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In the Pattani Basin, a failed-rift basin, extensive water-rock interaction has occurred between subquartzose alluvial sandstones of Miocene age and their pore fluids. Diagenetic rates and pathways have been strongly influenced by high geothermal gradients, high CO2 fugacities, and low pore water salinities. Depositional pore water was fresh to brackish, depending on the depositional environment of the sediments. Chloride concentrations in modern formation water are believed primarily to reflect the proportions of river and sea water in the depositional environment. However, the concentration of other important solutes and the isotopic composition of the formation waters can not be explained by roportional mixing of these two end-member waters. Dissolution of detrital plagioclase (An = 3) and K- feldspar are reactions of major significance that are reflected chemically in the Na/Cl and K/Cl ratios of the formation water. Despite the high temperature of the sandstones (120–200°C), diagenetic albite does not occur. Geochemical calculations indicate the formation water is undersaturated with respect to both orthoclase and albite. This style of feldspar diagenesis differs significantly from that of sandstones of similar composition in other basins, and has probably influenced other aspects of silicate diagenesis.Important authigenic minerals are: 1. locally abundant calcite cement (δ13C= −12.8, δ18O= −17.3 PDB), an early diagenetic phase that formed at about 60°C; 2. pore-filling kaolinite (δ18O= 9.9, δD= −83.5SMOW) that was closely associated with feldspar dissolution and formed over a range of temperatures; and 3. fibrous pore-lining and pore-bridging illite (δ18O = 9.8, δD = − 86.7 SMOW, the last significant cement, formed at temperatures of 120 to 150°C. Potassium/argon dates on illite indicate that sandstone diagenesis took place during a period of rapid sedimentation in the first two-thirds of the burial history.Comparison of Pattani Basin diagenesis with diagenesis of sandstones of similar age in other sedimentary basins demonstrates that chemical diagenesis, relative to mechanical compaction, has been especially rapid in the Pattani Basin. This reflects the effect of high temperatures on reaction rates. The net effect is a high average rate of porosity loss with burial (11% km).  相似文献   

黑龙江漠河盆地构造特征与成盆演化   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
对漠河盆地的地层层序、构造特征和构造单元、盆地演化过程等进行了研究。漠河盆地盖层主要为侏罗纪陆相煤系地层及白垩系火山岩,属典型的二元结构。晚侏罗世中期由于蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋的关闭,额尔古纳微板块与西伯利亚板块碰撞,使盆地西部产生逆冲推覆构造,地层缩短量在64km以上。晚侏罗世晚期到晚白垩世,盆地进入西太平洋构造域演化阶段,处于拉张环境,在盆地中部和东部发生了三期大规模的火山活动,形成火山断陷盆地。因此,漠河盆地经历了蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋和西太平洋两种不同构造域的演化阶段,具有西部挤压推覆、中部和东部拉张断陷构造特点。  相似文献   

胶莱盆地构造演化规律   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
胶莱盆地是中生代走滑拉分盆地,其形成与发育受到沂沭断裂和五莲—即墨—牟平断裂的控制。从晚侏罗世—晚白垩世经历了莱阳期、青山期和王氏期的盆地发展阶段。构造活动使不同时期的盆地格局发生改变,不同阶段盆地的次级构造单元也随之变化。不同阶段次级构造单元的形成与演变反映了构造活动对盆地发育的控制作用,表现在各单元之间沉积相发生突变。扬子板块与华北板块的碰撞,控制郯庐断裂带(沂沭断裂带)和五莲—即墨—牟平断裂的运动方向和强度,进而控制胶莱盆地的形成与发育。同时盆地发育也受到太平洋板块的影响与控制。  相似文献   

合肥盆地中新生代构造演化   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
综合地质、物探及钻井等资料,通过对合肥盆地的构造演化分析,认为合肥盆地是大别造山带和郯庐断裂带共同作用产生的中新生代残留盆地。受两大构造体系的共同作用,合肥盆地在印支期形成了盆地的基底,中新生代的演化大体可划分为以下5个时期:J1~J2坳陷盆地发育期;J3再生前陆盆地发育期;K1走滑盆地发育期;K2—E断陷盆地发育期;N—Q盆地消亡期。其中,在盆地发育早期受大别造山带影响较大,郯庐断裂作用较小;在盆地发育的中后期,郯庐断裂的影响逐渐成为主导因素。  相似文献   

