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钱青  钟孙霖等 《岩石学报》2002,18(3):275-292
八达岭杂岩侵位于华北北部,由辉长闪长岩岩、石英闪长岩、石英二长岩、二长闪长岩、二长花岗岩、碱长花岗岩和石英正长岩等组成,主要属高钾钙碱性系列。除了含V-Ti磁铁矿的堆晶辉长闪长岩,整套岩石的主量元素变化范围较大,SiO2=46.5%-75.3%,MgO=5.6%-0.2%,中酸性岩石的K2O/NaO为0.59-1.09。碱长花岗岩和少数石英二长岩Ba和Sr含量较低,且具有明显(Eu)负异常。大多数中酸性岩石(高Ba-Sr花岗岩)具有如下显著的微量元素地球化学特征:Ba,Sr和轻稀土(LREE)富集,Y和重稀土(HREE)亏损,LREE/HREE强烈分离,Sr/Y和La/Yb比值较高;在原始地幔标准化的蛛网图中具有显著的Nb,Ta和Ti亏损,不具明显的Sr和Eu亏损。在Harker图解中,基性岩石和高Ba-Sr花岗岩的主量元素相关性明显,两者还具有相似的微量元素和稀土(REE)分配特征,并且,REE,Y,Sr,P和Ti含量从基性到酸性逐渐降低。辉长闪长岩和高Ba-Sr花岗岩的Sr-Nd同位素初始值呈EMI特征(Isr=0.7051-0.7068,εNdi=-8.2-20.2),大致呈负相关。地球化学特征表明基性岩浆为富集的大陆岩石圈地幔部分熔融形成,而高Ba-Sr花岗岩则为基性岩浆通过陆壳混染和结晶分离形成;富P和Ti的副矿物(如磷灰石和的榍石)的分离结晶导致了REE,P和Ti丰度的逐渐降低。另外,华北板块内部和大别-苏鲁造山带基性岩和高Ba-Sr花岗岩分别具有相似的地球化学特征,这表明,上述地区燕山期大规模岩浆活动具有相似的地球动力学机制,大别-苏鲁造山带岩浆岩的地球化学特征并不反映其地幔源区一定受到过来自深俯冲的扬子板块的流体的富集作用。岩石圈的拆沉和减簿作用可能导致了华北板块和大别-苏鲁造山带下古老岩石圈地幔的部分熔融,岩石圈地幔的富集作用可能主要性发生于元古代。  相似文献   

华北克拉通中部造山带早元古代盆地演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘超辉  刘福来  赵国春 《岩石学报》2012,28(9):2770-2784
华北克拉通中部造山带被认为是由东、西部陆块碰撞而产生的陆陆碰撞带。然而,关于两个陆块碰撞的时间以及方式还存在着争议。其中一个模式认为俯冲方向是向西的,两个陆块最终碰撞的时间是在2.5Ga左右,而另一个模式则认为俯冲方向是向东的,并且存在着2.1Ga和1.85Ga两期碰撞事件,第三个模式则认为俯冲方向是向东的,而最终的碰撞拼合发生在1.85Ga左右。近几年来,对于中部造山带中浅变质表壳岩系的研究取得了很大进展,为解决以上争议提供了进一步的资料。根据岩石组合和表壳岩中的不整合接触关系,位于中部造山带中段五台杂岩中的滹沱群和吕梁杂岩中的野鸡山群被分成了上下两个部分。其中,两个群的下部以及位于中部造山带南段中条杂岩中的绛县群和下中条群主要由类似于弧后盆地沉积的变质碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩和火山岩组成,而滹沱群和野鸡山群的上部以及上中条群和担山石群的岩石组合则是类似于山前磨拉石建造的变质砾岩和砂岩。来自于这些浅变质碎屑岩中碎屑锆石的年龄为我们提供了源区以及最大沉积年龄的信息。滹沱群和野鸡山群中的碎屑锆石具有两个峰值年龄,2.5Ga和2.15Ga,它们分别对应于中部造山带中段两期重要的岩浆事件。中条杂岩中的碎屑锆石年龄图谱则较为复杂,除了具有2.5Ga和2.15Ga这两个峰值,还具有2.7Ga这个较低和较老的峰值,这些较老的锆石可能来自中部造山带最南端太华杂岩中的古老岩石。弧后盆地沉积中最年轻的碎屑锆石年龄在2.1Ga左右,而山前磨拉石中最年轻的碎屑锆石在1.85Ga左右。结合前人的研究成果,我们给出了一个华北克拉通中部造山带早元古代沉积盆地的演化模式。从2.1Ga左右开始,一系列弧后盆地在"安第斯型"大陆边缘弧之后产生,在之后的东西陆块碰撞过程中他们成为了中部造山带的一部分。从1.85Ga左右开始,东西陆块沿着中部造山带碰撞,导致了陆壳加厚以及随后的快速抬升和剥蚀,从而形成了周缘前陆盆地中的山前磨拉石建造。发生在早元古代晚期的由弧后盆地向周缘前陆盆地的转化支持了华北的最终克拉通化发生在1.85Ga的构造演化模式。  相似文献   

