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The Flamenco pluton is part of a N–S alignment of Late Triassic to Early Jurassic intrusive belt comprising the westernmost part of the Coastal Range batholith in northern Chile. The Jurassic-Cretaceous voluminous magmatism related to subduction in the western active continental margin of Gondwana is emplaced in the predominantly metasedimentary Paleozoic host-rocks of the Las Tórtolas formation, which in the northern area of the Flamenco pluton present an intense deformation, including the Chañaral mélange.Geochemically, the Flamenco pluton shows a wide compositional variability (SiO2 between 48wt % and 67wt %). Gabbros, Qtz-diorites and tonalites, mesocratic and leucocratic granodiorites are classified as calc-alkaline, calcic, magnesian and metaluminous magmatism. Flamenco granitoids define cotectic linear evolution trends, typical of magmatic fractionation processes. Geochemical trends are consistent with magmas evolved from undersaturated and low-pressure melts, even though the absence of transitional contacts between intrusive units precludes in-situ fractionation. Although some granodioritic samples show crossed geochemical trends that point to the compositional field of metasediments, and large euhedral prismatic pinnite-biotite crystals, typical Crd pseudomorph, are observed in contact magmatic facies, geochemical assimilation processes are short range, and the occurrence of host-rocks xenoliths is limited to a few meters from the pluton contact.A thermal approach to the emplacement process has been constrained through the thermobarometric results and a 2D thermo-numerical model of the contact aureole. Some Qtz-diorites and granodiorites located in the north area of the pluton exhibit granulitic textures as Hbl-Pl-Qtz triple junctions, poikiloblastic Kfs and Qtz recrystallization. The Hbl–Pl pairs have been used for the thermobarometric study of this metamorphic process, resulting granoblastic equilibrium temperatures between 770 and 790 °C, whereas Hbl–Pl pairs in domains that preserve the original igneous textures yield temperatures above 820 °C. This is characteristic of self-granulitization processes during the sequential emplacement of composite batholiths.In addition, the thermal modeling was used in order to compare the expected and observed thermal contact aureole of the intrusive body. Model P-T conditions have been established between 3 and 4 kbars (extracted from the thermobarometric results), and temperatures between 1159 °C (liquidus temperature for a tonalitic composition) and 992 °C (fixed at the rheological threshold of a 50% crystal fraction). The thermal modeling estimates a homogeneous contact aureole, where the established temperatures for the melting reactions in the host-rocks are located at distances between 200 and 650 m from the magma chamber boundary, whereas the temperatures for Crd stabilization extend 1500 m far from the contact in the case of the emplacement at liquidus temperatures and 4 kbars. According to field observations, the contact aureole presents a scarce development in the northern area of the Flamenco pluton, with few migmatite outcrops and less than 1 Km in thickness for Crd-schists. However, in the southern contact, partially melted rocks are described at distances up to 2 km from the Flamenco pluton boundary.The processes of self-granulitization and the differences between the observed and calculated (by the thermal modeling of one single pulse) contact aureole suggests a process of incremental emplacement for the Flamenco pluton, by accretion of magmatic pulses from north to south (in its current position), where the thermal maturity reached through the repeated magmatic intrusion generates a more extensive area of high-grade metamorphism.  相似文献   

冈底斯岩基广泛发育三叠纪-中新世的岩浆岩,是研究与新特提斯洋北向俯冲和印度-欧亚大陆碰撞相关的构造岩浆作用特征的天然实验室。日多地区花岗岩体位于藏南墨竹工卡县东侧日多乡附近,其主体为花岗岩,被花岗闪长玢岩脉侵入。锆石U-Pb地质年代学表明:主体花岗岩形成于62.7±0.5Ma,侵入其中的花岗闪长玢岩脉形成于59.5±1.5Ma,并捕获了大量的侏罗纪岩浆岩锆石(155.4±1.8Ma)。日多地区花岗岩体的全岩地球化学特征为:(1)高Si O_2、Na_2O、Al_2O_3,低Fe O~T、MgO、Ti O_2;(2)富集轻稀土(LREE),亏损重稀土(HREE)及高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti、P元素;(3)具有Eu负异常,总体显示高钾钙碱性、过铝质花岗岩和岛弧型岩浆岩特征。锆石Hf同位素特征暗示其岩浆源区为基性下地壳物质。花岗闪长玢岩脉裹挟大量侏罗纪岩浆型锆石,表明冈底斯岩基拉萨以东地区可能经历了较广泛的晚侏罗世岩浆作用。  相似文献   

