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《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1062-1088
Kazakhstan, the second-largest oil-producing former Soviet republic, accounts for 5 to 6 percent of total Soviet output in recent years. With over 15 billion barrels of proven and probable reserves, it has attracted some capital from major international oil companies and has been in the forefront of their “rush” into the region. Kazakhstan has signed contracts with more than 40 foreign companies from 17 different countries, including several mega-deals. Output has declined over the past two years (by 13.5%, from 26.6 million tons in 1991 to 23.0 million tons in 1993), mainly because of the ongoing economic and political changes set in motion after the demise of the USSR, and principally due to problems involving Kazakhstan's trade relations with Russia. Output continues to be restricted because of the lack of an independent pipeline route to the world market. Kazakhstan's main oil-producing areas are concentrated in the North Caspian Basin. Early production in the area was from suprasalt Permian and Cretaceous rocks, in structural traps originating from salt tectonism. More recently, significant discoveries such as Tengiz and Karachaganak have been made in subsalt upper Paleozoic rocks. The greatest hydrocarbon potential is in the infrasalt Paleozoic deposits; the suprasalt deposits tend to have smaller reserves, and the deeper, lower Paleozoic sediments appear to have the least potential. Other areas of established or potential hydrocarbon accumulation include the older producing areas on the Mangyshlak-Buzachi peninsula, which still account for most of Kazakhstan's hydrocarbon production; the Turgay syneclise, which is the location of the Kumkol field and the unexploited Kushmurun basin; and the Zaysan basin in eastern Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1093-1103
Azerbaijan, the third-ranking oil-producing former Soviet republic, produced 10.3 million tons of crude in 1993. Output, although slowly dwindling since 1966 as major onshore deposits have been depleted, now accounts for roughly 2.5% of former Soviet production. Reserves, estimated by various sources as ranging from 137 to 960 million tons, have been the focus of considerable interest by Western oil companies, as the government of Azerbaijan has sought foreign expertise and equipment in the development of promising offshore fields in deeper waters of the Caspian Sea. This paper describes the geologic structure of Azerbaijan's major oil- and gas-bearing regions (Caspian-Kuban, Kura, and Apsheron-Balkhan) and outlines the development history of major fields. Major onshore deposits on the Apsheron Peninsula, which yielded over half the world's petroleum in 1900, have now been largely exhausted, with production and exploration activity shifting to offshore deposits along the Apsheron Sill, an anticlinal structure extending from the Peninsula across the Caspian into western Turk- menistan. A prolonged process of negotiations between Western companies and the Azerbaijan government over the rights to explore and develop particular fields is summarized and the status of plans to construct an export pipeline to service outside markets is discussed.  相似文献   

中国铁矿资源勘查开发现状及供需形势分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵立群 《地质与勘探》2020,56(3):635-643
中国是世界钢铁生产和消费第一大国,如何摆脱由铁矿勘查投入持续下滑及铁矿石价格下行所带来的行业困境是近年来需高度关注的问题。本文通过对中国铁矿石的资源现状及供需格局进行综合分析,认为:(1)我国铁矿产量增速远低于我国钢铁需求的增速:以含铁量来计,2015年原矿产量相较于1998年仅增加了0.1倍,而粗钢表观需求量增加了4.5倍。(2)目前铁矿石的需求终端主要为建筑,近几年我国铁矿石消费量年增长率出现下降且有负增长,未来有可能会进一步放缓。(3) 2010年后铁矿石对外依存度持续攀升,最高达90%左右,进口量增速明显高于自产矿。由于铁矿石产能及产量的降速不及钢材,因此长期来看铁矿石价格或将继续下移。(4)未来中国铁矿石需求将会逐步下降,到2040年中国将需要8.56亿吨铁矿石,合理粗钢产能应为8.78~9.35亿吨。  相似文献   

A Western specialist on the liquid fuel industries and resources of Russia surveys trends in and factors affecting output in Russia's most important oil-producing region, accounting for nearly 70% of the country's production in 1994 and a similar share of oil reserves. A prolonged decline in oil output in the region, starting in 1988, appears to be bottoming out as a function of efforts to rehabilitate idle wells and liberalized regulations governing oil exports. A focus is on documenting trends in production within a series of regional production associations charged with operation of specific fields (of widely variable age and reserves) in West Siberia and on surveying Western participation in joint ventures involved in field development for deposits characterized by difficult geological conditions. Official projections of West Siberian crude oil output based on various assumptions regarding rates of investment, well rehabilitation, exploratory drilling, secondary recovery, etc. are reviewed and evaluated.  相似文献   

