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Zircon U–Pb dating of two samples of metagabbro from the Riwanchaka ophiolite yielded early Carboniferous ages of 354.4 ± 2.3 Ma and 356.7 ± 1.9 Ma. Their positive zircon εHf(t) values (+7.9 to +9.9) indicate that these rocks were derived from a relatively depleted mantle. The metagabbros can be considered as two types: R1 and R2. Both types are tholeiitic, with depletion of high-field-strength elements (HFSE) and enrichment of large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) similar to those of typical back-arc basin basalts (BABB), such as Mariana BABB and East Scotia Ridge BABB. Geochemical and isotopic characteristics indicate that the R1 metagabbro originated from a back-arc basin spreading ridge with addition of slab-derived fluids, whereas the R2 metagabbro was derived from a back-arc basin mantle source, with involvement of melts and fluids from subducted ocean crust. The Riwanchaka ophiolite exhibits both mid-ocean ridge basalts- and arc-like geochemical affinities, consistent with coeval ophiolites from central Qiangtang. Observations indicate that the Qiangtang ophiolites developed during the Late Devonian–early Carboniferous (D3–C1) in a back-arc spreading ridge above an intra-oceanic subduction zone. Based on our data and previous studies, we propose that an oceanic back-arc basin system existed in the Longmuco–Shuanghu–Lancang Palaeo-Tethys Ocean during the D3–C1 period.  相似文献   

西藏羌北地区石炭纪■类动物群是笔者等于2004年首次发现的,并将动物群所在层位建立了瓦垄山组,该套地层中产大量的■类化石,种属多,分布连续。经研究,自下而上建立6个■类化石带:(1)Eosta ffella mosquensis带,(2)Millerella-Eostaf fella带,(3)Pseudostaf fella-Eostaf fella带,(4)Pro-fusuliena带,(5)Fusulina-Fusulinella带,(6)Protriticites-Triticites带。该套含竹蜓类化石地层的发现,为研究羌北地区晚古生代构造活动提供了信息,也为研究该区石炭纪地层、古生物、生物古地理、区域性地层划分和对比提供了依据。  相似文献   

西藏羌北地区石炭纪(竹蜓)类动物群是笔者等于2004年首次发现的,并将动物群所在层位建立了瓦垄山组,该套地层中产大量的(竹蜓)类化石,种属多,分布连续.经研究,自下而上建立6个(竹蜓)类化石带:(1)Eostaffella mosquensis带,(2)Millerella-Eostaffella带,(3)Pseudostaffella-Eostaffella带,(4)Profusuliena带,(5)Fusulina-Fusulinella带,(6)Protriticites-Triticites带.该套含(竹蜓)类化石地层的发现,为研究羌北地区晚古生代构造活动提供了信息,也为研究该区石炭纪地层、古生物、生物古地理、区域性地层划分和对比提供了依据.  相似文献   

西藏羌北地区石炭纪地层的发现   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西藏羌北地区从未发现过有可靠化石依据的石炭纪地层。在西藏1∶25万玛依岗日幅区域地质调查中,于原侏罗系分布区内,发现了一套厚度大于298·05m的以碳酸盐岩为主夹碎屑岩地层。碳酸盐岩中含丰富的Eostaffella、Pseudoendothyra、Milleralla、Ozawainella、Pseudostaffella、Profusulinella、Fusulina、Fusulinella、Triticites、Protricites等,属于典型的石炭纪分子。虽未见顶、底,但它是羌北地层分区的唯一一处有可靠化石依据的石炭纪地层,故建立瓦垄山组(C1-2w)。  相似文献   

