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Here we present new U–Pb and Hf isotopic data for detrital zircons obtained from six samples of late Palaeozoic units from central Jilin Province, Northeast China, and use these data and sedimentary formations to constrain the late Palaeozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern segment of the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The majority of the detrital zircons from the six samples are euhedral–subhedral and exhibit oscillatory zoning, indicating a magmatic origin. Zircons from sandstones in the Devonian Wangjiajie and Xiaosuihe formations yield seven main age populations (399, 440, 921, 1648, 1864, 1911, and 2066 Ma) and two minor age populations (384 and 432 Ma), respectively. Zircons from a quartz sandstone in the Carboniferous Luquantun Formation yield four age populations (~332, 363, 402, and 428 Ma), and zircons from quartz sandstones of the Permian Shoushangou, Fanjiatun, and Yangjiagou formations yield age populations of 265, 369, 463, 503, and 963 Ma; 264, 310, 337, 486, and 529 Ma; and 262, 282, 312, 338, 380, 465, and 492 Ma, respectively. These data, together with the ages of magmatic zircons from interbedded volcanics and biostratigraphic evidence, as well as analysis of formations, give rise to the following conclusions. (1) The Wangjiajie and Xiaosuihe formations were deposited in an extensional environment during Middle and Middle–Late Devonian time, respectively. The former was sourced mainly from ancient continental material of the North China Craton with minor contributions from newly accreted crust, while the latter was sourced mainly from newly accreted crust. (2) The Luquantun Formation formed in an extensional environment during early–late Carboniferous time from material sourced mainly from newly accreted crust. (3) The Shoushangou, Fanjiatun, and Yangjiagou formations formed during a period of rapid uplift in the late Permian, from material sourced mainly from newly accreted crust.  相似文献   

Here, we present the results of U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Ergunahe Group and the Wubinaobao Formation, within northeastern Inner Mongolia, NE China, with the aim of constraining the tectonic setting of the Erguna Massif. The majority of detrital zircons from five samples collected from the Ergunahe Group and the Wubinaobao Formation are magmatic, although some zircons have metamorphic growth rims. Zircons in two mica schists and in feldspar–quartz sandstone from the Ergunahe Group yield age populations that cluster around 738, 760, 792, 837, 890, 964, and 1050 Ma, whereas zircons from two quartz sandstones within the Wubinaobao Formation yield age populations that cluster at 466, 484, 515, 738, 795, 837, and 894 Ma. These data, combined with detrital zircon age populations (ca. 712 Ma) from the adjacent Xinghuadukou Group, and the fact that the Ergunahe Group intruded by Caledonian gabbros is overlain by upper Silurian units, indicate that the Ergunahe Group formed at 738–712 Ma (i.e. during the Neoproterozoic). In addition, the Wubinaobao Formation is subdivided into two units: a calcareous siltstone unit within the western part of the study area and a quartz sandstone within the eastern part. The calcareous siltstone formed at 712–795 Ma, similar to the Ergunahe Group, whereas the quartz sandstone formed between the 466 Ma and late Silurian. The age spectra of detrital zircons from the Ergunahe Group and the Wubinaobao Formation indicate that sediment in both of these units was derived from terranes that outcrop around the basin. The widespread occurrence of Neoproterozoic detrital zircons within both the Ergunahe Group and the Wubinaobao Formation suggests that Precambrian terranes are present within the Erguna Massif and that the massif has an affinity to the Siberian Craton.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1829-1842
The Tarim block, one of the largest cratons in China, records an important part of the Proterozoic crustal evolution of the Earth. Many previous studies have focused on the Neoproterozoic magmatism and tectonic evolution of this block in relation to the break-up of Rodinia, although relatively little is known about its earlier tectono-magmatic history. In this article, we present detailed petrographic, geochronologic, whole-rock geochemical, and in situ zircon Hf isotope data for the pre-Neoproterozoic Xishankou granitoid pluton (XBP), one of several blue quartz-bearing granitoid intrusions well exposed in the Quruqtagh area, and discuss these intrusions in terms of their tectonic environment. Zircon LA-ICP-MS dating indicates that gneissic quartz diorite and granodiorite of the XBP crystallized at 1934 ± 13 and 1944 ± 19 Ma, respectively. Both underwent metamorphism essentially coeval with emplacement, a time that is compatible with the globally distributed 2.1–1.8 Ga crustal amalgamation during formation of the supercontinent Columbia. Petrographic and geochemical evidence suggest that the XBP is a continental-arc-type granite and may have been generated by the partial melting of Archaean thickened lower crust; this would suggest that the northern Tarim block was a continental-type arc at ca. 1940 Ma. Our new data, together with previous regional geological studies, indicate that a series of Palaeoproterozoic (ca. 2.0–1.8 Ga) tectono-magmatic events occurred in the northern Tarim attending the assembly of Columbia.  相似文献   


