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中国东部中生代浅成热液金矿可以划分为与花岗岩和与碱性岩有关的两种类型;也可以分为高硫型和低硫型两大类,而且以后一种为主。这些金矿的形成和分布受区域构造制约,具体地说是受破火山口、火山角砾岩筒以及与火山机构有关的断裂控制。成矿围岩为火山岩类及同源花岗质岩石和周围地层。主要的蚀变组合为冰长石一玉髓一绢云母或明矾石一高岭石一石英(玉髓)。成矿年龄分布在180~188Ma,135~144Ma,127~115Ma和94~105Ma四个区间,前三组年龄分别响应于中生代华北板块与扬子克拉通的造山碰撞后陆内造山的伸展过程、构造体制大转折以及岩石圈大减薄,后一组为华南地区岩石圈再一次强烈伸展期间的产物。虽然这些矿床的形成时间有差异,但都是发育于大陆伸展环境中。  相似文献   

西秦岭地区造山型与卡林型金矿床   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
西秦岭金矿床分为卡林型和造山型两类。卡林型金矿床麇集于南秦岭和松潘—甘孜造山带的东北部。三叠纪和早侏罗世的同构造花岗闪长岩广泛分布于西秦岭中部和南部、松潘—甘孜盆地以及扬子克拉通边缘。造山型脉状金矿床主要分布于西秦岭造山带中的脆韧性剪切带内。大部分粗粒金主要赋存在网格状石英细脉和角砾状围岩中的黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、毒砂和少量贱金属硫化物中和以分散状分布在蚀变围岩中。同位素资料表明晚三叠世 -中侏罗世与扬子克拉通俯冲有关的作用控制了造山型金矿床的形成。  相似文献   

四川石棉西部地区金矿床形成时代   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应汉龙  骆耀南 《地质论评》2007,53(2):273-280
四川石棉西部地区金矿床和矿点分布在扬子地块盖层碳酸盐岩和基底元古宙变质闪长岩以及中生代石英斑岩中的北北西和北北东走向断裂中。矿脉为含金黄铁矿-(黝铜矿)-多金属硫化物-石英脉、含金黄铁矿-石英脉和含金硅化糜陵岩等,围岩蚀变为硅化、白(绢)云母化、碳酸盐化、绿泥石化和黄铁矿化等。用40^Ar/39^Ar阶段加热法测定瓦斯沟、黄水沟、大岩房、金洞子和金台子5个金矿床蚀变白云母。4^Ar/39^Ar坪年龄分别为约22Ma、25~28Ma、20Ma、20Ma和32-34Ma,代表该地区主要金矿床的矿化蚀变时间。石棉西部地区金矿床是在渐新世和中新世早期的伸展构造背景下形成的。  相似文献   

李自静  刘琰 《地球科学》2018,43(4):1307-1320
川西冕宁-德昌REE矿带中的风化型矿石研究相对缺乏.根据近几年的野外地质调查,采用电子探针、X光粉晶衍射、全岩分析等对大陆槽、牦牛坪和木落寨矿床中疑似风化矿的样品进行类型和成因分析.结果表明:大陆槽风化型矿石中大量粘土矿物(达40%)和矿石矿物(达60%)发育,风化程度高;相反,牦牛坪和木落寨疑似风化型矿石中几乎没有粘土矿物,风化程度低.通过对牦牛坪和木落寨疑似风化型矿石进行地球化学特征、矿物组成分析并与围岩、矿脉的组成和产状对比,表明疑似风化型矿石主要是由矿脉和围岩在强烈的构造作用下发生机械风化形成.频繁的角砾构造使大陆槽矿石发生强烈的机械风化作用,并加速了矿石发生一定的水岩反应,促进矿石发生中等强度的化学风化作用.目前整个矿带中未发现明显的生物风化作用.整个稀土矿带的风化型矿石比南岭离子吸附型稀土矿石的风化程度低,形成时间较晚(11 Ma),氟碳铈矿大量保存,还没有形成离子吸附型矿床.   相似文献   