藏北羌塘早古生代岩浆作用及其构造演化对研究青藏高原早期演化历史以及羌塘盆地基底性质结构等具有重要科学意义。本文在综述前人研究基础上,系统总结了藏北羌塘地区早古生代岩浆岩的时空分布特征及年代学格架,初步探讨了青藏高原早古生代构造-岩浆事件对冈瓦纳大陆北缘构造演化以及羌塘盆地基底属性的约束。羌塘地区早古生代岩浆岩主要分布在日湾茶卡、都古尔、戈木日、本松错等地区,岩性以变质辉长岩、变质玄武岩、安山岩、花岗岩、变质流纹岩以及花岗片麻岩等为主。基于区域地质调查和年代学研究结果,羌塘地区早古生代发生了多期岩浆作用,分别为~500 Ma、~482 Ma、~474 Ma、~455 Ma、~438 Ma。这些岩浆岩可能是泛非造山运动结束后,冈瓦纳大陆北缘岩石圈伸展减薄的产物,并构成了羌南-保山板块早古生代的结晶基底,但有关伸展减薄的机制问题仍需开展进一步的研究工作,这些地质记录对恢复和反演青藏高原冈瓦纳大陆北缘的陆缘性质具有重要约束意义。  相似文献   

The central–south domain of the Tibet Plateau represents an important part of the northern segment of Gondwana during the early Paleozoic. Here we present zircon U–Pb, Lu–Hf isotope, and whole–rock geochemical data from a suite of early Paleozoic magmatic rocks from the central Tibet Plateau, with a view to gain insights into the nature and geotectonic evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana. Zircon grains in four granitic rocks yielded ages of 532−496 Ma with negative εHf(t) values (−13.7 to −0.6). Zircon grains in meta–basalt and mafic gneiss yielded ages of 512 ± 5 Ma and 496 ± 6 Ma, respectively. Geochemically, the granitic rocks belong to high–K calc–alkaline and shoshonitic S–type granite suite, with the protolith derived from the partial melting of ancient crustal components. The mafic gneiss and meta–basalt geochemically resemble OIB (Oceanic Island Basalt) and E–MORB (Enriched Mid–Ocean Ridge Basalt), respectively. They were derived from low degree (∼5–10%) partial melting of an enriched mantle (garnet and spinel lherzolite) that was contaminated by upper crustal components. The parental magmas experienced orthopyroxene–dominated fractional crystallization. Sedimentological features of the Cambrian–Ordovician formations indicate that the depositional cycle transformed from marine regression to transgression leading to the formation of parallel/angular unconformities between the Cambrian and Ordovician strata. The hiatus associated with these unconformities are coupled with the peak of the early Paleozoic magmatism in Tibet Plateau, indicating a tectonic control. We conclude that the Cambrian–Ordovician magmatic suite and sedimentary rocks formed in an extensional setting, and we correlate this with the post–peak stage of the Pan–African orogeny. The post–collision setting associated with delamination, orogenic collapse or lithospheric extension along the northern margin of Gondwana, can account for the Cambrian–Ordovician magmatism and sedimentation, rather than oceanic subduction along the external margin. We thus infer a passive margin setting for the northern Gondwana during the Early Paleozoic.  相似文献   

武桂春  姚建新  纪占胜 《地质通报》2009,28(09):1276-1280
北羌塘中部晚石炭世地层,尤其是晚石炭世晚期地层是否存在,长期以来缺少确凿的古生物化石证据。1∶25万区域地质调查工作对该区石炭系的研究取得了突破,建立了瓦垄山组,划分了6个 类化石带,时代为早石炭世晚期至晚石炭世晚期,但缺少Protriticites与Triticites之间的Montiparus带。针对这一问题,对瓦垄山组命名剖面北侧的剖面进行了测制,发现了丰富的Montiparus属和Triticites属的分子,从而为北羌塘中部晚石炭世晚期地层的存在提供了翔实确切的 类化石证据。  相似文献   

武桂春  姚建新  纪占胜 《地质通报》2009,28(9):1276-1280
北羌塘中部晚石炭世地层,尤其是晚石炭世晚期地层是否存在,长期以来缺少确凿的古生物化石证据。1∶25万区域地质调查工作对该区石炭系的研究取得了突破,建立了瓦垄山组,划分了6个 类化石带,时代为早石炭世晚期至晚石炭世晚期,但缺少Protriticites与Triticites之间的Montiparus带。针对这一问题,对瓦垄山组命名剖面北侧的剖面进行了测制,发现了丰富的Montiparus属和Triticites属的分子,从而为北羌塘中部晚石炭世晚期地层的存在提供了翔实确切的 类化石证据。  相似文献   

