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The compositions of five different coexisting pyroxenes hypersthene, pigeonite and augite in groundmass and bronzite and augite of phenocryst in a tholeiitic andesite from Hakone Volcano, Japan have been determined by the electron probe microanalyser. It is shown that there is a compositional gap of about 25 mole per cent CaSiO3 between groundmass pigeonite and augite, compared with 35 per cent CaSiO3 between phenocrystic augite and bronzite. Subcalcic augite or pigeonitic augite was not found. The groundmass augite, which occurs only as thin rims of pigeonite and hypersthene, is less calcic and more iron-rich than the phenocryst augite. It is also shown that the groundmass pigeonite is 3–4 mole per cent more CaSiO3-rich than the coexisting groundmass hypersthene. The Fe/(Mg + Fe) ratios of these coexisting hypersthene and pigeonite are about 0.31 and 0.33, respectively. It is suggested from these results that a continuous solid solution does not exist between augite and pigeonite of the Fe/(Mg + Fe) ratio at least near 0.3 under the conditions of crystallization of groundmass of the tholeiitic andesite. It is suggested from the Mg-Fe partition and the textural relation that the groundmass augite crystallized from a liquid more iron-rich than that from which groundmass hypersthene and pigeonite crystallized.  相似文献   

Pyroxenes from our sample of Luna 20 soil are predominantly orthopyroxene with subordinate pigeonite. The orthopyroxenes are chromium-rich bronzites and contain submicroscopic lamellae of augite in a twinned orientation exsolved on (100). These lamellae have a composition close to the diopside-hedenbergite join. Asymmetric diffuse streaks parallel to a1 indicate stacking faults parallel to (100) and possibly very thin (10–20 Å) lamellae of clinobronzite parallel to (100). Pigeonite crystals are very complex crystallographically and chemically, with optically visible (001) augite exsolution lamellae and two sets of chromite exsolution lamellae. In addition, there are submicroscopic (100) augite lamellae and a second generation of clinohypersthene lamellae which appear to have exsolved from the (001) augite lamellae. The clinohypersthene host, which has a large number of stacking faults parallel to (100), has partially inverted to hypersthene of the same composition. The hypersthene occurs as very fine lamellae (less than 1000 Å) parallel to the (100) plane of the clinohypersthene. XDFe-Mg values for five host-lamellae pairs in pigeonite K-4 indicate a significant amount of subsolidus readjustment. We tentatively conclude that many of the bronzite and pigeonite crystals were derived from rocks crystallized from a high level magma chamber in the lunar highland crust.  相似文献   

Electron microprobe analyses of Ca-poor pyroxenes in gabbroic rocks of the Main Zone of the Bushveld Complex reveal that inverted pigeonites have lower Mg/Fe ratios than coexisting hypersthenes. Textural relationships, however, indicate that the two Ca-poor pyroxenes did not crystallize simultaneously from the magma. Early pigeonite reacted with the magma to form hypersthene and the difference in the Mg/Fe ratio of these two pyroxenes reflects the difference of this ratio between early pigeonite and the magma at the time of reaction. Some of the grains of early pigeonite, now inverted to hypersthene, evidently escaped this reaction with the magma. Bulk compositions of pyroxenes intermediate between that of pigeonite and hypersthene are postulated on the grounds of varying amounts of exsolved augite in the hypersthene which has originated from pigeonite by reaction with magma.  相似文献   

Diffuse streaks in diffraction patterns of synthetic pyroxene single crystals at elevated temperatures are used to determine which reactions are initiated and how they proceed. The samples investigated are a) a host orthopyroxene (Wo4En83Fs13) containing oriented pigeonite (Wo6En78Fs16) parallel to (100) and b) a pigeonite (Wo8En75Fs17). The maximum temperatures were 820° C and 1,015° C, respectively. No partial melting occurs at these temperatures, all reactions are in the subsolidus. In case a) augite is formed parallel to the (001) plane of pigeonite, but the augite is not exsolved by the pigeonite. This is proved by the absence of the obligatory streaks between corresponding reflections in highly resolved precession photographs. Instead, there are streaks from augite to the corresponding reflections of the host orthopyroxene. Example b) demonstrates that the temperature of the high-low transformation of pigeonite is very sensitive to the Ca content and clearly depends on the exsolution of augite. This augite is oriented parallel to (100) of pigeonite, not to (001). Both the high and the low pigeonite are present over a range of ~150° C, while the exsolution of augite continues. Simultaneously, orthopyroxene is also formed sharing (100) of pigeonite. There seems to be an indication that only low pigeonite inverts to orthopyroxene.  相似文献   

