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景才瑞 《海洋科学》2004,28(11):56-56
2003年12月由海洋出版社出版的李乃胜、石学法、赵松龄、于洪军等著的《崂山地质与古冰川研究》新书,是一本有独到见解与科学创新的大作。它是迄今为止,对崂山研究最为详尽的第一部崂山地质地貌的科学专著。作者发现,崂山具有中国东部保存最为完好的冰川遗迹,发育了典型的冰川侵蚀和堆积地貌,拥有中国东部罕见的、大规模的滨海冰碛物质。崂山古冰川遗迹保存的规模,远超过庐山和黄山,崂山发育了中国目前发现的惟一的一段冰碛海岸,有独一无二的冰碛海滩;有海拔最低的古冰舌;有大量多姿多态的冰臼;有冰舌前缘巨砾形成的小岛群;有种类繁多的冰碛…  相似文献   

赵松龄 《海洋科学》2016,40(6):72-76
为扩大对中国东部存在低海拔古冰川遗迹的认识,作者参加了第十六届海峡两岸地形学研讨会,于2015年9月2日到达台北。地质旅行的第一天参观了野柳地区的微地貌。经实地考察,作者确认野柳微地貌属于低海拔冰川成因。成群的圆形洼坑,就是大陆上常见的冰臼。野柳冰臼群的发现,表明中国台湾北部和中国大陆一样,最后冰期时期,曾发育低海拔冰川,留下了广为分布的古冰川活动遗迹。  相似文献   

崂山顶、涧、沟、坡、麓、滩、岬一带巨砾成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崂山的地貌景观十分复杂,形成众多的奇山异石.研究发现:更新世期间,崂山发生过多次古冰川作用,从水下到山巅都留下古冰川活动的印记.崂山的冰碛物具有不成层、无分选、杂乱无章、大小不一、由带有磨光面的、个体差别很大的和带有棱角的岩块、砂等堆积而成,部分冰碛物伸入海下.崂山古冰川冰碛物的堆积地貌主要有终碛堤、冰碛丘陵和侧碛堤三种类型.崂山古冰川侵蚀地貌有:(1)拖蚀(拔蚀)岩块;(2)磨光面;(3)古冰斗;(4)"刃脊"、角峰、哑口;(5)削断山嘴"U"型谷;(6)冰臼.崂山低海拔古冰川遗迹的发现,对研究崂山地貌演化和第四纪黄渤海陆架环境变迁,具有十分重要意义.  相似文献   

崂山顶、涧、沟、坡、麓、滩、岬-带巨砾成因研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
崂山的地貌景观十分复杂,形成众多的奇山异石。研究发现:更新世期间,崂山发生过多次古冰川作用.从水下到山巅都留下古冰川活动的印记。崂山的冰碛物具有不成层、无分选、杂乱无章、大小不一、由带有磨光面的、个体差别很大的和带有棱角的岩块、砂等堆积而成,部分冰碛物伸入海下。崂山古冰川冰碛物的堆积地貌主要有终碛堤、冰碛丘陵和侧碛堤三种类型。崂山古冰川侵蚀地貌有:(1)拖蚀(拔蚀)岩块;(2)磨光面;(3)古冰斗;(4)“刃脊”、角峰、哑口;(5)削断山嘴“U”型谷;(6)冰臼。崂山低海拔古冰川遗迹的发现,对研究崂山地貌演化和第四纪黄渤海陆架环境变迁。具有十分重要意义。  相似文献   

北极周边陆架海域第四纪时期曾多次受到冰川活动的影响,但楚科奇海作为北极陆架海之一,其第四纪古冰川活动的存在尚需要更多数据的支持。本文利用2019年中国第十次北极科学考察中获取的楚科奇海北部的陆架和陆坡上700余km的高分辨率浅地层剖面数据,在剖面上识别出了冰川接地带楔状体、冰成碎屑流沉积、冰下混杂沉积和冰下水流沉积等多种类型的冰成沉积结构,可知研究区曾受到古冰川作用的影响。陆架坡折处被半远洋沉积隔开的上下两套接地带楔状体、隆起东南宽海槽中冰成混杂沉积中的层状泥质透镜体都指示研究区存在不止一期古冰川活动,且均曾扩展到楚科奇陆架边缘。  相似文献   