油气是重要的战略资源。其中天然气作为清洁能源,它曾经是,现在是,在可预期的未来——全球碳减排、中国碳达峰情景下,仍然是最重要的能源资源。能源进口渠道的多元化一直是中国缓解能源紧张的有效措施之一。北极地区油气资源丰富且以天然气为主,已发现的油气资源中绝大多数在俄罗斯,尤其是天然气。但是俄罗斯天然气生产的油气田80%以上已经进入北极圈。2012年,中俄合作开发北极亚马尔液化天然气项目正式启动,标志着中国参与北极油气资源开发利用取得重要进展,也事实上开启了中国主导的"丝绸之路经济带建设"和俄罗斯主导的"欧亚经济联盟建设"对接合作的进程。北极地区已发现的油气资源共计3289.4亿桶油当量,其中石油605.4亿桶(84.1亿吨)油当量,仅为全球已发现石油资源的2.5%;天然气41.4万亿立方米(约合2683亿桶,372.6亿吨油当量),占全球已发现天然气资源的15.5%。北极地区已发现的油气总资源中绝大多数在俄罗斯,俄罗斯已发现的北极油气资源合计2905亿桶油当量(403.5亿吨),占88.3%;其中天然气约39.47万亿立方米,约合2557.9亿桶(355.3亿吨)油当量,占北极地区已发现天然气总资源的95%以上。北极待发现的油气资源量也非常可观,约占世界待发现常规石油资源的15%;天然气占世界待发现常规天然气资源的30%,其分布也主要在俄罗斯。随着全球气候变暖和能源战略博弈,俄罗斯为确保其天然气出口及财政来源,必然要加大北极油气、特别是天然气的开采和开发,并通过北极航道运到中国和其他消费国。本文在概括分析北极油气资源分布特点、俄罗斯油气资源与北极战略及北方海航道通行能力的基础上,回顾了北极亚马尔液化天然气项目诞生、发展演变及其国际博弈的背景;概括介绍了中国成功介入北极油气资源项目这一标志性事件过程,并进一步提出了中国对北极油气资源利用战略举措的建议。   相似文献   

“一带一路”国家钾盐及硼资源分布规律与开采技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着中国经济快速发展,对钾盐和硼矿的需求快速增加。世界钾盐资源主要集中在北美洲和欧洲。在参阅大量资料后,初步估算"一带一路"国家地区钾盐资源量(以K2O当量计算)约112×10~8t,主要分布在柴达木盆地、塔里木盆地、呵叻盆地(含沙空那空盆地)、中亚盆地、死海盆地和涅帕盆地。硼矿资源73%的储量和70%的储量基础分布于美国、土耳其、俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦,"一带一路"国家中硼资源主要分布于俄罗斯、土耳其、哈萨克斯坦、塞尔维亚等国家。据美国地质调查局2014年公布的数据,世界探明硼储量约2.43×10~8t,"一带一路"地区探明硼储量约1.46×10~8t,约占世界探明硼储量的69.5%。对"一带一路"国家钾盐矿和硼矿资源分布做了详细统计,对典型矿床的地质特征进行了简单的概括,介绍了钾盐和硼矿的开发技术,讨论了中国利用境外钾盐及硼资源的首选地区,为中国企业"走出去"提供有益信息。  相似文献   

Oil plays an important role in ensuring national energy security. It is of great significance for China’s energy policy-making to predict the future oil demand scientifically. Combined with the grey correlation analysis and combination model of ARIMA-BP neural network, data on six driving variables of China’s GDP, international oil price, energy consumption per unit GDP, industrial structure, urbanization rate and oil production in 1999-2018 were selected to predict China’s oil demand under different scenarios in 2020-2030. The results show that the selected driving variables are highly correlated with China’s oil demand, and the combined model is more accurate than the single model. From 2020 to 2030, China’s oil demand and import will continue to increase, but the growth rate will gradually slow down. Under the three scenarios, the predicted average oil demand in 2020, 2025 and 2030 will be 675.7703 million tons, 732.2725 million tons and 760.8155 million tons, respectively; the predicted average external dependence in 2020-2030 will be 76.19%, far exceeding the international warning line of 50%. The contradiction between China’s oil supply and demand will be more acute, and accordingly, some policy suggestions were put forward.  相似文献   

