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The northern zone of the Chon Aike Igneous Province, located in the North Patagonian Massif, exhibits extensive outcrops of Jurassic volcanic rocks of the Marifil Formation. In the Arroyo Verde area, the initial volcanic stage of the Marifil Formation, that we denominate V0 (192.6 ± 2.5 Ma), includes coulées, megabreccias and lapilli tuffs assigned to plinian-type volcanism. This magmatism was generated by cold-wet-oxidized magmas that resemble those produced in active continental margins and volcanic arcs. The second stage, located unconformably over the first, includes welded lava-like ignimbrites, massive lapilli tuff and rhyolitic lava flow that resemble the Snake River-type volcanism. The magma that produces this volcanic stage exhibit the characteristics of hot-dry-reduced magmas emplaced in intraplate continental environments associated with continental rifting. This stage coincides with the V1 volcanic episode early recorded in the Marifil Formation.  相似文献   

The Eocene volcano-sedimentary units of Northern Anatolia are confined into a narrow zone trending parallel to the Intra Pontide and İzmir–Ankara–Erzincan sutures, along which the northern branch of the Neotethys Ocean was closed during a period between Late Maastrichtian and Paleocene. The Middle Eocene formations overlie both the imbricated and highly deformed units of the suture zone, which are Paleocene or older in age, as well as the formations of adjacent continental blocks with a regional disconformity. Therefore, they can be regarded to be post-collisional. These units are composed of subaerial to shallow marine sedimentary beds (i.e. the Örencik formation) at the base and a subaerial volcanic unit (i.e. the Hamamözü formation) in the middle and at the top. This sudden facies change from marine to subaerial environment in the Middle Eocene is a common phenomenon across northern Turkey, implying that a regional uplift event occurred possibly across the suture zone before the initiation of the volcanism during Lutetian. The Middle Eocene lavas span the whole compositional range from basalts to rhyolites and display a calc-alkaline character except for alkaline to mildly-alkaline lavas from the top of the sequence. All lavas display a distinct subduction signature. Our geochemical data indicate that calc-alkaline lavas were derived from a subduction-modified source, whereas alkaline to mildly-alkaline lavas of the late stage were possibly sourced by an enriched mantle domain. Magmas evolved in magma chambers emplaced possibly at two different crustal levels. Magmas in deeper (> 13 km) and possibly larger chambers fractionated hydrous mafic minerals (e.g. amphibole and biotite), two pyroxenes and plagioclase and assimilated a significant amount of crustal material. Intermediate to acid calc-alkaline lavas and pyroclastics were derived from these chambers. Magmas in the shallower chambers, on the other hand (~ < 12 km), crystallized anhydrous mineral assemblages, assimilated little or no crustal material and fed basic to intermediate lavas in the region. Both deep and shallow chambers were periodically replenished by mafic magmas. We argue that a slab breakoff model explains better than any alternative model (i) why the volcanism during the Middle Eocene was confined into a rather narrow belt along the suture zone, (ii) why it initiated almost contemporaneous with a regional uplift after the continental collision event, (iii) why it postdated arc volcanism along the Pontides in the north by 15–20 My, (iv) why it assimilated significant amount of crustal material, and (v) why alkalinity of lavas increased in time.  相似文献   

The continental climatic evolution of Anatolia has been reconstructed quantitatively for the last 45 million years using the coexistence approach. Although there were some regional effects, the Anatolian Cenozoic continental climate record correlated with the European climatic condition and the global oxygen isotope record from marine environments. From middle Eocene to late Miocene, continental warming in Anatolia was pronounced for inferred winter temperature and mean annual temperature as in Europe. Generally, the palaeoclimatic property of Anatolia resembles the European climatic changing and marine temperature changing based on the oxygen isotope record; however, climatic values of the terrestrial area in Anatolia are higher from Lutetian to Aquitanian and these values are lower than European values from Aquitanian to Tortonian. Correspondingly, Cenozoic climatic cooling in Anatolia is directly associated with an increase of seasonality, palaeogeographic position and terrestrial condition. Furthermore, mean annual precipitation values of Anatolia remained relatively stable during the Eocene–Oligocene; however, these values indicated changing throughout middle–late Miocene. Moreover, in this study, decline of abundance and variables for the mangrove and back mangrove palaeocommunities during the last 45 million years is recorded because of the decreasing of humidity, temperature and increasing of terrestrial condition.  相似文献   