The exsolution phenomena of augite from Ferrogabbro 4430 of the Skaergaard Intrusion were examined in detail by single crystal X-ray diffraction and heating experiments to study the stepwise exsolution process. In the augite crystals, five different phases were detected: pigeonite (001), pigeonite (100), orthopyroxene (a), orthopyroxene (p) and a small amount of clinoamphibole. The two different pigeonites nearly share the corresponding (001) and (100) planes with the host. Orthopyroxene (a) and orthopyroxene (p) have (100) in common with the host and with exsolved pigeonite (001), respectively. Clinoamphibole was observed in the form of rather weak reflections in many crystals. It has (010) in common with the host.A large number of augite crystals exhibited a pigeonite (001) phase with curved, rotated reflections and diffuse streaks along the a* direction in (h0l) precession photographs. It appears that these streaks are related to orthopyroxene (p). Orthopyroxene (p) seems to be crystallized from pigeonite (001) by nucleation at (100) stacking fault planes (inverted pigeonite). Pigeonite (100) may be formed at growth ledges between augite host and exsolved orthopyroxene (a) at a later stage of exsolution to stabilize the boundaries.From the X-ray diffraction profiles and the results of the heating experiments, a possible exsolution sequence is suggested. Clinoamphibole appears to be a product of alteration at the latest stage of the exsolution process. It seems to be related to particular conditions of partial water pressure.  相似文献   

Electron probe study of the pyroxene phenocrysts in rock 12021of the Apollo 12 sample reveals an extraordinary variety ofzoning phenomena. These phenocrysts have cores of relativelyhomogeneous pigeonite which are mantled by Ca-rich pyroxenes;the mantles are zoned outward from about 20 mol per cent FeSiO3at the core-mantle boundaries to 70 mol per cent FeSiO3 at themargins of the phenocrysts. The character of the normal zoningdiffers in each growth sector. Four different trends characterizinggrowth on (110), (100), (010), and parallel to c are described.Pronounced but erratic oscillatory effects are impressed onthe normal zoning in all sectors. Normal zoning in lunar pyroxenes is generally more extensivethan in terrestrial pyroxenes, probably because the lunar lavaswere an order of magnitude more fluid than terrestrial basalts.Turbulent flow in lunar lavas may have caused some of the oscillatoryeffects. The cyclic nature of augite and pigeonite crystallizationin these pyroxenes is probably kinetic in origin; conceivablyit could reflect the presence of an augite-pigeonite peritectic.It is likely that further knowledge of the crystal structureof pigeonite at high temperatures will be required before astructural model can be formulated that will satisfactorilyexplain the details of the sector zoning. Coarse-grained pyroxferroite and subcalcic ferroaugite havecrystallized in apparent ‘equilibrium’ in the finalstages of formation of the groundmass in rock 12021. Nevertheless,the crystallization of the pyroxferroite was probably metastablerelative to the assemblage ferroaugite+ fayalite+ tridymite.Data on the effect of Mg substitution on the stability of pyroxferroitewill be needed to establish this point. We suggest that the pigeonite cores of the phenocrysts in rock12021 crystallized under quiescent conditions, probably in amagma chamber below the lunar surface, and that the stronglyzoned augite mantles crystallized during emplacement of thelava on the surface.  相似文献   

