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The tribute to Mikhail V. Lomonosov on the occasion of his 250th anniversary of his birth enables better students of the history of geological science to identify the obvious confusion and glaring flaws in this overstated presentation of Lomonosov as the father of geology. Perhaps it will stimulate interest in Lomonosov's On Terrestrial Strata, published in 1763. The article contains evidences of overwhelming self-pride of the Communists in the fact that Lomonosov was Russian, but in identifying him as somehow linked with progressive Communism leaves one to wonder.--B. N. Cooper.  相似文献   

Vernadskiy's views on the origin of oil, as originally expressed in 1924 in the first French edition of Geochemistry and more extensively in his Essays in Geochemistry (especially in the fourth or second Russian edition, 1934), are evaluated and praised in light of more recent information. The principal reference is the second Russian edition, in six essays. The several points of Vernadskiy's thesis, that oil is of organic origin, are noted and discussed with reference to data more extensive than that available to him. Vernadskiy's interest in the origin of oil was subordinate to his major interest in the geochemistry of carbon and its history in the crust, and in biogeochemistry — the role of living matter in the development of the upper geosphere. To him the emergence of oil was “one of the momentous manifestations of a transfer of solar energy to deeper reaches of our planet, by means of living substance.” Vernadskiy, in light of Trask's work, even conceded the possibility of oil originating from organic matter of continental fresh-water basins. He read widely in his field and appreciated the need for understanding the history of thought on the subject. The organic theory, he strongly believed, was born in 1763 with the publication of Lomonosov's On Terrestrial Layers. — W.D. Lowry.  相似文献   

地球系统科学从20世纪80年代蓬勃兴起。国内外学者普遍认为地球系统科学(Earth System Science)概念是由美国国家航空航天局(NASA)1983年首次正式提出。然而如果我们重温李四光先生遗著,则不难发现早在20世纪20-30年代他就已将系统论引入地质学,提出了诸如构造系统(tectonic system)、大陆车阀说、海水进退规程等等新概念;1970年在他临终前出版的《天文·地质·古生物》,还将地球系统科学研究内容进一步扩大。可以说,系统科学思想贯彻在他的一生论著中,说明我国杰出地质学家李四光才是真正地球系统科学的先驱。李四光先生有诸多超前思维值得传承,他创建的“地质力学”的内容就是现代“系统构造地质学”加“地球系统科学”。   相似文献   

据此对全球洋脊系统分布的定向性、等距性、垂向波动性及与地球自转的密切相关性等基本特征及其产生的动力学机制进行初步的解释。   相似文献   

毕思文 《地质通报》2003,22(8):601-612
首先,从人类面临全球性的重大问题、地球系统的全球化、地球系统科学与传统地球科学和国内外研究现状4个方面介绍了地球系统科学提出的背景,阐述了地球系统科学的七大特征和六大趋向。其次,详细介绍了地球系统科学的概念与研究方法,主要内容有研究思路、基本概念、地球系统过程和地球系统科学的方法论。第三,构建了地球系统科学理论基础,主要内容包括:地球系统的连续动态系统、离散动态系统、地球系统的随机性、地球系统的自组织和地球系统的简单巨系统与复杂巨系统。第四,重点介绍了地球系统科学子系统与各圈层相互作用的动力学效应。最后,概述了地球系统的数字表达——数字地球和地球系统科学是可持续发展战略的科学基础。  相似文献   

地球系统科学发展方向与趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先从人类面临全球性的重大问题、地球系统的全球化和地球系统科学与传统地球科学三个方面介绍了地球系统科学提出的背景;在此基础上,阐述了地球系统科学国内外研究现状;然后详细介绍了地球系统科学的概念与研究方法,主要内容有研究思路、基本概念、地球系统过程、全球一区域信息获取、海量信息处理和分析及系统模型等;第三构建了地球系统科学理论基础,主要内容包括:地球系统的连续动态系统、离散动态系统、地球系统的随机性、地球系统的自组织和地球系统的简单巨系统与复杂巨系统;然后重点介绍了地球系统科学子系统与各圈层相互作用的动力学模型与效应;第四,概述了地球系统的数字表达——数字地球和地球系统科学是可持续发展战略科学基础。最后,简述了中国开展地球系统科学研究的方向和面临的主要科学问题。  相似文献   

人地系统动力学研究的现状与展望   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
文章系统地综述了当前国内外对表层地球系统研究的现状、发展趋势,提出从人地系统动力学入手,深入开展可持续发展理论与方法研究的基本内容,以期表述人类活动对地球系统的影响——地球系统演变之“人类驱动力”的机制  相似文献   

