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The north trending rifts in southern Tibet represent the E–W extension of the plateau and confirming the initial rifting age is key to the study of mechanics of these rifts. Pagri–Duoqing Co graben is located at southern end of Yadong–Gulu rift, where the late Cenozoic sediments is predominately composed of fluvio-lacustrine and moraine. Based on the sedimentary composition and structures, the fluvio-lacustrine could be divided into three facies, namely, lacustrine, lacustrine fan delta and alluvial fan. The presence of paleo-currents and conglomerate components and the provenance of the strata around the graben indicate that it was Tethys Himalaya and High Himalaya. Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating and paleo-magnetic dating suggest that the age of the strata ranges from ca. 1.2 Ma to ca. 8 Ma. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating showed that moraine in the graben mainly developed from around 181–109 ka (late Middle Pleistocene). Combining previous data about the Late Cenozoic strata in other basins, it is suggested that 8–15 Ma may be the initial rifting time. Together with sediment distribution and drainage system, the sedimentary evolution of Pagri could be divided into four stages. The graben rifted at around 15–8 Ma due to the eastern graben-boundary fault resulting in the appearance of a paleolake. Following by a geologically quiet period about 8–2.5 Ma, the paleolake expanded from east to west at around 8–6 Ma reaching its maximum at ca. 6 Ma. Then, the graben was broken at about 2.5 Ma. At last, the development of the glacier separated the graben into two parts that were Pagri and Duoqing Co since the later stages of the Middle Pleistocene. The evolution process suggested that the former three stages were related to the tectonic movement, which determined the basement of the graben, while the last stage may have been influenced by glacial activity caused by climate change.  相似文献   

A shallow-focus damaging earthquake of magnitude 6.9?Mw struck the Sikkim Himalaya, north-east India, on 18 September 2011 at 12:40:48 UTC (06:10:48PM IST). The epicentre was located north-west of Chungthang on Indo-Nepal border of Sikkim Himalaya. The earthquake was widely felt in northern India and caused widespread damage to poorly built and framed structures in Sikkim region, northern Bihar, eastern Nepal, southern Bhutan and part of Tibet adjoining Sikkim Himalaya. A lot of secondary effects in the form of landslides, rockfalls and landslide lake outburst flood were caused due to strong shaking effect of the earthquake. Maximum intensity IX according to the European Macroseismic Scale-98 was observed in the meizoseismal zone surrounding Chungthang village. Asymmetrical distribution and heterogeneous damage pattern demonstrate intensity attenuation characteristics of the region. Although the regional tectonic framework of Sikkim region indicates compressional thrust tectonics regime, according to CMT fault-plane solution this earthquake involved predominantly strike-slip motion on a steep fault. Unlike Nepal and north-west Himalaya where microseismicity and large earthquakes indicate thrust mechanism, this Sikkim earthquake suggests that strike-slip principal component may imply transcurrent deformation.  相似文献   

A Mw 6.3 magnitude earthquake occurred on October 6, 2008 in southern Damxung County within the N–S trending Yangyi graben, which forms the northern section of the Yadong-Gulu rift of south-central Tibet. The earthquake had a maximum intensity of IX at the village of Yangyi (also Yangying) (29°43.3′N; 90°23.6′E) and resulted in 10 deaths and 60 injured in this sparsely populated region. Field observations and focal mechanism solutions show normal fault movement occurred along the NNE-trending western boundary fault of the Yangyi graben, in agreement with the felt epicenter, pattern of the isoseismal contours, and distribution of aftershocks. The earthquake and its tectonic relations were studied in detail to provide data on the seismic hazard to the nearby city of Lhasa.The Damxung earthquake is one of the prominent events along normal and strike-slip faults that occurred widely about Tibet before and after the 2008 Mw 7.9 magnitude Wenchuan earthquake. Analysis of these recent M ? 5.0 earthquake sequences demonstrate a kinematic relation between the normal, strike-slip, and reverse causative fault movements across the region. These earthquakes are found to be linked and the result of eastward extrusion of two large structural blocks of central Tibet. The reverse and oblique-slip surface faulting along the Longmenshan thrust belt at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau causing the Wenchuan earthquake, was the result of eastward directed compression and crustal shortening due to the extrusion. Prior to it, east–west extensional deformation indicated by normal and strike-slip faulting events across central Tibet, had led to a build up of the compression to the east. The subsequent renewal of extensional deformational events in central Tibet appears related to some drag effect due to the crustal shortening of the Wenchuan event. Unraveling the kinematical relation between these earthquake swarms is a very helpful approach for understanding the migration of strong earthquakes across Tibet.  相似文献   

