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《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):363-374
Granitoid rocks of the southern Menderes Massif, SW Turkey include widespread possibly Ediacaran high-grade granitic orthogneisses and younger (Tertiary) sheets, sills and/or dikes of variably deformed tourmaline-bearing leucogranites. The latter are confined to the immediate footwall of the regional-scale ductile southern Menderes shear zone. Although both sets of granitoid rocks are essentially calc-alkaline and peraluminous, the syn- to post-collisional tourmaline-bearing leucogranites are chemically distinguishable from both the granitoid orthogneisses and from two sets of mostly sodic siliceous dyke rocks. The leucogranites were generated by partial melting induced by shear heating during the waning stages of the Eocene main Menderes metamorphism and associated top-to-the-NNE thrusting along the southern Menderes ductile shear zone, which transported schists northwards over the granitoid orthogneisses of the core Menderes complex. Upward migration and emplacement of leucogranitic melt weakened formerly sheared rocks, so that when thrust-related deformation ceased it facilitated rapid crustal extension along the shear zone. The emplacement of leucogranites, in turn, promoted the reactivation of the southern Menderes shear zone as a top-to-the-SSW extensional feature. Continued extensional deformation affected the leucogranites which became parallel to the shear-zone foliation; local S-C fabrics were also generated. The additional occurrence of less or almost undeformed leucogranites suggests that the latest stages of extension might have induced adiabatic decompressional melting. Hence the leucogranite melt generation and emplacement in the southern Menderes Massif occurred in pulses. Both compressional and extensional processes played key roles in melt generation, emplacement, deformation and exhumation of the massif.

A clear distinction may also be made between the composition of granite-hosted tourmalines and those from metasedimentary schists. Tourmalines from a pebble of uncertain provenance in the Gökçay metaconglomerate plotted with schist-hosted tourmalines, suggesting that it was unlikely to be derived from granitoid gneiss. This crucial piece of evidence suggests that the presence of a major (Pan-African) unconformity at the so-called “core (orthogneiss)-cover (schist)” boundary in the southern Menderes Massif is unnecessary.  相似文献   

Summary Three distinctive metaluminous granitic suites have been identified from the Pan-African belt of the Kab Amiri area, Eastern Desert, Egypt. These are: 1) a trondhjemite-tonalite suite, 2) a calc-alkaline granodiorite suite, and 3) an alkali leucogranite suite. The trondhjemite-tonalite and the granodiorite suites resemble I-type granitoids whereas the alkali leucogranites display A-type characteristics. Geochemical attributes and field aspects indicate that three independent magmas, at different tectonic stages of the Pan-African crustal growth, are required to explain the origin of these granitoid suites. Rocks of the trondhjemite-tonalite suite correspond to granites of the arc stage and possess a narrow range of SiO2 with low K2O, Sr, Rb, Ba, Nb and Zr. Its composition is consistent with 20–30% partial melting of a primitive low-K tholeiitic source, similar to the early formed tholeiitic metavolcanics of the Egyptian basement. The granodiorite suite belongs to the collision stage and displays higher K2O, Rb, Ba, and Sr. Its magma was derived by 30–40% partial melting of LILE-enriched mafic island arc crust. The presence of abundant microdiorite enclaves in the trondhjemite-tonalite and the granodiorite suites suggests that mantle-derived mafic magma played an important role in their petrogenesis, acting as a heat source for melting via underplating and/or intrusion. The A-type leucogranites are post-collision highly fractionated granites. They exhibit low Al2O3, MgO, CaO, TiO2, Sr, and Ba and high Rb, Nb, Y. The wide chemical variations within this suite are consistent with its evolution by fractional crystallization of plagioclase, K-feldspar, amphibole, Fe–Ti oxides, and apatite from a mafic magma. The parent magma was originated in the upper mantle due to crustal attenuation associated with extension in the late stage of the Pan-African crustal evolution. Received September 13, 2000; revised version accepted May 4, 2001  相似文献   

