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塔里木盆地至黑海一带晚第三纪沉积特征及古地理环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在前人研究基础上,通过对塔里木盆地至黑海一带晚第三纪地层主要剖面沉积特征的对比分析,参考板块构造的研究成果,初步论述了本区古地中海(特提斯洋)在晚第三纪的存在,消失及演变过程,认为咸海,里海和黑海均形成于晚第三纪,是古地中海水退出后保存在大陆上的残留海或淡化海,对研究区晚第三纪的古气候及成矿作用,也作了简要阐述。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1017-1029
The classification of organic facies from samples obtained by submarine drilling between Hersek Burnu and Kaba Burun in the Gulf of Izmit was determined using organic geochemistry methods. The host sediment is composed of pebbles, sand, silt, and clay, some of which are rich in organic matter. Results indicate an early diagenesis stage according to total organic carbon (0.11-1.78%) and vitrinite reflectance (0.12-0.32%) values. Rock-Eval pyrolysis data display hydrogen indices (HI) of 3 to 97 mg HC/g TOC and oxygen indices (OI) of 29 to 245 mg HC/g CO2. Microscopic studies show that the dominant organic matter is oxic and terrestrial. These data demonstrate that the organic facies were developed in this environment. The CD facies reflects a mixture of source materials including terrestrial plant detritus, and reworked and fine-grained amorphous organic matter. The D facies consists of highly decomposed, reworked organic matter. These types of organic facies generally appear to be weakly sorted in marine and lake sediments.  相似文献   

陈楚铭 《沉积学报》1998,16(2):113-116
通过对塔里木盆地晚第三纪-第四纪沉积环境、沉积中心分布特征、构造变形特征及其动力学成因的分析,认为塔里木盆地晚第三纪-第四纪的沉积和构造变形过程明显受控于阿合奇-西昆仑-阿尔金左行剪切挤压构造。它加速了生油岩的成熟过程,形成新的背斜和断层圈闭构造,而且还控制了新生代油气的运移和聚集。非构造圈闭和断层遮挡圈闭所形成的次生油气藏是巴楚断隆的有利勘探目标。  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡ODP 1144站位第四纪硅藻及其古环境演变   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李家英 《地质论评》2002,48(5):542-551
中国南海北部陆坡ODP 1144站位硅藻植物群的研究,建立了西太平洋边缘海一个新的中更新世晚期以来的硅藻生物地层图式,根据硅藻化石中具有指示意义的硅藻种的分布和生态变化(暖水种和冷水种),划分了8个硅藻组合带,其硅藻组合带分别在不同的高低海面环境下形成的,根据ODP1144站位氧同位素(OIS)测定结果,8个硅藻组合带与OIS 1-8期相对应。1、3、5、7硅藻组合带相当于OIS1、3、5、7期,间冰期是以热带和亚热带硅藻占优势,其中冷期出现大量的沿岸硅藻为特征,反映高海平面温暖的气候条件;2、4、6、8硅藻组合带相当于OIS2、4、6、8期,冰期是以亚热带,热带和出现较多冷水硅藻为特征,反映低海平面较冷气候条件,硅藻丰度值的变化与冰期和间冰期有关,可以证实间冰期时期高的海平面和较低的生物生产力以及冰期时低的海平面和高的生物生产力,而生物生产力的变化又与沉积时期沿岸流或上升流的强弱及水团活动有密切关系,进而揭示该区古海洋环境的演化与季风强弱之间的内在关系。  相似文献   

