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The vast variety of the tectonic constituents of the Pacific mobile belt displays their interdependence suggesting, as it were, a certain unified plan of reconstruction of the Earth's crust on the regional scale. However, there is evidence of novel processes in that reconstruction, during the late Tertiary-Quaternary stage, such as the general thinning of the crust in southern Sakhalin Island and elsewhere, involving an ascent of the Mohorovi?i? and Conrad discontinuities, a basaltification of the crust's consolidated complex, accompanied by downwarping of large segments of the lithosphere. In other parts of the region, the converse of these phenomena seems apparent, in the effective mutual transformation of the upper mantle and the lower crust and, within the crust, of the basaltic and granitic layers. — V. P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

Crustal structures of Japan were investigated under the Upper Mantle Project in three profiles, Kurayosi-Hanabusa, western Japan; Atumi-Noto, central Japan; Kesennuma-Oga, northeastern Japan. These investigations have revealed that the crust of Japan is of continental type. The variation of the crustal structure reflects the topography, especially the water depth; so the thinning of the crust occurs near the shore where the water depth increases rapidly. The velocity below the Mohorovi?i? discontinuity is smaller than 8.0 km/sec, but it is possible that a deeper layer with a velocity of over 8.0 km/sec may exist. The basaltic layer in central Japan, if existing at all, must be thin.  相似文献   

Recent and detailed seismic studies in the U.S.S.R. have provided much information on the structure and revolution of the earth's crust. A review of this information indicates the following postulates: a) the thickness and constitution oft he crystalline layers (”basalt“ and ”granite“) change comparatively rapidly in Alpine provinces of pronounced tectonic movements (geosynclinal provinces and mobile zones), with but a slight lag behind these movements. b) Under platform areas, the crystalline complexes rebuild slowly with a lag of a few geologic periods behind the emergence of the structural elements. c) In both geosynclinal and platform areas the downwarping of the major segments is accompanied by an upward movement of the Mohorovi?i? surface. d) Block uplifts in geosynclinal provinces of mobile zones have absolute values, while in platform areas the uplifts usually represent blocks lagging behind their neighbors. e) Changes in thickness and composition of deeper layers within the crust usually lag behind the formation of corresponding structural elements. — J. R. Hayes  相似文献   

Analysis of data obtained from the DSS method reveals that all major geologic structures in the southern part of European Russia and adjacent regimes are reflections of corresponding structures of the Mohorovi?i? discontinuity. The thickness of the crust varies from 34 to 52 km. Maximum depths to the M surface average 45 to 48 km beneath the Voronezh massif and the Ukrainian shield, 52 km in the Kanev and Novgorad area. In the Dnepr-Donets area the M surface averaged 40–35 km.– IGR Staff.  相似文献   

The Urals are characterized by a depression of the Moho to a depth of 57 km. This structure is interpreted as a relic orogenic root, which has been conserved because no significant post-collisional processes occurred. However, there is evidence that voluminous post-collisional magmatism affected the lower crust. In this paper, we use thermal finite element models to quantify the influence of the post-collisional magmatism on the stabilization of the root. We show that at least 70% of the heat producing elements migrated in granitic melts from the lower crust to the upper crust. As a result the crustal heat flow reduced and the lithosphere could stabilize at a thickness of 180 km. Furthermore, we propose that a granulite metamorphic event during the thermal relaxation of the collision zone prevented the 57 km thick crust from delamination. These results strongly indicate that post-collisional processes were necessary for the stabilization of the Uralian crust and lithosphere.  相似文献   