The Cameroon Line, a major geological feature in Central Africa, has been considered successively as a series of horsts and grabens, a continental rift and a mega-shear zone. It is marked out by about 60 anorogenic complexes and a dozen volcanic centres, all of which have alkaline affinity.Remote sensing allows us recognition of the main lineament trends: N70°, N-S, N135° and E-W, while autocorrelation analysis reveals a major fault zone striking N30° in western Cameroon and N15° in the northern region. A mega left-lateral shear zone is the model that best accounts for the fracture pattern and associated features such as linear and circular structures alignment of subvolcanic complexes, syntectonic leucogranites marking out older shear zones and vein dykes. The N70° Adamawa fault zone, a Pan-African fracture reworked during Albian-Aptian times, is the only shear zone of continental scale that could have initiated “en echelon” mega-tension gashes within the Cameroon Line during a Cainozoic left-lateral transcurrent movement.  相似文献   

The Pan-African NE–SW elongated Bandja granitic pluton, located at the western part of the Pan-African belt in Cameroon, is a K-feldspar megacryst granite. It is emplaced in banded gneiss and its NW border underwent mylonitization. The magmatic foliation shows NE–SW and NNE–SSW strike directions with moderate to strong dip respectively in its northern and central parts. This mostly, ferromagnetic granite displays magnetic fabrics carried by magnetite and characterized by (i) magnetic foliation with best poles at 295/34, 283/33 and 35/59 respectively in its northern, central and southern parts and (ii) a subhorizontal magnetic lineation with best line at 37/8, 191/9 and 267/22 respectively in the northern, central and southern parts. Magnetic lineation shows an ‘S’ shape trend that allows to (1) consider the complete emplacement and deformation of the pluton during the Pan-African D 2 and D 3 events which occurred in the Pan-African belt in Cameroon and (2) reorganize Pan-African ages from Nguiessi Tchakam et al. (1997) compared with those of the other granitic plutons in the belt as: 686 ±17 Ma (Rb/Sr) for D 1 age of metamorphism recorded in gneiss; and the period between 604–557 Ma for D 2–D 3 emplacement and deformation age of the granitic pluton in a dextral ENE–WSW shear movement.  相似文献   

Pan-African Magmatism, and Sedimentation in the NW Himalaya   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Correlation of early Palaeozoic, Pan-African (500 ± 50 Ma) granites that intruded the Chail, Salkhala, Haimanta Formations in the Lesser Himalaya, Zanskar crystallines, and Lower Taglang La of Tso-Morari crystallines in the northwestern Himalaya, is based on the field relationship, tectonic setting, mineralogical, and geochemical characteristics, and isotope dating of the granites. These granite plutons exhibit identical petrographical, and geochemical character. The mineralogical composition of the granites is quite similar, consisting of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase feldspar, biotite, muscovite, garnet, tourmaline, ± cordierite, andalusite, and sillimanite fibrolite. The granite which are massive, and inequigranular in the core of the plutons, show strongly foliated character indicating development of ductile shear zone at the margins. These are peraluminous S-type granites having high A/CNK value (> 1). Presence of normative corundum, rounded shape of zircon, and high initial Sr ratio suggest crustal source of the granites. Mantle normalized spider-diagram exhibits similar characters for all these granitoids. The intrusion of the Pan-African granites mark an abrupt end of the sedimentation that continued virtually uninterrupted from Palaeoproterozoic. The sudden break in sedimentation towards the terminal phases of the Lower Cambrian has been observed in almost all parts in Lesser as well as the Tethys Himalaya. Occurrences of large number of plutons along different tectonic belts of northwestern Himalaya are indicative of widespread tectono-thermal event during early Palaeozoic (500 ± 50 Ma). The bracketing of the two features like, the break in sedimentation during post-Late Cambrian, and the intrusion of granites around 500 ± 50 Ma, is considered to be the result of a strong diastrophic orogenic event correlatable to the late phases of the Pan-African Orogeny in Africa.  相似文献   

