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Gialanella  P.R.  Heller  F.  Haag  M.  Nurgaliev  D.  Borisov  A.  Burov  B.  Jasonov  P.  Khasanov  D.  Ibragimov  S.  Zharkov  I. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1997,76(1-2):145-154
The Late Permian is characterized palaeomagnetically by the transition from the long-lasting Permo-Carboniferous reversed polarity superchron (PCRS; also called: Kiaman reversed superchron) to the subsequent Permo-Triassic mixed polarity superchron, often called Illawarra mixed polarity superchron. Many discussions have been devoted to the exact time of the onset of the Illawarra reversals. Apparently contradictory data have been obtained from magnetostratigraphic sediment successions formed in different environments in many regions of the world. These sediments have been dated using classical geological or palaeontological correlation methods without the possibility of absolute age control because volcanogenic materials are missing. Application of the local or regional stratigraphic schemes leads to difficulties and apparent diachronous age estimates of the end of the PCRS. This paper shows that in agreement with earlier investigations, the continental red beds of the Upper Permian Tatarian stage on the eastern Russian platform record the Kiaman/Illawarra boundary. The Illawarra reversal sequence measured in a type section at the Volga river can be correlated well with the corresponding polarity pattern found in the Tethyan realm if one assumes a longer duration of the Tatarian than previously suggested.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地石炭系油气调查最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
柴达木盆地石炭系是海相油气勘探的新领域,通过对柴达木盆地石炭系油气地质条件进行调查,评价其资源潜力,为该区寻找油气战略接替区提供科学依据。以柴达木盆地石炭系为主要目标,通过调查和研究,首次获得柴达木盆地石炭系油气流,在柴达木盆地古生界海相新层系油气方面取得重要发现; 综合区域调查、平衡剖面反演及镜质体反射率等分析,获取柴达木盆地主要构造运动期次; 结合盆地模拟技术,重建了石炭系埋藏史,分析了柴达木盆地德令哈坳陷石炭系烃源岩油气地化指标,研究了烃源岩生烃演化史。研究表明: 柴达木盆地德令哈坳陷石炭系烃源岩广泛发育,有机质丰度较高,埋深较大,但未发生变质,处于成熟—高成熟阶段; 德令哈坳陷石炭系埋藏史主要表现为快速埋藏期、稳定期与强烈抬升剥蚀期,新生代以来沉降史与抬升剥蚀史存在着差异; 石炭系烃源岩热演化史主要表现为“存在二次生烃,晚期生烃为主”的特点,主要受该区构造运动控制; 柴达木盆地热演化总体表现为缓慢降低的趋势,主要受控于柴达木盆地岩浆热事件与构造活动。调查分析表明,新层系石炭系油气条件良好,资源前景广阔,是柴达木盆地下一步勘探的接替层系。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地石炭系是海相油气勘探的新领域,通过对柴达木盆地石炭系油气地质条件进行调查,评价其资源潜力,为该区寻找油气战略接替区提供科学依据.以柴达木盆地石炭系为主要目标,通过调查和研究,首次获得柴达木盆地石炭系油气流,在柴达木盆地古生界海相新层系油气方面取得重要发现;综合区域调查、平衡剖面反演及镜质体反射率等分析,获取柴达木盆地主要构造运动期次;结合盆地模拟技术,重建了石炭系埋藏史,分析了柴达木盆地德令哈坳陷石炭系烃源岩油气地化指标,研究了烃源岩生烃演化史.研究表明:柴达木盆地德令哈坳陷石炭系烃源岩广泛发育,有机质丰度较高,埋深较大,但未发生变质,处于成熟—高成熟阶段;德令哈坳陷石炭系埋藏史主要表现为快速埋藏期、稳定期与强烈抬升剥蚀期,新生代以来沉降史与抬升剥蚀史存在着差异;石炭系烃源岩热演化史主要表现为"存在二次生烃,晚期生烃为主"的特点,主要受该区构造运动控制;柴达木盆地热演化总体表现为缓慢降低的趋势,主要受控于柴达木盆地岩浆热事件与构造活动.调查分析表明,新层系石炭系油气条件良好,资源前景广阔,是柴达木盆地下一步勘探的接替层系.  相似文献   

