and arrival-angle predictions agree well with the exact calculation, but amplitude predictions are poor. Many previous studies have modelled surface-wave propagation using only isotropic structure, not allowing for anisotropy. We present hypothetical examples to simulate isotropic modelling of surface waves which pass through anisotropic material. Synthetic data sets of phase and arrival angle are produced by ray tracing with exact ray theory on anisotropic phase-velocity maps. The isotropic models obtained by inverting synthetic anisotropic phase data sets produce deceptively high variance reductions because the effects of anisotropy are mapped into short-wavelength isotropic structure. Inversion of synthetic arrival-angle data sets for isotropic models results in poor variance reductions and poor recovery of the isotropic part of the anisotropic input map. Therefore, successful anisotropic phase-velocity inversions of real data require the inclusion of both phase and arrival-angle measurements.  相似文献   

Summary. Multiparameter inversions of multimode dispersion data are performed for two large regions: the Pacific Ocean and North America. Anisotropy is taken into account by considering transversely isotropic structures with a vertical axis of symmetry. Two fundamental questions are studied in detail: (1) how to make the inverted models consistent when using different sets of parameters, (2) what is the significance of transversely isotropic inversion for the actual Earth's structure? It is proved that full consistency of the inverted models can be achieved by properly taking into account some a priori informations on the model and it is shown that the use of transversely isotropic models with vertical axis of symmetry does not cause severe limitations when interpreting the data. The models we have obtained are discussed in the light of these investigations. Considering an olivine-rich upper mantle, we make a tentative interpretation of these models in terms of preferred orientation of the a -axis of the crystals in one fixed horizontal direction.  相似文献   

The ray path of a P -wave is specified in terms of the ray parameter and three Euler angles. the P -wave traveltime depends only on the ray parameter for a spherically symmetric earth. If we introduce an aspherical perturbation, including general ani-sotropy, the dependence on Euler angles can be expanded in terms of the rotation matrix for a fixed ray parameter. If the perturbation is isotropic, the expansion coefficients satisfy certain relations which may be used to obtain definite evidence for anisotropy rather than isotropic lateral heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Summary. We examine the way in which measurements of velocity anisotropy can add to our understanding of upper mantle structure. Measurements of P -wave velocity anisotropy in a single plane contain very little direct information about the anisotropic structure. A promising technique is to fit the observed velocity variation with a mixture of an assumed anisotropic constituent and a proportion of isotropic material. Using this technique, mixtures of orthorhombic and transversely isotropic olivine are obtained, which are in excellent agreement with observed velocity variations in the Pacific.  相似文献   

Summary. Various factors can make it difficult to explain observations of Love- and Rayleigh-wave dispersion with the same relatively simple isotropic model. These factors include systematic errors which might occur in determinations of observed group and phase velocities, lateral variations in structure along the path of travel, and the attempt to explain observations with a model comprised of only a small number of thick layers. The last of these factors is illustrated by an inversion of dispersion data in the central United States where shear-wave anisotropy had previously been invoked as one way to explain incompatible Love- and Rayleigh-wave velocities. It is shown that the data can be satisfied equally well by an isotropic model consisting of several thin layers.
In cases where the incompatibility of Love- and Rayleigh-wave data might be produced by intrinsic anisotropy, it is necessary to invert those data using an anisotropic theory rather than by separate isotropic inversions of Love and Rayleigh waves. Inversions of fundamental-mode data for a region of the Pacific, assuming anisotropic media in which the layers are transversely isotropic with a vertical axis of symmetry, lead to models which are highly non-unique. Even if the inversions solve only for shear velocities in the litho-sphere and asthenosphere it is not possible, without supplementary information, to ascertain the depth interval over which anisotropy occurs or to determine the thickness of the lithosphere or asthenosphere with much precision.  相似文献   

