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Early Paleozoic paleomagnetic data from NW Argentina and Northern Chile have shown large systematic rotations within two domains: one composed of the Western Puna that yields very large (up to 80°) counter-clockwise rotations, and the other formed by the Famatina Ranges and the Eastern Puna that shows (~40°) clockwise rotations around vertical axes. In several locations, lack of significant rotations in younger rocks constrains this kinematic pattern to have occurred during the Paleozoic. Previous tectonic models have explained these rotations as indicative of rigid-body rotations of large para-autochthonous crustal blocks or terranes. A different but simple tectonic model that accounts for this pattern is presented in which rotations are associated to crustal shortening and tectonic escape due to the collision of the allochthonous terrane of Precordillera in the Late Ordovician. This collision should have generated dextral shear zones in the back arc region of the convergent SW Gondwana margin, where systematic domino-like clockwise rotations of small crustal blocks accommodate crustal shortening. The Western Puna block, bordering the Precordillera terrane to the north, might have rotated counterclockwise as an independent microplate due to tectonic escape processes, in a fashion similar to the present-day relationship between the Anatolia block and the Arabian microplate.  相似文献   

<正>Objective The tectonic characteristics and evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Jiao-Liao-Ji belt have been extensively studied in recent decades(Fig.1 a).Two main models have been proposed for the formation of this belt:a continental-or arc-continent collisional belt,and the opening and closure of an intra-continental rift.The main reasons for these ongoing debates are own to the complex composition,including metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary rocks,multiple pulses of granitic magmatism,meta-mafic intrusions,and tectonometamorphic history.In addition,earlier work focused on the geochronology and metamorphic evolution,whereas the  相似文献   

The tectonic evolution of South Qinling,which is a main part of the Qinling orogenic belt,is still in dispute and deformation history of South Qinling is poorly studied.In this paper,detailed structural,microstructural,quartz c-axis fabric analysis,and geochronology results for the Madao gneiss in South Qinling are presented to characterize the deformation history.Results show that rocks in the northern part(Tiefodian-Laozhanggou) experience general shearing and deform at relative low temperature.The shear sense generally is south to north.In contrast,rocks in the southern part(Laozhanggou-Panjiahe) are weakly sheared with pure shear features and evidence of hightemperature deformation.Based on the analyses,we conclude that there exist two distinct deformation geometries in the Madao gneiss and accordingly we can divide the deformation into two stages.The early stage is represented by regional shortening,while the late stage features northward thrust shearing and evidence shows that it was a progressive process between them.LA-ICP MS U-Pb dating of zircons from pre-deformational migmatite veins yields age of 198.5 ± 2.0 Ma.This result,in combination with the age of post-deformational granite,indicates that the northward thrust shearing of the Madao gneiss occurred in the Late Triassic.In view of these results and other reported data in South Qinling,we propose that deformation in Madao gneiss may result from the initial collision and subsequent northward accretion in Late Triassic.  相似文献   

The Dalradian sequence of the Scottish Highlands and the Vendian sequences of Scandinavian accumulated in rifts that evolved into passive margins in late Vendian to early Cambrian time. They closely resemble one another in their evolution. The Dalradian margin faced SE, the Scandinavian margins faced NW (present-day orientation). When plotted on a reconstruction of Laurentia, Baltica and W Gondwana in which Baltica has a more southerly position than the most commonly discussed reconstructions of Pannotia and Rodinia, the Vendian sediments form a coherent pattern. In particular, the enigmatic granitic clasts in the Port Askaig Dalradian tillite appear to have been eroded from the ∼1 Ga Proterozoic basement of southwestern Scandinavia. This reconstruction is supported independently by previous matches of the metamorphic belts of Baltica and Laurentia which have been largely ignored in most reconstructions of Pannotia and Rodinia, and by recent information on the age and distribution of rift-related magmatism.  相似文献   

