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TheHuizelarge sizedPb ZndepositinYunnan ProvinceislocatedinthecenteroftheSichuan Yun nan GuizhouPb Zn Agpolymetalmineralizationzone(SYGPb ZnMMD)inwesternYangtzePlateandis oneofthefamousPb Zn GebasesinChina(Wang Jiangzhenetal.,2003;WangXiaochunetal.,2000).Thisdeposit,whichischaracterizedbylarge scale(Pb+Znmetallicreservesarehigherthan5mil liontons),highPb+Zngrade(thePb+Zngradesof mostoresare25%-35%),highabundanceofuseful associatedelements(Ag,Ge,Cd,Ga,etc.)and someimportantbreakt…  相似文献   

Detailed geological observations and analytical studies make it possible to distinguish two groups of fluid-explosion breccias (FEB) in the Vysokogorskoe tin deposit of the Kavalerovo ore district. These breccias are assumed to be related to different stages of geological (geodynamic) evolution and played different roles in ore formation. The earlier breccias (79–69 Ma), which were altered by boron metasomatism and subsequent main tin mineralization, were most probably formed at the Cretaceous subduction stage. The later breccias (55–51 Ma) are syngenetic to the dacite (rhyolite) porphyry dikes of the Paleocene–Eocene transform stage. They were formed after precipitation of the majority of the cassiterite, but prior to the latest quartz–fluorite–carbonate stage of ore formation. According to the Sillitoe classification, the explosion breccias of the Vysokogorskoe deposit correspond to a magmatic–hydrothermal genetic type. They are characterized by multiple brecciation and intersection by small bodies of porphyritic rhyolites.  相似文献   

Microprobe research was performed on transparent polished plates (thin sections) of samples of fluorite and uranium ore from the Argun deposit in Zabaikal’skii Krai, Russia. The composition of minerals was determined at the Center for Isotopic Study of the Russian Geological Research Institute using a Cam-Scan MX 2500 scanning electron microscope equipped with a Link Pentaflet energy-dispersion spectrometer. Certified natural and synthetic samples were used as the standards.  相似文献   

The Babaoshan iron and copper polymetallic deposit, which is located in Lushi county Henan province, is unique for its iron-predominated ore mineralization among all the Mesozoic porphyry metallogenic systems in the southern margin of the North China Craton. Pyrite is ubiquitous in the southern and western parts of the deposit. Their EMPA analyses indicated the contents of S and Fe are more than 90% in total, the contents of Cu and As of the pyrites vary considerably even within the same grain. The abrupt change suggests mixing of ore-forming fluid and upward magmatic vapors from the same magmatic-hydrothermal system is the major force to induce pyrite deposition. That As exist in two valence states, As3+ and As1-, revealed that the Babaoshan pyrite-forming fluid was oxidative originally and changed to be reductive subsequently. The oxygen fugacity fluctuation is a positive factor to the formation of the Babaoshan porphyry copper deposit. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

