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. Pamukkale protected site is located 20 km away from the provincial center of Denizli in southwest Turkey. This site has unique natural and cultural assets such as hot water springs, white travertine terraces, and cultural ruins of the ancient city of Hierapolis. The rising interest in this site leads to irreversible deterioration of natural and cultural assets. This study reveals the environmental issues, such as swimming activities, the lack of sewage treatment, mechanical damage, etc. on hot water springs and white travertine terraces. Swimming activities in the pools and sewage leakage from non-isolated cesspools encourage excessive microbial growth at the travertine surface resulting in the discoloration of white travertine terraces. Walking over the delicate travertine surface leads to the deformation of existing calcite crystals and delays the formation of the new crystals. Vehicle entry to the site causes damage, for example creating vibration, high gas emission, and dust airlifting. To ensure optimal protection conditions at this site, priority must be given to the maintenance, restoration, monitoring, and maximization of the natural resources, and special regulations and laws should be enacted. Although it must be realized that good resource management will never be able to completely solve the problems in conservation of this site, it is equally clear that a correct use of natural resources can help avoid worsening of an already difficult situation.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1803-1821

In the Central Anatolia, the style of neotectonic regime governing the region has been a controversial issue. A tectonic study was carried out in order to contribute to this issue and better understand the neotectonic stress distribution and style of deformation in the west-southwest of the Konya region. From Middle Miocene to Recent time, Konya region was part of the Central Anatolia extensional province. The present-day topography in the west-southwestern part of Konya is characterized by alternating elongate grabens and horsts trending E-W and NW-SE. The grabens were developed upon low-grade metamorphic rocks of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ages and ophiolite slabs of possibly Late Cretaceous age. The evolutionary history of grabens is episodic as evidenced by two graben infills; older and younger graben infills separated by an angular unconformity. The older infill consists of fluviolacustrine sequence intercalated with calc-alkaline lavas and pyroclastic rocks. This infill is folded; thrust faulted and Middle Miocene-Early Pliocene in age. The younger and undeformed basin fill comprises mainly of Plio-Quaternary conglomerates, sandstone-mudstone alternations of alluvial fan and recent basin floor deposits. Three major tectonic phases were differentiated based on the detailed mapping, morphological features and kinematic analysis. Approximately N-S trending extension began in the Middle Miocene-Early Pliocene in the region with the formation of E-W and NW-SE-trending grabens. Following NE-SW-directed compression which deformed the older basin fill deposits by folding and thrusting, a second period of ENE-WSW-trending extension began in the late Pliocene and continued to the present. The west-southwestern margin of the Konya depression is bounded by the Konya Fault Zone. It is an oblique-slip normal fault with a minor dextral strike-slip component and exhibits well-preserved fault slickensides and slickenlines. Recent seismicity and fault-related morphological features reveal that the Konya Fault Zone is an active neotectonic structure.  相似文献   

帕米尔弧东段逆冲推覆构造特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
帕米尔弧形构造带是青藏高原碰撞挤压表现最明显的地区之一。通过构造剖面和地震剖面解释,认为帕米尔弧东段逆冲推覆构造具有分带性特点,自南西向北东方向可以划分为逆冲推覆构造的根带、中带、锋带与锋前带,相应地发育叠瓦状逆冲断层、冲断褶皱、断层相关褶皱、单斜构造等不同的构造组合。对逆冲推覆锋带中苏盖特和阿克陶生长背斜、生长地层及形成时序分别进行了研究,确定了帕米尔弧形逆冲推覆构造以前展式(背驮式)向前陆方向扩展,逆冲推覆始于上新世,并一直持续到早更新世。弧形构造东西两段逆冲推覆运动方式和地层缩短量有很大差异:西段为与挤压方向垂直的逆冲,而东段为斜冲兼顺时针走滑;西段地层缩短量大于东段。  相似文献   

