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Criteria are suggested for distinguishing xenocrystic ilmenites from those indigenous to the host kimberlite. For instance, in contrast to groundmass grains, ilmenite xenocrysts usually are larger, have reaction rims of leucoxene and perovskite, exhibit strong magnesium enrichment outward, and sometimes have exsolution lamellae and deformation features. Most of the abundant ilmenite macrocrysts found in kimberlite appear to have been phenocrysts in a crystal mush unrelated to kimberlite. On the other hand, kimberlitic groundmass ilmenite is rare, but consistently more magnesian than the cores of macrocrysts. Strong Mg-enrichment patterns evident in the ilmenite macrocrysts probably developed during their attempt to equilibrate with the more magnesian, fractionating kimberlitic liquid. The hypothesis of extensive reaction of ilmenite with kimberlite melt/ fluid has implications with regard to the following: (1) the degree of differentiation of kimberlite melts; (2) the genesis of mantle megacrysts; (3) the reactivity of kimberlite; and (4) the usefulness of groundmass ilmenite as a petrogenetic indicator.  相似文献   

Based on the measurements of refractive index,specific gravity,unit cell parameter,and mineral chemistry and infrared absorption spectrum analyses of pyropes in kimberlites from China,systematic studies of the Physical properties and compositional variations of pyropes of different colors and diverse paragenetic types,within and between kimberlite provinces have been undertaken,The origin of pyropes in the Kimberlites and the depth of their formation have been discussed.Pyropes of the purple series are different from those of the orange series in physical and chemical properties,for exaple,pyropes of the puple series are higher in α0,RI,SG,Cr2O3,MgO,Cr/(Cr Al),Mg/(Mg Fe),and Mg/(Mg Ca),and lower in Al2O3,Fe2O3 FeO than those of the orange series.The classification of garnets in kimberlites from china by the Dawson and Stephens‘ method(1975) has been undertaken and clearly demonstrates that pyropes of diamond-rich kimberlites contain much more groups than those of diamond-poor,especially diamond-free kimberlites.The higher in α0,RI,SG,Cr2O(3.Cr/(Cr Al),knorringite and Cr-component the pyropes are ,the richer in diamond the kimberlites will be.The infrared absorption spectrum patterns of pyropes change with their chemical composition regularly,as reflected in the shape and position of infrared absorption peaks.Two absortpion bands at 862-901 cm^-1 will grade into degeneration from splitting and the absorption band positions of pyropes shift toward lower frequency with increasing Cr2O3 content and Cr/(Cr Al) ratio of pyropes,LREE contents of orange pyrope megacrysts are similar to those of porple pyrope macrocrysts,but the former is higher in HREE than the latter,showing their different chondrite-normalized patterns.The formation pressures of pyropes calculated by Cr-component,Ca-component,knorringite molecules of pyropes show that some pyropes of the purple series in diamondiferous kimberlites fall into the diamond stability field.but all pyropes of diamond-free kimberlites lie outside the diamond stability field.The megacrysts were formed through early crystallization of kimberlites magma at high pressure condition,the majority of the purple pyrope macrocrysts have been derived from disaggregated xenoliths but the minoirty of them appear to be fragments of the discrete megacryst pyropes,or phenocrysts.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene megacrysts containing garnet lamellae up to 1.2 mm thick as an exsolved phase are found rarely in kimberlites from Frank Smith and Bellsbank. Chemically the clinopyroxenes are characteristically subcalcic, being within the range of 100 Ca/Ca + Mg + Fe = 27 to 36, and the orthopyroxenes are characterized by high Al2O3 and Cr2O3. Immediately after crystallization during very slow cooling, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene exsolve wide-spaced orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene phases parallel to (100) of the host phases, respectively, then both host and exsolved phases exsolve garnet lamellae. Topotactic relations between pyroxenes and garnet are determined by X-ray for the first time. Partitioning of major and minor elements among the coexisting clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and garnet in pyroxene megacrysts is the same as that of the granular-type garnet peridotite xenoliths in Lesotho and South African kimberlies. Mineralogy and chemistry indicate that subcalcic clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene megacrysts contain respectively about 10 and 3 mole % of the garnet molecule in solid solution.  相似文献   

Paragenetic analysis of pyropes from alluvial deposits of the Muna—Markha interfluve (Sakha–Yakutia Republic) made it possible to distinguish relatively uniform areas that are promising for the discovery of kimberlite bodies.  相似文献   

