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An Archean age for Finnish rocks in the range 2500–3000 Ma has been determined north of the NW-striking Ladoga—Raahe shear belt. The Archean may be divided into two main units: the granitoid association and the greenstone-belt association. The complex is characterized by stockwork tectonics. The granitoid association forms the basement infrastructure and the greenston-belt association forms the suprastructure which is present in synforms between granitoid diapirs. The infrastructure has been subjected to ultrametamorphism, and the second and third generation palingenetic magmas so formed have intruded the suprastructure. The granitoid association contains widespread migmatized relicts of the greenstone-belt association, indicating that the latter originally covered much larger areas, but the granitoids are also thought to be partly transformed primitive ensialic crust on which rocks of the greenstone-belt association were deposited. The Archean rocks have been deformed in at least four subsequent phases, of which part developed in Proterozoic time. The youngest deformation is the overthrust of the granulite belt of Lapland towards SSW. NWSE striking transcurrent faults played a major role in Proterozoic time and affected cratonized Archean crust. On the whole the greenstone belts in eastern and northern Finland form a NNW-trending zone 750 km long. On a geochemical basis the volcanic rocks of the greenstone belts can be divided into two groups: tholeiites with a low potassium content and extremely low aluminium content and a calc-alkalic group with some alkalic affinities.  相似文献   

We assess the results of a number of deep seismic soundings performed in China over the last few decades, and study the variations in crustal structure in 18 tectonic units comprised of three platforms and 15 fold systems. Thickness data on 344 Mesozoic–Cenozoic sedimentary basins, as well as data on Moho depth are collected in order to discuss the relationship between the thickness of the basins and the average thickness of the consolidated crust in each tectonic unit. The degree of mirror-image symmetry between Mesozoic–Cenozoic sedimentary basins and the uplifting topmost parts of the mantle is herein analyzed using deep geophysical data on sedimentary basins. By applying standard methods of least-squares analysis to both datasets, we have obtained both the average thickness of the consolidated crust and the mirror-image symmetry factor for every platform and tectonic fold system, thereby allowing us to explore the correlation between the depths of the bottom of the sedimentary basins and the top of the uplifting mantle. The thickness of the consolidated crust in China is found to be between 20 and 63 km, following a pattern of gradual thickening from east to west. Expressed in terms of spatial seismicity and the concentration of seismic energy, and according to the sharing-out of earthquake hypocenters in the top 80 km of the earth, the rheology of the area does not appear to suit the widely accepted “jelly–sandwich” model for the continents, which does not seem to be entirely valid in China. The findings on the mirror-image symmetry factor show that this parameter varies mainly in the range ? 0.5 to ? 1.8 compared with each other tectonic unit. Most of the tectonic systems in China appear to be isostatically compensated. Tibet is an exception, in that the symmetry factor is positive for the Gangdise–Nyainqentanglha (1.0) and Himalayan (0.1) fold systems, implying that these tectonic zones are far from being in the isostatic equilibrium of the other regions. We have also analyzed the zoning characteristics through the logarithmic relationship ln R = ln (h/|a|), using the average thickness of the consolidated crust and the absolute value of the symmetry factor. The key finding is that regardless of geographical location, all the values of R = h/|a| for those sedimentary basins in which oil/gas reservoirs have to date been found, fall into the narrow range of values between 19.38 and 37.40. There is some appeal in a possible relationship involving the ratio of crustal thickness to symmetry factor, more so when the results obtained appear to suggest a prognostic tool for exploratory practice in relation to oil/gas reservoirs.  相似文献   

