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Hydrocarbon-bearing Thrace Basin occupies much of the European part of Turkey. The Middle Eocene to Oligocene sequence in the centre of the basin exceeds 9 km in thickness. Based on the stratigraphy, structure and the regional context of this basin, we propose that it developed as a fore-arc basin between the medial Eocene and the Oligocene, above the northward subducting Intra-Pontide Ocean. Its post-Miocene history has been dominated mainly by wrench tectonics resulting from the activity of the now-deactivated northwestern strand. of the present-day North Anatolian fault zone.  相似文献   

Tectonic elements controlling the evolution of the Gulf of Saros have been studied based upon the high-resolution shallow seismic data integrated with the geological field observations. Evolution of the Gulf of Saros started in the Middle to Late Miocene due to the NW–SE compression caused by the counterclockwise movement of the Thrace and Biga peninsulas along the Thrace Fault Zone. Hence, the North Anatolian Fault Zone is not an active structural element responsible for the starting of the evolution of the Gulf of Saros. The compression caused by the rotational movement was compensated by tectonic escape along the pre-existing Ganos Fault System. Two most significant controllers of this deformation are the sinistral Ganos Fault and the dextral northern Saros Fault Zone both extending along the Gulf of Saros. The most important evidences of this movement are the left- and right-oriented shear deformations, which are correlated with structural elements, observed on the land and on the high-resolution shallow seismic records at the sea. Another important line of evidence supporting the evolution of this deformation is that the transgression started in the early-Late Miocene and turned, as a result of regional uplift, into a regression on the Gelibolu Peninsula during the Turolian and in the north of the Saros Trough during the Early Pliocene. The deformation on the Gelibolu Peninsula continued effectively until the Pleistocene. Taking into account the fact that this deformation affected the Late Pleistocene units of the Marmara Formation, the graben formation of the Gulf of Saros is interpreted as a Recent event. However, at least a small amount of compression on the Gelibolu Peninsula is observed. It is also evident that compression ceased at the northern shelf area of the Gulf of Saros.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地鄂博梁地区古近系沉积物源方向分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析沉积区物源方向对研究该区的沉积作用、储层特征以及构造演化等方面具有重要的意义.为了查明柴达木盆地鄂博梁地区古近系沉积物源方向,本文对研究区碎屑岩的碎屑组分、岩屑类型、重矿物组合特征、稀土元素特征和阴极发光特征的平面分布特征进行分析,结合地震资料,确定研究区古近系沉积物源.综合分析得出鄂博梁Ⅰ号构造带物源主要来自于北部的阿尔金山物源区,西部的东坪构造带与鄂博梁Ⅰ号构造带具有相对独立的物源;鄂博梁Ⅱ号构造带属于混源区,同时是受到两个方向物源影响,分别是北部的阿尔金山方向,即来自于鄂博梁Ⅰ号构造带,是主要的物源区,来自东北部的小赛什腾山经冷湖三号、四号和五号构造带方向的物源,为次要物源区;鄂博梁Ⅲ号构造带主要是来自东北部赛什腾山经冷湖六号和冷湖七号构造带方向的物源,不受到南八仙方向的“古鱼卡大型古河流三角洲”物源的控制.  相似文献   

石膏是柴达木盆地油气圈闭的盖层之一。根据石膏层含量统计和石膏34SV-CDT分析,发现柴达木盆地古近系石膏主要分布于靠近阿尔金山的狮子沟凹陷和小梁山凹陷,石膏含量在垂向上具有旋回性。石膏的34SV-CDT值分布范围很大,为-23.3~71.4%,属国内外罕见。其原因是来自阿尔金山的硫酸盐34S值很低,而由盆缘向盆内随着还原环境的强化,细菌的分馏作用逐渐强烈,导致34SV-CDT值的巨大差异。石膏34SV-CDT值的主控因素为硫酸盐34SV-CDT初始值、硫酸盐补给速率和还原菌分馏作用的强度。形成石膏的硫酸盐来自阿尔金山,经由狮子沟凹陷进入盆地,然后向盆地其它方向扩散。  相似文献   