The East Anatolian Accretionary Complex (EAAC) comprises an ideal example of post-collisional volcanism within the Africa-Eurasia collision zone. The Miocene mafic Tunceli Volcanics, as a part of this post-collisional volcanic system, are located in the western termination of EAAC. The mafic Tunceli Volcanics are characterized by mildly alkaline and tholeiitic basalts, in which olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase characterize the main mineralogy. The role of fractional crystallization (FC) and assimilation combined with fractional crystallization (AFC) processes appear to be negligible in the petrogenesis of the primitive mafic Tunceli Volcanics. Relative enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), Th and La over high field strength elements (HFSE) and heavy rare earth elements (HREE) suggest contribution from a metasomatized mantle source. The wide range of ratios displayed by these elements also calls for some asthenospheric input for the genesis of these volcanics. The metasomatizing agents can be attributed to a past subduction event, probably during the closure of Neotethys. Considering also the geophysical constraints, which limits the lithospheric thickness to about 70–75 km around the region, a melt mixing between lithospheric and asthenospheric melts generated at different depths appear to be an important process in the petrogenesis of these lavas. The combined geochemical and geophysical data, therefore, necessitate a geodynamic model with some remnant lithospheric mantle underlying the Eastern Anatolian region.  相似文献   

刘金霖  李怀滨  王建  张云峰 《岩石学报》2021,37(7):2073-2085
在大兴安岭北部的诺敏和科洛地区的新生代玄武岩中发现了尖晶石相的橄榄岩包体.地幔橄榄岩中橄榄石的Mg#说明了研究区上地幔具有部分难熔的特点.在橄榄石含量与Fo图解中,有一部分橄榄岩包体落在太古代和元古代的地幔区域,揭示了研究区的岩石圈地幔存在古老岩石圈地幔的残余.研究区方辉橄榄岩与二辉橄榄岩有显示高氧逸度值,FMQ+1....  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1768-1785

We analysed whole-rock major and trace elements and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes of the late Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the Leizhou Peninsula, South China to investigate their mantle source characteristics. These volcanic rocks, collected from Jiujiang, Tianyang and Huoju areas of the Leizhou Peninsula, are characterized by incompatible element enrichment but variable isotopic depletion. The volcanic rocks from Jiujiang and Tianyang show prominent primitive-mantle-normalized positive Nb, Ta and Sr anomalies and depleted Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope compositions, whereas those from Huoju show slight positive to negative Nb and Ta anomalies, a prominent positive Pb anomaly, and more enriched Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope compositions. Two types of mantle metasomatism are required to explain the geochemical characteristics of these rocks. The Jiujiang and Tianyang samples were largely derived from a mantle source metasomatized recently by a low-F melt. Such low-F melt is generated within the asthenospheric mantle, which is enriched in volatiles and incompatible elements with positive Sr anomaly and depleted Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope compositions. The Huoju samples were largely derived from a mantle source metasomatized by recycled upper continental crust material. These two types of mantle metasomatism beneath the Leizhou Peninsula are consistent with trace element characteristics of mantle mineralogy (e.g. clinopyroxene vs. amphibole), which reflects source evolution in space and time (e.g. tectonic setting change).  相似文献   


This paper describes the Neogene evolution of north-Western Anatolia based on geological data collected in the course of a new mapping program. The geological history of the region, as recorded by the Neogene sedimentary and magmatic rocks that overlie the Paleozoic-Triassic basement, began after a lake invasion during the Early Miocene period with the deposition of shale-dominated successions. They were accompanied by calc-alkaline intermediate lavas and pyroclastic rocks ejected through NNE trending fractures and faults. The Lower-Middle Miocene successions were deformed under a compressional regime at the end of the Middle Miocene. The deposition of the overlying Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene successions was restricted to within NE-SW trending graben basins. The graben bounding faults are oblique with a major strike-slip displacement, formed under approximately the N-S extension. The morphological irregularities formed during the Miocene graben formations were obliterated during a severe erosional phase to the end of the deposition of this lacustrine succession. The present E–W graben system as exemplified from the well-developed Edremit graben, postdates the erosional phase, which has formed during the Plio-Quaternary period. © 2001 Éditions Scientifiques et médicates Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

