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以苏北地区为例, 在分析区域岩石学、构造地质学和成矿学资料的基础上, 结合江苏省地质调查院和江苏省地质矿产局第六地质大队有关区域地质调查和矿产资料, 初步建立了2个成矿系列, 即与超高压变质作用有关的金刚石-金红石-蛇纹石-蓝晶石-大理石成矿系列和与高压变质作用有关的磷-水晶-蓝晶石成矿系列.前者与印支期巨量物质超深俯冲有关, 后者与稍晚发生的高压-超高压变质带的折返事件有关.本区可能存在燕山期金、银多金属成矿系列, 在下一步地质找矿时值得注意.   相似文献   

There are four units of high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism extending from south to north across the Tongbai-Dabie Mountains: the epidote-blueschist-facies unit, the low-temperature eclogite facies unit , the ultrahigh-pressure eclngite facies unit and the medium-temperature eclogite facies unit . The later two units were formed during the Caledonian subduction between the Tongbai-Dabie microplate and the North China plate ,the former two units are the products of Indosinian continental-continental subduction and collision between the Yangtze and the North China plates.  相似文献   

高压—超高压变质流体的一种重要载体:名义上的无水矿物   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
夏群科 Rossm  .G 《地质论评》2000,46(5):461-465
本文运用显微傅立叶变换红外光谱技术对3个大别山榴辉岩中的石榴子石和绿辉石进行了观察,发现它们都含有结构水,以OH^-的形式赋存。结果表明,这些名义上的无水矿物可能是陆壳俯冲过程中将水携带进地球深部的重要载体;这些矿物中的结构水是孪质流体的组成部分之一;即使在超高压阶段,变质系统也并不是“干”的。  相似文献   

韦博  金振民  章军锋 《地球科学》2013,38(5):983-994
对超高压变质带中橄榄岩变形显微构造的研究, 有助于了解板块边界构造环境中地幔物质的流变性质和变形机制, 进而探讨其在深俯冲/折返过程中的地球动力学过程的作用.采用光学显微镜、电子探针、红外光谱、电子背散射衍射(EBSD)、位错氧化缀饰等多种方法系统研究了来自中国大别碧溪岭的石榴异剥橄榄岩中的变形显微构造.研究结果表明: (1)碧溪岭石榴异剥橄榄岩发育较好的形状优选方位, 但只有单斜辉石显示了强晶格优选方位, 而橄榄石晶格优选方位很弱, 与常见上地幔橄榄岩中单斜辉石组构弱而橄榄石组构强的特点差异显著, 反映了单斜辉石经历位错蠕变而橄榄石经历位错调节的颗粒边界滑移变形; (2)碧溪岭异剥橄榄岩中单斜辉石和橄榄石均含有一定量的结构水, 其中单斜辉石含水量124×10-6~274×10-6, 橄榄石含水量38×10-6~80×10-6, 高于常见造山带橄榄岩中各矿物的含水量, 可能反映了壳源物质混染引起的高含水量变形环境; (3)橄榄石中发育显著位错显微构造, 根据位错显微构造计算的变形差异应力为230~600 MPa, 高于正常上地幔稳态流变应力, 反映了俯冲带中的相对低温变形环境.综合分析研究表明, 超高压变质带中的高压、低温、高差异应力和高结构水含量是形成碧溪岭相对独特的橄榄石、单斜辉石变形显微构造的原因.   相似文献   

The four, currently best constrained, independent thermobarometersfor garnet peridotites, namely Taylor’s (Neues Jahrbuchfür Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 172, 381–408, 1998)pyroxene solvus and Krogh’s (Contributions to Mineralogyand Petrology 99, 44–48, 1988) clinopyroxene–garnetFe–Mg exchange thermometers, and Taylor’s (1998)Al-in-orthopyroxene and Nimis & Taylor’s (Contributionsto Mineralogy and Petrology, 139, 541–544, 2000) Cr-in-clinopyroxenebarometers, have been applied to garnet lherzolites from theCentral Alps. Analyses from the literature, as well as new in-houseanalyses, all pertaining to core compositions of first-generation,garnet lherzolite minerals, have been selected for thermobarometriccalculations. The P–T data obtained for the three knowngarnet lherzolite occurrences in the Central Alps are tightlyconstrained, consistent with one another, and summarized asfollows: Alpe Arami, 3·2 GPa and 840°C; Monte Duria,3·0 GPa and 830°C; Cima di Gagnone, 3·0 GPaand 740°C. These values are consistent with experimentaldata on pargasite stability and composition in peridotitic systems.Our P–T estimates, along with microstructural and fieldgeological observations, indicate that the garnet lherzoliteparageneses form part of the prograde, Alpine, high-pressuremetamorphic sequence of the Adula–Cima Lunga unit. Thermobarometryshows that the garnet lherzolites reached a maximum depth ofsubduction of  相似文献   