位于苏鲁造山带的乳山浅色辉长岩形成于晚中生代(约120Ma),SiO2含量为53~55%,MgO含量较低,为3.6~4.9%,富集轻稀土元素(LREE)和大离子亲石元素(LILE),亏损高场强元素,如Nb、Ta、Ti等,具有明显的“地壳”印记。Sr同位素中等富集(0.7072~0.7075),Nd同位素比值较低(£。(t)=-9.5~-11.6),Sr—Nd同位素组成变化不大,反映岩浆无明显的地壳混染,代表了晚中生代地幔源区的同位素组成。辉长岩Sr—Nd同位素组成介于EMI与EMII端元之间,反映这种富集地幔是由早期预富集的地幔在中生代早期受到深俯冲的扬子陆壳的改造而形成的。苏鲁地区晚中生代基性侵入岩、火山岩和脉岩同位素组成的差别,反映了地幔同位素组成具有明显的横向和纵向不均一性.这种差异也是地幔交代作用强度的反映。  相似文献   

The Chinese Tianshan Orogen marks prolonged and complicated interactions between the southwestern Palaeo-Asian Ocean and surrounding blocks. New and previously published detrital zircon chronological data from modern and palaeo-river sands were compiled to reveal its tectonic evolution. It is characterized by predominant Palaeozoic as well as minor Mesozoic and Precambrian detrital zircon ages with a multimodal characteristic. The oldest Phanerozoic zircon population (peaking at 475 Ma) is a result of subduction and closure of the early Palaeozoic Terskey Ocean. However, the absence of this peak in the Chinese North and southern South Tianshan suggests that subductions of the North and South Tianshan oceans may not have initiated until the Late Ordovician with subsequent 460–390 and 360–320 Ma arc magmatism. Similar to the magmatic suite in classic collisional orogens, the youngest massive 320–270 Ma magmatism is suggested to be post-collisional. The North and South Tianshan oceans therefore probably had their closure to form the Chinese Tianshan Orogen during the late Carboniferous. The weak Mesozoic intra-plate magmatism further rejects a late Permian–Triassic Tianshan Orogen due to a lack of extensive syn- and post-collisional magmatism. Moreover, diverse Precambrian detrital zircon age patterns indicate that the surrounding blocks have distinct evolutionary processes with short-term amalgamation during the Meso- to Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