The results of study on the hydrochemical and isotope characteristics of shallow and deep waters at Pamukkale hydrothermal field Turkey are described in order to obtain a better understanding of the hydrological circulation. The field can be grouped into two groundwater sub-systems; cold water springs of Ca–HCO3 type (10–12 °C), and CO2-rich thermal waters of Ca–HCO3–SO4 type (25–58 °C). The occurrence of these water types is closely related to the morphology of the region, where intense tectonism formed horst and graben structures. Hence, two hydrogeological systems were defined: a deep geothermal system which is related to extensive and deep circulation of meteoric water in the regional flow system, and a shallow system which is related to local groundwater flow through sedimentary strata. The meteoric water falling at higher elevations percolates to the local groundwater system at a shallow level and flows to the deep geothermal system. During a deep convection cycle from a recharge to discharge area, the cold water attains heat from the asthenospheric intrusions, causing it to ascend. Variations of chemical and isotopic composition of thermal waters result from their mixing with cool groundwater in a shallow aquifer during their ascent to the surface.
Résumé Les résultats d'une étude portant sur les caractéristiques hydrochimiques et isotopiques de puits phréatiques et profonds situés dans le champ hydrothermal de Pamukkale, sont décrits de telle manière à éclairer le fonctionnement des circulations hydrologiques. Le champ peut étre divisé en deux sous-systèmes d'eaux souterraines, l'un avec des eaux de sources froides (10–12 °C) de type Ca–HCO3, et les eaux thermales (25–58 °C) riches en CO2 et de type Ca–HCO3–SO4. L'occurrence de ces types d'eaux est fermement liée à la morphologie de la région, oùne tectonique intense a engendré des structures en horsts et en grabens. Dés lors deux systèmes hydrogéologiques ont été définis : un système profond, qui est lié à la circulation extensive et profonde des eaux météoritiques dans le système régional d'écoulement, et un système phréatique lié aux écoulements locaux des eaux souterraines à travers les strates sédimentaires. Les eaux météoritiques aux altitudes élevées, percolent jusqu'aux systèmes locaux phréatiques, puis coulent jusqu'aux systèmes géothermaux plus profonds. Durant le cycle de convection profond des zones de recharge jusqu'aux zones de décharge, l'eau froide atteint les zones chaudes liées aux intrusions athenosphériques, provoquant la remontée. Les variations de la composition chimique et isotopique des eaux thermales résultent dans leurs mélanges avec des eaux souterraines froides dans les aquifères phréatiques durant leur remontée jusqu'à la surface.

Resumen Se describen los resultados del estudio de las características isotópicas e hidroquímicas de las aguas someras y profundas para obtener un mejor entendimiento de la circulación hidrológica del campo hidrotermal Pamukkale. El campo puede agruparse en dos sub-sistemas de agua subterránea: manantiales de agua fría del tipo Ca–HCO3 (10–12°C) y aguas termales ricas en CO2 del tipo Ca–HCO3–SO4(25–58°C). El ambiente de estos tipos de aguas se relaciona estrechamente con la morfología de la región donde el tectonismo intenso ha formado estructuras extensionales tipo graben y horst. Se definieron dos sistemas hidrogeológicos: un sistema geotermal profundo que se relaciona con la circulación profunda y extensa de agua meteórica en el sistema regional de flujo y un sistema somero el cual se relaciona con flujo local de agua subterránea a través de estratos sedimentarios. El agua meteórica que cae en altas elevaciones percola al sistema local de agua subterránea en un nivel somero y fluye hacia el sistema geotermal profundo. Durante un ciclo de convección del área de recarga hacia la zona de descarga, el agua fría se calienta a partir de los intrusivos astenosféricos lo que ocasiona que asciendan. Como resultado de la mezcla de las aguas recalentadas, con agua subterránea fría en un acuífero somero durante el ascenso hacia la superficie, se derivan variaciones en la composición química e isotópica de las aguas termales.

通过比较中国四川黄龙、中国云南白水台、土耳其帕穆克卡莱棉花堡三地钙华景观的基本环境地质特征、钙华景观水化学、钙华沉积生物因素的差异性,探讨了土耳其棉花堡钙华退化缓慢的影响因素。对比发现,棉花堡景区藻类约为38种,种类单一,植被覆盖率较低,沉积主要受物理化学因素控制,沉积速率较快,多形成较好的层状结构,杂质少,且原生孔隙度较低,结构致密,结晶度较高,不易坍塌损坏;黄龙和白水台景区藻类分别为86种、196种,种类多样,且植被覆盖率皆高达80%以上,沉积主控于化学和生物因素,沉积速率较慢,结构呈多孔疏松状或多孔珊瑚状,原生孔隙度普遍较高,易退化。此外,棉花堡钙华景区泉水各离子含量均高于黄龙和白水台景区,尤其是Ca2+和HCO3-,这能有效促进CaCO3的沉积。  相似文献   