来自大别-苏鲁地区晚中生代镁铁质岩石表现出类似于岛弧火山岩的富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)、轻稀土元素(LREE)和相对亏损高场强元素(HFSE)的微量元素地球化学特征,和高度富集的放射成因Sr(ISr:0.7065~0.7090)和低放射成因Nd(εNd(t)=-19~-10)的同位素组成;同时它们显示出一定程度的Nb/Ta和Zr/Hf内部分馏特征,反映其地慢源区曾受到了相对富金红石和CO2的熔体交代作用。我们倾向认为深俯冲陆壳在俯冲或折返过程中发生部分熔融作用形成的熔体与地幔反应是形成大别-苏鲁地区造山带富集岩石圈地幔的重要机制。  相似文献   

The origin and geodynamic setting of the Maden Complex, which is situated in the Bitlis-Zagros Suture Zone in the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt, is still controversial due to lack of systematic geological and geochemical data. Here we present new whole rock major-trace-rare earth element and Sre Nd isotope data from the Middle Eocene volcanic rocks exposed in Maden Complex and discuss their origin in the light of new and old data. The volcanic lithologies are represented mainly by basalt and andesite, and minor dacite that vary from low-K tholeiitic, calc-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline, and shoshonitic in composition. They exhibit enrichments in large ion lithophile and light rare earth elements, with depletions in high field strength elements. Basaltic rocks have uniform Sr and Nd isotope ratios with high εNd(t) values varying from t5.5 to t6.7, in contrast to, andesitic rocks are characterized by low εNd(t) values ranging from à1.6 to à10. These geochemical and isotopic characteristics indicate that two end-members, a subduction-related mantle source and a continental crust, were involved in the magma genesis. Considering all geological and geochemical data, we suggest that the Eocene Maden magmatism occurred as a post-collisional product by asthenospheric upwelling owing to convective removal of the lithosphere during an extensional collapse of the Southeast Anatolian ranges.  相似文献   

The northern Noorabad area in western Iran contains several gabbro and basalt bodies which were emplaced along the Zagros suture zone. The basalts show pillow and flow structures with amygdaloidal textures, and the gabbroic rocks show massive and foliated structures with coarse to fine-grained textures. The SiO2 contents of the gabbros and basalts are similar and range from 46.1–51.0 wt.%, and the Al2O3 contents vary from 12.3–18.8 wt.%, with TiO2 contents of 0.4–3.0 wt.%. The Nb concentrations of some gabbros and basalts are high and can be classified as Nb-enriched arc basalts. The positive εNd(t) values (+3.7 to +9.8) and low 87Sr/86Sr(initial) ratios (0.7031–0.7071) of both bodies strongly indicate a depleted mantle source and indicate that the rocks were formed by partial melting of a depleted lithospheric mantle and interaction with slab fluids/melts. The chemical composition of trace elements, REE pattern and initial 87Sr/86Sr-143Nd/144Nd ratios show that the rocks have affinities to tholeiitic magmatic series and suggest an extensional tectonic regime over the subduction zone for the evolution of these rocks. We propose an extensional tectonic regime due to the upwelling of metasomatized mantle after the late Cretaceous collision in the Harsin-Noorabad area. These rocks can be also considered as Eocene back arc magmatic activity along the Zagros suture zone in this area.  相似文献   