The Upper Triassic Langjiexue Group, which lies immediately south of the Yarlung-Tsangpo Suture Zone in the Shannan area of southeastern Tibet, represents an important part of the Tethyan Himalayan Sequence (THS). Its provenance and palaeogeography have been the subject of debate. We present new data on petrographic composition, whole-rock geochemistry, and detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology to constrain the provenance of the Langjiexue Group. The dominance of quartz grains and felsic volcanic lithic fragments suggests that the sandstones are litho-quartzose. The trace element geochemical signatures (V–Ni–Th*10, Co/Th–La/Sc, Eu/Eu*–Th/Sc) suggest derivation from felsic igneous sources. The detrital zircon age spectra display three major peaks: a Meso-to-Neoproterozoic peak (1200–900 Ma, 7–18%), a Neoproterozoic-to-Late Cambrian peak (750–500 Ma, 32–65%), and a Late Carboniferous-to-Late Triassic peak (300–200 Ma, 11–33%). The maximum depositional age of early Carnian (236–235 Ma) is obtained by calculating weighted average ages of the youngest zircons (≤250 Ma). The youngest age cluster (300–200 Ma) is incompatible with sources from neighbouring terranes, including the South Qiangtang terrane, Lhasa terrane, THS, and Higher Himalayan Crystalline. Correlations of the Permian–Triassic zircons with those of time-equivalent strata in northwest Australia, west Burma, and the Banda Arc unveil a potential connection to the Tasmanides along the convergent margin of eastern Australia. The New England Orogen (300–230 Ma) could have supplied the Langjiexue Group with magmatic materials via continent-scale drainage systems or a submarine fan complex. This scenario provides a new perspective into the transport of detritus from distal orogens to sedimentary basins thousands of kilometres away.  相似文献   

Magmatic pulses in intraplate sedimentary basins are windows to understand the tectonomagmatic evolution and paleaoposition of the Basin.The present study reports the U-Pb zircon ages of mafic flows from the Cuddapah Basin and link these magmatic events with the Pangean evolution during late Carboniferous-Triassic/Phanerozoic timeframe.Zircon U-Pb geochronology for the basaltic lava flows from Vempalle Formation,Cuddapah Basin suggests two distinct Phanerozoic magmatic events coinciding with the amalgamation and dispersal stages of Pangea at 300 Ma(Late Carboniferous) and 227 Ma(Triassic).Further,these flows are characterized by analogous geochemical and geochronological signatures with Phanerozoic counterparts from Siberian,Panjal Traps,Emeishan and Tarim LIPs possibly suggesting their coeval and cogenetic nature.During the Phanerozoic Eon,the Indian subcontinent including the Cuddapah Basin was juxtaposed with the Pangean LIPs which led to the emplacement of these pulses of magmatism in the Basin coinciding with the assemblage of Pangea and its subsequent breakup between 400 Ma and 200 Ma.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):1918-1943
The recent discovery of Early Ordovician S-type granites in the southwest of the Chiapas Massif Complex adds a new perspective to the Palaeozoic history of the Maya block, inasmuch as no rocks of such age had previously been reported in this region. New geologic mapping west of Motozintla, Chiapas, revealed pelitic to psammitic metasedimentary successions (Jocote Unit) intruded by granitoids and metabasites. The Jocote Unit is unconformably underlain by the newly defined Candelaria Unit, which comprises deformed calc-silicate rocks and interlayered folded amphibolites. The Candelaria Unit is the oldest rock succession so far recognized in the southern Maya block. We used laser-ablation multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb dating to determine the ages of the rock, yielding Early Ordovician (ca. 470 Ma) and Late Ordovician (ca. 450 Ma) ages.