Stable inversions for complete moment tensors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The seismic moment tensors for certain types of sources, such as volcanic earthquakes and nuclear explosions are expected to contain an isotropic component. Some earlier efforts to calculate the isotropic component of these sources are flawed due to an error in the method of Jost & Herrmann. We corrected the method after Herrmann & Hutchensen and found great improvement in the recovery of non-double-couple moment tensors that include an isotropic component. Tests with synthetic data demonstrate the stability of the corrected linear inversion method, and we recalculate the moment tensor solutions reported in Dreger et al. for Long Valley caldera events and Dreger & Woods for Nevada Test Site nuclear explosions. We confirm the findings of Dreger et al. that the Long Valley volcanic sources contain large statistically significant isotropic components. The nuclear explosions have strikingly anomalous source mechanisms, which contain very large isotropic components, making it evident that these events are not tectonic in origin. This indicates that moment tensor inversions could be an important tool for nuclear monitoring.  相似文献   

Reflection coefficients for weak anisotropic media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction of plane elastic waves with a plane boundary between two anisotropic elastic half-spaces is investigated. The anisotropy dealt with in this study is of a general type. Explicit expressions for energy-related reflection and transmission coefficients are derived. They represent an approximation which is valid for a small deviation of the elastic parameters from isotropy.
Classical perturbation theory is applied on a 6times6 non-symmetric real eigenvalue problem to calculate first-order corrections for the polarization and stress of the plane waves. The explicit solution of the isotropic problem is used as a reference case. Degenerate perturbation theory is used to consider the splitting of the isotropic S -wave into two anisotropic qS-waves. The boundary conditions for two half-spaces in welded contact lead to a 6times6 system of linear equations. A correction to the isotropic solution is calculated by linearization. The resultant coefficients are functions of horizontal slowness, Lamé parameters and densities of the reference media, and of the perturbation of the elasticity tensors from isotropy.  相似文献   

In isotropic ray tracing, the ray approximation to the wavefield undergoes a phase shift when the ray crosses a caustic. The cumulative number of such phase shifts along a ray is usually called the KMAH index. The sign of these phase shifts is prescribed by the sign of the angular frequency in combination with the sign convention used for the Fourier transformation. In isotropic media the KMAH index always increases by one or by two, depending on the type of caustic crossed. For (quasi-)shear waves in anisotropic media the KMAH index may decrease. This is the case if the associated slowness sheet is locally concave in one or two of its principal directions of curvature.  相似文献   

Summary. Seismic investigations using shear-wave and converted wave techniques show that very often reflected PS - and SS -waves have anomalous polarizations ( accessory components ). This phenomenon cannot be explained in terms of isotropic models with dipping boundaries. Computations of synthetic seismograms of reflected PS - and SS -waves were made for different models of transversely isotropic media with dipping anisotropic symmetry axes not normal to the boundaries. Synthetic seismograms were computed by ray techniques using an optimization algorithm to construct all rays arriving at a given receiver. These computations indicate that accessory components arise when the medium above the boundary is anisotropic, where they are caused by the constructive interference of qSV - and qSH -waves. If a low-velocity layer is present, displacement vectors of both waves have horizontal projections which are approximately orthogonal. The algorithm for wave separation is presented and some results of its use are given.  相似文献   

Summary Isotropic earth models are unable to provide uniform fits to the gross Earth normal mode data set or, in many cases, to regional Love-and Rayleigh-wave data. Anisotropic inversion provides a good fit to the data and indicates that the upper 200km of the mantle is anisotropic. The nature and magnitude of the required anisotropy, moreover, is similar to that found in body wave studies and in studies of ultramafic samples from the upper mantle. Pronounced upper mantle low-velocity zones are characteristic of models resulting from isotropic inversion of global or regional data sets. Anisotropic models have more nearly constant velocities in the upper mantle.
Normal mode partial (Frediét) derivatives are calculated for a transversely isotropic earth model with a radial axis of symmetry. For this type of anisotropy there are five elastic constant. The two shear-type moduli can be determined from the toroidal modes. Spheroidal and Rayleigh modes are sensitive to all five elastic constants but are mainly controlled by the two compressional-type moduli, one of the shear-type moduli and the remaining, mixed-mode, modulus. The lack of sensitivity of Rayleigh waves to compressional wave velocities is a characteristic only of the isotropic case. The partial derivatives of the horizontal and vertical components of the compressional velocity are nearly equal and opposite in the region of the mantle where the shear velocity sensitivity is the greatest. The net compressional wave partial derivative, at depth, is therefore very small for isotropic perturbations. Compressional wave anisotropy, however, has a significant effect on Rayleigh-wave dispersion. Once it has been established that transverse anisotropy is important it is necessary to invert for all five elastic constants. If the azimuthal effect has not been averaged out a more general anisotropy may have to be allowed for.  相似文献   

