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Review Section     
THE GEOLOGY OF THE U. S. S. R. VOLUME XXII: THE TURKMEN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC. PART I. GEOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION. Luppov, N. P., ed. , Sukocheva, M. P., and Neronova, L. V., assoc. ed: Ministry of Geology and Mineral Conservation, 658 P. , Moscow, 1957. A Review by Mark Burgunker.  相似文献   

Review Section     
Teodorovich, G. I., A CONTRIBUTION ON THE ORIGIN OF LIMESTONES AND DOLOMITES1 Transactions of. the Petroleum Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Vol. V, 1955 Translated by Mark Burgunker.

Strakhov, N. M., Brodskaya, N. G., Knyaseva, L. M., Razzhivina, A. N. Rateev, M. A., Sapozhnikiv, D. G., and E. S. Shishova. FORMATION OF SEDIMENTS IN RECENT BASINS: A symposium, Moscow, 1954. 791pp. A review by George V. Chilingar, University of Southern California.  相似文献   

Beloussov, V.V., and Gzovskiy, M.V. (Editors), Problems in Tectonophysics, Transactions of the First All-Union Conference on Tectonophysics, 1957: 364 p., State Geology and Mineral Conservation Publishing House, Moscow, 1960. A review by Mark Burgunker

RUSSIAN-ENGLISH GEOLOGICAL DICTIONARY, compiled by T. A. Sofiano. Fizmatgiz, Moscow 1960, 559 p. Price: rubles 1.86. A review by Eugene A. Alexandrov.  相似文献   

Review Section     
《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1079-1086
Gubin, Igor' E. Zakonomernosti Seysmicheskikh proyavleniy na territorii Tadzhikistana (Geologiya i seysmichnost') [REGULARITIES OF SEISMIC PHENOMENA IN THE TERRITORY OF TADJIKISTAN (GEOLOGY AND SEISMICITY)]: Moscow, Akad. Nauk SSSR, 464 p., 1960. A Review by Anatol J. Shneiderov.

Nalivkin, Dimitri Vasil'evich, STUDY OF FACIES, GEOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS OF FORMATIONS OF SEDIMENTS1, in two volumes, 1956. A Review by Siemon W. Muller, Stanford University.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1229-1234
Problemy metallogenii Sovetskogo dal'nego vostoka [PROBLEMS OF METALLOGENY IN THE SOVIET FAR EAST]: Transactions of the Field Session of the Division of Earth Sciences, Academy of Sciences, USSR. Executive Editor: V. I. Smirnov. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1967. 146 pp. , 5 tables, 20 figs. 220 refs.; thirteen papers by 23 authors. IGR Staff review.

Vekilova, F. I., Geokhimiya kobal ita [GEOCHEMISTRY OF COBALT]: Izd. AN Azerb. SSR, Baku, 1966. 187 pp., 82 tables, 193 refs. NK 64‐52(27). IGR Staff review.

Yarzhemskiy, Ya. Ya. , Voprosy formirovaniya boratov [FORMATION PROBLEMS OF BORATES]: Nedra Press, Leningrad, 1968. 93 pp., 67 figs. , 31 refs. NK 67‐41(45). IGR Staff review.

Khamskiy, E. V., Kristallizatsiya iz rastvorov [CRYSTALLIZATION FROM SOLUTIONS]: Nauka Press. Leningrad, 1967. 150 pp., 30 figs., 31 tables, 402 refs. NK 67‐19(63). IGR Staff review.

Mkrtchyan, S. S., K. N. Paffengol'ts and E. A. Khachaturyan, Alaverdskiy rudnyy rayon (geologiya i rudonosnost') [THE ALAVERDY MINING DISTRICT (GEOLOGY AND ORE POTENTIAL)]: Izd. AN Arm SSR. Erevan, 1968. 154 pp., 17 figs. , 61 refs. NK65–47 (198). IGR Staff review.

Kovdorskiy Vermikulit [VERMICULITE FROM KOVDOR]: Nauka Press, 1966, Moscow-Leningrad, ten articles by members of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute, Kola Branch, Academy of Sciences, USSR. 149 pp. A review by Constantine C. Popoff.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1322-1335

Review Section     
Sokolov, V. A. , MIGRATION OF GAS AND OIL, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1956. A Synopsis by Paul A. Witherspoon and W. D. Romey. 1

Markovsky, A. P. , chief editor, GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE OF THE U. S. S. R.: volume I, Stratigraphy, edited by N. K. Ovechkin, 588 p. ; volume II, Magmatic Processes, edited by Yu. I. Polovinkina, 331 p. ; volume III, Tectonics, edited by L. I. Krasny, 384 p.1 A review by Eugene A. Alexandrov. 2  相似文献   

Review Section     
Nalivkin, D. V., BRIEF ESSAY ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE U. S. S. R. Gosgeoltekhizdat, Moscow 1957, 144 p. A review by Eugene A. Alexandrov, Columbia University.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1844-1846
Kurgalimova discusses the displacement of the aperture and the modification of its shape in the genera Gaudryina, Belorussiella, and Paragaudryina. The species G. navarroana Cushman, B. intermedia sp. nov., and P. pseudonavarroana (Balakh.) occur in fairly distinct stratigraphic position in lower to middle Eocene deposits of the southeastern part of the Turgay depression, South Emba and Bukhara Province.—M.A. Buzas  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1860-1863
Putrya describes the new species Streblus galicianus, S. mjatliukae, S. pseudobeccarii, and S. granulosus from upper Tortonian (Miocene) deposits in Ciscarpathia.—M. A. Buzas  相似文献   