400多年前,《西游记》作者、淮安人士吴承恩,曾数次游览连云港市的云台山。并以云台山为背景,参照众多神话传说,创作出了不朽名篇《西游记》。书中主人公孙悟空的“老家”花果山也随之名传四海。数百年间,不知有多少游客带着美丽的遐想,结袂联翩深入“洞天福地”,领略这富有神奇色彩的诱人风光。阳春3月,记者有幸踏上了这块孕育灵秀的土地。从连云港市驱车前往,不多时便来到了山脚下,仰望仙山,薄雾蒙蒙,翠翠叠叠,其间隐现着簇簇红  相似文献   

对北极地区挪威斯瓦尔巴德群岛的地理、历史、气候环境、矿产资源、动植物等进行了概述,同时,借助实拍照片直接展现该群岛的3种冰川地貌(冰蚀地貌、冰碛地貌和冰水地貌)特征.  相似文献   

稻城冰帽库照日冰碛垄的宇生核素10Be年代测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙鲁里山南端的稻城冰帽在第四纪曾发生过大规模的冰川作用,然而,关于冰川作用的年代数据相对较少。选择稻城冰帽南缘库照日附近的3套冰碛垄进行宇生核素10Be的暴露年代测定,研究结果表明:(1)库照日最老冰碛垄(E)的暴露年代为(714±8.0)~(529±8.0)kaBP,D垄的暴露年代为(121±2.9)~(114±2.9)kaBP,DC垄的暴露年代为(47±1.3)~(43±1.3)kaBP。由于宇生核素暴露年代所反映的是冰川消退时的年代,因此,我们结合深海氧同位素的气候特征以及其他测年数据推断,E垄、D垄、DC垄可能是MIS16、MIS6以及MIS3b阶段冰川作用的产物;(2)冰川退却是一种逐步退却的模式。样品E的两次测验结果比较吻合,表明宇生核素10 Be暴露测年方法对冰碛垄形成年代的测定是可靠的,该方法在地貌学和第四纪年代学研究中有着巨大的潜力。  相似文献   

湘西黔东是我国东部第四纪冰川活动的主要地区之一,关于这里的第四纪冰期问题已有专文论述.作者在本区调查第四纪冰川遗迹时,曾注意了冰缘现象的观察.鉴于近年来发表的有关湘西黔东地貌和第四纪地质方面的论文,均未提及冰缘问题,因此,作者不揣冒昧,将调查所得作一简要报导,以期引起重视.  相似文献   

海洋出版社于2008年12月出版的由李培英、徐兴永、赵松龄三位著作的<海岸带黄土与古冰川遗迹>是一本很有份量的科学专著.这不仅是从它的数量上来说,开本为889mm×119mm,共计337页,附插图及表黄计313幅,文图并茂、洋洋大观.  相似文献   

The main stages in the development of the Pechora Sea are discussed. It is established that, during the high sea level stand corresponding to the warmest epoch of the Mikulino Interglacial, the Pechora Sea represented a more spacious, as compared with its present-day size, basin owing to the flooded valleys of river lower reaches. No sea in its present-day configuration existed during the last (Valdai) glaciation. At that time, the sea could have occupied only a narrow area along the southern coast of Novaya Zemlya, where marine sedimentation was in progress during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. During the glaciation and postglacial time, the dried bottom of the former Pechora Sea accumulated large volumes of sand that are now concentrated largely in the accretion structures along its southern coast. In the current century, changes will occur mainly in the coastal zone of the Russkii Zavorot Peninsula, Pesyakov Island, the Varandei Settlement area, and the Medynskii Zavorot Peninsula, where a shoreline retreat for a distance of 0.5 km is expected.  相似文献   

