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Atoll-shaped and normal garnets from schists of the Betic Cordillera (Spain) were studied by electron microprobe, scanning electron microscopy and microstructural electron backscattered scanning diffraction (EBSD). Medium-grade schists contain a textural variety of atoll garnets, characterized by the presence of muscovite, annite, and quartz as main ??core?? phases. Zoning patterns, EBSD analyses and themobarometric data indicate that the micaceous intergrowths formed in most cases through breakdown of a first garnet generation, with orientation of micas being controlled by garnet (c*mica//[111]*Grt and c*mica//[110]*Grt as main crystallographic relationships). Rings formed from multiple nucleation and coalescence, with orientation being controlled, in some cases, by the relics of the initial garnet and more generally by mica orientation. P-T estimates indicate that the first stage of garnet growth occurred at relatively high P (9?C12?kbar/500?C550°C) whereas the second metamorphic stage occurred at lower P and slightly higher T conditions (5?C7?kbar/500?C600°C).  相似文献   

The content and distribution of NH4-bearing micas in micaschists and paragneisses of the Alpujárride complex (Betic Cordillera, Spain) are interpreted on the basis of textures, metamorphic history and crystal-chemical constraints. NH4 is present in important amounts in early micas, recording their older diagenetic-to-metamorphic history. NH4 was inherited by micas formed in successive metamorphic events. At similar metamorphic grade, annite is enriched in NH4 relative to muscovite with a fractionation of 4:1. Maximum NH4 contents were estimated in golden annite from medium-grade schists and in retrogressive annite-chlorite mixed-layers (~1.0?wt.%). A Ti-NH4 avoidance gives rise to associated chemical changes, such as the enrichment in Mg and in VIAl. These data suggest that NH4 can be a decisive factor in chemical equilibrium and element partitioning between coexisting phases, thus affecting to the commonly used thermobarometers. Estimation of the P-T conditions from texturally different muscovite-annite pairs reveals the superposition of several stages of mica growth, under different geothermal gradients.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - U–Pb dating on inherited detrital zircons has been applied to obtain the probable maximum age of deposition of the detrital protolith of the...  相似文献   

We investigated the Sm–Nd systematics of mafic granulite and undeformed layered gabbro, which form a midcrustal section of the Jurassic magmatic belt in the North Chilean Coast Range, south of Antofagasta. Mineral isochrons indicate ages between ca. 171 and 150?Ma for the granulite and an age of ca. 161 Ma for the gabbro. These ages are interpreted as closure time of the Sm–Nd system in the area. The age of metamorphism is Late-Jurassic. The minimum intrusion age of the protolith of the granulite is likely Early Jurassic (ca. 200?Ma), but an exact intrusion age could not be derived from the data. The intrusion age of the gabbro is ca. 185 Ma. Granulite generated from mantle-derived gabbroic magmas has ?Nd200 between 6.28 and 7.05 and the gabbro that intruded the granulite has ?Nd185 between 5.89 and 6.09.  相似文献   

We report SHRIMP U–Pb age of zircons in four samples of eclogite and one sample of orthogneiss from Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) zone in Yangkou area, eastern China. UHP rocks are distributed along the Sulu orogenic belt suturing North China Block with South China Block. In Yangkou area, UHP unit is well exposed for about 200 m along Yangkou beach section and consists mainly of blocks or lenses of ultramafic rocks and eclogite together with para- and orthogneiss which are highly sheared partly. Zircon grains examined in this study from eclogite show oscillatory zoning and overgrowth texture in CL images, and most of the grains have high Th/U ratio ranging from 0.8 to 2.1 indicating an igneous origin. The weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of zircons from the four samples range from 690 to 734 Ma. These ages can be correlated to the magmatic stage of the protoliths. In rare cases, zircon grains possess a narrow rim with very low Th/U ratio (< 0.02). EPMA U–Th-total Pb dating of such rim yields younger ages that range from 240 to 405 Ma marking the metamorphic stage. On the other hand, zircons from the orthogneiss show irregular shape and zoning with inclusion-rich core and inclusion-free rim. These grains of zircon yield U–Pb discordia intercept ages of 226 ± 63 Ma and 714 ± 110 Ma (MSWD 0.78). Bulk of the areas of the rims rim of the zircons demonstrate younger 206Pb/238U ages close to the upper intercept, with low Th/U ratio (< 0.20) indicating their metamorphic origin. In contrast, the cores show older 206Pb/238U ages close to lower intercept and high Th/U ratio of (0.14–5.25) indicating their igneous origin. The upper intercept age is also commonly noted in zircons from eclogite. Our results suggest a bimodal igneous activity along this zone during the Neoproterozoic, probably related to the rifting of the Rodinia supercontinent.  相似文献   