A resistivity model of the southern Urals to depths of 120 km was obtained by numerical simulation of natural- and controlled-source EM soundings at 160 kHz to 4⋅10−4 Hz. The structure of crust and upper mantle was imaged along a transect running ∼800 km across the East European Platform, the Ural foredeep, and the Ural mountains. The new data on geology and tectonics of the southern Urals enlarge the knowledge gained through URSEIS-95 reflection profiling along one of best representative cross-orogen profiles. We discovered a large conductor traceable to depths at least 100–120 km at the junction between the East European Platform and the Ural foredeep. It indicates that the Ural foredeep originated in a weak tectonic zone at the platform edge. The Ural orogen is imaged as a nearly bivergent structure to depths of 70–80 km producing a mosaic pattern of conductors rooted deep beneath the Magnitogorsk greenstone province and the granitic belt of the central East Ural uplift where it is 150 km wide at a depth of ∼120 km. We interpret the discovered deep roots in the context of the geological history of the Urals.  相似文献   

Hyderabad granitic region (HGR) forms one of the most unusual geotectonic segment of the south Indian shield. Analysis of multiparametric geological, geophysical and IGS-GPS studies have earlier suggested that this region is neotectonically uplifting at a rapid rate. We propose that consequent to such uplift, only a thin veneer of surface granitic layer now remains. In order to quantitatively examine the thickness of highly resistive granitic-gneissic crust below HGR, a audio-magnetotelluric (AMT) / controlled source AMT (CSAMT) experiment was conducted at three separate locations, situated about 50 km east of Hyderabad. The study reveals a maximum thickness of 5.5 to 6.0 km for the granitic — gneissic crust beneath HGR, which is underlain by thick low resistive exhumed intermediate (granulitic ?) crust. This finding is in sharp contrast to that of a thick granitic-gneissic crust (15–20 km) usually found in comparable late Archaean terrains elsewhere.  相似文献   

The effect of different crustal thickness on a regional gravity field may be differentiated, as a first approximation, into-three layers: 1) sedimentary, 2) granitic, and 3) basaltic. The study of complex “wave pictures” obtained in deep seismic sounding has lead to differentiation of the crust as continental, oceanic, and transitional, with a general relationship existing between the surface tectonics of the crust and its deeper structures. The crust is thickest in the mountain regions (40 km-80 km) as against an average for the platforms of about 25 km-35 km. It appears that there are two particularly conspicuous gravity and seismic discontinuities in the crust; one between the sedimentary mantle and the so-called crystalline layer and the other between the latter and the M surface. Tentative estimations of crustal thickness are as follows: the Russian Platform and the north of the western Siberian Platform; 30 km-34 km; the Black Sea about 24 km; the entire south, southeast and east of the U. S. S. R. are marked by greater depth with the Pamirs having a thickness of over 70 km; in the Caucasus the M surface lies below 45 km; in the Northern Kazakhstan the crust is 34 km-36 km thick; in the Altay thickness of around 50 km are indicated; in the Eurasian continent, Tibet has the thickest crust, the gravity minimum indicating about 85 km; in the Verkoyansk region the M surface is over 43 km. Large areas of the Arctic Ocean is occupied by the shelf with a thickness similar to that in the north of the country. This suggests that a considerable stretch of the ocean adjacent to the northern shores of the U. S. S. R. has a continental type. The crust thins rapidly to the north to about 10 km. Along the Pacific coast the M surface is about 33 km, the shelf zone is rather narrow including the Sea of Okhotsk. Toward the ocean and the Kuriles the crust thins rapidly to 10 km. -- C. E. Sears.  相似文献   

通过钐—钕同位素测定,抱板群中的斜长角闪片岩、混合花岗片麻岩及其中的暗色包体等时线年龄分别为1.7Ga、1.4Ga和2.9Ga.用单矿物铅同位素测斜长角闪片岩、混合花岗片麻岩年龄分别为1.1~1.2Ga和940Ma.铷—锶全岩等时线法测得抱板群斜长角闪片岩和石碌群、抱板群中的云母片岩为1.3Ga和1.2Ga。因此,海南岛存在着前寒武纪地层,其中,具有花岗—绿岩且含有玄武质科马提岩组合的抱板群是前寒武纪结晶基底或前地槽构造层.石碌群是地槽早期发展阶段形成的构造亚层。海南岛大地构造演化经历了前地槽(X)、地槽(Ⅰ)、地台(Ⅱ)、地洼(Ⅲ)等多个发展阶段。  相似文献   

