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The Sivas Basin is one of several Central Anatolian basins. It developed mainly after the closure of the northern branch of Neotethys. Its location between the Kirsehir Massif and the Taurides implies that it should not be confused with the Inner Tauride ocean located south of the Eastern Taurides. The basement of the Sivas Basin consists of ophiolitic nappes and melanges that were thrust toward the margins of the continental blocks present in this area—the Pontide belt to the north and the Anatolide-Tauride platform to the south. The basin was initiated by tectonic subsidence at the end of the Cretaceous, and it can be compared to a foreland basin during Paleocene and early to middle Eocene time. It was emergent during late Eocene and Oligocene time, although it continued to subside. A transgression in some parts of the basin occurred during the Oligocene and early Miocene (maximum flooding). During the Pliocene, it was affected by regional compression directed toward the NNW, which resulted from convergence of the Arabian and Eurasian plates. This basin may have developed as an intracontinental basin within the Tauride platform and probably never had an oceanic basement. As a result of this work, the general paleogeographic organization of Central Anatolia and Northern Tethys during the Mesozoic should to be revised.  相似文献   

The Sivas Tertiary Basin is one of the central Anatolian basins that formed over the collision zone between the Pontides and the Anatolide-Tauride belts. The basin, which is floored by southerly obducted Neotethyan ophiolite sheets onto the Taurides during the Late Cretaceous time interval, occupies a key position in the sedimentary record of the continental collision processes. The central and easternmost parts of the Sivas Basin around the Hafik (Sivas) and Kemah (Erzincan) regions have been studied with respect to tectonostratigraphy, tectonic style, and kinematics.

The tectonic style of the Sivas Basin is characterized mainly by polyphase thrust systems developed along a regional NNW-SSE shortening direction. The general transport directions are oriented toward the south and southeast. However, N-vergent thrust development in the late Oligocene and late Pliocene-Quaternary epochs occurred in the central part of the Sivas Basin where thrust propagation is controlled mainly by a decollement surface at the bottom of an Oligocene gypsum mass in the Hafik Formation. In the eastern part of the basin, thrust propagation is controlled by several decollement surfaces in the basin sequences.

This study demonstrates that the central and eastern parts of the Sivas Basin experienced significant shortening, involving both basin deposits and basement. This contraction has been largely underestimated by previous studies, and the eastward-narrowing geometry of the basin can be related to an increasing amount of contraction toward the east. The age of thick gypsum-rich formations, previously attributed to the late Miocene, is now restricted to the Oligocene by consideration of both the stratigraphic relationships with lower Miocene shallow-marine formations and the geometry of the thrust systems.  相似文献   