The Swakane Gneiss and the overlying Napeequa Complex in the North Cascade range, Washington, were metamorphosed and deformed during development of a Cretaceous‐Paleogene continental arc, and are among the structurally deepest exposed rocks within the Cordilleran arcs of North America. Peak metamorphic conditions in both the Swakane Gneiss and Napeequa Complex were c. 640–750 °C, 9–12 kbar. Clockwise paths and widespread evidence for high‐P metamorphism in meta‐supracrustal rocks (burial to >40 km) document major vertical tectonic motion during arc construction and unroofing. These and other moderately high‐pressure rocks in the North Cascades‐Coast Mountains experienced a dramatically different tectonometamorphic history than metamorphic rocks within other Cordilleran arcs. The exhumed arc complexes of the Sierra Nevada and Peninsular Ranges are dominated by relatively low‐P metamorphic and plutonic rocks (typically <6 kbar). There is no evidence that the northern Cordillera was thickened to a greater degree than these other belts, suggesting that the greater magnitude of vertical motion in the Cascades may have been related to exhumation mechanisms: Eocene extension in the northern Cordillera vs. erosional unroofing in the central and southern Cordillera.  相似文献   




王莉  曾令森  高利娥  陈振宇 《岩石学报》2013,29(6):1977-1994
野外地质调查和SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年表明,在冈底斯南缘朗县北部发育一套年龄为121.8±1.5Ma的闪长岩,侵入到一套年龄为360.8±3.5Ma弱片麻理化的花岗闪长岩中.除了典型的闪长岩矿物组合外,这套早白垩世闪长岩不仅含岩浆型绿帘石,而且含单斜辉石.朗县早白垩世闪长岩具有以下地球化学特征:(1)较低的SiO2(54.9% ~ 55.4%)和较高的Al2O3(17.7% ~ 17.9%)和Mg# (65.3 ~66.1);(2)较高的Na2O/K2O比值(>2.5),显示富钠的特征;(3)富集LREE,亏损HREE,从Ho到Lu稀土分布样式比较平坦((Ho/Yb)N=0.93 ~ 1.07),具有微弱的Eu负异常(Eu/Eu*=0.88 ~0.91);(4)富集Sr(488×10-6 ~500×10-6)和Ba(176×10-6 ~181×10-6),较高的Sr/Y比值(37.5 ~41.7)和较低的La/Yb比值(7.6~9.8);(5)锆石εHr(t)值相对较高,为+3.4~ +6.9;(6)亏损高场强元素,富集石榴石相容元素(Sc、Y和HREE)和地幔相容元素(Cr、Ni、Co),这些地球化学特征和矿物组合表明这个岩体为富水的岩体,是新特提斯洋北向俯冲过程中俯冲板片释放的流体所交代的地幔楔的部分熔融的产物.通过铝在角闪石的压力计,确定了该套早白垩世闪长岩的侵位深度大约为13km,而早石炭世花岗闪长岩的侵位深度大约为21km,表明在早白垩世岩浆作用时,拉萨地决南缘经历了长期平均速率最小为~0.04mm/yr的剥露作用.  相似文献   

Strontium, Nd, Pb, Hf, Os, and O isotope compositions for 30 Quaternary lava flows from the Mount Adams stratovolcano and its basaltic periphery in the Cascade arc, southern Washington, USA indicate a major component from intraplate mantle sources, a relatively small subduction component, and interaction with young mafic crust at depth. Major- and trace-element patterns for Mount Adams lavas are distinct from the rear-arc Simcoe volcanic field and other nearby volcanic centers in the Cascade arc such as Mount St. Helens. Radiogenic isotope (Sr, Nd, Pb, and Hf) compositions do not correlate with geochemical indicators of slab-fluids such as (Sr/P) n and Ba/Nb. Mass-balance modeling calculations, coupled with trace-element and isotopic data, indicate that although the mantle source for the calc-alkaline Adams basalts has been modified with a fluid derived from subducted sediment, the extent of modification is significantly less than what is documented in the southern Cascades. The isotopic and trace-element compositions of most Mount Adams lavas require the presence of enriched and depleted mantle sources, and based on volume-weighted chemical and isotopic compositions for Mount Adams lavas through time, an intraplate mantle source contributed the major magmatic mass of the system. Generation of basaltic andesites to dacites at Mount Adams occurred by assimilation and fractional crystallization in the lower crust, but wholesale crustal melting did not occur. Most lavas have Tb/Yb ratios that are significantly higher than those of MORB, which is consistent with partial melting of the mantle in the presence of residual garnet. δ 18O values for olivine phenocrysts in Mount Adams lavas are within the range of typical upper mantle peridotites, precluding involvement of upper crustal sedimentary material or accreted terrane during magma ascent. The restricted Nd and Hf isotope compositions of Mount Adams lavas indicate that these isotope systems are insensitive to crustal interaction in this juvenile arc, in stark contrast to Os isotopes, which are highly sensitive to interaction with young, mafic material in the lower crust.  相似文献   

