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In this paper we present new zircon U–Pb ages, Hf isotope data, and whole-rock major and trace element data for Early Mesozoic intrusive rocks in the Erguna Massif of NE China, and we use these data to constrain the history of southward subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate, and its influence on NE China as a whole. The zircon U–Pb dating indicates that Early Mesozoic magmatic activity in the Erguna Massif can be subdivided into four stages at ~ 246 Ma, ~ 225 Ma, ~ 205 Ma, and ~ 185 Ma. The ~ 246 Ma intrusive rocks comprise a suite of high-K calc-alkaline diorites, quartz diorites, granodiorites, monzogranites, and syenogranites, with I-type affinities. The ~ 225 Ma intrusive rocks consist of gabbro–diorites and granitoids, and they constitute a bimodal igneous association. The ~ 205 Ma intrusive rocks are dominated by calc-alkaline I-type granitoids that are accompanied by subordinate intermediate–mafic rocks. The ~ 185 Ma intrusive rocks are dominated by I-type granitoids, accompanied by minor amounts of A-types. These Early Mesozoic granitoids mainly originated by partial melting of a depleted and heterogeneous lower crust, whereas the coeval mafic rocks were probably derived from partial melting of a depleted mantle modified by subduction-related fluids. The rock associations and their geochemical features indicate that the ~ 246 Ma, ~ 205 Ma, and ~ 185 Ma intrusive rocks formed in an active continental margin setting related to the southward subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate. The ~ 225 Ma bimodal igneous rock association formed within an extensional environment in a pause during the subduction process of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate. Every magmatic stage has its own corresponding set of porphyry deposits in the southeast of the Mongol–Okhotsk suture belt. Taking all this into account, we conclude the following: (1) during the Early Mesozoic, the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate was subducted towards the south beneath the Erguna Massif, but with a pause in subduction at ~ 225 Ma; and (2) the southward subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate not only caused the intense magmatic activity, but was also favorable to the formation of porphyry deposits.  相似文献   


In this study, Early Cretaceous skarn deposits and genesis of their host diorite/monzodiorite porphyry in the Xuzhou-Huaibei (Xu-Huai) region, northern Anhui-Jiangsu have been discussed by detailed geochemical work. In-situ zircon U–Pb dating of the diorites related to Fe–Cu–Au deposits shows that they were formed between 131.4 ± 1.5 Ma and 130.8 ± 1.8 Ma. Geochemical data indicate a depletion of high field strength elements (HFSE) in the diorite porphyry with similarity to that of arc-related igneous rocks. The diorite porphyry was probably derived from typical arc magmas related to continental margin subduction characterized by light rare earth elements (LREEs) enrichment and HFSE depletion. REEs compositions of apatite in the diorite porphyry indicate that the dioritic magma was produced from the metasomatized subcontinental mantle by slab-derived fluids. The magma was proven to be a high oxygen fugacity; thus, it was particularly conducive to the precipitation of Fe, Cu, Au and other ore-forming elements. The δ34S values of pyrite and chalcopyrite of Fe–Cu–Au ores range from ?0.2‰ to 2.8‰, indicating that the sulphur in the ore was probably derived from deep-seated magmas. Integrated with geochronological and geochemical analyses, we suggest that the Early Cretaceous igneous suites associated with Fe–Cu–Au deposits in the Xu-Huai region are related to recycling subduction of Pacific oceanic crust.  相似文献   