Micaceous kimberlites from South Africa and Canada contain two types of groundmass mica less than 1 mm across. Very rare Type I micas are relatively iron-rich with mg [ = Mg/(Mg + Fe)] 0.45–0.65, TiO2 3–6 wt%, Al2O3 14–16wt%, no Fe3+ required in tetrahedral sites, low NiO (~0.02 wt%), and relatively high na [Na2O/(Na2O + K2O)] 0.02–0.03. The much more abundant Type II micas are variable in composition, but relative to Type I micas are more magnesium (mg 0.80-0.93), lower in TiO2 (0.7–4.0 wt%) and Al2O3 (6.8–14.2 wt%), have substantial Fe3+ in tetrahedral sites, and have relatively low na. Both types may have rims with compositions indicative of mica-‘serpentine’ mixtures resulting from reaction with a highly aqueous fluid. The petrographically-determined ‘serpentine’ is chemically of two types: Fe-rich serpentine and Fe-rich talc. Associated phases in the ground-mass vary from one kimberlite to another: calcite, dolomite, diopside, chromite, Mg-ilmenite, perovskite, barite, pyrite, pentlandite, millerite?, heazlewoodite?, quartz.Inter-grain variations in composition of Type II micas may result from establishment of local reservoirs on a mm scale, consequent upon mechanical mixing and competition of other phases for minor elements (e.g. chromite for Cr, serpentine for Ni).Type I micas may result from an intrusive precursor (carbonatitic?) to kimberlite, perhaps genetically related, which was incorporated into a later pulse of kimberlite from which the Type II micas crystallized.  相似文献   

Strontium isotopic studies of kimberlites reveal no significant differences between the respective whole-rock Sr87/Sr86 ratios of fissure and pipe kimberlites. Kimberlites from the Swartruggens fissure (calcareous micaceous kimberlite) have Sr87/Sr86 ratios of from 0.709 to 0.716, whilst those from the Wesselton pipe have Sr87/Sr86 ratios of from 0.708 to 0.715. Other kimberlites range from 0.706 to 0.715. Samples are considered to be late Cretaceous to early Tertiary and thus the ratios are approximately initial ratios. The Sr87/Sr86 ratios bear no relation to the Rb or Sr content of individual kimberlite bodies. The high initial ratios are not due to bulk assimilation of granitic material in either a kimberlite or carbonatitic magma. Rb-Sr data for garnet peridotites and eclogite xenoliths in kimberlite are not compatible with production of kimberlite by eclogite fractionation from a melt derived from garnet lherzolite. The Sr isotopic composition of kimberlite is compatible with partial melting of garnet mica peridotite. The isotopic composition of liquids formed by partial melting of this rock can be modified by (i) gross contamination with material of low Sr87/Sr86 ratio or (ii) selective diffusion of material of high Sr87/Sr86 ratio into kimberlitic fluids.  相似文献   

We provide new data on Sm-Nd systematics, K-Ar dating and the major element chemistry of kimberlites from the eastern United States (mostly from central New York State) and their constituent mineral phases of olivine, clinopyroxene, garnet, phlogopite and perovskite. In addition, we report Nd-isotopes in a few kimberlites from South Africa, Lesotho and from the eastern part of China. The major element compositions of the New York dike rocks and of their constituent minerals including a xenolith of eclogite are comparable with those from the Kimberley area in South Africa. The K-Ar age of emplacement of the New York dikes is further established to be 143 Ma.We have analyzed the Nd-isotopic composition of the following kimberlites and related rocks: Nine kimberlite pipes from South Africa and Lesotho, two from southern India; one from the U.S.S.R., fifteen kimberlite pipes and related dike rocks from eastern and central U.S. and two pipes from the Shandong Province of eastern China. The age of emplacement of these kimberlites ranges from 1300 million years to 90 million years. The initial Nd-isotopic compositions of these kimberlitic rocks expressed as Nd I with respect to a chondritic bulk-earth growth-curve show a range between 0 and +4, with the majority of the kimberlites being in the range 0 to +2. This range is not matched by any other suite of mantle-derived igneous rocks. This result strengthens our earlier conclusion that kimberlitic liquids are derived from a relatively primeval and unique mantle reservoir with a nearly chondritic Sm/Nd ratio.  相似文献   