Major and trace element geochemistry, as well as Nd and Sr isotope data, suggest that folded amphibolites of the Candelaria Unit are mantle-derived and are probably related to rifting. The Early Ordovician bimodal magmatism of the Jocote Unit is more strongly differentiated; it reflects crustal contamination and volcanic-arc chemical signatures. A granitic stock (Motozintla pluton) intruded the area in the Late Ordovician. Its geochemical composition indicates less crustal contamination and a mixed signature between volcanic-arc and within-plate settings. Magmatic rocks analogous in age and chemical character crop out in the Rabinal and the Altos Cuchumatanes areas of Guatemala, suggesting the existence of a semi-continuous Ordovician magmatic belt from Chiapas to central Guatemala. Similar but somewhat younger granites also occur in the Maya Mountains of Belize, suggesting that magmatism migrated in the Silurian from the Chiapas–Guatemala belt towards the Maya Mountains.  相似文献   

The NS-treading Zhongdian Arc located in the southern part of the Yidun Arc is an important region to address the evolution and reconstruction of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean and related mineralization. In this study, we investigate three barren intrusions in the Zhongdian Arc and present geochemical compositions, zircon U–Pb dating and Hf isotopic compositions. Zircons from the three intrusions yielded U–Pb ages of ~227.5, ~222.5, and ~230 Ma, with highly variable εHf(t) values (?20.5 to 4.3). These quartz monzonite porphyries show typical adakitic affinity, and it is inferred that these intrusions in the Zhongdian Arc, together with those in the northern Yidun Arc, were derived from the partial melting of mantle wedge and contaminated by minor lower crustal components during the westward subduction of the Ganzi-litang Ocean, which probably resulted from the Triassic continental collision between the south China and the north China blocks. In the Yidun Arc, the Triassic ore-bearing intrusions have εHf(t) values that cluster around zero, while the barren intrusions possess negative εHf(t) values, suggesting that the mantle lithospheric components played an important role in the Triassic ore-bearing porphyries.  相似文献   

The Twelve Mile Bay assemblage (TMBa) forms the high-strain interior of the Twelve Mile Bay shear zone (TMBsz), a major ductile decollement zone within the western Canadian Grenville orogen. Metasupracrustal gneiss within the TMBa preserves evidence for an early granulite facies (?10–11 kbar and ?840°C) metamorphism overprinted by amphibolite facies (?5–7 kbar and ?650°C) assemblages that define the high-strain shear zone fabric. U–Pb zircon ages for TMBa samples were determined by LA-ICP-MS. A low-strain amphibolite pod with partially preserved granulite facies assemblage and textures yielded an anchored discordia intercept of 1157 ± 11 Ma and 207Pb/206Pb weighted average of 1146 ± 10 Ma. Three higher strain samples with recrystallized amphibolite facies assemblages all yield younger ages, with 207Pb/206Pb weighted averages of 1125 ± 16, 1110 ± 8, and 1095 ± 17 Ma. Phase equilibrium modelling shows that up to 40 vol.% anatectic melt could have been produced in TMBa pelitic rocks during peak metamorphic conditions, and thus, much of the package likely would have been substantially weakened during the early stages of TMBsz development. Strain apparently continued to accumulate within the TMBa until ca. 1100 Ma, concurrent with pegmatite dike emplacement and hydration along the base of the overlying interior Parry Sound domain (iPSD), perpetuating TMBsz activity during cooling and exhumation to shallower crustal levels. Similarities between the TMBa and the upper parts of the basal PSD (bPSD), in terms of timing and conditions of metamorphism and shearing, as well as structural position relative to the overlying iPSD allochthon, indicate that these units are likely correlative. The composite bPSD–TMBa system appears to have contemporaneously localized strain within the middle orogenic crust during early to middle stages of Grenvillian collision, providing a petrologically constrained mechanism for the long distance transport of mid-crustal nappes predicted in thermal-mechanical models of continental collision for this area.  相似文献   


The Tibetan Plateau is located in the eastern Himalayan–Alpine orogen, an area where previous research has focused on ophiolites and a high-pressure metamorphic belt, whereas comparatively little research has been undertaken on the Tibetan basement. Cambrian granitic gneiss crops out in the Duguer area of the South Qiangtang terrane in northern Tibet and yields zircon laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb ages of 502–492 Ma, providing insight into the possible existence of basement rocks within the South Qiangtang terrane. The granitic gneisses are geochemically similar to high-K, calc-alkaline S-type granites, and Hf isotopic analysis of zircons within the gneisses yields negative εHf(t) values (–7.4 to – 1.1) and old zircon Hf model ages (TDMC = 1757–1406 Ma). These granitic gneisses were generated by partial melting of ancient pelitic rocks, and the resulting melts were contaminated by a small amount of mantle-derived material. Combining our new data with previous research, we conclude that these Cambrian granitic gneisses developed in a post-collisional tectonic setting after Pan-African tectonism. This suggests that the South Qiangtang terrane might have the same early Palaeozoic crystalline basement as the Lhasa, Himalaya, Baoshan, Gongshan, and Tengchong terranes.  相似文献   