藏北羌塘南部发现早古生代地层及意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
藏北羌塘南部地区沿龙木错-双湖缝合带南侧发育大面积的变质岩系, 此前统称为阿木岗群.由于没有发现古生物化石, 时代归属争议很大.有人依缝合带以北查桑地区有未变质的含古生物化石泥盆系出露为据, 将该套变质岩系时代归属前泥盆纪, 多数人是根据所测同位素年龄值, 确定其时代为前震旦系.2003—2004年我们在玛依岗日一带变质岩系上部采获大量鹦鹉螺类和笔石类化石, 经研究确定时代属中、晚奥陶世-志留纪.在羌塘南部地区发现有可靠化石依据的早古生代地层存在尚属首次.为该岩系的时代归属、地层划分及与邻区对比提供了古生物证据, 也为研究该区岩相古地理、大地构造格局提供了可靠资料.   相似文献   

The high-pressure metamorphic belt (HPMB) of eciogite-blueschist in Central Qiangtang (羌塘) lies in the Longmu Co (龙木错)-Shuanghu (双湖) suture zone. To the west, the HPMB extends 500 km from Hongjishan (红脊山) to Caiduochaka (才多茶卡), east of Shuanghu; to the east it extends to Baqing (巴青) and Jitang (吉塘) in Qamdo (昌都), and then bends southward to Yunnan (云南)Province. Including the Lancangjiang (澜沧江) blueschist belt, the entire HPMB is about 2 000 km long. In Central Qiangtang, the belt is mainly composed of blueschist and eclogite, whereas in West Yunnan it contains only blueschist. The Baqing-Jitang segment is dominated by garnet phengite schist. 40Ar-39Ar dating of giaucophane and phengite from the blueschists yielded plateau ages ranging from 223 to 215 Ma, whereas SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircon from the eclogites gives metamorphic ages of 243-217 Ma. The calculated metamorphic conditions for the blueschists are 410-460℃ and 0.67-0.75 GPa, and for the eclogites, <500 ℃ and 1.56-2.35 GPa. The metamorphic ages suggest that the Longmu Co-Shuanghu suture closed in the Late Triassic. The region south of the Longmu Co-Shuanghu-Laneang suture consists of the pan-African basement overlain by Gondwana sedimentary and meta-sedimentary rocks, whereas the region north of the suture is dominated by the Jinning (晋宁) basement and Yangtze sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks. The Qiangtang HPMB marks the closure of the paleo-Tethys Ocean.  相似文献   

中下扬子区二叠系露头层序地层研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
按新近国际年代地层划分方案(ICS,2000),下扬子区二叠纪地层自下向上分为3统,9阶和相对应的华南传统6阶划分。二叠系从阿瑟尔阶至长兴阶(44Ma)共划分出14个三级层序,每个三级层序平均时限约为3.14Ma,其中“紫松阶”)相当阿瑟尔+2/3萨克马尔阶)1个(船山组中上部)、“隆林阶、(相当1/3萨克马尔阶+阿丁斯克阶)2个(分别对应船山组上部和梁山组或镇江组)、“栖霞阶”(相当库班甘德阶+1/3罗德阶)3个(栖霞组),“茅口阶”(相当于2/3罗德阶+沃德阶+卡皮丹阶)4个(孤峰组,茅口组,堰桥组,银屏组和武穴组),吴家坪阶2个(龙潭组或吴家坪组),长兴阶2个(长兴组或大隆组);共归并为4个层序组(sequence set)。  相似文献   