A complete Barrovian sequence ranging from unmetamorphosed shales to sillimanite–K-feldspar zone metapelitic gneisses crops out in a region extending from the Hudson River in south-eastern New York state, USA, to the high-grade core of the Taconic range in western Connecticut. NNE-trending subparallel biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite and sillimanite–K-feldspar isograds have been identified, although the assignment of Barrovian zones in the high-grade rocks is complicated by the appearance of fibrolitic sillimanite at the kyanite isograd. Thermobarometric results and reaction textures are used to characterize the metamorphic history of the sequence. Pressure–temperature estimates indicate maximum metamorphic conditions of 475 °C, c. 3–4 kbar in the garnet zone to >720 °C, c. 5–6 kbar in the highest grade rocks exposed. Some samples in the kyanite zone record anomalous (low) peak conditions because garnet composition has been modified by fluid-assisted reactions. There is abundant petrographic and mineral chemical information indicating that the sequence (with the possible exception of the granulite facies zone) was infiltrated by a water-rich fluid after garnet growth was nearly completed. The truncation of fluid inclusion trails in garnet by rim growth or recrystallization, however, indicates that metamorphic reactions involving garnet continued subsequent to initial infiltration. The presence of these textures in some zones of a well-constrained Barrovian sequence allows determination of the timing of fluid infiltration relative to the P–T paths. Thermobarometric results obtained using garnet compositions at the boundary between fluid–inclusion-rich and inclusion-free regions of the garnet are interpreted to represent peak metamorphic conditions, whereas rim compositions record slightly lower pressures and temperatures. Assuming that garnet grew during a single metamorphic event, infiltration must have occurred at or slightly after the peak of metamorphism, i.e. 4–5 kbar and a temperature of c. 525–550 °C for staurolite and kyanite zone rocks.  相似文献   

桂花冲铜矿床是铜陵矿集区沙滩脚矿田内新发现的一个以斑岩型矿化为主的矽卡岩-斑岩复合型铜矿床。文章对该矿床的矿床地质和斑岩型矿化成矿流体进行了初步研究,旨在查明该矿床成矿流体的演化过程。根据脉体的穿切关系及矿物共生组合,桂花冲铜矿斑岩型矿化成矿过程可划分为钾化、硅化、石英黄铁矿、石英多金属硫化物和碳酸盐5个阶段。硅化阶段主要发育纯气体、含子矿物及富气相包裹体,石英黄铁矿阶段主要发育纯气体、富液相、富气相及含子矿物包裹体,石英多金属硫化物阶段及碳酸盐阶段主要发育富液相包裹体。从硅化阶段至碳酸盐阶段,成矿流体由高温(472.9℃)、高盐度(47.7%~74.0%)的岩浆热液逐渐向中低温(140.2~280.3℃)、低盐度(1.6%~7.7%)的岩浆热液和大气降水的混合流体演化,成矿过程中流体经历了沸腾及混合作用,混合作用是导致铜沉淀的主要机制。  相似文献   