扬子西缘东吴伸展运动   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
梁定益  聂泽同 《地球科学》1994,19(4):443-453
扬子西缘二叠系中震积岩十分发育,笔者根据震积岩、震积-伸展不整合的存在,厘定了它的时代,确认了东吴运动的存在。指出它是该区晚古生代以来最重要的一次伸展构造事件,多旋回震积岩、化石有序混积与水下边界正断层的多次活动有关。在木里地区,从东吴运动开始,地震、伸展-裂陷。火山活动持续到三叠纪,形成裂陷槽(晚二叠世-早三叠世达到高峰)。在这里,东吴运动实际是裂陷造槽运动。  相似文献   

Pamukkale thermal waters (35 °C), exhibiting calcium-bicarbonate-sulfate composition and high carbon dioxide concentration, are of a predominantly meteoric origin. The meteoric fluid, circulating through faults and fractures, is heated by magmatic intrusions at great depth, and ascends from deep reservoirs to the surface. Mixing with relatively cold groundwater in the near surface zone promotes different saturation conditions with respect to calcium carbonate that later precipitates at depth and/or the surface. Dissolution-deposition processes of calcium carbonate both at surface and depth environments may help to reconstruct past climate direction in the field. During wet climate conditions a high-rate of calcium carbonate accumulation would be expected to occur at the surface because thermal fluid would be under-saturated with respect to calcium carbonate at depth because of a relatively higher mixing ratio with cold groundwater. During dry climate conditions the thermal fluid would be super-saturated at depth because of the highly acidic environment. Hydrometeorological studies reveal that the annual precipitation at the Pamukkale hydrothermal field tends to decrease with time. This climatic change in the area was also detected from geological records. While humid climate conditions prevailed during the late Quaternary, the area has recently been affected by arid/semi-arid climate conditions, followed by some episodic transitions. This study has shown how the system has possibly reacted to different climate conditions since antiquity.  相似文献   

The eastern Pontide magmatic arc extends ~600 km in an E-W direction along the Black Sea coast and was disrupted by a series of fault systems trending NE-SW, NW-SE, E-W, and N-S. These fault systems are responsible for the formation of diachronous extensional basins, rift or pull-apart, in the northern, southern, and axial zones of the eastern Pontides during the Mesozoic. Successive extensional or transtensional tectonic regimes caused the abortive Liassic rift basins and the Albian and Campanian pull-apart basins with deep-spreading troughs in the southern and axial zones. Liassic, Albian, and Campanian neptunian dikes, which indicate extensional tectonic regimes, crop out within the Paleozoic granites near Kale, Gumushane, and the Malm–Lower Cretaceous platform carbonates in Amasya and Gumushane. These neptunian dikes correspond to extensional cracks that are filled and overlain by the fossiliferous red pelagic limestones. Multidirectional Liassic neptunian dikes are consistent with the general trend of the paleofaults (NE-SW, NW-SE, and E-W), and active dextral North Anatolian fault (NAF) and sinistral Northeast Anatolian fault (NEAF) systems. The Albian neptunian dikes in Amasya formed in the synthetic oblique left-lateral normal faults of the main fault zone that runs parallel to the active North Anatolian fault zone (NAFZ).

Kinematic interpretation of the Liassic and Albian neptunian dikes suggests N-S extensional stress or northward movement of the Pontides along the conjugate fracture zones parallel to the NAFZ and NEAFZ. This northward movement of the Pontides in Liassic and Albian times requires left-lateral and right-lateral slips along the conjugate NAFZ and Northeast Anatolian fault zones (NEAFZ), respectively, in contrast to the recent active tectonics that have been accommodated by N-S compressional stress. On the other hand, mutual relationships between the neptunian dikes and the associated main fault zone of Campanian age extending in an E-W direction in the Kale area, Gumushane suggest the existence of a main left-lateral transtensional wrench zone. This system might be accommodated by the counterclockwise convergence of the Turkish plate with the Afro-Arabian plate relative to the Eurasian plate, and the southward oblique subduction of Paleotethys beneath the eastern Pontide magmatic arc during the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(4):167-183
The Eastern Anatolian Plateau (EAP) of Turkey, with an elevation ranging from 1700 to 2000 m, is located between the Eastern Pontide Arc to the north and the Arabian Platform to the south. In this region, pre-Maastrichtian tectonic units representing the crust crop out in only a few localities. As they are covered by Maastrichtian-Quaternary rock units, it is difficult to study the nature and mutual relationships of these pre-Maastrichtian tectonic units.