The Jutulsessen area, can provide a vital clue to the supercontinent assembly of Gondwana Land as it is situated within the Circum East Antarctic Mobile Belt just east of the Penksockett rift marking the divide between the central Dronning Maud Land from the Western Dronning Maud Land. This landmass is dominated by migmatitic quartzo-feldspathic rocks intruded by syn to post-tectonic granites. The work highlights the data from western part cDML area with a view to arrive at a more comprehensive model for the cDML and subsequently to the super continent assembly. Granitic and migmatitic gneisses comprising of amphibolitic and biotite rich enclaves. The gneisses show variations from quartzo-felspathic gneiss to amphibolitic gneiss. The area has witnessed complex geological history involving at different deformational episodes with concomitant metamorphism. The pervasive dominant foliation trends NW-SE with shallow to medium dips towards SW. In the Stabben area, a nonfoliated intrusive syenite-gabbro pluton limits the gneissic exposures. Compositionally, the orthogneisses plot in the monzogranitegranodiorite field where as the mafic dykes/enclaves plot in the basalt-andesite-rhyodacite field. The bulk geochemical characteristics suggest significant crustal contamination. Garnet-biotite Fe-Mg exchange thermometry gives peak metamorphic temperature of 483° C for the gneisses and 628° C for the dioritic enclave within gneisses. A peak metamorphic grade of upper amphibolite to granulite facies is deduced from the mineral assemblages. Widespread anatexis has led to extensive occurrence of migmatites in the area. Recent geochronological studies assign an age of 1170 Ma to 970 Ma for the migmatites/gneisses and an emplacement age of 501 Ma for the Stabben gabbro and syenite. The discriminant plots of the Jutulsessen rocks indicate diverse origin ranging from pre-plate collision to post-collision orogenic tectonic setting. The mafic enclaves/dykes show ocean island arc to MORB affinities. Voluminous addition of juvenile crust during the Pan-African orogeny strongly overprints earlier structures.  相似文献   

The Menderes Massif, exposed in western Anatolia, is a metamorphic complex cropping out in the Alpine orogenic belt. The metamorphic rock succession of the Massif is made up of a Precambrian basement and overlying Paleozoic-early Tertiary cover series. The Pan-African basement is composed of late Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks consisting of partially migmatized paragneisses and conformably overlying medium- to high-grade mica schists, intruded by orthogneisses and metagabbros. Along the southern flank of the southern submassif, we recognized well-preserved primary contact relationship between biotite and leucocratic tourmaline orthogneisses and country rocks as the orthogneisses represent numerous large plutons, stocks and vein rocks intruded into a basement of garnet mica schists. Based on the radiometric data, the primary deposition age of the precursors of the country rocks, garnet mica schist, can be constrained between 600 and 550?Ma (latest Neoproterozoic). The North Africa–Arabian-Nubian Shield in the Mozambique Belt can be suggested as the possible provenance of these metaclastics. The intrusion ages of the leucocratic tourmaline orthogneisses and biotite orthogneisses were dated at 550–540?Ma (latest Neoproterozoic–earliest Cambrian) by zircon U/Pb and Pb/Pb geochronology. These granitoids represent the products of the widespread Pan-African acidic magmatic activity, which can be attributed to the closure of the Mozambique Ocean during the final collision of East and West Gondwana. Detrital zircon ages at about 550?Ma in the Paleozoic muscovite-quartz schists show that these Pan-African granitoids in the basement form the source rocks of the cover series of the Menderes Massif.  相似文献   

The Jalama batholith (Spain and Portugal) is one of the numerous granites of the Central Iberian Zone with Sn- and W-associated mineralisation. On the basis of petrographical and geochemical characterisation three types of granite have been distinguished: inhomogeneous granitoids, porphyrytic granites and leucogranites, all of these being peraluminous and subalkaline. All the granites correspond to S-type granites. The field data, the petrography and lack of geochemical affinity relationships of the leucogranites with the remaining granites indicate that their geneses correspond to an independent magma batch and superimposed fractional crystallisation process. The granitic units show subparallel REE patterns. There is a decrease in total REE and an increase in the negative Eu anomaly from the inhomogeneous granitoids to leucogranites. Some leucogranites show relatively low contents of Sn and W almost certainly due to segregation in the magma of a melt rich in water carrying Sn-W. These elements are concentrated in the water phase, which eventually gives rise to Sn-W-associated mineralisation.The ages obtained by means of a whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron for the granites mainly indicate an early intrusion of the inhomogeneous granitoids (319±10 Ma), followed in time by porphyrytic granites (279±9 Ma), which can be associated to the late-post-kinematic granites within the third Variscan deformation phase (D3).Apart from the average Sn content, the variations of trace elements, principally Sr, Ba, Rb, Th and P, establish that the porphyritic granites and the inhomogeneous granitoids will be barren granites while the leucogranites and the subfacies at the margin of the porphyritic granites correspond to granites with mineralisation potential. It is precisely in these granites of the Jálama batholith that the Sn-W mineralisation is located, for which the criteria utilised has been demonstrated to be effective.  相似文献   