The Jurassic Coast World Heritage Sites (JCWHS) is not only a 95 km long coastline and remarkable Mesozoic geological section, but also a slice through a Quaternary landscape. For the majority of the last two million years this landscape lay in the periglacial zone, just south of a waxing and waning ice margin and just north of an Atlantic inlet which eventually became the English Channel. This paper reviews how the previous landscape inherited from the Cenozoic, was modified through uplift, climatically driven fluvial activity and periglaciation. Much evidence of this Quaternary history can be seen today in sections along the JCWHS coast which cuts through a number of headwater valleys the largest of which are the Exe and Axe. Recent studies, largely funded from the Aggregate Levy Tax, have produced the first independent chronologies for the Exe and Axe valleys and a model of how periglaciation interacted with the layer-cake stratigraphy of the Mesozoic bedrocks of the JCWHS. The Quaternary history of the JCWHS is also preserved in raised beaches on the Isle of Portland, coastal landforms, and in Holocene alluvial sediments associated with human activity and which may constitute part of the putative Anthropocene. An appreciation of the Quaternary history of the JCWHS is also important in understanding modern geological hazards from landslides to flooding.  相似文献   

We examine the long-term seismicity of the Marmara Sea region in Turkey over a period of twenty centuries to attempt to answer two questions: (1) how well recorded in history is the earthquake activity of this region? and (2) does seismicity over this long period of time differ from that over the present century? We study this densely-populated and fast-developing region because it is one of the most tectonically active regions on the continents that appears today to be relatively quiescent.  相似文献   

The shelf area is the largest morphological unit of the Marmara Sea and is subjected to increasing population, urbanization, and industrial activities. Metal contents (Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cr, Co and Hg) of the surface sediments from the shelf areas of the Marmara Sea generally do not indicate shelf-wide pollution. The variability of the metal contents of the shelf sediments is mainly governed by the geochemical differences in the northern and southern hinterlands. Northern shelf sediments contain lower values compared to those of the southern shelf, where higher Ni, Cr, Pb, Cu and Zn are derived from the rock formations and mineralized zones. However, besides from the natural high background in the southern shelf, some anthropogenic influences are evident from EF values of Pb, Zn and Cu, and also from their high mobility in the semi-isolated bay sediments. Anthropogenic influences are found to be limited at the confluence of Istanbul Strait in the northern shelf. However, suspended sediments along the shallow parts of the northern shelf were found to be enriched in Pb and Hg and to a lesser degree in Zn, reflecting anthropogenic inputs from Istanbul Metropolitan and possibly from the Black Sea via the Istanbul Strait.  相似文献   

Recent methane inventories have revealed the potential impact of gas hydrates on the global carbon cycle, and hence in climate change (Milkov, 2004). However, only a few studies have traced methane release in the geologic record. Here, we show geochemical evidence for a large scale methane release at mid-latitudes during the last deglaciation. The Sea of Marmara, an enclosed sea between the Mediterranean and Black Seas, is located in a tectonically active basin with gas hydrate expulsion and the formation of shallow gas hydrates. Since depths in the basin are shallower than 1100 m, future global temperatures are expected to have a great influence in destabilizing methane clathrates. Among the suite of biomarkers, we have focused on diplopterol and diploptene profiles in core MD012430, retrieved from the central basin in the Marmara Sea. Our results indicate that during the last 15,000 years, hopanoids showed important concentration variations with a pronounced peak during the deglaciation.The lack of a relationship between diplopterol/diploptene and phytoplanktonic biomarker concentrations, as well as a depleted isotopic composition, have linked the hopanoid maxima to methanotrophic activity, suggesting that an intense methane release occurred at the onset of deglaciation in the Marmara Sea. The vulnerability of the hydrate stability zone to changes in temperature and pressure under this range of shallow water depths, as well as the relative timing of the hopanoid maxima and sea surface temperature rise, points to thermal destabilization of hydrates as a trigger for methane release in the water column.  相似文献   