The palaeotectonic units of the EAP comprise two different levels in the present study: (1) The lower level consists of platform-type carbonates and their metamorphic equivalents. These units may represent the Taurus Platform and its metamorphic equivalents. (2) The upper level consists of an ophiolitic-mélange prism which is made up mainly of oceanic crust; the prism comprises a complex of ophiolite, ophiolitic mélange, and fore-arc deposits. This upper unit represents a subduction-accretion prism and may have originated partly from the North Anatolian Suture to the north, and partly from the South-eastern Anatolian Suture to the south.

Continental crustal rocks were thrust over by the ophiolitic mélange prism; thus outcrops of them are scarce in the region as they are exposed in tectonic windows through the ophiolitic thrust sheets. The pre-Maastrichtian tectonic units of the EAP are blanketed by Maastrichtian to Quaternary volcanic and sedimentary rock units; these sequences include successive transgressive and regressive intervals and overlie the palaeotectonic units along a pronounced unconformity. Olistostromal units are abundant in the Eocene sedimentary units and were derived from the ophiolites and ophiolitic mélange. The Maastrichtian-Quaternary cover is made up of collisional and post-collisional deposits across the whole region.

Although the EAP has been experiencing considerable N-S compression, it has not been affected by significant crustal thickening because of the strike-slip tectonic regime that is dominant in the region.  相似文献   

高黎贡山脉南部的晚新生代构造-重力垮塌及其成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王刚  万景林  王二七 《地质学报》2006,80(9):1262-1273
云南西部高黎贡山脉构成青藏高原东南边界的一部分,平均海拔3000m以上,山脉南部高度突然下降到海拔2000m左右,线性延伸的山体变为平缓起伏的面状高地。野外工作发现,这一地貌突变是由于伸展变形和重力垮塌造成的。晚新生代以来高黎贡山脉中段和南段东西两侧均发育伸展构造,其中分隔盆地与山脉地貌单元的主要正断层被称为高黎贡山脉东坡和西坡主边界正断层,它们控制了山脉两侧盆地沉积及腾冲地块内部的火山喷发作用,造成山脉与盆地的地势差距、山体的构造剥蚀以及水系的下切。高黎贡山脉及其西侧的腾冲地块构成青藏高原周边唯一的伸展边界。这些伸展构造是畹町、瑞丽、梁河等左行走滑断裂的尾端转换构造。畹町断裂的左行走滑运动将上部地壳物质向东、向西拉开,使得高黎贡山脉南部发生构造-重力垮塌变形,形成三角形的构造窗,暴露出由变质结晶岩系构成的保山地块基底。磷灰石裂变径迹年龄表明,大约距今14Ma开始的构造-重力垮塌去顶作用首先发生在山脉南部,并逐渐向北发展,高黎贡山脉中部在距今8~5Ma进入伸展构造的强烈活动期。  相似文献   

储层构造裂缝定量预测研究及评价方法   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
裂缝型油气藏油气产量占整个石油天然气产量的一半以上,是21世纪石油增储上产的重要领域之一,但目前致密储集体裂缝参数的定量表征和空间分布规律定量预测评价,仍是石油地质界的前沿问题,在一定程度上阻碍了世界石油工业的发展.从国内、外研究现状来看,对裂缝及裂缝型油气藏预测评价研究仍处于探索阶段.世界上大多数裂缝性油气田的裂缝主要为构造裂缝,对构造裂缝空间分布规律的合理预测评价,无疑对油气勘探开发起到科学的指导作用.本文综述了储层裂缝研究现状、进展和主要研究方法,同时通过近几年工作典型实例阐明裂缝研究在不同类型油气藏勘探中的作用.  相似文献   

The western Liaodong (辽东) Bay subbasin displays examples of segment,linkage of extensional fault,and fault-related folds.The Liaoxi (辽西) extensional fault system consists of a series of NNE- and NE-trending segments that were linked through relay ramps.The fault hanging walls are characterized by a series of en echelon synclines with axial traces sub-parallel to the faults.The synclines are doubly plunging located on the hanging wall of normal faults,with the strata dip sub-parallel to the fault.These folds result from along-strike displacement variations of the individual fault segments,as well as from extensional fault-related folding.In the study area,the synclines are separated by transverse intra-basin highs and relay ramps that formed where segment linkage occurred.These hanging wall synclines and their relation to fault displacement variations indicate that they are formed by extensional fault-related fold.  相似文献   