The Pampas plain (30°–41°S) has historically been considered as a sector that evolved independently from the adjacent Andean ranges. Nevertheless, the study of the Pampas showed that it is reasonable to expect an important influence from the Andes into the extraandean area. The Pampas plain can be divided into two sectors: the northern portion, adjacent to the Pampean Ranges, has been studied by Davila (2005, 2007, 2010). The southern sector (34°–41°S) is the objective of the present work. The study of this area allowed to characterize two separate foreland basins: the Southern Pampa basin and the Northern Patagonian basin. The infill is composed of Late Miocene and Pliocene units, interpreted as distal synorogenic sequences associated with the late Cenozoic Andean uplift at this latitudinal range. These foreland basins have been defined based on facies changes, distinct depositional styles, along with the analysis of sedimentary and isopach maps. The basins geometries are proposed following De Celles and Gilles (1996) taking into account the infill geometry, distribution and grain size. In both cases, these depocenters are located remarkably far away from the Andean tectonics loads. Therefore they cannot be explained with short-wave subsidence patterns. Elastic models explain the tectonic subsidence in the proximal depocenters but fail to replicate the complete distal basins. These characteristics show that dynamic subsidence is controlling the subsidence in the Southern Pampas and Northern Patagonian basins.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Paleoproterozoic Lüliang Metamorphic Complex (PLMC) is situated in the middle segment of the western margin of the Trans-North China Orogen (TNCO), North China Craton (NCC). As the most important lithological assemblages in the southern part of the PLMC, Guandishan granitoids consist of early gneissic tonalities, granodiorites and gneissic monzogranites, and younger gneissic to massive monzogranites. Petrochemical features reveal that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites belong to the medium-K calc-alkaline series; the early gneissic monzogranites are transitional from high-K calc-alkaline to the shoshonite series; the younger gneissic to massive monzogranites belong to the high-k calc-alkaline series, and all rocks are characterized by right-declined REE patterns and negative Nb, Ta, Sr, P, and Ti anomalies in the primitive mantle normalized spidergrams. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb isotopic dating reveals that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites formed at ~2.17 Ga, the early gneissic monzogranites at ~2.06 Ga, and the younger gneissic to massive monzogranites at ~1.84 Ga. Sm–Nd isotopic data show that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites have εNd(t) values of +0.48 to ?3.19 with Nd-depleted mantle model ages (TDM) of 2.76–2.47 Ga, and early gneissic monzogranites have εNd(t) values of ?0.53 to ?2.51 with TDM of 2.61–2.43 Ga, and the younger gneissic monzogranites have εNd(t) values of ?6.41 to ?2.78 with a TDM of 2.69–2.52 Ga.These geochemical and isotopic data indicate that the early gneissic tonalities, granodiorites, and monzogranites were derived from the partial melting of metamorphosed basaltic and pelitic rocks, respectively, in a continental arc setting. The younger gneissic to massive monzogranites were derived by partial melting of metamorphosed greywackes within the continental crust. Combined with previously regional data, we suggest that the Paleoproterozoic granitoid magmatism in the Guandishan granitoids of the PLMC may provide the best geological signature for the complete spectrum of Paleoproterozoic geodynamic processes in the Trans-North China Orogen from oceanic subduction, through collisional orogenesis, to post-orogenic extension and uplift.  相似文献   