地表调查发现, 沿近南北向亚东-谷露裂谷中段的安岗地堑存在地震大滑坡、多世代断层崖和断层崩积楔等多种类型的史前大地震遗迹.进一步的观测和年代分析表明: 该区的古地震滑坡体至少存在新、老两期, 其中规模最大的"尼续大滑坡体"应该是最新一次大地震所形成.该区T1到T6各阶地的形成时代从新到老分别为7.7~2.1 ka、11.0~10.5 ka、17.6~12.1 ka、25.7~22.9 ka、58.4~70.6 ka和130~150 ka, 它们沿主边界正断层的平均垂直断距依次为2.8 m、6.1~7.9 m、10.3~12.5 m、16.6~19.0 m、28.0 m和76.0 m.其中T1和T2阶地上的断崖剖面揭示, 最近两次大地震发生在距今约5.8±1.0 ka和2.4±0.2 ka.综合分析认为: 安岗地堑的大地震活动具有较明显的丛集性特征, 并且在距今约23~26 ka以来一直处于大地震活跃期, 期间的断层垂直活动速率为0.8~1.3 mm/a, 大地震的原地复发间隔大致为3.3~3.6 ka, 特征地震的矩震级为7.0~7.2, 推算整个尼木地堑群的大震复发间隔最短可能只有约1.0~1.2 ka.研究结果指示, 藏南裂谷的大地震活动性明显比藏北的近南北向正断层更显著.   相似文献   

2015尼泊尔大地震及喜马拉雅造山带未来地震趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2015年4月25日尼泊尔Ms 8.1级大地震是发生在喜马拉雅造山带中段的低角度逆冲断层运动, 特点是震源很浅, 震中烈度达Ⅺ度, 震害严重。破裂带走向北西西—南东东, 穿越尼泊尔首都加德满都, 使首都建筑遭受严重破坏。该震是1934年以来尼泊尔最大地震, 标志着喜马拉雅带自1950年以来半个世纪的平静期已经结束。自2005年进入新活动期, 至2015年尼泊尔大地震发生已达到活动高潮。预计将持续十到几十年。根据历史地震资料分析, 今后可能沿喜马拉雅带走向发生纵向迁移, 将在喜马拉雅带东段发生更大的地震, 从而使地震高潮达到顶峰而结束, 可能对我国西藏东南、不丹和印度边界产生破坏。另外还可能沿着与喜马拉雅带走向垂直方向向北迁移(即横向迁移), 在几年之内即可在西藏、青海引起破坏性地震, 需要相关省市做好监测预报和防灾工作。   相似文献   

针对2015年4月25日尼泊尔M8.1地震后喜马拉雅造山带的未来地震危险性问题,通过对喜马拉雅带历史大地震应变能释放和在尼泊尔地震发震前后的区域地震活动图像进行了分析研究。结果发现喜马拉雅带很可能已进入新-轮的地震活跃期。此次尼泊尔大地震不足以将喜马拉雅带中段的地壳应变能全部释放,喜马拉雅带中段的地震活动和藏南裂谷带地震活动具有密切的关联,在喜马拉雅带中段和藏南裂谷带还将有大地震活动。同时研究结果还显示现今在喜马拉雅带的东段存在阿萨姆围空区和不丹围空区,在喜马拉雅的西段出现噶尔围空区,喜马拉雅西段新德里和西藏接壤地区以及喀喇昆仑断裂上噶尔县地区地震危险性很高,喜马拉雅东段林芝山南地区以南的阿萨姆和不丹地区危险性很高,应引起重视。  相似文献   

青藏高原内部的近东西向伸展变形在藏南地区形成了一系列近南北向裂谷带,对其中最东端的错那-沃卡裂谷带南段错那-拿日雍错地堑调查结果表明,它是第四纪活动明显的半地堑式断陷盆地。控制该盆地发育的主边界断裂带是近南北走向、倾向东侧和长80~110km左右的盆地西缘正断层,是区域内N90°~92°E方向伸展变形的产物。断裂活动速率的多种估算结果表明,该断裂带百万年时间尺度的平均垂直活动速率介于0.2~0.9mm/a之间;MIS 8和MIS 6以来的断裂平均活动速率的合理估计值是0.6±0.2mm/a;但末次冰期盛冰阶以来的断裂平均活动速率明显增加,介于1.0~2.1mm/a之间,合理的估计值为1.3±0.3mm/a,末次冰盛期以来断裂垂直活动速率的增加极可能是该断裂带进入地震丛集期的反映。该地堑近于严格的南北走向及其与当雄-羊八井地堑相似的活动强度,指示了下地壳物质侧向流动所产生的纵向拉张作用最有利于该区近南北向裂谷带的形成。  相似文献   