白云鄂博矿床是全球最大的稀土-铌-铁矿床。本文对白云鄂博矿床主矿、东矿赋矿白云岩、不同类型稀土-铌-铁矿石和富钾板岩进行详细的野外地质调查和地球化学成分分析,揭示了成矿元素稀土、铌和主要蚀变元素钠、钾、氟、磷的空间分布规律。结果表明,白云鄂博主采坑比东采坑具有更高的稀土含量,矿体由外围向中心、由浅部向深部有明显的稀土元素(尤其是中-重稀土元素)富集的现象,矿体深部具有更大的中-重稀土元素找矿潜力;成矿元素铌的异常范围与重稀土的异常范围相吻合,表明二者具有密切的共生关系;蚀变元素氟的异常范围与稀土-铌-铁矿体的分布范围相一致,是重要的沉淀成矿元素;蚀变元素磷的异常要明显超过稀土-铌-铁矿体的分布范围,是重要的迁移载体元素;钠化蚀变主要出现在矿体下盘含稀土白云岩中,代表早期高温蚀变过程;钾化蚀变主要发育在矿体上盘的富钾板岩中,代表晚期低温蚀变过程;钾化、萤石化及磷的异常是碳酸岩型稀土矿床最主要的浅部和外围示矿指标。  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》2003,22(1-2):61-90
Quantitative laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions, trace element chemistry of sulfides, stable isotope (S), and Pb isotopes have been used to discriminate the formation of two contrasting mineralization styles and to evaluate the origin of the Cu and Au at Mt Morgan.The Mt Morgan Au–Cu deposit is hosted by Devonian felsic volcanic rocks that have been intruded by multiple phases of the Mt Morgan Tonalite, a low-K, low-Al2O3 tonalite–trondhjemite–dacite (TTD) complex. An early, barren massive sulfide mineralization with stringer veins is conforming to VHMS sub-seafloor replacement processes, whereas the high-grade Au–Cu ore is associated with a later quartz–chalcopyrite–pyrite stockwork mineralization that is related to intrusive phases of the Tonalite complex. LA-ICP-MS fluid inclusion analyses reveal high As (avg. 8850 ppm) and Sb (avg. 140 ppm) for the Au–Cu mineralization and 5 to 10 times higher Cu concentration than in the fluids associated with the massive pyrite mineralization. Overall, the hydrothermal system of Mt Morgan is characterized by low average fluid salinities in both mineralization styles (45–80% seawater salinity) and temperatures of 210 to 270 °C estimated from fluid inclusions. Laser Raman Spectroscopic analysis indicates a consistent and uniform array of CO2-bearing fluids. Comparison with active submarine hydrothermal vents shows an enrichment of the Mt Morgan fluids in base metals. Therefore, a seawater-dominated fluid is assumed for the barren massive sulfide mineralization, whereas magmatic volatile contributions are implied for the intrusive related mineralization. Condensation of magmatic vapor into a seawater-dominated environment explains the CO2 occurrence, the low salinities, and the enriched base and precious metal fluid composition that is associated with the Au–Cu mineralization. The sulfur isotope signature of pyrite and chalcopyrite is composed of fractionated Devonian seawater and oxidized magmatic fluids or remobilized sulfur from existing sulfides. Pb isotopes indicate that Au and Cu originated from the Mt Morgan intrusions and a particular volcanic strata that shows elevated Cu background.  相似文献   

Studies on the helium, lead and sulfur isotopic composition were performed of the Gejiu super-large Sn-polymetallic ore deposit. The results indicated that the ore-forming materials came from different sources and the deposit is a product of superimposed mineralization. The deposit is characterized by multi-source and multi-period mineralization, which experienced submarine hydrothermal deposition and Late Yanshanian magmatic hydrothermal mineralization. It is held that the Gejiu super-large Sn-polymetallic ore deposit is a multi-genesis deposit.  相似文献   

The Maslovsky ore deposit is an interesting but poorly explored geological locality in the Noril’sk ore region. Interpretations of the morphology and internal structure of the intrusion, which hosts PGE and copper-nickel deposits, are provided in this study. The complicated morphology of the Maslovsky intrusion enables us to recognize two layered gabbro-dolerite bodies, which are connected by a feeder dyke. Their internal structure testifies to the similarities and differences in these intrusive bodies. The results of this study have potential for further petrological and geochemical research.  相似文献   

内蒙古那仁乌拉石英脉型钨多金属矿床是我国大兴安岭西南段近年来新发现的一个以钨为主,伴生有铋、银、锌、铜的大型矿床。然而,该区经历过多期次复杂的构造-岩浆活动,目前该矿床与区内不同期次岩浆活动的关系还不清楚,这不仅制约了对该矿床成因的认识,也阻碍了该地区钨矿找矿勘查工作的部署。本文选择区内粗粒二长花岗岩中的锆石、独居石以及石英脉型矿体中的黑钨矿、锡石开展精细的原位LA-HR-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学研究,进而构筑精细成岩成矿年代学框架。结果显示,花岗岩的锆石和独居石U-Pb年龄分别为146.2±2.2Ma和144.2±0.8Ma,二者在误差范围内一致,表明含矿花岗岩形成于晚侏罗世;主成矿期石英脉型矿石中的黑钨矿和锡石的U-Pb年龄分别为136.7±1.0Ma和137.8±1.9Ma,二者在误差范围内一致,表明该区钨锡矿化主要发生于早白垩世。由于含矿花岗岩的侵位年龄与成矿年龄之间存在超过10Myr的时差,考虑到同一岩浆-热液演化过程难以长达10Myr,表明含矿花岗岩仅仅为赋矿围岩,而与钨锡矿体无成因上的联系,并暗示区内存在与钨锡成矿有关的早白垩世隐伏的高分异花岗岩小岩体,深部具有钨锡矿找矿潜力。结合区域已有资料,本文提出那仁乌拉钨矿的形成主要受蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋闭合后的伸展过程控制,并可能受到古太平洋俯冲作用远程效应的影响。  相似文献   