珠江口盆地惠州凹陷古近系物源分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用砂岩碎屑颗粒类型、砂岩组分阴极发光、重矿物组合、砂体百分含量变化,以及岩相古地理格局等物源分析的方法,对珠江口盆地惠州凹陷古近纪沉积期进行了物源分析。结果表明,恩平组发育了一套沼泽、三角洲-浅湖沉积体系,物源来自于盆地北部和中部隆起带;珠海组发育了一套三角洲-浅海沉积体系,物源来源于北部隆起带。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1557-1567

The present-day tectonic framework of Turkey comprises mainly two strike-slip fault systems, namely dextral North Anatolian and sinistral East Anatolian faults. They are considered as the main cause of deformation patterns in Anatolia. These two mega shear systems meet at Kargapazar? village of Karl?ova county. The area to the east of the junction has a transpressional tectonic regime between the Eurasian and Arabian plates and is characterized, based on field observation, by a network of faults defining a typical horsetail splay structure. The horsetail splay is interpreted as marking the termination of the North Anatolian Fault System (NAFS), which continues eastward into the Varto Fault Zone (VFZ) and then dies out. The present study reveals that the VFZ is made up of two main parts, namely the principal displacement zone (PDZ) and the transpressional splay zone (TPSZ), both characterized by the right-lateral strike-slip with reverse motion. However, the area to the east of Varto is characterized dominantly by reverse-thrust faults and E–W-trending faults as shown by focal mechanism solutions. The generation of the VFZ as a transpressional termination to the NAFS can be related directly to the block movements of the Eurasian, Anatolian, and Arabian plates.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3):219-228
The new field data obtained from the southwestern margin of the Erzincan pull-apart basin located on the eastern segment of North Anatolian Fault Zone indicate that the opening of the basin is not only controlled by pull-apart mechanism but also by a lateral ramp structure associated with SSE-NNW Late Miocene thrusting along the Sivas Basin. The fault bordering the southwestern margin of the basin is the lateral part of the Karada thrust that is the roof thrust of the Sivas fold-thrust system, rather than a segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone. The Erzincan basin was nucleated as a lateral ramp basin during the Pliocene on the lateral ramp-related folds and expanded by the pull-apart opening mechanism between two segments of the North Anatolian Fault Zone. The WSW-ENE pull-apart opening of the basin was recorded by the Pliocene lacustrine-fluvial sediments and Quaternary volcanics as listric normal faulting.  相似文献   

沉积区物源分析对研究造山带构造演化、盆地沉积过程及划分油气区带等方面具有重要的意义。为了查明柴达木盆地北缘构造带古近纪物源方向,通过对古近系碎屑岩的碎屑组成、岩屑成分、重矿物组合特征和ZTR指数的研究,并结合前人的研究成果,初步确定古近纪柴北缘西段发育五大主力物源区:(1)牛东物源主要来自阿尔金山东段,重矿物组合以稳定且含量较高的电气石区别于邻区,碎屑组分中以石英和含量较高的长石为特征,岩屑中含有少量的碳酸盐岩岩屑;(2)冷北物源主要来自小赛什腾山方向,重矿物组合中榍石和赤铁矿的含量明显偏高,碎屑组分中以高岩屑为特征;(3)赛西物源主要来自赛什腾山西段,电气石和角闪石含量较高,碎屑组分较为均一,母岩以变质岩和火成岩为主,含少量碳酸盐岩岩屑;(4)赛东物源主要来自赛什腾山东段,其白钛矿含量明显高于邻区,碎屑组分以较高含量的石英和长石为主,岩屑类型主要为变质岩、火成岩和沉积岩岩屑;(5)九龙山物源主要来自九龙山和绿梁山地区,石榴石含量高且稳定,碎屑组分较为均一,母岩以变质岩和火成岩为主,含少量的非碳酸盐岩类沉积岩岩屑。  相似文献   