羊蹄子山-磨石山钛矿床的钛矿物主要为锐钛矿、金红石和钛铁矿。锐钛矿化学成分的特点是FeO含量明显比金红石要低;主要X光粉晶谱线为3.518(100)、2.377(14)和1.667(11);晶胞参数a()=3.786,c()=9.513;拉曼光谱谱线(cm-1)为516、395、195和143。金红石的主要X光粉晶谱线为3.250(100)、1.688(40)和2.488(29);晶胞参数为a()=4.595,c()=2.962;拉曼光谱谱线(cm-1)为610和446。钛铁矿的成分特点是富锰贫镁,与攀西地区岩浆型钒钛磁铁矿矿床中的钛铁矿正好相反。所有上述钛(铁)氧化物矿物学特征,进一步说明该矿床是在中元古代在海底与基性火山活动有关的热水沉积后经区域变质和局部又遭受后期热液改造而成。  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed study of the mineralogical, microscopic, thermal, and spectral characteristics of jarosite and natrojarosite minerals. Systematic mineralogic and chemical examination of a suite of 32 natural stoichiometric jarosite and natrojarosite samples from diverse supergene and hydrothermal environments indicates that there is only limited solid solution between Na and K at low temperatures, which suggests the presence of a solvus in the jarosite-natrojarosite system at temperatures below about 140 °C. The samples examined in this study consist of either end members or coexisting end-member pairs of jarosite and natrojarosite. Quantitative electron-probe microanalysis data for several natural hydrothermal samples show only end-member compositions for individual grains or zones, and no detectable alkali-site deficiencies, which indicates that there is no hydronium substitution within the analytical uncertainty of the method. In addition, there is no evidence of Fe deficiencies in the natural hydrothermal samples. Hydronium-bearing jarosite was detected in only one relatively young supergene sample suggesting that terrestrial hydronium-bearing jarosites generally are unstable over geologic timescales.Unit-cell parameters of the 20 natural stoichiometric jarosites and 12 natural stoichiometric natrojarosites examined in this study have distinct and narrow ranges in the a- and c-cell dimensions. There is no overlap of these parameters at the 1σ level for the two end-member compositions. Several hydrothermal samples consist of fine-scale (2-10 μm) intimate intergrowths of jarosite and natrojarosite, which could have resulted from solid-state diffusion segregation or growth zoning due to variations in the Na/K activity ratio of hydrothermal solutions.  相似文献   

攀枝花岩体钛铁矿成分特征及其成因意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
峨眉大火成岩省是全球最大的钒钛磁铁矿床聚集区,攀枝花岩体是其中的典型代表。根据岩性特点,攀枝花岩体主体可划分为上、中、下三个岩相带,其中中部岩相带和下部岩相带岩性旋回非常发育,每个旋回从下向上铁钛氧化物和暗色硅酸盐矿物逐渐减少,块状铁钛氧化物矿石或磁铁矿辉长岩都出现在每个旋回的底部和下部。然而,尽管钛铁矿固相线以下固溶体出溶远弱于磁铁矿,从而能更好地保留成因信息,但其成分变化的成因意义没有受到足够重视。本次研究发现作为主要金属氧化物之一的钛铁矿的成分不仅在不同岩性中有明显差异,同时,中、下部岩相带的各岩性旋回中钛铁矿成分也具有周期性变化。例如,块状矿石中钛铁矿具有最高的MgO和TiO2及最低的FeO、Fe2O3和MnO,而辉长岩中钛铁矿则具有相反的成分特征。同时,钛铁矿的MgO含量与磁铁矿的MgO含量及橄榄石的Fo牌号具有显著的正相关关系。这种规律性变化说明每个旋回可以代表一次比较明显的岩浆补充,每次新岩浆补充后,钛铁矿和磁铁矿及橄榄石都是结晶较早的矿物。与Skaergaard岩体相比,攀枝花岩体钛铁矿的MgO含量较高,表明攀枝花岩体分离结晶过程中铁钛氧化物结晶较早;与挪威Tellnes斜长岩套铁钛矿床中的钛铁矿相比,攀枝花岩体的钛铁矿不仅具有较高的MgO和FeO,还具有极高的TiO2和MnO,但Fe2O3却很低,说明地幔柱背景下形成的钛铁矿与斜长岩套中钛铁矿的成分有显著的区别。  相似文献   