油气地质学的若干问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
:2 0世纪世界开采了 115 0亿t石油 ,64万亿m3 天然气 ,如此大量的油气开发是与油气地质的新理论出现并应用于勘探密切相关。 19世纪 70年代出现海相生油论 ,2 0世纪一直在发展和完善 ,其在油气勘探开发中起了重大作用。 2 0世纪 2 0年代开始形成的陆相生油理论 ,对中国石油工业的发展起了重大作用 ,1999年产油 1.60亿t,使中国从“贫油国”而成为世界第五产油大国。2 0世纪 4 0年代煤成气理论形成 ,使勘探天然气理论从仅与腐泥型源岩有关的“一元论” ,发展于既与腐殖型煤系源岩也与腐泥型源岩相关的“二元论” ,促进了天然气工业大发展。世界产气第一大国俄罗斯探明天然气储量 75 %是煤成气 ,中国近期天然气储量大幅度增长是以煤成气为支撑的 ,2 0 0 0年全国气层气储层的 64%是煤成气。天然气水合物是非常规气 ,较一致估计资源量在 2 .0×10 16 2 .1× 10 16 m3 ,相当于当前已探明的化石燃料总含碳量的 2倍 ,被认为可能是 2 1世纪的替代能源 ,潜力大。但由于地质的、成藏的、富集的、开发的和环境的诸多问题未深入研究或有待解决 ,目前未开发利用。  相似文献   

2017年以来,全球石油消费持续疲软,消费增速呈逐渐下降的趋势,新冠肺炎疫情对石油需求的打击更是"雪上加霜".本文回顾了疫情发生以来国际原油价格及大型油气公司股票价格的走势,探讨了疫情对全球石油需求和供应市场的影响,研判了短期及中长期全球石油供需格局,得出了三点结论:(1)疫情对全球石油需求产生重大冲击,预计2020年...  相似文献   

煤炭是章丘市的主要矿产资源,分布于章丘市中、西部地区,煤炭地质储量1.67亿t,可采储量0.43亿t,年生产能力200万t左右,开采方式为地下开采。针对章丘市采煤区不同的地质环境问题,提出了相应的治理措施,对采空塌陷区土地进行综合治理,对固体废弃物和矿井排水进行资源化利用。上述措施和方法的推广,既节约了大量土地,又改善了矿区环境质量,取得了良好的社会、经济、环境效益。  相似文献   

A prominent Western specialist on the geology of the oil and gas deposits of Russia provides an interpretation of the genesis of the West Siberian basin, relying, in part, on most recent Russian studies as well as information made available in 1994 evaluating the reserves of Russia's most important producing province. From Late Carboniferous through Middle Jurassic time, the region of West Siberia passed through orogenic, rift, and early platform stages. A domal high was present in the region during the orogenic stage, arising from cratonization of the Ural-Mongolian fold belt. Early Triassic rifting was part of a global rifting event and was a precursor to the subsequent crustal sagging that produced the West Siberian basin. The Early-Middle Jurassic was a time of cyclical marine and continental deposition, the sea moving back and forth from the north. The Talinskoye oil field occurs in Lower-Middle Jurassic sandstones that have the form of a river channel that extends more than 200 km. The Priobskoye field is associated with a Lower Cretaceous clinoform that has been traced N–S for more than 300 km. It is suggested that: (a) the oil in the Lower Cretaceous Neocomian sandstones was sourced by bituminous clays that interfinger with these sandstones on the west; and (b) that Upper Cretaceous Cenomanian gas was sourced in part by deeply buried Paleozoics and by overlying Upper Cretaceous Turonian clays. Predicted discoveries in West Siberia include several thousand small fields with reserves of less than 10 million tons, 250 to 300 medium-sized fields, and several large fields with 30 to 100 million tons.  相似文献   