Surface geology and heophysical data, supplemented by regional structural interpretations, indicate that the Valle del Cauca basin and adjacent areas in west-central Colombia form a west-vergent, basement-involved fold and thrust belt. This belt is part of a Cenozoic orogen developed along the west side of the Romeral fault system. Structural analysis and geometrical constraints show that the Mesozoic ophiolitic basement and its Cenozoic sedimentary cover are involved in a “thick-skinned” west-vergent foreland style deformation. The rocks are transported and shortened by deeply rooted thrust faults and stacked in imbricate fashion. The faults have a NE---SW regional trend, are listric in shape, developed as splay faults which are interpreted as joining a common detachment at over 10 km depth. The faults carry Paleogene sedimentary strata and Cretaceous basement rocks westward over Miocene strata of the Valle del Cauca Basin. Fold axes trend parallel or sub parallel to the thrust faults. The folds are westwardly asymmetrical with parallel to kink geometry, and are interpreted to be fault-propagation folds stacked in an imbricate thrust system. Stratigraphic evidence suggests that the Valle del Cauca basin was deformed between Oligocene and upper Miocene time. The kinematic history outlined above is consistent with an oblique convergence between the Panama and South American plates during the Cenozoic.A negative residual Bouguer anomaly of 20–70 mgls in the central part of the Valle del Cauca basin indicates that a substantial volume of low density sedimentary rocks is concealed beneath the thrust sheets exposed at the land surface. The hydrocarbon potential of the Valle del Cauca should be reevaluated in light of the structural interpretations presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Oligocene–Miocene models for northern New Zealand, involving south‐westward subduction to explain Early Miocene Northland volcanism, do not fit within the regional Southwest Pacific tectonic framework. A new model is proposed, which comprises a north‐east‐dipping South Loyalty basin slab that retreated south‐westward in the Eocene–earliest Miocene and was continuous with the north‐east‐dipping subduction zone of New Caledonia. In the latest Oligocene, the trench reached the Northland passive margin, which was pulled it into the mantle by the slab, resulting in obduction of the Northland allochthon. During and after obduction, the slab detached from the unsubductable continental lithosphere, inducing widespread calc‐alkaline volcanism in Northland. The new model further explains contemporaneous arc volcanism along the Northland Plateau Seamount Chain and sinking of the Northland basement, followed by uplift and extension in Northland.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2005,173(1-4):15-51
The Ulukışla Basin, the southerly and best exposed of the Lower Tertiary Central Anatolian Basins, sheds light on one of the outstanding problems of the tectonic assembly of suture zones: how large deep-water basins can form within a zone of regional plate convergence. The oldest Ulukışla Basin sediments, of Maastrichtian age, transgressively overlie mélange and ophiolitic rocks that were emplaced southwards onto the Tauride microcontinent during the latest Cretaceous time. The Niğde-Kirşehir Massif forming the northern basin margin probably represents another rifted continental fragment that was surrounded by oceanic crust during Mesozoic time. The stratigraphic succession of the Ulukışla Basin begins with the deposition of shallow-marine carbonates of Maastrichtian–Early Palaeocene age, then passes upwards into slope-facies carbonates, with localised sedimentary breccias and channelised units, followed by deep-water clastic turbidites of Middle Palaeocene–Early Eocene age. This was followed by the extrusion of c. 2000 m of basic volcanic rocks during Early to Mid Eocene time. After volcanism ended, coral-bearing neritic carbonates and nummulitic shelf sediments accumulated along the northern and southern margins of the basin, respectively. Deposition of the Ulukışla Basin ended with gypsum deposits including turbidites, debris flows, and sabkhas, followed by a regional Oligocene unconformity.The Ulukışla Basin is interpreted as the result of extension (or transtension) coupled with subsidence and basic volcanism. After post-volcanic subsidence, the basin was terminated by regional convergence, culminating in thrusting and folding in Late Eocene time. Comparisons of the Ulukışla Basin with the adjacent central Anatolian basins (e.g. Tuzgölü, Sivas and Şarkişla) support the view that these basins formed parts of a regional transtensional (to extensional) basin system. In our preferred hypothesis, the Ulukışla Basin developed during an intermediate stage of continental collision, after steady-state subduction of oceanic crust had more or less ended (“soft collision”), but before the opposing Tauride and Eurasian continental units forcefully collided (“hard collision”). Late Eocene forceful collision terminated the basinal evolution and initiated uplift of the Taurus Mountains.  相似文献   

The Longmen Shan region includes, from west to east, the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, the Sichuan Basin, and the eastern part of the eastern Sichuan fold-and-thrust belt. In the northeast, it merges with the Micang Shan, a part of the Qinling Mountains. The Longmen Shan region can be divided into two major tectonic elements: (1) an autochthon/parautochthon, which underlies the easternmost part of the Tibetan Plateau, the Sichuan Basin, and the eastern Sichuan fold-and-thrust belt; and (2) a complex allochthon, which underlies the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau. The allochthon was emplaced toward the southeast during Late Triassic time, and it and the western part of the autochthon/parautochthon were modified by Cenozoic deformation.

The autochthon/parautochthon was formed from the western part of the Yangtze platform and consists of a Proterozoic basement covered by a thin, incomplete succession of Late Proterozoic to Middle Triassic shallow-marine and nonmarine sedimentary rocks interrupted by Permian extension and basic magmatism in the southwest. The platform is bounded by continental margins that formed in Silurian time to the west and in Late Proterozoic time to the north. Within the southwestern part of the platform is the narrow N-trending Kungdian high, a paleogeographic unit that was positive during part of Paleozoic time and whose crest is characterized by nonmarine Upper Triassic rocks unconformably overlying Proterozoic basement.

In the western part of the Longmen Shan region, the allochthon is composed mainly of a very thick succession of strongly folded Middle and Upper Triassic Songpan Ganzi flysch. Along the eastern side and at the base of the allochthon, pre-Upper Triassic rocks crop out, forming the only exposures of the western margin of the Yangtze platform. Here, Upper Proterozoic to Ordovician, mainly shallow-marine rocks unconformably overlie Yangtze-type Proterozic basement rocks, but in Silurian time a thick section of fine-grained clastic and carbonate rocks were deposited, marking the initial subsidence of the western Yangtze platform and formation of a continental margin. Similar deep-water rocks were deposited throughout Devonian to Middle Triassic time, when Songpan Ganzi flysch deposition began. Permian conglomerate and basic volcanic rocks in the southeastern part of the allochthon indicate a second period of extension along the continental margin. Evidence suggests that the deep-water region along and west of the Yangtze continental margin was underlain mostly by thin continental crust, but its westernmost part may have contained areas underlain by oceanic crust. In the northern part of the Longmen Shan allochthon, thick Devonian to Upper Triassic shallow-water deposits of the Xue Shan platform are flanked by deep-marine rocks and the platform is interpreted to be a fragment of the Qinling continental margin transported westward during early Mesozoic transpressive tectonism.