陈启飞  陶平  李朝晋 《贵州地质》2023,40(4):353-361
本文以《中国矿产地质志·贵州卷》研编项目为依托,以近年来贵州省外生矿产勘查及研究成果为支撑,遵循《中国矿产地质志·省级矿产地质志研编技术要求》,系统开展了贵州省外生矿产的矿床(成因/工业)类型划分,包含一、二、三级矿床类型。对贵州省主要外生矿产的矿床类型、成矿环境、成矿作用、含矿地质体及矿床式、主要产区等作了进一步综合分析、整理和汇编。对贵州省外生矿产中,矿床类型及成矿作用等认识较模糊或有争议的矿种进行了综合分析和讨论。这些研究成果,对贵州省外生矿产的研究及找矿具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

四川西部金矿床中有3类金矿含有较多的黝铜矿族矿物,它们与黄铁矿、黄铜矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿和Au-Ag系列矿物共同组成矿石的矿物组合。电子探针分析表明,黝铜矿族矿物的变种有黝铜矿和砷黝铜矿等。在黝铜矿中As-Sb之间呈完全类质同象。在不同类型金矿中,黝铜矿具有不同的特征参数。产于碳酸盐岩系内的地下水热液型金矿中的黝铜矿成分自上而下由富锌锑向富铁砷演变,而且含银量也有降低的趋势。黝铜矿的产出及分带特征对  相似文献   

中国内生稀有稀土矿床的时空分布   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
袁忠信  白鸽 《矿床地质》2001,20(4):347-354
内生稀有稀土矿床在我国广泛分布,矿床的形成时代从太古宙到喜马拉雅期。矿床类型主要有碱性岩型、花岗岩型及花岗伟晶岩型三大类型。碱性岩型矿床的形成时代从元古宙到喜马拉雅期,主要集中在中元古代及华力西-印支期。这类矿床多分布在地台稳定区的边缘,常沿深断裂或裂谷带延展方向呈群分布。花岗岩型矿床绝大多数形成于燕山期,主要见于南岭及其邻区。成矿花岗岩常是花岗岩复式岩体的晚期侵入体,沿大岩体周边或隐伏岩体上方作定向分布。花岗伟晶岩型矿床主要形成于华力西-印支期,大多数分布在地槽褶皱带内。褶皱带内的复背斜及更次一级背斜的轴部及倾没端常是矿化伟晶岩的赋存场所。以攀西裂谷带内的牦牛坪、茨达等碱性岩型矿床,赣南加里东褶皱带内的西华山、荡坪等花岗岩型矿床,闽西北加里东褶皱带内的溪源头、西坑等花岗伟晶岩型矿床为例具体地描述了三类矿床在空间上的定向分布。西部地区是找寻大型内生稀有稀土矿床极有潜力的地区。  相似文献   

中国自然铜矿床类型、特征、分布及形成条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来的找矿进展显示,我国至少存在2种以上成因类型的自然铜矿床(矿化带):火山-沉积碎屑岩型和陆相砂页岩型等,其主要分布在扬子地块西南缘和新疆天山地区.以湘西九曲湾(麻阳)铜矿和滇东北沿河铜矿为例,结合国外典型自然铜矿床(矿化带),分析了自然铜的成矿学特征及形成条件.通过对比分析沉积砂岩铜矿(硫化物)与自然铜矿的成矿学特征,认为自然铜成矿必须具备3个条件:①孔隙度丰富而适宜的储矿岩石;②水-岩反应中有利于含铜岩石的萃取和运移的浅成低温热液(卤水);③贫硫富生物有机质的地球化学还原障壁带.研究显示,自然铜形成于碱性贫硫的还原环境中,生物有机质对自然铜的成矿起重要作用,相对封闭的成矿环境、独特的流体性质对自然铜起保护作用.我国南方的自然铜矿床一般显示出层控、浅成低温及生物有机质参与成矿等特点.最后探讨了自然铜矿床在我国的找矿勘探前景.  相似文献   

