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Small metagabbro bodies are enclosed in the metasedimentary sequence of NW Sardinia. The metagabbros represent the last magmatic episode before the continent–continent collision that built up the Variscan chain of north Sardinia. The metagabbros are composed of variable proportions of plagioclase and pyroxene igneous relics and metamorphic minerals. Major and trace element data, specifically high TiO2 and P2O5 and low K and Rb contents, as well as light rare‐earth elements, Nb and Ta enrichment, suggest an alkaline affinity for the gabbro and emplacement in a within‐plate tectonic setting. The gabbro was derived from an ocean island alkali basalt‐like asthenospheric mantle source enriched with incompatible elements and uncontaminated by crustal or subducted materials. Non‐modal modelling indicates a 5–7% partial melting of the asthenospheric mantle. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Major- and trace-element contents and Sr–Nd isotope ratios were determined in albitite, albitized and unaltered late-Variscan granitoid samples from the world-class Na-feldspar deposits of central Sardinia, Italy. The albite deposit of high economic grade has geological, textural, and chemical features typical of metasomatic alteration affecting the host granitoids. Albitization, locally accompanied by chloritization and epidotization, was characterized by strong leaching of Mg, Fe, K, and geochemically similar trace elements, and by a significant increase of Na. Ca, and P were moderately leached in the most metasomatized rocks. Other major (Si, Ti, Ca) and trace elements (U, Th, Y, and Zr), along with light (LREE) and middle (MREE) rare-earth elements, behaved essentially immobile at the deposit scale. The Nd-isotope ratios (0.512098 to 0.512248) do not provide information on the emplacement age of the unaltered late-Variscan granitoids. On the other hand, their Sr-isotope ratios fit an errorchron of 274±29 Ma (1σ error), in fair agreement with all published ages of Sardinian Variscan granitoids. The very low Rb content of albitized rocks precludes application of the Rb–Sr radiometric system to determine the age of albitization. The Sm–Nd system is not applicable either, because the 143Nd/144Nd ratios of albitized rocks and unaltered granitoids overlap. The overlap confirms that Sm and Nd were substantially immobile during albitization. On the other hand, the measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the albitized rocks are appreciably lower than those of the unaltered host granitoids, whereas, their initial Sr-isotope ratios are higher. This seems to suggest that a) albitization was induced by non-magmatic fluids rich in radiogenic Sr, and b) albitization occurred shortly after the granitoid emplacement. This conclusion is supported by Nd isotopes, because unaltered granitoids and albitites fit the same reference isochron at 274 Ma. The fluids acquired radiogenic Sr by circulation through the Lower Paleozoic metasedimentary basement. Specifically, it is estimated that Sr supplied by the non-carbonatic basement represents about 22 wt% of total Sr in albitite.  相似文献   

陕南西乡微体化石对于研究寒武纪大爆发具有非常重要的意义,前人研究大都局限于微体古生物的研究,而化石的成岩背景以及古环境研究尚属空白.因此本文通过测试主微量稀土元素及氧同位素来分析研究区的古沉积环境,在一定程度上填补了这一区域的空白.研究手段虽然在地化领域比较常见,但具有重要的参考价值.本文通过对富含小壳化石的"宽川铺段...  相似文献   

陕南西乡微体化石对于研究寒武纪大爆发具有非常重要的意义,前人研究大都局限于微体古生物的研究,而化石的成岩背景以及古环境研究尚属空白。因此本文通过测试主微量稀土元素及氧同位素来分析研究区的古沉积环境,在一定程度上填补了这一区域的空白。研究手段虽然在地化领域比较常见,但具有重要的参考价值。本文通过对富含小壳化石的“宽川铺段”及其上、下地层的微量元素Sr/Ba、Ni/Co、Sr/Cu、Rb/Sr、Mn/Fe等比值及主量元素、稀土元素含量、氧同位素特征的综合研究发现,研究区灯影组顶部环境为缺氧状态到宽川铺段弱氧化状态再到郭家坝组底部缺氧状态的海相沉积环境;水动力条件较弱,水体先上升后下降;上白云岩段、宽川铺段是较为温暖的气候,且比郭家坝组底部气候干旱。这对于研究该区寒武纪梅树村期的古环境和古气候变化具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):309-329
The metamorphic basement of the Asinara island represents a key area of the Sardinia Variscan segment, because it displays an almost complete cross-section through the inner part of the Sardinia Variscan belt, where different tectono-metamorphic complexes have been juxtaposed along narrow belts of high-strain concentration. Detailed field mapping coupled with preliminary studies on the structural and metamorphic features of this small island, allow to draw a better picture of the structural frame issued from the Variscan collision in the inner zone of the belt. Three deformation phases related to crustal thickening in a compressive and transpressive, partitioned tectonic regime, followed by a later phase of extensional deformation have been recognised. In spite of a general HT/LP metamorphic overprint, linked to the post-collisional deformation phases, a relic Barrovian zoneography is still detectable. The Barrovian assemblages are preto syn-kinematic with respect to the D2 deformation phase, and pre-date the third, contractional tectonic event.