This article reports our new interpretations of the depositional environment and provenance of the Dawashan Formation in the Longmuco–Shuanghu–Lancangjiang suture zone (LSLSZ), in the Southern Qiangtang terrane of northern Tibet, in order to gain a better understanding of the Ordovician tectonic evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana. The Dawashan Formation is dominated by greywacke and shale, with interlayered bimodal volcanic rocks that were deposited in a bathyal to abyssal marine basin. The detrital zircons in the greywacke of the Dawashan Formation have peak ages of 550, 988, 1640, and 2500 Ma, indicating a northern Gondwana margin provenance. The bimodal metavolcanic rocks from the Dawashan Formation are dominated by metarhyolite with subordinate metabasalt. The results of zircon LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating indicate that the metarhyolite formed between 470 and 455 Ma. The metavolcanic samples are bimodal (SiO2 = 45.27–55.05 and 66.09–74.59 wt.%). In comparison, the metabasalt has a wide range of MgO concentrations and Mg# values, contains variable Cr and low Ni concentrations, is depleted in Rb, Ba, and Sr, and is enriched in TiO2, Th, U, Nb, and Ta. Geochemical diagrams show that the metabasalt erupted in an intra-plate environment. The metarhyolites have high SiO2, Th, and U concentrations, low concentrations of MgO, P2O5, Nb, Sr, and Ti, and negative Eu anomalies. The metarhyolites yield negative zircon εHf(t) values (–2.08 to – 4.50) and TCDM model ages of 1436–1567 Ma. The metarhyolites formed from magma derived from the partial melting of old continental crust. These data indicate that the Dawashan Formation records Middle–Upper Ordovician bathyal to abyssal turbidite deposition in a deep-water rift basin at the northern margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   

藏北羌塘中部桃形湖早古生代蛇绿岩的岩石学特征   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
桃形湖早古生代蛇绿岩是龙木错-双湖板块缝合带近期的重要发现。通过对桃形湖蛇绿岩进行详细的野外地质调查和岩石学、年代学、地球化学的研究发现,桃形湖早古生代蛇绿岩各单元出露齐全,由下到上分别为变质橄榄岩、超基性堆晶杂岩、堆晶辉长岩、基性岩墙群和枕状玄武岩,在堆晶岩中有不同规模的斜长花岗岩(层)脉体。桃形湖堆晶辉长岩的时代为中奥陶世,并具有大洋中脊型的地球化学特点。桃形湖早古生代蛇绿岩的发现说明龙木错-双湖板块缝合带中存在完整的蛇绿岩组合,同时也是古特提斯洋早期裂解的重要证据。  相似文献   

According to the latest International Chronostratigraphic Scheme (ICS, 2000), the Permian in the Middle-Lower Yangtze region of South China can e divided into three series and nine stages relevant to the traditional six stages of South China. From Assellian to Changxingian of Permian, 44 Main age range, the strata are composed of 14 third-order sequences, each of which is 3.14 Ma in average age range. There is one third-order sequence of Zisongian, equivalent to middle and upper Chuanshan Formation or equal to Asselian and two thirds of Sakmarian. There are two third-order sequences, corresponding to Liang-shan Formation or Zhenjiang Formation and upper Chuanshan Formation, which are assigned to Longlingian, coinciding with Artinskian and one third of Sakmarian. In addition, three third-order sequences, equal to Qixia Formation, are attributed to Chhsian, corresponding to Kubergandian and one third of Roadian. Four third-order sequences, comprising Gufeng, Maokou, Yanqiao,Yinping and Wuxue formations, are assigned to Maokouan, equivalent to two thirds of Roadian, Wordian and Capitanian. Two third-order sequences, equal to Longtan Formation or Wujiaping Formation, are included in Wuchiapingian. Other two third-order sequences, corresponding to changxing Formation or Dalong Formation, are assigned to Changhsingian. In brief, these above third-order sequences can be incorporated into 4 sequences sets.  相似文献   