Mount Etna is composed for the most part of intermediate alkaline products, most of them porphyritic-the etnaïtes-, that may be defined as sodic trachybasalts or trachyandesites. The strato-volcanio itself overlies tholeiitic basalts (usually aphyric, except for olivine) belonging to three major types: olivine tholeiites (normative Ol+Hy; modal olivine and augite, titanomagnetite and ilmenite), pigeonite tholeiites (normative Hy+minor Ol or Qz; modal pigeonite and augite with minor olivine, ilmenite and titanomagnetite), transitional tholeiites, i.e. transitional between pigeonite tholeiites (aphyric) and alkali basaltic etnaïtes (porphyritic, with normative Ol+Ne or minor Hy; modal augite and olivine, titanomagnetite alone). An analcite basalt, chemically close to alkali basaltic etnaïtes, forms the small Cyclopean Islands, SE of Etna, and an alkali olivine basalt composes a neck at Paterno, SW foot of Etna.Both pigeonite tholeiites and alkali basaltic etnaïtes may be derived from a primitive olivine tholeiite magma by subtraction or addition of phases crystallized at moderate and low pressure (kaersutite±olivine, calcic plagioclase and clinopyroxene). The differentiation process implies crystal fractionation of the primitive olivine tholeiite magma at varying levels of the crust. The speed of ascent of the magma is thought to be the factor controlling the level at which differentiation may take place: in low velocity regimes, fractionation takes place at deeper levels of the crust. Slow ascent speeds would be the consequence of a developing crustal extension episode, induced by mantle diapirism that generated the olivine tholeiite magma below the Mount Etna area.  相似文献   

Pseudotachylite veins have been found in the mylonite zone of the Hidaka metamorphic belt, Hokkaido, northern Japan. They are associated with faults with WNW-ESE to ENE-WSW or NE-SW trends which make a conjugate set, cutting foliations of the host mylonitic rocks with high obliquity. The mylonitic rocks comprise greenschist facies to prehnite-pumpellyite facies mineral assemblages. The mode of occurrence of the pseudotachylite veins indicates that they were generated on surfaces of the faults and were intruded as injection veins along microfractures in the host rocks during brittle deformation in near-surface environments. An analysis of the deformational and metamorphic history of the Hidaka Main Zone suggests that the ambient rock temperature was 200–300° C immediately before the formation of the Hidaka pseudotachylite. Three textural types of veins are distinguished: cryptocrystalline, microcrystalline and glassy. The cryptocrystalline or glassy type often occupies the marginal zones of the microcrystalline-type veins. The microcrystalline type is largely made up of quench microlites of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, biotite, plagioclase and opaque minerals with small amounts of amphibole microlites. The interstices of these microlites are occupied by glassy and/or cryptocrystalline materials. The presence of microlites and glasses in the pseudotachylite veins suggests that the pseudotachylites are the products of rapid cooling of silicate melts at depths of less than 5 km. The bulk chemical composition of the pseudotachylite veins is characterized by low SiO2 and a high water content and is very close to that of the host mylonitic rocks. This indicates that the pseudotachylite was formed by virtual total melting of the host rocks with sufficient hydrous mineral phases. Local chemical variation in the glassy parts of the pseudotachylite veins may be due to either crystallization of quench microlites or the disequilibrium nature of melting of mineral fragments and incomplete mixing of the melts. Pyroxene microlites show a crystallization trend from hypersthene through pigeonite to subcalcic augite with unusually high Al contents. The presence of pigeonite and high-Al pyroxene microlites, of hornblende and biotite microlites and rare plagioclase microlites may indicate the high temperature and high water content of the melt which formed the pseudotachylite veins. The melt temperatures were estimated to be up to 1100° C using a two-pyroxene geothermometer. Using published data relating water solubilities in high-temperature andesitic magmas to pressure, a depth estimate of about 4 km is inferred for the Hidaka pseudotachylites. Evidence derived from pseudotachylites in the Hidaka metamorphic belt supports the conclusion that pseudotachylite is formed by frictional melting along fault surfaces at shallow depths from rocks containing hydrous minerals.  相似文献   

