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A new genus and species, Similinannotanyderus lii gen. et sp. nov., is described from Myanmar amber. It differs from other genera of Tanyderidae based on special characters of wing venation and male genitalia. This new taxon broadens the diversity of Tanyderidae in the Cretaceous, and its morphological characters enhance our understanding of the development and evolution of the primitive crane flies.  相似文献   

A new fossil praeaulacid wasp, Habraulacus zhaoi gen. et sp. nov., is described and figured from Upper Cretaceous Myanmar amber. The new genus is established based on the following characters: mesosoma stout, metasoma elongated ellipse with the first metasomal segment very thin and tubular (like a petiole), forewing with pterostigma long and narrow, and both veins Rs+M and 1m-cu very long, forming a long cell 1mcu. Species of Praeaulacidae demonstrate a distinct evolutionary trend, which consists of miniaturization, venational reduction and enlargement of pterostigma, and reduction of number of the antennal segments from the Jurassic to Cretaceous. However, except for the miniaturization, this hardly concerns Habraulacus.  相似文献   

We describe herein a new genus and species of Sycoracinae (Xenosycorax engeli). This new taxon is characterized, described, illustrated and its taxonomic position is discussed. This discovery is very interesting for the understanding of the evolution of this group.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of cimicomorphan bug, Aphrastomedes anthocoroides Yamada and Yamamoto, gen. and sp. nov., is described and illustrated based on two specimens preserved in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber from the Hukawng Valley of northern Myanmar (Burma). This remarkable cimicomorphan species is tentatively assigned to the family Velocipedidae primarily on the basis of the structure of the labium, forewings, and genitalia. Aphrastomedes is considered best placed in the Cimiciformes as a member of the Velocipedidae, and it also has a close relationship to the Medocostidae.  相似文献   

Xenotrichomyia newjerseyiensis a new genus and species belonging to Trichomyiinae within Psychodidae is characterized, described, illustrated and its taxonomic position is discussed. It shares some similarities with Trichomyiinae of group B, but retains some archaic features, such as normal and non-excentric flagellomeres, and possesses an autapomorphy in wing venation that distinguish it from all remaining Trichomyiinae. This discovery represents the first Trichomyiinae (Psychodidae) from the Upper Cretaceous New Jersey amber, and adds more evidence on the very high palaeodiversity of the psychodids since at least the Lower Cretaceous. An updated check list of fossil Trichomyiinae is given.  相似文献   

A third genus and species of fossil pygidicranid earwigs from Burmese amber is described and figured as Stonychopygia leptocerca Engel, Huang, Thomas, and Cai, gen. et sp. nov. (type species of Stonychopygia Engel and Huang, gen. nov.; Stonychopygiinae Engel and Huang, subfam. nov.). Stonychopygia have features similar to the subfamily Echinosomatinae such as the combination of shorter, subequal second and third flagellomeres and femora that are neither compressed or keeled. However, the new fossil species differs from echinosomatines in many details, particularly the slender form, head longer than wide, slender scape, slender and elongate forceps, and absence of stout, short bristles over the integument. The new fossil is compared with its contemporaneous and modern relatives, and comments are provided regarding the classification of Pygidicranoidea, with the genus Haplodiplatys Hincks removed from Diplatyidae to Haplodiplatyidae Engel, fam. nov.  相似文献   

A new Upper Cretaceous genus and species of soldier beetles, Archaeomalthodes rosetta gen. et sp. nov., is described and illustrated from an individual preserved in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian, ca. 99 Ma) amber from northern Myanmar. It is undoubtedly placed in extant subfamily Malthininae based on its small-sized body, somewhat abbreviated elytra and fusiform terminal maxillary palpomere, representing the oldest documented occurrence of Malthininae. It suggests that this subfamily is an ancient group, which originated at least in the earliest Late Cretaceous. Our discovery sheds light on the palaeodiversity of Cantharidae in the Late Mesozoic. Together with other previously reported fossil cantharids, it is likely that Malthininae has been fairly diverse during the early evolution of Cantharidae. On the other hand, a morphological similarity between Archaeomalthodes and Recent malthinines and the occurrence of flowering plants in the Burmese amber implies a potential flower-visiting behaviour of this fossil species.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Mesozoic alderfly is described as Haplosialodes liui gen. et sp. nov., and from an adult male preserved in Cretaceous Burmese amber. The new genus is closely related to the genera Haplosialis Navás (Recent fauna of Madagascar), Indosialis Lestage (Recent fauna of Southeast Asia), and Eosialis Nel et al. (Eocene of France), suggesting a possible Early Cretaceous age for the clade that comprises these groups.  相似文献   