新生代以来,太平洋板块向欧亚板块的持续俯冲和印度板块与欧亚大陆的碰撞挤压对辽河盆地的形成演化起着至关重要的作用.根据对辽河盆地东部凹陷构造线索的深入剖析,该地区早第三纪的构造活动可划分为伸展构造体系和走滑构造体系.前者形成于引张应力场背景,主要活动期为沙三期,是该区裂谷盆地的主要发育阶段;后者形成于右旋扭性应力场背景,主要发育期为东营期,是该区主要构造线索定型的主要时期.辽河盆地东部凹陷的成盆演化明显受2种构造体系的叠加控制,表现为在继承伸展构造体系基础上,走滑构造体系的新生和改造作用.油气勘探实践证明,盆地构造演化与成盆对油气藏形成和富集起着决定性作用,正确认识和剖析成盆历史是成功地开展油气勘探的关键.  相似文献   

胶莱盆地是位于胶东半岛的白垩纪盆地,前人对该盆地的沉积-构造演化进行了相关研究,也取得了重要进展。但是关于盆地初始形成阶段古构造应力场状态还存在一些争论。本文通过对盆地内部断层滑动矢量数据的反演及节理、同沉积断层指示意义分析,将胶莱盆地白垩纪构造演化划分为五个阶段:早白垩世早期NWW-SEE向伸展,控制了莱阳群初始沉积;莱阳群沉积末期近E-W向挤压;早白垩世晚期E-W向伸展,形成了青山群;早白垩世末期NW-SE向挤压;晚白垩世近N-S向至NNE-SSW向伸展,形成了王氏群。大量的野外现象与前人研究成果均与本文得到的盆地初始成盆阶段NWW-SEE向伸展应力场相吻合。NWW-SEE向伸展作用可能是在古太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲过程中,古太平洋板块后撤与苏鲁造山带后造山作用的共同作用下发生的,代表胶莱盆地形成初期,受苏鲁造山带造山后期作用的影响;而青山期伸展方向的变化可能指示盆地主要受到古太平洋板块后撤的影响。盆地在白垩纪古构造应力场的作用下,分别受到早白垩世裂谷作用与晚白垩世走滑拉分作用控制,两种作用的叠加使胶莱盆地成为一个复合型盆地。  相似文献   

印尼东爪哇盆地新生代构造演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东爪哇盆地是印尼最重要的含油气盆地之一,其新生代的构造演化可以概括为:两期裂谷和两期挤压.始新世裂谷是印度-澳大利亚板块近南北向俯冲形成的弧后裂谷性盆地.渐新世期间,印度-澳大利亚板块俯冲方向发生变化,在东爪哇地区形成了第二期东西向裂谷.15 Ma以来,东爪哇南面的Roo Rise洋底高原与巽他大陆发生碰撞,导致盆地内...  相似文献   

塔里木盆地构造演化与构造样式   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
汤良杰 《地球科学》1994,19(6):742-745
塔里木盆地的发展演化受不同时期板块构造背景的控制,形成了陆内裂谷、裂陷槽、克拉通内拉张盆地、克拉通内挤压盆地、被动大陆边缘盆地、弧后拉张盆地、弧后前陆和周缘前陆盆地等多种原型盆地并相互叠加和改造。盆地中存在挤压、引张、扭动和叠加构造样式,可以形成良好的圈闭构造,盆地中的大型隆起带是主要的油气聚集带,前陆盆地褶皱-冲断带具有较好的油气前景。  相似文献   

The Sivas Basin is one of several Central Anatolian basins. It developed mainly after the closure of the northern branch of Neotethys. Its location between the Kirsehir Massif and the Taurides implies that it should not be confused with the Inner Tauride ocean located south of the Eastern Taurides. The basement of the Sivas Basin consists of ophiolitic nappes and melanges that were thrust toward the margins of the continental blocks present in this area—the Pontide belt to the north and the Anatolide-Tauride platform to the south. The basin was initiated by tectonic subsidence at the end of the Cretaceous, and it can be compared to a foreland basin during Paleocene and early to middle Eocene time. It was emergent during late Eocene and Oligocene time, although it continued to subside. A transgression in some parts of the basin occurred during the Oligocene and early Miocene (maximum flooding). During the Pliocene, it was affected by regional compression directed toward the NNW, which resulted from convergence of the Arabian and Eurasian plates. This basin may have developed as an intracontinental basin within the Tauride platform and probably never had an oceanic basement. As a result of this work, the general paleogeographic organization of Central Anatolia and Northern Tethys during the Mesozoic should to be revised.  相似文献   