We present a detailed mineralogical and major- and trace-element study of pyroxenes in two Archean komatiitic flows in Alexo, Canada. The pyroxenes in spinifex-textured lavas commonly are zoned with cores of magnesian pigeonite and rims of augite. Concentrations of incompatible trace elements are low in pigeonite and jump to higher values in the augite mantles, a variation that can be modelled using accepted partition coefficients and assuming crystallization from komatiitic liquids. Crystallization sequences are very different in different parts of both flows. In the flow top, the sequence is olivine followed by augite: deeper in the spinifex sequence, pigeonite crystallizes after olivine, followed by augite; in lower cumulates, orthopyroxene or augite accompany olivine. In spinifex lavas, pigeonite crystallizes sooner than would be predicted on the basis of equilibrium phase relations. We propose that contrasting crystallization sequences depend on the position in the flow and on the conditions of crystal growth. In the flowtop, rapid cooling causes quench crystallization. Deeper in the spinifex layer, constrained growth in a thermal gradient, perhaps augmented by Soret differentiation, accounts for the early crystallization of pigeonite. The cumulus minerals represent a near-equilibrium assemblage. Augites in Al-undepleted Archean komatiites in various localities in Canada and Zimbabwe have high moderate to high Wo contents but their Mg# (Mg/(Mg + Fe) are lower than in augites in komatiites from Barberton, South Africa. We attribute the combination of high Wo and high Mg# in Barberton rocks to the unusually high CaO/Al2O3 of these Al-depleted komatiites.  相似文献   

Optically homogeneous augite xenocrysts, closely associated with spinel–peridotite nodules, occur in alkali basalts from Hannuoba (Hebei province, China). They were studied by electron and X-ray diffraction to define the occurrence and significance of pigeonite exsolution microtextures. Sub-calcic augite (Wo34) exsolved into En62–62Fs25–21Wo13–17 pigeonite and En46–45Fs14–14Wo40–42 augite, as revealed by TEM through diffuse coarser (001) lamellae (100–300 Å) and only incipient (100) thinner ones (<70 Å). C2/c augite and P21/c pigeonite lattices, measured by CCD-XRD, relate through a(Aug)?a(Pgt), b(Aug)?b(Pgt), c(Aug)≠c(Pgt) [5.278(1) vs 5.189(1)Å] and β(Aug)≠β(Pgt) [106.55(1) vs 108.55(2)°]. Cell and site volumes strongly support the hypothesis that the augite xenocrysts crystallised at mantle depth from alkaline melts. After the augite xenocrysts entered the magma, (001) lamellae first formed by spinodal decomposition at a Tmin of about 1,100 °C, and coarsened during very rapid transport to the surface; in a later phase, possibly on cooling, incipient (100) lamellae then formed.  相似文献   

Fine textures of exsolution lamellae and interface boundaries between augite and pigeonite in augite crystals from Skaergaard ferrogabbro 4430 have been studied by high resolution electron microscopy and X-ray methods. Thick pigeonite lamellae have higher densities of (100) stacking faults than thin lamellae. The displacement vector of the faults has been determined as 5/6c from the measured density of faults and the relative rotation of the augite and pigeonite lattices. The augite and pigeonite lattices are apparently coherent, and no growth ledges were observed at the interfaces. The stacking faults are often combined with the antiphase boundary of pigeonite resulting in a total displacement vector of 1/2(a+b)+5/6c. The observation of thick and thin pigeonite lamellae indicated that the thickening of (001) pigeonite lamellae was controlled by coherency strains accumulated at the interfaces between augite and pigeonite.  相似文献   

Antiphase domains (APD's) of pigeonite lamellae in natural and heated augite crystals from the Hakonetoge andesite have been examined by a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Antiphase boundaries (APB's) of the pigeonite lamellae in natural specimens have a sigmoidal shape cutting the c axis in (010) sections. APB's in specimens heated at temperatures above the high-low inversion and then quenched are nearly parallel to the c axis with almost straight boundaries. These observations indicate that the preferred orientation of APB's in (010) sections depends on cooling rate; at fast colling rates the APB's are nearly parallel to the c axis, whereas at slower cooling rates they are inclined to the c axis. The cooling rate of the natural augite specimen from Hakonetoge is estimated to be about 0.01 °C/h from the experimentally determined time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram for the APB orientations. APD sizes are large in specimens quenched from above the inversion temperature; they are at a minimum after cooling rates of around 1–0.1 °C/h, and then become larger with slower cooling rates.  相似文献   