三水盆地古近系莘庄组顶部至土布心组红岗段的全岩碳酸盐稳定同位素分析结果表明其形成期间经历了多次环境变迁。根据碳酸盐氧、碳同位素比值及其相互关系的变化,可识别三次海水入侵期。其时δ18O值大幅度向正值漂移。而由于受有机质降解的影响,相应时期的δ13 C均表现为低值。在不直接受海洋影响的湖相沉积阶段,δ18O与δ13 C的相关程度虽然未达到典型的封闭型湖泊水平,但仍呈现一定的正相关变化 (r =0.6 5 ),表明其湖水滞留时间较长。而频繁出现的石膏薄层沉积也指示湖盆的封闭性较好。这些均表明这一时期的三水盆地可能是一周期性封闭型湖泊。其稳定同位素组成主要受制于蒸发量/降雨量平衡的变化。而δ13 C比值往往还受有机质活动的控制,更多的是反映有机质生产力、埋藏与降解率。  相似文献   

A blueschist facies tectonic sliver, 9 km long and 1 km wide, crops out within the Miocene clastic rocks bounded by the strands of the North Anatolian Fault zone in southern Thrace, NW Turkey. Two types of blueschist facies rock assemblages occur in the sliver: (i) A serpentinite body with numerous dykes of incipient blueschist facies metadiabase (ii) a well‐foliated and thoroughly recrystallized rock assemblage consisting of blueschist, marble and metachert. Both are partially enveloped by an Upper Eocene wildflysch, which includes olistoliths of serpentinite–metadiabase, Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene pelagic limestone, Upper Eocene reefal limestone, radiolarian chert, quartzite and minor greenschist. Field relations in combination with the bore core data suggest that the tectonic sliver forms a positive flower structure within the Miocene clastic rocks in a transpressional strike–slip setting, and represents an uplifted part of the pre‐Eocene basement. The blueschists are represented by lawsonite–glaucophane‐bearing assemblages equilibrated at 270–310 °C and ~0.8 GPa. The metadiabase dykes in the serpentinite, on the other hand, are represented by pumpellyite–glaucophane–lawsonite‐assemblages that most probably equilibrated below 290 °C and at 0.75 GPa. One metadiabase olistolith in the Upper Eocene flysch sequence contains the mineral assemblage epidote + pumpellyite + glaucophane, recording P–T conditions of 290–350 °C and 0.65–0.78 GPa, indicative of slightly lower depths and different thermal setting. Timing of the blueschist facies metamorphism is constrained to c. 86 Ma (Coniacian/Santonian) by Rb–Sr phengite–whole rock and incremental 40Ar–39Ar phengite dating on blueschists. The activity of the strike–slip fault post‐dates the blueschist facies metamorphism and exhumation, and is only responsible for the present outcrop pattern and post‐Miocene exhumation (~2 km). The high‐P/T metamorphic rocks of southern Thrace and the Biga Peninsula are located to the southeast of the Circum Rhodope Belt and indicate Late Cretaceous subduction and accretion under the northern continent, i.e. the Rhodope Massif, enveloped by the Circum Rhodope Belt. The Late Cretaceous is therefore a time of continued accretionary growth of this continental domain.  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地是我国重要的含油气盆地,其中古近系沙河街组发育储集性较好的砾岩储层。通过对储层岩石薄片显微鉴定、物性分析、扫描电镜分析、阴极发光分析等,明确了沙河街组有利的砾岩储层的岩石学、储集性和成岩作用特征。砾岩类型多样,其中云质砾岩的储集性最好。砾岩储层物性较好,平均孔隙度为16.1%,平均渗透率为217.93mD。主要孔隙类型为原生孔,原生孔类型主要为砾石间残余原生孔和生物碎屑体腔孔,其次是溶蚀孔。砾岩储层成岩作用类型与砾岩填隙物成分关系密切,以砂岩为主要填隙物的成岩作用中有显著的长石溶蚀作用,以碳酸盐岩为主要填隙物的则具有多期白云石和方解石等胶结物,最有利的成岩作用是早期白云石衬垫和长石的溶蚀作用。  相似文献   