在冈底斯岩浆岩带的羊八井地区,林子宗火山岩系上部出现小规模的粗面质火山岩.岩石学与地球化学研究表明粗面岩与时空密切相关的大体积安山质-英安质-流纹质火山岩属于不同的火山岩系:碱性钾质系列与钙碱性系列.详细的地球化学研究证明林子宗晚期小体积钾质岩具有独立的岩浆源区,而非早期钙碱性系统低压岩浆过程演化的产物.粗面质熔岩SiO2含量为62.91%~64.63%,具有高K2O(7.52%~8.05%)、Al2O3(16.64%-17.35%)、低TiO2(0.59%~0.68%)与MsO(0.15%~0.77%).钾质熔岩富集LILE与LREE,亏损HFSE,具有高Rb/Sr(1.1~2.3)、Th/La(0.59~0.80)、Th/U(6.3~10.9)和低Ce/Pb(4.1~6.2)与Ba/Th(4.3~14.5)比值,其同位素组成变化范围分别是87Sr/86Sr(I)=0.7068~0.7075、143Nd/144Nd(I)=0.51241~0.51252、206Pb/204Pb=18.87~18.95、207Pb/204Pb=15.63~15.70和208Pb/204Pb=39.24~39.68.粗面岩的地球化学与同位素特征表明冈底斯新近纪钾质火山岩来源于角闪岩相的消减沉积物熔融.因此,羊八井新近纪钾质火山熔岩提供了印度-亚洲大陆碰撞早期消减沉积物折返的证据.  相似文献   

Here we present new data on the major and trace element compositions of silicate and oxide minerals from mantle xenoliths brought to the surface by the Carolina kimberlite, Pimenta Bueno Kimberlitic Field, which is located on the southwestern border of the Amazonian Craton. We also present Sr-Nd isotopic data of garnet xenocrysts and whole-rocks from the Carolina kimberlite. Mantle xenoliths are mainly clinopyroxenites and garnetites. Some of the clinopyroxenites were classified as GPP–PP–PKP (garnet-phlogopite peridotite, phlogopite-peridotite, phlogopite-K-richterite peridotite) suites, and two clinopyroxenites (eclogites) and two garnetites are relicts of an ancient subducted slab. Temperature and pressure estimates yield 855–1102 °C and 3.6–7.0 GPa, respectively. Clinopyroxenes are enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE) (LaN/YbN = 5–62; CeN/SmN = 1–3; where N = primitive mantle normalized values), they have high Ca/Al ratios (10–410), low to medium Ti/Eu ratios (742–2840), and low Zr/Hf ratios (13–26), which suggest they were formed by metasomatic reactions with CO2-rich silicate melts. Phlogopite with high TiO2 (>2.0 wt.%), Al2O3 (>12.0 wt.%), and FeOt (5.0–13.0 wt.%) resemble those found in the groundmass of kimberlites, lamproites and lamprophyres. Conversely, phlogopite with low TiO2 (<1.0 wt.%) and lower Al2O3 (<12.0 wt.%) are similar to those present in GPP-PP-PKP, and in MARID (mica-amphibole-rutile-ilmenite-diopside) and PIC (phlogopite-ilmenite-clinopyorxene) xenoliths. The GPP-PP-PKP suite of xenoliths, together with the clinopyroxene and phlogopite major and trace element signatures suggests that an intense proto-kimberlite melt metasomatism occurred in the deep cratonic lithosphere beneath the Amazonian Craton. The Sr-Nd isotopic ratios of pyrope xenocrysts (G3, G9 and G11) from the Carolina kimberlite are characterized by high 143Nd/144Nd (0.51287–0.51371) and εNd (+4.55 to +20.85) accompanied with enriched 87Sr/86Sr (0.70405–0.71098). These results suggest interaction with a proto-kimberlite melt compositionally similar with worldwide kimberlites. Based on Sr-Nd whole-rock compositions, the Carolina kimberlite has affinity with Group 1 kimberlites. The Sm-Nd isochron age calculated with selected eclogitic garnets yielded an age of 291.9 ± 5.4 Ma (2 σ), which represents the cooling age after the proto-kimberlite melt metasomatism. Therefore, we propose that the lithospheric mantle beneath the Amazonian Craton records the Paleozoic subduction with the attachment of an eclogitic slab into the cratonic mantle (garnetites and eclogites); with a later metasomatic event caused by proto-kimberlite melts shortly before the Carolina kimberlite erupted.  相似文献   