Optically homogeneous pigeonites and augites from Whin Sill dolerite cores from Throckley (Northumberland) are shown by electron microscopy to be unmixed. The lamellae are 40 Å wide at the margins of the sill and up to 3200 Å wide at the centre. Homogeneous pyroxenes also occur with a composition intermediate between the pigeonite and augite. Electron diffraction patterns of the unmixed grains show that the augite contains pigeonite lamellae and the pigeonite contains augite lamellae. From the application of simple diffusion theory it is suggested that the size of the lamellae is dependent on the rate of cooling of the sill.  相似文献   

The MD dyke swarm is composed of four generations of large basictholeiite dykes which cut the entire Archaean craton of southernWest Greenland. The four successive generations (MD1, MD2, MD3a,MD3b) are characterized by their orientation and cross-cuttingrelationships and by their mineralogy, texture and progressivelyevolved tholeiitic chemistry. Rare-earth element (REE) abundancessuggest that the dykes may have a fairly complex petrogeneticevolution. The suite varies from early (MD1) heteradcumulatenorites to ophitic and sub-ophitic gabbroic and doleritic rocks(MD2 and MD3) and the youngest generation (MD3b) comprises plagioclase-phyricdolerites. The pyroxene chemistry parallels the geochemical evolution ofthe dykes showing an overall Fe-enrichment trend. However, theclinopyroxenes are enigmatic in that, although they occur predominantlyas part of medium and coarse-grained holocrystalline textures,they are chemically highly variable and calcium-poor, many plottingin the metastable field in the system MgSiO3 (En)-CaSiO3 (Wo)-FeSiO3(Fs). Many individual grains are extremely complex and may beregularly or irregularly zoned. Along with more typical pyroxene forms, the MD1 dykes containpyroxene dendrites poikilitically enclosed by plagioclase. Thedendrites vary compositionally from hypersthene bases to branchesof pigeonite and subcalcic augite and terminate in augite branchtips. The MD2 and MD3a dyke pyroxenes are the most complex.The majority of them are sub-ophitic grains, many with successivezones of orthopyroxene, pigeonite, subcalcic augite, augiteand ferroaugite. However, Ca-enrichment or Ca-depletion, Fe-enrichmentor Fe-depletion and apparently opposing zoning trends can occurin neighbouring grains. Even small interstitial pyroxenes showa very wide range of compositions. Morphologically unusual andcomplex clinopyroxene ‘cylinders’ occur in someof the MD3a dykes. They are chemically relatively uniform andare normal tholeiitic augites. The MD3b rocks have small concentricallyzoned sub-ophitic pyroxenes which show Ca-enrichment with arelatively constant Fs component (29 to 39 mol. per cent). Themost extremely zoned grains have hypersthene cores with successivecoronas of pigeonite and subcalcic augite and have margins ofaugite or ferroaugite. The present ‘coexistence’of such compositionally widely variable pyroxenes and the extremeand often irregular nature of their chemical zoning make thedetermination of true original coexisting pyroxene phases andthe use of a two pyroxene geothermometer very difficult andof limited significance. The presence of a wide variety of pyroxenes of apparently bothstable and metastable compositions in these holocrystallinedykes suggests that these rocks have undergone a complex andrather unusual cooling history. The principal genetic factorswhich could have influenced their crystallization are (1) supercooling,(2) the evolution of discrete interstitial liquid cells, (3)augite-pigeonite peritectic reactions and (4) plagioclase growthand delay of pyroxene nucleation during supercooling of liquidto below the basalt liquidus.  相似文献   

A natural Ca-rich pigeonite (En47Fs43Wo10), free of augite exsolution products, was studied by in situ high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The sample, monoclinic P2 1 /c (a=9.719(7) Å, b=8.947(9) Å, c=5.251(3) Å, β=108.49(5), V=433.0(6) Å3), was annealed up to 1000 °C to induce a phase transition from P2 1 /c to C2/c symmetry. Complete single-crystal X-ray diffraction data collections were carried out in situ at 650, 750, 850 and 950 °C after the crystal had reached equilibrium for the Fe–Mg intracrystalline exchange reaction at each temperature. The variation, with increasing temperature, of lattice parameters, of intensity of hkl reflections with h + k=2n + 1 (which vanish at high temperature) and of some geometrical parameters from structure refinement, showed that the displacive phase transition P2 1 /c?C2/c was continuous in character. This contrasts with the first-order character for the HT phase transition in pigeonite containing significantly less calcium.  相似文献   