地表的分形测量及其大地构造学意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以湖北红安地区为例,采用投影覆盖法(projectivecoveringmethod)对地表进行了二维分形测量,结果表明,地表面积具有双分形(bifractal)关系,即具有小尺度的结构分形(texturalfractal)和大尺度的构造分形(structuralfractal),分叉点(breakpoint)的尺度为3610m,分维值都在2~3之间且结构分维值大于其构造分维值。可见,地表形态具有分形性质,分维值可以指示地表形态的复杂程度。构造分维值可作为构造活动强度的一个指标,可为大地构造单元的划分提供定量依据。复杂地表形态主要是由构造活动(内营力作用)和各种复杂表生地质作用(外营力作用)引起的,前者主要控制大尺度的地形起伏,后者则塑造小尺度的地表形态。地表分维值可以指示地表的发育成熟度,该地区小尺度的结构分维值大于大尺度的构造分维值表明其处于地表形态的发育晚期。此外,地表的分形尺度可以来用确定构造活动尺度,从而指导构造地质与找矿勘探研究。  相似文献   

李连捷先生是我国土壤科学的创始人之一,也是我国土壤科学的教育家,为土壤科学发展的地学理论基础和生产应用做了大量工作。我作为李连捷先生的研究生,有幸在先生身边度过了10年,切身体会到了他对研究生的关心和培养。他不仅教我学业,而且教我做人。他渊博的知识、宽广的胸怀和幽默的谈吐让我难忘。他注重调查研究,力求理论与生产实践相结合;他不墨守成规,注重创新发展;他精益求精,不畏困难,不怕挫折,乐观地面对人生都给我留下了终生受益的精神财富  相似文献   

为解决地球深部探测过程中地球物理和地球化学两大系列研究成果无法联系和统一的难题,地球深部物质科学应运而生。该学科既要研究组成地球深部的一切物质实体的物理和化学的属性,又要从物质的角度去研究地球深部的结构和动力学过程。随着该学科的发展,将会为地球深部的观测结果和计算模拟结果赋予物质内容,从而促进对地球深部的物质组成、结构分层以及动力学形成统一认识,建立适合于各学科的地球深部模型。  相似文献   

文章概述了美国地学的一批小型应用软件的情况。这批软件以内容丰富、涉及专业范围广、运行的硬软件环境要求不高、以及售价低廉为其特征。文章提到了软件性能方面的十个特点,特别是图标菜单、三维地质模型图示、多层及多窗口图形显示以及CDROM的应用等图示技术的进展。文章认为,美国地学小软件取得的进展,除地学本身的因素外,应归功于及时引进CAD、WINDOWS等先进系统软件技术。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1993,8(6):643-647
Mazor (1992) has reinterpreted several previous 36Cl studies. The studies he revised used extensive physical hydrogeological data to aid in interpretation of the 36Cl measurements. Major ion chemistry and other isotope tracers were considered in order to evaluate the groundwater geochemistry. The studies then used simple geochemical models to account for Cl behavior in the subsurface. The result of these 36Cl dating studies was in reasonable agreement with both numerical models of the aquifer systems and with independent geochemical studies.Mazor (1992) has reinterpreted these studies based on the assumption that spatial variation in chemical and isotope data should be attributed to unspecified “discontinuities” in the flow regime. The conceptual models of aquifer hydrodynamics resulting from this approach differ radically not only from the previous 36Cl interpretations, but also from the findings of virtually all previous hydrogeological and geochemical investigations. Although Mazor's “reinterpretations” are provocative, he does not show how they explain the data of the numerous previous studies better than the conceptual models presented by the authors of those studies, nor has he demonstrated that his new models are consistent with the fundamental physical laws governing groundwater flow. Until this is satisfactorily accomplished I will continue to prefer the original 36Cl interpretations.  相似文献   

A method of slices satisfying all the conditions of statical equilibrium has been developed to deal with the problem of determination of passive earth pressure over a retaining wall in sand. A method similar to that of Morgenstern and Price, which was used to solve the stability of slopes, has been followed. The earth pressure coefficients with the proposed methodology have been computed for a vertical retaining wall for both positive and negative wall friction angle. Also examined is the variation of the interslice shear force between the retaining wall and the Rankine Passive boundary. Due to complete satisfaction of the equilibrium conditions, the method generates exactly the same earth pressure coefficients as computed by using Terzaghi's overall limit equilibrium approach. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

地球系统科学的发展与展望   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
简要回顾了地球系统科学从20世纪80年代作为人类迎接全球环境问题的挑战而提出的集成研究方法、到逐步成长为一门新兴学科的发展历程,系统阐述了地球系统科学的研究目标、研究对象、研究方法及所关注的科学问题。地球系统科学是一门连接地球科学、生命科学、计算机和对地观测技术以及其它相关科学的一门新兴的交叉学科。由于它所针对的特定的全球性环境问题,关系到社会的可持续发展和人类的切身利益,因此,它也是一门有极强生命力的科学。  相似文献   