The Paleoproterozoic Liiliang Metamorphic Complex(PLMC)is situated in the middle segment of the western margin of the Trans-North China Orogen(TNCO),North China Craton(NCC). As the most important Iithological assemblages in the southern part of the PLMC,Guandishan granitoids consist of early gneissic tonalities,granodiorites and gneissic monzogranites,and younger gneissic to massive monzogranites.Petrochemical features reveal that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites belong to the medium-K calc-alkaline series;the early gneissic monzogranites are transitional from high-K caic-alkaline to the shoshonite series;the younger gneissic to massive monzogranites belong to the high-k calc-alkaline series,and all rocks are characterized by right-declined REE patterns and negative Nb,Ta,Sr,P,and Ti anomalies in the primitive mantle normalized spidergrams.SHRIMP zircon U-Pb isotopic dating reveal that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites formed at ~2.17 Ga,the early gneissic monzogranites at ~2.06 Ga,and the younger gneissic to massive monzogranites at ~1.84 Ga.Sm-Nd isotopic data show that the early gneissic tonalities and granodiorites have εNd(t) values of +0.48 to -3.19 with Nd-depleted mantle model ages (TDM)of 2.76-2.47 Ga,and early gneissic monzogranites have εNd(t) values of -0.53 to -2.51 with TDM of 2.61-2.43 Ga,and the younger gneissic monzogranites have εNd(t) values of -6.41 to -2.78 with a TDM of 2.69-2.52 Ga.These geochemical and isotopic data indicate that the early gneissic tonalities,granodiorites,and monzogranites were derived from the partial melting of metamorphosed basaltic and pelitic rocks,respectively,in a continental arc setting.The younger gneissic to massive monzogranites were derived by partial melting of metamorphosed greywackes within the continental crust.Combined with previously regional data,we suggest that the PaleOproterOzOic granitoid magmatism in the Guandishan granitoids of the PLMC may provide the best geologicaI signature for the complete spectrum of Paleoproterozoic geodynamic processes in the Trans-North China Orogen from oceanic subduction.through collisional orogenesis,to post-orogenic extension and uplift.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic and sedimentological characteristics of the Payogastilla Group represent important tectono-sedimentary constraints on the evolution of the Andean foreland basin in northwestern Argentina. This nonmarine unit unconformably rests on top of the post-rift deposits of the middle Eocene Lumbrera Formation of the Santa Bárbara Subgroup (Salta Group). Eocene-Pliocene paleoenvironmental changes are a direct result of the tectonic settings and accommodation space. Sequential stratigraphic analysis of the paleoenvironment of the Los Colorados Formation strata indicates the presence of three third-order sequences. Each sequence comprises a low-accommodation systems tract (LAST) and a high-accommodation systems tract (HAST). Substantial tectonic activity from the middle to upper Miocene is represented by Angastaco Formation strata that contain a shallow, gravel-braided fluvial system associated with gravity flows, with thicknesses of 4550 m (Calchaquí River) to 1500 m (Tonco). This activity marked the depocenter of the Angastaco basin. The development of a basal unconformity and the erosion of the Los Colorados Formation suggest a renewed uplift of the source area. Changes in the fluvial systems indicate an increase of the accommodation space.To obtain better temporal constraints on the basin evolution, new U–Pb ages on zircons from five pyroclastic airfall and two sedimentary levels were determined. A substantial environmental change in the upper Miocene (10–5 Ma) is associated with three episodes of tectonic uplift that are reflected in variations in the sedimentation rates of the Palo Pintado Formation. A reactivated Pliocene tectonic uplift is recorded in alluvial fans that originated from the east.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the zircon U–Pb geochronology and geochemistry of the Bairiqiete granodiorite intrusion(rock mass) from the Buqingshan tectonic mélange belt in the southern margin of East Kunlun. The results show that the zircons are characterized by internal oscillatory zoning and high Th/U(0.14–0.80), indicative of an igneous origin. LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating of zircons from the Bairiqiete granodiorite yielded an age of 439.0 ± 1.9 Ma(MSWD = 0.34), implying that the Bairiqiete granodiorite formed in the early Silurian. Geochemical analyses show that the rocks are medium-K calc-alkaline, relatively high in Al2O3(14.57–18.34 wt%) and metaluminous to weakly peraluminous. Rare-earth elements have low concentrations(45.49–168.31 ppm) and incline rightward with weak negative to weak positive Eu anomalies(δEu = 0.64–1.34). Trace-element geochemistry is characterized by negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti and positive anomalies of Rb, Th and Ba. Moreover, the rocks have similar geochemical features with adakites. The Bairiqiete granodiorite appears to have a continental crust source and formed in a subduction-related island-arc setting. The Bairiqiete granodiorite was formed due to partial melting of the lower crust and suggests subduction in the Buqingshan area of the Proto-Tethys Ocean.  相似文献   

Archaeological sites composed only of surficial lithics are widespread in arid environments. Numerical dating of such sites is challenging, however, and even establishing a relative chronology can be daunting. One potentially helpful method for assigning relative chronologies is to use lithic weathering, on the assumption that the most weathered artifacts are also the oldest. Yet, few studies have systematically assessed how local environmental processes affect weathering of surficial lithics. Using macroscopic analyses, we compared the weathering of surficial lithic assemblages from seven mid‐to‐late Holocene archaeological sites sampled from four different microenvironments in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Changes in polish, texture, shine, and color were used to establish significant differences in weathering between two kinds of locations: interfluves and canyon sites. Lithics from interfluve sites were moderately to highly weathered by wind and possessed a dark coating, whereas canyon lithics were mildly weathered despite greater exposure to moisture, often lacked indications of eolian abrasion, and lacked dark coatings. Our results show that lithic weathering can be used as a proxy for relative age, but only after considering local environmental factors. The power of such chronologies can be improved by combining archaeological, paleoenvironmental, geomorphological, and taphonomic data.  相似文献   

The Southern Great Xing'an Range,Northeast China,is located in the eastern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.It is considered to be one of the most important metallogenic belts,commonly hosting a series of skarn.porphyry and magmatic hydrothermal Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu Mo-Sn polymetallic deposits(Fig.1).Complex tectonic events have occurred in this region,including the closure of the Palco-Asian Ocean in the Late Palaeozoic,the opening and closure of the Mongol Okhotsk Ocean and the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean in the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - In the lower part of Upper Vendian deposits on the East European Platform, packs of chocolate-brown clayey rocks/tuff-argillites containing intercalations of...  相似文献   