Mesozoic epithermal gold deposits in eastern China are divided into calc‐alkaline and alkaline magma‐related gold deposits, and are also grouped as low‐sulfidation, intermediate‐sulfidation and high‐sulfidation types, of which the first two predominate. These gold deposits are distributed in the Tianshan–Yinshan–Great Xing’anling Variscan fold belt of North China craton, Qinling‐Dabie Indo‐Sinian fold belt of Yangtze craton, and South China fold belt or Cathaysian block, from north to south along the eastern China continent. Most of the epithermal gold orebodies are hosted either in volcanic rocks or their related granitoids, and volcanic breccia pipes. These orebodies are mainly associated with adularia–chalcedony–sericite, and alunite–kaolinite–quartz alteration. These orebodies formed in four mineralization pulses at 175, 145–135, 127–115, and 110–94 Ma. The first three pulses correspond to the post‐collision period between the North China and Yangtze cratons, an extension period during late‐stage rotation of the principal compressional stress from N‐S to E‐W, and a dramatic thinning period of the lithosphere, respectively. The last mineralizing pulse was the result of another extension in South China. Although the mineralizing pulses occurred at different times, they all occurred in extensional settings and were accompanied by crust and the mantle interaction.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1037-1045
Cambrian stratabound gold deposits in the western Qinling Mountains are hosted in a siliceous formation composed of black chert and carbonaceous slate. Studies have shown that Se is sufficiently high in abundance either in wall rocks or in gold ores as to reach economic grade. Locally, some independent Se ore bodies (Se >500 ppm) can be delineated. In gold ores, Se is present mainly as separate minerals, or as isomorphous solutions in sulfides. In addition, Se is positively correlated with Au. What is more important is that in the gold ores, native gold is commonly intimately inter-grown with selenium minerals. On the basis of this unique phenomenon, the authors hypothesize that gold and selenium may be transported by Au-S-Se or Au-Se complexes. The co-enrichment of Au and Se is attributed mainly to the boiling of ore fluids and their mixing with shallow-seated oxygen-bearing water.  相似文献   

中国东部前寒武纪铅锌矿资源分布广泛,目前已探明储量的前寒武纪铅锌矿床有51处,其中超大型矿床1处,特大型矿床3处,大型矿床7处,中型矿床12处,其余为小型.这类矿床主要形成于中新元古代的裂谷系和裂谷系边缘的不同地质构造单元,其分布受构造控制,集中分布于华北陆块北缘东、中、西段元古宙裂谷系和扬子陆块西侧康滇地轴震旦系裂谷带东侧的边缘活动带,并以华北陆块北缘为主;成矿作用总体受火山-沉积-变质作用控制,具层控性;成矿时代有从北向南变新的趋势.根据矿床围岩的不同,可把矿床主要分为VHMS、Sedex、 MVT三大类型,其中以Sedex型最为重要,规模也最大.  相似文献   

综合对比不同矿床产出的基本地质地球化学特征 ,五台地区典型早前寒武纪金矿床可划分出三种不同的类型 ,即小板峪式铁建造型金矿床、东腰庄型金矿床和康家沟型金矿床。小板峪式铁建造型金矿床赋存于条带状铁建造中 ,属后生叠加成因 ,矿石矿物组成除继承原铁建造矿物磁铁矿、赤铁矿外 ,主要为黄铁矿、少量黄铜矿和微量金、银 ,矿体随铁建造一起遭受了两期褶皱变形作用的改造 ,成矿时代早于 2 .3Ga。东腰庄型金矿床受控于韧 -脆性剪切带构造 ,具有复杂的矿物组成如黄铁矿、毒砂、黄铜矿、辉钼矿、电气石等 ,矿化具多阶段性 ,黄铁矿化、碳酸盐化、硅化围岩蚀变发育 ,成矿时代为 2 4 5 1Ma。康家沟型金矿床赋矿围岩主要为侵入成因碳酸岩 ,矿化产物为含黄铁矿、黄铜矿的碳酸盐石英脉或石英脉 ,成矿时代晚于 (2 140± 3)Ma。本区早前寒武纪多类型金矿床的形成 ,表明了五台地区早前寒武纪金矿成矿作用的复杂性和矿床成因的多样性 ,也为认识我国早前寒武纪金矿成矿作用特点创造了极为有利的条件。  相似文献   

金矿床复式矿化类型与动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关连绪  韩先菊 《地球学报》1999,20(4):402-408
根据研究提出矿化迭代及其与矿化叠加的区别。金矿化分为基本矿化类型和复式矿化类型两大类,后者分为3类9亚类。最后论述了矿化类型的构造动力学和流体动力学。  相似文献   