This paper reports LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dates and in situ Hf isotope analyses of detrital zircons from the Mesozoic basins in western Shandong, China, with the aim to constrain the depositional ages and provenances of the Mesozoic strata as well as the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern North China Block (NCB). The Mesozoic strata in western Shandong, from bottom to top, include the Fenghuangshan, Fangzi, Santai and Wennan formations. Most of the analyzed zircon grains exhibit oscillatory growth zoning and have relatively high Th/U ratios (generally 0.2–3.4), suggesting a magmatic origin. Zircons from the Fenghuangshan Formation in the Zhoucun Basin yield six main age populations (2489, 1854, 331, 305, 282, and 247 Ma). Zircons from the Fangzi Formation in the Zhoucun and Mengyin basins yield eight main age populations (2494, 1844, 927, 465, 323, 273, 223, and 159 Ma) and ten main age populations (2498, 1847, 932, 808, 540, 431, 315, 282, 227, and 175 Ma), respectively, whereas zircons from the Santai Formation in the Zhoucun and Mengyin basins yield nine main age populations (2519, 1845, 433, 325, 271, 237, 192, 161, and 146 Ma) and six main age populations (2464, 1845, 853, 277, 191, and 150 Ma), respectively. Five main age populations (2558, 1330, 609, 181, and 136 Ma) are detected for zircons from the Wennan Formation in the Pingyi Basin. Based on the youngest age, together with the contact relationships among formations, we propose that the Fenghuangshan Formation formed in the Early–Middle Triassic, the Fangzi Formation in the Middle–Late Jurassic, the Santai Formation after the Late Jurassic, and the Wennan Formation after the Early Cretaceous. These results, together with previously published data, indicate that: (1) the sediments of the Fenghuangshan Formation were sourced from the Precambrian basement and from late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic igneous rocks in the northern part of the NCB; (2) the sediments of the Fangzi and Santai formations were sourced from the Precambrian basement, late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic igneous rocks in the northern part of the NCB, and the Sulu terrane, as well as from Middle–Late Jurassic igneous rocks in the southeastern part of the NCB; and (3) the Wennan Formation was sourced from the Tongshi intrusive complex, the Sulu terrane, and minor Precambrian basement and Early Cretaceous igneous rocks. The evolution of detrital provenance indicates that in the Early–Middle Triassic, the northern part of the NCB was higher than its interior; during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, the eastern NCB was uplifted, resulting in a period of non-deposition; and an important transition from a compressional to an extensional tectonic regime occurred during the Middle–Late Jurassic. The presence of Neoproterozoic and Triassic detrital zircons in the Fangzi Formation sourced from the Sulu terrane suggests that large-scale sinistral strike-slip movement along the Tan-Lu Fault Zone did not occur after the Middle Jurassic (ca. 175 Ma).  相似文献   