The Cadomian and Variscan tectogeneses are two distinctive and easily distinguished cycles of a long-term geological process leading to the almost complete crustal consolidation of the Bohemian Massif. The internal parts of the massif are those of the main development of the Upper Proterozoic geosyncline and the intensive Cadomian metamorphism and plutonism.The Precambrian of the Bohemian Massif is divided into two principal regional chronostratigraphic units: the Moldanubian and the Brioverian; the age of the boundary between them is estimated at about 1000 Ma B. P. The Brioverian is subdivided into three units: the Lower, Middle and Upper. The Moldanubian is provisionally subdivided into two units: the Lower and the Upper.The maximum of the metamorphic activity of the Cadomian cycle falls approximately within the sedimentation interval of the Middle Brioverian, and that of the Variscan cycle in the Devonian. Compared with the Cadomian regional metamorphism which attained mostly amphibolite to granulite facies, the Variscan metamorphism generally did not exceed greenschist facies.The origin of the granitoid rocks of the massif is closely associated with the metamorphic processes of the two above-mentioned cycles. Cadomian granitoids are represented mostly by rocks of granodiorite-tonalite and durbachite types whereas the Variscan intrusives are dominated by rocks of granitic composition.
Zusammenfassung Die assyntische und variszische Orogenese sind die wesentlichen strukturprägenden Ereignisse im Böhmischen Massiv. Die internen Teile des Massives sind aus der jung-proterozoischen Geosynklinale hervorgegangen und während der assyntischen Gebirgsbildung metamorphisiert und von Magmatiten durchdrungen worden. Das Präkambrium des Böhmischen Massives ist in zwei chronostratigraphische Einheiten zu gliedern: das Moldanubium und das Brioverian. Die Grenze liegt etwa bei 1000 Mill. Jahren. Das Brioverian läßt sich in drei Einheiten gliedern und das Moldanubium in zwei Einheiten.Das Maximum der metamorphen Überprägung während der assyntischen Orogenese fällt in die Sedimentationslücke im mittleren Brioverian; im variszischen Zyklus erfolgt die Metamorphose im Devon. Die assyntische Metamorphose erreicht Amphibolit- bis Granulitfazies, die variszische geht nicht über eine Grünschieferfazies hinaus.Die magmatischen Gesteine sind eng mit den beiden Orogenesen verbunden. Die assnytischen Magmatite sind vorwiegend Granodiorit-Tonalite und Durbachite, während die variszischen Magmatite aus Graniten bestehen.

Résumé Les tectogenèses cadomienne et varisque sont deux cycles différents, bien discernables, d'un processus géologique de longue durée, qui a conduit à la cosolidation presque complète du Massif de Bohème. La partie interne du Massif est celle du développement principal du géosynclinal protérozoïque supérieur et du métamorphisme et du plutonisme cadomiens.Le Précambrien du Massif de Bohème se divise en deux unités chronostratigraphiques régionales: le Moldanubien et le Briovérien. On estime l'âge de la limite entre elles à 1000 millions d'années environ. Le Briovérien est subdivisé en trois unités: inférieure, moyenne et supérieure. Le Moldanubien est divisé provisoirement en deux unités: inférieure et supérieure.La culmination de l'activité métamorphique du cycle cadomien tombe à peu près dans l'intervalle de sédimentation du Briovérien moyen, celle du cycle varisque dans le Dévonien. Comparé avec le métamorphisme régional cadomien qui le plus souvent a atteint le faciès amphibolite, le métamorphisme varisque, en général, n'a pas dépassé le faciès schistes verts.L'origine des roches granitoïdes du Massif et associée avec les processus métamorphiques des deux sus-dits cycles. Les granitoïdes cadomiens sont représentés pour la plupart par des roches du type des granodiorites-tonalites et durbachites, tandis que parmi les roches intrusives varisques prédominent des roches de composition granitique.

, , . - , , , . : Moldanubium Brioverian. 1 . Brioverian , a Moldanubium . Brioverian; . ; . . - , — qg.

对江西赣南6个地区风化淋滤型稀土矿中全风化层的粘土矿物进行了研究,为进一步了解粘土矿物对该类型稀土矿中稀土元素分异的影响奠定了基础。X射线衍射自然定向片、甲酰胺片、饱和乙二醇片和加热片、红外光谱及扫描电镜观察结果表明该区粘土矿物以片状高岭石和针管状7埃洛石为主,其中坳背塘、长坑屋、上堡、杨村样品主体为高岭石,足洞样品中发育大量埃洛石,而石排样品中高岭石与埃洛石比例相当。电感耦合等离子体质谱分析表明稀土元素在粘土矿物中大量富集,其稀土元素配分不仅受到原岩的影响,而且受到粘土矿物本身性质的影响。Ce元素在足洞和石排样品的粘土矿物中表现出正异常,而在其他样品粘土矿物中表现为负异常,可能与其中发育的埃洛石密切相关。Ce元素可能以方铈矿胶膜的形式包裹在针状埃洛石中,和/或以离子形式被选择性吸附于埃洛石表面。  相似文献   