Chinese Neogene Rhinocerotidae has quite a complete record and its temporal range is the Early Miocene to Late Pliocene. The samples include 25 species in 4 tribes of 2 subfamilies. They are used as a foundation for the study of the evolution of the family and its relation to climatic changes. Taxonomic diversity, new records and extinctions are estimated for each Chinese Neogene mammal faunal unit (NMU). The diversity of Chinese Rhinocerotidae varies noticeably throughout the Neogene and is recognized within five stages: the Middle Miocene and Late Miocene are stages of high diversity and the Early Miocene, early Late Miocene and Pliocene are stages of low diversity. Rhinocerotid diversity and morphology are closely related to environmental factors and particularly sensitive to changes in ambient temperature and humidity. The interpretation of climatic variation reflected in the evolution of Rhinocerotidae corresponds precisely with the conclusions drawn from other workers and provides new evidence fen  相似文献   

南沙群岛及其邻近海区第四纪气候演化的非线性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李原  李智明 《沉积学报》1996,14(3):169-181
南沙群岛及其邻近海区近18.5万年以来气候与环境非线性研究表明曾发生三次明显气候转变,形成四个映射区。其中氧同位素第5期与第4期转变较明显,其次是氧同位素第6期与第5期的转变,最后是第3与第2期之间的变化,这与全球第四纪古气候研究结果是一致的,得到了氧同位素和古生物资料的进一步印证。半深海-深海海底沉积物有机质演化阶段在海进海退过程中表现出垂直分带和非线性变化。上陆坡以氧化堆积带为主,有机质供给多、但消耗迅速且水动力相对强;中陆坡为利于有机质保存的还原带;下陆坡为有机质缩合阶段,陆坡下缘-远洋为有机质沉降氧化带与沉积埋藏阶段的植烷形成带。这几个带在古气候、古海平面非线性变化中是沿海底向上或向下迁移的,其变化是非线性的。  相似文献   

下扬子区三叠纪古生物和古地理变迁及其主要原因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
钱迈平  郭佩霞 《江苏地质》1996,20(3):156-165
根据下扬子区三叠系生物化石和沉积相的研究,该区三叠纪古地理环境先后经历陆表海,萨布哈潮坪-泻湖,下三角洲平原滨海河口湾及三角洲平原河,湖和沼泽一系列变迁,其主要原因是由于扬子板块从赤道以南附近持续向北进行跨气候带漂移抵达北回归线以北附近的结果。  相似文献   

Miocene to Pleistocene calc-alkaline volcanism in the East Carpathianarc of Romania was related to the subduction of a small oceanbasin beneath the continental Tisza–Dacia microlate. Volcanicproducts are predominantly andesitic to dadtic in composition,with rare basalts and rhyodacites (51–l71% SiO2; mg-number0.65–0.26) and have medium- to high-K calcalkaline andshoshonitic affinities. Mg, Cr and Ni are low in all rock-types,indicating the absence of primary erupted compositions. Detailedtrace element and Sr, Nd, Pb and 0 isotope data suggest thatmagmas were strongly crustally contaminated. Assimilation andfractional crystallization (AFC) calculations predict the consumptionof 5–35% local upper-crustal metasediments or sedimentsfrom the palaeo-accretionary wedge. Variations in the isotopiccomposition of the contaminants and parental magmas caused variationsin the mixing trajectories in different parts of the arc Themost primitive isotopic compositions are found in low-K dacitesof the northern Cdlimani volcanic centre and are interpretedas largely mantle derived. A second possible mantle reservoirof lower 149 Nd/144 Nd and lower 206 Pb/204 Pb is identifiedfrom back-arc basic calc-alkaline rocks in the south of thearc Both magmatic reservoirs have elevated isotopic characteristics,owing either to source bulk mixing (between depleted or enrichedasthenosphere and <1% average subducted local sediment) orlower-crustal contamination. KEY WORDS: Carpathians; assimilation; calc-alkaline; Sr-Nd-Pb-0 isotopes; laser flurination  相似文献   