Four plutons from the W-Tibati area of central Cameroon crop out in close relationships with the Pan-African Adamawa ductile shear zone (Central Cameroon Shear Zone: CCSZ). These plutons include diorites, tonalites, granodiorites and granites, and most of them are porphyritic due to the abundance of pink K-feldspar megacrysts. Syn-kinematic magma emplacement is demonstrated by the elongate shape of the plutons and by magmatic and ductile (gneissic) foliations that strike parallel to or at a low angle with the CCSZ; the foliation obliquity is consistent with dextral transcurrent tectonics. Whole-rock geochemistry points to high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmatism. Mixing-mingling features can be observed in the field. However, fractional crystallization of plagioclase, amphibole, biotite (+ K-feldspar in the more felsic compositions) appears to have played a dominant role in the magmatic differentiation processes, as confirmed by mass balance calculations based on major elements. Isotopic signatures suggest that the magmas may have originated from different sources, i.e. either from a young mafic underplate for most magmas with εNdi(600 Ma) around −1 to −2 and Sri(600 Ma) around 0.705, or from an enriched lithospheric mantle for some diorites with εNdi(600 Ma) at −6 and Sri(600 Ma) at 0.7065; mixing with young crustal component is likely. The plutonic rocks of W-Tibati are similar to other Pan-African high-K calk-alkaline syn-kinematic plutons in western Cameroon. They also display striking similarities with high-K calk-alkaline plutons associated with the Patos and Pernambuco shear zones of the Borborema province in NE Brazil.  相似文献   

Two stages of granitic magmatism occurred during the Pan-African evolution of the Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB) in southern India. Granitic gneisses were derived from porphyritic granites, which intruded prior to the main stage of deformation and peak-metamorphism. Subsequently, leucogranites and leucotonalites formed during fluid-absent melting and intruded the gneiss sequences. Monazites from granitic gneisses, leucogranites and a leucotonalite were investigated by conventional U-Pb and electron microprobe dating in order to distinguish the different stages of magma emplacement. U-Pb monazite dating yielded a wide range of ages between 590–520 Ma which are interpreted to date high-grade metamorphism rather than magma emplacement. The results of this study indicate that the KKB experienced protracted heating (>50 Ma) at temperatures above 750–800 °C during the Pan-African orogeny. The tectonometamorphic evolution of the study area is comparable to southern Madagascar which underwent a similar sequence of events earlier than the KKB. The results of this study further substantiate previous assertions that the timing of high-grade metamorphism in East Gondwana shifted from west to east during the Late Proterozoic.  相似文献   

The Punta del Este Terrane (eastern Uruguay) lies in a complex Neoproterozoic (Brasiliano/Pan-African) orogenic zone considered to contain a suture between South American terranes to the west of Major Gercino?CSierra Ballena Suture Zone and eastern African affinities terranes. Zircon cores from Punta del Este Terrane basement orthogneisses have U?CPb ages of ca. 1,000?Ma, which indicate an lineage with the Namaqua Belt in Southwestern Africa. U?CPb zircon ages also provide the following information on the Punta del Este terrane: the orthogneisses containing the ca. 1,000?Ma inheritance formed at ca. 750?Ma; in contrast to the related terranes now in Africa, reworking of the Punta del Este Terrane during Brasiliano/Pan-African orogenesis was very intense, reaching granulite facies at ca. 640?Ma. The termination of the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogeny is marked by formation of acid volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks at ca. 570?Ma (Sierra de Aguirre Formation), formation of late sedimentary basins (San Carlos Formation) and then intrusion at ca. 535?Ma of post-tectonic granitoids (Santa Teresa and José Ignacio batholiths). The Punta del Este Terrane and unrelated western terranes represented by the Dom Feliciano Belt and the Río de La Plata Craton were in their present positions by ca. 535?Ma.  相似文献   