藏南深反射测线附近地表地质观察研究成果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简要介绍了INDEPTH项目地质组1994年和1995年间沿INDEPTH—I路线进行的野外填图工作的初步研究成果。它们是:①在帕里西北确定了高喜马拉雅与特提斯喜马拉雅之间拆离带的存在;③在帕里北发现了一套特提斯沉积,从而提出帕里西北的拆离带有可能穿过南北方向的亚东-谷露裂谷,而没有大规模错开;③在特提斯喜马拉雅带中确定了两条具一定规模的逆冲断裂;④发现康马穹窿存在两期构造变形,早期为上盘向北运动,晚期为横弯造穹作用。最后,结合深反射资料进一步讨论了康马穹窿与藏南拆离带之间的关系。  相似文献   

The Timiskaming Graben is a 400 km long, 50 km wide north‐west trending morphotectonic depression within the Canadian Shield of eastern North America and experiences frequent intraplate earthquakes. The graben extends along the border of Ontario and Quebec, connecting southward with the Nipissing and Ottawa‐Bonnechere grabens and the St. Lawrence Rift System which includes a similar structure underlying the Hudson Valley of the eastern USA. Together they form a complex failed rift system related to regional extension of North American crust during the breakup of Rodinia and, later, Pangea. The Timiskaming Graben lies within a belt of heightened seismic activity (Western Quebec Seismic Zone) with frequent moderate magnitude (greater than magnitude 5) earthquakes including a magnitude 6.2 in 1935. These events threaten aging urban infrastructure built on soft glacial sediments; post‐glacial landslides along the Ottawa Valley suggest earthquakes as large as magnitude 7. The inner part of the Timiskaming Graben is filled by Lake Timiskaming, a large 110 km long post‐glacial successor to glacial Lake Barlow that was ponded by the Laurentide Ice Sheet 9500 years ago. The effects of frequent ground shaking on lake floor sediments was assessed by collecting more than 1000 line kilometres of high‐resolution ‘chirp’ seismic profiles. Late glacial Lake Barlow glaciolacustrine and overlying post‐glacial sediments are extensively deformed by extensional faults that define prominent horsts and grabens; multibeam bathymetry data suggest that faults influence the morphology of the modern lake floor, despite high sedimentation rates, and indicate recent neotectonic deformation. The Lake Timiskaming area provides evidence of post‐glacial intracratonic faulting related to recurring earthquake activity along a weak spot within the North American plate.  相似文献   

Fault-propagation folding associated with an upward propagating fault in the Gilbertown graben system is revealed by well-based 3-D subsurface mapping and dipmeter analysis. The fold is developed in the Selma chalk, which is an oil reservoir along the southern margin of the graben. Area-depth-strain analysis suggests that the Cretaceous strata were growth units, the Jurassic strata were pregrowth units, and the graben system is detached in the Louann Salt.The growth trishear model has been applied in this paper to study the evolution and kinematics of extensional fault-propagation folding. Models indicate that the propagation to slip (p/s) ratio of the underlying fault plays an important role in governing the geometry of the resulting extensional fault-propagation fold. With a greater p/s ratio, the fold is more localized in the vicinity of the propagating fault. The extensional fault-propagation fold in the Gilbertown graben is modeled by both a compactional and a non-compactional growth trishear model. Both models predict a similar geometry of the extensional fault-propagation fold. The trishear model with compaction best predicts the fold geometry.  相似文献   