托莫尔特铁(锰)矿床赋存于上志留统—下泥盆统康布铁堡组上亚组变质火山-沉积岩系中。矿床的形成经历了火山沉积期、岩浆热液叠加改造期和区域变质期,火山沉积期为铁和锰主要成矿期。火山沉积期石英中流体包裹体类型以气液两相包裹体为主,均一温度集中于170~300℃,峰值为190℃,流体的w(NaCleq)为3.23%~22.71%,密度为0.62~1.09 g/cm3,气相和液相成分表明成矿流体富含Na+、Cl-和H2O,为中-低温、中-低盐度、中-低密度的H2O-NaCl体系。区域变质期石英中以发育含液体CO2包裹体为特征,完全均一温度介于210~523℃,w(NaCleq)为4.80%~11.33%,密度为0.85~1.05 g/cm3,气相和液相成分表明流体富含Na+、Cl-、SO24-、CO2、CH4、C2H6和N2,显示成矿流体为中-高温、中-低盐度、中-低密度的H2O-CO2-CH4-N2-NaCl体系。氢和氧同位素特征表明,火山沉积期成矿流体为海水和岩浆水的混合,区域变质期成矿流体主要为变质水混合深循环的大气降水。  相似文献   

西藏中部拉萨地块大规模早白垩世花岗岩类的岩浆源区和岩石成因迄今尚未得到很好约束,对这些问题的深入理解将有助于揭示拉萨地块白垩纪时期的岩浆作用过程及成矿背景。本文报道了中部拉萨地块代表性花岗岩基——措勤麦嘎岩基的锆石U-Pb年代学、全岩元素地球化学、Sr-Nd同位素和锆石Hf同位素数据。本文锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,麦嘎岩基花岗质岩主要侵位于122±1Ma和113±2Ma,闪长质包体与后者同期(113±2Ma)。122±1Ma花岗质岩属I型弱过铝质高钾钙碱性系列,(87Sr/86Sr)i值高(0.7147),全岩εNd(t)(-12.0)和锆石εHf(t)(-15.7~-11.1)为较大的负值,表明其很可能来源于古老下地壳物质的重熔。113±2Ma寄主花岗质岩为I型偏铝质-弱过铝质高钾钙碱性系列,相对于122±1Ma花岗质岩石,其(87Sr/86Sr)i比值偏低(0.7094~0.7156)、全岩εNd(t)值(-12.1~-7.3)和锆石εHf(t)值(-11.1~0.1)较高,很可能来源于古老下地壳物质的部分熔融,并含有更多幔源物质。闪长质包体(113±2Ma)为偏铝质中-高钾钙碱性系列,以变化范围大的(87Sr/86Sr)i(0.7058~0.7105)、负的全岩εNd(t)值(-10.7~-9.8)及负的锆石εHf(t)值(-14.0~-5.6)为特征,可能是古老富集岩石圈地幔物质部分熔融的产物或亏损地幔物质经历强烈地壳混染作用的结果。在目前已有资料条件下(缺乏同期基性岩石的相关数据),本文暂将麦嘎岩基113±2Ma寄主花岗质岩及同期闪长质包体解释为镁铁质岩浆与长英质岩浆发生不同程度岩浆混合作用的产物,这一解释可能对中部拉萨地块同期花岗类的岩石成因具普遍意义。麦嘎岩基及中部拉萨地块同期岩浆岩约113Ma幔源物质增加现象,可能是南向俯冲的班公湖-怒江洋壳岩石圈板片断离的结果。  相似文献   

甘肃敦煌小独山西石英脉型钨矿床位于北山成矿带柳园-俞井子裂谷带西段,经过详查和勘探工作,发现其资源量已达大型钨矿床规模。文章在野外详细观测和系统采样的基础上,对不同成矿阶段的样品使用岩相学、激光拉曼光谱、显微测温和碳、氢-氧同位素测试等方法,对矿脉中流体包裹体进行了综合研究。结果显示,该矿床矿脉中主要发育有气-液两相(Ⅰ型)和含液相CO2三相(Ⅱ型) 2类包裹体。其中,Ⅰ阶段流体呈中高温、中盐度特征,主成矿(Ⅱ)阶段呈中高温、中低盐度特征,Ⅲ阶段呈低温,低盐度特征,均一温度与盐度呈现出正相关关系。包裹体的δD和δ18O值范围分别为-98.3‰~-76.4‰和0.8‰~5.4‰,呈岩浆水与大气降水相混合的特征;方解石中流体的δ13C值为-0.26‰~-0.73‰,δ18O值为-1.26‰~-3.73‰,显示C可能来源于海相碳酸盐岩,在后期演化过程中与大气降水发生了氧同位素交换作用。成矿早期与主成矿期均受到了大气降水的影响,该矿床发生了明显的流体混合作用是该地区成矿的主要因素。  相似文献   