The author discusses the conceptual bases of the pelecypod family Allorismidae and of the Carboniferous genera Allorisma, Allorismiella, Edmondia, Edmondiella, and Pseudedmondia. There is an extensive discussion of the hinge line structures of Allorisma based on Russian specimens, and four species of the genus from the Carboniferous of the Moscow area are described. Astaf'yeva-Urbaitis overlooked Wilson's 1959 paper in which Allorisma was shown to be a junior synonym of Edmondia; as a result Astaf'yeva-Urbaitis' nomenclature is faulty. Wilson replaced Allorisma with the new generic name Wilkingia. — J. Pojeta, Jr.  相似文献   

A new species of Caytonia, C. orientale, and a new genus and species Chankanella vachrameevi are described from Neocomian-Aptian coal bearing strata in the Primor'ye Territory, Suifun basin. The new species of Caytonia is differentiated from C. sewardii Thomas and C. canadensis (Berry) Bell on the basis of size and slight morphological variances. Only one specimen of a megasporophyll was available for study. Leaves found in the same stratum and attributed to the new species differ from other species of Sagenopteris chiefly in the greater length of the petioles of the leaflets. Chankanella vachrameevi is described as a Sagenopteris-like leaf. It differs from Sagenopteris in having a larger number of leaflets and in lacking anastomoses of veins in the leaflets. It is compared with Lesleva Lesquereux. Its leaflets are compared with Thinnfeldia pinnae, and the leaves of Tersiella Radczenko, Linquifolium and Protophyllocladus. — F. M. Hueber.  相似文献   

A new species of the subgenus Solenopora (Neosolenopora) is described from upper Eocene, yellow-green, sandy-Micaceous clay filling, a pre-Paleogene excavation in a Precambrian surface at Ingulets, Dnepropetrovsk Province, 'USSR. The new species is Solenopora (Neosolenopora) multiformis. Excellent detail of the thalli is preserved and considerable anatomical and morphological detail is presented The discovery of this form constitutes the third report of Solenopora in the Cenozoic of Western Eurojie. The plants are associated with large nurnbetS of right valves from the pelecypod, Ostrea callifera Lam var. sokolovi Klushn. Other invertebrates associated with algal remains are Spondylus, Serpula and Nummulites. Paleoecological interpretation of the occurrence of the algal remains is given as a rocky shoal inhabited by a biocoenosis of sublittoral habit in depths of not more than 10–20 m. — F. M. Hueber.  相似文献   

Tabulate corals, including new species of Cyrtophyllum (C. elegantum, C. altaicum, C. vulgaris), Propora (P. proheliolitoides), and Plasmoporella (P. altaica) aid in defining Upper Ordovician strata of Gornyy Altay region; in addition, new species of Heliolites (H. pachycanaliculoides), Favosites (F. karagemensis), Pachyfavosites (P. bazhenovae), Squameofavosites (S. karagemensis, S. altaicum), and Hexismia (H. asiatica) form part of a rich Late Silurian fauna within the same region.—T. E. Bolton  相似文献   

A new plant species, Cooksonia crassiparietilis, is described from the Lower Devonian of central Kazakhstan. It is found associated with Psilophyton princeps Dawson and Zosterophyllum australianum Cookson and Lang. The species is differentiated from other species of Cooksonia on the basis of sporangium size and wall structure. Forked sporangia are reported. Dehiscence of the sporangia is described as apical and lateral. This report extends the geographic range of the genus. — F. M. Hueber.  相似文献   

Three new species and two new genera of scleractinian corals are described from the upper Oxfordian (Jurassic) limestones of Azerbaijan. Cyathopora parva, Thecosmilia vurguni, and Thecosmilia zagaliensis are described as new. The genus Brevimaeandra (Type species: B. alizadei nov. sp.) is compared with Mycetophyllopsis and Maeandrastraea, and is placed in the Family Montlivaltiidae. Grandifavia (Type species: G. bendukidzeae, nov. sp.) is placed in the Family Faviidae and is compared with Favia and Nefocoenia. No other constituents of the fauna are listed nor are references to such lists given. A brief introduction states that the limestones of middle Oxfordian age are probably reworked reef deposits, and that the coral and sponge reefs were deposited in waters probably not over 90 m deep. No stratigraphic sections are given. — D. F. Squires.  相似文献   

The classification of the tribe Bereselleae of the family Dasycladaceae is discussed in some detail. The genera Beresella, Samarella and Dvinella are placed in the tribe with Trinodella, being treated as a subgenus of Dvinella. A number of new species are described: four in Beresella, six in Dvinella subgenus Dvinella and two in Dvinella subgenus Trinodella. The stratigraphic occurrence of the tribe in the Carboniferous at a number of localities on the Russian Platform is represented and a strong generic-facies association is pointed out. A pattern of variation in morphological form with sediment type is also discussed. — W. Adey.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):2066-2073
The Verbeekinidae originated in the Lower Permian with the genus Misellina of the subfamily Neoschwagerininae. The faMily divided in the Upper Permian into the subfamilies Pseudodoliolininae, Sumatrininae, Verbeekininae and the dubious Kahlerininae. The status of the genus Armenina M.-Maklay is discussed, and the genus retained; the genera Brevazina Schenck and Thompson and Paraverbeekina M.-Maklay are assigned to the synonymies of Misellina and Verbeekina respectively. — R. E. Grant.  相似文献   

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