The series of four different, steeply inclined thrusts which sharply sever the youthful autochthonous Cenozoic sedimentary zone, including the Siwalik, from the mature old Lesser Himalayan subprovince is collectively known as the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT). In the proximity of this trust in northwestern and eastern sectors, the parautochtonous Lesser Himalayan sedimentary formations are pushed up and their narrow frontal parts split into imbricate sheets with attendant repetition and inversion of lithostratigraphic units. The superficially steeper thrust plane seems to flatten out at depth. The MBT is tectonically and seismically very active at the present time.The Main Central Thrust (MCT), inclined 30° to 45° northwards, constitutes the real boundary between the Lesser and Great Himalaya. Marking an abrubt change in the style and orientation of structures and in the grade of metamorphism from lower amphibolitefacies of the Lesser Himalayan to higher metamorphic facies of the Great Himalayan, the redefined Main Central Thrust lies at a higher level as that originally recognized by A. Heim and A. Gansser. They had recognized this thrust as the contact of the mesozonal metamorphics against the underlying sedimentaries or epimetamorphics. It has now been redesignated as the Munsiari Thrust in Kumaun. It extends northwest in Himachal as the Jutogh Thrust and farther in Kashmir as the Panjal Thrust. In the eastern Himalaya the equivalents of the Munsiari Thrust are known as the Paro Thrust and the Bomdila Thrust. The upper thrust surface in Nepal is recognized as the Main Central Thrust by French and Japanese workers. The easterly extension of the MCT is known as the Khumbu Thrust in eastern Nepal, the Darjeeling Thrust in the Darjeeling-Sikkim region, the Thimpu Thrust in Bhutan and the Sela Thrust in western Arunachal. Significantly, hot springs occur in close proximity to this thrust in Kumaun, Nepal and Bhutan. There are reasons to believe that movement is taking place along the MCT, although seismically it is less active than the MBT.  相似文献   

In the Himalayan chain the collision of India into Eurasia has produced some of the most complex crustal interactions along the Himalayan–Alpine Orogen. In NW Bhutan, middle to late Miocene deformation has been partitioned between conjugate strike-slip faulting, E–W extension along the Yadong-Gulu graben and kilometre-scale folding. To better understand the late deformation stages and their implications for the evolution of the eastern Himalayas, the palaeomagnetism in the erosional remnant of the Tethyan Himalayan rocks outcropping in NW Bhutan has been studied. Their position to the south of the trace of the inner South Tibetan Detachment, to the south of the Tibetan Plateau offers a unique possibility to study the Tertiary rotation of the Himalayas. Pyrrhotite is the carrier of the characteristic magnetisation based on 270–325 °C unblocking temperatures. The age of the remanence is ca. 13 Ma indicated by illite 40K/40Ar cooling ages and a negative fold test. Small circle intersection method applied to the pyrrhotite components shows a ca. 32° clockwise rotation with respect to stable India since 13 Ma. We suggest that this clockwise rotation is related to strain partitioning between NE-directed shortening, sinistral-slip along the Lingshi fault, and east–west extension. This represents a field-based explanation and a minimum onset age for present-day eastward motion of the upper-crust of SE-Tibet and NE-Himalayas.  相似文献   

The earthquake is known to be an unpredictable geophysical phenomenon. Only few seismic indicators and assumptions of earthquakes can be predicted with probable certainty. This study attempts to analyze the earthquakes over the Indo-Himalayan Border region including Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, China and India during the period from 1995 to 2015. Bangladesh, Bhutan and China borders experience fewer earthquakes than Nepal and India border regions. However, Indo-China rim has inconsistency and vast range in its magnitude. Bangladesh though is a small country with respect to others, but it experiences earthquakes comparable to Bhutan. Nepal experiences highest number of earthquakes. In the last 20 years around 800 records have been observed with moment magnitude > 4.0 Richter scale, while very few records (around 10–12) have been observed for large earthquakes having moment magnitude > 6.0 Richter scale over the region. In this study adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system has been implemented to assess the predictability of seismic moment associated with large earthquakes having the moment magnitude between 6.0 and 8.0 Richter scales using different combination of epochs, technique and membership functions. The Gaussian membership function with hybrid technique and 40 epochs is observed to be the reasonable model on the basis of the selected spatial and temporal scale. The forecast error in terms of root-mean-square error with the stopping criterion 0.001 has been observed to be 0.006 in case of large earthquakes (> 6.5 Richter scale), that is, forecast accuracy of 99.4%. The model bias of 0.6% may be due to inadequate number of large earthquakes having moment magnitude > 6.5 Richter scale over the region.  相似文献   