Seismic waves in stratified anisotropic media   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary. The response of a structure composed of anisotropic strata can be built up from the reflection and transmission properties of individual interfaces using a slightly modified version of the recursion scheme of Kennett. This scheme is conveniently described in terms of scatterer operators and scatterer products. The effects of a free surface and the introduction of a simple point source at any depth can be accommodated in a manner directly analogous to the treatment for isotropic structures. As in the isotropic case the results so obtained are stable to arbitrary wavenumbers. For isotropic media, synthetic seismograms can be constructed by computing the structure response as a function of frequency and radial wavenumber, then performing the appropriate Fourier and Hankel transforms to obtain the wavefield in time-distance space. Such a scheme is convenient for any system with cylindrical symmétry (including transverse isotropy). Azimuthally anisotropic structures, however, do not display cylindrical symmétry; for these the transverse component of the wavenumber vector will, in general, be non-zero, with the result that phase, group, and energy velocities may all diverge. The problem is then much more conveniently addressed in Cartesian coordinates, with the frequency-wavenumber to time-distance transformation accomplished by 3-D Fourier transform.  相似文献   

The radiative transfer theory (RTT) describes the energy transport through a random heterogeneous medium, neglecting phase information. It provides an adequate framework for modelling high-frequency seismogram envelopes. For isotropic scattering and sources, the radiative transfer equation (RTE) has been formulated analytically and numerically simulated using Monte Carlo methods for acoustic and elastic media. Here, we derive an exact analytical solution of the RTE in 2-D space for the acoustic case, including anisotropic scattering for a anisotropic point-like impulsive source. For this purpose, we generalize the path integral method, which has been used before in the isotropic case, to take into account the anisotropy of both the source radiation pattern and scattering processes, simultaneously. Then we obtain a general solution, which is written in a closed form in the Fourier space. To illustrate the theoretical results, we compute the full space and time evolution of the specific intensity for an arbitrary case. We also compare the time traces computed from our general solution with cases in which the source and/or the scattering process are isotropic. The importance of taking into account both anisotropies simultaneously becomes obvious in our examples. We also show that at long lapse time, our example approaches the solution of the diffusion equation.  相似文献   

Anisotropy in multi-offset deep-crustal seismic experiments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Modelling of deep-seismic wide-angle data commonly assumes that the Earth is heterogeneous and isotropic. It is important to know the magnitudes of errors that may be introduced by isotropic-based wide-angle models when the Earth is anisotropic. It is equally important to find ways of detecting anisotropy and determining its properties.
  This paper explores the errors introduced by interpreting anisotropic seismic data with isotropic models. Errors in P -wave reflector depths are dependent on the magnitude of the velocity anisotropy and the direction of the fast axis. The interpreted, isotropic, model velocity function is found to correspond closely to the horizontal velocity of the anisotropic medium. An additional observed parameter is the time mismatch , which we define to be the difference between the vertical two-way traveltime to a reflector and the time-converted wide-angle position of the reflector. The magnitude of the time mismatch is typically <1.0  s (when the whole crust is anisotropic) and is found to be closely related to the magnitude and sign of the anisotropic anellipticity. The relationships are extendible to more complicated models, including those with vertical velocity gradients, crustal zonation, and lower symmetry orders.
  A time mismatch may be symptomatic of the presence of anisotropy. We illustrate the observation of a time mismatch for a real multi-offset seismic data set collected north of Scotland and discuss the implications for crustal anisotropy in that region.  相似文献   