In the Longmen Shan region, the allochthon, carrying the western part of the Yangtze continental margin and Songpan Ganzi flysch, was emplaced to the southeast above rocks of the Yangtze platform autochthon. The eastern margin of the allochthon in the northern Longmen Shan is unconformably overlapped by both Lower and Middle Jurassic strata that are continuous with rocks of the autochthon. Folded rocks of the allochthon are unconformably overlapped by Lower and Middle Jurassic rocks in rare outcrops in the northern part of the region. They also are extensively intruded by a poorly dated, generally undeformed belt, of plutons whose ages (mostly K/Ar ages) range from Late Triassic to early Cenozoic, but most of the reliable ages are early Mesozoic. All evidence indicates that the major deformation within the allochthon is Late Triassic/Early Jurassic in age (Indosinian). The eastern front of the allochthon trends southwest across the present mountain front, so it lies along the mountain front in the northeast, but is located well to the west of the present mountain front on the south.

The Late Triassic deformation is characterized by upright to overturned folded and refolded Triassic flysch, with generally NW-trending axial traces in the western part of the region. Folds and thrust faults curve to the north when traced to the east, so that along the eastern front of the allochthon structures trend northeast, involve pre-Triassic rocks, and parallel the eastern boundary of the allochthon. The curvature of structural trends is interpreted as forming part of a left-lateral transpressive boundary developed during emplacement of the allochthon. Regionally, the Longmen Shan lies along a NE-trending transpressive margin of the Yangtze platform within a broad zone of generally N-S shortening. North of the Longmen Shan region, northward subduction led to collision of the South and North China continental fragments along the Qinling Mountains, but northwest of the Longmen Shan region, subduction led to shortening within the Songpan Ganzi flysch basin, forming a detached fold-and-thrust belt. South of the Longmen Shan region, the flysch basin is bounded by the Shaluli Shan/Chola Shan arc—an originally Sfacing arc that reversed polarity in Late Triassic time, leading to shortening along the southern margin of the Songpan Ganzi flysch belt. Shortening within the flysch belt was oblique to the Yangtze continental margin such that the allochthon in the Longmen Shan region was emplaced within a left-lateral transpressive environment. Possible clockwise rotation of the Yangtze platform (part of the South China continental fragment) also may have contributed to left-lateral transpression with SE-directed shortening. During left-lateral transpression, the Xue Shan platform was displaced southwestward from the Qinling orogen and incorporated into the Longmen Shan allochthon. Westward movement of the platform caused complex refolding in the northern part of the Longmen Shan region.

Emplacement of the allochthon flexurally loaded the western part of the Yangtze platform autochthon, forming a Late Triassic foredeep. Foredeep deposition, often involving thick conglomerate units derived from the west, continued from Middle Jurassic into Cretaceous time, although evidence for deformation of this age in the allochthon is generally lacking.

Folding in the eastern Sichuan fold-and-thrust belt along the eastern side of the Sichuan Basin can be dated as Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous in age, but only in areas 100 km east of the westernmost folds. Folding and thrusting was related to convergent activity far to the east along the eastern margin of South China. The westernmost folds trend southwest and merge to the south with folds and locally form refolded folds that involve Upper Cretaceous and lower Cenozoic rocks. The boundary between Cenozoic and late Mesozoic folding on the eastern and southern margins of the Sichuan Basin remains poorly determined.

The present mountainous eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau in the Longmen Shan region is a consequence of Cenozoic deformation. It rises within 100 km from 500–600 m in the Sichuan Basin to peaks in the west reaching 5500 m and 7500 m in the north and south, respectively. West of these high peaks is the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, an area of low relief at an elevations of about 4000 m.