The HT/LP assemblage indicates a static growth of weakly deformed by the last deformation events. The complex geometry of the fabric associated to the D2 and D3 deformation events suggests an heterogenous deformation history with a monoclinic geometry characterized by switching of the stretching lineation orientation and a contrasting sense of displacement, probably controlled by a northward partitioned pure shear.  相似文献   

Bauxite deposits are widespread in NW Sardinia. They formed during the middle Cretaceous, in consequence of a period of emergence of the Mesozoic carbonate shelf. In the Nurra area the geometries derived by the Middle Cretaceous tectonic phases controlled the ore typologies. Two bauxite profiles, laying on different bedrocks, were sampled. The bauxitization proceeded from the surface downward, with the accumulation of Al2O3 and residual ‘immobile’ elements (Al, Ti, HFSE), and corresponding mobility and loss of SiO2 and Fe2O3. Epigenetic kaolinite formed close to faults and joints, probably as a result of silicification, introduced by low temperature hydrothermal solutions. Rare earth elements, especially LREE, are concentrated in Fe-rich bauxite horizons, probably due to scavenging by goethite. REE-enrichment is not observed in the boehmite-rich horizons. Very high REE contents are observed in a Fe-depleted horizon due to the occurrence of REE accessory minerals, probably of the bastnäsite group. Conservative indices, including TiO2/Al2O3 and Ti/Cr ratios, and Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*), suggest that the deposits formed by weathering of sediments derived from mafic rocks of the Hercynian basement. This, in turn, implies that the basement was exposed during middle Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Evaluating the human disturbance on karst areas is a difficult task because of the complexity of these peculiar and unique environments. The human impact on karstic geo-ecosystems is increasingly important and there is an increasing need for multidisciplinary tools to assess the environmental changes in karst areas. Many disciplines, such as biology, geomorphology, hydrology and social-economical sciences are to be considered to sufficiently evaluate the impact on these intrinsically vulnerable areas. This article gives an overview of the evolution of environmental impact on karst areas of the island Sardinia (Italy). For this particular case, the most important impacts in the past 50 years are derived from the following activities, in decreasing importance: (1) mining and quarrying; (2) deforestation, agriculture and grazing; (3) building (widespread urbanisation, isolated homes, etc.) and related infrastructures (roads, sewer systems, aqueducts, waste dumps, etc.); (4) tourism; (5) military activities. To evaluate the present environmental state of these areas the Disturbance Index for Karst environments [Van Beynen and Townsend (Environ Manage 36:101–116)] is applied in a slightly modified version. Instead of considering the indicators of environmental disturbances used in the original method, this slightly modified index evaluates the disturbances causing the deterioration of the environmental attributes. In the Sardinian case study, 27 disturbances have been evaluated, giving rise to the definition of a Disturbance Index ranging between 0 (Pristine) and 1 (highly disturbed). This Disturbance Index simplifies the original KDI method, appears to adequately measure disturbance on Mediterranean karst areas and could be applied with success to other similar regions.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical surveys were carried out in SW Sardinia (Italy) to investigate the impact of past mining activities on the quality of groundwater. The chemistry of waters from flooded galleries, adits and dumps has been compared with that of springs and wells in the same area at sites relatively far from any mine legacy. A feature, common to all waters, is the circumneutral pH, since the carbonate formations in the area neutralise the acidity produced by the oxidation of Fe-bearing sulphide minerals in the mine impacted water. However, groundwater interacting with mine workings is degraded in quality; it shows high dissolved SO4, Zn, Cd and Pb contents. In some cases groundwater exceeds the limit established by the guidelines of the World Health Organization for Pb content in drinking water, so that groundwater is mixed before entering the local aqueducts. Results from this study suggest that more attention needs to be paid to the impact on the streams from contaminated water flowing out from some mine areas because during the dry season these streams are only fed by mine groundwater. We recommend focusing efforts to reduce the chemical contamination prior to discharge.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the formation of lacustrine dolomite in late Miocene lakes, located at the East Mediterranean margins (Northern Israel). These lakes deposited the sediments of the Bira (Tortonian) and Gesher (Messinian) formations that comprise sequences of dolostone and limestone. Dolostones are bedded, consist of small‐sized (<7 μm), Ca‐rich (52 to 56 mol %) crystals with relatively low ordering degrees, and present evidence for replacement of CaCO3 components. Limestones are comprised of a wackestone to mudstone matrix, freshwater macrofossils and intraclasts (mainly in the Bira Formation). Sodium concentrations and isotope compositions differ between limestones and dolostones: Na = ~100 to 150 ppm; ~1000 to 2000 ppm; δ18O = ?3·8 to ?1·6‰; ?2·0 to +4·3‰; δ13C = ?9·0 to ?3·4‰; ?7·8 to 0‰ (VPDB), respectively. These results indicate a climate‐related sedimentation during the Tortonian and early Messinian. Wet conditions and positive freshwater inflow into the carbonate lake led to calcite precipitation due to intense phytoplankton blooms (limestone formation). Dry conditions and enhanced evaporation led to precipitation of evaporitic CaCO3 in a terminal lake, which caused an increased Mg/Ca ratio in the residual waters and penecontemporaneous dolomitization (dolostone formation). The alternating lithofacies pattern reveals eleven short‐term wet–dry climate‐cycles during the Tortonian and early Messinian. A shift in the environmental conditions under which dolomite formed is indicated by a temporal decrease in δ18O of dolostones and Na content of dolomite crystals. These variations point to decreasing evaporation degrees and/or an increased mixing with meteoric waters towards the late Messinian. A temporal decrease in δ13C of dolostones and limestones and appearance of microbial structures in close association with dolomite suggest that microbial activity had an important role in allowing dolomite formation during the Messinian. Microbial mediation was apparently the main process that enabled local growth of dolomite under wet conditions during the latest Messinian.  相似文献   