The 1200 km2, Early Devonian (395 Ma) Wilsons Promontory batholith is a post-tectonic, high-level, composite body of S-type granites exposed on Wilsons Promontory and its offshore islands. Four plutons and six members are mapped and described. The rocks commonly contain magmatic garnet and cordierite, in addition to biotite, and biotite–quartz pseudomorphs after orthopyroxene. Planar fabrics abound in the batholith, which is characterised by emplacement of shallow-dipping granitic sheets, on a variety of scales. Particle size and density separation occurred during magma flow, and produced a wide variety of structures including layering, pipes and whorls rich in mafic minerals, K-feldspar phenocryst alignments and a notable swarm of enclaves. Local filter pressing may have played a role in the production of accumulations of K-feldspar crystals and the formation of late, tourmaline-bearing leucogranites and quartz veins. Batholith zonation and the distribution of component plutons are inferred to have been formed through sequential intrusion of separate magma batches rather than in situ differentiation. Overall, the batholith appears to consist of saucer-shaped plutons, and it is tilted gently to the east.  相似文献   

Bernard Barbarin   《Lithos》2005,80(1-4):155-177
The calc-alkaline granitoids of the central Sierra Nevada batholith are associated with abundant mafic rocks. These include both country-rock xenoliths and mafic magmatic enclaves (MME) that commonly have fine-grained and, less commonly, cumulate textures. Scarce composite enclaves consist of either xenoliths enclosed in MME, or of MME enclosed in other MME with different grain size and texture. Enclaves are often enclosed in mafic aggregates and form meter-size polygenic swarms, mostly in the margins of normally zoned plutons. Enclaves may locally divert schlieren layering. Mafic dikes, which also occur in swarms, are undisturbed, composite, or largely hybridized. In central Sierra Nevada, with the exception of xenoliths that completely differ from the other rocks, host granitoids, mafic aggregates, MME, and some composite dikes exhibit a bulk compositional diversity and, at the same time, important mineralogical and geochemical (including isotopic) similarities. MME and host granitoids display distinct major and trace element compositions. However, strong correlations between MME–host granitoid pairs indicate interactions and parallel evolution of MME and enclosing granitoid in each pluton. Identical mafic mineral compositions and isotopic features are the result of these interactions and parallel evolution. Mafic dikes have broadly the same major and trace element compositions as the MME although variations are large between the different dikes that are at distinctly different stages of hybridization and digestion by the host granitoids. The composition of the granitoids and various mafic rocks reflects three distinct stages of hybridization that occurred, respectively, at depth, during ascent and emplacement, and after emplacement. The occurrence and succession of hybridization processes were tightly controlled by the physical properties of the magmas. The sequential thorough or partial mixing and mingling were commonly followed by differentiation and segregation processes. Unusual MME that contain abundant large crystals of hornblende resulted from disruption of early cumulates at depth, whereas those richer in large crystals of biotite were formed by disruption of late mafic aggregates or schlieren layerings at the level of emplacement. MME and host granitoids are considered cogenetic, because both are hybrid rocks that were produced by the mixing of the same two components in different proportions. The felsic component was produced by partial melting of preexisting crustal materials, whereas the dominant mafic component was probably derived from the upper mantle. However, in the lack of a clear mantle signature, the origin of the mafic component remains questionable.  相似文献   

The Antuoling Mo deposit is a major porphyry‐type deposit in the polymetallic metallogenic belt of the northern Taihang Mountains, China. The processes of mineralization in this deposit can be divided into three stages: an early quartz–pyrite stage, a middle quartz–polymetallic sulfide stage, and a late quartz–carbonate stage. Four types of primary fluid inclusions are found in the deposit: two‐phase aqueous inclusions, daughter‐mineral‐bearing multiphase inclusions, CO2–H2O inclusions, and pure CO2 inclusions. From the early to the late ore‐forming stages, the homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions are 300 to >500°C, 270–425°C, and 195–330°C, respectively, with salinities of up to 50.2 wt%, 5.3–47.3 wt%, and 2.2–10.4 wt% NaCl equivalent, revealing that the ore‐forming fluids changed from high temperature and high salinity to lower temperature and lower salinity. Moreover, based on the laser Raman spectra, the compositions of the fluid inclusions evolved from the NaCl–CO2–H2O to the NaCl–H2O system. The δ18OH2O and δD values of quartz in the deposit range from +3.9‰ to +7.0‰ and ?117.5‰ to ?134.2‰, respectively, reflecting the δD of local meteoric water after oxygen isotopic exchange with host rocks. The Pb isotope values of the sulfides (208Pb/204Pb, 36.320–37.428; 207Pb/204Pb, 15.210–15.495; 206Pb/204Pb, 16.366–17.822) indicate that the ore‐forming materials originated from a mixed upper mantle–lower crust source.  相似文献   