The Aolunhua porphyry Mo–Cu deposit is located in the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC), and belongs to the northern part of the Xilamulun metallogenic belt. More than 90% of the mineralization occurs within the Aolunhua monzogranite-porphyry; a small part is hosted within quartz veins that crosscut Late Permian strata. The syenogranite, occurring as dikes and cutting through the Aolunhua monzogranite-porphyry, is radially distributed in the mining district. Zircon U–Pb ages show that the Aolunhua monzogranite-porphyry and the post-ore syenogranite have concordant 206Pb/238U ages of 138.7 ± 1.2 Ma and 131.4 ± 2.8 Ma, respectively. Based on analyses of major, trace elements and Hf-isotopes, the Aolunhua porphyry is characterized by high Sr low Y with high La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios typical of adakitic granites, whereas the post-ore syenogranite has lower Sr and higher Y values, showing apparently negative Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.26 to 0.31). The Hf isotopic composition of the Aolunhua porphyry [εHf(t) = + 3.6 to + 9.2] and the post-ore syenogranite [εHf(t) = + 3.6 to + 8.7] indicates that both juvenile crustal sources and depleted mantle contributed to their origin. The regional geological setting together with the discrepancy of geochemistry between the Aolunhua porphyry and the post-ore syenogranite probably indicates that they formed in different tectonic regimes. The Aolunhua porphyry is derived from partial melting of the thickened crust due to underplating of the basaltic magma under the transformation tectonic regime, while the post-ore syenogranite comes from the crustal root melting during the lithospheric delamination stage under the lithosphere thinning regime of northeast China.  相似文献   

The Tongling district is one of the most important non‐ferrous metal producers in China. The origin of Cu–Au deposits in the region is closely related to Late Mesozoic intermediate intrusions, which are mainly high‐K calc‐alkaline and shoshonitic series. Geochemical characteristics indicate that these granitic rocks are mixtures of more than two compositional end‐members, i.e. mantle‐derived melts and crust components incorporated through assimilation. Three important magmatic intrusions related to the Cu–Au deposits in the Tongling region – the Jiguanshi quartz monzodiorite, the Xishizishan quartz diorite and the Miaojia diorite porphyry – were selected for this study. Zircon U–Pb dating by LA ICP‐MS yielded two groups of ages (~130–132 and 138–140 Ma) for these intrusions. Pyrite Re–Os age for the Xinqiao Cu–Fe–S deposit in the Tongling region is 126±11 Ma. Trace elements of zircon grains show that the earlier Cu–Au mineralization event was associated with adakitic rocks characterized by high positive Ce anomalies, produced at an elevated oxygen fugacity range. In contrast, later iron‐sulphur mineralization was closely related to low positive Ce anomalies, reflecting low oxygen fugacities. Considering that Pacific lithospheric subduction was the dominant factor that controlled major tectonic evolution in eastern China during the Early Cretaceous, the geochemical characteristics of these coeval ore‐forming intermediate intrusive rocks in the Tongling district were likely the result of Pacific plate underflow.  相似文献   

We present new zircon U–Pb–Hf and whole-rock geochemical data for volcanic rocks along the eastern margin of the Xing'an Massif of NE China in order to further our understanding of the history of subduction towards the SE and the spatial extent of the Mongol–Okhotsk tectonic regime. Zircon U–Pb dating indicates that the Triassic volcanism in the Xing'an Massif occurred in two stages during the Middle (ca. 242 Ma) and Late (ca. 223–228 Ma) Triassic. Middle Triassic basaltic andesites in the Heihe area have an affinity to arc-type volcanic rocks. The zircon εHf(t) values (+ 8.5 to + 12.7) suggest that the primary magma was generated by the partial melting of a relatively depleted mantle wedge that had been metasomatized by subduction-related fluids. The Late Triassic andesites in the Handaqi area exhibit geochemical affinities to high-Mg adakitic andesites. Their zircon εHf(t) values (+ 11.5 to + 14.5) and TDM2 ages (313–484 Ma) indicate that their primary magma was derived from the partial melting of a young subducted oceanic crust, followed by interaction with melts derived from mantle peridotite. The Late Triassic basaltic andesites, andesites, and dacites in the Zhalantun–Moguqi area have features similar to those of igneous rocks formed in subduction zones. Their zircon εHf(t) values (+ 8.4 to + 15.4) and TDM1 ages (260–542 Ma) indicate that their primary magma was derived from the partial melting of a depleted mantle wedge that had been metasomatized by subduction-related fluids. These data suggest that the Triassic volcanic rocks of the Xing'an Massif formed in an active continental margin setting associated with the southward subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate towards the SE. We conclude that the Mongol–Okhotsk tectonic regime extended at least as far as the eastern margin of the Xing'an Massif, and that the tectonism spanned the period from the late Permian to early Early-Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Rocks with Paleoproterozoic Sm–Nd model ages (T Nd(DM) = 2096–2350 Ma) are the sources of protoliths with gneiss, amphibolite, marble, and calciphyre of Yurovsk rise. This fact makes possible estimation of the lower age boundary of the formation of the crystalline basement of Yurovsk rise as Paleoproterozoic. According to the results of Sm–Nd, U–Pb (SHRIMP), and Pb–Pb geochronological studies, two isotope provinces are distinguished within the crystalline basement of the Okhotsk massif. The Paleoarchean province occupies the territory of Kukhtui rise, in which crust-forming processes played a key role (3250–3650 Ma). The Paleoproterozoic province includes Yurovsk rise, in which the major stages of crust formation have an age of 1900–2350 Ma.  相似文献   