The great importance of super-deep drilling to the advancement of the total field of geoscience and mineral and energy production is outlined, with anticipated problems. Variations in thickness, lateral extent, temperature, velocity, and material are summarized. Super-deep drilling should pay for itself in a short time, by providing theoretically and practically valuable data and insight regarding 1) origin and distribution of minerals, oil, gas, and water; 2) energy potential of deep crustal and upper mantle regions; 3) greatly improved drilling techniques, and downhole geophysical and geochemical testing techniques; and 4) basic geologic constitution and structure in contrasting regions. The following regions in Russia have been given priority for super-deep drilling: 1) North Caspian trough, Azerbaijan, and South Caspian trough — deep oil-bearing troughs of the platform provinces; 2) Urals and Central Kazakhstan — Paleozoic geosyncline and basement; 3) Karelia and Ukraine — ancient Archean not later reworked; 4) Trans-Caucasus and the Black Sea — basaltic layer near or in direct contact with the sedimentary veneer; and 5) South Kuriles and south part of Sakhalin Island arc complex and relatively shallow M-surface and upper mantle. Super-deep drilling, a state project requiring coordinated efforts of numerous scientific and technical personnel and organizations, got underway in 1963 and will continue as an urgent task. — L.T. Grose.  相似文献   

Results of regional geophysical work in the U.S.S.R. allow a measure of correlation between the known structural features of the crust and those of the geomagnetic field. The “normal” magnetic field used for identifying magnetic anomalies is obtained by graphic smoothing of isolines of total intensity T. Detailed analysis of data obtained in aeromagnetic and gravity surveys throughout the U. S. S. R. leads to the conclusion that the cause of the observed regional magnetic and gravity anomalies lies in the same associated geologic objects located at the same level - that of a magnetoactive interval of the crystalline envelope of the earth. The conclusions that can be drawn from existing data are: 1) the existence of “continental” anomalies of the geomagnetic field cannot be explained as an effect of the crust; 2) the basaltic layer does not affect the distribution of the geomagnetic field; 3) the anomalies in the basic (normal) geomagnetic field are caused by the presence of thermomagnetic geologic bodies in the granitic layer; accordingly, it is theoretically possible to determine the thickness of the continental layer from magnetometric data. A table showing correlative depths of the basaltic layer, its thickness, and anomalous magnetic field, as well as magnetic profiles is included.--C. E. Sears.  相似文献   

This study is based on the seismic data collected as a result of explosions carried out during the 1976 and 1978 Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) field operations in the Koyna region. These shots were exploded from twelve shot points by the National Geophysical Research Institute along the Guhagar-Chorochi and Kelsi-Loni profiles.Refraction studies of the records reveal a two-layered crust. The top layer consists 17 km of granite and the second layer 19 km of basalt, giving the average depth of the Moho as 36 km in the region. The velocities of the phases Pg, P* and Pn have been computed as 5.82 ± 0.01, 6.61 ± 0.05 and 8.23 ± 0.05 km/sec respectively and those of Sg, S* and Sn as 3.41 ± 0.00, 4.09 ± 0.07 and 4.60 ± 0.08 km/sec respectively. The shear wave velocity in the basement rock has been found to be lower in comparison with other regions of the peninsular India.In some cases reflections were recorded both from the Moho as well as from the intermediate layer. These reveal a crustal thickness of 39 km with 19 km of granitic and 20 km of basaltic layers.Coda signal durations from DSS explosions recorded by microearthquake seismographs indicate a lateral heterogeneity in the crust on either side of Karad in an east-west direction.  相似文献   

Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope data for basaltic rocks of different ages from Kunashir Island (southern Kurile island arc) provide clues to investigate the subduction magmatic history. Signatures of a high-temperature slab component (melt and/or supercritical liquid produced by melting of slab sediments) involved in Early Miocene–Pleistocene back-arc basaltic magmatism indicate a relatively hot (> 800 °C) slab surface. Depleted isotope characteristics of Holocene basaltic lavas in both volcanic front and back arc indicate their origin with the participation of a cold aqueous fluid produced by dehydration of altered oceanic crust of the Pacific MORB type. The difference in geological, geochemical and isotope patterns in the Pleistocene and the Holocene lavas may be a response to stress change from extension to compression in the Kurile back-arc basin and the Kurile arc.  相似文献   

Travel times from explosions fired on the continental shelf off the central coast of New South Wales were observed at permanent stations and spreads of seismic exploration instruments, and combined with existing results to give a seismic crustal profile across part of southeastern Australia. An intermediate layer, dipping to the southwest, underlies the surface rocks and has a P velocity of about 6–52 km./sec. Beneath Sydney, its top may either be in contact with the basin sediments at a depth of about 5 km., or separated from them by a wedge of a few kilometres of 6 km./sec. material. The Mohorovi?i? discontinuity (M) is at a depth of 25 km., dips to the southwest at about 4 degrees, and the velocity under it is about 7.86 km./sec. The depth to the top of the intermediate layer under the Snowy Mountains is about 20 km., and the revised depth to M is about 42 km. M dips at about 2° to the southwest in this region, and the velocity at the top of the mantle is 8.1 km./sec.  相似文献   

我们在计算了七百余种各类岩石的平均原子量数据的基础上,从岩石平均原子量结合地球物理和实验岩石学的资料,讨论一些地质学中的问题,诸如,花岗岩和玄武岩的成因,地壳和上地幔的结构模式以及元素的演化等等。由此,希望人们对岩石平均原子量的实质引起注意,并对本文提出指正意见。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1126-1142
It is assumed that the earth having been formed in a cold state was warmed up by radioactive heat. Its further evolution was determined by differentiation of its constituent material through successive smelting from the mantle of relatively light components and subsequent displacement upward. The most intensive differentiation in the upper “layer” (evidently at depths of from 100 to 200km) causes strong vertical movements of the crust. After that is exhausted slower differentiation of the deeper “layer” (evidently at depths of from 200-300 km) is manifested on the surface in slow oscillatory movements forming platforms. Further heating activates the material of much deeper layers (as deep as 900 km) and causes large masses of basalt to rise to the surface. This ascent of basic material induces post-platform activity (observed in Central and East Asia), extrusions of plateau basalts and, filially, destruction of the continental crust through melting, metasomatic replacement and dissolution into the large volume of superheated basalt. As a result of destruction of the continental crust, large grabens, mediterranean seas and ocean basins have been formed. The development of tectonic processes is profoundly influenced by 1) the formation of deep faults in the crust and upper mantle which determine the routes of material distribution and 2) by the “the -lid-on-the-kettle-with-boiling-water” phenomenon. The last involves periodical accumulation of heat at depth, expansion of the mantle, the opening of deep faults, and quick removal of heat to the surface, together with heated material, along the faults. The periodicity of tectogenesis may be connected with this mechanism. It is assumed that up to now the earth has been warming up. Traces of tension of the crust accompanying the process of formation and expansion of the oceanic deeps are therefore considered to be an expression of a more general tension of whole crus and the upper mantle of the expanding earth. The expansion process expressed in the opening of defaults and uplift of deep-seated material to the surface along faults may be nonuniform, affecting some regions earlier than others, which causes the simultaneous existence of several regions in different stages of development. The author accepts the idea of deep-seated origin of sea-water, which rises from the mantle during subsidence of the oceanic basins and destruction of the continental crust. The author divides the history of the earth into two partly overlapping stages: granitic and basaltic. — Auth English summ.  相似文献   