NW Turkey is a mosaic of several continental and oceanic units, that were amalgamated by collisional and strike–slip tectonics. One of the continental units is the İstanbul terrane, the Palaeozoic strata of which comprise an Early Ordovician to Early Carboniferous transgressive sedimentary sequence. The basement to the Palaeozoic succession is exposed in the Bolu Massif and is represented by a thick meta-volcanic unit intruded by Late Neoproterozoic (ca. 575 Ma) felsic magma. This meta-igneous basement is considered to be a sliver of the Cadomian magmatic arc. Unconformably overlying Early Ordovician strata start with red fluvial clastics (ca. 3,000 m), overlain by shallow marine quartzites (<250 m). Detrital zircons were separated from an Ordovician quartzite sample located 5 m above the contact with the underlying red fluvial clastics. We have dated a total of 99 zircon grains by U–Pb method using laser ablation-sector field-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-SF-ICP-MS). The ages (97% are >90% concordant) range from 530 to 2550 Ma. The dominance (44 grains) of Neoproterozoic zircon ages (around 540, 570, 600–640 and 700–800 Ma) rules out any link of the İstanbul terrane with Baltica. The large amount (40 grains) of Grenvillian and Meso- to Palaeo-proterozoic ages (around 1.0–1.2, 1.3–1.6, 1.7–1.8, and 1.9–2.1 Ga) in the zircon population further rules out a link to Cadomian and Minoan terranes, but is indicative for Amazonian source areas. The new age data suggest the İstanbul terrane to be a peri-Gondwanan terrane that was located at the northwestern margin of Gondwana close to Amazonia. This terrane should have travelled a large distance in the Phanerozoic times.  相似文献   

U–Pb zircon dating is combined with petrology, Zr-in-rutile thermometry and mineral equilibria modelling to discuss zircon petrogenesis and the age of metamorphism in three units of the Variscan Vosges Mountains (NE France). The monotonous gneiss unit shows results at 700–500?Ma, but no Variscan ages. The varied gneiss unit preserves ages between 600 and 460?Ma and a Variscan group at 340–335?Ma. Zircon analyses from the felsic granulite unit define a continuous array of ages between 500 and 340?Ma. In varied gneiss samples, zoned garnet includes kyanite and rutile and is surrounded by matrix sillimanite and cordierite. In a pseudosection, it points to peak conditions of?~16 kbar/850?°C followed by isothermal decompression to 8–10 kbar/820–860?°C. In felsic granulite samples, the assemblage K-feldspar–garnet–kyanite–Zr-rich rutile is replaced by sillimanite and Zr-poor rutile. Modelling these assemblages supports minimum conditions of?~13 kbar/925?°C, and a subsequent P–T decrease to 6.5–8.5 kbar/800–820?°C. The internal structure and chemistry of zircons, and modelling of zircon dissolution/growth along the inferred P–T paths are used to discuss the significance of the U–Pb ages. In the monotonous unit, inherited zircon ages of 700–500?Ma point to sedimentation during the Late Cambrian, while medium-grade metamorphism did not allow the formation of Variscan zircon domains. In both the varied gneiss and felsic granulite units, zircons with a blurred oscillatory-zoned pattern could reflect solid-state recrystallization of older grains during HT metamorphism, whereas zircons with a dark cathodoluminescence pattern are thought to derive from crystallization of an anatectic melt during cooling at middle pressure conditions. The present work proposes that U–Pb zircon ages of ca. 340?Ma probably reflect the end of a widespread HT metamorphic event at middle crustal level.  相似文献   