After summarizing the vast analytical material it was possible to establish the differences in rare-earth element (REE) distribution in geosynclines and on platforms. It is shown that the heavier REE composition in sediments of geosynclines and the lighter one in sediments of platforms was initially created by processes of endogenic differentiation and then inherited by sedimentary series of these zones. On the basis of the calculation of the REE content in rocks of various shells of the Earth crust the increase of the role of heavy lanthanides into the depths of the crust is shown. The obtained estimate of REE abundance in the lithosphere led to the conclusion that the crust of our planet, despite the repeated reworking of its matter by sedimentary processes, metamorphism and granitization, has inherited features peculiar to products of tholeiitic magmatism—the most widely spread type of mantle fusion.  相似文献   

There is a correlation between thorium and the light rare earth elements, indicated by La/Th ratios in fine grained sedimentary rocks of various ages from Australia and Greenland. The correlation between Th and the heavy rare earth elements (Th/Yb) is much less significant. Archean sedimentary rocks have a higher La/Th (3.6 ± 0.4) than post-Archean sedimentary rocks (La/Th = 2.7 ± 0.2).The cause of this correlation can be attributed to the coherent behaviour of these elements during most sedimentary processes (weathering, transport, diagenesis, etc.). Since the chondrite-normalized rare earth element distribution of clastic fine grained sedimentary rocks is accepted to be parallel to the distribution of REE in the upper continental crust, an estimate of upper crustal Th abundances can be made. Using reasonable assumptions of certain elemental ratios (K/U, Th/U, K/Rb) in the upper crust, minimum estimates of the abundances of K, U and Rb can also be made for the post-Archean and Archean upper crusts.The post-Archean values (K = 2.9%; Rb = 115 ppm; Th = 11.1 ppm; U = 2.9 ppm) compare favourably to some previous estimates made from direct sampling and theoretical considerations and help confirm a granodiorite present day upper continental crust. The Archean data (K = 0.92%; Rb = 30ppm; Th = 3.5 ppm; U = 0.92 ppm) support models which suggest a significantly more mafic exposed crust at that time.  相似文献   