Cenozoic deformation can be demonstrated in the autochthon of the southern Longmen Shan, where the stratigraphic sequence is without an angular unconformity from Paleozoic to Eocene or Oligocene time. During Cenozoic deformation, the western part of the Yangtze platform (part of the autochthon for Late Triassic deformation) was deformed into a N- to NE-trending foldandthrust belt. In its eastern part the fold-thrust belt is detached near the base of the platform succession and affects rocks within and along the western and southern margin of the Sichuan Basin, but to the west and south the detachment is within Proterozoic basement rocks. The westernmost structures of the fold-thrust belt form a belt of exposed basement massifs. During the middle and later part of the Cenozoic deformation, strike-slip faulting became important; the fold-thrust belt became partly right-lateral transpressive in the central and northeastern Longmen Shan. The southern part of the fold-thrust belt has a more complex evolution. Early Nto NE-trending folds and thrust faults are deformed by NW-trending basementinvolved folds and thrust faults that intersect with the NE-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults. Youngest structures in this southern area are dominated by left-lateral transpression related to movement on the Xianshuihe fault system.

The extent of Cenozoic deformation within the area underlain by the early Mesozoic allochthon remains unknown, because of the absence of rocks of the appropriate age to date Cenozoic deformation. Klippen of the allochthon were emplaced above the Cenozoic fold-andthrust belt in the central part of the eastern Longmen Shan, indicating that the allochthon was at least partly reactivated during Cenozoic time. Only in the Min Shan in the northern part of the allochthon is Cenozoic deformation demonstrated along two active zones of E-W shortening and associated left-slip. These structures trend obliquely across early Mesozoic structures and are probably related to shortening transferred from a major zone of active left-slip faulting that trends through the western Qinling Mountains. Active deformation is along the left-slip transpressive NW-trending Xianshuihe fault zone in the south, right-slip transpression along several major NE-trending faults in the central and northeastern Longmen Shan, and E-W shortening with minor left-slip movement along the Min Jiang and Huya fault zones in the north.

Our estimates of Cenozoic shortening along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau appear to be inadequate to account for the thick crust and high elevation of the plateau. We suggest here that the thick crust and high elevation is caused by lateral flow of the middle and lower crust eastward from the central part of the plateau and only minor crustal shortening in the upper crust. Upper crustal structure is largely controlled in the Longmen Shan region by older crustal anisotropics; thus shortening and eastward movement of upper crustal material is characterized by irregular deformation localized along older structural boundaries.  相似文献   

赵志刚  王鹏  祁鹏  郭瑞 《地球科学》2016,41(3):546-554
东海盆地处于西太平洋俯冲带前缘,是发育在华南克拉通基底之上的,以晚白垩世-新生代沉积为主的新生代盆地.东海盆地性质是在活动大陆边缘减薄陆壳之上的,由于洋-陆俯冲消减所引起的张裂、拉伸作用而形成的弧后裂谷型盆地,是西太平洋众多“沟-弧-盆”体系的一部分.东海盆地陆架外缘隆起控制着东海盆地的演化过程,该地质单元形成于晚白垩世,是陆缘隆起和增生楔的复合体,中新世后由于菲律宾海板块的活动而解体为现今的钓鱼岛隆褶带和琉球隆起.结合对陆架外缘隆起的研究后认为,东海盆地晚白垩世以来的演化历程具有3大构造阶段,即:第一阶段,古新世-中始新世西部坳陷形成发展期;第二阶段,中始新世-渐新世东部坳陷形成发展期,其中,中晚始新世太平洋板块的转向是东、西部坳陷构造迁移的分界点;第三阶段,中新世-全新世,东海盆地进入到菲律宾板块影响时期,原先的构造格局开始分解.   相似文献   

The Malatya Basin is situated on the southern Taurus-Anatolian Platform. The southern part of the basin contains a sedimentary sequence which can be divided into four main units, each separated by an unconformity. From base to top, these are: (1) Permo-Carboniferous; (2) Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleocene, (3) Middle-Upper Eocene and (4) Upper Miocene. The Upper Cretaceous–Tertiary sedimentary sequence resting on basement rocks is up to 700 m thick.The Permo-Carboniferous basement consist of dolomites and recrystallized limestones. The Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleocene transgressive–regressive sequence shows a transition from terrestrial environments, via lagoonal to shallow-marine limestones to deep marine turbiditic sediments, followed upwards by shallow marine cherty limestones. The marine sediments contain planktic and benthic foraminifers indicating an upper Campanian, Maastrichtian and Danian age. The Middle-Upper Eocene is a transgressive–regressive sequence represented by terrestrial and lagoonal clastics, shallow-marine limestones and deep marine turbidites. The planktic and benthic foraminifers in the marine sediments indicate a Middle-Upper Eocene age. The upper Miocene sequence consists of a reddish-brown conglomerate–sandstone–mudstone alternation of alluvial and fluvial facies.During Late Cretaceous–Early Paleocene times, the Gündüzbey Group was deposited in the southern part of a fore-arc basin, simultaneously with volcanics belonging to the Yüksekova Group. During Middle-Late Eocene times, the Yeşilyurt Group was deposited in the northern part of the Maden Basin and the Helete volcanic arc. The Middle-Upper Eocene Malatya Basin was formed due to block faulting at the beginning of the Middle Eocene time. During the Late Paleocene–Early Eocene, and at the end of the Eocene, the study areas became continental due to the southward advance of nappe structures.The rock sequences in the southern part of the Malatya Basin may be divided into four tectonic units, from base to top: the lower allochthon, the upper allochthon, the parautochthon and autochthonous rock units.  相似文献   