This study concentrates on the petrological and geochemical investigation of mafic rocks embedded within the voluminous Triassic June Complex of the central Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (Iran), which are crucial to reconstruct the geodynamics of the Neotethyan passive margin. The Triassic mafic rocks are alkaline to sub-alkaline basalts, containing 43.36–49.09 wt% SiO2, 5.19–20.61 wt% MgO and 0.66–4.59 wt% total alkalis. Based on MgO concentrations, the mafic rocks fall into two groups: cumulates (Mg# = 51.61–58.94) and isotropic basaltic liquids (Mg# = 24.54–42.66). In all samples, the chondrite-normalized REE patterns show enrichment of light REEs with variable (La/Yb)N ratios ranging from 2.48 to 9.00, which confirm their amalgamated OIB-like and E-MORB-like signatures. Enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE) relative to the primitive mantle further support this interpretation. No samples point to crustal contamination, all having undergone fractionation of olivine + clinopyroxene + plagioclase. Nevertheless, elemental data suggest that the substantial variations in (La/Sm)PM and Zr/Nb ratios can be explained by variable degrees of partial melting rather than fractional crystallization from a common parental magma. The high (Nb/Yb)PM ratio in the alkaline mafic rocks points to the mixing of magmas from enriched and depleted mantle sources. Abundant OIB alkaline basalts and rare E-MORB appear to be linked to the drifting stage on the northern passive margin of the Neotethys Ocean.  相似文献   

The southwestern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) is located between the Alxa Terrane to the northwest, the North Qilian Orogen to the west and the North Qinling Orogen to the south. However, the paleogeographic and tectonic evolution for the southwestern part of the NCC in the Late Paleozoic is still poorly constrained. In order to constrain the Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the southwestern NCC, we carried out detailed field work and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronological research on Middle–Late Permian sedimentary rocks at the southwestern margin of the NCC. The U-Pb age spectra of detrital zircons from six samples are similar, showing four populations of 2.6–2.4 Ga, 2.0–1.7 Ga, 500–360 Ma and 350–250 Ma. Moreover, on the basis of the weighted-mean age of the youngest detrital zircons (257 ± 4 Ma), combined with the published results and volcanic interlayers, we propose that the Shangshihezi Formation formed during the Middle–Late Permian. Our results and published data indicate that the detrital zircons with age groups of 2.6–2.4 Ga and 2.0–1.7 Ga were likely derived from the Khondalite Belt and Yinshan Block in the northwestern NCC. The junction part between the North Qinling and North Qilian Orogen may provide the 500–360 Ma detrital zircons for the study area. The 350–250 Ma detrital zircons were probably derived from the northwestern part of the NCC. The majority of materials from Shangshihezi Formation within the study area were derived from the northwestern part of the NCC, indicating that the northwestern part of the NCC was strongly uplifted possibly resulting from the progressive subduction and closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. A small amount of materials were sourced from southwestern part of the NCC, indicating that the North Qinling Orogen experienced a minor uplift resulting from the northward subduction of the South Qinling terrane.  相似文献   

As the boundary between the Indochina and the South China blocks, the Ailao Shan-Red River (ASRR) shear zone underwent a sinistral strike-slip shearing which is characterized by ductile deformation structures along the Ailao Shan range. The timing issue of left-lateral shearing along the ASRR shear zone is of first-order importance in constraining the nature and regional significance of the shear zone. It has been, therefore, focused on by many previous studies, but debates still exist on the age of initiation and termination of shearing along the shear zone. In this paper, we dated 5 samples of granitic plutons (dykes) along the Ailao Shan shear zone. Zircon U–Pb ages of four sheared or partly sheared granitic rocks give ages of 30.9 ± 0.7, 36.6 ± 0.1, 25.9 ± 1.0 and 27.2 ± 0.2 Ma, respectively. An undeformed granitic dyke intruding mylonitic foliation gives crystallization age of 21.8 ± 1 Ma. The Th/U ratios of zircon grains from these rocks fall into two populations (0.17–1.01 and 0.07–0.08), reflecting magmatic and metamorphic origins of the zircons. Detailed structural and microstructural analysis reveals that the granitic intrusions are ascribed to pre-, syn- and post-shearing magmatisms. The zircon U–Pb ages of these granites provide constraints on timing of the initiation (later than 31 Ma from pre-shearing granitic plutons, but earlier than 27 Ma from syn-shearing granitic dykes) and termination (ca. 21 Ma from the post-shearing granitic dykes) of strong ductile left-lateral shearing, which is consistent with previous results on the Diancang Shan and Day Nui Con Voi massifs in the literature. We also conclude that the left-lateral shearing along the ASRR shear zone is the result of southeastward extrusion of the Indochina block during the Indian–Eurasian plate collision. Furthermore, the left-lateral shearing was accompanied by the ridge jump, postdating the opening, of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