Within augite and pigeonite grains of the Skaergaard ferrogabbro 4430, the Ca-poor phases contain only three mole percent of CaSiO3, and the Mg-Fe partition coefficients between the Ca-poor and Ca-rich phases are extremely small with 0.46 for augite and 0.51 for pigeonite grains. These values indicate existence of diffusion within each grain (intragranular diffusion) at considerably low temperatures.The compositions are slightly but definitely different between the Ca-rich phases in augite and pigeonite grains as well as between the Ca-poor phases in augite and pigeonite grains. This indicates that the diffusion among the grains (inter-granular diffusion) has not taken place under the subsolidus condition of the Skaergaard intrusion.  相似文献   

A precise olivine-augite Mg-Fe-exchange geothermometer   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
 Olivine and augite that were experimentally equilibrated in the temperature interval 1175–1080°C at 1 bar in natural basaltic and andesitic bulk compositions are used to calibrate an Mg-Fe2+ cation-exchange geothermometer. Within its temperature interval of experimental calibration, and over a broad range in olivine Mg/Fe ratio, the geothermometer has a standard error of ±6°C. In compositionally simpler synthetic systems, the same calibration retrieves appropriate experimental temperatures up to at least 1250°C. In application to intermediate and felsic volcanic rocks erupted at ∼1080 –800°C (below the range of experimental calibration), calculated olivine-augite temperatures are in good agreement with Fe-Ti oxide thermometry in the same samples. These results encourage confidence in the olivine-augite geothermometer over at least the 800–1250°C interval at low pressures. Sparse experimental data up to 1250°C at higher pressures for olivine + augite in the assemblage olivine + plagioclase + augite ± pigeonite or orthopyroxene suggest that the low-pressure calibration recovers experimental temperatures without systematic bias to pressures of 10 kbar. Examples illustrate applications to determining igneous equilibration temperatures in holocrystalline extrusive and intrusive rocks, and to estimating intratelluric H2O content dissolved in magmas. Received: 24 February 1995 / Accepted: 1 March 1996  相似文献   

On Rhum, Eigg, Canna and Muck Tertiary volcanics rest upon a Mesozoic or Pre-Mesozoic basement. Aphyric, olivine-phyric, and plagioclase-phyric basalts are recognized. The aphyric basalts are mildly alkaline or transitional types with either a few percent normative nepheline or normative hypersthene. They have anomalously low concentrations of Rb, Sr and K2O compared to Tertiary tholeiites from the same province.Aphyric hawaiites, and mugearties are found on all the islands, but are particularly abundant on Rhum. The volcanics from Bloodstone Hill, Rhum, originally described as mugearites are anomalous in that they are quartz normative and contain both augite and hypersthene, in contrast to the normal one-pyroxene rocks of the alkali basalt-trachyte association (Muir and Tilley, 1961). These volcanics have closer affinities to the icelandites, the presence of basic plagioclase xenocrysts suggesting an hybrid origin.Olivine and plagioclase are involved in the low-pressure fractionation of the transitional basalts, whereas pyroxene and titanomagnetie play only minor roles. Consequently, the suppression of titanomagnetite crystallization results in an initial trend towards iron enrichment. The presence of both oversaturated and undersaturated derivitives following the hawaiite stage of differentiation, reflects variation in the amount of extracted pyroxene and titanomagnetite.Felsites and pitchstones intrude the volcanic pile on Eigg. The felsites carry corroded quartz crystals and rare alkali feldspar. The more crystal rich pitchstones generally contain augite, hypersthene, zoned plagioclase and titanomagnetite. One from Rudh an Tancaird contains alkali feldspar, titanomagnetite and ferrohedenbergite.Whole rock analyses and microprobe analyses of feldspars and pyroxenes indicate that the acid volcanics are not genetically related to the basalt-hawaiite-mugearite lineage. The felsites appear to have been derived from Torridonian arkose by partial melting, but the pitchstones could only be derived by anatexis of Lewisian gneiss basement (see Dunham, 1968) substantially more basic than that outcropping on Rhum.It is suggested that the low concentrations of Rb, Sr, and K2O in the alkaline and transitional basalts, mitigates against extensive pre-eruptive differentiation. Possibly the basalts could have been derived by partial melting of a mantle depleted in these elements.  相似文献   