The high- pressure(HP) and ultrahigh- pressure(UHP)metamorphic rocks developed in the Tongbai- Dabie Mountainswere the products of oblique collision between the Yangtzeand Sinokorean cratons in the Triassic.Yetthere are still lotsof controversies about the present tectonic distribution of theHP and U HP metamorphic rocks and their petrogenetic rela-tionships which are crucial to the understanding of the form a-tion and exhumation of the Tongbai- Dabie collisional orogenicbelt(Cong and W…  相似文献   

根据大别山高压、超高压变质岩的中尺度-显微构造分析及PTt研究,建立它们的结构和构造随变质作用(前榴辉岩相、超高压变质峰期、前角闪岩相和角闪岩相)有序演化的PTt-D轨迹。这一演化主要包括:在岩石的矿物结构方面从石榴石静态重结晶结构到柯石英假像及放射状张裂隙构造;在岩石组构方面从L>S到L-S和S>L榴辉岩;以及在中尺度构造方面发育的D1和D2变形构造。该PTt-D轨迹同时可以提供有关高压、超高压变质岩折返模式的信息。  相似文献   

大别山超高压变质岩的退变质赤微构造:折返过程的启示   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
游振东  张泽明 《地质学报》2000,74(3):224-233
大别山超高压变质岩中发现了一系列退变质显微构造,其主要类型有:①由于出溶而产生的定一包裹物;②由于多型转变而产生的假像替代;③固→固反应产生的冠状体;④涉及流体的退变质反应产生的冠状体或后成合晶。借助显微构造关系,可以建立超高压变质岩的退变质演化阶段,从而构筑其PT演化趋势、识别出碰撞造山和超高压变质峰期之后的两阶段隆升历史;早期为“挤出”作用诱发的近等温减压退变质;晚期则是地壳伸展体制下的退变质  相似文献   

The Role of Volatiles in the Thermal History of Metamorphic Terranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BRADY  JOHN B. 《Journal of Petrology》1988,29(6):1187-1213
Analytical and numerical solutions to the differential equationsfor the conduction of heat with heat production or with fluidflow have been used to evaluate the role of volatiles in thethermal history of regional metamorphic terranes. The maximumthermal effect from pervasive, single-pass, regional volatileflow may be predicted from a steady-state solution given byBredehoeft & Papadopoulos (1965). For fluid velocity vF(m/s) and connected porosity , combinations of volatile fluxvF (m3 of fluid/m2s) and transport distance L(m) such that vLis greater than 3?6?10–7 should produce regional temperatureincreases due to fluid flow, if the flow persists for l05–106a (depending on the transport distance L). The absolute valueof the temperature increase due to volatile flow will be greaterin regions with higher ambient geothermal gradients. For L=20km, a volatile flux of 1?8 ? 10–11 (m3 of fluid/m2s) orgreater is required to achieve a temperature effect. Few geologicprocesses release volatiles at this rate for extended periodsof time, so regional thermal effects from the single-pass, pervasiveflow of volatiles are unlikely. A new analytical solution forthe steady state temperature distribution between idealizedparallel channels of fluid flow is presented along with theresults of two-dimensional numerical models of channelized fluidflow. Both approaches show that little temperature increaseis expected near channels of fluid flow relative to the rocksbetween the channels, unless the channels exceed 100 m in widthor unless the fluid fluxes are very large and transient. A possiblethermal effect of volatile flow in metamorphic terranes is theproduction of metamorphic hot spots due to focusing of volatilesinto widely spaced channels or conduits exceeding 1 km in width.Given a sufficient fluid flux (exceeding 10–10 m3 of fluid/m2s),thermal gradients of over 100K from center to edge may be producedin such channels during relatively short time intervals (105–106a).  相似文献   