The paper gives a mineralogical and geochemical characterization of the North Gurvunur deposit, which was discovered in the Eravna ore district. The ore is composed of apatite–magnetite paragenesis. Apatite is distinguished by elevated LREE concentrations; some of them are contained in emulsion-type impregnation of monazite. Hematitization, carbonate, quartz, and pyrite veinlets formed at the postore stage, and gypsum–anhydrite mineralization is widespread in the supraore sequence. Two groups of endogenic minerals are distinguished by oxygen isotopic composition. One of them comprises magnetite and apatite, which are characterized by a homogeneous composition throughout the section of the ore lode and are close to the mantle source. The oxygen–isotope temperature calculated for the apatite–magnetite couple (620–800°C) provides evidence for magmatic origin of ore. The δ18O of fluid in equilibrium with hematite is 8.0–8.5‰ and shows a certain enrichment in crustal component; carbonates of postore veinlets reveal participation of meteoric water. The study has made it possible to refer the North Gurvunur deposit to the Kiruna type.  相似文献   

On the basis of results of the studies of primary fluid inclusions, and the hydrogen and oxygen isotope data, the authors concluded that the early-stage ore-forming fluid from the Jinchangqing gold(copper) ore deposit is a kind of sulfate type hot brine characterized by medium temperature and salinity,genetically related to the late-stage ore-forming fluid derived from an acidic and more reduetive environment. However, the late-stage ore-forming fluid is a sort of low temperature and low salinity chloride-type hot brine which originated from a lower pressure, acidic and more oxidative environment. In general, the ore fluids were derived from the late-stage, or largely from the early-stage groundwater-derived meteoric water, which has a 12‰-17‰ heavier oxygen isotopic composition than the original rain water (δ^18O=- 15.3‰), and were formed during gold mineralization as a product of oxygen isotope exchange during the reaction between ore-forming fluid and wall rocks under a lower water/rock ratio condition.  相似文献   

Tectono-geochemical samples were systematically collected from 5 drillcores along the No. 304 explora-tion line and at the -310 m level under the pit in the mining area, totalling 705 samples from the metamorphic rocks, granites, altered rocks and orebodies, and were determined for their contents of 20 kinds of elements including Au, Ag, As, Sb, Hg, Cu,,Pb, Zn, Sn, Bi, Mo, Co, Ni, Mn, Cr, V, Ti, Ba, Rb, Sr, etc. By using the Surfer software the geochemical exploration line profile maps for the 20 kinds of elements and the curves for the element geochemical contents of individual ore vein groups were established. In conbination with the geochemical map analytical method and Gregorian’s zoning index calculation method, the vertical, longitudinal and lateral zonation sequences of the elements were ascertained and the geochemical three-dimentional zonation model of the primary halos was estab-lished on the basis of the analysis of metallogenic structures and alteration zonation. Coupled with the results of analysis of the geology and geochemistry data, it may be concluded that the process of alteration of granites in the mining area is also accompanied with the process of gold enrichment and mineralization. With the intensification of alteration of granites from granite →potash feldspathization granite →sericite-quartz alteration granite, seric-ite-quartz rocks →beresitized granite, pyrite sericite-quartz rock, silicified granite →gold ore, the contents of thio-phile ore-forming elements such as Au, Ag, As, Cu, Bi, Mo, Pb, Sb, Hg, and Sn tended to increase. Factor analysis of trace elements indicated: factor F2 (Au, Ag, Cu, Sn, As) represents the element association brought in at the main stage of hydrothermal metallogenesis; factor F4 (Bi, Sb) and factor F5 (Pb, Zn) represent the ore-forming element association supperposed during the late stage of Au-bearing sulfides. By using the Gregorian’s zoning index and map analysis method we have ascertained the primary halo axial zonation sequence (form frontal halo →tail halo): Pb, Zn, Mn, Ba, Sr, Rb, As, Sb, Ag, Cu, Sn, Mo, Au, Bi, Hg, Ti, Cr, V, Ni, and Co. The geochemical anomalies in the mining area display a tendency of lateral plunging to WS, which is consistent with the lateral plunging of orebodies and mineralization alteration zone. Comprehensive analysis of the results of investigations on ore-controlling structures, mineralization-alteration zonation and geochemical zonation of the primary halos indicates that the gold orebodies in this area are still of greater extension.  相似文献   