At the end of the Cenozoic, western Turkey was fragmented by intense intra-continental tectonic deformation resulting in the formation of two extensional areas: a transtensional pull-apart basin systems in the northwest, and graben systems in the central and southwest areas. The question of the connection of this Late Cenozoic extensional tectonics to plate kinematics has long been an issue of discussion. This study presents the results of the fault slip data collected in Bak?rçay Basin in the west of Turkey and addresses changes in the direction of extensional stresses over the Plio-Quaternary. Field observations and quantitative analysis show that Bak?rçay Basin is not a simple graben basin that has evolved during a single phase. It started as a graben basin with extensional regime in the Pliocene and was transformed into a pull-apart basin under the influence of transtensional forces during the Quaternary. A chronology of two successive extensional episodes has been established and provides reasoning to constrain the timing and location of subduction-related back-arc tectonics along the Aegean region and collision-related extrusion tectonics in Turkey. The first NW–SE trending extension occurred during the Pliocene extensional phase, characterized by slab rollback and progressive steepening of the northward subduction of the African plate under the Anatolian Plate. Western Turkey has been affected, during the Middle Quaternary, by regional subsidence, and the direction of extension changed to N–S, probably in relation with the propagation of the North Anatolian Fault System. Since the Late Quaternary, NE–SW extension dominates northwest Turkey and results in the formation and development of elongated transtensional basin systems. Counterclockwise rotation of Anatolian block which is bounded to the north by the right-lateral strike-slip North Anatolian Fault System, accompanies to this extensional phase.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地北缘锡铁山-长山梁古近纪沉积演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
柴达木盆地北缘大柴旦镇锡铁山-长山梁古近系—新近系实测剖面沉积相研究显示:锡铁山剖面古近系路乐河组沉积相自下而上为辨状河-辨状河三角洲-滨浅湖-洪积扇,总体上表现为进积-退积-进积的沉积旋回;长山梁剖面古近系干柴沟组沉积相自下而上为由辫状河三角洲-滨浅湖相构成的三个进积-退积旋回,岩性总体上为由粗到细的退积型序列。锡铁山剖面路乐河组古水流方向为NNW向,其东南方向的锡铁山为物源区;长山梁剖面路乐河组和干柴沟组古水流方向为SSE向,其物源为北侧的南祁连山脉。  相似文献   

The Kibyra Fault is considered as the most significant evidence about the existence of the NE–SW-striking left-lateral Burdur-Fethiye Fault Zone in the south-western Anatolia in previous studies. However, recent studies show that there is a shear regime, named the Burdur-Fethiye Shear Zone, dominated by normal and left-lateral oblique normal faults in this region. A large number of ancient cities lie on this zone and many of them have been damaged by ancient earthquakes. One of these ancient cities is the ancient city of Kibyra. Most of previous studies suggest the Kibyra Fault depending on the damage in the city. However, the closest fault is located on the western side of the city and the earthquake damage was most likely caused by ground shaking. In this study, the existence of the supposed Kibyra Fault is discussed by integrating field studies, geological maps, trench data, digital elevation model and geomorphological analysis. In conclusion, it is understood that there is no evidence directly indicating a 35-km-long left-lateral fault in this region. The aim of this study is to examine the existence of the Kibyra Fault, take a different approach to the active fault studies and emphasise the importance of active faults for socio-economic conditions.  相似文献   

张海龙  王敬 《吉林地质》2003,22(4):4-10
羊草沟盆地位于松辽盆地东南缘,其地层可与松辽盆地地层对比。羊草沟盆地层序(三级)地层应与松辽盆地Ⅰ~Ⅹ层序(火石岭组、沙河子组、营城组、登娄库组和泉头组)地层相对应。羊草沟盆地地层应该划分为侏罗系上统火石岭组(J3h);白垩系下统沙河子组(K1sh)、营城组(K1y)、大羊草沟组(K1d)和泉头组(K1q);第四系(Q)。主要可采工业煤层产在大羊草沟组。  相似文献   