夏琼霞 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4042-4049
石榴石是高压-超高压变质岩石中最重要的变质矿物之一,是研究俯冲带深部变质和熔融过程的理想研究对象.通过对俯冲带内不同条件下形成的石榴石进行详细研究,确定了岩浆成因、变质成因和转熔成因石榴石.岩浆石榴石是岩浆熔体在冷却过程中结晶形成,成分主要为锰铝榴石-铁铝榴石,通常含有石英、长石、磷灰石等晶体包裹体.变质石榴石是在亚固相条件下通过变质反应形成,包裹体为参与变质反应的矿物组合;进变质生长的石榴石通常显示核部到边部锰铝榴石降低的特征.转熔石榴石是在超固相条件下通过转熔反应形成,通常含有晶体包裹体,其中既有从转熔熔体结晶的矿物包裹体,也有转熔反应残留的矿物包裹体.对超高压变质岩石中转熔石榴石的识别,可以为深俯冲陆壳岩石的部分熔融提供重要的岩石学证据,是大陆俯冲带部分熔融研究的重要进展之一.   相似文献   

一产于大别山北部铙钹寨面理化橄榄岩中的强变形榴辉岩的石榴子石具有退变质环带 ,表现为边部CaO含量下降和MnO含量升高 ,指示Ca和Mn在石榴子石具有较快的扩散速率。该榴辉岩中石榴子石 +绿辉石连线给出的Sm Nd年龄为 187± 5Ma ,显著小于大别山南部超高压榴辉岩及北部榴辉岩的Sm Nd年龄 (分别为 2 2 1± 5~ 2 2 8± 3Ma和 2 10± 6~ 2 14± 6Ma)。这一偏低的Sm Nd年龄可能是由于石榴子石退变质环带引起14 3 Nd/ 14 4 Nd降低所造成的。对该样品石榴子石、绿辉石和石英的δ18O测定表明 ,这些矿物之间的实测分馏值小于它们在 5 0 0~ 90 0℃条件下的平衡分馏值 ,从而证明它们之间存在氧同位素不平衡。榴辉岩中石榴子石的退变质环带也可造成绿辉石与石榴子石之间显著的Nd同位素和氧同位素不平衡现象。  相似文献   

Peridotites in the Ulten Zone (Upper Austroalpine, Eastern Alps),occur as small bodies within lower-crustal rocks (gneisses andmigmatites) subducted at eclogite-facies conditions during theVariscan orogeny. They record a complex metamorphic and deformationevolution as indicated by the transition from coarse-grainedspinel-bearing peridotites to fine-grained garnet + amphibole-bearingperidotites, and are interpreted as portions of mantle wedgethat were incorporated in a downgoing slab of cold continentalcrust. The transition from spinel- to garnet-bearing assemblagewas accompanied by significant input of metasomatic agents,as shown by the crystallization of abundant amphibole. Herewe present trace-element mineral chemistry data for selectedUlten peridotites, with the aim of unravelling the nature ofthe metasomatic processes. Amphiboles display significant lightrare earth element (LREE) enrichment [CeN/YbN = 3·90–11·50;LREE up to (20–50) x C1], high Sr (150–250 ppm),K (1910–7280 ppm) and Ba (280–800 ppm) contents,and low concentrations of high field strength elements (HFSE)(Zr = 14–25 ppm, Y = 6·7–16 ppm, Ti = 1150–2500ppm, Nb = 2–7 ppm). On the basis of (1) the evidence formodal orthopyroxene decrease as a result of the garnet-formingreaction rather than abundant orthopyroxene crystallization,(2) the high modal amounts of amphibole (up to 23%) in the mostmetasomatized peridotites and (3) the strong large ion lithophileelement (LILE)/HFSE fractionation in amphiboles, we infer thatthe metasomatic agent was an H2O–CO2 fluid with a lowCO2/H2O ratio. Petrological investigations and geochronologicaldata indicate that the host metapelites experienced in situpartial melting and migmatization concomitantly with the garnet+ amphibole-facies recrystallization in the enclosed peridotites.We infer that the metasomatizing hydrous fluids could representthe residual fluids left after the crystallization of leucosomes,starting from water-undersaturated melts produced during migmatizationof the host gneisses. KEY WORDS: garnet peridotite; crustal metasomatism; amphibole; hydrous fluids  相似文献   