Summary Pegmatitic dikes and masses of various sizes occur in a granite intrusion in the Mashad area, northeastern Iran. Their geochemistry, as well as that of the parent granite was investigated using some 40 specimens. Major constituents and trace elements were determined by means of X-ray fluorescence and spectrographic methods. Anomalously high concentrations of Be and Nb and indications of their minerals beryl and columbite were observed. Therefore, the pegmatites of this area may prove to be a potential source for Be, Nb, Ta and possibly Li.
Mineralogische und geochemische Untersuchung einiger Pegmatite aus der Gegend von Mashad, Nordost-Iran
Zusammenfassung In einer Granitintrusion in der Gegend von Mashad, Nordost-Iran, kommen pegmatitische Gänge und Massen verschiedener Größe vor. Unter Verwendung von etwa 40 Proben wurde ihre Geochemie und die ihres Muttergranites untersucht. Die Hauptbestandteile und Spurenelemente wurden mit Röntgenfluoreszenz und spektrographischen Methoden bestimmt. Außergewöhnlich hohe Konzentrationen an Be und Nb und Hinweise auf ihre Minerale Beryll und Columbit wurden beobachtet. Die Pegmatite dieser Gegend könnten sich folglich als potentielle Lieferanten für Be, Nb, Ta und möglicherweise Li herausstellen.

With 1 Figure  相似文献   

闪锌矿作为甲玛斑岩成矿系统远端热液流体形成的典型金属硫化物之一,也是揭示成矿流体演化和成矿作用差异的重要指示矿物。甲玛超大型铜多金属矿床是西藏冈底斯成矿带碰撞型斑岩成矿系统的典型代表,其远端成矿流体的性质有待进一步完善。甲玛矿床中闪锌矿可分为产于远端硅灰石矽卡岩型矿体中的闪锌矿(进一步分为主矿段和南坑矿段)、大理岩中Manto型矿体的闪锌矿和角岩型矿体中的闪锌矿。采用电子探针测定闪锌矿的元素组成及含量,研究结果表明,甲玛闪锌矿相对富集Fe、Mn、Cd等元素,其中,角岩型矿体中的闪锌矿的Fe和Cd含量最高,其次为硅灰石矽卡岩型矿体和大理岩中Manto矿体的闪锌矿。甲玛闪锌矿的颜色较丰富,且与Fe元素的含量具有较强相关性,颜色越偏红褐色的闪锌矿Fe含量越高,颜色越偏蓝黑色的闪锌矿Fe含量越低。距离斑岩成矿中心较近的角岩型矿体中的闪锌矿铁含量最高,形成温度最高,为中偏高温;远离斑岩成矿中心的远端硅灰石矽卡岩型矿体中闪锌矿的形成温度中等;更远端的大理岩中Manto矿体的闪锌矿形成温度最低,为中低温。距离热液成矿中心越远,闪锌矿中的Fe和Cd含量逐渐降低,形成温度越低,据此可将闪锌矿作为斑岩成矿系统判定热源和流体源的找矿标识之一。  相似文献   

Nature and origin of eclogite xenoliths from kimberlites   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
D.E. Jacob   《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):295-316
Eclogites from the Earth's mantle found in kimberlites provide important information on craton formation and ancient geodynamic processes because such eclogites are mostly Archean in age. They have equilibrated over a range of temperatures and pressures throughout the subcratonic mantle and some are diamond-bearing. Most mantle eclogites are bimineralic (omphacite and garnet) rarely with accessory rutiles. Contrary to their overall mineralogical simplicity, their broadly basaltic-picritic bulk compositions cover a large range and overlap with (but are not identical to) much younger lower grade eclogites from orogenic massifs. The majority of mantle eclogites have trace element geochemical features that require an origin from plagioclase-bearing protoliths and oxygen isotopic characteristics consistent with seawater alteration of oceanic crust. Therefore, most suites of eclogite xenoliths from kimberlites can be satisfactorily explained as samples of subducted oceanic crust. In contrast, eclogite xenoliths from Kuruman, South Africa and Koidu, Sierra Leone stem from protoliths that were picritic cumulates from intermediate pressures (1–2 Ga) and were subsequently transposed to higher pressures within the subcratonic mantle, consistent with craton growth via island arc collisions. None of the eclogite suites can be satisfactorily explained by an origin as high pressure cumulates from primary melts from garnet peridotite.  相似文献   