形成于印支期的大别造山带和周缘中生代盆地构成了一级源汇系统,其中位于造山带北缘的合肥盆地中生代地层发育,且以盆地南缘出露最好,这为盆山源汇系统研究提供了理想的沉积记录。笔者从合肥盆地南缘采集了10个砂岩样品和1个砾岩样品,进行锆石U/Pb (LA-ICP-MS)定年分析,获得了742个有效年龄(置信度不小于85%),范围为113±3. 6-2983 Ma。这些碎屑锆石年龄谱可以被分为5个年龄段:113-137 Ma,峰值131 Ma; 184-273 Ma,峰值226 Ma; 274-517. 3 Ma,具有2个峰值280 Ma和474 Ma; 532-856. 6 Ma,具有3个峰值572 Ma、649 Ma和772 Ma; 1786-2600 Ma,具有2个峰值2035 Ma和2506 Ma。同时,总结了物源区大别造山带不同单元锆石U-Pb年龄特征。根据锆石U/Pb年龄和Th/U值,发现这5个年龄段比较准确地记录了物源区地质体,分别是早白垩世的岩浆岩、大别山高压—超高压变质岩、北淮阳的浅变质岩、北大别的正片麻岩和卢镇关群变质岩。根据锆石最小年龄,修正了合肥盆地南缘中生代地层格架,为源汇系统研究确立了时间框架。合肥盆地南缘中生代沉积可以分为4个演化阶段:晚三叠世瑞替期—早侏罗世辛涅缪斯期、中—晚侏罗世、早白垩世早期和早白垩世晚期,并据此确定了每个阶段主要物源区特征及其时空变化。碎屑锆石U/Pb年龄和Th/U值限定了大别造山带仅存在三叠纪的超高压变质作用,且超高压变质岩折返到地表的最早时间是晚三叠世瑞替期,大别造山带大陆岛弧发育的时间是新元古代。上述研究结果不仅为恢复大别造山带构造古地理做出了新的贡献,而且更为盆山源汇系统研究提供了一个实例。  相似文献   

运用激光拉曼和阴极发光技术,配备电子探针测试,发现苏鲁地体地表露头和中国大陆科学钻探工程预先导孔CCSD-PP1和CCSD-PP2斜长角闪岩锆石中均保存以柯石英为代表的典型超高压矿物组合:柯石英 石榴石 绿辉石 金红石;柯石英 石榴石 绿辉石;柯石英 石榴石 绿辉石 多硅白云母 金红石 磷灰石;柯石英 绿辉石 金红石;柯石英 菱镁矿。该类矿物包体组合与苏鲁地体超高压榴辉岩的峰期矿物组合十分相似,表明斜长角闪岩可能是由超高压变质的榴辉岩在构造抬升过程中退变质而成。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1806-1824
In this article, we present in situ U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotope data for Upper Triassic detritus in the Sichuan region of northwestern South China, which was a foreland basin during the Late Triassic. The aim is to determine the provenance of sediments in the foreland basin and to constrain the evolution of the surrounding mountain belts. U–Pb age data for the Late Triassic detrital zircons generally show populations at 2.4–2.6 Ga, 1.7–1.9 Ga, 710–860 Ma, 410–460 Ma, and 210–300 Ma. By fitting the zircon data into the tectonic, sedimentologic, and palaeographic framework, we propose that the north Yangtze Block and South Qinling–Dabie Orogen were the important source areas of sediments in the northern part of the foreland basin, whereas the Longmen Shan thrust-fold belt was the main source region for detritus in other parts of the foreland basin. The South Qinling–Dabie Orogen could also have served as a physical barrier to block most detritus shed from the southern North China Block into the foreland basin during the sedimentation of the Xujiahe Formation. Our results also reveal that part of the flysch from the eastern margin of the Songpan–Ganzi region had been displaced into the Longmen Shan thrust-fold belt before the deposition of the foreland basin sediments. In addition, the Lu-Hf data indicate that Phanerozoic igneous rocks in central China show insignificant formation of the juvenile crust.  相似文献   