The Plavica Au–Ag–Cu deposit is related to the large Neogene volcanic center, which complicates the paleocaldera in the central Kratovo–Zletovo ore district of eastern Macedonia. Based on the geology, ore mineralogy, wall-rock alteration, and fluid inclusions, the Plavica deposit has been referred to the epithermal high-sulfidation type. The general 3D model of orebody at this deposit is based on its general geological structure and complex distribution of metal contents. The framework of the 3D model, which has been constructed in the ArcGIS System, comprises 195 exploration boreholes 47295.8 m in total length. The 3D model allows to a better understanding of distribution of mineralization and supplements the geological data on the deposit.  相似文献   

The Kirganik copper–porphyry deposit is situated in the central part of the Sredinnyi Mountain Range of Kamchatka and is confined to fields of development of potassic orthoclase metasomatite and hypabyssal intrusions of shonkinite. Platinum group metals (PGMs), such as merenskyite, kotulskite, keithconnite, and temagamite, were discovered in the chalcopyrite–bornite and chalcopyrite–bornite–chalcosine ore of the deposit for the first time.  相似文献   

I. N. Kigai 《Petrology》2011,19(3):303-321
Considering the history and current state of the problem of the so-called metallogenic specialization of magmatic rocks, the paper places emphasis onto various aspects of the genesis of ore mineralization depending on the redox state of magmas (as a logical continuation of S. Ishihara’s works), fluids, and host rocks. These problems were inadequately poorly explored and discussed by researchers dealing with ore deposits. Various possible variants of ore-forming redox processes for different types of mineral deposits, with ore mineralization affiliated to granites (Ta, Sn, W, Mo, and Be) and mafic magmas (Au, Ag, U, Cu, Zn, Pb, As, Sb, and Hg) and, accordingly, to crustal and mantle origin, are discussed. On the basis of analyzed geological data, including those published over the past three decades, it is shown that the redox state of ore-producing magmas commonly significantly impacted not only the ore potential of magmatic complexes but also the genetic type of the ore mineralization. The redox state of the fluids predetermined the transport and precipitation speciation of metals. Influence mechanisms of hydrocarbons from sedimentary country rocks and gaseous products of their pyrolysis on ore deposition of various metals are considered. Understanding these mechanisms can be helpful for predicting the possible precipitation sites of ore mineralization of noble, radioactive, and chalcophile metals.  相似文献   

Zhang  Hongjie  Fan  Haifeng  Xiao  Chaoyi  Wen  Hanjie  Ye  Lin  Huang  Zhilong  Zhou  Jiaxi  Guo  Qingjun 《中国地球化学学报》2019,38(5):642-653

