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Fifty-five new multi-dimensional diagrams, mostly based on log-ratio transformations, were used to decipher tectonic settings for 17 cases of Precambrian belts in Canada, the USA, Poland, Finland, Jordan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia, China, and India. The results of different sets of diagrams for basic-ultrabasic, intermediate, and acid magmas were generally internally consistent. Possible reasons for some inconsistencies may be related to the use of a sample group of mixed ages because of their uncertainties, extreme element mobility caused by metamorphism especially of high-grade type, analytical data quality, different petrogenetic processes for basic to acid magmas such as mantle versus crustal origin, and some deficiencies that still exist in the multi-dimensional diagrams. To partly overcome the last problem, one new multi-dimensional diagram is proposed and used to discriminate mid-ocean ridge and oceanic plateau settings.  相似文献   

Multidimensional discrimination diagrams (2006–2011) for basic and ultrabasic igneous rocks were applied to Precambrian rock suites from the Amazonian and São Francisco cratons, and the Tocantins Province, Brazil, to infer their possible tectonic settings. The chosen study cases in the Amazonian craton include the ca. 3.0 Ga metabasalts of the Identidade greenstone belt, 1.87–1.80 Ga Parauapebas anorogenic basalt-rhyolite dikes, 1.86–1.82 Ga Rio Branco anorogenic gabbro-basalt association, ca. 1.76–1.74 Ga Aripuanã and Teles Pires intracratonic basalt-felsic volcanic associations, and 1.76–1.74 Ga Jamari and 1.60–1.53 Ga Serra da Providência arc-related gabbroic rocks. In the São Francisco craton, we selected 1.48 Ga arc-related amphibolites of the Rio Capim greenstone belt, continental mafic dikes of Uauá (2.6 Ga), Curaçá and Chapada Diamantina (1.5 Ga), and Espinhaço (ca. 1.0 Ga). In the Tocantins Province, ca. 3.0 Ga komatiites associated with oceanic basalts of the Crixás and Guarinos greenstone belts were studied. The application of the diagrams generally provided consistent results with the authors’ proposed tectonic settings based on field relationships and geochemical data. The exceptions are some within-plate (continental) mafic dikes and basalts for which our diagrams do not work well. For comparison, we also used two ternary and two bivariate traditional discrimination diagrams for the data from the Amazonian craton, whose results were poorer than the newer multidimensional diagrams.  相似文献   

From a compilation of geochemical data for the discrimination of the tectonic settings of mid-ocean ridge(MOR;3730 samples) and oceanic plateau(OP;3656 samples),we present two new discriminant functions and diagrams obtained from censored multivariate discordant outlier-free datasets.Ten different sets of data(original concentrations as well as isometric log-ratio transformed(ilr) variables;all 10 major(M) elements as well as all 10 major and 6 trace elements MT) were used to evaluate the quality of discrimination from linear discriminant analysis(LDA) and canonical analysis.Two selected multidimensional models ilrM(9 ilr transformed variables of multi-normally distributed 10 major elements) and ilrMT(15 ilr transformed variables of multi-normally distributed combined 10 major and 6 trace elements),considered as the best or most representative(total of5650 samples for ilr_M and 2858 for ilrMT),provided percent success values,respectively,of 80.9% for the MOR and 81.1% for the OP(ilr_M) and 88.5% for the MOR and 90.1% for the OP(ilrMT).Both processes(log-ratio transformation and multi-normality) rendered the percent success values similar for both groups(MOR and OP).The respective discriminant functions were successfully used for four tests from known tectonic settings and four application cases(two for ophiolites and two for Precambrian rocks),documenting thus the utility of the new discrimination procedure for the MOR and OP tectonic settings.Furthermore,we showed that our multidimensional procedure is robust against analytical errors or uncertainties,as well as post-emplacement compositional changes caused by element mobility from both low or high temperature alteration.The robustness against the gain or loss of a single element at a time was also documented,from which the ilr_(MT) model was evaluated as more robust than the ilr_M model.A new online computer program MOROPdisc was written in Java Framework ZK,which is freely available for use at our web portal http://tlaloc.ier.unam.mx.  相似文献   