龙涛 《地质与勘探》2018,54(6):1099-1106
本文首先界定了权益矿、权益储量及权益产量的内涵,系统统计了2017年中国海外权益铜矿项目的数量、权益储量和权益产量,结果显示2017年中国海外权益铜矿约50个,海外铜矿权益储量4441.8万t,权益产量112.5万t。研判了全球铜矿资源格局,分析了海外权益铜矿存在的主要问题,并提出了对策建议:(1)应全力支持中国企业到南美、非洲等地获取海外权益铜矿,力争打造3~5个大型海外权益铜矿基地;(2)努力扩大海外权益铜矿产量,力争2030年中国海外权益铜矿产量超过250万t;(3)中资企业应结合自身经营财务情况,选择自主建设已探明储量但尚未开发矿山还是收购成熟的矿山项目;(4)中资企业还应不断学习和熟知当地的法律政策、商业特点、文化风俗等,处理好与各方的利益关系,保证海外权益铜矿项目持续稳定经营。  相似文献   

世界磷矿储量近695亿t(2019年),但分布不均,磷矿储量最为丰富的北非地区集中了全球80%以上的磷矿资源.该区域的摩洛哥和西撒哈拉是世界磷矿资源最为丰富的国家,2019年其磷矿储量达500亿t,占世界的近72%.目前世界上主要利用的磷矿类型为沉积型磷块岩矿,其最主要的成矿时代为震旦—寒武纪和中生代—新生代,前者以中...  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业几乎或多或少都与非金属矿及其制品有关,随着战略性新兴产业的发展,我国战略性矿产资源消费将迎来快速增长期.本文选取石墨、萤石、高纯石英、叶蜡石四种非金属矿产为战略非金属矿产,收集其产量、消费量、贸易情况等资料,对其重要性及用途、供需情况等进行研究,并对其未来需求趋势进行预测.本文认为石墨、高纯石英、萤石、叶...  相似文献   

A probabilistic estimate of the global conventional recoverable oil resource was performed based on the concept of the Earth's sedimentary cover as a holistic system. A forecast for global oil production was made for the period till the end of the 21st century. It has been shown that the global oil production will most likely peak at 4.2–4.7 billion tons a year in 2020–2030. For that period, the top oil-producing regions in the world will be the Persian Gulf, West and East Siberia. The upstream sector at that time will turn its focus to the Arctic shelf. Annual oil production could be maintained at a level of 4.2–4.5 billion tons till the late 2040s.  相似文献   

Trends in global and United States fish catches were examined to determine the status of estuarine fisheries yields relative to those from other ecosystems. Potential marine fish production, based upon primary production relationships, was estimated globally and for specific marine ecosystems, including estuaries. While global fish catches increased substantially during the past two decades and continued to increase through 1989, catches of estuarine-dependent species have peaked or stabilized. In the United States, total catches have increased but many estuarine-dependent fisheries have declined, although the declines in catches are no more dramatic than those of heavily-fished continental shelf species. Overfishing probably is the primary cause of declines in estuarine and shelf fisheries. A few estuarine-dependent species of the United States have experienced substantial increases in harvests since 1970, for example, Pacific salmons, menhaden, and penaeid shrimps. The percentage contribution of major estuarine fisheries to the United States commercial catch declined between 1970 and 1990, although the yield of these species increased substantially. Global marine fisheries production at trophic level 2.5 was estimated to be 1,359 million tons. Potential yield was estimated to be 307 million tons, but the 1989 world marine catch was only 86.5 million tons. The major fraction, 196 million tons, of the estimated potential yeild was for the open ocean where technological constraints may prevent its full realization. Of the remaining 111 million tons of the potential, 18.0 million tons (16.2%) may come from estuaries and probably already is fully exploited. The potential catches from shelves, 68.5 million tons (61.6%), and upwelling areas, 24.8 million tons (22.2%), while considerably larger than those from estuaries, are lower in a relative sense (per unit area) than fisheries production and potential catch in estuarine zones. Relationships between fish production, fish harvest, and primary production were examined in specific estuaries. The developing role of aquaculture and its effect on estuarine fisheries are discussed.  相似文献   