The Songliao Basin in Northeast Asia is the largest and longest-lived rift basin and preserves a near-continuous continental succession of the most of the Cretaceous period, providing great material to investigate the adaption of the terrestrial systems to the Cretaceous greenhouse climate and tectonic events. However, the paucity of precise and accurate radioisotopic ages from the Early Cretaceous strata of the Songliao Basin has greatly held back the temporal and causal correlation of the continental records to the global Early Cretaceous records. Three tuff layers intercalated in the Yingcheng Formation have been intercepted by the SK-2 borehole, which offer excellent materials for radioisotopic dating and calibration of the chronostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous sequence of Songliao Basin. Moreover, the Yingcheng Formation recorded the largest and the last of the two major volcanic events in Songliao Basin, which also represents a turning point in the basin evolution history of Songliao from syn-rift stage to post-rift stage. Here we report high-precision U–Pb zircon geochronology by the CA-ID-TIMS technique on three tuff samples from the Yingcheng Formation of the SK-2 borehole in the Songliao Basin to construct a greatly improved, absolute age framework for the Yingcheng Formation and provide crucial age constraints for the Songliao Lower Cretaceous Strata. The new CA-ID-TIMS geochronology constrained the Yingcheng Formation at 102.571 + 0.320/?2.346 Ma to ca. 113 Ma, correlating to the Albian Stage. Combined with the previous published Songliao geochronology, the Quantou Formation is constrained to between 96.442 + 0.475/?0.086 Ma and 91.923 + 0.475/?0.086 Ma; the Denglouku Formation is constrained to between 102.571 + 0.320/?2.346 Ma and 96.442 + 0.475/?0.086 Ma; the age of the Shahezi Formation is estimated at ca. 113 Ma to ca. 118 Ma, which could extend to ca. 125 Ma in some locations in Songliao Basin. The major unconformity between the Yingcheng Formation and the Denglouku Formation, which represents the transition of the basin from syn-rift to post-rift is thus confined to between 102.571 + 0.320/?2.346 Ma and 96.442 + 0.475/?0.086 Ma. This is roughly contemporaneous with the change in the direction of the paleo-Pacific plate motion from west-southwest to north or northwest in mid-Cretaceous, suggesting their possible connections.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地北部直罗组原生灰色砂岩具有高铀背景值的特征,在层间氧化阶段砂岩同沉积期富集的铀元素遭受氧化迁出构成该区铀成矿的重要铀源。本文对鄂尔多斯盆地北部铀矿区直罗组砂岩进行了碎屑锆石U-Pb定年、重矿物和古水流分析,深入分析了该区直罗组的沉积物源,并探讨了富铀砂岩的成因。结果显示:矿区直罗组砂岩碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄主要集中在251~308Ma,322~354Ma,1529~2182Ma,2200~2632Ma四个年龄区间;富Mn钛铁矿、锆石、磷灰石和榍石的重矿物组合指示物源主要为中酸性岩浆岩;通过与源区对比分析认为铀矿区直罗组物源主要来自盆地之北的乌拉山—大青山地区和狼山东部地区的新太古代、古元古代和晚古生代中酸性岩浆岩及新太古代、古元古代变质岩。结合源区岩体铀含量特征分析,发现晚古生代中酸性岩浆岩相对于源区其它岩体强烈富集铀元素,是研究区直罗组高铀背景值砂岩形成发育的主要原因。晚古生代中酸性岩浆岩的形成与古亚洲洋的演化密切相关,其分布特征可以作为中东亚成矿域内盆地铀资源远景预测的重要依据。  相似文献   


Due to sparse data for deciphering the late Neoproterozoic tectonic history, there is still considerable debate on whether long-lasting superplume-related or long-duration subduction-related dynamics dominated the Tarim Craton. In this contribution, our field investigations detail the late Neoproterozoic siliciclastic successions, and we report the first granitic conglomerates with zircon U–Pb ages of 753.9 ± 3.7 Ma in the SW Tarim Craton. Importantly, detrital zircons from the thick Cryogenian sedimentary basin also contain a major zircon population at ca. 750 Ma. Together with seismic data, this suggests a large ca. 750 Ma magmatic event in the SW Tarim Craton. Geochemically, the granitic clasts exhibit A-type granite features with high SiO2, high alkali but extremely low K, high FeOT/MgO and Ga/Al, and high high-field strength elements (HFSEs) (i.e. Nb, Hf, and Ta) with significant depletion in Rb, K, Sr, P, Eu, and Ti, and significant negative Eu anomalies (Eu* = 0.13–0.36), showing ferroan granite affinities. Including the detrital zircons, the ca. 750 Ma zircons have a large range of negative εHf(t) values (?19.46 to ?1.16). Elemental and zircon Hf isotope data suggest that the granites were derived from Palaeoproterozoic reworked continental crust and are probably related to crustal thinning and extension. By comparison with previous studies, we conclude that Rodinia breakup was diachronous in the outer parts of the supercontinent.  相似文献   

Reconstructing late Palaeozoic metamorphism of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) can provide a better understanding of how the CAOB formed. The petrology of sillimanite-bearing metapelitic schists from high-grade portions of the Permian Chinese Altai metamorphic belt (andalusite-type) reflects the effects of poorly understood high-T, low-P metamorphism. Phase equilibria modelling in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–TiO2–O (NCKFMASHTO) system restricts PT conditions of the sillimanite schists to approximately 635–670°C at approximately 5.8–6.8 kbar. SHRIMP U–Pb analyses of zircon from the rocks yield a concordant age of 299.2 ± 3.4 Ma. Combined with the slightly younger (292.8 ± 2.3 Ma) areally restricted pelitic granulite with peak P?T conditions of approximately 780–800°C at approximately 5–6 kbar and high-T granulite with P?T conditions of approximately 860°C at approximately 6 kbar, these metamorphic rocks reflect prograde heating at relatively low pressure in early Permian time. Together with contemporary and widespread magmatic activities, they are best explained in the context of a post-orogenic extensional environment related to a mantle plume.  相似文献   