In the eastern Midland Valley of Scotland non-skeletal carbonate buildup complexes are present in the Charlestown Main Limestone (Brigantian), a thin marine carbonate unit within a lower Carboniferous basin fill otherwise dominated by fluvio-deltaic sediments and volcanics. The buildups are restricted geographically to West Lothian and Central Fife and correspond to an area of reduced subsidence, the Burntisland High. Buildup geometry and local facies mosaics reflect the relative water depth and position on the Burntisland High that, because of its slight topographical relief and more distal position with respect to the location of fluvio-deltaic systems, became an area of increased carbonate productivity and hence a locus for buildup development. Away from the Burntisland High, in the Fife-Midlothian Low, more monotonous argillaceous limestone facies, of low energy and somewhat deeper water aspect, accumulated. Buildup facies contain a diverse marine fauna and are characterized by peloidal, clotted and homogeneous micrites interpreted as predominantly microbial in origin. Two types of buildup complex occur. At Charlestown, vertically stacked, tabular banks (up to 2 m thick and 100 m wide) form the western margin of an asymmetric buildup accumulation. East of this margin a complex mosaic of isolated low relief buildups and inter-buildup sediments was deposited. Skeletal sand shoals present within these inter-buildup sediments indicate that high energy conditions prevailed during buildup growth. In contrast, at Roscobie, inter-buildup sediments are of low energy aspect and buildup geometry is domical rather than tabular. Initiated in slightly deeper and calmer water on the flank of the Burntisland High, the Roscobie buildups (up to 15 m thick and 46 m wide) accreted vertically, rather than laterally as at Charlestown, and coalesced to form an elongate ridge-shaped buildup complex.  相似文献   

The generalized eustatic and tectonoeustatic models developed by the author are tested on Lower Cretaceous deposits of the eastern part of the Russian Plate. The models are applicable to facies analysis of sections of epicontinental basins with mainly slope sedimentation. They demonstrate possible variations in section lithology depending on the rate of eustatic changes and the intensity and direction of epeirogenic movements. It has been revealed that the Lower Cretaceous sections in the east of the Russian Platform formed as a result of the synchronous global eustasy and regional epeirogeny. Superposition of the global eustatic curve onto the Lower Cretaceous chronostratigraphic chart of the eastern part of the platform showed that global eustasy, periodically concealed by regional epeirogeny, played a crucial role in the Early Cretaceous history of the study area. Regional epeirogenic and eustatic curves were constructed. The epeirogenic curve demonstrates the contribution of vertical tectonic movements to the overall eustatic-epeirogenic result recorded on a regional eustatic curve. The latter was constructed from the analysis of the spatial and temporal changes in the stratigraphic position of formations and strata and transgressive surfaces ranking. Eustatic cycles of different ranks, from elementary (systems tracts) to regional scale, have been recognized. In the rank of largest lithostratigraphic units, three sequences are revealed: Valanginian (RP-1K), Upper Hauterivian–Upper Aptian (RP-2K), and Albian (RP-3K), which reflect the crucial stages of the Early Cretaceous evolution of the eastern Russian Plate. The eustatic-epeirogenic processes during accumulation of formations and strata from Early Berriasian to Late Albian (145.5–99.6 Ma) are considered. It is shown that the division of the studied composite section into sequences permits precise prediction of diverse solid minerals.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地石炭系露头、钻井资料均揭示,其为海相沉积烃源岩,且石炭系泥页岩气展现出良好的勘探前景。对柴达木盆地东部石炭系泥页岩沉积环境、有机质丰度、类型和演化程度进行综合评价,利用野外露头、探井、地震、非震等资料证实了石炭系的残留及分布。研究认为,柴东地区石炭系泥页岩主要集中在上石炭统滨岸潮坪沉积的克鲁克组,发育炭质泥页岩、暗色泥岩2种烃源岩,有机碳均值为3.08%,有机质类型为Ⅱ—Ⅲ型,处于成熟-高成熟演化阶段,73%的样品达到中等-好烃源岩。平面上主要分布于尕丘、欧南、霍布逊和德令哈凹陷,分隔性较强,具有多个厚度中心,其中以欧南凹陷石灰沟地区和霍布逊凹陷落实程度高、资源潜力大,是泥页岩气最有利的发育区。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地石炭系露头、钻井资料均揭示,其为海相沉积烃源岩,且石炭系泥页岩气展现出良好的勘探前景。对柴达木盆地东部石炭系泥页岩沉积环境、有机质丰度、类型和演化程度进行综合评价,利用野外露头、探井、地震、非震等资料证实了石炭系的残留及分布。研究认为,柴东地区石炭系泥页岩主要集中在上石炭统滨岸潮坪沉积的克鲁克组,发育炭质泥页岩、暗色泥岩2种烃源岩,有机碳均值为3.08%,有机质类型为Ⅱ-Ⅲ型,处于成熟-高成熟演化阶段,73%的样品达到中等-好烃源岩。平面上主要分布于尕丘、欧南、霍布逊和德令哈凹陷,分隔性较强,具有多个厚度中心,其中以欧南凹陷石灰沟地区和霍布逊凹陷落实程度高、资源潜力大,是泥页岩气最有利的发育区。  相似文献   