胡培远  李才  翟庆国  王明  解超明  吴彦旺 《地质通报》2016,35(11):1845-1854
青藏高原处于冈瓦纳大陆与劳亚大陆的交汇部位,是研究冈瓦纳大陆裂解与聚合过程的关键地区。晚古生代伴随着特提斯洋的打开与扩张,冈瓦纳大陆北缘发生了广泛的裂解作用。大陆板内岩浆作用是超大陆裂解的重要证据。在青藏高原内部已有二叠纪大陆板内特征基性岩的报道,它们是该裂解事件的记录。然而,根据目前的相关报道,这些岩石主要出露在青藏高原的西部,以羌塘和潘伽地区为主,在其他地区尚无相关报道。首次报道的藏东类乌齐地区早二叠世辉长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,辉长岩的形成年龄为280±2Ma。全岩地球化学资料表明,辉长岩具有与典型大陆板内玄武岩类似的地球特征。辉长岩具有明显正的锆石εHf(t)值(5.1~11.5),暗示其岩浆起源于亏损的地幔源区。结合区域地质资料,认为类乌齐辉长岩是冈瓦纳大陆北缘早二叠世裂解的产物。因此,早二叠世大陆板内基性岩浆作用在青藏高原东部也有出露,它们是在羌塘-潘伽地幔柱活动的作用下,冈瓦纳大陆北缘裂解与班公湖-怒江洋打开和扩张的结果。  相似文献   

赵云江  包佳凤  李维科  何世军  刘军平  赵巧珍  田应贵  王晓林 《地质论评》2023,69(1):2023010023-2023010023
右江盆地上世纪末发现了桂西晚古生代海相(洋岛)玄武岩,近期亦有报道。洋盆、洋脊玄武岩是判断洋岛存在的先行条件。滇东南坝达、里呼一带下石炭统的坝达组(C1b)主要为灰黑、灰白色薄层硅质岩、放射虫硅质岩、海绵骨针硅质岩、玄武岩夹凝灰岩、泥晶灰岩、泥岩,具有典型的硅质岩—玄武岩—灰岩—泥岩组合的洋盆沉积建造,含牙形石、三叶虫等。该组喷发于他披组之上的基性—超基性熔岩,具有显著的大洋拉斑玄武岩特征。因此,坝达组的划分和对比为研究右江盆地晚古生代—中三叠世的多岛洋盆环境提供了重要的依据,对研究华夏造山带与扬子陆块的拼贴过程具有十分重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

右江盆地上世纪末发现了桂西晚古生代海相(洋岛)玄武岩,近期亦有报道。洋盆、洋脊玄武岩是判断洋岛存在的先行条件。滇东南坝达、里呼一带下石炭统的坝达组(C1b)主要为灰黑、灰白色薄层硅质岩、放射虫硅质岩、海绵骨针硅质岩、玄武岩夹凝灰岩、泥晶灰岩、泥岩,具有典型的硅质岩—玄武岩—灰岩—泥岩组合的洋盆沉积建造,含牙形石、三叶虫等。该组喷发于他披组之上的基性—超基性熔岩,具有显著的大洋拉斑玄武岩特征。因此,坝达组的划分和对比为研究右江盆地晚古生代—中三叠世的多岛洋盆环境提供了重要的依据,对研究华夏造山带与扬子陆块的拼贴过程具有十分重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

藏北羌塘中部晚古生代增生杂岩的发现及其地质意义   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
西藏中部羌塘变质岩带发育复理石碎屑建造和片理化玄武岩建造,都经历了强烈的构造置换作用;还发育早—晚古生代大理岩岩片、无根勾状褶皱和大理岩与蓝片岩组成的同斜褶皱,不同时代的榴辉岩呈岩块出露。这些地质体呈岩片产出,经历了多期构造叠加和置换,原岩总体为碎屑岩、泥质岩、硅质岩、碳酸盐岩及枕状玄武岩、辉长岩建造。宏观上发育明显的区域性置换面理,为典型的造山带增生杂岩。  相似文献   

王根厚  韩芳林  杨运军    李元庆  崔江利 《地质通报》2009,28(09):1181-1187
西藏中部羌塘变质岩带发育复理石碎屑建造和片理化玄武岩建造,都经历了强烈的构造置换作用;还发育早—晚古生代大理岩岩片、无根勾状褶皱和大理岩与蓝片岩组成的同斜褶皱,不同时代的榴辉岩呈岩块出露。这些地质体呈岩片产出,经历了多期构造叠加和置换,原岩总体为碎屑岩、泥质岩、硅质岩、碳酸盐岩及枕状玄武岩、辉长岩建造。宏观上发育明显的区域性置换面理,为典型的造山带增生杂岩。  相似文献   

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