The tectonic setting of the northern Alxa region during the Late Paleozoic is highly controversial.The key to resolve this controversy is to recognize the Late Paleozoic magmatic processes in the northern Alxa.In this paper,we present new zircon U-Pb ages,Hf-isotopic compositions and whole-rock geochemical data of four granitoids along the Zhusileng-Hangwula Tectonic Belt in the northern Alxa region that could provide critical information about the tectonic evolution of this region.The zircon U-Pb data could be grouped as two phases:Late Devonian granite and diorite(ca.373-360 Ma),and Late Carboniferous granodiorite(ca.318 Ma).The Late Devonian granites and diorites are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous,with A/CNK and A/NK ratios of 0.90-1.11 and0.95-2.19,respectively.The Late Devonian diorites are characterized by high MgO,Cr and Ni contents and MgO#values,together with variable ε_(Hf)(t) values from-1.0 to+1.3 and old T_(DM2) ages varied from 1283 Ma to 1426 Ma,indicating the primary magma was potentially derived from magma mixing of depleted mantle with Mesoproterozoic continental crust.Even though the Late Devonian granites yielded most positive and minor negative e_(Hf)(t) values between-1.1 to+5.7(three grains are negative) with two-stage model ages(T_(DM2)) of 1003-1438 Ma,they display low MgO,Cr and Ni contents and MgO#values,suggesting that they were mainly derived from juvenile crustal materials,mixed with a small amount of ancient crust.The Late Carboniferous granitoids are metaluminous and medium-K calc-alkaline series,with A/CNK and A/NK ratios ranging from 0.88 to 0.95 and1.75 to 1.90,respectively.These rocks were potentially derived from juvenile crustal materials mixed with depleted mantle,as evidenced by their high ε_(Hf)(t) values(+11.6 to+14.1) and young TDM2 ages(427 Ma to 586 Ma),as well as high Mg#values,and MgO,Ni and Cr contents.Our data,along with available sedimentary evidence and previous researches,indicate that the Late Devonian and Late Carboniferous rocks are arc-related granitoids under the subduction setting.The identification of arc-related granitoids in the northern Alxa region not only reveals the Late Paleozoic magmatic process in response to the subduction of Paleo Asian Ocean,but also provide significant constrains to the tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  相似文献   