The NW–SE trending Longshoushan is in the southwestern margin of the Alxa Block, which was traditionally considered the westernmost part of the North China Craton (NCC). Precambrian crystalline basement exposed in the Longshoushan area was termed the “Longshoushan Complex”. This complex's formation and metamorphism are significant to understand the geotectonics and early Precambrian crustal evolution of the western NCC. In this study, field geology, petrology, and zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopes of representative orthogneisses and paragneisses in the Longshoushan Complex were investigated. U–Pb datings reveal three Paleoproterozoic magmatic episodes (ca. 2.33, ca. 2.17 and ca. 2.04 Ga) and two subsequent regional metamorphic events (ca. 1.95–1.90 Ga and ca. 1.85 Ga) for metamorphic granitic rocks in the Longshoushan Complex. U–Pb dating of the detrital magmatic zircons from two paragneisses yields concordant 207Pb/206Pb ages between 2.2 Ga and 2.0 Ga, and a small number of metamorphic zircon rims provide a ca. 1.95 Ga metamorphic age, suggesting that the depositional time of the protolith was between 2.0 and 1.95 Ga and that the sedimentary detritus was most likely derived from the granitic rocks in the Longshoushan Complex itself. Zircon Lu–Hf isotopic analyses indicate that nearly all magmatic zircons from ca. 2.0 Ga to ca. 2.17 Ga orthogneisses have positive εHf(t) values with two-stage Hf model ages (TDMC) ranging from 2.45 to 2.65 Ga (peak at ca. 2.5 Ga), indicating that these Paleoproterozoic granitic rocks were derived from the reworking of the latest Neoarchean–early Paleoproterozoic juvenile crust. Detrital magmatic zircons from two paragneisses yield scattered 176Hf/177Hf ratios, εHf(t) and TDMC values, further indicating that the sedimentary detritus was not only derived from these plutonic rocks but also from other unreported or denuded Paleoproterozoic igneous rocks. The ca. 2.15 Ga detrital magmatic zircons from one paragneiss have negative εHf(t) values with TDMC ranging from 2.76 to 3.04 Ga, indicating another important crustal growth period in the Longshoushan region. These data indicate that the Longshoushan Complex experienced Neoarchean–Early Paleoproterozoic crustal growth, approximately ca. 2.3–2.0 Ga experienced multiphase magmatic events, and approximately ca. 1.95–1.90 Ga and ca. 1.85 Ga experienced high-grade metamorphic events. The sequence of tectonothermal events is notably similar to that of the main NCC. Together with the datasets from an adjacent area, we suggest that the western Alxa Block was most likely an integrated component of the NCC from the Neoarchean to the Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Polish Lowlands, located southwest of the Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone, within Trans-European Suture Zone, were affected by bimodal, but dominantly...  相似文献   

The tectonic evolution of the Chinese Tianshan Belt which is located in the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt remains controversial. In order to reveal the evolutionary history of this belt, we investigate metasedimentary rocks from the Tianshanmiao of Harlik domain and Xingxingxia area of central Tianshan domain in this study. The Permian siltstones from Xingxingxia contain six zircon populations with ages peak at 280, 815 and 910, 1590, 1855 and 2340 Ma, suggesting a diverse provenance. The 2544–2294 Ma ages correlate with the generation of continental nuclei in Tarim. The tectonothermal events during 1855, 1590, 910 and 815 Ma may correspond to the assembly and breakup of the Columbia and Rodinia supercontinents, respectively. Similar Precambrian age spectra and “event signature” curves suggest that the central Tianshan was most likely a part of the Tarim block in the Proterozoic. The detrital zircon U–Pb ages of Ordovician meta-greywackes from the Tianshanmiao sequence reveal six zircon populations with peaks at 460, 933, 1382, 1850, 2000 and 2462 Ma, among which the zircons with dominant age peaks (460 Ma and 930 Ma, more than 70%) are euhedral, low sphericity and exhibit clear oscillatory zoning, suggesting local derivation from the proximal Ordovician and Neoproterozoic granitoids. The range of εHf(t) values (−5.4 to +21) of zircon grains from Ordovician rocks suggests that these were derived from depleted mantle or through partial melting of juvenile crust, similar to the case for the Early Paleozoic magmatism in Chinese Altai. Our detrital zircon data suggest that the provenance of the Harlik was neither the Tarim nor the Junggar, and instead, we propose a connection with the Chinese Altai-Tuva–Mongol Arc along the southern margin of the Siberia craton at ∼500 Ma. The Harlik domain drifted southward and then collided with the central Tianshan in the Carboniferous-Permian as a result of the closure of Paleo-Tianshan Ocean.  相似文献   