U–Pb dating and Hf isotopic analyses of zircons from various granitoids, combined with major and trace element analyses, were undertaken to determine the petrogenesis and geodynamic setting of Neoproterozoic and Late Paleozoic magmatism in the Manzhouli–Erguna area of Inner Mongolia, China. The Neoproterozoic granitoids are mainly biotite monzogranites with zircon U–Pb ages of 894 ± 13 Ma and 880 ± 10 Ma, and they are characterised by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs; e.g., Rb, Ba, K) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), depletion in high field strength elements (HFSEs; e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs). The Late Devonian granitoids are dominantly syenogranites and mylonitised syenogranites with zircon U–Pb ages of 360 ± 4 Ma, and they form a bimodal magmatic association with subordinate gabbroic rocks of the same age. The Late Devonian syenogranites have A-type characteristics including high total alkalis, Zr, Nb, Ce and Y contents, and high FeOt/MgO, Ga/Al and Rb/Sr ratios. The Carboniferous granitoids are mainly tonalites, granodiorites and monzogranites with U–Pb ages varying from 319 to 306 Ma, and they show very strong adakitic characteristics such as high La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios but low Y and Yb contents. The Late Permian granitoids are dominated by monzogranites and syenogranites with zircon U–Pb ages ranging between 257 and 251 Ma. Isotopically, the εHf(t) values of the Neoproterozoic granitoids range from +4.3 to +8.3, and the two-stage model ages (TDM2) from 1.2 to 1.5 Ga. The Late Devonian granitoids are less radiogenic [εHf(t) from +12.0 to +12.8 and TDM2 from 545 to 598 Ma] than the Carboniferous [εHf(t) from +6.8 to +9.5 and TDM2 from 722 to 894 Ma] and Late Permian granitoids [εHf(t) from +6.1 to +9.4 and TDM2 in the range of 680–895 Ma]. These data indicate (1) the Neoproterozoic granitoids may have been generated by melting of a juvenile crust extracted from the mantle during the Mesoproterozoic, probably during or following the final stages of assembly of Rodinia as a result of the collision and amalgamation of Australia and the Tarim Craton; (2) the Late Devonian granitoids may have formed by partial melting of a new mantle-derived juvenile crust in a post-orogenic extensional setting; (3) the Carboniferous granitoids appear to have been produced by melting of garnet-bearing amphibolites within a thickened continental crust during and following the collision of the Songnen and Erguna–Xing’an terranes; and (4) the Late Permian granitoids may have been generated by melting of garnet-free amphibolites within the Neoproterozoic juvenile continental crust, probably in the post-collisional tectonic setting that followed the collision of the North China and Siberian cratons.  相似文献   