During the Late Palaeozoic Variscan Orogeny, Cambro‐Ordovician and/or Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks of the Albera Massif (Eastern Pyrenees) were subject to low‐pressure/high‐temperature (LPHT) regional metamorphism, with the development of a sequence of prograde metamorphic zones (chlorite‐muscovite, biotite, andalusite‐cordierite, sillimanite and migmatite). LPHT metamorphism and magmatism occurred in a broadly compressional tectonic regime, which started with a phase of southward thrusting (D1) and ended with a wrench‐dominated dextral transpressional event (D2). D1 occurred under prograde metamorphic conditions. D2 started before the P–T metamorphic climax and continued during and after the metamorphic peak, and was associated with igneous activity. P–T estimates show that rocks from the biotite‐in isograd reached peak‐metamorphic conditions of 2.5 kbar, 400 °C; rocks in the low‐grade part of the andalusite‐cordierite zone reached peak metamorphic conditions of 2.8 kbar, 535 °C; rocks located at the transition between andalusite‐cordierite zone and the sillimanite zone reached peak metamorphic conditions of 3.3 kbar, 625 °C; rocks located at the beginning of the anatectic domain reached peak metamorphic conditions of 3.5 kbar, 655 °C; and rocks located at the bottom of the metamorphic series of the massif reached peak metamorphic conditions of 4.5 kbar, 730 °C. A clockwise P–T trajectory is inferred using a combination of reaction microstructures with appropriate P–T pseudosections. It is proposed that heat from asthenospheric material that rose to shallow mantle levels provided the ultimate heat source for the LPHT metamorphism and extensive lower crustal melting, generating various types of granitoid magmas. This thermal pulse occurred during an episode of transpression, and is interpreted to reflect breakoff of the underlying, downwarped mantle lithosphere during the final stages of oblique continental collision.  相似文献   

We discuss here the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of mafic intrusive rocks from the Nagaland-Manipur Ophiolites (NMO) of Indo-Myanmar Orogenic Belt, northeast India to define their mantle source and tectonic environment. Mafic intrusive sequence in the NMO is characterized by hornblende-free (type-I) and hornblende-bearing (type-II) rocks. The type-I is further categorized as mafic dykes (type-Ia) of tholeiitic N-MORB composition, having TiO2 (0.72–1.93 wt.%) and flat REE patterns (LaN/YbN = 0.76–1.51) and as massive gabbros (type-Ib) that show alkaline E-MORB affinity, having moderate to high Ti content (TiO2 = 1.18 to 1.45 wt.%) with strong LREE-HREE fractionations (LaN/YbN = 4.54–7.47). Such geochemical enrichment from N-MORB to E-MORB composition indicates mixing of melts derived from a depleted mantle and a fertile mantle/plume source at the spreading center. On the other hand, type-II mafic intrusives are hornblende bearing gabbros of SSZ-type tholeiitic composition with low Ti content (TiO2 = 0.54 wt.%–0.86 wt.%) and depleted LREE pattern with respect to HREE (LaN/YbN = 0.37–0.49). They also have high Ba/Zr (1.13–2.82), Ba/Nb (45.56–151.66) and Ba/Th (84.58–744.19) and U/Th ratios (0.37–0.67) relative to the primitive mantle, which strongly represents the melt composition generated by partial melting of depleted lithospheric mantle wedge contaminated by hydrous fluids derived from subducting oceanic lithosphere in a forearc setting. Their subduction related origin is also supported by presence of calcium-rich plagioclase (An16.6–32.3). Geothermometry calculation shows that the hornblende bearing (type-II) mafic rocks crystallized at temperature in range of 565°–625 °C ± 50 (at 10 kbar). Based on these available mineralogical and geochemical evidences, we conclude that mid ocean ridge (MOR) type mafic intrusive rocks from the NMO represent the section of older oceanic crust which was generated during the divergent process of the Indian plate from the Australian plate during Cretaceous period. Conversely, the hornblende-bearing gabbros (type-II) represent the younger oceanic crust which was formed at the forearc region by partial melting of the depleted mantle wedge slightly modified by the hydrous fluids released from the subducting oceanic slab during the initial stage of subduction of Indian plate beneath the Myanmar plate.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the North China craton remains poorly constrained relative to its Palaeozoic and Cenozoic counterparts due to a lack of mantle xenoliths in volcanic rocks. Available data show that the Mesozoic lithospheric mantle was distinctive in terms of its major, trace element, and isotopic compositions. The recent discovery of mantle peridotitic xenoliths in Late Cretaceous mafic rocks in the Jiaodong region provides an opportunity to further quantify the nature and secular evolution of the Mesozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the region. These peridotitic xenoliths are all spinel-facies nodules and two groups, high-Mg# and low-Mg# types, can be distinguished based on textural and mineralogical features. High-Mg# peridotites have inequigranular textures, high Mg# (up to 92.2) in olivines, and high Cr# (up to 55) in spinels. Clinopyroxenes in the high-Mg# peridotites are generally LREE-enriched ((La/Yb)N>1) with variable REE concentrations, and have enriched Sr–Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7046–0.7087; 143Nd/144Nd = 0.5121–0.5126). We suggest that the high-Mg# peridotites are fragments of the Archaean and/or Proterozoic lithospheric mantle that underwent extensive interaction with both carbonatitic and silicate melts prior to or during Mesozoic time. The low-Mg# peridotites are equigranular, are typified by low Mg# ( < 90) in olivines, and by low Cr# ( < 12) in spinels. Clinopyroxenes from low-Mg# peridotites have low REE abundances (ΣREE = 12 ppm), LREE-depleted REE patterns ((La/Yb)N < 1), and depleted Sr–Nd isotopic features, in contrast to the high-Mg# peridotites. These geochemical characteristics suggest that the low-Mg# peridotites represent samples from the newly accreted lithospheric mantle. Combined with the data of mantle xenoliths from the Junan and Daxizhuang areas, a highly heterogeneous, secular evolution of the lithosphere is inferred for the region in Late Cretaceous time.  相似文献   