We applied our group's previously published multidimensional diagrams in 2006–2012 and corresponding probability estimates in 2011–2012 to geochemical data for Archaean rocks compiled from cratons in Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and India. Tectonic processes similar to present-day plate tectonics evidently were active at least since the Palaeoarchaean (?3570 Ma). This seems to be true in spite of a presumably hotter Earth at that time. For the eastern part of the Pilbara craton (Australia), a Palaeoarchaean (3570–3450 Ma) and Mesoarchaean (2900 Ma) continental arc setting apparently evolved to a collision (Col) setting during the Neoarchaean (2600 Ma). We infer an island arc (IA) environment for Kambalda (Australia) during the Neoarchaean (2700 Ma). For the Barberton belt (South Africa), a transition from a mid-ocean ridge regime during the older part of the Palaeoarchaean (3470 Ma) to an IA setting during the younger part (3300–3260 Ma) is likely. We inferred an arc environment for the São Francisco craton (Brazil) and the Rio Maria terrane (Brazil) during the Mesoarchaean (3085–2983 Ma and 2870 Ma, respectively), whereas a within-plate setting is clearly indicated for the Carajás metallogenic province (Brazil) during the Neoarchaean (2740–2700 Ma). We also recognize an IA regime for the Mesoarchaean (3000 Ma) North Caribou and Neoarchaean (2700 Ma) Abitibi greenstone belts (Canada), and for the Gadwal greenstone belt (India) during the Neoarchaean (2700–2500 Ma). A Col setting was inferred for the Archaean sanukitoid suite (Canada) and the Kolar suture zone (India) during the Neoarchaean (2700–2660 Ma and 2630–2520 Ma, respectively).  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1553-1572
As an innovative approach, I use multi-dimensional diagrams presented by our group during 2004–2013 and respective probability estimates for the newer diagrams to evaluate similarities and differences between the same magma types (subalkaline basalt, basic magma other than subalkaline basalt, and intermediate magma) from the Hawaiian Islands and Iceland. The known ocean island setting of the Hawaiian Islands was reproduced from these 50 multi-dimensional diagrams for basic, intermediate, and acid magmas. The possible influence of the mid-ocean ridge system on Icelandic magmas was also confirmed from the diagrams for basic rocks. Evaluating magma compositional similarities and differences between the Hawaiian Islands and Iceland was complemented by the application of significance tests. Statistical inferences for the chemical elements and, more importantly, their log-ratios, successfully explained the similarities and differences in the tectonic settings for these two regions.  相似文献   

In present work, we applied two sets of new multi-dimensional geochemical diagrams (Verma et al., 2013) obtained from linear discriminant analysis (LDA) of natural logarithm-transformed ratios of major elements and immobile major and trace elements in acid magmas to decipher plate tectonic settings and corresponding probability estimates for Paleoproterozoic rocks from Amazonian craton, São Francisco craton, São Luís craton, and Borborema province of Brazil. The robustness of LDA minimizes the effects of petrogenetic processes and maximizes the separation among the different tectonic groups. The probability based boundaries further provide a better objective statistical method in comparison to the commonly used subjective method of determining the boundaries by eye judgment. The use of readjusted major element data to 100% on an anhydrous basis from SINCLAS computer program, also helps to minimize the effects of post-emplacement compositional changes and analytical errors on these tectonic discrimination diagrams. Fifteen case studies of acid suites highlighted the application of these diagrams and probability calculations. The first case study on Jamon and Musa granites, Carajás area (Central Amazonian Province, Amazonian craton) shows a collision setting (previously thought anorogenic). A collision setting was clearly inferred for Bom Jardim granite, Xingú area (Central Amazonian Province, Amazonian craton) The third case study on Older São Jorge, Younger São Jorge and Maloquinha granites Tapajós area (Ventuari-Tapajós Province, Amazonian craton) indicated a within-plate setting (previously transitional between volcanic arc and within-plate). We also recognized a within-plate setting for the next three case studies on Aripuanã and Teles Pires granites (SW Amazonian craton), and Pitinga area granites (Mapuera Suite, NW Amazonian craton), which were all previously suggested to have been emplaced in post-collision to within-plate settings. The seventh case studies on Cassiterita-Tabuões, Ritápolis, São Tiago-Rezende Costa (south of São Francisco craton, Minas Gerais) showed a collision setting, which agrees fairly reasonably with a syn-collision tectonic setting indicated in the literature. A within-plate setting is suggested for the Serrinha magmatic suite, Mineiro belt (south of São Francisco craton, Minas Gerais), contrasting markedly with the arc setting suggested in the literature. The ninth case study on Rio Itapicuru granites and Rio Capim dacites (north of São Francisco craton, Serrinha block, Bahia) showed a continental arc setting. The tenth case study indicated within-plate setting for Rio dos Remédios volcanic rocks (São Francisco craton, Bahia), which is compatible with these rocks being the initial, rift-related igneous activity associated with the Chapada Diamantina cratonic cover. The eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth case studies on Bom Jesus-Areal granites, Rio Diamante-Rosilha dacite–rhyolite and Timbozal-Cantão granites (São Luís craton) showed continental arc, within-plate and collision settings, respectively. Finally, the last two case studies, fourteenth and fifteenth showed a collision setting for Caicó Complex and continental arc setting for Algodões (Borborema province).  相似文献   

Two discriminant-function-based multidimensional major-element diagrams for the tectonic discrimination of siliciclastic sediments were recently published from a coherent statistical methodology of loge-ratio transformation and linear discriminant analysis. These diagrams were constructed based on worldwide examples of Neogene–Quaternary siliciclastic sediments from known tectonic settings. In this work, these two tectonic discrimination diagrams were first successfully tested from Holocene (<0.0117–0 Ma) beach and deep-sea sediments from the Gulf of Mexico. These diagrams were used to decipher tectonic settings of 11 case studies of the Precambrian clastic sedimentary rocks (~512–2800 Ma) from Argentina, USA, Ghana, Spain, Norway, India, China, and Australia. The test and application results obtained from these discrimination diagrams were generally consistent with the geology of the Precambrian source areas. Therefore, the two multidimensional diagrams can be considered as a useful tool for successfully discriminating the tectonic setting of older sedimentary basins, which may consist of one or more tectonic assemblages. Comparison of results of this study with the previously published tectonic discrimination diagrams is illustrated and the probable reasons for some inconsistent inferences were also discussed.  相似文献   

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