The western part of the Ronda peridotite massif (Southern Spain) consists mainly of highly foliated spinel-peridotite tectonites and undeformed granular peridotites that are separated by a recrystallization front. The spinel tectonites are interpreted as volumes of ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle and the granular peridotites as a portion of subcontinental lithospheric mantle that underwent partial melting and pervasive percolation of basaltic melts induced by Cenozoic asthenospheric upwelling. The Re–Os isotopic signature of sulfides from the granular domain and the recrystallization front mostly coincides with that of grains in the spinel tectonites. This indicates that the Re–Os radiometric system in sulfides was highly resistant to partial melting and percolation of melts induced by Cenozoic lithospheric thermal erosion. The Re–Os isotopic systematics of sulfides in the Ronda peridotites thus mostly conserve the geochemical memory of ancient magmatic events in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Os model ages record two Proterozoic melting episodes at ~1.6 to 1.8 and 1.2–1.4 Ga, respectively. The emplacement of the massif into the subcontinental lithospheric mantle probably coincided with one of these depletion events. A later metasomatic episode caused the precipitation of a new generation of sulfides at ~0.7 to 0.9 Ga. These Proterozoic Os model ages are consistent with results obtained for several mantle suites in Central/Western Europe and Northern Africa as well as with the Nd model ages of the continental crust of these regions. This suggests that the events recorded in mantle sulfides of the Ronda peridotites reflect different stages of generation of the continental crust in the ancient Gondwana supercontinent.  相似文献   