刘福来  王舫  刘平华 《地质学报》2009,83(11):1687-1702
在北苏鲁超高压变质带的威海地区,普遍发育与含黑云母正片麻岩深熔作用存在密切成因关系的伟晶岩,它们主要以规模不一的脉体、无根不规则的透镜体赋存于超高压的含黑云母正片麻岩中.锆石中矿物包体的激光拉曼鉴定、锆石阴极发光图像分析、不同性质锆石微区U-Pb定年以及锆石原位微量元素和Lu-Hf同位素测试等综合研究结果表明,伟晶岩 (WH19) 中的锆石成因相对复杂,可划分为两种类型:第一类具有强发光效应 (白色) 的继承性岩浆结晶锆石的核 (Ic)、强发光效应 (灰白色) 新生岩浆结晶锆石的幔 (m) 和相对弱发光效应 (黑色) 的岩浆结晶锆石的边 (r);第二类具有强发光效应 (灰白色) 新生岩浆结晶锆石的核 (c) 和相对弱发光效应 (黑色) 的岩浆结晶锆石的边 (r).其中继承性岩浆结晶锆石核部 (Ic) 的矿物包体为Qtz + Kfs + Pl + Ap,与围岩含黑云母正片麻岩的基质矿物组合十分相似.继承性岩浆结晶锆石核部 (Ic) 记录的~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄为769~228 Ma, 所组成的不一致线的上交点年龄为788±21 Ma,下交点年龄为225±20 Ma,这两组年龄分别与围岩含黑云母正片麻岩的原岩形成时代和超高压变质时代完全一致,表明该类继承性岩浆锆石来源于围岩含黑云母正片麻岩.新生岩浆结晶锆石的核部 (c) 和幔部 (m) 的矿物包体为Qtz + Kfs + Ap,与伟晶岩的基质矿物组合相似,记录的~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄为223~217 Ma, 谐和年龄为219.5±1.4 Ma,应代表伟晶质岩浆的形成年龄或新生岩浆的初始结晶年龄.这组年龄比含黑云母正片麻岩的超高压年龄偏新,表明深熔作用应滞后于苏鲁地体超高压变质时代,更有可能发生于构造折返麻粒岩相升温减压退变质阶段.新生岩浆结晶锆石的边部 (r) 矿物包体相对较少,记录的~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄为217~211 Ma, 谐和年龄为214.6±1.7 Ma,应代表伟晶质岩浆结晶结束的时代.继承性岩浆结晶锆石 (Ic) 的176Lu/177Hf = 0.00031~0.00360,~(176)Hf/~(177)Hf(t) = 0.282051 ~0.282348,εHf(t) = -8.3~2.4,T_(DM2) = 1.43~2.02 Ga,与围岩含黑云母正片麻岩中岩浆结晶锆石的Lu-Hf同位素特征完全一致,这进一步充分证明了新元古代含黑云母正片麻岩是深熔作用形成的伟晶质岩浆的母岩.麻粒岩相退变质阶段形成的新的岩浆结晶锆石的核部 (c) 和幔部 (m) 与继承性岩浆结晶锆石的Hf同位素特征存在明显差异,176Lu/177Hf = 0.00031~0.00099,~(176)Hf/~(177)Hf(t) = 0.282175~0.282225,εHf(t) = -16.7~-14.9,T_(DM2) = 1.91~2.0 Ga,表明在麻粒岩相退变质阶段,围岩含黑云母花岗岩的深熔作用是在开放体系条件下进行的.与新生岩浆结晶锆石核部 (c) 和幔部 (m) 对比,新生岩浆结晶锆石的边部 (r) 具有偏低的~(176)Hf/~(177)Hf(t)、εHf(t) 和更加离散的176Lu/177Hf(t) 值,176Lu/177Hf(t) = 0.00059~0.00288,~(176)Hf/~(177)Hf(t) = 0.282110~0.282168,εHf(t) = -20.6~-17.3,T_(DM2) = 2.03~2.21 Ma,表明伟晶质岩浆在临近结晶结束时仍然处在一个相对开放的体系条件.  相似文献   