The northern part of the Dead Sea Fault Zone is one of the major active neotectonic structures of Turkey. The main trace of the fault zone (called Hacıpaşa fault) is mapped in detail in Turkey on the basis of morphological and geological evidence such as offset creeks, fault surfaces, shutter ridges and linear escarpments. Three trenches were opened on the investigated part of the fault zone. Trench studies provided evidence for 3 historical earthquakes and comparing trench data with historical earthquake records showed that these earthquakes occurred in 859 AD, 1408 and 1872. Field evidence, palaeoseismological studies and historical earthquake records indicate that the Hacıpaşa fault takes the significant amount of slip in the northern part of the Dead Sea Fault Zone in Turkey. On the basis of palaeoseismological evidence, it is suggested that the recurrence interval for surface faulting event is 506 ± 42 years on the Hacıpaşa fault.  相似文献   

New sandstone petrology and petrostratigraphy provide insights on Palaeogene (Middle Eocene to Oligocene) clastics of the Thrace Basin in Greece, which developed synchronously with post‐Cretaceous collision and subsequent Tertiary extension. Sandstone petrofacies are used as a tool to unravel complex geodynamic changes that occurred at the southern continental margin of the European plate, identifying detrital signals of the accretionary processes of the Rhodope orogen, as well as subsequent partitioning related to extension of the Rhodope area, followed by Oligocene to present Aegean extension and wide magmatic activity starting during the Early Oligocene. Sandstone detrital modes include three distinctive petrofacies: quartzolithic, quartzofeldspathic and feldspatholithic. Major contributions are from metamorphic basement units, represented mostly by low to medium‐grade lithic fragments for the quartzolithic petrofacies and high‐grade metamorphic rock fragments for the quartzofeldspathic petrofacies. Volcaniclastic sandstones were derived from different volcanic areas, with a composition varying from dominantly silicic to subordinate intermediate products (mainly rhyolitic glass, spherulites and felsitic lithics). Evolution of detrital modes documents contributions from three key source areas corresponding to the two main crystalline tectonic units: (i) the Variegated Complex (ultramafic complex), in the initial stage of accretion (quartzolithic petrofacies); (ii) the Gneiss–Migmatite Complex (quartzofeldspathic petrofacies); and (iii) the Circum‐Rhodope Belt. The volcaniclastic petrofacies is interbedded with quartzofeldspathic petrofacies, reflecting superposition of active volcanic activity on regional erosion. The three key petrofacies reflect complex provenance from different tectonic settings, from collisional orogenic terranes to local basement uplift and volcanic activity. The composition and stratigraphic relations of sandstones derived from erosion of the Rhodope orogenic belt and superposed magmatism after the extensional phase in northern Greece provide constraints for palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic models of the Eocene to Oligocene western portions of the Thrace Basin. Clastic detritus in the following sedimentary assemblages was derived mainly from provenance terranes of the Palaeozoic section within the strongly deformed Rhodope Massif of northern Greece and south‐east Bulgaria, from the epimetamorphic units of the Circum‐Rhodope Belt and from superposed Late Eocene to Early Oligocene magmatism related to orogenic collapse of the Rhodope orogen. The sedimentary provenance of the Rhodope Palaeogene sandstones documents the changing nature of this orogenic belt through time, and may contribute to a general understanding of similar geodynamic settings.  相似文献   