Quantitative studies on the extension and subsidence of the Wanan Basin were carried out based on available seismic and borehole data together with regional geological data.Using balanced cross-section and backstripping techniques,we reconstructed the stratigraphic deposition and tectonic evolution histories of the basin.The basin formed from the Eocene and was generally in an extensional/transtensional state except for the Late Miocene local compressoin.The major basin extension ocurred in the Oligocene and Early Miocene(before ~16.3 Ma) and thereafter uniform stretch in a smaller rate.The northern and middle basin extended intensely earlier during 38.6–23.3 Ma,while the southern basin was mainly stretched during 23.3–16.3 Ma.The basin formation and development are related to alternating sinistral to dextral strike-slip motions along the Wanan Fault Zone.The dominant dynamics may be caused by the seafloor spreading of the South China Sea and the its peripheral plate interaction.The basin tectonic evolution is divided into five phases:initial rifting,main rifting,rift-drift transition,structural inversion,and thermal subsidence.  相似文献   

燕山地区土城子组划分、时代与盆地性质探讨   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
燕山地区土城子组分布广泛,顶底清晰,是本区最具特色的岩石地层单位之一。区域地质对比研究表明,燕山西部土城子组与燕山中东部土城子组在地层、时代上有较大的不同,西部盆地中髫髻山组火山岩不发育或很少发育,土城子组在地层划分上常包含九龙山组或髫髻山期火山岩,时代为中晚侏罗世(J2—J3);东部盆地普遍发育髫髻山组火山岩浆或火山-沉积地层,土城子组划分与层型剖面一致。古生物化石和同位素年龄研究表明:土城子组时限在156~139Ma之间,属于晚侏罗世—早白垩世。土城子期盆地沉积的不对称性,相分布特征,古水流等指示其形成在一个挤压作用下的陆内火山-沉积盆地环境。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地阿瓦提—满加尔低梁构造特征和形成演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
阿瓦提-满加尔低梁是介于阿瓦提凹陷与满加尔凹陷之间一个特殊的隆起构造,其在东西向上表现为宽缓的隆起形态,而在南北方向上则为凹陷面貌。该区沉积盖层可分为下、中、上3个构造层。下构造层由震旦系-泥盆系构成,所谓阿-满低梁主要即发育于该构造层。上构造层由白垩系-第四系构成,构造形态为-北西倾斜坡。由石炭系-三叠系构成的中构造层则是上、下构造层构造形态的过渡,总体上仍呈西北倾。阿-满低满自前震旦纪末塔里木运动以来经历了4大演化发展阶段:震旦纪-泥盆纪阿-满低梁形成发育阶段、石炭纪-三叠纪阿-满低梁改造阶段、侏罗纪-早第三纪北东倾斜坡发育阶段与晚第三纪-第四纪现今构造形成阶段。  相似文献   

大同盆地地质特征及构造演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对大同盆地内沉积地层的岩性、结构、厚度等地质特征及相应的沉积环境和沉积相进行研究,结合构造的演化及控制作用,认为大同盆地形成于中生代晚侏罗世末期—早白垩世早期,其构造演化可分划为白垩纪箕状断陷形成、新近纪典型箕状断陷发育和第四纪盆地定型3个阶段。该区充填历程复杂,包括3个构造层,分别为白垩纪初始沉降、新近纪快速断陷、第四纪盆地扩展坳陷;3期断裂发育期,分别为白垩纪早期、保德组沉积早期及泥河湾组沉积晚期;5个不整合面。大同盆地及其周边地区,在燕山运动以前存在EW向褶皱构造,燕山运动后NW—SE向的挤压作用叠加在近EW向构造之上。此后尽管遭受了十分强烈的剥蚀作用,但是在近EW向和NE向两组褶皱向斜核部的叠加部位,仍残留晚古生代及中生代地层。  相似文献   