北苏鲁超高压变质岩锆石中的矿物包体   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘福来  叶建国  薛怀民 《地质学报》2006,80(12):1813-1826
北苏鲁莒南—岚山头—日照—桃行—仰口—荣成—威海一带榴辉岩的围岩经历了强烈角闪岩相退变质作用的改造,峰期超高压矿物组合已完全被后期退变矿物组合所取代。锆石微区阴极发光图像和矿物包体激光拉曼测试研究结果表明,132件不同类型岩石(包括榴辉岩、斜长角闪岩、正片麻岩、副片麻岩、大理岩、蓝晶石英岩、云母片岩和钙镁硅酸盐类变质岩等)锆石中,普遍隐藏以柯石英为代表的超高压矿物包体。此外,在南苏鲁东海及其邻区的地表露头和一系列钻孔岩心的锆石中,也普遍发现以柯石英为代表的超高压矿物包体。该项研究成果表明,在苏鲁地体由榴辉岩及其围岩的原岩所组成的陆壳岩石(约320km×20km×5km)曾发生过巨量物质深俯冲—超高压变质的壮观地质事件。  相似文献   

威海地区出露古元古代泥质麻粒岩,其构造属性仍存在争议.泥质麻粒岩以透镜体的形式出露在花岗质片麻岩中,透镜体从核部到边部的岩性逐渐变化:未变形的粗粒泥质麻粒岩、面理化的细粒泥质麻粒岩、石榴黑云片麻岩和混合岩化麻粒岩.粗粒泥质麻粒岩,粗粒斑状变晶结构,块状构造;细粒泥质麻粒岩,细粒斑状变晶结构,面理发育;石榴黑云片麻岩,斑...  相似文献   

Two Rongcheng eclogite‐bearing peridotite bodies (Chijiadian and Macaokuang) occur as lenses within the country rock gneiss of the northern Sulu terrane. The Chijiadian ultramafic body consists of garnet lherzolite, whereas the Macaokuang body is mainly meta‐dunite. Both ultramafics are characterized by high MgO contents, low fertile element concentrations and total REE contents, which suggests that they were derived from depleted, residual mantle. High FeO contents, an LREE‐enriched pattern and trace‐element contents indicate that the bulk‐rock compositions of these ultramafic rocks were modified by metasomatism. Oxygen‐isotope compositions of analysed garnet, olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene from these two ultramafic bodies are between +5.2‰ and +6.2‰ (δ18O), in the range of typical mantle values (+5.1 to +6.6‰). The eclogite enclosed within the Chijiadian lherzolite shows an LREE‐enriched pattern and was formed by melts derived from variable degrees (0.005–0.05) of partial melting of peridotite. It has higher δ18O values (+7.6‰ for garnet and +7.7‰ for omphacite) than those of lherzolite. Small O‐isotope fractionations (ΔCpx‐Ol: 0.4‰, ΔCpx‐Grt: 0.1‰, ΔGrt‐Ol: 0.3–0.4‰) in both eclogite and ultramafic rocks suggest isotopic equilibrium at high temperature. The P–T estimates suggest that these rocks experienced subduction‐zone ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphism at ~700–800 °C, 5 GPa, with a low geothermal gradient. Zircon from the Macaokuang eclogite contains inclusions of garnet and diopside. The 225 ± 2 Ma U/Pb age obtained from these zircon may date either the prograde conditions just before peak metamorphism or the UHP metamorphic event, and therefore constrains the timing of subduction‐related UHP metamorphism for the Rongcheng mafic–ultramafic bodies.  相似文献   