In central eastern Anatolia which is located between Eurasia and Africa, the study of basin developments between late Eocene and early Miocene is of great importance for understanding the process of the closure of the Neo-Tethys Ocean and the formation of strike-slip faults and regional uplift. To study these, three basins were selected: the Sivas-Erzincan, Gürün-Akkisla-Divrigi (GAD), and Malatya basins. The study proposes that the opening of the GAD basin played a key role in the formation of the Ecemis fault, which started developing at the end of early Miocene, and in mountain uplift. All these basins are situated on continental blocks and oceanic crust, arranged from north to south as the Sakarya continent, the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan ocean (Northern Neo-Tethys), the Kirsehir continent, the inner Tauride ocean, the Munzur-Binboga block, the Maden (=Berit) ocean, the Bitlis-Pütürge block, the Çüngüs ocean and the Arabian continent.The findings indicate that late Eocene-early Miocene successions in these basins were not deposited in foreland basins formed in front of the thrust faults associated with the closure of the ocean, as stated in previous studies. Rather, they were deposited in forearc and backarc basins related to the subduction which was effective until the end of early Miocene. The Sivas-Erzincan and Malatya basins, located on the inner Tauride and Maden (=Berit) oceans, were forearc basins, while the GAD basin situated on the Munzur-Binboga block was a backarc basin. These basins have parallel developments up to the end of early Miocene. While marine sediments were deposited in the Malatya and Sivas-Erzincan basins between late Eocene and early Miocene, terrestrial units began to settle in the GAD basin from the late Eocene and the deposition there is continuous until the end of the early Miocene.Collision of the Arabian and the Anatolian plates at the end of early Miocene (16-18 Ma) produced the left-strike slip Ecemis fault zone, which caused the lateral slip of sedimentary units in the Sivas-Erzincan and GAD basins over hundreds of kilometers. This event produced the first westward tectonic escape of the Anatolian plate prior to the north Anatolian fault (NAF) and the east Anatolian fault (EAF). The Gürün region located in the GAD basin was exhumed in late Miocene and this basin was broken. The Gürün region, which remains on the rising part of the Munzur-Binboga block, is not a different basin as stated earlier, but it is a part of the GAD basin, representing the central part of the GAD basin lake, as indicated by the fine grained deposits (limestones and clay) that occur in the Gürün area.  相似文献   

Cenozoic sedimentary deposits in central-southern Ningxia province, NW China are an important record of Tertiary tectonic events along the evolving Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau’s northeast margin. Shortly after the onset of the Indo-Eurasia collision to the south, a thrust belt and adjoining foreland basin began to form during 40–30 Ma. The Eocene Sikouzi Formation developed in a distal setting to this basin, in normal fault-bound basins that may have formed in a forebulge setting. Subsequent deposition of the Oligocene Qingshuiying Formation occurred during a phase of apparently less intense tectonism and the previous underfilled foreland basin became overfilled. During the Early Miocene, contractional deformation was mainly distributed to the west of the Liupan Shan. This resulted in deformation of the Qingshuiying Formation as indicated by an unconformity with the overlying Miocene Hongliugou Formation. The unconformity occurs proximal to the Haiyuan Fault suggesting that the Haiyuan Fault may have begun movement in the Early Miocene. In the Late Miocene, thrusting occurred west of the southern Helan Shan and an unconformity developed between the Hongliugou and Qingshuiying Formations proximal to the the Cha-Gu Fault. Relationships between the Miocene stratigraphy and major faults in the region imply that during the Late Miocene the deformation front of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau had migrated to the Cha-Gu Fault along the western Ordos Margin, and the Xiang Shan was uplifted. Central-southern Ningxia was then incorporated into the northeast propagating thrust wedge. The driving force for NE propagation of the thrust wedge was most likely pronounced uplift of the northeastern plateau at the same time. Analysis of the sedimentary record coupled with consideration of the topographic evolution of the region suggests that the evolving fold-and-thrust belt experienced both forward-breaking fold-and-thrust belt development, and out-of-sequence fault displacements as the thrust wedge evolved and the foreland basin became compartmentalised. The documented sedimentary facies and structural relationship also place constraints on the Miocene-Recent evolution of the Yellow River and its tributaries.  相似文献   