The Gejiu-Bozushan-Laojunshan W-Sn polymetallic metallogenic belt(GBLB) in southeast Yunnan Province is an important part of the southwestern Yangtze Block in South China.Tin polymetallic mineralization in this belt includes the Niusipo,Malage,Songshujiao,Laochang and Kafang ore fields in the Gejiu area which are spatially and temporally associated with the Kafang-Laochang and Songshujiao granite plutons.These granites are characterized by variable A/CNK values(mostly 1.1,except for two samples with 1.09),high contents of SiO_2(74.38-76.84 wt.%) and Al_2 O_3(12.46-14.05 wt.%) and variable CaO/Na_2 O ratios(0.2-0.65) as well as high zircon δ~(18)O values(7.74‰-9.86‰),indicative of S-type affinities.These rocks are depleted in Rb,Th,U,Ti,LREE[(La/Yb)N=1.4-20.51],Ba,Nb,Sr,and Ti and display strong negative Eu and Ba anomalies.The rocks possess high Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba ratios,relatively low initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios(0.6917-0.7101),and less radiogenic εNd(t)values(-8.0 to-9.1).The zircon grains from these rocks show negative ε_(Hf)(t) values in the range of-3.7 to-9.9 with mean T_(DM2)(Nd) and T_(DM2)(Hf) values of 1.57 Ga and 1.55 Ga.They show initial ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb ranging from15.69 to 15.71 and ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb from 18.36 to 18.70.Monazite from Songshujiao granites exhibits higher U and lower Th/U ratios,lower δ~(18)O values and higher ε_(Hf)(t) values than those of the zircon grains in the KafangLaochang granites.The geochemical and isotopic features indicate that the Laochang-Kafang granites originated by partial melting of Mesoproterozoic crustal components including biotite-rich metapelite and metagraywacke,whereas the Songshujiao granites were derived from Mesoproterozoic muscovite-rich metapelite crustal source.Most zircon grains from the Songshujiao,Laochang and Kafang granites have high-U concentrations and their SIMS U-Pb ages show age scatter from 81.6 Ma to 88.6 Ma,80.7 Ma to 86.1 Ma and 82.3 Ma to 87.0 Ma,suggesting formation earlier than the monazite and cassiterite.Monazite SIMS U-Pb ages and Th-Pb ages of three same granite samples are consistent and show yielded 206 Pb/~(238)U ages of 83.7 ± 0.6 Ma,83.7±0.6 Ma,and 83.4±0.6 Ma,and ~(208)Pb/~(232)Th ages of 83.2 ± 0.5 Ma,83.8 ± 0.4 Ma,and 83.5±0.9 Ma,which are within the range of the SIMS zircon U-Pb ages from these rocks.The data constrain the crystallization of the granites at ca.83 Ma.In situ U-Pb dating of two cassiterite samples from the cassiterite-sulfide ore in the Songshujiao ore field and Kafang ore field,and two from the cassiterite-oxide+cassiterite bearing dolomite in the Laochang ore field yielded weighted mean 206 Pb/~(238)U ages of 83.5±0.4 Ma(MSWD=0.6),83.5 ± 0.4 Ma(MSWD=0.5),83.6 ±0.4 Ma(MSWD=0.6) and 83.2 ±0.7 Ma(MSWD=0.6),respectively.Combined with geological characteristics,the new geochronological data indicate that the formation of the granites and Sn polymetallic deposits are coeval.We correlate the magmatic and metallogenic event with lithospheric thinning and asthenosphere upwelling in continental extension setting in relation to the eastward subduction of the Neo-Tethys beneath the Sanjiang tectonic domain during Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The Tongbai orogenic belt has an overall antiformal geometry and the hinge of the antiform is sub-horizontal and trends NW–SE. The Tongbai complex (TBC) in the core of the antiform is bounded by the S-dipping Yindian–Malong shear zone in the south, the sub-horizontal Taibaiding shear zone at the top and the N-dipping Hongyihe–Tongbai shear zone in the north. The three shear zones have dextral, top-to-NW and sinistral movement, respectively. They are parts of a single shear zone, termed the Tongbai shear zone, that has a uniform top-to-NW sense of shear. Three samples of deformed granitoid (mylonite or protomylonite) from the shear zone have U–Pb zircon ages of 145 ± 6 Ma, 142 ± 2 Ma and 131 ± 6 Ma, respectively. An L-tectonite in the TBC yielded a metamorphic age of 137 ± 8 Ma and a migmatite an age of 137 ± 1 Ma. The Tongbai shear zone is intruded by undeformed Early Cretaceous granite and dykes and deformation in the shear zone is constrained to ca. 140–135 Ma, synchronous with metamorphism and migmatization in the TBC. Early Cretaceous magma emplacement and the associated uplift modified the TBC into a gentle antiform and the uplift may have continued to ca. 102–85 Ma. Similar geometry and kinematics have been documented in the Dabie orogenic belt to the east, which suggests that the Central Orogenic Belt in China probably experienced a uniform orogen-parallel extension and top-to-NW shearing in the ductile lithosphere in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):1957-1979

Palaeozoic granitoids and meta-granitoids dominate the metamorphic basement of the Sakar unit of the Sakar-Strandzha Zone (SASTZ) in southeast Bulgaria. In this article, we present new whole-rock geochemical data and U–Pb zircon geochronology for the Sakar unit granitoids. The igneous minerals and textures are preserved, except the meta-granitoids that experienced a weak amphibolite-facies overprint. Geochemistry reveals compositions of peraluminous high-K calc-alkaline I- to S-type granitoids of volcanic arc origin. A major group of LILE-LREE-enriched granitoids and meta-granitoids and a single HFSE-HREE-enriched meta-granitoid are distinguished. U–Pb geochronology has yielded crystallization ages between 305 and 295 Ma for the major group granitoids and a ca. 462 Ma crystallization age of HFSE-HREE-enriched meta-granitoid. Late Palaeozoic granitoids of the Sakar unit show similar compositions and a similar tectonic setting when compared to other granitoids of the SASTZ, confirming a uniform region-wide tectono-magmatic event. As the Late Carboniferous-Permian magmatic arc components extend across the SASTZ, they trace the time-correspondent active continental margin along the Eurasian plate during subduction of the Palaeotethys oceanic lithosphere. The late Palaeozoic Eurasian active continental margin magmatic arc evolution of the SASTZ can be extended into the Serbo-Macedonian-Rhodope zones to the west, where time equivalent meta-granitoids support the same geodynamic context.  相似文献   