Metapelite is one of the predominant rock types in the high-pressure–ultrahigh-pressure(HP–UHP) metamorphic belt of western Tianshan, NW China; however, the spatial and temporal variations of this belt during metamorphism are poorly understood. In this study, we present comparative petrological studies and 40Ar/39 Ar geochronology of HP and UHP pelitic schist exposed along the Habutengsu valley. The schist mainly comprises quartz, white mica, garnet, albite and bluish amphibole. In the Mn O–Na2O–Ca O–K2O–Fe O–Mg O–Al2O3–Si O2–H2O(Mn NCKFMASH) system, P–T pseudosections were constructed using THERMOCALC 333 for two representative pelitic schists. The results demonstrate that there was a break in the peak metamorphic pressures in the Habutengsu area. The northern schist has experienced UHP metamorphism, consistent with the presence of coesite in the same section, while the southern one formed at lower pressures that stabilized the quartz. This result supports the previous finding of a metamorphic gradient through the HP–UHP metamorphic belt of the Chinese western Tianshan by the authors. Additionally, phengite in the northern schist was modelled as having a Si content of 3.55–3.70(a.p.f.u.) at the peak stage, a value much higher than that of oriented matrix phengite(Si content 3.32–3.38 a.p.f.u.). This indicates that the phengite flakes in the UHP schist were subjected to recrystallization during exhumation, which is consistent with the presence of phengite aggregates surrounding garnet porphyroblast. The 40Ar/39 Ar age spectra of white mica(dominantly phengite) from the two schists exhibit similar plateau ages of ca. 315 Ma, which is interpreted as the timing of a tectonometamorphic event that occurred during the exhumation of the HP–UHP metamorphic belt of the Chinese western Tianshan.  相似文献   

We present a new method for textural analysis of mineral associationsthat uses digital back-scattered electron and X-ray images obtainedwith the electron microprobe to determine the spatial propertiesof minerals on a two-dimensional surface of the rock at differentscale lengths. We determine modal amounts and average grainsizes of each mineral in the thin section without resortingto ellipsoidal approximations of grain boundaries, and investigatethe spatial relationship of mineral pairs. The method is usedto characterize nine mantle xenoliths exhumed within kimberlitepipes in South Africa and to test whether the pyroxenes arespatially correlated with the garnets. The spatial associationof these minerals is used to develop a model for the evolutionaryhistory of the Kaapvaal peridotites. The observed distributionscan be explained by a two-stage model. In stage 1, harzburgiticresidues are produced by large extents of partial melting atshallow depths (  相似文献   

通过对岩浆冷却过程的数字模拟研究,揭示出岩浆在冷却成矿过程中的温度分布和变化规律及影响因素.在此基础上,进一步应用高精度的温龄计组合来限定岩浆成矿体系的热演化和剥露历史,精确地计算出岩浆的初始侵位时间和深度、矿物结晶时间、冷却速率、冷却和暴露地表时间,以及剥露和剥蚀速率等重要参数,并将模拟结果应用于斑岩铜矿床的成矿研究中.研究表明,将精确的年龄测试手段与计算机模拟技术相结合,可为定量研究岩浆矿床的热演化和剥露史、深入了解矿床的成因机制提供一种有效方法.  相似文献   