The Palaeocene of southern Sardinia includes a continental ferruginous sedimentation, with a high content of Al and Fe, indicative of a subhumid tropical climate. The subsequent microcodium carbonated detrital microcodium levels, containing an abundant quartzose fraction, rather suggest semiarid conditions. In SW Sardinia, the marine deposits, referred to Late Thanetian–Lower Ypresian (=Ilerdian) times, are limestones including larger foraminifers and contain significant amounts of quartz. A lower content of detrital kaolinite points a sediment source from the surrounding areas with a semiarid climate. The occurrence, at the top of this unit, of small trochospiral rotaliids and larger amount of detrital kaolinite suggests a transition to a rainy tropical climate in the adjacent areas. These limestones pass gradually to carbonate sediments characterized by large amounts of detrital kaolinite and intercalated coal layers, with pollen of tropical palms, attributed to the Late Ypresian (=Cuisian)–Early Lutetian and referred to a humid-subhumid tropical climate.  相似文献   

In Eastern Sardinia during the early Middle Jurassic, Alpine Tethys opening triggered the rise of a temporary tectonic high. The high collapsed rapidly, was fragmented into separate blocks, and subsequently covered by continental, transitional, and finally shallow marine deposits forming a narrow depositional system comprising the Genna Selole Fm. Present‐day exposures in the southern part of the palaeo‐high allow the sedimentological evolution of the transgressive cover sequence to be ascertained. Initial terrestrial deposits comprise alluvial fan deposits located at the mouths of palaeovalleys. These pass into braid‐deltas and in the coastal areas located between adjacent valleys mouths, palustrine and coastal plain tidally‐influenced environments developed. These environments interfingered laterally and passed seaward into a transitional, siliciclastic to carbonate tidal environment. With the collapse of the tectonic high, the continental to transitional environments were transgressed with deposition of marine carbonates. A comparison with similar coeval deposits of the W‐Mediterranean domain has been undertaken. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the aim of contributing to the knowledge of the geochemical behaviour and mobility of the rare earth element (REE) in the natural water systems, the ground and surface waters of the Ottana-Orani area (Central Sardinia, Italy) were sampled. The study area consists of albititic bodies included in Hercynian granodiorites. The waters have pH in the range of 6.0-8.6, total dissolved solid (TDS) of between 0.1 and 0.6 g/l, and major cation composition dominated by Ca and Na, whereas predominant anions are Cl and/or HCO3.The pH and the major-element composition of the waters are the factors affecting the concentration of REE in solution. The concentrations of ∑REE+Y in the samples filtered at 0.4 μm vary between 140 and 1600 ng/l, with La of between 14 