A new, large tyrannosaurine theropod from the Upper Cretaceous of China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tyrannosaurids are primarily gigantic, predatory theropod dinosaurs of the Cretaceous. Here we report a new member of the tyrannosaurid clade Tyrannosaurinae from the Upper Cretaceous Wangshi Group of Zhucheng, Shandong Province, China, based on a maxilla and associated dentary. The discovery of this animal, here named Zhuchengtyrannus magnus gen. et sp. nov., adds to the known diversity of tyrannosaurids in Asia. Z. magnus can be identified by a horizontal shelf on the lateral surface of the base of the ascending process, and a rounded notch in the anterior margin of the maxillary fenestra. Several additional features contribute to a unique combination of character states that serves to further distinguish Z. magnus from other taxa. Comparisons with other tyrannosaurids suggest that Zhuchengtyrannus was a very large theropod, comparable in size to both Tarbosaurus and Tyrannosaurus.  相似文献   

通过岩心和测井资料分析,系统地研究了松辽盆地中央坳陷滨北地区上白垩统青山口组的沉积特征;采用单因素分析多因素综合作图法,编制出了研究区上白垩统青山口组各亚段的砂岩含量、暗色泥岩含量和紫红色泥岩含量等单因素图件,在此基础上做出沉积相图,深入分析了研究区沉积演化规律。研究表明,青山口组主要发育三角洲和湖泊2种沉积相,进一步分为三角洲平原、三角洲前缘、滨浅湖和半深湖-深湖4种沉积亚相。从研究区边缘到中心,沉积相类型由三角洲平原亚相渐变为三角洲前缘、滨浅湖和半深湖-深湖亚相;自下而上由半深湖-深湖亚相逐渐变为滨浅湖、三角洲前缘、三角洲平原亚相。青山口组沉积时期可划分为青山口组沉积早期、青山口组沉积中期和青山口组沉积晚期。不同时期、不同构造单元的沉积特征表现各异,从青山口组沉积早期到青山口组沉积晚期,研究区湖盆发育总体表现出规模由大到小的特点。  相似文献   

The Glandulariini (=Cyrtoscydmini) is today the largest, most species-rich and most diverse tribe of Scydmaeninae comprising over 70% of the extant species of this subfamily. Named genera and species of Glandulariini are known mostly from Miocene to Eocene ambers, with only one, recently described Mesozoic taxon. Here we report the second genus of Glandulariini from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber, Cenomaniola Jałoszyński and Yamamoto, gen. nov., with two species, C. carinata Jałoszyński and Yamamoto, sp. nov. and C. macrophthalma Jałoszyński and Yamamoto, sp. nov. Cenomaniola shows the general body plan typical of the ‘Euconnus complex’ within Glandulariini, with thick bristles on the sides of head and pronotum, a character conserved for nearly a hundred million years. With the previous discovery of Scydmobisetia Jałoszyński and Yamamoto, two major body forms typical of the extant Glandulariini are already proved to have differentiated in or before the Late Cretaceous. This demonstrates early origins and a long conservation of ‘Euconnus-like’ and ‘Sciacharis/Horaeomorphus-like’ body plan in the currently largest group among Scydmaeninae.  相似文献   

The exclusively Cretaceous braconid wasp subfamily Protorhyssalinae is reported from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of northern Myanmar. Archaeorhyssalus subsolanus Engel, gen. et sp. nov., is represented by a well-preserved female in Burmese amber and is similar to other protorhyssalines, but differs in numerous details of forewing venation and flagellomere number. This species is the first definitive Oriental occurrence for protorhyssalines, expanding their palaeogeographic distribution from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain, and the Upper Cretaceous of France and New Jersey, USA. A key to the known genera of protorhyssalines is provided.  相似文献   

The oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions of Upper Cretaceous chalk have been studied from a large number of outcrops and boreholes in the Danish sub-basin and the North Sea Central Graben. The carbon isotopic compositions vary from +0.50%o to +3.00%oδ13C which correspond to the expected carbon isotopic composition of carbonate precipitated from normal sea water. The oxygen isotopic compositions of samples from outcrops and near-surface drilled sections fall in the range from —0.50%o to — 2.00%oδ18O, which is close to the expected values for carbonate produced by coccoliths in the Late Cretaceous sea. A geographic distribution exists in the Danish sub-basin showing relatively heavy oxygen isotope values in the centre of the basin and slightly more negative values in the eastern part of the basin. Primarily the phenomenon is thought to reflect minor variations in the oceanographic parameters in the Late Cretaceous sea. The deep subsurface sections represent a depth interval of 0–3100 m. Mechanical compaction in the uppermost part of the sequences apparently has no influence on the isotopic composition. Chemical compaction dominates at greater depth, leading to temperature-induced isotopic re-equilibration in the water-rock system. In these sequences the oxygen isotope values range from ? 1.50%o to — 7.50%oδ18O and are significantly correlated with depth of burial, cementation and porosity. The data indicate that pressure-dissolution, recrystallization, reprecipitation and ion-exchange between solid carbonate phase and pore water, are all actively involved in the oxygen isotope re-equilibration process. This process is believed to take place in a diagenetically closed system and is tentatively divided into two phases: 1) an early diagenetic phase which takes place at porosities down to approximately 20% in which the chalk possesses a pore-water controlled isotopic re-equilibration system and 2) a late diagenetic phase at porosities below 20% in which the re-equilibration process increasingly becomes influenced by the rock-introduced isotopic change in the composition of the formation water.  相似文献   