Zircon U–Pb ages, εHf(t), and δ18O isotopic data together with geochemistry and limited Sm–Nd results from magmatic rocks sampled in deep-basement drill cores from undercover parts of the Thomson Orogen provide strong temporal links with outcropping regions of the orogen and important clues to its evolution and relationship with the Lachlan Orogen. SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages show that magmatism of Early Ordovician age is widespread across the central, undercover regions of the Thomson Orogen and occurred in a narrow time-window between 480 and 470?Ma. These rocks have evolved εHf(t)zrn (?12.18 to ?6.26) and εNd (?11.3 to ?7.1), and supracrustal δ18Ozrn (7.01–8.50‰), which is in stark contrast to Early Ordovician magmatic rocks in the Lachlan Orogen that are isotopically juvenile. Two samples have late Silurian ages (425–420?Ma), and four have Devonian ages (408–382?Ma). The late Silurian rocks have evolved εHf(t)zrn (?6.42 to ?4.62) and supracrustal δ18Ozrn (9.26–10.29‰) values, while the younger Devonian rocks show a shift toward more juvenile εHf(t)zrn, a trend that is also seen in rocks of this age in the Lachlan Orogen. Interestingly, two early Late Devonian samples have juvenile εHf(t)zrn (0.01–1.92) but supracrustal δ18Ozrn (7.45–8.77‰) indicating rapid recycling of juvenile material. Two distinct Hf–O isotopic mixing trends are observed for magmatic rocks of the Thomson Orogen. One trend appears to have incorporated a more evolved supracrustal component and is defined by samples from the northern two-thirds of the Thomson Orogen, while the other trend is generally less evolved and from samples in the southern third of the Thomson Orogen and matches the isotopic character of rocks from the Lachlan Orogen. The spatial association of the Early Ordovician magmatism with the more evolved metasedimentary signature suggests that at least the northern part of the Thomson Orogen is underlain by older pre-Delamerian metasedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

耿显雷  高山  陈晨 《地球科学》2011,36(3):483-499
来自年轻沉积物或现代河流的碎屑锆石是研究大陆地壳生长演化的理想载体.为揭示华北克拉通东部和苏鲁造山带大陆地壳的生长演化, 采集了中国东部大清河、潮白河、辽河、大沽河和胶莱河的5个地方的河沙样品, 并对分选出来的碎屑锆石进行了LA-ICP-MS和MC-LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和Hf同位素微区原位分析, 获得了396个锆石U-Pb谐和年龄及其对应的Hf同位素组成.2.4~2.5 Ga和1.8~1.9 Ga两个年龄特征峰指示大清河、潮白河和辽河的碎屑锆石来源于华北克拉通东部.辽河一部分100~500 Ma的锆石具有正的εHf(t)值和年轻的Hf模式年龄, 显示出显生宙的地壳生长.苏鲁造山带大沽河和胶莱河的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄分布相对比较复杂, 但锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素特征表明其为华北克拉通和扬子克拉通的混合来源.来自大清河、潮白河和辽河的锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素证据, 表明华北克拉通东部地壳生长的主要时期为2.4~3.0 Ga, 并在2.6~2.7 Ga时处于生长的最高峰, 次一级的生长期为1.3~2.3 Ga, 而在其他阶段几乎没有地壳的生长或者不明显.华北克拉通东部现存大陆地壳的80%来源于太古代和古元古代的生长, 而自古元古代开始大陆地壳的演化就以古老地壳的重熔再改造为主.此外, 大沽河碎屑锆石的Hf同位素组成揭示出苏鲁造山带在古生代(300~500 Ma)存在明显的地壳生长.   相似文献   

苏鲁造山带五莲新元古代花岗岩类成因的Sr-Nd同位素证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
五莲新元古代花岗岩类分布于五莲断裂以北, 动力变形强, 但变质程度弱, 仅达到绿片岩相.岩性以黑云正长花岗质为主, 少数为石英正长质.岩石中Sr同位素初始值的变化范围很广, 从0.697 306~0.753 765, 除了部分是由于源区的不均一或多源不同比例混合外, 岩浆侵位过程中或固结后的次生扰动可能也起着一定的作用.而它们的εNd (750 Ma) 均为负值且变化范围广(-3.1~-24.3), Nd同位素二阶段模式年龄从1.7~3.4 Ga, 均显示它们的源区以古老的地壳为主, 但具有多源混合的特征.推测五莲新元古代花岗岩类最可能的成因是太古代的TTG片麻岩(主要是其中的英云闪长质组分) 在压力约0.8 Gpa (相当于~25 km的中下地壳) 条件下发生部分熔融, 并混入了不同比例的年轻地幔来源物质.地幔来源物质的加入对于五莲新元古代花岗岩类的成因有重要的影响.   相似文献   