The Kutai Basin formed in the middle Eocene as a result of extension linked to the opening of the Makassar Straits and Philippine Sea. Seismic profiles across the northern margin of the Kutai Basin show inverted middle Eocene half-graben oriented NNE–SSW and N–S. Field observations, geophysical data and computer modelling elucidate the evolution of one such inversion fold. NW–SE and NE–SW trending fractures and vein sets in the Cretaceous basement have been reactivated during the Tertiary. Offset of middle Eocene carbonate horizons and rapid syn-tectonic thickening of Upper Oligocene sediments on seismic sections indicate Late Oligocene extension on NW–SE trending en-echelon extensional faults. Early middle Miocene (N7–N8) inversion was concentrated on east-facing half-graben and asymmetric inversion anticlines are found on both northern and southern margins of the basin. Slicken-fibre measurements indicate a shortening direction oriented 290°–310°. NE–SW faults were reactivated with a dominantly dextral transpressional sense of displacement. Faults oriented NW–SE were reactivated with both sinistral and dextral senses of movement, leading to the offset of fold axes above basement faults. The presence of dominantly WNW vergent thrusts indicates likely compression from the ESE. Initial extension during the middle Eocene was accommodated on NNE–SSW, N–S and NE–SW trending faults. Renewed extension on NW–SE trending faults during the late Oligocene occurred under a different kinematic regime, indicating a rotation of the extension direction by between 45° and 90°. Miocene collisions with the margins of northern and eastern Sundaland triggered the punctuated inversion of the basin. Inversion was concentrated in the weak continental crust underlying both the Kutai Basin and various Tertiary basins in Sulawesi whereas the stronger oceanic crust, or attenuated continental crust, underlying the Makassar Straits, acted as a passive conduit for compressional stresses.  相似文献   

The Kutai Basin occupies an area of extensive accommodation generated by Tertiary extension of an economic basement of mixed continental/oceanic affinity. The underlying crust to the basin is proposed here to be Jurassic and Cretaceous in age and is composed of ophiolitic units overlain by a younger Cretaceous turbidite fan, sourced from Indochina. A near complete Tertiary sedimentary section from Eocene to Recent is present within the Kutai Basin; much of it is exposed at the surface as a result of the Miocene and younger tectonic processes. Integration of geological and geophysical surface and subsurface data-sets has resulted in re-interpretation of the original facies distributions, relationships and arrangement of Tertiary sediments in the Kutai Basin. Although much lithostratigraphic terminology exists for the area, existing formation names can be reconciled with a simple model explaining the progressive tectonic evolution of the basin and illustrating the resulting depositional environments and their arrangements within the basin. The basin was initiated in the Middle Eocene in conjunction with rifting and likely sea floor spreading in the Makassar Straits. This produced a series of discrete fault-bounded depocentres in some parts of the basin, followed by sag phase sedimentation in response to thermal relaxation. Discrete Eocene depocentres have highly variable sedimentary fills depending upon position with respect to sediment source and palaeo water depths and geometries of the half-graben. This contrasts strongly with the more regionally uniform sedimentary styles that followed in the latter part of the Eocene and the Oligocene. Tectonic uplift documented along the southern and northern basin margins and related subsidence of the Lower Kutai Basin occurred during the Late Oligocene. This subsidence is associated with significant volumes of high-level andesitic–dacitic intrusive and associated volcanic rocks. Volcanism and uplift of the basin margins resulted in the supply of considerable volumes of material eastwards. During the Miocene, basin fill continued, with an overall regressive style of sedimentation, interrupted by periods of tectonic inversion throughout the Miocene to Pliocene.  相似文献   

四川含油气叠合盆地基本特征   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
随着近年来四川盆地油气勘探的不断突破,重新审视其基本地质特征和油气成藏特点变得迫切而必要.四川盆地是典型的叠合盆地,显生宙以来经历了震旦纪一中三叠世伸展体制下的差异升降和被动大陆边缘(海相碳酸盐岩台地)、晚三叠世-始新世挤压体制下的摺皱冲断和复合前陆盆地(陆相碎屑岩盆地)、渐新世以来的褶皱隆升改造(构造盆地)3大演化阶...  相似文献   

