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A newly compiled geobotanical map of the U.S.S.R. scale 1:4,000,000 is described. Two hundred and ten categories of vegetation are mapped, classified under 15 major groups. The relation of the mapped vegetation units to climate, soil, ground condition (permafrost), watersheds, and major geomorphic features is emphasized. -- M. Russell.  相似文献   

Progress report deals with: 1) Geochronology — potassium-argon — principally Precambrian. Gives dates on Precambrian of Baltic Shield including eastern Sweden, Northeastern Norway, Finland, Karelia, and Kola Peninsula. Gives a correlation of the Precambrian for the entire European U.S.S.R. 2) Depth and origin of magmatic ore deposits using reconstructed erosion surfaces for the major periods of mineralization. The depth zones of ore formation of American and European theories is questioned. 3) Tectonic mapping in crustal studies. And in this conjunction 4) Bathy-metric map of the Pacific has been prepared, conspicuous features are major tectonic and volcanic forms of the ocean bottom, as well as minor detail. Brief mention is made of ore deposits from the ocean. 5) “Weathering Crust” studies of subaerial weathering erosion and deposition, mainly of ancient crusts. 6) Study on the origin and distribution of “agricultural areas”, mainly phosphates. 7) Compilation of a Manual of Minerals now underway.--M.A. Klugman.  相似文献   

The deinocephalian pelvic girdle, of general pelycosaurian structure, is useful in systematic diagnosis. In primitive Russian deinocephalians, two contrasting pelvic patterns are recognized, one light, thin-walled, narrow, and of V-shaped cross-section, and the other massive, thick-walled, wide, and of U-shaped cross-section. The former is characteristic of two families of lightly- built, mobile land carnivores, the Eotitanosuchidae and the Brithopodidae. The Eotitanosuchidae are more primitive and pelycosaur-like, while the Brithopodidae show more variation, and specializations of large size, shallower acetabulum (related to mobility?), and re-enforcement of a weak pubic symphysis by additional processes. The massive type of pelvis characterizes large, heavily built herbivorous animals of the family Estemmenosuchidae. In general pelvic structure, the Estemmenosuchidae resemble the South African anteosaurs and tapinocephalians and the Russian tapinocephalians. In detail, however, they show a more primitive stage of evolution, overlaid by characteristic specializations which relate them more closely to the advanced Russian forms than to those of South Africa. Three new genera are erected, Biarmosaurus, fam. Eotitanosuchidae; Chthomaloporus, fam. Brithopodidae; and Molybdopygus, fam. Estemmenosuchidae. One specimen formerly referred to Deuterosaurus Yefremov 1954, and five formerly included in the type of Brithopus Yefremov 1954 are referred to Molybdopygus. The more primitive deinocephalians are from Yezhovo in the Ocher District, Perm Province, while more advanced forms are from Isheyevo, in Tataria, where-therocephalians and other South African elements are also found. It is therefore concluded that the Ochersk beds are older than those of Isheyevo and must be dated to zone I of Yefremov's system. — N. Hotton III.  相似文献   

A very interesting and informative paper on widespread occurrence of a thermal hydrosphere. Geothermal power uses are discussed. Distribution of heated waters, some up to 150° C is discussed in considerable detail, especially with reference to possible power utilization of the geothermal energy. Seven hydrothermal regions of the U.S.S.R. are discussed and delineated. Chemical quality of waters is referred to. There is a summary listing of locations in the U.S.S.R. where thermal waters could be utilized for generation of electric power. — B. N. Cooper.  相似文献   

Soviet geologists consider the Precambrian to be divided into two groups — Archaean and Proterozoic; but such a division is unsatisfactory. A major unconformity separates Proterozoic volcanic and sedimentary formations from an underlying sequence that contains two supergroups of supercrustal formations. The oldest of these is unanimously considered to be Archaean. Rocks of that supergroup play an essential part in the composition of the Baltic, Ukrainian, Aldan and Anabar Shields and of the ancient fold belts of the East-European and Siberian platforms.Distinctive features in the composition, tectonic structure, metamorphism and metallogeny of Archaean complexes lead to the conclusion that they were formed in specifically mobile areas, different from geosynclinal areas.The other supergroup of high-grade metamorphic rocks has no clear place in the accepted two-fold stratigraphic scheme of the Precambrian, and it is considered sometimes to be Archaean and sometimes to be Early Proterozoic. We propose restoring the forgotten name “Eozoic” for that supergroup. Eozoic complexes are characterized by peculiarities of composition and inner structure, which signify changes in the tectonic regime of the earth at the lower and upper boundaries of the Eozoic Supergroup. These peculiarities give grounds for distinguishing the Eozoic Supergroup as an independent stratigraphic division.The Stanovoy Complex of the southern part of the Aldan Shield is a stratotype for the Eozoic Supergroup. Many well-known stratigraphic subdivisions of the Siberian Platform (e.g., the Eniseiskaya, the Birusinskaya series and others), the Taratash Complex of the Urals, the Goranskaya and Shahdarinskaya series of the South-West Pamir, the Tikitch complex and Aulskaya series of the Ukrainian Shield, and in part the Belomorsky Complex of the Baltic Shield, as well as some others, are also Eozoic.The Eozoic complexes are characterized by the following specific features: only some supercrustal formations are typical for them; the small number of rock types which have a total thickness about 5–6 km; relatively monotonous mineral composition of the rocks; variable quantitative ratios of rocks; absence of contrasting marker beds; regional metamorphism and ultrametamorphism in the amphibolite facies; wide development of ultrametamorphic granitoids and migmatites; distinct tectonic differentiations of the basin of sedimentation.Dates determined by isotopic analyses, which mostly reflect the metamorphism of the deposits, fall predominantly in the range 2600–3100 Ma.  相似文献   

