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Siberian prognostic reserves of oil and gas are now believed to constitute 40% and 25%, respectively, of U.S.S.R. totals. In the West-Siberian geosyneclise, thickness of hydrocarbon-bearing horizons increases toward the center, in the same direction as bituminosity and content of dispersed organic substance in marine Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments. Multi-layered oil pools are typical of the center; gas and oil pools occur on the periphery of the syneclise. In the Siberian platform, economic accumulations of oil and gas are found in sediments ranging in age from Riphean through Cretaceous. Lower Cambrian and the Underlying Riphean horizons are particularly promising. The Kolyma platfornnal massif, where first indications of oil were discovered in the Permian horizons, remains to be prospected. The close association of gas-petroliferous horizons with perfectly definite facies-zones and the rigorously sustained stratigraphic positions of the latter, as well as demonstrable associations of the hydrocarbon accumulations with their source rocks, leave no doubts as to the organic origins of the Siberian oils.--V. P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

Continued mineral exploration in western Transbaikal has resulted in further stratigraphic investigation of Mesozoic sediments in that area. Martinson, on the basis of fauna collected, assigned the Gusino-Ozersk bituminous shales to the middle of the Lower Cretaceous. Stratigraphically and paleontologically, the shales, containing a large number of phyllopods, insects, and fish, resemble transitional Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Mongolian sediments. It is possible that the boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous in this region is not a line, but a transitional zone of apparently small width. --G. E. Denegar.  相似文献   

The Riono-Chernomorsk structural basin, which extends under the Black sea and part of western Georgia, is becoming increasingly important in oil and gas exploration. Tectonically, its western Georgia portion is divided into three regions: Guri, Abkhazsk-Megrel, and the Colchis lowland. A structure-contour map drawn on the surface of Upper Cretaceous sediments in the Colchis area revealed, generally, brachyanticlinal structures. These sediments, largely composed of carbonates as thick as 2,000 meters, occur throughout the Colchis area within drilling depth (1,000 to 3,000 meters). It is postulated that bitumen formation could have occurred in the sediments; however, processes of oil migration into the area are discussed. The character of Tertiary sediments in relation to regional-structural-stratigraphic control indicates that they are possible oil and gas reservoirs. --D.D. Fisher.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地中生代构造演化特征及油气分布   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从地球动力学背景分析了鄂尔多斯盆地中生代构造演化特征,按构造演化序列将中生代盆地演化分为早-中三叠世盆地格架奠定期、晚三叠世盆地生油岩形成期、早-中侏罗世构造稳定期、晚侏罗世生排烃高峰期、早白垩世盆地整体抬升期及晚白垩世盆地消亡期等6个阶段.并指出中生代盆地构造演化各阶段对油气源的形成、油气聚集,以及对油气圈闭成藏等油气分布规律均有不同程度的影响及控制作用.  相似文献   

碧口群是一套发生在台地与裂谷之间的裂谷边缘型沉积,各类岩石之间具有规律性的相变特征,按岩石类型及组合特征可划分为7个组级岩石地层单位。根据该群不整合在志留纪茂县群或水晶组之上,被中泥盆统—石炭系略阳组连续沉积覆盖,以及自身所产化石(Amphisitespulcher,Bairdiasp.,Desquamatiasp.,Schizophoriasp.等),将其时代确定为早—中泥盆世。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1011-1018
Thermal borehole logging of the eastern part of the West-Siberian lowlands shows a dependable correspondence between geologic features and thermal gradients. After comparing logging data from various depths up to 2,900 m the author concludes that major basement structures and all except the deepest ground water horizons will be revealed in logging data taken from relatively shallow boreholes, such as those drilled for surveying and stratigraphic purposes. This discovery prompts the author to recommend that thermal logging be conducted in such boreholes as a very cheap method of determining deep structures, especially since they lead to important oil and gas- discoveries. — A. Eustus  相似文献   

In a commemorable evening—I believe it was in the early part of December, 1933—when I happened to discuss the problem of Pleistocene climate in China with the late Dr. Davidson Black, I informed him, without  相似文献   