新疆东准噶尔地区金矿床类型、地质特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
东准噶尔地区构造上位于哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块之巴尔喀什-准噶尔微板块北缘古生代陆缘活动带, 晚古生代是该区构造变形、岩浆活动和成矿作用的主要阶段。区内金矿可分为3个主要类型: 产于晚古生代凝灰岩、杂砂岩、浊积岩中的金矿, 产于海西期中酸性(偏碱性)侵入岩及其接触带中金矿, 产于晚古生代火山岩系中的金矿, 典型的代表性矿床分别为双泉金矿、黄羊山西金矿、双峰山金矿。三类金矿在赋矿围岩、控矿构造、矿床(体)规模/品位、围岩蚀变、金属矿物组合、成矿元素组合等多个方面均存在差异, 其原因是三者成矿作用过程中主要控矿因素、成矿机理的不同。  相似文献   

Abstract: A spectrum of intrusion-related vein gold deposits is recognized. Representative examples are described of the following geochemical associations: Au-Fe oxide–Cu, Au–Cu–Mo–Zn, Au–As–Pb–Zn–Cu, Au–Te–Pb–Zn–Cu and Au–As–Bi–Sb. The associated intrusions range from small outcropping stocks to complex batholiths. The different vein associations are believed to reflect the compositions of related intrusions, which themselves characterize distinct tectonic settings. The Au-Fe oxide–Cu and Au–Cu–Mo–Zn associations belong to two broad groups of deposits, Fe oxide–Cu–Au and porphyry Cu–Au, both of which are related to highly oxidized calc-alkaline intrusions emplaced in sub–duction–related arcs. The Au–As–Pb–Zn–Cu association seems to be linked to somewhat less oxidized intrusions emplaced in a similar setting. The Au–Te–Pb–Zn–Cu association, which possesses well-known epithermal counterparts, is also found with highly oxidized intrusions, but of alkaline composition and back-arc location. In contrast, the Au–As–Bi–Sb association, part of a newly recognized class of intrusion-hosted Au–Bi–W–As deposits, is related to relatively reduced intrusions, spanning the boundary between the magnetite– and ilmenite–series. Such intrusions, which may host major bulk-mineable gold deposits, were emplaced along the landward sides of arcs, possibly during lulls in subduction, as well as in continental collision settings. Therefore, a variety of geological environments is prospective for vein and, by extrapolation, other styles of gold mineralization, not all of them fully appreciated in the past. Several features of vein gold deposits, including imprecise relationships to individual intrusive phases, poorly developed mineral and metal zoning, apparent time gaps between intrusion and mineralization and presence of low–salinity, CO2–rich fluid inclusions, are commonly taken to indicate a non-igneous origin and to be more typical of orogenic (mesothermal) gold deposits generated during accretionary tectonic events. However, several or all of these features apply equally to some intrusion– related vein gold deposits and, therefore, do not constitute distinguishing criteria. The currently popular assignment of most gold-rich veins to the orogenic category requires caution, because of the geological convergence that they show with some intrusion-related deposits. A proper distinction between intrusion-related and orogenic gold deposits is crucial for exploration planning.  相似文献   

Gold Grade and Tonnage Models of the Gold Deposits, China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract: The gold grade and tonnage modelling is applied to some types of the gold deposits in China, including placer, Archaean lode, slate belt, Carlin, volcanogenic, skarn and Shandong Peninsula, among others. The Shandong Peninsula type denotes the gold deposit, which was formed in an intensely reshaped Archaean greenstone belt. The modelling results show: (1) the Archaean lode gold deposits of China are similar to the Homestake type in gold grades. (2) The Chinese slate belt type gold deposits are marked by moderately lower gold grades but considerably larger ore volumes than the similar type elsewhere. (3) The Carlin style gold deposits of China are identified by higher Au grades but evidently smaller sizes in comparison with their counterparts in western North America. (4) The volcanogenic (continental) style is similar to Sado epithermal veins in gold grade‐tonnage models and general characteristics while volcanogenic gold deposits of the oceanic subgroup contrast with Kuroko‐type deposits in the gold grade model. But the Chinese volcanogenic (oceanic) subtype (Palaeozoic age) shows similar higher gold grades to those of the Palaeozoic Kuroko‐type deposits elsewhere. (5) Porphyry and skarn gold deposits tend to have a large size but low grade. (6) Less than half of the Shandong Peninsula gold deposits are of ore volumes exceeding the 50th intercept of the relevant gold tonnage model, implying possible undiscovered gold deposits with a larger size in the peninsula. (7) In general, Chinese gold deposits of larger sizes tend to have lower gold grades in relation to gold grade models. (8) Gold grade‐tonnage models can be effectively influenced by how to include or exclude non‐economic gold resources in the modelling. Ore volumes of gold deposits actually to some extent depend on gold grades. Consequently, the way of including or excluding low‐grade values may effect a gold grade‐tonnage model and cause different interpretation of the modelling results. This is particularly true to the gold deposits, which generally show an inverse correlation between gold grade and tonnage.  相似文献   