The Sichuan–Yunnan–Guizhou (SYG) metallogenic province of southwest China is one of the most important Zn–Pb ore zones in China, with ~ 200 Mt Zn–Pb ores at mean grades of 10 wt.% Zn and 5 wt.% Pb. The source and mechanism of the regional Zn–Pb mineralization remain controversial despite many investigations that have been conducted. The Wusihe Zn–Pb deposit is a representative large-scale Zn–Pb deposit in the northern SYG, which mainly occurs in the Dengying Formation and yields Zn–Pb resources of ~ 3.7 Mt. In this paper, Zn and S isotopes, and Fe and Cd contents of sphalerite from the Wusihe deposit were investigated in an attempt to constrain the controls on Zn and S isotopic variations, the potential sources of ore-forming components, and the possible mineralization mechanisms. Both the δ66Zn and δ34S values in sphalerite from the Wusihe deposit increase systematically from the bottom to the top of the strata-bound orebodies. Such spatial evolution in δ66Zn and δ34S values of sphalerite can be attributed to isotopic Rayleigh fractionation during sphalerite precipitation with temperature variations. The strong correlations between the Zn–S isotopic compositions and Fe–Cd concentrations in sphalerite suggest that their variations were dominated by a similar mechanism. However, the Rayleigh fractionation mechanism cannot explain the spatial variations of Fe and Cd concentrations of sphalerite in this deposit. It is noted that the bottom and top sphalerites from the strata-bound orebodies document contrasting Zn and S isotopic compositions which correspond to the Zn and S isotopic characteristics of basement rocks and host rocks, respectively. Therefore, the mixing of two-source fluids with distinct Zn–S isotopic signatures was responsible for the spatial variations of Zn–S isotopic compositions of sphalerite from the Wusihe deposit. The fluids from basement rocks are characterized by relatively lighter Zn (~ 0.2 ‰) and S (~ 5 ‰) isotopic compositions while the fluids from host rocks are marked by relatively heavier Zn (~ 0.6 ‰) and S (~ 15 ‰) isotopic compositions.


The Dongsheng sandstone-type uranium deposit is one of the large-sized sandstone-type uranium deposits discovered in the northern part of the Ordos Basin of China in recent years. Geochemical characteristics of the Dongsheng uranium deposit are significantly different from those of the typical interlayered oxidized sandstone-type uranium ore deposits in the region of Middle Asia. Fluid inclusion studies of the uranium deposit showed that the uranium ore-forming temperatures are within the range of 150–160℃. Their 3He/4He ratios are within the range of 0.02–1.00 R/Ra, about 5–40 times those of the crust. Their 40Ar/36Ar ratios vary from 584 to 1243, much higher than the values of atmospheric argon. The δ18OH2O and δD values of fluid inclusions from the uranium deposit are -3.0‰– -8.75‰ and -55.8‰– -71.3‰, respectively, reflecting the characteristics of mixed fluid of meteoric water and magmatic water. The δ18OH2O and δD values of kaolinite layer at the bottom of the uranium ore deposit are 6.1‰ and -77‰, respectively, showing the characteristics of magmatic water. The δ13CV-PDB and δ18OH2O values of calcite veins in uranium ores are -8.0‰ and 5.76‰, respectively, showing the characteristics of mantle source. Geochemical characteristics of fluid inclusions indicated that the ore-formation fluid for the Dongsheng uranium deposit was a mixed fluid of meteoric water and deep-source fluid from the crust. It was proposed that the Jurassic-Cretaceous U-rich metamorphic rocks and granites widespread in the northern uplift area of the Ordos Basin had been weathered and denudated and the ore-forming elements, mainly uranium, were transported by meteoric waters to the Dongsheng region, where uranium ores were formed. Tectonothermal events and magmatic activities in the Ordos Basin during the Mesozoic made fluids in the deep interior and oil/gas at shallow levels upwarp along the fault zone and activated fractures, filling into U-bearing clastic sandstones, thus providing necessary energy for the formation of uranium ores.  相似文献   