and 314 ng/l, and Yb of between <6 and 12 ng/l. A negative Ce anomaly, especially marked at high pH, is observed in the groundwaters. The surface waters show lower REE concentrations, which are independent of pH, and negligible Ce anomaly.Speciation calculations, carried out with the EQ3NR computer program, showed that the complexes with the CO32− ligand are the dominant REE species at pH in the range of 6.7-8.6. The REE3+ ions dominate the speciation at pH <6.7 and only in the light REE (LREE).The relative concentrations of REE in water roughly reflect those in the aquifer host rocks. However, when concentrations of REE in water are normalised relative to the parent rocks, a preferential fractionation of heavy REE (HREE) into the water phase can be observed, suggesting the greater mobility and stability of HREE in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

西天山喇嘛苏岩体年代学、地球化学及成矿意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中主要对西天山喇嘛苏岩体进行SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄、主微量及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素测定,阐明岩体成因及形成构造背景。喇嘛苏岩体主要由石英二长闪长岩、花岗闪长斑岩和英云闪长斑岩组成。其中,石英二长闪长岩形成于(394.8±4.9)Ma,花岗闪长斑岩和英云闪长斑岩形成于(380.9±3.9)Ma,略晚于石英二长闪长岩。岩体具有埃达克质岩的特征,且显示从钙碱性向高钾钙碱性演化的趋势,稀土元素配分曲线显示相对富集轻稀土((La/Yb)N:3.55~15.52)及中等的负或正Eu异常(δEu:0.53~1.12)。岩体具有较高的Sr含量((322~808)×10-6)和较低的Y含量((12.90~18.86)×10-6)。微量元素特征显示岩体富集LILE亏损HFSE,并具有Nb、Ta和Ti负异常。岩体初始Sr-Nd同位素组成为εNd(t)=-4.29~+0.75和ISr=0.706 052~0.708 263,Nd模式年龄为1.03~1.46Ga。花岗闪长斑岩和英云闪长斑岩的铅同位素特征为206Pb/204Pb=18.500~19.044,207Pb/204Pb=15.575~15.626,208Pb/204Pb=38.443~38.864;石英二长闪长岩为206Pb/204Pb=18.694~18.711,207Pb/204Pb=15.622~15.630,208Pb/204Pb=38.648~38.660。所有地球化学特征显示喇嘛苏岩体是俯冲洋壳部分熔融形成的熔体,上升过程中与受俯冲带沉积物交代的地幔楔相互作用,且有少量古老地壳的混染而形成。岩体形成于晚泥盆世准噶尔残余洋盆向伊犁—中天山地块俯冲的大陆弧背景,与该区Cu(Au)矿化有较密切的联系。  相似文献   

In the Alpine-Mediterranean region, the continental redbeds and shallow-marine siliciclastics related to the early depositional phases of the Late Permian-Mesozoic continental rifting are referred to as the most common representative of the “Verrucano tectofacies”. The Verrucano-type successions exposed in southern Tuscany are diachronous, spanning from Triassic to earliest Jurassic in age, and accumulated within the Tuscan domain, a paleogeographic region of continental crust that due to the opening of the Piedmont–Ligurian ocean formed part of the Adria passive-margin. They belong to the metamorphic Verrucano Group and the non-metamorphic Pseudoverrucano fm. Viewed overall, these Verrucano-type successions appear to manifest five episodes or pulses of an ongoing continental rifting. With the exception of the first episode that developed entirely within a terrestrial setting, each one is represented by basal Verrucano-type continental siliciclastics overlain by compositionally mixed marine deposits, which resulted from four diachronous, post-Middle Triassic transgressions. This suite of tectonic pulses produced the progressive westward widening (backstepping) of the Tuscan domain in the rifting south-Tuscany area.  相似文献   