Eastern and western portions of the Jinchuan ultramafic intrusion have previously been interpreted as dismembered segments of a single elongate intrusion by late faults. However, the different stratigraphic sequences of the two portions indicate that they are originally two separate intrusions, referred to as Eastern and Western intrusions in this study. The Eastern intrusion is characterized by a concentric distribution of rock types with a core of sulfide dunite enveloped by lherzolite, whereas the Western intrusion is composed of the Upper and Lower units, interpreted as magmatic mega cycles with regular variations in lithology and chemistry. In the Western intrusion, the Upper unit consists of fine-grained dunite, lherzolite, and pyroxenite from its base to its top. The MgO contents decrease upward from the dunites (42–45 wt.%) to the lherzolites (36–41 wt.%), while Al2O3 and incompatible elements increase upward. In contrast, the Lower unit consists of coarse-grained dunites and lherzolites containing 37–40 and 28–35 wt.% MgO, respectively. Sharp contacts between the Upper and Lower units and fine-grained dunite xenoliths at the top of the Lower unit indicate that the Lower unit intruded along the base of the Upper unit. Disseminated and net-textured sulfides primarily occur in the Lower unit and comprise the no. 24 ore body. Very low S contents (<100 ppm) of the wall rocks at Jinchuan indicate that they were not the source of S causing sulfide immiscibility. Sulfide segregation more likely occurred in deep-seated magma chambers, and sulfides were deposited in the Western intrusion when sulfide-bearing magmas passed through the intrusion. In contrast, the Eastern intrusion was formed by injections of sulfide-free and sulfide-bearing olivine-crystal mushes, respectively, from another deep-seated staging magma chamber. The Eastern and Western intrusions and the deep-seated magma chambers comprise a complicated magma plumbing system at Jinchuan. Normal faults played a significant role in the formation of the magma plumbing system and provided pathways for the magmas.  相似文献   

Alan R. Hastie  Andrew C. Kerr 《Earth》2010,98(3-4):283-293
The Caribbean oceanic plateau formed in the Pacific realm when it erupted onto the Farallon plate from the Galapagos hotspot at ~ 90 Ma. The plateau was subsequently transported to the northeast and collided with the Great Arc of the Caribbean thus initiating subduction polarity reversal and the consequent tectonic emplacement of the Caribbean plate between the North and South American continents. The plateau represents a large outpouring of mafic volcanism, which has been interpreted as having formed by melting of a hot mantle plume. Conversely, some have suggested that a slab window could be involved in forming the plateau. However, the source regions of oceanic plateaus are distinct from N-MORB (the likely source composition for slab window mafic rocks). Furthermore, melt modelling using primitive (high MgO) Caribbean oceanic plateau lavas from Curaçao, shows that the primary magmas of the plateau contained ~ 20 wt.% MgO and were derived from 30 to 32% partial melting of a fertile peridotite source region which had a potential temperature (Tp) of 1564–1614 °C. Thus, the Caribbean oceanic plateau lavas are derived from decompression melting of a hot upwelling mantle plume with excess heat relative to ambient upper mantle. Extensional decompression partial melting of sub-slab asthenosphere in a slab window with an ambient mantle Tp cannot produce enough melt to form a plateau. The formation of the Caribbean oceanic plateau by melting of ambient upper mantle in a slab window setting, is therefore, highly improbable.  相似文献   

Fractionation between Nb and Ta, elements generally regarded as geochemical ‘identical twins’, is a key to deciphering the formation of the continental crust (CC). Here we show that Nb/Ta of rutile grains in eclogitic rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) project are remarkably heterogeneous but overall subchondritic at core depths of 100–700 m, and are less variable and mainly suprachondritic at core depths of 700–3025 m, indicating clear Nb/Ta fractionation across a subducted slab. To understand the potential mechanism of Nb/Ta fractionation within the subducted plate, we analysed by laser ablation ICPMS a thermal migration experiment in which a wet andesite was placed in a large thermal gradient (300°C/cm with ends ranging from 950–350°C) at 0.5Gpa. Results show that Nb, Ta and Ti, driven by the thermal gradient, preferentially migrate by diffusion through supercritical fluids into the cooler end of the experiment (at 650–350°C). Due to contrasting Nb and Ta thermal migration patterns, dramatic fractionation between Nb, Ta, and Ti took place in the cooler end. Experimental results are consistent with the measured Nb, Ta in rutile from CCSD drillhole samples. We consider that major fractionation between Nb, Ta must occur before rutile appears, most likely during the prograde blueschist to amphibole–eclogite transformation, when Ti is also mobile. Before rutile appears, partitioning between Ti‐rich dominant minerals such as amphiboles and fluids in the hotter region where dehydration preferentially occurs, produces Nb–Ta–Ti‐rich fluids with subchondritic Nb/Ta, and dehydration residues with suprachondritic Nb/Ta. Meanwhile, owing to evolution of the thermal gradient within the subducting slab, thermal migration of Nb, Ta, and Ti in aqueous fluids result in Nb, Ta, and Ti enrichment in the cooler region and depletion in the hotter region. As a result of high‐pressure metamorphism, hydrous rutile‐rich eclogites with overall subchondritic Nb/Ta form in the cooler region, whereas relatively anhydrous rutile‐poor eclogites with suprachondritic Nb/Ta form in the hotter region. Subsequently, partial melting of hydrous rutile‐rich eclogites with initial subchondritic Nb/Ta at deeper levels transfers overall subchondritic Nb/Ta coupled with Nb, Ta, and Ti depletion characteristics to the CC, leaving dry rutile‐poor eclogites with suprachondritic Nb/Ta and rutile‐rich residual eclogites with overall, heterogeneous subchondritic Nb/Ta as a complementary reservoir to the CC.  相似文献   