Based upon a comprehensive study of 123 copper deposits in China. this paper reaches the following conclusions: 1. The crust in China was solidified pretty late; with the accretion of the plate, the copper mineralization moved towards its margin in space and became successively younger in age. 2. The major copper ore types ever found in the world have mostly been discovered in China, in which the porphyry type seems to be the most important and the massive sulfide type in the transitional bed between marine clastic and carbonate rocks is clearly defined. 3. Carbonate strata are widespread in China and their deposition lasted for a long geological period, so the proportion of copper deposits occurring in them is large as compared with other parts of the world. 4. Seven metallogenic epochs can be recognized, in which the Mesozoic one plays the leading role and the middle(late) Palaeozoic and Cenozoic ones are next in importance. Mineralization was comparatively simple in the early geological period. and became diversified later on. In the early epochs copper deposits related to basaltic magmatism and metamorphosed marine sediments predominated, whereas in the later epochs those related to granitic magmatism and continental sedimentation were dominant. 5. There exist in China thirteen metallogenic provinces, of which the Lower Yangtze downwarping belt, Sanjiang fold system, Jiangnan axis and Xikang-Yunnan axis are of greater significance. 6. The crustal mobility in China was rather pronounced, the polycyclic evolution of the crust has resulted in such obvious phenomena as the inheritance of mineralization, the coexistence of various types and the superposition of different genetic types.  相似文献   

中国绿岩带金矿床的时空分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿岩带金矿床是在绿岩带形成和演化过程中形成的,在我国岩金矿产储量中占有很重要的地位。该类金矿床主要分布在华北地台的北缘和西南缘。金矿床的分布具有趋群性,成带性、受绿带层序、构造,岩浆作用,退变质带等多因素的控制。  相似文献   

Gold Deposits in Beishan Mountain, Northwestern China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. The Beishan Mountain spans three provinces ‐ Gansu, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, having an area of 120,000 km2 Tectonically, it transverses three different tectonic units, i.e. Siberia, Kazakhstan and Tarim plates, and is composed of nine ter‐rains with widely exposed Precambrian and Paleozoic strata, complex structures, intensive magmatic activities and widespread ore deposits. It is not only a main part of Tianshan‐Yinshan‐Great Hinggan metallogenic belt in China, but also a key to under‐stand the evolution of central‐Asian orogenic system. At present, more than 100 gold deposits and prospects have been discovered, explored and mined, among which Nanjinshan, Mazhuangshan, Liushashan, Jinwozi, Zhaobishan and Xiaoxigong are the most important ones. Based on the host rocks and the geological features, all these gold occurrences can be subdivided into three groups (or types): (1) hosted by Carboniferous or Permian volcanic or subvolcanic rocks; (2) hosted by or related to plutonic intrusions; and (3) hosted by Precambrian metamorphic rocks. The first group includes the Mazhuangshan gold deposit, which occurs in Hercynian quartz por‐phyry and rhyolite porphyry as gold‐bearing quartz veins. The second group is composed of the Liushashan, Nanjinshan Zhaobishan and Jinwozi gold deposits. Gold mineralization at these four deposits occurs within Hercynian granitoids intrusion: or late Paleozoic sedimentary rocks as quartz veins, veinlets and altered rocks. The Xiaoxigong gold deposit belongs to the third group, and is hosted by Precambrian schist, amphibolite and migmatite as quartz veins and altered rocks. Isotopic age dating data, geological and geochemical evidence suggest that most of the groups 1 and 2 gold deposits were generated during the emplacement of the Hercynian or partly Indosinian intrusions. These intrusions may provide both heat and metals for groups 1 and 2 deposits. In contrast, although the formation is closely related to the Hercynian magma‐tism, the ore‐forming materials of the group 3 deposits may not only come from the intrusions, but also from the Precambrian metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

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