Summary Mineralogical characteristics of eclogite xenoliths from three kimberlite pipes (KL2, P2 and P10) of the Proterozoic Wajrakarur kimberlite field of southern India have been studied. In a rare sample of enstatite eclogite from the KL2 pipe garnet contains microscopic triangular arrays of needles or blebs of omphacite, enstatite and rutile consistent with an origin by exsolution parallel to the isometric form {111}. Discrete omphacite grains in the sample contain exsolved needles or blebs of enstatite and garnet. Kyanite eclogites are abundant in the KL2 pipe which occasionally show a secondary ring of pure celsian around kyanite grains. Omphacite Na2O contents in the eclogites of the KL2 and P2 pipes are typically between 3 and 6 wt%, and garnet has widely variable composition with end member ranges of Prp22-81Grs0-47Alm10-30Sps0-1Adr0-5Uv0-3. Eclogites of the P10 pipe comprise chromian omphacite and garnet. Phase relations in the ACF projection exhibit systematic increase of the Ca-Tschermak’s component in omphacite from enstatite eclogite through biminerallic eclogite to kyanite eclogite. Garnet-clinopyroxene Fe–Mg geothermometry yields temperatures mostly in the range of 900–1100 °C. A formerly supersilicic nature of garnet in enstatite eclogite as inferred from exsolution mineralogy indicates minimum peak pressure of 5 GPa.  相似文献   

Z.V. Spetsius   《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):525-538
Highly aluminous xenoliths include kyanite-, corundum- and coesite-bearing eclogites, grospydites and alkremites. These xenoliths are present in different kimberlites of Yakutia but have most often been found in Udachnaya and other pipes of the central Daldyn–Alakitsky region. Kimberlites of this field also contain eclogite-like xenoliths with kyanite and corundum that originate in the lower crust or the lower crust–upper mantle transition zone. Petrographic study shows that two rock groups of different structure and chemistry can be distinguished among kyanite eclogites: fine- to medium-grained with mosaic structure and coarse-grained with cataclastic structure. Eclogites with mosaic structure are characterized by the occurrences of symplectite intergrowths of garnet with kyanite, clinopyroxene and coesite; only in this group do grospydites occur. In cataclastic eclogites, coarse-grained coesite occurs, corresponding in size to other rock-forming minerals. Highly aluminous xenoliths differ from bimineralic eclogites in their high content of Al2O3 and total alkali content. Coesite-bearing varieties are characterized by low MgO content and higher Na/K and Fe2+/Fe3+ ratios, as well as high contents of Na2O. Geochemical peculiarities of kyanite eclogites and other rocks are exhibited by a sloping chondrite-normalized distribution of rare earth elements (REE) in garnets and low Y/Zr ratio, in contrast to bimineralic rocks. Coesite is found in more than 20 kyanite eclogites and grospydites from Udachnaya. Grospydites with coesite from Zagadochnaya pipe are described. Three varieties of coesite in these rocks are distinguished: (a) subhedral grains with size of 1.0–3.0 mm; (b) inclusions in the rock-forming minerals; (c) sub-graphic intergrowths with garnet. The presence and preservation of coesite in eclogites indicate both high pressure of formation (more than 30 kbar) and set a number of constraints on the timing of xenolith cooling during entrainment and transport to the surface. Different ways of formation of the highly aluminous eclogites are discussed. Petrographic observations and geochemistry suggest that some highly aluminous rocks have formed as a result of crystallization of anorthosite rocks in abyssal conditions. δ18O-estimations and other petrologic evidence point out the possible origin of some of these xenoliths as the result of subduction of oceanic crust. Diamondiferous samples have been found in all varieties except alkremites. Usually these eclogites contain cubic or coated diamonds. However, two sample corundum-bearing eclogites with diamonds from the Udachnaya pipe contain octahedra that show evidence of resorption.  相似文献   