鲁中黄土粒度特征及其成因探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
鲁中黄土是风成的,主要由低空地方风系(北向风)搬运的近源物质堆积而成,其次是高空气流携带而来的内陆远源物质;主要物源区为冰期裸霞的莱州湾海底和黄泛平原。粗颗粒含量变化一较好地反映本区气候的冷暖周期变化。中更新世中后期本区开始转冷,发育离石黄土;末次间冰期时,气候温湿形成厚层S1;到末次冰期气候变得更为干冷,冬季风效应增强,粗颗粒含量增多。到全新世气候向现代气候转变,但在转暖的过程中有短回冷事件,形  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic properties of sediment cores were examined to reconstruct paleodepositional conditions in the Korea Deep Ocean Study (KODOS) area, located in the northeastern equatorial Pacific. The studied KODOS sediments have a stable remanent magnetization with both normal and reversed polarities, which are well correlated with the geomagnetic polarity timescale for the late Pliocene and Pleistocene. Average sedimentation rates are 1.56 and 0.88 mm/kiloyear for the Pleistocene and late Pliocene, respectively. Clay mineralogy and scanning electron microscope analyses of the sediments indicate that terrestrial material was transported to the deep-sea floor during these times. The variations of sedimentation rates with age may be explained by the onset of the northern hemisphere glaciation and subsequent climatic deterioration during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. For the Pleistocene, an increasing sedimentation rate implies that input of terrestrial materials was high, and also a high input of biogenic materials was detected as a result of increased primary production in the surface water. The down-core variations in paleomagnetic and rock-magnetic properties of the KODOS sediments were affected by dissolution processes in an oxic depositional regime. As shown by magnetic intensity and hysteresis parameters, the high natural remanent magnetization (NRM) stability in the upper, yellowish brown layers indicates that the magnetic carrier was in pseudo-single domain states. In the lower, dark brown sediments, only coarse magnetic grains survived dissolution and the NRM was carried by more abundant, multi-domain grains of low magnetic stability. The down-core variation of magnetic properties suggests that the KODOS sediments were subjected to dissolution processes resulting in a loss of the more stable components of the magnetic fraction with increasing core depth.  相似文献   

根据岩性、产状和地貌等特征,对海南岛西北部莲花山周缘海岸出露的前全新世海相地层5个典型剖面进行区内对比,以恢复该套地层的产出序列,并推测海相地层的分布范围。结合海相地层的沉积时代和莲花山周缘海岸的地貌特征,探讨了该海岸带的地貌演化过程:中更新世以前,有河流自东南向西北经德义岭、莲花山入海,海相地层沉积区属于滨岸环境,是该海岸带当时受海水进退作用的主要区域,接受着波浪从北面、河流从南面带来的沉积物;中更新世至今,受雷琼地区火山活动的影响,河流被隆起的火山锥阻挡而截流或改道,海相地层沉积区则被抬升成为陆地,并在全新世海岸侵蚀作用下,形成了现今宽广的海蚀平台,海岸后退平均速率约为10 cm/a。  相似文献   

It has for many years been controversial whether there was a Pleistocene high sea level on the Shandong Peninsula. Our investigations in recent years suggest that the red sandy sediments distributed around the Yuanyaodun village, Weihai County, the "Liukuang Red Bed" and the loess-like deposits near Penglai County should be terrestrial deposits, and there is will not a convincing evidence to confirm that abrasion landforms found above the 10m elevation oa the coast are of marine origin. From these, it is still not safe to say that a high sea level had occurred in the Shandong Peninsula during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

鲁中南隆起区第四纪晚期断裂活动特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据野外调查,并综合前人的研究资料,对鲁中南地区第四纪晚期断裂活动进行了分析,研究表明,鲁中南隆起区第四纪断裂活动具有时空不均匀性,主要表现为第四纪时期断层活动强度变化和断裂活动的群集性以及第四纪晚期断裂活动段分布的局限性上。对于鲁中南地区而言,活动断层可以分为中更新世中期(500kaBP)至晚更新世初期(90kaBP)活断层和晚更新世中、晚期至全新世早期活断层两类;其中前一类(主要是中更新世断裂)断裂数量较多,分布较为广泛,而晚更新世晚期以来的活动断裂段的数量较少,分布较局限。它们对地震的控制能力不同,前者可控制5.5级左右的地震,而后一类可控制6-7级地震的发生。  相似文献   