TPost-orogenic intrusive complexes from the Sulu belt of eastern China consist of pyroxene monzonites and dioritic porphyrites. We report new U–Pb zircon ages, geochemical data, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data for these rocks. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry U–Pb zircon analyses yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 127.4 ± 1.2 Ma for dioritic porphyrites, consistent with crystallization ages (126 Ma) of the associated pyroxene monzonites. The intrusive complexes are characterized by enrichment in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements (i.e. Rb, Ba, Pb, and Th) and depletion in heavy rare earth elements and high field strength elements (i.e. Nb, Ta, P, and Ti), high (87Sr/86Sr)i ranging from 0.7083 to 0.7093, low ?Nd(t) values from ?14.6 to ? 19.2, 206Pb/204Pb = 16.65–17.18, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.33–15.54, and 208Pb/204Pb = 36.83–38.29. Results suggest that these intermediate plutons were derived from different sources. The primary magma-derived pyroxene monzonites resulted from partial melting of enriched mantle hybridized by melts of foundered lower crustal eclogitic materials before magma generation. In contrast, the parental magma of the dioritic porphyrites was derived from partial melting of mafic lower crust beneath the Wulian region induced by the underplating of basaltic magmas. The intrusive complexes may have been generated by subsequent fractionation of clinopyroxene, potassium feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, hornblende, ilmenite, and rutile. Neither was affected by crustal contamination. Combined with previous studies, these findings provide evidence that a Neoproterozoic batholith lies beneath the Wulian region.  相似文献   