A major field of research since the 1920s has been methods and theories of economic regionalization. The territorial-production complex is now recognized as a key developmental tool within the framework of economic-planning regions. Recently, there has been a more marked growth of study into problems of natural-resource development, social progress and change in the U.S.S.R. as well as into the spatial structure of other nations, particularly other socialist countries and non-socialist developing countries.  相似文献   

Detailed regional studies and the author' personal observations on tillite-like rocks in Siberia and Ural suggest that pseudo-tillites, only too common in subaqueous landslide formations, were often mistaken for tillites or tillite-like rocks, because of their resemblance to fossil moraines. --V. P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

As a result of deep drilling and complex geophysical investigations conducted on a large scale the existence of a deeply fractured graben zone has been established in the basement of a pre-Paleozoic and epi-Hercynian platform. This zone stretches from the northwest to southeast over a distance of more than 4,000 km. In the northwest it is traced through the pre-Paleozoic Russian platform and includes the Pripyat, the Dnieper-Donets depressions and the Donets basin Hercynian folding zone. In the Fore-Caucasian territory it passes along the Russian and the epi-Hercynian platforms boundary within the buried range forming an extension of the Donets Basin. Further on, within the territory of Central Asia it is traced in the Mangyshlak mountain structure and the Bukhara- Khiva fracture zone. The activity of this tectonic zone during the post-Cambrian was displayed at different times. There is observed, therefore, a gradual NW-SE rejuvenation of sedimentary deposits filling up a graben system associated with the tectonic zone: Devonian deposits - in the Dnieper- Donets and Pripyat depression; Middle and Upper Carboniferous deposits-in the Donets Basin and within the area of the buried range; Permian-Triassic deposits - in the Mangyshlak mountain structure; and Jurassic deposits - in the Bukhara-Khiva zone. This shows that the renewal of tectonic activity along ancient fractures first began in the western part of the platform most elevated during the Paleozoic. During the Hercynian stage of tectogenesis tectonic processes of different characters took place in separate links of the entire zone: platform development - in the Dnieper-Donets depression; geosynclinal - in the Donets Basin, the buried range in the Bukhara-Khiva zone; geosynclinal and intermediary stage of intermontane depressions - in the Mangyshlak mountain structure.—Auth. English summ.  相似文献   

Soviet scientists have achieved considerable success in the application of petrography to the study of coal, despite lack of coordination among various specialists studying coal genesis, metamorphism, and structure and the inadquate application of modern methods of investigation. An appraisal of coal petrography in the Soviet Union and in other nations shows that the scope of problems which interest coal petrographers is universal, but the presentation of problems, development of details, and purpose of study are very different. --G. E. Denegar.  相似文献   

On October 12, 1962, a joint session of the Presidium of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences and the Collegium of the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Geology and Mineral Reserves adopted a resolution “On the present state of the geological sciences in the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences and the U. S. S. R. Ministry of Geology and Mineral Reserves and their prospects for the future.” Important contributions of Russian geologists are acknowledged, but attention is drawn to many shortcomings. Future goals of geological study and work are given in detail. Twenty-one lines of research to be concentrated on are given, covering all phases of geology, geophysics, and geochemistry. In discussing the failings of the geological profession in Russia, it is of interest to note the following comment: “Geological research in other countries is still insufficiently studied and applied, and we are not making adequate use of geologic information from abroad.” The list of the Russian geologists' shortcomings sounds vaguely familiar. —J. R. Hayes  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1335-1346
A detailed classification of regional metamorphic rock facies is presented along with the results of compiling a small scale Map of Metamorphic Facies of U.S.S.R. It is demonstrated that typical metamorphic complexes are associated with certain large structural elements of the crust. The aspects of metamorphism are used in identifying the areas of ancient platforms, two types of mobile belts, and two types of high pressure zones at the junction of major structures of different degrees of stability.—Author  相似文献   

Analysis of blocks and linear sutures in the base of the Russian Platform shows significant variations in their tectonic activities in different stages of the platformal evolution. --AGI Staff.  相似文献   

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