Sedimentological and faunal records from the transitional period marking the onset of widespread northern hemisphere glaciation have been investigated at Ocean Drilling Program Site 984. The late Pliocene interglacial sediments of the northeast Atlantic are carbonate rich and show evidence of vigorous bottom water circulation at intermediate water depths. Contrasting this, the late Pliocene glacial sediments are characterised by carbonate dissolution and slower bottom current velocities. Weak or “leaky” Norwegian Sea overflows, undersaturated with respect to carbonate, influenced this region during the late Pliocene glacials. The early Pleistocene pattern of intermediate water circulation appears to have changed radically in the northeast Atlantic. At this time, interglacial carbonate values and inferred bottom current velocities are low. This suggests slow-flowing, undersaturated Norwegian Sea water bathing the site. The overflow increased during the early Pleistocene interglacials as the exchange between the Atlantic and Norwegian-Greenland Seas improved. The most significant feature of the early Pleistocene glacials is the increase in inferred bottom current velocity. These changes reflect a switch in deep North Atlantic convection to shallower depths during glacial periods, possibly in a manner similar to the increasing contribution of glacial intermediate water to the North Atlantic during the late Pleistocene glacials. Our results suggest that the late Pleistocene climate variability of the North Atlantic is a pervasive feature of the late Pliocene–early Pleistocene record.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2001,172(1-2):117-145
We propose that late Wisconsin deposition and erosion (Hudson Shelf and Block Island valleys) on the shelf and slope from New Jersey to southern New England were a consequence of the catastrophic drainage of glacial lakes behind terminal moraine systems and the huge volume of water stored beneath the Laurentian ice sheet and subsequent erosion of the lake sediments by flash floods. The morphology imparted by glaciation regulated the discharge associated with the ablation of the glaciers. Associated with the deposits west of Hudson Shelf Valley are the remains of mammoth and mastodon which were transported from their living habitats along the lake shores to their present burial sites on the shelf. The floods also triggered gravity flows on the upper continental slope which made possible the transportation of coarse debris over hundreds of km into the deep-sea. That these catastrophic flood morphologies can still be recognized on the middle to outer shelf suggest that much of its surface was little modified during the late Pleistocene/Holocene transgression. Thus the late Pleistocene/Holocene transgression may have been characterized by short periods when sea level rose rapidly allowing for the preservation of relict features.  相似文献   

早更新世以来南海中部的沉积作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据7个岩心的粒度、矿物、化学、微体古生物、氧同位素和古地磁等分析和测试资料,探讨了南海中部早更新以来沉积作用特征及其演化。自早更新世以来,研究区主要处在一种半深海的较为稳定的沉积环境,沉积了一套以陆源碎屑为主要成分,并含有较丰富的生物碎屑和火山碎屑的具有多源性特征的粘土质粉砂和粉砂质粘土沉积。但是在漫长的沉积过程中,受到区域地质构造运动、海底火山活动和全球性古气候变化的影响,使其在不同沉积区和不同沉积历史时期的沉积特征具有明显差异。  相似文献   

Pleistocene glacial history of the NW European continental margin   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
In this paper new and previously published data on the Pleistocene glacial impact on the NW European margin from Ireland to Svalbard (between c. 48°N–80°N) are compiled. The morphology of the glaciated part of the European margin strongly reflects repeated occurrence of fast-moving ice streams, creating numerous glacial troughs/channels that are separated by shallow bank areas. End-moraines have been identified at several locations on the shelf, suggesting shelf-edge glaciation along the major part of the margin during the Last Glacial Maximum. Deposition of stacked units of glacigenic debris flows on the continental slope form fans at a number of locations from 55°N and northwards, whereas the margin to the south of this is characterised by the presence of submarine canyons. Glaciation curves, based primarily on information from the glacial fed fan systems, that depict the Pleistocene trends in extent of glaciations along the margin have been compiled. These curves suggest that extensive shelf glaciations started around Svalbard at 1.6–1.3 Ma, while repeated periods of shelf-edge glaciations on the UK margin started with MIS 12 (c. 0.45 Ma). The available evidence for MIS 2 suggest that shelf-edge glaciation for the whole margin was reached between c. 28 and 22 14C ka BP and maximum positions after this were more limited in some regions (North Sea and Lofoten). The last glacial advance on the margin has been dated to 15–13.5 14C ka BP, and by c. 13 14C ka BP the shelf areas were completely deglaciated. The Younger Dryas (Loch Lomond) advance reached the coastal areas in only a few regions.  相似文献   

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