依据帕米尔—西昆仑北麓新生代前陆褶皱冲断带 3条构造剖面的详细分析,发现帕米尔—西昆仑北麓除山根地带发育高角度断层外,基本上以低角度逆掩断层为主,形成与逆冲推覆构造相关的褶皱变形。乌泊尔地区表现为由山脉向塔里木盆地滑移的隐伏冲断层和上覆褶皱;苏盖特—齐姆根—甫沙地区表现为山前的三角带和向盆地扩展的两排背斜带。帕米尔—西昆仑北麓前陆褶皱冲断带的主要构造变形时间始于上新世早期(距今约 4.6Ma),断层、褶皱的变形时代由山前向盆地逐步变新,变形强度由山脉向塔里木盆地逐步减弱。帕米尔—西昆仑北麓前陆褶皱冲断带的构造缩短量为 20~70km,缩短率为 35%~50%。  相似文献   

The rocks of Turkey, Greece and Syria preserve evidence for the destruction of Tethys, the construction of much of the continental crust of the region and the formation of the Tauride orogenic belt. These events occurred between the Late Cretaceous and Miocene, but the detailed evolution of the southern Eurasian margin during this period of progressive continental accretion is largely unknown. Marmara Island is a basement high lying at a key location in the Cenozoic Turkish tectonic collage, with a Palaeogene suture zone to the south and a deep Eocene sedimentary basin to the north. North-dipping metamorphic thrust sheets make up the island and are interlayered with a major metagranitoid intrusion. We have dated the intrusion by Laser Ablation ICP-MS analysis of U and Pb isotopes on zircon separates to 47.6?±?2 Ma. We also performed major- and trace-elemental geochemical analysis of 16 samples of the intrusion that revealed that the intrusion is a calc-alkaline, metaluminous granitoid, marked by Nb depletion relative to LREE and LIL-element enrichment when compared to ocean ridge granite (ORG). We interpret the metagranitoid sill as a member of a mid-Eocene magmatic arc, forming a 30 km wide and more than 200 km long arcuate belt in NW Turkey that post-dates suturing along the ?zmir-Ankara-Erzincan Suture zone. The arc magmatism was emplaced at the early stages of mountain building, related to collision of Eurasia with the Menderes-Taurus Platform in early Eocene times. Orogenesis and magmatism loaded the crust to the north creating coeval upward-deepening marine basins partially filled by volcanoclastic sediments.  相似文献   

“源热共控”中国近海盆地油气田“内油外气”有序分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
源热共控油气形成,烃源岩是油气形成的内因,热是油气形成的外因,内因和外因缺一不可,二者耦合作用控制了含油气区内油气的形成、资源潜力与分布模式。中国近海沉积盆地主要属于新生代伸展盆地或张扭盆地,古近纪发生裂陷,早—中中新世发生区域性热沉降,晚中新世以来新构造活动在多数盆地比较活跃。中国近海新生代盆地烃源岩主要形成于古近纪...  相似文献   