梁凤华  许志琴  陈方远 《岩石学报》2009,25(7):1587-1602
榴辉岩的变形特征严重影响俯冲板片的流变学行为,而石榴石的变形机制又直接制约着榴辉岩的变形属性。本文在结合前人研究的基础上,通过对中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)主孔榴辉岩中石榴子石的典型变形特征的详细对比和分析,进一步证明了榴辉岩在俯冲峰期条件下可以发生强烈的塑性变形。且俯冲峰期-折返早期经历了从以恢复作用主导的位错蠕变,到动态重结晶、扩散蠕变,再到静态重结晶和矿物生长的连续递进变形过程。其中,从动态重结晶到高温静态重结晶的转换,结合短时增温、局部熔融等证据,共同证明了在苏鲁超高压变质岩石折返过程中存在一个短暂的低应力“热”区间,在此前后,折返机制和驱动力发生了转变,由浮力作用下的快速折返转为以挤压透入性剪应力作用下的缓慢抬升阶段。  相似文献   

南苏鲁地区由 4个岩片组成 ,自西北至东南依次为正片麻岩岩片 (Ⅰ )、表壳岩岩片 (Ⅱ )、含蓝晶石石英岩大理岩岩片 (Ⅲ )和副片麻岩变火山岩片岩岩片 (Ⅳ )。上述构造岩片均经历了强烈的角闪岩相绿片岩相退变质作用的改造。采用激光拉曼、阴极发光和电子探针分析技术 ,对南苏鲁方圆约 380 0km2 范围内 93件锆石样品中的矿物包体进行了系统鉴定。结果表明 ,在第Ⅰ和Ⅱ岩片样品的锆石中均发现以柯石英为代表的超高压 (UHP)矿物包体 ,而在第Ⅲ和Ⅳ岩片锆石中则保存以文石和多硅白云母为代表的高压 (HP)矿物包体。由此推断 ,第Ⅰ和Ⅱ岩片应归属超高压变质带 ,而第Ⅲ和Ⅳ岩片应归属高压变质带。结合变质作用温压条件的研究结果 ,确定超高压岩石峰期变质温压条件为t=72 3~ 85 2℃ ,p≥ 2 .8× 10 3 MPa ;而高压变质岩石峰期变质温压条件为t =5 0 0~ 6 0 0℃ ,p =1.2× 10 3 ~ 2 .5× 10 3 MPa。最新区域填图结果表明 ,南苏鲁东海地区超高压和高压带之间的接触界线为一典型的韧性剪切带。  相似文献   

对福建紫金山地区中生代岩浆岩进行了锆石Hf同位素分析,结果表明中-晚侏罗世与早白垩世岩浆岩具有不同的Hf同位素组成.中-晚侏罗世花岗岩体具有低的εHf(t)值(-13.5~-2.9),Hf同位素的二阶段模式年龄(tDCM)峰值介于1.7~2.0 Ga,表明其主要来源于古元古代基底.早白垩世侵入-次火山岩分为四方花岗闪长岩体和紫金山次火山岩、悦洋次火山岩以及温屋次火山岩.四方岩体εHf(t)值介于-2.3~0.4,tDCM峰值介于1.3~1.4Ga;紫金山次火山岩εHf(t)值变化范围大(-8.9~5.6),tDCM峰值介于1.1~~1.5 Ga,表明两者均形成于中元古代基底和地幔物质混合作用的环境;悦洋和温屋次火山岩具有相对较低的εHf(t)(-2.7~-9.6)和较高的tDCM(峰值为1.4~1.7 Ga),表明二者来源于中-古元古代基底和少量幔源物质的混合物.早白垩世岩浆岩Hf同位素特征显示,紫金山地区的侵入-次火山岩体形成于同一岩浆源区,但岩浆源区随着时间的演化各组分及组分含量在不断变化,显示了该时期复杂的壳幔作用过程.紫金山地区中生代岩浆岩中锆石Hf同位素特征表明,中-晚侏罗世岩体与早白垩世侵入-火山岩来源于不同源区,为古太平洋板块俯冲作用不同阶段的产物.  相似文献   