贵州下石炭统旧司组页岩气地质特征及有利区优选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
贵州下石炭统旧司组作为页岩气新区新层系勘探重点,近年来虽开展了大量的页岩气地质调查工作,但勘探效果甚微。本文在大量露头、钻井和测试分析资料的基础上,对其页岩空间展布特征、地球化学特征、页岩气储集特征和含气性特征进行详细分析,发现旧司组主要沉积于台盆和泻湖环境,黔西南地区干酪根类型主要为Ⅱ1和Ⅱ2型,在黔南地区主要为Ⅰ型,TOC主要分布于1%~2%。Ro值主要分布于1%~2.5%,区内热液矿物或温泉的影响不具区域性。页岩中石英含量多>40%。旧司组下段页岩孔隙以宏孔为主,上段页岩孔隙呈中、宏孔并存。孔隙度主要分布2.0%~10.0%,储集性能中等。黔南地区目标层含气性良好,以吸附气为主。黔西南地区目标层以游离气为主,其含气性受断裂和目标层所处应力状态控制。在此分析基础上,结合勘探实践经验,采用综合信息叠合法初步优选出:望谟-紫云-罗甸、罗甸-克度和蟠龙-勺米3个有利勘探区,有利区面积约为1 448 km2。  相似文献   

东北地区是中国重要的石油天然气生产基地,多年来一直是国内主力油气供应区,但随着松辽盆地油气勘探难度逐渐增大,勘探与开发成本增高,目前亟需新的油气接替区为油气上产和可持续发展提供接替领域和资源保障。松辽盆地外围东部发育39个沉积盆地,规模大小不一,油气勘探潜力较大,已成为东北地区油气勘探的重要领域之一。笔者对松辽外围东部地区的石油地质概况和油气勘探现状进行了分析总结,结合近年来油气基础地质调查工作的进展,提出了东北东部地区油气调查新方向,包括吉林东部地区白垩系页岩油气勘探、三江盆地浅层中新生界生物气勘探、三江地区早中生界海相硅质岩勘探、三江地区上古生界油气勘探,为未来东北东部地区油气资源调查与勘探的部署提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The classification of the tribe Bereselleae of the family Dasycladaceae is discussed in some detail. The genera Beresella, Samarella and Dvinella are placed in the tribe with Trinodella, being treated as a subgenus of Dvinella. A number of new species are described: four in Beresella, six in Dvinella subgenus Dvinella and two in Dvinella subgenus Trinodella. The stratigraphic occurrence of the tribe in the Carboniferous at a number of localities on the Russian Platform is represented and a strong generic-facies association is pointed out. A pattern of variation in morphological form with sediment type is also discussed. — W. Adey.  相似文献   

<正>1研究目的(Objective)三江盆地位于黑龙江省东北部三江平原,盆地呈北东方向延伸,其油气勘探工作始于1959年,但目前还未取得油气勘探突破。中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心在三江盆地开展了油气基础地质调查,主要紧抓"四新"(新区、新领域、新层系、新类型),进行油气基础地质条件的研究。  相似文献   

云南保山地区的下石炭统   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王向东  朱夔玉 《地层学杂志》1993,17(4):241-255,T002
<正> 云南保山地区下石炭统及其生物群曾引起许多学者的兴趣(Reed l927;王鸿桢,1945;段丽兰,1973,1985;宋学良,1982;金玉玕、方润森,1983;杨宗仁,1983;陈重泰,1984;陈根保,1984;金苏华,1992),其主要原因在于丰富而特殊的生物类群,悬而未决的地层问题以及独特的生物地理位置。本文以4条剖面(图1)为基础,依据多门类的生物化石对诸如本区杜内/维宪阶界线、Siphonophyllia-Keyserlingophyllum(Humboldtia)动物群的时代、冷水(凉水)珊瑚动物群、岩石地层单位等问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

金军  秦勇  易同生  高为  颜智华  李耿 《地质论评》2023,69(5):1879-1891
水页1井未压裂煤系高产气流的偶然发现,昭示黔西北威宁及其邻区下石炭统祥摆组可能成为我国西南局部地区煤系气勘查新层系。然而,该区祥摆组前期煤系气地质调查有限,关于资源条件和前景区的认识存在一定差异,且对煤系特点考虑不足。鉴于此,基于近期地质调查进展,结合前人基础地质研究成果,探讨了威宁及其邻区祥摆组煤系气地质条件和勘查前景。结果显示,威宁地区祥摆组是一套典型的薄互层煤系,下段潮坪—潟湖相煤系气显示强烈,但煤系储层总体上具有低孔特低渗的特征。单井研究发现,随埋深加大,祥摆组储层吸附气含量存在一个“临界深度”,一旦超过该深度,煤系页岩吸附甲烷含量快速增高,煤层吸附甲烷含量开始降低但其游离气含量可能增大,导致总含气量可能明显增大。综合分析认为,威宁地区祥摆组在埋深大于1500 m之后可能具有综合开发价值,龙街、羊场、海改地、二都、天星洞、玉龙6个深向斜是下一步勘查的重点构造单元,往东可扩展到黔西地区格目底、晴隆、朗岱等较大规模深向斜构造。同时,逆冲推覆构造对祥摆组煤系气保存条件的影响值得高度关注。基于上述分析,提出了落实祥摆组煤系气勘查战略选区的5条原则性建议。  相似文献   