Eocene intermediate to felsic plutons of different sizes and compositions are widespread in the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt in northern Turkey. Of these, the Ta?l?k Tepe pluton in the Havza (Samsun) area is fine-to-medium-grained, with granular, porphyritic, and micrographic textures, and include mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs). LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating yielded emplacement ages of 42.9 (± 1.4) and 40.5 (± 1.3) Ma for the host granodioritic pluton and the dioritic MMEs, respectively. Petrochemically, the host pluton has I-type, high-K calc-alkaline, and metaluminous-to-slightly peraluminous features (A/CNK = 0.95–1.06). The host pluton also shows geochemical features of adakite-like rocks with high SiO2 (67–68 wt%) and Al2O3 (15.5–16.0 wt%) content and Ba/La (17–23), Sr/Y (40.7–61.6), and LaN/YbN (14.4–23.7) ratios and low Y (8.2–9.9 ppm) and YbN (3.1–4.4) contents. Whole-rock major and trace element variations suggest that fractional crystallisation played a significant role in the pluton evolution. The N-MORB normalised trace element patterns of the pluton are similar to those of MMEs with enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements, Th and Ce, and negative Nb and Ti anomalies. Chondrite-normalised rare earth element plots show moderate-to-highly enriched concave patterns (LaN/LuN = 14.2–21.6) with insignificant negative Eu anomalies (EuN/Eu* = 0.86–1.14), all of which imply hornblende fractionation during magmatic evolution. The pluton samples have 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.704767 to 0.704927, 143Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.512767–0.512774, εNd values of (+2.52) – (+2.65), and δ18O values of 7.9–9.7‰. The isotopic compositions of the host pluton and MMEs are similar to I-type granitoids derived from mantle sources. The MMEs show incomplete magma mixing/mingling, representing small bodies of mafic parental magma. Combined with regional studies, these new data suggest that the parental magma of the studied adakite-like pluton was generated from the lithospheric mantle and then modified by fractional crystallisation and assimilation in a post-collisional setting.  相似文献   