Axelrodichthys megadromos sp. nov. is a coelacanth described based on a single specimen collected in the lower Campanian site of Ventabren motorway, Southern France. The new species is referred to the mawsoniids because of the ornamentation of the skull roof and of the proportionally wide supraorbital series. The specimen belongs to the Mawsonia-Axelrodichthys complex based on features present on the lower jaw and on the basisphenoid. The new species is referred to the genus Axelrodichthys because of proportions of its parietonasal shield and because of the arrangement of the posterior parietals relative to the supraorbitals. Autapomorphic characters, in particular on the parasphenoid, justify the inclusion of the specimen in a new species. The occurrence of a mawsoniid in the Ibero-Amorican Island that formed part of the European Archipelago in the terminal Cretaceous is an evidence of a dispersal event from the southern land masses. The occurrence of A. megadromos in the Campanian-Maastrichtian represents the last occurrence of mawsoniids worldwide, after a gap in the fossil record of about 30 million years. This belated occurrence of Axelrodichthys extends the time range of this genus to approximately 40 myr and suggests that this genus, together with its sister genus Mawsonia, were organisms with a slow morphologic evolution.  相似文献   

Ommatidae is a small, but ancient, basally nested family of the hyper-diverse beetles (Coleoptera). Here, a remarkable new taxon, Paraodontomma burmitica gen. et sp. nov., is described based on a well-preserved specimen in Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber. Based on a wider epipleural rim on each elytron, the new genus belongs to the extinct tribe Brochocoleini. This finding further reinforces the idea that the Burmese paleofauna of ommatid beetles was much more diverse and abundant than previously thought.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of extinct rove beetle, Procileoporus burmiticus gen. and sp. n., is described from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber (Cenomanian; ca. 99 Ma). Due to the condition of the fossil, parts of the body could not be examined, but sufficient characteristics were visible to allow the specimen to be placed within the subfamily Tachyporinae (tribe Tachyporini). Procileoporus is most similar to the extant genus Cileoporus Campbell in having a slender abdomen, but it differs in having much shorter abdominal setae, prominent striated microreticulation on the elytra, non-lobed tergite VIII, and in other details of the male genital segments. This is the first tachyporine rove beetle from Burmese amber and the oldest record of the subfamily in amber. The evolution of sexual dimorphism in the genital segments is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Pipid frogs are fully aquatic frogs that today inhabit freshwater environments of southern continents on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, with a fairly good fossil record dating back to the Cretaceous. Here I report on fossils from the Allen Formation (upper Campanian–lower Maastrichtian), Río Negro Province, Argentina, that are ascribed to a new genus and species of pipid. In order to assess the evolutionary relationships of the new taxon, which is represented by sphenethmoids, otic capsules, ilia, humeri, and vertebrae, cladistic analyses of a data matrix of 165 osteological characters scored for 36 taxa were performed. The results are congruent with previous hypotheses of pipoid interrelationships and consistently place the new taxon as part of the lineage today represented by the African xenopodines. Temporal calibration of the phylogenetic tree based on the fossil record imply that the origin and early diversification of crown-group Pipidae might have occurred during the Early Cretaceous, prior to the final breakup of western Gondwana. This study highlights the importance of including fossils, even fragmentary ones, directly in phylogenetic analyses in order to disentangling how, when, and where pipid frogs diversified.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Gracilipygia canaliculata gen. et sp. nov., in the family Pygidicranidae of Dermaptera is described from the Upper Cretaceous Myanmar amber. The new species is assigned to the subfamily Pyragrinae mainly based on the following characters: broadly separated cercal forceps without segmentation and the posterior abdominal tergum with mediolongitudinal furrow and lateral ridges. The G. canaliculata gen. et sp. nov. is the earliest record hitherto for the subfamily Pyragrinae, and probably represents a stem taxa of Pyragrinae.  相似文献   

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