The largest rift zone of Europe and Asia is located in the region of Lake Baikal. In 1968–1970 deep seismic measurements were carried out along a number of profiles with a total length of about 2000 km within the rift zone and in the adjacent parts of the Siberian platform and the region of the Baikal Mountains. These investigations were of a reconnaissance nature, and therefore the point sounding method was used.A low-velocity region for compressional waves (7.6–7.8 km/sec) has been found and could be traced over a large area in the upper parts of the mantle. The width of this anomalous zone is 200–400 km. The Baikal rift lies in its northwestern part. Within the studied part of the Siberian platform the thickness of the earth's crust is 37–39 km, while in the rift zone it is 36 km, and further to the southeast the crust-mantle boundary lies at a depth of 45–46 km. The Baikal rift proper is bounded in the northwest by a deep fracture zone and does not seem to be associated with any significant “root” or “antiroot” in the relief of the Mohorovi?i? discontinuity.The reduced compressional velocity in the upper parts of the mantle beneath the Baikal zone is considered to correspond to the same phenomena found under the mid-oceanic ridges and the extended rift system in the Basin and Range province of North America. The Baikal rift in the narrow sense of the word lies over the northwestern edge of the anomalous mantle region. This asymmetric position seems to be its main peculiarity.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1138-1145
In the Laplandian norite-dioritic crustal block, the granitic layer originally present was eroded, in the course of the very slow ascent of the block; the granites found locally are products of the subsequent granitization of the basaltic layer. In the Pechanga trough, the granitic layer was forced downwards by basic effusives and was assimilated by basalts in the depths; the andesiteporphyrite dikes in the area are products of that assimilation. The two different mechanisms responsible for degranitization of the crust are believed to be fairly common, under similar conditions, e.g. in the Anabar and the Ukrainian shields or elsewhere. – V.P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

东准噶尔壳体构造演化与花岗岩构造成因类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东准噶尔构造上位于欧亚大陆腹地中亚复式壳体准噶尔地洼区的东北部 ,古生代 ,花岗岩浆活动强烈 ,花岗岩类主要形成于壳体大地构造演化的地槽体制阶段的激烈期和余动期 ,按历史-动力学条件、构造环境和成因“三位一体”综合成因类型划分新原则可将其划分为四种构造成因类型 :地槽造山前陆缘裂谷幔源分异型、地槽同造山汇聚碰撞壳 -幔混熔型、地槽同造山汇聚碰撞壳源型和地槽造山后陆内裂谷幔源分异型 ,各类花岗岩因其形成的历史 -动力学条件、构造环境及机制与方式有别 ,而有不同的岩石组合和成岩成矿特征  相似文献   

It has been thought that granitic crust,having been formed on the surface,must have survived through the Earth’s evolution because of its buoyancy.At subduction zones continental crust is predominantly created by arc magmatism and is returned to the mantle via sediment subduction,subduction erosion, and continental subduction.Granitic rocks,the major constituent of the continental crust,are lighter than the mantle at depths shallower than 270 km,but we show here,based on first principles calculations, that beneath 270 km they have negative buoyancy compared to the surrounding material in the upper mantle and transition zone,and thus can be subducted in the depth range of 270-660 km.This suggests that there can be two reservoirs of granitic material in the Earth,one on the surface and the other at the base of the mantle transition zone(MTZ).The accumulated volume of subducted granitic material at the base of the MTZ might amount to about six times the present volume of the continental crust.Our calculations also show that the seismic velocities of granitic material in the depth range from 270 to 660 km are faster than those of the surrounding mantle.This could explain the anomalous seismic-wave velocities observed around 660 km depth.The observed seismic scatterers and reported splitting of the 660 km discontinuity could be due to jadeite dissociation,chemical discontinuities between granitic material and the surrounding mantle,or a combination thereof.  相似文献   

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