迟效国  张蕊  范乐夫  王利民 《岩石学报》2017,33(10):3011-3026
近年来地震层析成像揭示出可可西里-西昆仑中新世-第四纪钾质火山岩带下方存在一个深达900km的巨型地幔低速体,空间上与新特提斯洋和印度大陆俯冲断离板片沉降形成的冷地幔下降流共存(Replumaz et al.,2010a,b),两者构成统一的地幔对流体系。研究表明,羌塘古近纪(60~34Ma)钠质玄武岩和高钾钙碱性玄武岩均以富含Ti O2、P2O5和大离子亲石元素为特征,主体具有与OIB相近的微量元素组成和弱亏损的Sr、Nd同位素特征,指示岩浆起源于软流圈的上涌熔融,但Nb、Ta的弱亏损表明岩浆源区有岩石圈地幔熔融组分的贡献。羌塘(32~26Ma)碱性钾质玄武岩与可可西里和西昆仑中新世以来喷发的钾质玄武岩的地球化学性质相近,不相容元素比值和Sr、Nd同位素组成指示岩浆起源于古俯冲地幔楔的低程度熔融。这些特征表明藏北软流圈上涌作用始于古近纪,初始上涌中心位于羌塘地体之下。计算表明藏北古近纪火山岩距离当时的印度大陆北缘的最大和最小距离约为1250km和700km,与现今可可西里地幔低速体的南、北边界与印度大陆北缘的距离相近,支持羌塘古近纪地幔上涌作用也是受藏南冷地幔下降流所驱动。青藏高原在南北缩短过程中不仅表现为软流圈自西向东挤出流动,地幔垂向对流也是其重要的运动形式,在地幔上升流形成的藏北热幔区内,地壳的水平缩短增厚与岩石圈地幔的伸展减薄呈脉动式共存。藏南冷地幔下降流和藏北热地幔上升流的持续北移是导致藏北后碰撞火山岩时空迁移的主要控制因素。  相似文献   

A combined study of major and trace elements, Nd isotopes, and U-Pb systematics has been conducted for the early Palaeoproterozoic (Sumian) volcanic rocks and granites localized in different portions of the Karelian Craton. SHRIMP dating of zircons from the Sumian basalts indicates an emplacement age of 2423 ± 31 Ma, which constrains the lower age boundary of the early Palaeoproterozoic sequence at the Karelian Craton. The early Palaeoproterozoic mafic volcanic rocks of the Karelian Craton show practically no lateral geochemical and isotope-geochemical variations. The rocks bear signs of crustal contamination, in particular Nb and Ti negative anomalies, light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, and nonradiogenic Nd isotope composition. However, some correlations between incompatible element ratios suggest that the crustal signatures were mainly inherited from mantle sources metasomatized during a previous subduction event. En route to the surface, melts presumably experienced only insignificant contamination by crustal material. Felsic rocks do not define common trends with mafic rocks and were formed independently. They exhibit higher REE contents, large-ion lithophile element (LILE) enrichment, and extremely wide variations in Nd isotope composition, which clearly demonstrates a considerable contribution of heterogeneous basement to their formation. Geochemically, the felsic rocks of the Karelian Craton correspond to A2-type granites and were formed by melting of crustal rocks in an anorogenic setting. Their possible sources are Archaean sanukitoid-type granitoids and Archaean granite gneisses. The high Yb content and pronounced Eu anomaly imply that they were generated from a garnet-free pyroxene – plagioclase source at shallow depths. By the Palaeoproterozoic, the older Vodlozero block was colder than the Central Domain, which facilitated the development of the brittle deformations and faulting and, correspondingly, rapid magma ascent to the surface without melting of crustal rocks. This resulted in the absence of felsic rocks and the formation of more primitive basalts in this area.  相似文献   