Summary. A formulation is derived for calculating the energy division among waves generated by plane waves incident on a boundary between generally anisotropic media. A comprehensive account is presented for P, SV and SH waves incident from an isotropic half-space on an orthorhombic olivine half-space, where the interface is parallel to a plane of elastic symmetry. For comparison, a less anisotropic medium having transverse isotropy with a horizontal axis of symmetry is also considered. The particle motion polarizations of waves in anisotropic medium differ greatly from the polarizations in isotropic media, and are an important diagnostic of the presence of anisotropy. Incident P and SV waves generate quasi- SH waves, and incident SH waves generate quasi- P and quasi- SV waves, often of considerable relative magnitude. The direction of energy transport diverges from the propagation direction.  相似文献   

We measure the degree of consistency between published models of azimuthal seismic anisotropy from surface waves, focusing on Rayleigh wave phase-velocity models. Some models agree up to wavelengths of ∼2000 km, albeit at small values of linear correlation coefficients. Others are, however, not well correlated at all, also with regard to isotropic structure. This points to differences in the underlying data sets and inversion strategies, particularly the relative 'damping' of mapped isotropic versus anisotropic anomalies. Yet, there is more agreement between published models than commonly held, encouraging further analysis. Employing a generalized spherical harmonic representation, we analyse power spectra of orientational (2Ψ) anisotropic heterogeneity from seismology. We find that the anisotropic component of some models is characterized by stronger short-wavelength power than the associated isotropic structure. This spectral signal is consistent with predictions from new geodynamic models, based on olivine texturing in mantle flow. The flow models are also successful in predicting some of the seismologically mapped patterns. We substantiate earlier findings that flow computations significantly outperform models of fast azimuths based on absolute plate velocities. Moreover, further evidence for the importance of active upwellings and downwellings as inferred from seismic tomography is presented. Deterministic estimates of expected anisotropic structure based on mantle flow computations such as ours can help guide future seismologic inversions, particularly in oceanic plate regions. We propose to consider such a priori information when addressing open questions about the averaging properties and resolution of surface and body wave based estimates of anisotropy.  相似文献   

Surface-wave polarization data and global anisotropic structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the past few years, seismic tomography has begun to provide detailed images of seismic velocity in the Earth's interior which, for the first time, give direct observational constraints on the mechanisms of heat and mass transfer. The study of surface waves has led to quite detailed maps of upper-mantle structure, and the current global models agree reasonably well down to wavelengths of approximately 2000 km. Usually, the models contain only elastic isotropic structure, which provides an excellent fit to the data in most cases. For example, the variance reduction for minor and major arc phase data in the frequency range 7–15 mHz is typically 65–92 per cent and the data are fit to within 1–2 standard deviations. The fit to great-circle phase data, which are not subject to bias from unknown source or instrument effects, is even better. However, there is clear evidence for seismic anisotropy in various places on the globe. This study demonstrates how much (or little) the fit to the data is improved by including anisotropy in the modelling process. It also illuminates some of the trade-offs between isotropic and anisotropic structure and gives an estimate of how much bias is introduced by neglecting anisotropy. Finally, we show that the addition of polarization data has the potential for improving recovery of anisotropic structure by diminishing the trade-offs between isotropic and anisotropic effects.  相似文献   

Summary. Three techniques for determining the elastic parameters of a transversely isotropic rockmass are discussed. These can yield estimates of Young's modulus and the shear modulus for engineering applications.  相似文献   

Summary. On the basis of existing theories of rotational remanent magnetization, it is predicted that a gyroremanent magnetization (GRM) might be induced in an isotropic specimen whose orientation is changed during the interval between successive alternating field treatments. An expression is derived, relating the relative magnitude of GRM to the angular displacement, θ of a specimen about an axis perpendicular to the alternating field axis. The predicted effects were observed for four of the five specimens investigated, and in each case GRM was of comparable magnitude to the corresponding partial rotational remanent magnetization. Hysteresis loop curves and characteristics are all consistent with a main magnetic component comprising magnetite grains. A possible connection between GRM and another form of GRM reported in the case of an anisotropic specimen is suggested. Demagnetization of isotropic (and anisotropic) samples by means of the multi-axis technique might be adversely affected by production of GRM.  相似文献   

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