Several spindle-shaped grains of zircon, which have a small size (<0.25 mm) and a distinct purplish pink coloration were found in the crushed samples of kimberlites from the Aykhal, Komsomolskaya-Magnitnaya, Botuobinskaya (Siberian platform), and Nyurbinskaya (Yakutia) pipes and olivine lamproites of the Khani massif (West Aldan). U-Pb SHRIMP II zircon dating performed at the VSEGEI Center for Isotopic Research yielded the ages of 1870–1890 Ma for the pipes of the Western province (Aykhal and Komsomolskaya) and 2200–2750 Ma for the pipes of the eastern province (Nyurbinskaya and Botuobinskaya), which allowed us to consider these zircons to be xenogenic to kimberlites. Although these zircons resemble in their age and color those from the granulite xenoliths in the Udachnaya pipe [2], no other granulite minerals are found there. Thus, major geological events in the mantle and lower crust, which led to the formation of zircon-bearing rocks, happened at 1800–1900 Ma in the northern part of the kimberlite province, whereas in the Eastern part of the province (Nakyn field) these events were much older (2220–2700 Ma). It is known that the period of 1800–1900 Ma in the Earth’s history was accompanied by intense tectonic movements and widespread alkaline-carbonatite magmatism. This magmatism was related to plume activity responsible for overheating the large portions of the mantle to the temperatures at which some diamonds in mantle rocks would burn (northern part of the kimberlite province). In the Nakyn area, the mantle underwent few or no geological processes at that time, and perhaps for this reason this area hosts more diamondiferous kimberlites. The age of olivine lamproites from the Khani massif is 2672–2732 Ma. Thus, these are some of the world’s oldest known K-alkaline rocks.  相似文献   

The magnetic fractions of ilmenite from the beach placer deposit of Chavara, southwest India have been studied for mineralogical and chemical composition to assess the range of their physical and chemical variations with weathering. Chavara deposit represents a highly weathered and relatively homogenous concentration. Significant variation in composition has been documented with alteration. The most magnetic of the fractions of ilmenite, separated at 0.15 Å, and with a susceptibility of 3.2 × 10?6 m3 kg?1, indicates the presence of haematite–ilmenite intergrowth. An iron-poor, titanium-rich component of the ilmenite ore has been identified from among the magnetic fractions of the Chavara ilmenite albeit with an undesirably high Nb2O5 (0.28%), Cr2O3 (0.23%) and Th (149 ppm) contents. The ilmenite from Chavara is compared with that from the nearby Manavalakurichi deposit of similar geological setting and provenance. The lower ferrous iron oxide (2.32–14.22%) and higher TiO2 (56.31–66.45%) contents highlight the advanced state of alteration of Chavara. This is also evidenced by the relatively higher Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio compared to Manavalakurichi ilmenite. In fact, the ilmenite has significantly been converted to pseudorutile/leucoxene.  相似文献   

Two samples of Pliocene lignites from the Ptolemais basin of Greece, one from the upper and one from the lower lignite seams, were heated and dried in air at 50°C intervals from 50 to 1200°C. The two lignite samples initially contained the same minerals, namely calcite, dolomite, quartz, kaolinite, illite, pyrite and gypsum, but in different proportions. The lignite sample from the upper lignite seam is rich in Fe2O3, CaO and SO3, while that from the lower lignite seam is rich in SiO2 and Al2O3.Hematite, periclase, melilites, calcium ferrite and brownmillerite are constituents of the 1200°C lignite ash from both samples. The heating conditions and the chemistry of the samples lowered the formation temperatures of brownmillerite, which appeared in both samples at 950°C. In the Fe2O3, CaO- and SO3-rich sample, magnesioferrite is present from 850 to 1100°C and hematite appears at 300°C. In the SiO2- and Al2O3-rich sample, magnesioferrite was not detected at any temperature and hematite appeared at 600°C.Anhydrite, which normally decomposes in air at 1638°C, is the main constituent at 1150°C, on heating the lignite sample that was rich in Fe2O3, CaO and SO3. Anhydrite diminishes at 1200°C. In the SiO2- and Al2O3-rich lignite sample, anhydrite is main constituent at 1100°C, but diminishes considerably at 1150°C and decomposes at 1200°C.  相似文献   

A comparative geochemical investigation of kimberlites from the Middle Markha region and traditional diamond-bearing areas of Yakutia supported the division of kimberlites into two geochemical types. One of them includes kimberlites from the traditional diamond-bearing areas of Yakutia, and the other is represented by the kimberlites of the Middle Markha region and the rocks of the Zolotitsa field and V. Grib pipe of the Arkhangelsk province. The obtained representative parameters of the two kimberlite types indicate a sharp geochemical contrast between them, and the individual features of correlation relationships between the elements in the rocks of the two types suggest that these differences are related to fundamental genetic factors, which concern primarily the group of highly charged incompatible trace and radioactive elements. The presence of geochemically contrasting rocks within a rather uniform petrochemical association and the geochemically specialized occurrences of kimberlites and related rocks are consequences of repeated metasomatic transformations of mantle rocks under the influence of deep-derived fluids or volatiles released during the recycling of subneous source and subsequent derivation of geochemically specialized types of deep magmas showing signatures of individual mantle sources.  相似文献   

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