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Anomalous coarse-crystalline garnet amphibolites and possible retrograded eclogites in varying stages of replacement by sodic amphibole + epidote assemblages compose exotic boulders (tectonic blocks) resting unconformably on serpentinite and finergrained, lower-greenschist-grade metabasites and metapelites in the Coastal Range of Chile (41° S Lat.). Major-and trace-elemental compositions of the tectonic blocks are similar to metapillow basalts and metavolcaniclastics within the underlying, in situ, metamorphic complex. Phase compatibilities and mineral compositions within the coarse blueschist/amphibolite suggest both a higher maximum pressure (greater burial depth) and higher P-T retrograde path for the tectonic blocks than for the in situ greenschists, suggesting an inversion of their relative structural position after metamorphism.

Coarse amphibolite-grade metabasites forming the lower portion of a primitive arc system may have been detached from the upper plate and subducted to deeper levels within a zone of distributed shear, resulting in the formation of high-P/T blueschist minerals. A K-Ar age of 304 + 9 Ma on white mica from one of the blueschist blocks is similar to previous ages from the regional metamorphic complex, and suggests that ascent of the tectonic blocks marginal to or within serpentinite diapirs occurred during an early stage of late Paleozoic orogenesis along the Gondwanide margin. Post-orogenic static uplift, sedimentation, and differential erosion then resulted in the present surficial distribution of the blueschist boulders.  相似文献   

油气藏成藏期构造应力场与油气聚集   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
邓俊国  刘泽容 《地质论评》1993,39(4):336-342
本文重点讨论桥口油田成藏期构造应力场研究方法和分布规律,论述了构造应力场对构造体系、沉积体系及油气形成和分布的控制作用;提出了NNE向主导构造控制研究区油气的形成和分布,预测了有利含油气区。  相似文献   

放射性方法在我国找寻油气藏中的应用进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,随着测量技术的完善和提高,应用放射性方法找寻油气田取得了明显进展。研制出了携带式微机化仪器设备。在野外工作中,开展了高精度、多参数的放射性测量。在室内工作中,利用放射性测量工作站对数据进行处理和解释。通过对一些油气田进行的综合研究和对放射性元素运移规律的模型实验,对放射性异常和油气藏的关系及异常形成机制有了新的认识。众多实例表明,放射性方法是一种简便、快速、经济、实用、安全的找油气方法,在石油勘探中可以取得良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

油气田微磁异常成因及性质研究的近期进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微磁测量是80年代出现的一种成功的非常规油气勘探方法,它所检测的是与油气渗漏相关的次生磁性矿化作用。近期的大量研究表明,油气田上方的微磁乒常具有复杂多样的成因:(1)从烃类获得代谢能的硫酸盐还原茵的作用;(2)烃类的微生物降解作用;(3)硫化环境中形成的磁黄铁矿;(4)泥质岩中富铁粘土的自生菱铁矿化;(5)与油气源岩露头或油气藏渗漏有关的自燃变质带。此外,烃类在陆相红层中的磁效应可以受到赤铁矿溶离的干扰,使其磁化强度出现数量级的下降。  相似文献   

地球深部流体与油气生成及运移浅析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近年来的研究工作表明,流体不仅存在于地球表层及上地壳,而且也大量存在于地球深部(下地壳及地幔),其成分以H2O和CO2为主。由于特定的温度和压力条件,流体均呈超临界状态存在,它们是能量与物质的运移载体。由于其独特的性质,因而它们不仅参与了深部油气的无机生成,而且也对油气的富集及向上运移成藏起了重要作用。  相似文献   

地球深部流体与油气生成及运移浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来的研究工作表明,流体不仅存在于地球表层及上地壳,而且也大量存在于地球深部(下地壳及地幔),其成分以H2O和CO2为主.由于特定的温度和压力条件,流体均呈超临界状态存在,它们是能量与物质的运移载体.由于其独特的性质,因而它们不仅参与了深部油气的无机生成,而且也对油气的富集及向上运移成藏起了重要作用.  相似文献   

在油气勘探中,地震是确定构造形态的有效方法,而高精度重力测量能观测到具有工业意义的油气藏及其伴生因素产生的重力负异常。通过对高精度重力异常和地震确定的地质界面相关分析得出的油气重力异常与构造形态之间的不相关性来预测油气藏,理论模型试验和应用实例均表明,方法正确,可用于实际生产。  相似文献   