Here new mineralogical data is presented on the occurrence of K-feldspar in granulite-facies metagabbronorite xenoliths found in recent alkaline lavas from Western Sardinia, Italy. The xenoliths originated from the underplating of variably evolved subduction-related basaltic liquids, which underwent cooling and recrystallisation in the deep crust (T = 850–900 °C, P = 0.8–1.0 GPa). They consist of orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + plagioclase porphyroclasts (An = 50–66 mol%) in a granoblastic, recrystallised, quartz-free matrix composed of pyroxene + plagioclase (An = 56–72 mol%) + Fe–Ti oxides ± K-feldspar ± biotite ± fluorapatite ± Ti-biotite. Texturally, the K-feldspar occurs in a variety of different modes. These include: (1) rods, blebs, and irregular patches in a random scattering of plagioclase grains in the form of antiperthite; (2) micro-veins along plagioclase–plagioclase and plagioclase–pyroxene grain rims; (3) myrmekite-like intergrowths with Ca-rich plagioclase along plagioclase–plagioclase grain boundaries; and (4) discrete anhedral grains (sometimes microperthitic). The composition of each type of K-feldspar is characterized by relatively high albite contents (16–33 mol%). An increasing anorthite content in the plagioclase towards the contact with the K-feldspar micro-vein and myrmekite-like intergrowths into the K-feldspar along the plagioclase–K-feldspar grain boundary are also observed. Small amounts of biotite (TiO2 = 4.7–6.5 wt.%; F = 0.24–1.19 wt.%; Cl = 0.04–0.20 wt.%) in textural equilibrium with the granulite-facies assemblage is present in both K-feldspar-bearing and K-feldspar-free xenoliths. These K-feldspar textures suggest a likely metasomatic origin due to solid-state infiltration of KCl-rich fluids/melts. The presence of such fluids is supported by the fluorapatite in these xenoliths, which is enriched in Cl (Cl = 6–50% of the total F + Cl + OH). These lines of evidence suggest that formation of K-feldspar in the mafic xenoliths reflects metasomatic processes, requiring an external K-rich fluid source, which operated in the lower crust during and after in-situ high-T recrystallisation of relatively dry rocks.  相似文献   

The Corsica‐Sardinia block is a lithospheric fragment whose recent role in the geodynamics of the central‐Western Mediterranean basin is still enigmatic. The most recent regional structure in Sardinia is the Plio‐Pleistocene Campidano Basin, which is considered in a ‘post‐rift’ stage since the Middle Pleistocene. New structural and stratigraphic geological surveys along with luminescence ages provide evidence to support an ongoing tectonic activity since the Marine Isotopic Stage 7 (MIS7; ca. 220 ka) on the Sinis peninsula, the structural high that bounds the north‐western side of the Campidano Basin. In particular, this paper reveals for the first time the presence of N–S striking normal faults system offsetting late Pleistocene aeolianites (130 ± 12 ka; 82 ± 9 ka).  相似文献   

The contact between the Silurian black phyllite and the Cambro–Ordovician underlying rocks has been investigated over different tectonic units, affected by green-schist facies metamorphism, in the inner nappe zone of the Sardinia Variscides. In spite of strain and metamorphism, the field work highlighted the occurrence of diamictic sediments. In the Canaglia Tectonic Unit the diamictite consists of dark, massive metamorphic claystone bearing chamositic ooliths, chamositic nodules and millimetre to centimetre sized clasts, dispersed, or gathered in clusters, within the muddy matrix. In the Argentiera Tectonic Unit the diamictite consists of angular clasts, ranging in size from few millimetres to several decimetres, scattered within a finely laminated black sericitic meta-argillite. Field data, textural and compositional analyses suggest a glacio-marine environment for the formation of the diamictites.

The Canaglia diamictite deposited in a protected, glacial-influenced, shore. Compositionally it can be defined as ironstone; in the Upper part it hosts a horizon of clast-supported conglomeratic hard ironstone, mostly made of magnetite, which testifies for sub-aerial reworking. The source of the iron is to be related to local, glacio-eustatic driven, emergence of Upper Ordovician alkaline mafic volcanics. These are widespread in the uppermost Ordovician of the Canaglia Unit, possibly linked to the rifting stage that invested the north Gondwana margin, before the uppermost Ordovician–early Silurian sea level rise.