拉萨白堆复合岩体寄主为含包体的花岗闪长岩,并被一系列平行-近平行东西走向中-基性岩脉群穿插,总体形成类似"条纹码"般的构造形式。锆石U-Pb定年表明,这些基性岩脉主要形成于85~68Ma。同期中性和基性脉岩都表现出富集大离子亲石元素和LREE,亏损高场强元素,Sr同位素初始比值较低,但Nd同位素比值(εNd(t)+3.1)和锆石Hf同位素组成(εHf(t)+10.7)较高,都不具有Eu异常。与中性脉岩相比,基性脉岩具有(1)Mg O含量较高和较高的Mg#(50.6);(2)较高的Cr、Ni、Co含量;(3)较富集HREE且平坦分布。但中性脉岩Y含量较低,Sr/Y比值(38~72)较高,具有高Sr-低Y的特征;这些特征表明:这些岩浆岩的源区可能为受流体交代的岩石圈地幔。中-基性脉岩之间具有岩浆演化关系,在岩浆演化过程中以角闪石的分离结晶为主。结合文献数据,这些新数据表明冈底斯岩基的在晚白垩世(85~68Ma)经历了弧上伸展构造作用,岩浆作用持续活动,可能与新特提斯洋板片的北向斜俯冲相关。  相似文献   

袁利娟  张进平  何云成  孔祥军  高剑 《地质论评》2021,67(4):67050005-67050005
通过对北京市通州区蓟县系岩溶热储中地热流体的水化学组分、2H、18O、3H、14C、锶同位素组成的研究,论述了区域内地热系统中水的补给径流循环特征和地温分布特征。研究区内蓟县系热储中地热水的出水温度分布在35~91 ℃范围内,补给来源为北京市西北部或北部山区大气降水,平均补给高程为1510m。热储中地热水年龄和热储温度均呈现出明显的构造控制特点。通州区西部,大兴迭隆起构造单元内,热水年龄从西北(18ka)向东南(27ka)增加,运移速度约1.5m/a,热储温度从57.4 ℃增至86.5 ℃。东南部的夏垫断裂是一个导水导热断裂,其上地热水年龄减小至8.4ka,同时热储温度增至107.8 ℃。地热水中锶含量和锶同位素值均沿着地下水的径流方向增加,揭示了两个过程的叠加影响:蓟县系碳酸盐岩中锶的溶解与87Rb的衰减,后者呈现出明显的时间累积效应,在研究区东南部体现的更明显。  相似文献   

通过对北京市通州区蓟县系岩溶热储中地热流体的水化学组分、2H、18O、3H、14C、锶同位素组成的研究,论述了区域内地热系统中水的补给径流循环特征和地温分布特征.研究区内蓟县系热储中地热水的出水温度分布在35~91℃范围内,补给来源为北京市西北部或北部山区大气降水,平均补给高程为1510 m.热储中地热水年龄和热储温度...  相似文献   