俯冲物质深地幔循环——地球动力学研究的一个新方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地球上发生的各种地壳运动,大规模的火山喷发,不同深度不同规模的地震活动,规模宏大的山脉和高原的形成,以及地球历史上发生的大陆漂移运动,都被认为与板块构造活动密切相关。但这些运动的动力源究竟来自何方?如何去发现和证明它们的存在以及从理论上去认识和解释,是当今地球科学面临的巨大挑战,也是今后很长一段时间内地球科学的前沿和热点问题。近些年,人们通过各种方法,试图从更深部寻找板块作用动力学的证据。首先是地震层析研究取得了很大进展,获得了许多区域性和全球的高分辨率3-D地震地幔波速结构,使得我们得以认识地球深部的结构,探讨地幔的物质组成,流体的作用和动力学过程。证据显示,板块俯冲不仅可以到达地幔过渡带深度,而且可达到下地幔底部,堆积在核幔边界的上部,成为核幔边界产生的地幔柱的重要物质组成。其次是开展了大量的实验岩石学研究,模拟了一系列地球深部的高温高压矿物组合,被认为可能代表了地幔过渡带和下地幔的矿物组合,甚至核幔边界的含水矿物组合。另一方面,计算机模拟实验揭示了冷的大洋岩石圈发生深俯冲是可行的。尤为重要的是,许多来自地幔过渡带甚至下地幔深度的高压矿物已经在自然界陆续被发现,证明其中一些矿物是源...  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2001,105(2-4):115-128
The Aasivik terrane is a ∼1500 km2 complex of gneisses dominated by ∼3600 Ma components, which has been discovered in the Archaean craton of West Greenland, ∼20–50 km south of the Paleoproterozoic Nagssugtoqidian orogen. The Aasivik terrain comprises granulite facies tonalitic to granitic gneisses with bands of mafic granulite, which include disrupted mafic dykes. Four gneiss samples of the Aasivik terrain have given imprecise SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages of 3550–3780 Ma with strong loss of radiogenic lead and new growth of zircon probably associated with a granulite facies metamorphic event(s) at ∼2800–2700 Ma. To the Southeast, the Aasivik terrane is in tectonic contact with a late Archaean complex of granitic and metapelitic gneisses with apparently randomly distributed mafic and ultramafic units, here named the Ukaleq gneiss complex. Two granitic samples from the Ukaleq gneiss complex have U–Pb zircon ages of 2817 ± 10 and 2820 ± 12 Ma and tzircon εNd values of 2.3–5.4. Given their composition and positive εNd values, they probably represent melts of only slightly older juvenile crust. A reconnaissance SHRIMP U–Pb study of a sample of metasedimentary rock from the Ukaleq gneiss complex found ∼2750–2900 Ma zircons of probable detrital origin and that two or more generations of 2700–2500 Ma metamorphic zircons are present. This gneiss complex is provisionally interpreted as a late Archaean accretionary wedge. A sample of banded granulite facies gneiss from a complex of banded gneisses south of the Aasivik terrain here named the Tasersiaq gneiss complex has yielded two zircon populations of 3212 ± 11 and 3127 ± 12 Ma. Contacts between the three gneiss complexes are mylonites which are locally cut by late-post-kinematic granite veins with SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages of ∼2700 Ma. The isotopic character and the relationships between the lithologies from the different gneiss complexes suggest the assembly of unrelated rocks along shear zones between 2800 and 2700 Ma. The collage of Archaean gneiss complexes were intruded by A-type granites, here named the Umiatsiaasat granites, at ∼2700 Ma, later than the tectonic intercalation of the gneiss complexes.  相似文献   

We present initial 176Hf/177 Hf ratios for many samples of continental crust 3.7-0.3 Gy old. Results are based chiefly on zircons (1% Hf) and whole rocks: zircons are shown to be reliable carriers of essentially the initial Hf itself when properly chosen on the basis of U-Pb studies. Pre-3.0 Gy gneisses were apparently derived from an unfractionated mantle, but both depleted and undepleted mantle are evident as magma sources from 2.9 Gy to present. This mantle was sampled mainly from major crustal growth episodes 2.8, 1.8 and 0.7 Gy ago, all of which show gross heterogeneity of 176Hf/177Hf in magma sources from Hf=0 to +14, or about 60% of the variability of the present mantle.The approximate Hf=2Nd relationship in ancient and modern igneous rocks shows that 176Lu/177Hf fractionates in general twice as much as 147Sm/144Nd in mantle melting processes. This allows an estimation of the relative value of the unknown bulk solid/liquid distribution coefficient for Hf. DLu/DHf= 2.3 holds for most mantle source regions. For garnet to be an important residual mantle phase, it must hold Hf strongly in order to preserve Hf-Nd isotopic relationships.The ancient Hf initials are consistent with only a small proportion of recycled older cratons in new continental crust, and with quasi-continuous, episodic growth of the continental crust with time. However, recycling of crust less than 150 My old cannot realistically be detected using Hf initials. The mantle shows clearly the general positive Hf resulting from a residual geochemical state at least back to 2.9 Gy ago, and seems to have repeatedly possessed a similar degree of heterogeneity, rather than a continuously-developing depletion. This is consistent with a complex dynamic disequilibrium model for the creation, maintenance and destruction of heterogeneity in the mantle.  相似文献   

Crustal structures of the Central and Eastern Pyrenees are compared with those of the Alps and Carpathians. By analogy, northward subduction/underthrusting in the Central and Eastern Pyrenees is proposed. Southward subduction/underthrusting is found along the North Iberian margin and Western Pyrenees. Hence, a flip—a change in the direction of subduction/underthrusting—is postulated between the Central and Western Pyrenees.  相似文献   