The resource base for the Russian tin industry is surveyed district by district, with emphasis on deposit geology and mineralogy, world and domestic market conditions, production linkages between mines and processing facilities, and exploration activity. Current Russian output is less than one-half the former Soviet total of the mid-1980s, a reflection of difficult economic conditions, divergent interests of mine producers and the management of the Novosibirsk tin smelter, and declining ore tenor at certain major deposits. Major deposits now are found exclusively in Russia's Far East economic region, often in remote and climatically inhospitable locations. Unlike most other major producing countries, the bulk of Russia's output comes from lode deposits rather than placers. A concluding section outlines factors expected to affect future tin demand in Russia and describes efforts to identify potentially promising nontraditional tin ore deposits.  相似文献   

Much of the coal consumed in the US since the end of the last century has been produced from the Pennsylvanian strata of the Appalachian basin. Even though quantities mined in the past are less than they are today, this basin yielded from 70% to 80% of the nation's annual coal production from the end of the last century until the early 1970s. During the last 25 years, the proportion of the nation's coal that was produced annually from the Appalachian basin has declined markedly, and today it is only about 40% of the total. The amount of coal produced annually in the Appalachian basin, however, has been rising slowly over the last several decades, and has ranged generally from 400 to 500 million tons (Mt) per year.A large proportion of Appalachian historical production has come from relatively few counties in southwestern Pennsylvania, northern and southern West Virginia, eastern Kentucky, Virginia and Alabama. Many of these counties are decades past their years of peak production and several are almost depleted of economic deposits of coal. Because the current major consumer of Appalachian coal is the electric power industry, coal quality, especially sulfur content, has a great impact on its marketability. High-sulfur coal deposits in western Pennsylvania and Ohio are in low demand when compared with the lower sulfur coals of Virginia and southern West Virginia. Only five counties in the basin that have produced 500 Mt or more exhibit increasing rates of production at relatively high levels. Of these, six are in the central part of the basin and only one, Greene County, Pennsylvania, is in the northern part of the basin. Decline rate models, based on production decline rates and the decline rate of the estimated, “potential” reserve, indicate that Appalachian basin annual coal production will be 200 Mt or less by the middle of the next century.  相似文献   

李庆哲 《地质与勘探》2023,59(2):451-464
中非铜钴成矿带是世界最大的沉积型铜钴成矿带、全球最大钴矿、第三大铜矿发现区。因铜钴价格持续走高和中资企业持续关注的迫切性,本文对中非铜钴成矿带地质特征、铜钴矿床资源分布规律、权益资源量情况进行分析研究。同时,系统收集研究区学术研究成果、商业数据库、企业年报等数据,分析认为Lufilian弧形构造带是中非铜钴成矿带构造背景,从北向南依次为弧外部褶皱推覆带、穹窿地区、复式向斜带、加丹加高原。地层分为孔德龙古、恩古巴、罗安三个群,地层年龄自<573±5 Ma至879±16 Ma。含矿层位主要是罗安群矿床组,下分R2.1、R2.2、R2.3三个含矿层。矿床类型主要为碳酸盐质巨型角砾岩型、含矿页岩型、含矿砂岩型、含矿基底型铜矿,构成6个铜钴矿集区,具有等间距分布特征,间距为±20 km。截至2021年,研究区探获铜资源量1.91亿t,钴资源量1404万t。以当量铜资源量排序,>100万t的矿床33个,>1000万t级别的矿床7个。共有14个国家55家矿业企业参与铜钴成矿带勘探及开发。我国权益铜钴资源量分别为6467万t、648万t。大于50万t权益铜资源量的企业有洛阳钼业、紫金...  相似文献   

北极地区丰富的油气资源近年来引发全世界的广泛关注。评估结果显示,北极油气资源分布不均,主要集中在俄罗斯、美国阿拉斯加、挪威、加拿大和丹麦格陵兰。不同国家和地区北极油气资源勘探开发特点不同,在新形势下可能还会发生变化。中国是油气消费大国和进口大国,俄罗斯北极地区已日渐成为中国重要油气供应地之一。综合分析几个主要北极国家北极油气开发利用现状和未来发展前景,与中国目前参与北极油气开发利用的情况,对未来中国如何参与北极油气资源开发利用提出建议,将俄罗斯作为中国北极油气开发的长期合作伙伴,与其开展项目投资、技术入股、航道建设等多个方面的合作。   相似文献   

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