北部湾盆地福山凹陷古近系流沙港组二段泥岩中发育大面积巨厚辉长岩?地球化学分析表明,辉长岩具有中等TiO_2含量(2.15%~2.24%),较低MgO(5.77%~5.86%)、K_2O(1.18%~1.25%),P_2O_5(0.36%~0.39%)含量,且Na_2OK_2O,指示其类似于板内拉斑玄武岩。辉长岩ΣREE为105.61×10~(–6)~111.26×10~(–6),富集LREE,(La/Yb)_N=8.74~9.64,具有右倾型稀土配分模式;与原始地幔相比,富集Rb、Ba、Th、U等大离子亲石元素以及高场强元素Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf,呈现板内碱性玄武岩特征,是地幔物质上涌与上覆薄而年轻的岩石圈地幔相互作用的产物?结合LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果显示,辉长岩形成时间介于37~32 Ma,代表福山凹陷古近系辉长岩的侵位年龄,是古近纪岩石圈持续伸展环境下的产物?这对探讨福山凹陷以及中国东南部古近纪构造活动及岩浆演化具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Tectonic Evolution and Petroleum Systems in the Junggar Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Junggar basin is located in the northern part of Xinjiang of China. It is part of the Kazakstan plate, surrounded by the Paleozoic folded mountains: the Halaart, Zayier and Chepaizi Mountains in the northwest, the Qingelidi and Karamaili Mountains in the northeast, and the Tianshan Mountains in the south. In different evolution stages, the basin's types are different, and the stratigraphy and deposition are also different. From the Carboniferous to Tertiary the basin has in turn gone through rift basin, collision foreland basin, intraplate depression basin and regenerated foreland basin. Based on an analysis of thermal evolution history and buried history of the source rocks, three major periods of oil generation are found in the basin. According to the characteristics of source rock distribution, evolution, oil-source correlation, structure and multi-phase and mixed pools, the Junggar basin could be divided into 4 composite petroleum systems. Due to the variation in sedimentary facies, difference in  相似文献   

青藏高原班公错的湖盆成因及构造演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据河湖相沉积物的沉积特征、沉积年龄和分布规律, 结合ETM+构造和第四系沉积地层的遥感解译, 对班公错湖盆的成因和构造演化特征进行系统的剖析.从地形地貌、沉积建造和构造上分析, 推断班公错湖盆为构造成因的拉分断陷湖盆.根据湖盆周边的断层活动特征和湖盆的沉积响应, 将班公错湖盆的演化分为4个阶段, 依次为湖盆打开的幼年期(晚于早中新世)、湖盆扩展的青年期(早于8.1±1Ma)、湖盆急剧扩展伴随湖盆中心南移的壮年期(晚于0.94Ma)和湖盆不对称萎缩的老年期(晚于0.23Ma).   相似文献   

准噶尔盆地构造演化分析新进展   总被引:56,自引:1,他引:56  
准噶尔盆地由准噶尔地体演化而来。准噶尔地体的前寒武系结晶基底,至少形成于800Ma前。准噶尔盆地基底具有“双层结构”,局部存在强烈减薄现象,整个下古生界,准噶尔地体一直存在稳定的地体演化机制,它经历了地体与板块并存、前缘推覆-洋壳消减和地体与板块拼贴的三个阶段后演化为盆地。根据准噶尔盆地构造分层,并结合盆地地质研究的进展,将准噶尔盆地形成及演化过程划分为6个阶段:(1)地体形成阶段;(2)地体发展演化阶段;(3)地体、板块拼贴、准噶尔盆地雏形形成阶段;(4)前陆盆地阶段;(5)陆内坳陷阶段;(6)再生前陆盆地阶段。后三阶段与油气关系密切。  相似文献   