Petrological evidence is provided for anatexis of ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic quartzite in the Sulu orogen. Some feldspar grains exhibit elongated, highly cuspate shapes or occur as interstitial, cuspate phases constituting interconnected networks along grain boundaries. Elongated veinlets composed of plagioclase + quartz ± K‐feldspar also occur in grain boundaries. These features provide compelling evidence for anatexis of the UHP quartzite. Zircon grains from impure quartzite are all metamorphic growth with highly irregular shape. They contain inclusions of coesite, jadeite, rutile and lower pressure minerals, including multiphase solid inclusions that are composed of two or more phases of muscovite, quartz, K‐feldspar and plagioclase. All zircon grains exhibit steep REE patterns, similar U–Pb ages and Hf isotope compositions with a weighted mean of 218 ± 2 Ma. Most grains have similar δ18O values of ?0.6 to 0.1‰, but a few fall in the range ?5.2 to ?4.3‰. Thus, these grains would have grown from anatectic melts at various pressures. Zircon O isotope differences indicate that anatectic melts were derived from different sources with contrasting O isotopes, but similar Hf isotopes, that is, one from the quartzite itself and the other probably from the country‐rock granitic gneiss. Zircon grains from pure quartzite contain relict magmatic cores and significant metamorphic overgrowths. Domains that contain eclogite facies minerals exhibit flat HREE patterns, no Eu anomalies and concordant U–Pb ages of c. 220 Ma. Similar U–Pb ages are also obtained for domains that contain lower pressure minerals and exhibit steep REE patterns and marked negative Eu anomalies. These observations indicate that zircon records subsolidus overgrowth at eclogite facies conditions but suprasolidus growth at lower pressures. Zircon enclosed by garnet gave consistent U–Pb ages of c. 214 Ma. Such garnet is interpreted as a peritectic product of the anatectic reaction that involves felsic minerals and possibly amphibole and titanite. The REE patterns of epidote and titanite also record multistage growth and metasomatism by anatectic melts. Therefore, the anatexis of UHP metamorphic rocks is evident during continental collision in the Triassic.  相似文献   

Abstract For the first time, we apply different geospeedometric models to garnet zoning patterns that were obtained in this study from detailed EMP analyses for garnets from eclogites and granulite in the Dabie‐Sulu orogen. Various zonings of cation diffusion were preserved in the garnets, enabling the acquirement of average cooling rates for the high‐to ultrahigh‐pressure rocks without using geochronological approaches. The coesite‐bearing hot eclogites yield fast cooling rates of about 20 to 30°C/Ma subsequent to peak metamorphic temperatures, whereas the cold eclogite gives a relatively slow cooling rate of 8°C/Ma at its initial exhumation. A very slow cooling rate of <0.3°C/Ma is obtained for the granulite at Huangtuling, suggesting that the granulite may not be involved in the continental deep subduction.  相似文献   

“燕山运动”泛指中国东部侏罗纪—白垩纪大规模构造运动,与之相关的构造作用及岩浆作用前人已有深入的研究,然而对于燕山运动相关变质作用却鲜有报道。通过对胶东半岛苏鲁构造杂岩带乳山地区(石榴)斜长角闪岩进行锆石及榍石U-Pb测年,发现念头石榴斜长角闪岩原岩时代为1708 Ma,变质时代为154 Ma;北庄斜长角闪岩早期变质时代为1840 Ma,晚期变质时代为145 Ma。综合上述年代学数据与近年有关胶东半岛燕山期构造-岩浆事件新进展,表明乳山地区(石榴)斜长角闪岩记录了燕山期变质作用,推测乳山地区燕山期变质作用发生于中国东部构造转换期(挤压到伸展),其成因可能与中国东部燕山造山过程中区域构造增厚作用有关,但目前不能排除该期变质作用可能与同期岩浆作用热驱动有关。  相似文献   

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