The 102 Ma El Potrero pluton, in the western foothills of Sierra San Pedro Mártir, in north-central Baja California, was emplaced during a long period of contractional deformation bracketed between 132 and 85 Ma that affected this segment of the Peninsular Ranges Batholith. The pluton records regional and emplacement related deformation manifested by: (1) a solid-state fabric developed on its eastern contact, which is produced by eastward lateral pluton expansion; (2) cleavage triple point zones in the host-rock NW and SE of the pluton; (3) subhorizontal ductile shear zones indicative of top-to-the-east transport; (4) magmatic and tectonic foliations parallel to regional structural trends and regional shear zones; (5) variable axial ratios of microgranitoid enclaves close to pluton–wall rock contacts; (6) evidence of brittle-emplacement mechanisms in the western border of the pluton, which contrast with features indicating mainly ductile mechanisms toward the east; and, (7) markedly discordant paleomagnetic directions that suggest emplacement in an active tectonic setting. The overall mean for 9 accepted paleomagnetic sites is Dec = 34.6°, I = 25.7° (k = 88.3, α95 = 5.5°), and is deviated  35° with respect to the reference cratonic direction. This magnetization is interpreted to indicate a combination of tilt due to initial drag during vertical diapiric ascent (or westward lateral-oblique expansion) of the adjacent San Pedro Mártir pluton and later rotation ( 15°) by Rosarito Fault activity in the southwest; this rotation may have occurred as eastward contraction acted to fill the space emptied by the ascending San Pedro Mártir pluton. The Rosarito fault may have tilted several plutons in the area (Sierra San Pedro Mártir, El Potrero, San José, and Encinosa). Magnetic susceptibility fabrics for 13 sites reflect mostly emplacement-related stress and regional stress. Paleomagnetic data and structural observations lead us to interpret the El Potrero pluton as a syntectonic pluton, emplaced within a regional shear zone delimited by the Main Mártir Thrust and the younger Rosarito Fault.  相似文献   

多期构造叠加及多种成岩环境下的早古生代碳酸盐岩储集层形成机理十分复杂。重庆南川三汇场剖面寒武系碳酸盐岩出露完整,是研究沉积与成岩史的理想解剖点之一。研究表明,三汇场剖面寒武系白云岩分别经历了早期海水胶结、大气淡水淋滤、准同生白云岩化、中浅层埋藏、中期构造大气水作用、中晚期埋藏及热液作用和构造晚期表生大气水成岩作用,不同期次的大气淡水作用特征不同。在早成岩期,沿向上变浅的高频层序界面附近发育了鲕模孔、窗格溶孔等组构性溶孔,胶结物和充填物的δ18O、δ13C值均比同期海水负偏,87Sr/86Sr值与同期海水相近,不发光(CL),含有较小的液相包裹体;加里东晚期—海西期,发育了非组构扩溶孔洞缝,伴有氧化沥青,不发光充填物的δ18O、δ13C负偏、87Sr/86Sr值正偏,发育含烃的低温不混溶包裹体,并叠加后期的深埋藏及热液成岩作用;燕山期和喜马拉雅期, 发育孤立的非组构溶蚀孔洞、缝洞,多被巨晶方解石或黏土充填,方解石中δ18O、δ13C强烈负偏($\delta^{13}C_{PDB}$=-4.6‰~-23.4‰,$\delta^{18}C_{PDB}$=-8.6‰~-17.8‰)、含有低温不混溶包裹体(<28.5℃),是有机质或生物甲烷(细)菌参于下的表生大气水成岩作用产物。  相似文献   

The Jalama batholith (Spain and Portugal) is one of the numerous granites of the Central Iberian Zone with Sn- and W-associated mineralisation. On the basis of petrographical and geochemical characterisation three types of granite have been distinguished: inhomogeneous granitoids, porphyrytic granites and leucogranites, all of these being peraluminous and subalkaline. All the granites correspond to S-type granites. The field data, the petrography and lack of geochemical affinity relationships of the leucogranites with the remaining granites indicate that their geneses correspond to an independent magma batch and superimposed fractional crystallisation process. The granitic units show subparallel REE patterns. There is a decrease in total REE and an increase in the negative Eu anomaly from the inhomogeneous granitoids to leucogranites. Some leucogranites show relatively low contents of Sn and W almost certainly due to segregation in the magma of a melt rich in water carrying Sn-W. These elements are concentrated in the water phase, which eventually gives rise to Sn-W-associated mineralisation.The ages obtained by means of a whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron for the granites mainly indicate an early intrusion of the inhomogeneous granitoids (319±10 Ma), followed in time by porphyrytic granites (279±9 Ma), which can be associated to the late-post-kinematic granites within the third Variscan deformation phase (D3).Apart from the average Sn content, the variations of trace elements, principally Sr, Ba, Rb, Th and P, establish that the porphyritic granites and the inhomogeneous granitoids will be barren granites while the leucogranites and the subfacies at the margin of the porphyritic granites correspond to granites with mineralisation potential. It is precisely in these granites of the Jálama batholith that the Sn-W mineralisation is located, for which the criteria utilised has been demonstrated to be effective.  相似文献   

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