<正> 一、地质发育概况 长江下游地区在地质发育进程中历经了多次构造旋回,经受多期构造作用的迭加和改造。(一)前寒武纪;(二)古生代;(三)中生代。  相似文献   

姚书春  薛滨 《第四纪研究》2010,30(6):1177-1185
2004~2008年在青弋江、水阳江流域石臼、固城、南漪三湖采集得到岩芯钻孔。运用核素 210 Pb和 137 Cs对获得沉积物进行定年,同时分析了岩芯沉积物金属元素,研究近代湖泊重金属演化历史以及人类活动的影响,并对重金属进行了评价。文章运用Al元素作为粒度的代用指标对重金属进行标准化,并获取了重金属富集系数。研究表明,石臼、固城、南漪三湖钻孔中Cu和Zn的富集系数高于Pb,但Pb,Zn,Cu和Cr富集系数都不超过2,并且Cr的富集系数较小。自20世纪80年代中期以来流域内人类活动对石臼湖湖泊沉积物造成了显著的重金属污染,在南漪湖则推迟了10年左右,而在固城湖其重金属污染相对不明显。根据沉积物质量基准进行评价,发现石臼、固城、南漪三湖虽然存在一定的Cu,Pb,Zn和Cr污染,但污染造成的生态效应还不明显。  相似文献   

胡世忠 《地质通报》1983,(4):123-128
一、前言苏、浙、皖地区石炭系分布广泛,发育较全,含化石较丰富,地层时代和划分的分歧也较少。长期以来,关于中、下石炭统的分界,一直沿用李四光(1930)、朱森等(1935)对宁镇山脉的研究成果,以黄龙组下部白云岩底部的假整合面(即淮南运动),作为二者的分界线。但近十年来,这一分界线似乎又成为一个争论的问题。有些地质古生物工作者  相似文献   

胡世忠 《地质通报》1983,(6):123-128
一、前言苏、浙、皖地区石炭系分布广泛,发育较全,含化石较丰富,地层时代和划分的分歧也较少。长期以来,关于中、下石炭统的分界,一直沿用李四光(1930)、朱森等(1935)对宁镇山脉的研究成果,以黄龙组下部白云岩底部的假整合面(即淮南运动),作为二者的分界线。但近廿年来,这一分界线似乎又成为一个争论的问题。有些地质古生物工作者将该白云岩与其上结晶灰岩的接触关系,视之为假整合,故将其单独划分出来,命名为“老虎洞白云岩”(夏邦栋,1959),归入下石炭统。有的生产单位又将它改称为“老虎洞组”(江苏省地质局区调队,1972),并认为宁镇山脉的老虎洞组与苏浙皖交界地带的白云  相似文献   

松辽盆地外围东南部中生代残留盆地群,近年发现了良好的油气显示,实现了工业油气流井突破.但盆地之间相互关系及其成藏特征研究薄弱,制约了该区油气勘探工程的部署和资源前景预测.为此,在油气勘探工程调查的基础上,通过系统的野外地质调研和测试分析,综合研究得出:松辽盆地外围东南部中生代残留盆地皆为独立的断陷盆地,其内下白垩统的下桦皮甸子组和亨通山组发育中等-好的烃源岩,并形成了良好的自生自储、下生上储和上生下储型生储盖组合,具有一定的油气勘探前景;其隐蔽的岩性油气藏和刺穿构造油气藏是有利的油气勘探方向.  相似文献   

裴文中 《地质学报》1932,11(2):109-139
Attention had already been drawn to the occurrence of quartz fragments in the fossiliferous deposit at Choukoutien by Dr. J. G. Andersson ten years ago when he made this locality known to the scientific world. He was struck by the fact that quartz, a stone foreign to that immediate locality, occurred in  相似文献   

渤海湾中部南堡35-2地区新三系河流沉积十分发育,可分为曲流河沉积和辫状河沉积两种类型。曲流河沉积以发育点砂坝、决口扇、天然堤和泛滥平原等微相单元为特征。辫状河沉积主要发育河道和心滩微相,泛滥平原微相不太发育。本重点研究了河流沉积各类微相的沉积特点,并将河流沉积的垂向层序归纳为6种类型。本还探讨了各类砂体的储集物性特征,认为点砂坝和心滩砂体是形成大油气田的优质储层,而油气藏的形成除与砂体的储集物性有关外,主要与区域构造条件密切相关。  相似文献   