Major-, minor-, and trace-element zoning have been measuredin garnets from four samples of differing bulk composition fromthe east flank of the Shelburne Falls Dome, western Massachusetts,using ion and electron microprobes. The samples are differentiallyretrograded, so traditional techniques of rim geothermometryand geobarometry and P-T path analysis yield equivocal results. Trace-element abundances in garnets vary with those of majorelements, particularly calcium. Garnets exhibit several typesof Ca zoning, each accompanied by a distinct mode of trace-clementzoning. Garnets from low-Ca pelites in the Goshen Formationdecrease to low Ca abundances near their rims. This featureis coupled with a decrease in Na/Si and Ti/Si. The outermostfew microns of these garnets show a depletion in Sc/Si and anenrichment in Mn/Si, Y/Si, and rare earth element (REE) abundancescompared with the garnet core. These variations are ascribedto changes in intensive parameters during garnet growth/re-equilibration,probably a decrease in pressure (< 1 kb) accompanied by asmall temperature increase, which led to a decrease in XgrossularMuch of the variation in trace-element content may reflect crystal-chemicaleffects. In contrast, cores of garnets from intermediate-Capelites in the Waits River Formation initially display decreasesin grossular content, followed by Ca increases towards theirrims. The decrease in grossular content correlates with strongincreases in Y/Si, Zr/Si, and REE contents. The Ca ‘inflection’observed in these garnets coincides with the last appearanceof clinozoisite inclusions in garnet. Clinozoisite-compatibleelements (Y, Zr, and REE) may be released during breakdown ofclinozoisite in an internal metasomatic process, producing someof the trace-element enrichments. Garnets from clinozoisite-bearingpelites in the Waits River Formation exhibit zoning profileswith an increase in Ca towards the rim. An abrupt enrichmentin grossular content (Xgrossular = 0.06) occurs near garnetcores in these high-CaO, low-SiO2, high-FeO samples. The Caincrease accompanies small decreases in Li/Si and Na/Si, smallincreases in Ti/Si and V/Si, and large decreases in Y/Si, Zr/Si,and REE abundance. The large trace-element variations are probablydue to an interval of growth of clinozoisite accessory mineralsseparating two distinct garnet-growth events. This garnet alsoshows Co and Cr increases toward the rim, probably as a resultof breakdown of magnetite. Proton-probe microanalysis of minerals in these calc-pelitesshows strong affinities of specific trace elements for certainminerals: Y in garnet, Ga and Rb in biotite, Zn and Ga in staurolite,Rb and Sr in muscovite, Sr and Pb in plagioclase, and Nb inilmenite. Trace-element zoning is shown to be a useful monitor of reactionhistories and possibly P-T paths during garnet growth.  相似文献   

In the classic theory of plate tectonics, ophiolitic mantle peridotites (i.e., abyssal peridotite) are thought to originate in the shallow mantle beneath ocean spreading centers.Diamonds and other UHP minerals have been found in opholitic mantle peridotites and chromitites along the Neo-Tethyan Yarlung Zangbo suture of southern Tibet, and in a Paleozoic ophiolite in the Polar Urals of Russia,suggesting that UHP minerals may be widespread in ophiolitic peridotites.Diamonds from these different localities all have very similar features in C isotope and mineral inclusions,and are distinct from the other two well known types, i.e. kimberlitic diamonds and UHP metamorphicdiamonds. The occurrence of diamond in ophiolite indicate a completely new environment for diamond formation, which can be regarded as ophiolite-type diamond. These new findings indicate a need to reconsider the nature of the upper mantle and the conditions under which ophiolites form.  相似文献   

张宏福  于红 《地球科学》2019,44(4):1057-1066
造山带橄榄岩不仅是地幔地球化学,而且是造山带形成与演化过程研究的主要对象.造山带橄榄岩主要有3种类型:(1)阿尔卑斯型橄榄岩,即岩石圈地幔构造-热侵位就位于造山带浅部地壳的橄榄岩;(2)前期层状基性-超基性堆晶岩经俯冲变质形成的橄榄岩;(3)蛇绿岩型橄榄岩.松树沟糜棱岩化橄榄岩及其相关高级变质岩详细的岩石学和地球化学研究发现这些橄榄岩记录了洋岩石圈形成到角闪岩相变质的全过程.即1 000~800 Ma洋岩石圈形成阶段,主要形成纯橄岩; < 800~500 Ma洋-陆转换即陆岩石圈演化阶段,岩石圈被交代形成大量方辉橄榄岩;500~480 Ma快速深俯冲和榴辉岩相变质阶段;460~335 Ma角闪岩相退变质阶段,此阶段在松树沟橄榄岩中形成大量富镁的直闪石类矿物,包括透闪石、阳起石和镁闪石.由此可见,蛇绿岩型造山带橄榄岩能够记录造山带形成与演化的全过程,通常会经历4个形成和演化阶段:(1)洋岩石圈(蛇绿岩)形成阶段,形成纯榄岩;(2)洋-陆转换阶段,陆岩石圈演化阶段,岩石圈受交代形成方辉橄榄岩;(3)岩石圈深俯冲,榴辉岩相变质;(4)俯冲板片抬升至角闪岩相时退变质,此时在橄榄岩中形成富镁的直闪石类矿物.不同造山带中蛇绿岩型橄榄岩的区别可能只是俯冲深度和退变质程度不同而已.最后,蛇绿岩一定要强调是什么时代的蛇绿岩.同时,造山带进变质作用产物经常会被后期抬升过程中退变质作用彻底改造,这应该引起重视.   相似文献   

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