袁复礼教授是著名的老一辈地质学家,他对地质学、考古学和地学教育都做出重要贡献,是我国第四纪地质学的奠基人之一。本文从五个方面介绍他的学术思想、学风和主要贡献:1)热爱科学,执着追求,探索自然奥秘;2)博览广学,融会贯通,放眼大地学观;3)关心国计民生,注重生产实践,投身经济建设;4)团结协作,顾全大局,发展科学;5)启发教学,全面培养,造就几代地质英才。袁先生是深受爱戴的一代地质宗师,他所坚持的学术思想和教育思想,至今仍有现实意义。  相似文献   

The outstanding contribution of Professor F.I. Wolfson to the origination and development of Russian science and practice in the field of geology of uranium deposits is emphasized. Under his guidance, a team of highly skilled specialists on uranium deposits was gathered at the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, in Moscow. Owing to their efforts, all significant uranium deposits in the former Soviet Union and socialist bloc countries have been studied comprehensively. A theory of uranium ore formation was developed on this basis, and elaborated practical recommendations promoted the creation in the Soviet Union of the world’s largest uranium resource sources. Today, Wolfson’s ideas and works are widely used in planning and carrying out complex investigations at operating uranium deposits and in new promising uranium districts.  相似文献   

It is a scientist's mission to try to remain unbiased. However, certain factors play a role in scientific analyses that are not controlled by conscious thought. These factors are potentially very important in areas of science where interpretations are based on a scientist's ability to identify patterns or structures. One such area is the micromorphology of glacial sediments. In this paper we investigate the role of an analyst's experience in relation to pattern perception with specific reference to turbate microstructures in glacial diamictons. An experiment was conducted on 52 participants, which demonstrated that, as may be expected, more experienced (glacial) micromorphologists tend to exhibit a higher sensitivity‐to‐signal, but that complete novices, if given clear instructions, can reach levels of sensitivity similar to those of experts. It also showed, perhaps more surprisingly, that response bias does not decrease with experience. We discuss psychological factors, such as the drive for success and consistency, that may have contributed to these results and investigate their possible implications in the micromorphological analysis and interpretation of glacial sediments.  相似文献   

The tribute to Ivan Mikhaylovich Gubkin as written by M. I. Varentsov not only notes his contribution to Russian economic geology and to petroleum geology in particular but also his contribution to the Communist Party and the socialist government which it directs. The paper includes a discussion of his political philosophy. It stresses his insistence upon rigorous mental attack of geologic problems. It points out his realization that the solution of many practical geologic problems lies in a better understanding of the stratigraphic and tectonic framework (or geologic history) of major geologic regions such as geosynclines and platforms. [Much material of political nature is omitted in this abridged translation]. --WD. Lowry.  相似文献   

Loess–palaeosol sequences (LPS) represent important records of palaeoenvironmental dynamics throughout the Quaternary. During the Pleistocene's dry and cold phases, the Danube's riverbed was one of the major sources for loess sediments that built up LPS in southern Germany and southeastern Europe. Surprisingly, studies addressing Bavarian LPS along the Danube River often lack actuality. The Attenfeld site was one of them and is often cited as a typical LPS. Nevertheless, the site's previous interpretations are based on a few empirical data and field observations. Considering the site's closeness to the sediment's source area, the Alps, and the region's importance in Middle and Upper Palaeolithic migrational movements, those former renditions needed an evaluation. Therefore, we applied a multi-proxy approach (including analyses of grain-size distribution, element composition, and sediment colour attributes) combined with optically stimulated luminescence. Based on our findings, we conclude that the Attenfeld site's former interpretations might be too generalised. We identified units that were not mentioned by previous studies (e.g. Early Glacial dark greyish horizon). Field observations, sediment characteristics, and age estimates indicate sediment deposition of the dated units partly before MIS 4, which contrasts with previous interpretations. The results further demonstrate how sensitive LPS are to environmental settings and dynamics.  相似文献   

地球深部物质和能量交换的动力过程与矿产资源的形成   总被引:46,自引:4,他引:46  
地球深部物质与能量的交换和深层动力过程这一科学问题的提出,乃是近年来地球科学发展与逐步向量化“进军”的必然,它是探索一系列地学前沿课题的基础。地球表面所见到的一系列地球物理场异常,地质构造格局,地球化学组分变异,无一不受到地球内部物质与能量的交换和深层动力过程的制约。如地球圈层的形成与演化,大陆伸展与裂谷,资源与能源等,均为深部物质运移和物理学、化学效应及地质构造耦合的产物。本文讨论了金属矿产资源与地壳、地幔结构及深部物质运移的动力学响应。通过几个典型矿床和其形成要素分析了成矿作用的深层动力过程。文中主要讨论了五个方面的问题:第一,金属矿产资源成矿和分布与地壳、地幔结构及深部物质运移和成矿带。第二,金的形成与深层过程。第三,金属矿床的形成、演化和分布与深部物质及能量的交换。第四,地幔热柱与成矿作用。第五,地球内部深层动力过程与流体运移和必须深化研究的几个问题。  相似文献   

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