安徽沿江江南晚中生代岩浆-成矿年代学格架   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
陈江峰  喻钢  杨刚  杨胜洪 《安徽地质》2005,15(3):161-169
根据新的较为可靠的同位素地质年代学数据,长江中下游金属成矿带中段(安徽段)的中生代岩浆-成矿作用可大致分为3期:135到145 Ma一期包括铜陵、月山以及江南广大地区的侵入岩和与之有关矿床,也包括江北的属于A型花岗岩带的大龙山石英正长岩.庐枞和宁芜盆地的火山岩形成于127到131 Ma,但赋存于火山岩中的铁矿床中钠长石给出的40Ar-39A,年龄却在122到126 Ma.最年轻的一组年龄为约126到120Ma,包括江南广大地区的花岗岩和宁芜地区的辉长质小侵入体.晚侏罗世以来的突发性岩石圈去根作用以及太平洋板块向西俯冲导致扬子与华北间的岩石圈边界的南北向拉张,都可能引发地幔上涌,并进一步导致地壳熔融和大规模的复杂的岩浆和成矿作用.  相似文献   

西藏羌塘盆地中生代构造岩相演化及油气远景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西藏羌塘盆地中生代构造岩相组合分带及特征明显 ,可以反映羌塘盆地的演化史。早中三叠世北羌塘构造岩相组合表现为前陆盆地沉积 ,而南羌塘盆地为剥蚀环境 ;至晚三叠世除中央隆起剥蚀外 ,北羌塘仍为前陆盆地沉积 ,而此时南羌塘坳陷演化成陆缘海沉积。早侏罗世早期盆地开始坳陷 ,造成相对较窄沉积相的构造岩相组合特点 ,初步形成“两坳一隆”的构造格局 ;中侏罗世南北羌塘坳陷继续下降 ,“两坳一隆”的构造格局更加明显 ;晚侏罗世羌塘盆地发育到晚期 ,并萎缩、封闭成型。从构造岩相组合特征看 ,中侏罗统北羌塘坳陷龙尾湖—雀莫错凹陷区与南羌塘坳陷蒂让碧错凹陷区都是有利于储、聚油气的远景区。  相似文献   

燕山地区中生代花岗岩的成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过对燕山地区中生代花岗岩的物质成分和地质环境的研究,确认其构造环境是处于大陆板块内部,岩浆主要来源于下地壳,并将其划分为四个系列:即黑云母花岗岩系列,二长花岗岩系列,闪长岩-花岗岩系我,碱性花岗岩系列,其中二长花岗岩系列与金矿关系密切,闪长岩-花岗岩系列与铅锌矿关系密切 。  相似文献   

本文以板块运动观点,综合四川盆地西部地区的沉积、构造、地热特征,对四川盆地西部边缘地区油气形成条件作了分析论证,认为该区具有良好的油气前景。通过对火井背斜的实践,指出本区的油气层以三叠系上统须家河组(中深层油气)为主,二叠系下统(深层气)为次,侏罗系沙溪店组局部也有浅层气。  相似文献   

长江中下游中生代岩浆岩及铜铁成矿带的深部构造背景   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
李曙光 《安徽地质》2001,11(2):118-122
地球物理和中、新生代幔源岩浆岩同位素地球化学研究表明华北和华南陆块的深部岩石圈地缝合线较地表地缝合线南移。在郯庐断裂带以东南移至南京一镇江一线,并从南京往西呈南西走向延伸至桐城一带;在郯庐断裂带以西的大剐山区,深部地缝合线至少南移至岳西以南。这一贴近长江中下游的深部地缝合线,有可能在郯庐断裂系早白垩世发生大规模左行走滑作用下而导致引张,从而诱发了地幔上隆和大规模岩浆事件及铜铁成矿作用。  相似文献   

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