Petit 《地学学报》1998,10(3):160-169
To better understand how active deformation localizes within a continental plate in response to extensional and transtensional tectonics, a combined analysis of high-quality gravity (Bouguer anomaly) and seismicity data is presented consisting of about 35000 earthquakes recorded in the Baikal Rift Zone. This approach allows imaging of deformation patterns from the surface down to the Moho. A comparison is made with heat flow variations in order to assess the importance of lithospheric rheology in the style of extensional deformation. Three different rift sectors can be identified. The southwestern rift sector is characterized by strong gravity and topography contrasts marked by two major crustal faults and diffuse seismicity. Heat flow shows locally elevated values, correlated with recent volcanism and negative seismic P-velocity anomalies. Based on earthquake fault plane solutions and on previous stress field inversions, it is proposed that strain decoupling may occur in this area in response to wrench-compressional stress regime imposed by the India–Asia collision. The central sector is characterized by two major seismic belts; the southernmost one corresponds to a single, steeply dipping fault accommodating oblique extension; in the centre of lake Baikal, a second seismic belt is associated with several dip-slip faults and subcrustal thinning at the rift axis in response to orthogonal extension. The northern rift sector is characterized by a wide, low Bouguer anomaly which corresponds to a broad, high topographic dome and seismic belts and swarms. This topography can be explained by lithospheric buoyancy forces possibly linked to anomalous upper mantle. At a more detailed scale, no clear correlation appears between the surficial fault pattern and the gravity signal. As in other continental rifts, it appears that the lithospheric rheology influences extensional basins morphology. However, in the Baikal rift, the inherited structural fabric combined with stress field variations results in oblique rifting tectonics which seem to control the geometry of southern and northeastern rift basins.  相似文献   

史料记载1901年4月26日西藏尼木发生M 6?级地震,其发震构造尚未有报道,对其发震构造的厘定有助于理解尼木地堑群的地震复发规律,科学评价周边地区的未来强震危险性。遥感解译与地质调查表明,尼木地堑群内部的庞刚地堑西边界断裂长约30 km,走向近北西—北北西,以彭刚玛曲为界分为南北两段。北段断裂地貌线性特征显著,陡坎发育,断错了多级冰碛物及河流阶地。位移恢复结果显示,河流阶地垂直断距T0约1.0 m,T1约2.6 m,T2约5.0 m。南段断裂沿虾庆曲展布,地貌线性特征显著,陡坎发育,断错了多期冲洪积扇体。尼木县城北部发现断裂错动T2阶地剖面,显示该断裂延伸至尼木县城北部。根据位移-震级经验公式计算,庞刚地堑西边界断裂最新一次地震的矩震级约为MW 6.8,这与尼木地震比较吻合。遥感解译、地质调查与震级表明,庞刚地堑可能为1901年尼木地震的发震构造。结合历史地震记录分析认为,尼木地堑群中各个地堑具有独立发生中强地震的能力,其地震复发模式及其与亚东-谷露裂谷南北两段的地震活动差异等尚需进一步研究。   相似文献   

Landslide hazards and mitigation measures at Gangtok, Sikkim Himalaya   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Landslides and other mass movements are serious geo-environmental hazards in the Himalayas. Massive landslides killing tens of thousands of people with catastrophic damages have occurred in the Eastern Himalayan State of Sikkim, which shares common borders with Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan. This paper describes the investigations carried out on recent landslides in Gangtok, Sikkim, India, with emphasis on the triggering mechanisms that have contributed to the release and creep of natural slopes in the region. It is believed that the intense rainfall in the region not only contributes to rapid erosion and weathering of the rock mass, but also increases the groundwater level that leads to reduction in the stability of natural slopes. A landslide instrumentation programme that includes placement of settlement pillars and piezometers is underway to predict the behaviour of landslides in the area.  相似文献   

Prajapati  Sanjay K.  Kumar  Ashok  Chopra  Sumer  Bansal  B. K. 《Natural Hazards》2013,69(3):1781-1801

We compiled available information of damages and other effects caused by the September 18, 2011, Sikkim–Nepal border earthquake from the print and electronic media, and interpreted them to obtain Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) at over 142 locations. These values are used to prepare the intensity map of the Sikkim earthquake. The map reveals several interesting features. Within the meizoseismal area, the most heavily damaged villages are concentrated toward the eastern edge of the inferred fault, consistent with eastern directivity. The intensities are amplified significantly in areas located along rivers, within deltas or on coastal alluvium such as mud flats and salt pans. We have also derived empirical relation between MMI and ground motion parameters using least square regression technique and compared it with the available relationships available for other regions of the world. Further, seismic intensity information available for historical earthquakes which have occurred in NE Himalayas along with present intensity has been utilized for developing attenuation relationship for NE India using two-step regression analyses. The derived attenuation relation is useful for assessing damage of a potential future earthquake (earthquake scenario-based planning purposes) for the northeast Himalaya region.