The Makuti Group of northwest Zimbabwe is composed of mafic and intermediate biotite-rich gneisses interlayered with quartzofeldspathic gneisses of granitic composition, and minor sedimentary units. The gneisses have experienced a multi-staged metamorphic history, including an early high temperature-high pressure event and subsequent reworking at upper- to mid-amphibolite-facies conditions. They are positioned along the strongly deformed, southern margin of the east-west trending Zambezi Belt, and have been correlated with supracrustal gneiss units along the northern margin of the Zimbabwe Craton.The Makuti Group is characterised by an intensely developed gneissic layering and complex disharmonic folds that resulted from non-coaxial deformation involving repeated stages of transposition. The basal contact of the g roup coincides with a decrease in strain intensity, but not with a directional change of characteristic structural elements (e.g. lineations, fold axes), nor with a clear change in rock types. Pink quartzofeldspathic gneisses of granitic composition are typical for the Makuti Group, but locally intrude basement gneiss as well. The quartzofeldspathic gneisses occur as porphyritic and non-porphyritic varieties that are, invariably, intensely sheared.The age and nature of the basal contact of the Makuti Group and its relationship to the quartzofeldspathic gneisses has been investigated. Samples for single zircon PbPb dating were collected from a felsic biotite gneiss just below (2704 ± 0.3 Ma) and above (2510 ± 0.4 Ma) the lower contact of the Makuti Group at an ‘unconformity’ 2 km northwest of Vuti. Further samples were collected from pink quartzofeldspathic units at the base (737 ± 0.9 Ma), central part (764 ± 0.9 Ma; 797 ± 0.9 Ma) and top (794 ± 0.5 Ma; 854 ± 0.8 Ma) of the Makuti Group. Two samples of Kariba orthogneiss (1920 ± 0.4 and 1963 ± 0.4 Ma) underlying the Makuti Group in the northwest were also collected. In all samples, long-prismatic, colourless to brown, igneous zircon grains were selected. Dates were obtained using a stepwise single-grain evaporation technique. Although this technique only allows minimum age estimates, the dates are highly reproducible, indicating that they approximate emplacement ages. The ages conform with the field observations that the basement has been reworked in the Makuti Group and that the quartzofeldspathic units may have been emplaced as granites.It is proposed that the Makuti Group represents a crustal scale shear zone that partly reworked basement gneisses and acted as a conduit for granite emplacement. Shearing took place in an extensional setting around 800 Ma ago, and may have resulted in the exhumation of lower crustal rocks.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the U–Pb data of zircon separated from three samples representative of mylonitic leucogranites, trondhjemites and pegmatites occurring along the Alpine tectonic zone between the Castagna and Sila Units in northern Calabria. These mylonites are associated to Variscan granitic-granodioritic biotite-rich augen gneisses derived from Neo-Proterozoic-Early Cambrian protoliths. Apparent ages ranging from Early Cambrian to post-Variscan have been obtained. Th, U and rare earth elements have been determined in two zircon domains of mylonitic leucogranite and trondhjemite giving different ages in order to get information relative to their geological significance. The pegmatite preserves intrusive contact with the augen gneisses and with the other mylonites; it turns out to be emplaced at 290–300 Ma, like the Variscan plutonites of the Castagna Unit. The deformation masks the original contacts of the mylonitic leucogranite and trondhjemite with the biotite-rich augen gneisses. The age-group averaging 540 Ma is interpreted as indicative of the emplacement of the protoliths and it coincides with the age previously determined for the emplacement of the protoliths of the biotite-rich augen gneisses. Zircon from the mylonitic pegmatite includes domains showing concordant and discordant ages younger than 290 Ma, thus reflecting various degrees of partial resetting and Pb-loss caused by post-Variscan events. Zircon from the mylonitic leucogranite and trondhjemite includes apparent ages between 300 and 280 Ma as well as ages younger than 250 Ma. Perturbation of U–Pb system by Alpine shearing appears evident; however, possibile effects caused by thermal input and hydrothermal fluid infiltration from the Variscan plutonites cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Major- and trace-element and U–Pb analyses of detrital zircons were performed on metavolcano sedimentary sequences and igneous rocks from the Ceará Central Domain (CCD) in the Borborema Province of northeastern Brazil. No significant geochemical differences were found between these rocks, which were possibly initially deposited as parts of a very large metavolcano-sedimentary sequence. Weathering in the source area was moderate, and the sediments were deposited as both sands and clays. The sources of the sediments were likely mixtures of felsic and intermediate rocks deposited predominantly in an active-margin setting with minor contributions of both continental arc and passive margin components. Three main source ages were identified: Palaeoproterozoic (~2.2 Ga), for which potential sources include the Palaeoproterozoic Madalena-Algodões Suite; early Neoproterozoic (~850 Ma), related to felsic volcanic magmatism due to continental rifting, initial phases of the Santa Quitéria Magmatic Arc, or magmatic arc systems on the margins of the Palaeoproterozoic crust; and late Neoproterozoic (~650 Ma), associated with extensive granite generation and migmatization events accompanying Santa Quitéria Arc activity. Deposition of the CCD volcanosedimentary rocks occurred shortly before regional, collision-type metamorphism accompanying the amalgamation of the São Francisco-Congo Cratons (~ 620–630 Ma).  相似文献   

Neogene volcanic rocks in the Belog Co area, Qiangtang, northern Tibet, are represented by a typical intermediate-basic and intermediate alkaline rock association, with latite-trachyte as the main rock type. The results of chemical analysis are: SiO2=52%–62%, Al2O3>15%, Na2O/K2O>1 and MgO<3.30%. In addition, the volcanic rocks are LREE-enriched with LREE/HREE=10–13, (La/Yb)N=15–19, and show a weak negative Eu anomaly with δEu=0.71–0.89. The close relationship between Mg# and SiO2 and the co-variation of the magmatophile elements and ultra-magmatophile elements such as La/Sm-La and Cr-Tb indicate that this association of volcanic rocks is the product of comagmatic fractional crystallization. The rock association type and lower Sm/Yb values (Sm/Yb=3.23–3.97) imply that this association of volcanic rocks should have originated from partial melting of spinel lherzolite in the lithospheric mantle. On the other hand, the weak negative Eu anomaly and relative depletion in Nb, Ta and Ti reflect the features of terrigenous magma. So the Neogene Belog Co alkaline volcanic rocks should be the result of partial melting of the special crust-mantle transition zone on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

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