Basaltic porphyries from the northeast North China craton (NCC) provide an excellent opportunity to examine the nature of their mantle source and the secular evolution of the underlying mantle lithosphere. In addition, the study helps to constrain the age and the mechanism of NCC lithospheric destruction. In this paper, we report geochronological, geochemical, and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses of a suite of mafic lavas. Detailed laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) zircon U–Pb dating yielded an age of 223.3 ± 1.1 million years, which we regard as representing the crystallization age of the basaltic porphyries. The bulk-rock analysed samples are enriched in both large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) (i.e. Ba, Sr, and Pb) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), but depleted in high field strong elements (HFSEs) (i.e. Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, and Ti) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), without significant Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*?= 089–0.98). The basaltic porphyries have undergone low degrees (~5%) of partial melting of a garnet-bearing lherzolite mantle. The rocks display very uniform (87Sr/86Sr) i (0.70557–0.70583) and negative ?Nd (t) values (–11.9 to –10.1). These features indicate that the western Liaoning basaltic porphyries were derived from a common enriched lithosphere mantle that had previously been metasomatized by fluids related to subduction of Palaeo-Asian sedimentary units. However, the mafic melts were not affected to a significant degree by crustal contamination. Based on earlier studies, these findings provide new evidence that the northeast margin of the NCC had undergone a phase of post-orogenic extensional tectonics during the Middle Triassic. Furthermore, lithospheric thinning occurring across the northern NCC might have been initiated during Early Triassic times and was likely controlled by the final closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean, as well as the collision of Mongolian arc terrenes with the NCC.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks preserved in the Lampang–Den Chai area in NW Thailand are important components of the giant Paleotethyan igneous belt. Constraining their age and petrogenesis is critical for better understanding their temporal-spatial relationship with the Lancangjiang igneous zone and the Paleotethyan tectonic evolution in SE Asia. The volcanic suite is constituted by intermediate to acid rocks with zircon U–Pb ages of 240.4 ± 1.7 Ma and 240.6 ± 1.9 Ma for the representative andesitic and rhyolitic samples, respectively. Volcanic sequence is dominated by calc-alkaline andesites, dacites and rhyolites. The andesitic and dacitic samples are characterized by high Mg# (37–57) and TiO2 (0.91–1.59 wt%), and can be classified as high-Mg series. They are enriched in LILEs and LREEs and depleted in HFSEs. Representative andesitic samples have 87Sr/86Sr (i) ratios of 0.70398–0.70567, εNd (t) values of +3.6–+3.9, zircon εHf (t) values of +2.8–+8.0 and δ18O values of 7.01–8.11‰, respectively. The rhyolitic samples are characterized by high Mg# (38–70) and low TiO2 (0.25–0.61 wt%). They are enriched in LILEs and LREEs, along with 87Sr/86Sr (i) = 0.70468–0.70645, εNd (t) = +2.0–+4.3 and zircon εHf (t) = +5.7–+13.6. Geochemical signatures suggest that the andesitic and dacitic samples might originate from a newly modified mantle source by slab-derived fluids and recycled sediments, and rhyolitic samples were derived from juvenile mafic crust. It is proposed that the Middle Triassic high-Mg volcanic rocks in the Lampang–Den Chai area formed in response to slab roll-back during transition of tectonic regime from subduction to continental collision between the Sibumasu and Indochina blocks. These rocks constitute part of the Chiang Khong–Lampang–Tak igneous zone, and can northerly link with the Lancangjiang igneous zone and southerly extend to the Chanthaburi, Malaysia and Singapore areas.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1842-1863

The late Mesozoic magmatic record within the Erguna Block is critical to evaluate the tectonic history and geodynamic evolution of the Great Xing’an Range, NE China. Here, we provide geochronological and geochemical data on Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous plutonic-volcanic rocks in the northern Erguna Block and discuss their origin within a regional tectonic framework. Late Mesozoic magmatism in the Erguna Block can be divided into two major periods: Late Jurassic (162–150 Ma) and Early Cretaceous (140–125 Ma). Late Jurassic quartz monzonite and dacite show adakite characteristics such as high Al2O3, high Sr, and steeply fractionated REE patterns. Contemporary granitoids and rhyolites are also characterized by strong enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREE) and significant depletion in heavy rare earth elements (HREE), but with more pronounced negative Eu anomalies. Early Cretaceous trachytes and monzoporphyries exhibit moderate LREE enrichment and relatively flat HREE distributions. Coeval granites and rhyolites have transitional signatures between A-type and fractionated I-type felsic rocks. Both Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous rocks have distinctive negative Nb, Ta, and Ti anomalies, and positive zircon εHf(t) values, suggesting that these magmas were derived from partial melting of Meso-Neoproterozoic accreted lower crust, although melting occurred at a variety of crustal levels. The transition from adakite to non-adakite magmatism reflects continued crustal thinning from Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. Our data, together with recently reported isotopic data for plutonic and volcanic rocks, as well as geochemical data, in NE China, suggest that Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous magmatism in the Erguna Block was possibly induced by post-collisional extension after closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean.  相似文献   

Eclogites from the Roberts Victor mine, Kaapvaal craton are classic examples of subducted Achaean oceanic crust brought up as xenoliths by kimberlite. New in situ trace element and oxygen isotope data (18O=3.09–6.99 SMOW) presented here reemphasise their origin from seawater-altered plagioclase-rich precursors. Their Hf–Nd isotopic compositions are not in agreement with compositions predicted by geochemical modelling of the isotopic composition of aged subducted oceanic crust. Instead, Hf isotopic compositions are very heterogeneous, varying between 0.281625 and 0.355077 (–37.8 and +2561 Hf) at the time of kimberlite emplacement (128 Ma) in keeping with equally variable Nd isotopic compositions (0.511124–0.545092; –26.3 to +636 Nd). However, most samples plot on the terrestrial array. The isotopic compositions of some samples are too extreme to play a major role in mixed peridotite-eclogite melting in basalt source regions, whereas the isotopic composition of other samples is reconcilable with a contribution of up to ca. 15% of eclogite partial melt to the MORB source. Most importantly, our results show that ancient subducted oceanic crust is not isotopically homogeneous and should not be treated as a component or reservoir during geochemical modelling. The heterogeneity reflects radiogenic in-growth starting from small compositional heterogeneities in gabbroic protoliths, followed by modification during sea-floor alteration, subduction and emplacement into the subcratonic lithosphere.  相似文献   