The Argentiera diamictite deposited beyond the iron-rich diamictite in the outer euxinic shelf that was reached by rain out of rafted debris.  相似文献   

The Anglona and SW Gallura regions represent key places to investigate the tectonic evolution of medium‐ and high‐grade metamorphic rocks cropping out in northern Sardinia (Italy). From south to north we distinguish two different metamorphic complexes recording similar deformation histories but different metamorphic evolution: the Medium Grade Metamorphic Complex (MGMC) and the High Grade Metamorphic Complex (HGMC). After the initial collisional stage (D1 deformation phase), both complexes were affected by three contractional deformational phases (D2, D3 and D4) followed by later extensional tectonics. The D2 deformation phase was the most significant event producing an important deformation partitioning that produced localized shearing and folding domains at the boundary between the two metamorphic complexes. We highlight the presence of two previously undocumented systems of shear belts with different kinematics but analogous orientation in the axial zone of Sardinia. They became active at the boundary between the MGMC and HGMC from the beginning of D2. They formed a transpressive regime responsible for the exhumation of the medium‐ and high‐grade metamorphic rocks, and overall represent a change from orthogonal to orogen‐parallel tectonic transport. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The microstructures in the Erro-Tobbio peridotite indicate several stages of recrystallization of olivine + titanian clinohumite-bearing assemblages. The development of these assemblages is closely associated with serpentinite mylonites, in which they occur in shear bands and foliations and are inferred to have grown synkinematically, in veins, and as post-kinematic radial aggregates. In the peridotite wall-rock adjacent to these mylonites, the same assemblages have recrystallized statically at the expense of original olivine and pyroxenes, mesh-textured chrysolite and antigorite veins. In addition, the olivine-bearing assemblage occurs in widespread vein systems. The brittle deformation of the peridotite resulting in the development of these vein systems is closely related to ductile deformation of metagabbroic dykes in the peridotite. Although early metasomatism resulted in extensive rodingitization of the gabbros, some dykes show an eclogitic assemblage of Na-clinopyroxene + garnet + chloritoid + chlorite ± talc. These observations, the microstructures and the mineral chemistry all suggest that the assemblages in the ultramafic rocks and metagabbros developed during a prograde evolution towards high pressures (>13–16 kbar, 450–550° C), and during subsequent decompression. This metamorphic evolution is considered to be related to Late Cretaceous intraoceanic subduction in the Alps-Apennine system and closure of the Piedmont-Ligurian basin.  相似文献   

The subduction of the Bangonghu-Nujiang Meso-Tethys and the collision between the Lhasa and Qiangtang blocks were important events in the growth of the Tibetan crust. However,the timing of collision initiation and closure timing,as well as nature and structure of the Bangonghu ocean basin,are still poorly constrained. The Lagkor Tso ophiolite,located in the south of Gerze County,Tibet,is one of the most completed ophiolites preserved in the southern side of the BangonghuNujiang suture zone. This study discussed the tectonic evolution of the Bangonghu-Nujiang suture zone as revealed by the Lagkor Tso ophiolite investigated by field investigations,petrology,geochemistry,geochronology and tectonic analysis methods. We present new LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb and 39Ar/40 Ar ages for the Lagkor Tso ophiolite,in addition to geochemical and platinum-group element(PGE) data presented for the Lagkor Tso ophiolite in Tibet. It is suggested that the ancient Lagkor Tso oceanic basin split in Middle Jurassic(161.2 ± 2.7 Ma – 165.4 ± 3.5 Ma),and experienced a second tectonic emplacement during the Early Cretaceous(137.90 ± 6.39 Ma). The Lagkor Tso ophiolite likely developed in an independent suture zone. The Bangonghu-Nujiang ocean subducted southwards,and the dehydration of the subducting oceanic crust materials caused partial melting of the continental mantle wedge,which formed the second-order expanding center of the obduction dish. This led to inter-arc expansion,followed by the formation of inter-arc and back-arc basins with island arc features,which are represented by ophiolites around the Shiquanhe-Lagkor Tso-Yongzhu region. The tectonic environment presently can be considered to be similar to that of the current Western Pacific,in which a large number of island arc-ocean basin systems are developed.  相似文献   

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