High-K calc-alkalic plutons represent a significant proportion of the abundant magmatic bodies that intruded Borborema province (BP) of northeastern Brazil during the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano (Pan-African) orogeny. They consist of an association of mafic to intermediate (diorites to granodiorites) and felsic rocks (coarse-grained to porphyritic quartz monzonites to granites). Field and petrographic evidence indicates that the felsic and mafic rocks coexisted as contemporaneous melts, and major- and trace-element data favor magma mixing over fractional crystallization as the main petrogenetic process responsible for the petrographic and geochemical variability of these rocks. Major- and trace-element, oxygen-isotope, and radiogenic-isotope (Sr and Nd) data suggest that (1) the main source rocks of the granitoids are lower-crustal amphibolites having rare-earth-element (REE) and isotopie characteristics similar to the associated mafic rocks and (2) the source region of the diorites is the metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle. These inferences imply that crustal growth occurred during the Brasiliano orogeny. Dewatering of the mantle and lower crust and addition of consolidated mafic rocks and I-type granitoids to the middle crust certainly strengthened the entire lithosphere, thus contributing to the final cratonization of the BP.

Field evidence indicates that the BP high-K calc-alkalic plutons were emplaced in an intracontinental setting, implying that this magmatism was not subduction-zone related. Although the plutons are spatially associated with transcurrent shear zones, the scale of magmatism is too broad to be assigned to shear heating. 40Ar/39Ar data indicate that large areas of the BP underwent slow cooling, unlike orogenic belts where delamination or convective removal of the lithosphere occurred. Therefore, only large convective instabilities in the sublithospheric mantle may explain the thermal anomaly responsible for melting in the BP. It is proposed that a mantle plume impinging the base of the continental lithosphere under the BP may represent such a laterally extensive and long-lived heat source.  相似文献   

王建民 《矿物岩石》2000,20(4):42-45
本文以张家河油田为研究对象,通过含油气层段小层的精细划分对比、油气水层综合解释,统计编图及试采成果分析等,完成了控油因素和油藏类型分析。  相似文献   

利用地面化探资料能够有效地圈定出化探异常,指出烃类垂向运移发生的范围。但对于油、气勘探的需要,这仅仅是最基本的,是远远不够的。本文通过对垂向化探资料及地面游离烃化探资料的分析,对利用地化动力学指标判断油、气藏的保存条件及埋藏深度进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

大厂锡矿床成因综合分析及成矿模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对大厂锡多金属矿床区域成矿地质环境、矿体形态特征、原生金属-矿物分带、矿床地球化学的综合分析与研究,论述了该矿床在许多方面具有喷气沉积成因的特点。为此,我们把大厂锡多金属矿床与块状硫化物矿床、绿岩带金矿床及某些层控锡矿床进行了对比,从而明确了大厂锡矿属于含锡块状硫化物型层控锡矿床。本文还从发展、演化的角度,对大厂层控锡矿形成后的变形-变质作用进行了系统研究,阐明了同生与后生地质现象同时存在的原因,解决了对该矿床所提出彼此矛盾成因假说的难题。最后,建立了大厂锡矿的成因模式,并探讨了该超大型锡矿形成的特殊地质环境。  相似文献   

平武地区中生代花岗岩类的演化特征及其成因意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
平武地区花岗岩类十分发育。总体组成一近南北向的花岗岩带展布于古城断裂以北。花岗岩属次铝质钙碱性岩系,富硅碱高,富集W、Cs、Se、Sb、Zn贫Cr、Co、Ni、Zr。轻稀土富集,δEu具负异常,表现为同碰撞深熔花 岩特征,成因类型则显示为以“1”型为主,兼有“S”型的混源型花岗岩。全岩K-Ar年龄及地质事件分析岩浆活动主体为晚三叠世-早侏罗世。  相似文献   

油气勘探中壤气烃的采集与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
气体地球化学在寻找矿藏和隐伏断裂中已经得到广泛应用,针对不同的土壤条件,如何采集合格的壤中气样品,是气体地球化学方法取得成功的关键因素之一。国内外不同类型的壤中气采集器,每一种只能适应一种特定的土壤环境,而对于潮湿黏土,易于积水的土壤层,缺少有效的办法。最新发明的"地气采集螺旋钻"可以解决此问题,易于采集到合格的壤中气样品。不同类型的已知油气藏上方的应用事例说明,利用壤中气进行烃类分析,可以有效地预测下伏油气藏。  相似文献   

关于安徽油气资源勘探的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张交东  刘德良  谈迎 《安徽地质》2002,12(2):124-128
从安徽油气勘探的历程和现状出发,展示安徽油气资源广阔前景,分析勘探工作的复杂性,探讨油气勘探没有突破的因素及下一步工作建议和设想.  相似文献   

岩石地球化学特征研究表明,蛤蟆沟林场地区中生代火山岩属于钙碱性火山岩系列,岩浆演化序列为中性→酸性→中性→酸性.火山岩化学成分变化以岩浆结晶分异占主导地位,岩浆分异较好.火山岩属于板内造山带产物,岩浆来源于壳源.  相似文献   

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