西藏冈底斯当惹雍错-许如错南北向地堑的特征及成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当惹雍错-许如错南北向地堑位于青藏高原冈底斯中部, 由一组南北向高角度正断层与夹其中间的当穹错、当惹雍错、许如错等3个湖泊盆地构成.地堑发育于中新世晚期, 一直活动到全新世.沿着地堑边缘分布中新世碱性火山岩.白榴石响岩的K-Ar年龄为12.6Ma, 其岩石化学特征显示出陆内伸展构造环境.地堑内部发育晚更新世至全新世的湖相沉积物.当惹雍错-许如错地堑是在青藏高原板内构造隆升过程中, 层流加厚的下地壳热垫作用导致上地壳发生伸展作用, 随着青藏高原地壳物质的东流, 南北向伸展作用转向东西向伸展作用, 形成近南北走向的地堑.   相似文献   

Stratigraphic patterns and sequence development in tectonically active extensional basins remain poorly documented in comparison with passive‐margin settings. Rift basin fills are generally characterized by coarsening‐upward trends in response to the rapid creation of accommodation by extensional faulting, and the progressive filling of graben during more quiescent periods. The Early Permian Irwin River Coal Measures in the Northern Perth Basin (Western Australia) record a complex stratigraphic arrangement of conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and coal, and have been attributed to delta plain depositional environments that developed in a cool–temperate climatic setting during syn‐rift activity. Sedimentary analysis of outcrop and core data from the fault‐bounded Irwin Terrace is used to distinguish nine facies associations reflecting deposition in braided rivers, fixed‐anastomosed channel belts, tide‐influenced coastal environments and storm‐affected distal bays. The broader depositional system is interpreted as a morphologically asymmetrical tide‐dominated embayment with a fluvial and wave influence. The stratigraphic architecture of the Irwin River Coal Measures was strongly influenced by the evolving rift basin margin. Fault reactivation of the major basin‐bounding Darling Fault in the early syn‐rift phase caused footwall uplift and the inception of transverse palaeo‐valleys occupied by braided fluvial systems. Fault block subsidence during the subsequent balanced, backstepping and drowning phases resulted in a dominantly retrogradational stacking pattern indicating progressive flooding of marginal‐marine areas and culminating in deposition of distal marine elements. In the active rift basin, it is proposed that preservation of a shallow‐marine syn‐rift sequence was promoted by the geomorphological confinement of the embayed system increasing tidal current acceleration and hampering transgressive ravinement. The proposed sequence model demonstrates that transgressive successions can develop in the early syn‐rift phase in response to footwall uplift and tectonic subsidence. The syn‐rift sequence recording the filling of an embayment on a rift basin margin may be applied in similar tectonic and/or depositional contexts worldwide.  相似文献   

地表调查和初步的沉积物年代测试结果表明,晚第四纪期间,在安多-错那地堑中主要发育了分别形成于44.2kaB.P.和9~7kaB.P.左右的两套湖泊沉积物和约42kaB.P.以来的5套冲、洪积物。在安多-错那地堑的边界主要发育了包括安多南缘断裂、北缘断裂、错那湖东缘断裂和西缘断裂共4条第四纪正断层。其中活动强度最大的为安多北缘断裂,其第四纪最小垂直活动速率为0.24±0.02mm/a;其次为安多南缘断裂和错那湖东、西两侧边界断裂,它们的最小垂直速率分别为0.19mm/a,0.12~0.16mm/a和0.10~0.12mm/a。晚第四纪以来的断裂活动主要集中在平均垂直活动速率为0.41±0.22mm/a的安多北缘断裂带的西段。安多及邻区现今的地表构造格局及断裂带的几何学和运动学特征符合近南北向地壳缩短背景下由于近东西向伸展变形而引发的菱形断块发育模式。根据断层的活动速率估算结果,晚第四纪期间安多-错那地堑的平均伸展速率为0.25±0.15mm/a,而整个羌塘块体总的东西向伸展变形速率可能达到11±8mm/a。  相似文献   

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