毛云华  赵中贤  孙珍 《地球科学》2020,45(5):1622-1635
为揭示珠江口盆地西部陆缘伸展-减薄过程,进行盆地断裂构造样式识别、断层活动速率和一维空盆构造沉降定量计算和综合分析.珠江口盆地西部以铲式断层和拆离断层为主并继承性发育.张裂一幕断层活动和构造沉降集中于开平凹陷,最大速率分别达到239 m/myr和108.6 m/myr.张裂二幕断层活动和构造沉降向洋盆迁移,最大速率分别达到192 m/myr和210.7 m/myr.张裂一幕岩石圈减薄集中在开平凹陷,以地壳脆性薄化为主.张裂二幕减薄中心向洋盆迁移,岩石圈地幔可能发生了局部薄化和软流圈上涌,导致陆架和上陆坡区凹陷内部构造沉降减弱;洋陆过渡带处上地壳快速减薄,且薄化速度比下地壳快.对比西北次海盆南侧上地壳较厚及下地壳较薄或缺失的情况,推测西北次海盆在破裂前发生了不对称的单剪薄化.   相似文献   

Calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy has been performed on five sedimentary sections through the marine Akveren Formation from the Bartin region of northern Turkey, on the southern Black Sea coast. This new biostratigraphy provides an age for the formation of the Early Campanian (nannofossil zone UC15aTP) to Early Selandian (nannofossil zone NP5), and highlights the presence of the Campanian/Maastrichtian, Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T), and Danian/Selandian boundaries in this intermediate palaeolatitude location. Micula murus was identified below the K/T boundary, but Micula prinsii and Nephrolithus frequens were not, which implies that the K/T boundary interval is not complete in the study area. These dates are in agreement with previous micropaleontological studies.  相似文献   

拉张盆地伸展量的分形分析——以渤海盆地为例   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
研究表明脆性断层的位移分布具有自相似结构,并且服从幂指数定律,即具有分形特征。该特征提供了一种计算拉张盆地伸展量的方法(即分数维法)。以此来阐明小断层的滑移对冲伸展量的贡献,从而弥补了由平衡复原法计算伸展量时产生的差值。以渤海盆地为例,本文详细介绍这种方法的原理及操作,取得了较好的拟合效果。  相似文献   

The Western Alps’ active tectonics is characterized by ongoing widespread extension in the highest parts of the belt and transpressive/compressive tectonics along its borders. We examine these contrasting tectonic regimes using a multidisciplinary approach including seismotectonics, numerical modeling, GPS, morphotectonics, fieldwork, and brittle deformation analysis. Extension appears to be the dominant process in the present-day tectonic activity in the Western Alps, affecting its internal areas all along the arc. Shortening, in contrast, is limited to small areas located along at the outer borders of the chain. Strike-slip is observed throughout the Alpine realm and in the foreland. The stress-orientation pattern is radial for σ3 in the inner, extensional zones, and for σ1 in the outer, transcurrent/tranpressional ones. Extensional areas can be correlated with the parts of the belt with the thickest crust. Quantification of seismic strain in tectonically homogeneous areas shows that only 10–20% of the geodesy-documented deformation can be explained by the Alpine seismicity. We propose that, Alpine active tectonics are ruled by isostasy/buoyancy forces rather than the ongoing shortening along the Alpine Europe/Adria collision zone. This interpretation is corroborated by numerical modeling. The Neogene extensional structures in the Alps formed under increasingly brittle conditions. A synthesis of paleostress tensors for the internal parts of the West-Alpine Arc documents major orogen-parallel extension with a continuous change in σ3 directions from ENE–WSW in the Simplon area, to N–S in the Vanoise area and to NNW–SSE in the Briançon area. Minor orogen-perpendicular extension increases from N to S. This second signal correlates with the present-day geodynamics as revealed by focal-plane mechanisms analysis. The orogen-parallel extension could be related to the opening of the Ligurian Sea during the Early-Middle Miocene and to compression/rotation of the Adriatic indenter inducing lateral extrusion.  相似文献   

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