The authors introduced two kinds of newly found soft-sediment deformation-synsedimentary extension structure and syn-sedimentary compression structure, and discuss their origins and constraints on basin tectonic evolution. One representative of the syn-sedimentary extension structure is syn-sedimentary boudinage structure, while the typical example of the syn-sedimentary compression structure is compression sand pillows or compression wrinkles. The former shows NW-SE-trendlng contemporaneous extension events related to earthquakes in the rift basin near a famous Fe-Nb-REE deposit in northern China during the Early Paleozoic (or Mesoproterozoic as proposed by some researches), while the latter indicates NE-SW-trending contemporaneous compression activities related to earthquakes in the Middle Triassic in the Nanpanjiang remnant basin covering south Guizhou, northwestern Guangxi and eastern Yunnan in southwestern China. The syn-sedimentary boudinage structure was found in an earthquake slump block in the lower part of the Early Paleozoic Sailinhudong Group, 20 km to the southeast of Bayan Obo, Inner Mongolia, north of China. The slump block is composed of two kinds of very thin layers-pale-gray micrite (microcrystalline limestone) of 1-2 cm thick interbedded with gray muddy micrite layers with the similar thickness. Almost every thin muddy micrite layer was cut into imbricate blocks or boudins by abundant tiny contemporaneous faults, while the interbedded micrite remain in continuity. Boudins form as a response to layer-parallel extension (and/or layer-perpendicular flattening) of stiff layers enveloped top and bottom by mechanically soft layers. In this case, the imbricate blocks cut by the tiny contemporaneous faults are the result of abrupt horizontal extension of the crust in the SE-NW direction accompanied with earthquakes. Thus, the rock block is, in fact, a kind of seismites. The syn-sedimentary boudins indicate that there was at least a strong earthquake belt on the southeast side of the basin during the early stage of the Sailinhudong Group. This may be a good constraint on the tectonic evolution of the Bayan Obo area during the Early Paleozoic time. The syn-sedimentary compression structure was found in the Middle Triassic flysch in the Nanpanjiang Basin. The typical structures are compression sand pillows and compression wrinkles. Both of them were found on the bottoms of sand units and the top surface of the underlying mud units. In other words, the structures were found only in the interfaces between the graded sand layer and the underlying mud layer of the flysch. A deformation experiment with dough was conducted, showing that the tectonic deformation must have been instantaneous one accompanied by earthquakes. The compression sand pillows or wrinkles showed uniform directions along the bottoms of the sand layer in the flysch, revealing contemporaneous horizontal compression during the time between deposition and diagenesis of the related beds. The Nanpanjiang Basin was affected, in general, with SSW-NNE compression during the Middle Triassic, according to the syn-sedimentary compression structure. The two kinds of syn-sedimentary tectonic deformation also indicate that the related basins belong to a rift basin and a remnant basin, respectively, in the model of Wilson Cycle.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1271-1283
Tiburon Basin is characterized by a thick sedimentary fill that records the evolution of one of the rift segments of the East Pacific Rise. Its structure corresponds to an echelon pull-apart basin bounded by two dextral-oblique faults. Unlike basins in the southern Gulf of California that are underlain by oceanic crust, rift basins in the northern Gulf of California contain sedimentary thickness (up to 6 km) that masks the structure of the crust. To study the architecture of the Tiburon Basin, two-dimensional, multichannel seismic reflection data collected by Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) in the early 1980s were used. The data base is a grid of lines, 5–20 km apart, with 6 s of record in 48 channels. Additional seismic data of the Ulloa 99 project were also interpreted. Our results indicate that the general structural pattern of the Tiburon Basin is controlled by two dextral-oblique faults: De Mar and Tiburon. De Mar lies to the east and ends in elevated basement transferring the stress to the Desemboque fault. The latter borders the incoming basement from the Sonora and Tiburon faults to the west, ending to the north in an antiform. Four structural domains are recognized: (1) the northern Tiburon domain is a high basement that divides the Delfin Basin to the northeast and exhibits extensional folds with their axes parallel to the basement and its flanks; (2) the Libertad domain is a sheared basement high along the margin of Sonora and forms the right step of the Tepoca Basin to the north; (3) the Tiburon central domain defines a broad sag cut by a dense NE-striking pattern of normal faults with opposed dips in the depocentre and abruptly ends to the west against the Tiburon fault; and (4) the southern Tiburon domain forms a basement ramp offshore Isla Tiburon and is controlled by a pattern of NNE-striking normal faults on the south that likely connect at an oblique angle (?60°) to the De Mar fault. We propose a rhombochasm basin model with more than 6 s of sedimentary record in the depocentre, in which the basement is not recorded. The NW-trending faults in the Libertad domain possibly continue towards the Sonora coastal plain. The principal NW-trending dextral faults and the secondary NNE-striking pattern of normal faults cut the shallow strata of this domain.  相似文献   

松辽盆地构造演化与中国东部构造体制转换   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
本文综合应用盆地构造解析、平衡地质剖面恢复、构造物理模拟等方法,探讨了松辽盆地构造演化及其地球动力学背景。松辽盆地基底是前侏罗纪古亚洲洋构造域众多微板块、地体拼贴形成的复合陆块。中—晚侏罗世,盆地基底受到郯(城)—庐(江)断裂系北段大规模左旋走滑活动的强烈改造,派生NNE、NNW和近NS向次级断裂,控制了基底构造格局、断陷盆地分布及其构造。断陷期可划分为早、晚两个脉冲式伸展阶段,早期阶段受多方向平面式正断层控制发育堑—垒构造,具有双向纯剪伸展的特点,但NNE向拉伸更显著,可能是深部岩石圈拆沉引起热穹窿与基底断裂持续左旋走滑拉分的叠加;晚期阶段受低角度犁式正断层控制发育西断东超的复合半地堑,受控于近EW向单剪伸展机制,是区域性地壳伸展拆离与岩石圈减薄的结果。拗陷期大规模热沉降是对古太平洋构造域向东迁移的响应。白垩纪末期盆地受到NWW向脉冲式挤压而发生反转,可能与伊泽纳奇板块消亡、太平洋板块开始俯冲这一转换过程中的地体拼贴有关。  相似文献   

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