The pre-Neogene Tauride fold-and-thrust belt, comprising Cretaceous ophiolites and metamorphic rocks and non-metamorphic carbonate thrust slices in southern Turkey, is flanked and overlain by Neogene sedimentary basins. These include poorly studied intra-montane basins including the Yalvaç Basin. In this paper, we study the stratigraphy, sedimentology and structure of the Yalvaç Basin, which has a Middle Miocene and younger stratigraphy. Our results show that the basin formed as a result of multi-directional extension, with NE–SW to E–W extension dominating over subordinate NW–SE to N–S extension. We show that faults bounding the modern basin also governed basin formation, with proximal facies close to the basin margins grading upwards and basinwards into lacustrine deposits representing the local depocentre. The Yalvac Basin was a local basin, but a similar, contemporaneous history recently reconstructed from the Alt?napa Basin, ~100 km to the south, shows that multi-directional extension dominated by E–W extension was a regional phenomenon. Extension is still active today, and we conclude that this tectonic regime in the study area has prevailed since Middle Miocene times. Previously documented E–W shortening in the Isparta Angle along the Aksu Thrust, ~100 km to the southwest of our study area, is synchronous with the extensional history documented here, and E–W extension to its east shows that Anatolian westwards push is likely not the cause. Synchronous E–W shortening in the heart and E–W extension in the east of the Isparta Angle may be explained by an eastwards-dipping subduction zone previously documented with seismic tomography and earthquake hypocentres. We suggest that this slab surfaces along the Aksu thrust and creates E–W overriding plate extension in the east of the Isparta Angle. Neogene and modern Anatolian geodynamics may thus have been driven by an Aegean, Antalya and Cyprus slab segment that each had their own specific evolution.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1419-1442
The Palaeogene deposits of the Thrace Basin have evolved over a basement composed of the Rhodope and Sakarya continents, juxtaposed in northwest Turkey. Continental and marine sedimentation began in the early Eocene in the southwest part, in the early-middle Eocene in the central part, and in the late Lutetian in the north-northeast part of the basin. Early Eocene deposition in the southern half of the present Thrace Basin began unconformably over a relict basin consisting of uppermost Cretaceous–Palaeocene pelagic sediments. The initial early-middle Eocene deposition began during the last stage of early Palaeogene transtension and was controlled by the eastern extension (the Central Thrace Strike–Slip Fault Zone) of the Balkan-Thrace dextral fault to the north. Following the northward migration of this faulting, the Thrace Palaeogene Basin evolved towards the north during the late Lutetian. From the late Lutetian to the early Oligocene, transpression caused the formation of finger-shaped, eastward-connected highs and sub-basins. The NW–SE-trending right-lateral strike–slip Strandja Fault Zone began to develop and the Strandja Highland formed as a positive flower structure that controlled the deposition of the middle-upper Eocene alluvial fans in the northern parts of the Thrace Palaeogene Basin. Also, in the southern half of the basin, the upper Eocene–lower Oligocene turbiditic series with debris flows and olistostrome horizons were deposited in sub-basins adjacent to the highs, while shelf deposits were deposited in the northern half and southeast margin of the basin. At least since the early Eocene, a NE-trending magmatic belt formed a barrier along the southeast margin of the basin. From the late Oligocene onwards, the Thrace Palaeogene Basin evolved as an intermontane basin in a compressional tectonic setting.  相似文献   

Recent mapping and seismic survey reveal that intensive compression during the Early Cenozoic in the Qiangtang block of the central Tibetan Plateau formed an extensive complex of thrust sheets that moved relatively southward along several generally north-dipping great thrust systems. Those at the borders of the ~450 km wide block show it overrides the Lhasa block to the south and is overridden by the Hohxil-Bayanhar block to the north. The systems are mostly thin-skinned imbricate thrusts with associated folding. The thrust sheets are chiefly floored by Jurassic limestone that apparently slid over Triassic sandstone and shale, which is locally included, and ramped upward and over Paleocene-Eocene red-beds. Some central thrusts scooped deeper and carried up Paleozoic metamorphic rock, Permian carbonate and granite to form a central uplift that divides the Qiangtang block into two parts. These systems and their associated structures are unconformably overlain by little deformed Late Eocene-Oligocene volcanic rock or capped by Miocene lake beds. A thrust system in the northern part of the block, as well as one in the northern part of the adjacent Lhasa block, dip to the south and appear to be due to secondary adjustments within the thrust sheets. The relative southward displacement across this Early Cenozoic mega thrust system is in excess of 150 km in the Qiangtang block, and the average southward slip-rate of the southern Qiangtang thrusts ranged from 5.6 mm to 7.4 mm/a during the Late Eocene-Oligocene. This Early Cenozoic thrusting ended before the Early Miocene and was followed by Late Cenozoic crustal extension and strike-slip faulting within the Qiangtang block. The revelation and understanding of these thrust systems are very important for the evaluation of the petroleum resources of the region.  相似文献   

The NE–SW Tertiary magmatic belt of central Kalimantan is related to two separate periods of subduction; during the Eocene–Oligocene and Late Oligocene–Miocene. The younger magmatic belt is superimposed upon the earlier belt. This magmatic belt is characterized chiefly by Late Oligocene–Miocene volcanic products, among which limited exposures of the Eocene volcanics have also been mapped by previous investigators. This calc-alkaline magmatic belt has become known as the ‘gold belt’ of Central West Kalimantan on account of a number of discoveries of Neogene epithermal gold mineralization. This mineralization is found in central to proximal volcanic settings and occurred at relatively shallow depths. The earliest known subduction-related magmatism took place in the Eocene–Early Oligocene with the emplacement of calc-alkaline silicic pyroclastics, followed by a period of continental collision. Subsequent subduction-related magmatism continued from Late Oligocene–Pleistocene, during which time the magma evolved from calc-alkaline to potassic calc-alkaline. Plio-Pleistocene magmatism resulted in the formation of basalt flows. The present available K–Ar ages of the Cenozoic volcanics range from 51 to 1 Ma.  相似文献   

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