Detrital zircon U–Pb LAM-ICPMS age patterns for sandstones from the mid-Permian –Triassic part (Rakaia Terrane) of the accretionary wedge forming the Torlesse Composite Terrane in Otago, New Zealand, and from the early Permian Nambucca Block of the New England Orogen, eastern Australia, constrain the development of the early Gondwana margin. In Otago, the Triassic Torlesse samples have a major (64%), younger group of Permian–Early Triassic age components at ca 280, 255 and 240 Ma, and a minor (30%) older age group with a Precambrian–early Paleozoic range (ca 1000, 600 and 500 Ma). In Permian sandstones nearby, the younger, Late Permian age components are diminished (30%) with respect to the older Precambrian–early Paleozoic age group, which now also contains major (50%) and unusual Carboniferous age components at ca 350–330 Ma. Sandstones from the Nambucca Block, an early Permian extensional basin in the southern New England Orogen, follow the Torlesse pattern: the youngest. Early Permian age components are minor (<20%) and the overall age patterns are dominated (40%) by Carboniferous age components (ca 350–320 Ma). These latter zircons are inherited from either the adjacent Devonian–Carboniferous accretionary wedge (e.g. Texas-Woolomin and Coffs Harbour Blocks) or the forearc basin (Tamworth Belt) farther to the west, in which volcaniclastic-dominated sandstone units have very similar pre-Permian (principally Carboniferous) age components. This gradual variation in age patterns from Devonian–late Carboniferous time in Australia to Late Permian–mid-Cretaceous time in New Zealand suggests an evolutionary model for the Eastern Gondwanaland plate margin and the repositioning of its subduction zone. (1) A Devonian to Carboniferous accretionary wedge in the New England Orogen developing at a (present-day) Queensland position until late in the Carboniferous. (2) Early Permian outboard repositioning of the primary, magmatic arc allowing formation of extensional basins throughout the New England Orogen. (3) Early to mid-Permian translocation of the accretionary wedge and more inboard active-margin elements, southwards to their present position. This was accompanied by oroclinal bending which allowed the initiation of a new, late Permian to Early Triassic accretionary wedge (eventually the Torlesse Composite Terrane of New Zealand) in an offshore Queensland position. (4) Jurassic–Cretaceous development of this accretionary wedge offshore, in northern Zealandia, with southwards translation of the various constituent terranes of the Torlesse Composite Terrane to their present New Zealand position.  相似文献   

Determining sediment provenance allows a better understanding of fluvial palaeo-dynamics, and identifying involved watersheds, at broad spatio-temporal scales. Conventional approaches for source identification are usually based on the physical, mineralogical, geochemical, magnetic or isotopic properties of sediments. Rapid, non-destructive and, in well-established contexts, highly accurate, mid-infrared spectroscopy is an alternative method for investigating sediment sources. The present research objectives are: (i) to use the mid-infrared spectroscopy method to discriminate the provenance of fine sediments, by applying discriminant analysis on a large set of reference samples from three different watersheds in the Upper Rhine area (associated with the Rhine, Ill and Vosges tributaries); (ii) to clarify whether the provenance spectra signatures are influenced by riverine depositional contexts (bars versus banks) and, to some extent, by grain size and/or high organic matter content; and (iii) to apply the mid-infrared spectroscopy – discriminant analysis method to a study of fluvial palaeo-dynamics and determine the provenance of palaeo-channel infillings. Three main sedimentary sources, divided into eight sub-categories, have been characterized by 196 modern reference samples from 78 collecting sites. Discriminant analysis displayed a strong separating power by classifying correctly the origin of samples without any inter-group overlap, independently from the geomorphological context (bar or bank) and associated slight changes in organic matter contents or grain size. Mid-infrared spectroscopy – discriminant analysis investigations of the palaeo-channel infill, complemented by radiocarbon dates and mineralogical data, allowed reconstructing general trends for the local morpho-sedimentary dynamics over the last ca 12 millennia.  相似文献   

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