The early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Xing'an-Mongolian Orogenic Belt is dominated by two oceanic basins on the northwestern and southeastern sides of the Xing'an Block,i.e.,the Xinlin-Xiguitu Ocean and the Nenjiang Ocean.However,the early development of the Nenjiang Ocean remains unclear.Here,we present zircon U-Pb geochronology and whole-rock elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic data on the gabbros in the Xinglong area together with andesitic tuffs and basalts in the Duobaoshan area.LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of gabbros and andesitic tuffs yielded crystallization ages of 443-436 Ma and 452-451 Ma,respectively.The Early Silurian Xinglong gabbros show calc-alkaline and E-MORB affinities but they are enriched in LILEs,and depleted in HFSEs,with relatively low U/Th ratios of 0.18-0.36 andεNd(t)values of-1.6 to+0.5.These geochemical features suggest that the gabbros might originate from a mantle wedge modified by pelagic sediment-derived melts,consistent with a back-arc basin setting.By contrast,the andesitic tuffs are characterized by high MgO(>5 wt.%),Cr(138-200 ppm),and Ni(65-110 ppm)contents,and can be termed as high-Mg andesites.Their low Sr/Y ratios of 15.98-17.15 and U/Th values of 0.24-0.25 and moderate(La/Sm)_n values of 3.07-3.26 are similar to those from the Setouchi Volcanic Belt(SW Japan),and are thought to be derived from partial melting of subducted sediments,and subsequent melt-mantle interaction.The Duobaoshan basalts have high Nb(8.44-10.30 ppm)and TiO2 contents(1.17-1.60 wt.%),typical of Nb-enriched basalts.They are slightly younger than regional adakitic rocks and have positiveεNd(t)values of+5.2 to+5.7 and are interpreted to be generated by partial melting of a depleted mantle source metasomatized by earlier adakitic melts.Synthesized with coeval arc-related igneous rocks from the southeastern Xing'an Block,we propose that the Duobaoshan high-Mg andesitic tuffs and Nbenriched basalts are parts of the Late Ordovician and Silurian Sonid Zuoqi-Duobaoshan arc belt,and they were formed by the northwestern subduction of the Nenjiang Ocean.Such a subduction beneath the integrated Xing'an-Erguna Block also gave rise to the East Ujimqin-Xinglong igneous belt in a continental back-arc basin setting.Our new data support an early Paleozoic arc-back-arc model in the northern Great Xing'an Range.  相似文献   

Following the amalgamation of the Siberian and North China Cratons, NE China, as part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), underwent Late Mesozoic lithospheric extension that was associated with volcanic activity. The Songliao Basin is the most important rift structure formed during these processes and contains voluminous volcanic rocks interlayered with sedimentary infill. Mafic-to-intermediate lavas are associated with felsic ones. This study focusses on the geochemical compositions of the less-widespread Early Cretaceous mafic-to-intermediate lavas in the Songliao Basin and compares them with the more abundant felsic rocks. Two mafic-to-intermediate magma series, one with alkaline and the other with sub-alkaline affinity, were identified. High MgO and Cr contents, low Th/Nb and La/Nb ratios, and variable but depleted Nd isotope compositions indicate that both magma suites were most likely formed by the melting of enriched upper mantle sources. Sub-alkaline mafic-to-intermediate rocks and I-type rhyolites define a co-genetic magma series. This rock suite was produced by the melting of subduction-modified lithospheric mantle and subsequent magma evolution as well as crustal melting during lithospheric extension. Alkaline mafic-to-intermediate rocks and A-type rhyolites form another co-genetic magma suite that was produced under within-plate conditions from an OIB-type mantle source, supposed to be the heterogeneous shallow asthenosphere and/or the lower lithosphere. Decompression partial melting of this mantle source requires a relatively thin lithosphere. The development of alkaline mafic rocks and A-type rhyolites as typical bimodal volcanic assemblage reflects that lithospheric thinning below the Songliao Basin reached its maximum, whereas basin rifting terminated afterwards.  相似文献   