Quaternary Erzincan Volcanics (QEVs) from the Erzincan Basin consist of mega- and pheno-cryst-bearing high-K calc-alkaline dome lavas. Fourteen nearly phenocrystic domes, with a range of basaltic-andesite, andesite, dacite and rhyolite compositions, were emplaced in the North Anatolian Fault Zone. The emplacement ages yielded by the unspiked K–Ar technique range from 102 to 140 ka. The andesitic domes (each less than 3 km in diameter) contain amphibole megacrysts. Amphibole compositions show a linear variation from ferro-edenite, edenite to pargasite from rhyolite to andesite. Pargasitic amphibole megacrysts scattered into the groundmass are very similar in composition to the microlites. All plagioclases are 53 mol%. Oscillation types are An32−50 whose variations range from 10 to 16 mol% An and have 10–150 μm in thickness. Pre-eruptive conditions, calculated from mega- and pheno-cryst composition, using pyroxene and two oxide thermometers and the Al-in-hornblende barometer, ranged from 918 to 837 °C and 6.6 to 4.3 kbar for andesitic magma, 824–755 °C and 4.6–4.2 kbar for dacitic magma to 803–692 °C and 4.3–3.9 kbar for rhyolitic magma, which correspond to a depth of >10 km for storage region of the crust. The fO2 values vary from −14.25 to −15.35 log units which are plotted just below nickel–nickel oxide (NNO) buffers. The systematic decrease in thermobarometric results from andesite to rhyolite is consistent with a single magma reservoir moving upward through the crust followed by fractional crystallization. Textural and compositional relationships of mega- and pheno-crystic phases suggest that magma mixing, fluid input to the reservoir and fractional crystallization processes, with a small amount crustal contamination play key role in evolution of the QEVs.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地巴楚隆起断裂差异活动特征及成因演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
巴楚隆起是塔里木盆地重要的含油气构造单元,因其断裂构造特征与演化异常复杂,严重制约了对该地区构造特征及演化的认识和油气勘探工作。本文通过对地震资料精细构造解释,并结合塔里木盆地构造演化背景及最新的钻井、露头等资料,阐明了巴楚隆起断裂活动具有明显的分期差异性和分区、分带、分段及分层差异性。巴楚隆起断裂构造主要经历了4期差异活动,即加里东早期发育张扭性断裂、海西晚期断裂挤压反转、喜马拉雅山中期断裂强烈压扭逆冲与分区差异变形、喜马拉雅山晚期西南缘断裂带分段分层差异改造与叠加。断裂演化主要受控于加里东早期、海西晚期和喜马拉雅山中-晚期构造运动及对应时期塔里木古陆周缘洋盆开合与造山作用,喜马拉雅山中期是巴楚隆起断裂活动关键期,因受西昆仑和西南天山强烈挤压,隆起西段发生“屈服型”冲断隆升与走滑旋转,东段相应发生“受限型”弧形逆冲与向南掀斜,喜马拉雅山晚期断裂主要活动表现在隆起西北缘和西南缘,特别在西南缘断裂带发生了强烈的分段、分层差异叠加改造,其成因与西昆仑强烈隆升和向北挤压密切相关。  相似文献   

The “Nares Strait problem” represents a debate about the existence and magnitude of left-lateral movements along the proposed Wegener Fault within this seaway. Study of Palaeogene Eurekan tectonics at its shorelines could shed light on the kinematics of this fault. Palaeogene (Late Paleocene to Early Eocene) sediments are exposed at the northeastern coast of Ellesmere Island in the Judge Daly Promontory. They are preserved as elongate SW–NE striking fault-bounded basins cutting folded Early Paleozoic strata. The structures of the Palaeogene exposures are characterized by broad open synclines cut and displaced by steeply dipping strike-slip faults. Their fold axes strike NE–SW at an acute angle to the border faults indicating left-lateral transpression. Weak deformation in the interior of the outliers contrasts with intense shearing and fracturing adjacent to border faults. The degree of deformation of the Palaeogene strata varies markedly between the northwestern and southeastern border faults with the first being more intense. Structural geometry, orientation of subordinate folds and faults, the kinematics of faults, and fault-slip data suggest a multiple stage structural evolution during the Palaeogene Eurekan deformation: (1) The fault pattern on Judge Daly Promontory is result of left-lateral strike-slip faulting starting in Mid to Late Paleocene times. The Palaeogene Judge Daly basin formed in transtensional segments by pull-apart mechanism. Transpression during progressive strike-slip shearing gave rise to open folding of the Palaeogene deposits. (2) The faults were reactivated during SE-directed thrust tectonics in Mid Eocene times (chron 21). A strike-slip component during thrusting on the reactivated faults depends on the steepness of the fault segments and on their obliquity to the regional stress axes.Strike-slip displacement was partitioned to a number of sub-parallel faults on-shore and off-shore. Hence, large-scale lateral movements in the sum of 80–100 km or more could have been accommodated by a set of faults, each with displacements in the order of 10–30 km. The Wegener Fault as discrete plate boundary in Nares Strait is replaced by a bundle of faults located mainly onshore on the Judge Daly Promontory.  相似文献   

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