西沙群岛埋藏较浅的新近系白云岩主要发育在风化壳之下,沉积时处于海平面下降旋回,白云石化作用受海平面变化的控制。白云石化层段对应较低的温度和较高的盐度,冰期导致海平面下降并致海水浓缩,由此引起白云石化作用。冰期/间冰期的交替引起海平面变化并导致海水的性质周期性改变,最终引起白云石化作用也周期性地发生,从而导致白云岩与石灰岩周期性叠置。将新近系白云岩与古老层系白云岩的成因对比分析认为:通常认为的大面积分布的古老层系埋藏成因白云岩可能是准同生期因海水浓缩而形成的,只是遭受了埋藏流体改造而显示出埋藏白云石化特征。研究发现,西沙群岛新近系风化壳之上的石灰岩与风化壳之下的白云岩,孔隙类型及孔隙度几乎完全一样。  相似文献   

The distribution and genesis of n-alkanes in sediments from the 38-m sequence obtained during core boring in the Ivashkina lagoon were studied. Sediments were formed in the Holocene as a result of thermokarst and penetration of seawater. The sequence mostly includes permafrost rocks partially molten in the upper horizons and covered by Quaternary deposits, which are mostly the products of thermoabrasion.  相似文献   

Results obtained from beachrock lying on the north coast of the antique city of Parion in Çanakkale province, NW Turkey, are presented based on field data, petrographic analyses, cement fabrics, and radiocarbon dating. Extending to 20?m offshore at a depth of ?2?m, the studied 50-cm thick beachrock is poorly sorted lithic sandstone. Both exposed and submerged parts are characterized by sequentially precipitated marine phreatic and vadose cements composed of micrite encrustations with micro-organism borings, pseudopeloidal aggregates of high-Mg calcites with scalenohedral habits and meniscus bridges. Radiocarbon ages point to a deposition during the classical period when the sea level was below (between ?1 and ?1.5?m) that of the present. The beachrock witnesses a granule- and pebble-dominated wide beach prior to cementation, suggesting that Parion’s fortification walls were behind the coastline during this lowstand and raises questions concerning the existence of a harbor north of the city.  相似文献   

As the majority of the data on Quaternary sediments from the North Sea Basin are seismostratigraphical, we analysed the Elsterian Swarte Bank Formation, the Late Saalian Fisher Formation and the Late Weichselian (Dimlington Stadial) Bolders Bank Formation in order to determine genesis and provenance. The Swarte Bank Formation is a subglacial till containing palynomorphs from the Moray Forth and the northeastern North Sea, and metamorphic heavy minerals from the Scottish Highlands. The Fisher Formation was sampled from the northern and central North Sea. In the north, it is interpreted as a subglacial till, with glaciomarine sediments cropping out further south. These sediments exhibit a provenance signature consistent with the Midland Valley of Scotland, the Eocene of the North Sea Basin, the Grampian Highlands and northeast Scotland. The Bolders Bank Formation is a subglacial till containing palynomorphs from the Midland Valley of Scotland, northern Britain, and a metamorphic heavy‐mineral suite indicative of the Grampian Highlands, Southern Uplands and northeast Scotland. These data demonstrate that there was repeated glaciation of the North Sea Basin during the Middle and Late Pleistocene, with ice sheets originating in northern Scotland. There was no evidence for a Scandinavian ice sheet in the western North Sea basin. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):1191-1199
Pleistocene and Holocene transgressions advancing over the shelf that was exposed during glacial maxima drowned any continental and shallow marine sediments deposited during low sea level stands. To complement records from sequences exposed on land, core material from the shallow continental shelf is needed to reconstruct climatic and sea level fluctuations. Two cores drilled offshore Ashqelon off the southern Mediterranean coast of Israel, in a water depth of 10 and 25 m, were analyzed. Sedimentary facies and faunal analyses indicate that most of the sediments were deposited in nearshore environments, with only short intervals of continental episodes. Luminescence dating of alkali feldspar and quartz, as well as 14C ages of mollusks, date the cores to marine oxygen isotopic stages 6–1, between ∼140 and 5 ka. Comparison between the dating methods shows that most alkali feldspar ages agree with independent sea level and sedimentological constraints while quartz ages are overestimated.  相似文献   

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