The mass of volatiles emitted during volcanic eruptions is often estimated by comparing the volatile contents of undegassed melt inclusions, trapped in crystals at an early stage of magmatic evolution, with that of the degassed matrix glass. Here we present detailed characterisation of magmatic volatiles (H2O, CO2, S, Fl and Cl) of crystal-hosted melt and fluid inclusions from the 2014–2015 Holuhraun eruption of the Bárðarbunga volcanic system, Iceland. Based on the ratios of magmatic volatiles to similarly incompatible trace elements, the undegassed primary volatile contents of the Holuhraun parental melt are estimated at 1500–1700 ppm CO2, 0.13–0.16 wt% H2O, 60–80 ppm Cl, 130–240 ppm F and 500–800 ppm S. High-density fluid inclusions indicate onset of crystallisation at pressures?≥?0.4 GPa (~?12 km depth) promoting deep degassing of CO2. Prior to the onset of degassing, the melt CO2 content may have reached 3000–4000 ppm, with the total magmatic CO2 budget estimated at  23–55 Mt. SO2 release commenced at 0.12 GPa (~?3.6 km depth), eventually leading to entrapment of SO2 vapour in low-density fluid inclusions. We calculate the syn-eruptive volatile release as 22.2 Mt of magmatic H2O, 5.9–7.7 Mt CO2, and 11.3 Mt of SO2 over the course of the eruption; F and Cl release were insignificant. Melt inclusion constraints on syn-eruptive volatile release are similar to estimates made during in situ field monitoring, with the exception of H2O, where field measurements may be heavily biased by the incorporation of meteoric water.  相似文献   

The Wunugetushan porphyry Cu–Mo deposit is located in northeastern China. The deposit lies within the Mongolia–Erguna metallogenic belt, which is associated with the evolution of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean. The multiple episodes of magmatism in the ore district, occurred from 206 to 173 Ma, can be divided into pre-mineralization stage (biotite granite), mineralization stage (monzogranitic porphyry and rhyolitic porphyry), and post-mineralization stage (andesitic porphyry). The biotite granite has (87Sr/86Sr)i values of 0.704105–0.704706, εNd(t) values of ?0.67 to ?0.07, and εHf(t) values of ?0.4 to 2.8, yielding Hf two-stage model ages (TDM2) 1250–1067 Ma, and Nd model ages of 1.04–0.96 Ga, indicating that the pre-mineralization magmas were generated by the remelting of Neoproterozoic juvenile crustal material. The monzogranitic porphyry has (87Sr/86Sr)i values of 0.704707–0.706134, εNd(t) values of 0.29–1.33, and εHf(t) values of 1.0–2.9, yielding TDM2 model ages of 1173–1047 Ma. The rhyolitic porphyry has (87Sr/86Sr)i ratio of 0.702129, εNd(t) value of ?0.21, and εHf(t) values of ?0.5 to 7.1, TDM2 model ages from 1269 to 782 Ma. These results show that the magmas of mineralization stage were generated by the partial melting of juvenile crust mixed with mantle-derived components. The andesitic porphyry has (87Sr/86Sr)i ratio of 0.705284, εNd(t) value of 0.82, and εHf(t) values from 4.1 to 7.4, indicating that the post-mineralization magma source contained more mantle-derived material. The Mesozoic Cu–Mo deposits which genetically related to Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean were temporally distributed in Middle to Late Triassic (240–230 Ma), Early Jurassic (200–180 Ma), and Later Jurassic (160–150 Ma) period. The Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic Cu–Mo mineralization was dominated by Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate southeast-directed subducted beneath the Erguna massif. The Later Jurassic Cu–Mo mineralization was controlled by the continent–continent collision between Siberia plate and Erguna massif.  相似文献   

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