The Chañarcillo Basin is an Early Cretaceous extensional basin in northern Chile (27–29°S). The folding style of the syn-rift successions along the eastern side of the basin reveals an architecture consisting of a NNE-trending anticline “Tierra Amarilla Anticlinorium”, associated with the inversion of the Elisa de Bordos Fault. A set of balanced cross sections and palinspastic restorations across the basin show that a partially inverted “domino-style” half-graben as the structural framework is most appropriate for reproducing the deformation observed at the surface. This inverted system provides a 9–14 km shortening in the basin. The ages of the synorogenic deposits preserved next to the frontal limb of the “Tierra Amarilla Anticlinorium” suggest that basin inversion occurred close to the “K–T” boundary (“K–T” phase of Andean deformation). We propose that tectonic inversion is the fundamental deformation mechanism, and that it emphasizes the regional importance of inherent Mesozoic extensional systems in the evolution of the northern Chilean Andes.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》1986,26(2):207-217
Pleistocene areas of red sediments and carbonized vegetation on the Northern Channel Islands, California, have in the past been interpreted as caused by fires of either natural or human origin. Some are associated with darkened mammoth and bird fossils, and these fossils have been considered as having been burned by early man. Reevaluation of these so-called “fire areas” indicates that the above phenomena are the result of low-temperature (≤100°C), nonheating processes occurring in groundwater. Evidence for this conclusion is derived from field observations on fossil carbonized vegetation, and the geology of the areas. Additional evidence derives from experiments on the red sediments and fossil wood, X-ray diffraction analyses, magnetic analyses, studies on the clay minerals smectite and illite, and the demonstration that fossil mammoth bone contains sufficient Fe and Mn to account for their discoloration. Much of the carbonization of vegetation probably occurred in water rather than in fire. Radiocarbon dates from the islands will probably need to be reevaluated. These data provide evidence contrary to the concept of the occurrence of significant fires, either natural or set by early man, on the Northern Channel Islands.  相似文献   

An Outline of Mesozoic to Paleogene SequenceStratigraphy and Sea-Level Changes inNorthern Himalayas,Southern Xizang¥ShiXiaoyi...  相似文献   

The Neuquén Basin, developed in a retroarc setting in the central-west of Argentina, contains more than 6000 m of Mesozoic marine and continental sedimentary rocks. These rocks were deformed during the Andean orogeny leading to several thick and thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts. The Early Cretaceous Agrio Formation is composed by a thick marine succession predominantly of black shales in which highlights a thin fluvial-aeolian sandy interval named Avilé Member. The Avilé Member, one of the most important hydrocarbon reservoirs of the Neuquén Basin, constitutes an excellent structural marker. At the Chos Malal fold-and-thrust belt, the strong mechanical anisotropy given by the contrasting lithology of the Avilé Member within the Agrio Formation favored the location of detachments along the shales and ramps affecting the sandstones during the Andean compression. Detailed field mapping at the Chacay Melehue area allowed us to recognize tectonic repetitions of the Avilé Member, which form imbrications in the simplest case whereas in other places constitute a more complex combination of imbrications, including fault-bend folding that duplicates stratigraphic sequences and fault-propagation folding that deforms more intensely the duplicated units. Along three structural cross-sections we illustrate the geometry of these tectonic repetitions of the Agrio Formation, which in the northern area have an eastward-vergence and in the central and southern regions show a clear westward-vergence. A tear fault along the arroyo Chacay Melehue could explain this vergence change. Forward modeling of the structures at the central cross-section, where a backthrust system produced imbrication, duplication and folding of the Agrio Formation, allows us to propose a balanced kinematic reconstruction of this complex structure and to compare the features produced at different stages of the deformation sequence with field observations. Our kinematic interpretation shows that the tectonic repetitions of the Agrio Formation involve 3 km of shortening above a basal detachment within the lowermost black shales. Based on a regional balanced cross-section constructed from the basement-cored Cordillera del Viento anticlinorium toward the east, across the thin-skinned sector of the Chos Malal FTB, it is possible to connect the backthrust system with east-vergent fault-bend folds that involve the stratigraphic units below the Agrio Formation. Finally, we propose a regional structural model considering the Cordillera del Viento as a basement wedge related to a low angle Andean thrust that is inserted into the sedimentary cover producing structures of different order, which evidence a strong relationship between thick and thin-skinned structures during the Andean orogeny.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine peat formation processes throughout the millennia in four tidal marshes in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. Peat cores collected at each site were analyzed for bulk density, loss on ignition, and percent organic carbon. Core data and spline fit age–depth models were used to estimate inorganic sedimentation, organic accumulation, and carbon sequestration rates in the marshes. Bulk density and percent organic matter content of peat fluctuated through time at all sites, suggesting that peat formation processes are dynamic and responsive to watershed conditions. The balance between inorganic sedimentation and organic accumulation at the sites also varied through time, indicating that marshes may rely more strongly on either inorganic or organic matter for peat formation at particular times in their existence. Mean carbon sequestration rates found in this study (0.38–0.79 Mg C ha−1 year−1) were similar to other long-term estimates for temperate peatlands.  相似文献   

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