Electron probe analyses of clinopyroxenes from several areas of the Deccan and Rajmahal Traps consisting mostly of subalkalic and alkalic basalts, picritic basalts and a few dolerite dykes have been obtained. Evaluation of the data indicate the absence of pigeonite from subalkalic basalts that occur in close spatial association with mild or strongly alkalic basalts in areas such as Rajpipla, Navagam and central Kachchh. Co-existence of augite and pigeonite, however, has been noticed in subalkalic basalts/dykes and picritic basalts from a number of Deccan localities such as Sagar, Igatpuri, Kalsubai, Triambak, Pavagarh and Girnar besides the one sample from Rajmahal. Diopside, salite, and wollastonite-rich compositions dominate the basanites and foidites of Kachchh whereas chrome-diopside and salite are the main types in the picrite basalt samples from Anila, Botad and Paliyad in Saurashtra akin to those found in contiguous areas in the east from borehole flows at Dhandhuka and Wadhwan studied in detail previously. Compositional variations in zoned clinopyroxenes indicate differentiation of the parental magma and also mixing of different magma types (subalkalic and alkalic) from areas such as Igatpuri, Rajpipla and Kachchh. Based on host-rock chemistry, total alkalis-silica plot, CIPW norms, estimated temperatures of eruption and augite – pigeonite thermometry, it has been inferred that clinopyroxene compositions, especially the incidence of pigeonite, appear to be very sensitive to bulk chemistry of host rocks, especially their Na2O, K2O, SiO2, total iron and TiO2 contents. Non-quadrilateral cationic components in the clinopyroxenes, such as Al in tetrahedral and octahedral positions together with Si, Na, Ti and Cr abundances have been found to be useful to discriminate clinopyroxenes from alkalic and subalkalic basalt types besides inferences on the ferric iron component in them. Evaluation of host-rock compositions in the ternary olivine–clinopyroxene-quartz plot indicate polybaric conditions of crystallization and evolution especially in samples that are picritic (e.g. Pavagarh, Anila and Kachchh) and which could also breach the olivine–clinopyroxene-plagioclase thermal divide that exists in part between alkalic and subalkalic basalts under atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Shergottites contain cumulus pigeonite and augite, probably without cumulus plagioclase and crystallized under relatively oxidizing conditions. Shergotty and Zagami may differ in the relative proportions of cumulus pyroxenes and crystallized intercumulus liquid, but the compositions of pyroxenes and liquid are similar in both meteorites. Absence of olivine in melting experiments suggests that the shergottites crystallized from fractionated derivatives of primary liquids. Low-Ca pyroxene and augite apparently began to crystallize from these primary liquids prior to plagioclase. Shergottites can be readily distinguished from other achondrite groups by their mineralogies, crystallization sequences and inferred source region compositions. However, the source regions of the shergottites may be related to those of other achondrite types by addition or loss of volatile components.The bulk composition of the Earth's upper mantle overlaps that of permissible shergottite source regions. Shergottites and terrestrial basalts display similarities in oxidation state and concentrations of trace and minor elements with a wide range of cosmochemical and geochemical affinities. Accretion of similar materials to produce the terrestrial upper mantle and the shergottite parent body or accretion of the Earth's upper mantle from planetesimals similar to the shergottite parent body may account for many of their similarities. Models of the origin of the Earth's upper mantle which attribute its oxidation state, its siderophile element abundances and its volatile element abundances to uniquely terrestrial processes or conditions, or to factors unique to the origin and differentiation of large bodies, are unattractive in light of the similarities between shergottites and terrestrial basalts.  相似文献   

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