Cenozoic, post-collisional, potassic and ultrapotassic igneousrocks in the North Qiangtang, Songpan–Ganzi and NorthKunlun terranes of the northern Tibetan Plateau are distributedalong a semi-continuous, east–west-trending, volcanicbelt, which is over 1200 km in length. Spatially, there is aclose association with major strike-slip faults, thrust faultsand pull-apart basins. The ages of these magmatic rocks rangefrom 45 Ma to the present (the youngest known eruption occurredin 1951); they are shoshonitic, compositionally similar to K-richsubduction-related magmas, and range in SiO2 from 44 to 66 wt%. There is a relative enrichment of large ion lithophile elements(LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE) in the most primitivemagmatic rocks (MgO >6 wt %) in the North Qiangtang terranecompared with those in the Songpan–Ganzi and North Kunlunterranes; correspondingly, the primitive magmas have higher87Sr/86Sr and 206Pb/204Pb, and lower 143Nd/144Nd ratios in theNorth Qiangtang terrane than in the Songpan–Ganzi andNorth Kunlun terranes. The dominant factors that control thegeochemical characteristics of the magmas are an enriched asthenosphericmantle source composition, the degree of partial melting ofthis source, and the combined processes of crustal assimilationand fractional crystallization (AFC). Enrichment of the asthenosphereis considered to have occurred by incorporation of subductedsediments into the mantle wedge above a subducted slab of Indianlithosphere during India–Asia convergence. Continentallithospheric mantle, metasomatically enriched during earlierepisodes of subduction, may have also contributed a source componentto the magmas. Trace element modelling indicates that the mantlesource of the most primitive magmas in the North Qiangtang terranecontained higher amounts of subducted sediment (0·5–10%)compared with those in the Songpan–Ganzi and North Kunlunterranes (<2%). The degrees of partial melting required togenerate the primitive potassic and ultrapotassic magmas fromthe enriched mantle sources range from <0·1% to 15%in the three major basement terranes. Energy-constrained AFCmodel calculations show that the more evolved magmatic rocks(MgO <6 wt %) are the results of AFC processes in the middlecrust in the North Qiangtang terrane and the upper crust inthe Songpan–Ganzi and North Kunlun terranes. We proposethat the ultimate driving force for the generation of the post-collisionalpotassium-rich magmatism in north Tibet is the continuous northwardunderthrusting of the Indian continental lithosphere followingIndia–Asia collision. This underthrusting resulted inupwelling of hot asthenosphere beneath north Tibet, squeezedup between the advancing Indian lithosphere and the backstopof the rigid Asian continental lithosphere. Asthenospheric upwellingmay have also contributed to uplift of the northern TibetanPlateau. KEY WORDS: Tibetan Plateau; potassic and ultrapotassic magmatism; enriched asthenospheric mantle source; EC-AFC modelling; geodynamics  相似文献   


The northern Lau back-arc basin (NLB) lavas display a diverse geochemical nature caused by complex geological processes in this region. Independent component (IC) analysis was applied to investigate the nature of mantle sources in the NLB, based on a compiled geochemical data set from the NLB, central-southern Lau Basin (C-SLB), Pacific and Indian Ocean ridges, and Samoan islands. We identified three ICs in the five-dimensional space of Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios, which can account for 96.5% of the isotopic variance. The correlations between the ICs and the incompatible trace elements ratios were further used to examine the origin of these ICs. The first IC (IC1) separates Samoan islands (IC1 < ?1) from the other groups, and shows negative correlation with (La/Sm)N ratios. The second IC (IC2) discriminates mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) from Pacific (IC2 > 0) and Indian (IC2 < 0) Ocean ridges as well as the C-SLB (IC2 > 0) and NLB (IC2 < 0) lavas. IC2 correlates positively with Ba/Th ratios. The third IC (IC3) distinguishes MORBs (IC3 > 0) and back-arc basin lavas (IC3 < 0), and displays a negative correlation with Th/Nb values. On a regional scale in the NLB, there is a broad increase in IC1, IC2, and IC3 from the north to the south. Only IC3 presents obvious decrease from the west to the east, i.e. with decreasing distance from the arc. The geochemical nature and the statistical properties of these ICs suggest that IC1 is related to an enriched mantle component most likely from the nearby Samoan plume, and the IC2 corresponds to a fluid-rich component from the subducting Pacific slab. The IC3 may represent partial melt of recycled subducted sediment or recycled continental crustal materials. The geographic distribution of three ICs supports that the relatively recent mixing of Samoan plume materials with the subduction-metasomatized back-arc mantle may be responsible for the observed geochemical diversity in NLB lavas.  相似文献   

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