The Huangshaping Pb–Zn–W–Mo polymetallic deposit, located in southern Hunan Province, China, is one of the largest deposits in the region and is unique for its metals combination of Pb–Zn–W–Mo and the occurrence of significant reserves of all these metals. The deposit contains disseminated scheelite and molybdenite within a skarn zone located between Jurassic granitoids and Carboniferous sedimentary carbonate, and sulfide ores located within distal carbonate-hosted stratiform orebodies. The metals and fluids that formed the W–Mo mineralization were derived from granitoids, as indicated by their close spatial and temporal relationships. However, the source of the Pb–Zn mineralization in this deposit remains controversial.Here, we present new sulfur, lead, and strontium isotope data of sulfide minerals (pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, and pyrite) from the Pb–Zn mineralization within the deposit, and these data are compared with those of granitoids and sedimentary carbonate in the Huangshaping deposit, thereby providing insights into the genesis of the Pb–Zn mineralization. These data indicate that the sulfide ores from deep levels in the Huangshaping deposit have lower and more consistent δ34S values (− 96 m level: + 4.4‰ to + 6.6‰, n = 13) than sulfides within the shallow part of the deposit (20 m level: + 8.3‰ to + 16.3‰, n = 19). The δ34S values of deep sulfides are compositionally similar to those of magmatic sulfur within southern Hunan Province, whereas the shallower sulfides most likely contain reduced sulfur derived from evaporite sediments. The sulfide ores in the Huangshaping deposit have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707662–0.709846) that lie between the values of granitoids (0.709654–0.718271) and sedimentary carbonate (0.707484–0.708034) in the Huangshaping deposit, but the ratios decreased with time, indicating that the ore-forming fluids were a combination of magmatic and formation-derived fluids, with the influence of the latter increasing over time. The lead isotopic compositions of sulfide ores do not correlate with sulfide type and define a linear trend in a 207Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb diagram that is distinct from the composition of the disseminated pyrite within sedimentary carbonates and granitoids in the Huangshaping deposit, but is similar to the lead isotopic composition of sulfides within coeval skarn Pb–Zn deposits in southern Hunan Province. In addition, the sulfide ores have old signatures with relative high 207Pb/206Pb ratios, suggesting that the underlying Paleoproterozoic basement within southern Hunan Province may be the source of metals within the Huangshaping deposit.The isotope geochemistry of sulfide ores in the Huangshaping deposit shows a remarkable mixed source of sulfur and ore-forming fluids, and the metals were derived from the basement. These features are not found in representative skarn-type Pb–Zn mineralization located elsewhere. The ore-forming elements (S, Pb, and Zn) from the granitoids made an insignificant contribution to sulfide precipitation in this deposit. However, the emplacement of granitoids did provide large amounts of heat and fluids to the hydrothermal system in this area and extracted metals from the basement rocks, indicating that the Jurassic magmatism associated with the Huangshaping deposit was crucial to the Pb–Zn mineralization.  相似文献   

The Úrkút manganese deposit, one of the World's largest, is located in the central part of the Transdanubian Range, western Hungary. The deposit is interbedded with Mesozoic limemarlstone. The Fe-Mn-oxide indications of a feeder and mound zone embedded in limemarlstone at the footwall of the Mn-carbonate ore deposit were studied using 45 samples (Úrkút Mine, Shaft III, deep level). Microstructural and textural (optical microscopy, SEM-EDS) observations, mineralogy (XRD-μXRD), and geochemistry (ICP, C and O by IR-MS) were used to characterize the host marlstone and the Fe-Mn oxides of the feeder and mound zone. High-resolution in situ and bulk organic matter analyses were performed for the first time using GC–MS, FTIR-ATR, and Raman spectroscopy. Stromatolite-like, filamentous and coccoid microstuctures built up of Fe-Mn-oxides (ferrihydrite, goethite, manganite, pyrolusite, hollandite, birnessite, hausmannite) and silica occur in the micritic marlstone host rock among common calcite biodebris (microfossils and Echinozoa fragments) and rare detrital clasts (quartz, feldspar). The clay minerals occur as greenish patches in the limemarlstone and show boring traces. The calcite matrix of the limemarlstone and idiomorphic dolomite are authigenic. δ13CPDB values of the carbonate in the host limemarlstone reflect greater organic matter contributions approaching the mineralized areas (0.64 to − 21.35‰). Temperature calculation based on δ18OSMOW values of the carbonate, assuming equilibrium conditions, show elevated temperatures toward the mineralized areas (9.93 to 29.87‰). In places, the Mn oxides appear with Fe oxides in laminated, micro-stromatolite-like structures. In these oxide zones, variable kinds of organic compounds occur as intercalated microlaminae identified by FTIR and Raman line-profile analyses as aromatic hydrocarbons. Results indicate that metal-bearing fluids infiltered the unconsolidated micritic limemarl. Fe-oxide enrichment occurred most probably through iron oxidizing microbes under suboxic, neutrophilic conditions, while Mn oxide formed most probably by active surface catalyses. At the sediment/water interface, Fe-Mn-oxide stromatolite mounds (chimneys) formed in rift zones from the discharge of fluids of elevated temperature. The host marl itself may have originated by microbially mediated reactions (clay minerals and calcite micrite).  相似文献   

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