南海油气资源储量巨大,近年来周边国家对该海域油气资源的争夺日益白热化,南海领土及油气资源归属的矛盾日益突出,及时监测海上油气钻井平台的分布及其变化状况,对维护国家海洋权益和海洋资源环境保护具有重要意义.针对南海油气钻井平台的监测问题,从遥感影像的数据源选择和识别方法2个方面对近年来南海油气钻井平台的遥感监测情况进行了分...  相似文献   

Trends in landslide occurrence in Nepal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nepal is a mountainous, less developed kingdom that straddles the boundary between the Indian and Himalayan tectonic plates. In Nepal, landslides represent a major constraint on development, causing high levels of economic loss and substantial numbers of fatalities each year. There is a general consensus that the impacts of landslides in countries such as Nepal are increasing with time, but until now there has been little or no quantitative data to support this view, or to explain the causes of the increases. In this paper, a database of landslide fatalities in Nepal has been compiled and analysed for the period 1978–2005. The database suggests that there is a high level of variability in the occurrence of landslides from year to year, but that the overall trend is upward. Analyses of the trends in the data suggest that there is a cyclicity in the occurrence of landslide fatalities that strongly mirrors the cyclicity observed in the SW (summer) monsoon in South Asia. Perhaps surprisingly the relationship is inverse, but this is explained through an inverse relationship between monsoon strength and the amount of precipitation in the Hill District areas of Nepal. It is also clear that in recent years the number of fatalities has increased dramatically over and above the effects of the monsoon cycle. Three explanations are explored for this: land-use change, the effects of the ongoing civil war in Nepal, and road building. It is concluded that a major component of the generally upward trend in landslide impact probably results from the rural road-building programme, and its attendant changes to physical and natural systems.  相似文献   

新疆准噶尔盆地东缘克拉美丽地区双井子剖面滴水泉组孢粉组合中有孢粉化石29属30种,具环孢占优势,含量为57.9%,其中Crassispora(23.6%)、Stenozonotriletes(14.3%)的含量最高;无环孢居次,含量为34.5%,以Punctatisporites(12%)和Eeiotriletes(7.1%)为主。地质时代为早石炭世晚期,可能属韦宪期早期,大致相当于甘肃靖远臭牛沟组下段Ⅰ孢子组合带和西欧的Pu孢子组合带。当时为亚热带温暖湿润气候。  相似文献   

金军  秦勇  易同生  高为  颜智华  李耿 《地质论评》2023,69(2):2023020033-2023020033
水页1井未压裂煤系高产气流的偶然发现,昭示黔西北威宁及其邻区下石炭统祥摆组可能成为我国西南局部地区煤系气勘查新层系。然而,该区祥摆组前期煤系气地质调查有限,关于资源条件和前景区的认识存在一定差异,且对煤系特点考虑不足。鉴于此,基于近期地质调查进展,结合前人基础地质研究成果,探讨了威宁及其邻区祥摆组煤系气地质条件和勘查前景。结果显示,威宁地区祥摆组是一套典型的薄互层煤系,下段潮坪—潟湖相煤系气显示强烈,但煤系储层总体上具有低孔特低渗的特征。单井研究发现,随埋深加大,祥摆组储层吸附气含量存在一个“临界深度”,一旦超过该深度,煤系页岩吸附甲烷含量快速增高,煤层吸附甲烷含量开始降低但其游离气含量可能增大,导致总含气量可能明显增大。综合分析认为,威宁地区祥摆组在埋深大于1500 m之后可能具有综合开发价值,龙街、羊场、海改地、二都、天星洞、玉龙6个深向斜是下一步勘查的重点构造单元,往东可扩展到黔西地区格目底、晴隆、朗岱等较大规模深向斜构造。同时,逆冲推覆构造对祥摆组煤系气保存条件的影响值得高度关注。基于上述分析,提出了落实祥摆组煤系气勘查战略选区的5条原则性建议。  相似文献   

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