月球早期经历了岩浆洋阶段,岩浆洋的研究对认识月球内部构造有着重要意义。月球岩浆洋演化主导模型认为:岩浆洋结晶到80%左右,斜长石开始结晶,并上浮形成斜长岩月壳。该模型与观察事实存在两点矛盾:1)基于该模型计算结晶的斜长石An牌号比高地样品斜长石An牌号测试结果低;2)该模型散热速率计算指示岩浆洋在几个百万年时间内固化,而同位素体系对月球岩石样品定年结果表明月壳的结晶年龄十分古老,并且结晶区间跨越了270Myr,这与主导模型之间存在矛盾。以解决以上两点矛盾为目的,本文论证岩浆洋在演化之初硕部存在冷却"盖层",并将硅酸盐熔体在温度梯度下的热扩散效应引入岩浆洋演化模型。热扩散效应指均一的物质在温度梯度下发生分异的过程。本文工作模型是:由于月球的重力常数小,不能有效的保持大气,因此月球的岩浆洋表面温度很低。此时岩浆洋自上而下存在一个过渡的瞬态固化"盖层"(淬火层),岩浆洋自上而下存在温度梯度,岩浆洋在该梯度下发生热扩散效应(Soret效应),Soret效应导致上部结晶斜长石的熔体富Ca和贫Na,因此结晶的斜长石An牌号高。  相似文献   

Fluid systems in the consolidated continental crust associated with large permeable zones have been distinguished on the basis of geophysical data. These zones serve as migration pathways for fluids uplifting from the mantle. The conditions of interaction of such fluids with large horizontal and subvertical fluid systems during degassing are considered. Horizontal systems, fixed at geophysical profiles as waveguides, contain significant amounts of high-temperature fluids, which interact there with enclosing rocks and fluids uplifting during degassing with the formation of oil- and ore-bearing solutions. The experiments on the interaction of water and solutions with rocks under increased temperatures carried out in the second half of 1960s gave an idea about the character of similar reactions. It has been revealed that significant amounts of organic matters pass into solutions, and bitumen is generated at 150–250°C. Similar reactions promote formation of new oil fields.  相似文献   

香花岭花岗岩稀土元素演化   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
香花岭地区花岗岩中的稀土元素呈逆向演化 ,其演化过程受花岗岩体系中的岩浆主成分、熔体结构相及流体组分变化等影响。花岗岩造岩矿物中稀土元素与各自岩石变化的一致性 ,可能暗示稀土元素的演化受岩浆的制约 ;稀土元素总量随岩浆演化而下降 ,与岩浆体系降温矿物的晶出、熔体相的相对减少、流体相的增加及射气分异作用的发生等有关 ,而轻稀土富集则是由于岩浆体系向碱性增强方向演化的结果。对于连续演化的花岗岩而言 ,稀土元素的分布样式或许可作为岩浆演化酸碱环境的指向 ;负铕异常的减小除与岩浆主成分的变化有关外 ,还与氧化 还原环境的变化有关  相似文献   

以往研究认为煌斑岩类及其风化壳因规模小且稀土元素难以高度富集,不易形成稀土元素矿床。然而,本文通过对黔东南麻江隆昌、龙山、大塘、石板寨及和尚坟地区20件风化煌斑岩类中稀土元素进行测试分析发现,风化煌斑岩类中稀土元素含量普遍偏高,ΣREE+Y介于558. 78×10-6~2409.94×10-6(平均1461.21×10-6),其中LREE平均1346.44×10-6,HREE平均53.52×10-6,稀土元素具有高度富集甚至成矿的潜力。其中石板寨、和尚坟煌斑岩风化程度较强,稀土元素富集程度较高,隆昌、龙山等地煌斑岩风化程度相对较弱,稀土元素富集程度相对较低。煌斑岩类风化壳中高度富集轻稀土元素,且以La、Ce、Nd、Pr相对富集为特征。电子探针分析表明,风化煌斑岩类中稀土元素多以稀土独立矿物形式存在,其中以独居石为主。  相似文献   

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