Svenner Islands-Brattstrand Bluffs-Larsemann Hills constitutes ~70 km long coastal outcrops of Princess Elizabeth Land (PEL), comprising complexly deformed metapelites and orthogneisses. Pelitic granulites from these outcrops are investigated in this work. Conventional geothermobarometric estimations and Pseudosection modelling consistently indicate that the peak metamorphic grade throughout the area is high to ultra-high temperature (800–950 °C) at low to medium pressure (2–5 kbar). A high pressure (~10 kbar) relict metamorphic event and a substantial decompression component of ~5 kbar, corresponding to >15 km uplift, are inferred through petrographic as well as pseudosection analysis. Two set of ages are estimated (~800 Ma and ~500 Ma), corresponding to Tonian and Pan-African metamorphic events, respectively. Field data, petrographic studies and ages estimated from orthogneisses from the Brattstrand Bluffs and the Grovnes Peninsula suggest that this unit is a product of in-situ melting of the pelitic granulites.Pelitic granulites of PEL possess similarities with those exposed in the Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt of India. We propose that these sectors represent a contiguous terrane with two major orogenic imprints, reflecting Rodinia and Gondwana amalgamations. An attempt is made to mark out paleo-orogenic belt axes, supported by both field as well as recent aero-magnetic signatures in interior PEL. We support that the parent sediments of the pelitic granulites were deposited during Stenian period, which underwent compressional UHT-HP(?) metamorphism at ~800 Ma. Another extensive basin is proposed at ~600 Ma prior to the Pan-African orogenic event. We propose that the Pan-African orogeny marked the collision of Indo-Australo-Africo-Antarctic cratons and stitched the East Gondwana. We also propose a thinned lithosphere along the system of subglacial lakes-canyons confirmed by ICECAP data. Analog modelling is used to demonstrate the influence of pervasive mechanical anisotropy of the basement in defining the orientation of this rift system and its connection to the Lambert Graben.  相似文献   

Structural, metamorphic and geochronological studies of the Chewore Inliers of the Zambezi Belt within the Karoo age Zambezi Rift, allow recognition of a protracted multi-stage evolution, from the Mesoproterozoic to culminating in the Early. Palaeozoic Pan-African Orogeny. Tectono metamorphic events recognised in the Chewore Inliers occur throughout the Zambezi Belt and alternative models for the history of the Zambezi Belt are presented.Four terranes are recognised in the Chewore Inliers, and contacts between them are observed or inferred to be ductile thrusts, along which juxtaposition of the terranes occurred late in the Pan-African metamorphic cycle (M2, at 526 Ma). The oldest portion of the inliers is a metamorphosed sequence of mafic and ultramafic gneisses with an age of 1393 Ma. These constitute what is tentatively called the Ophiolite Terrane, together with closely associated high-P/moderate T schists possibly represents a suture. The other three terranes (Granulite, Zambezi and Quartzite Terranes) experienced a common history of tectonothermal events but show variable degrees of reworking during the latest tectono metamorphic event (M2). Concordant granitic orthogneisses were emplaced at 1087 Ma into supracrustal sequences. No Pan-African supracrustals are recognised in the Chewore Inliers, which are wholly basement gneisses and quartzites that have been reworked during successive orogenies including the Pan-African Orogeny.A high-T/low-P metamorphic event (M1 of possibly 1068–1071 Ma age, with a minimum age of 943 Ma, was responsible for totally recrystallizing the Granulite Terrane during south to north tectonic transport. M1 mineral parageneses are only preserved as inclusion phases and overgrown fabrics in the other terranes. These other terranes were pervasively recrystallised at high-P/moderate T conditions accompanying a clockwise P-T path related to northeast over southwest tectonic transport and crustal over-thickening during the Pan-African metamorphic cycle (M2) at approximately 526 Ma. Reworking of the Granulite Terrane during M2 was minor, leaving M1 fabrics and mineral assemblages preserved with little recrystallization. M2 orogenesis culminated in the juxtaposition of the terranes, rapid uplift through the thermal peak and eventual slow cooling accompanying a multitude of post-tectonic intrusions; pegmatites at 480 Ma, the Chewore Ultramafic Complex and dolerite dykes. The 830 Ma tectonothermal event involving pervasive syn-tectonic granitic orthogneisses in the south Zambezi Belt is not recognised in the Chewore Inliers, suggesting a localised, possibly extensional, regime restricted to the southern part of the Zambezi Belt at 830 Ma.  相似文献   

The central domain of the Pan-African Belt in Cameroon is characterized by abundant porphyritic granitoids, which were emplaced synkinematically and variably orthogneissified in relation with ENE-striking steeply dipping transcurrent shear zones. These plutonic rocks have intermediate to felsic compositions and constitute a high-K calk-alkaline series. Conventional UPb zircon dating yields an age of 618 Ma for this syntectonic Pan-African magmatism in the Tonga area. The country rocks are made of metabasites (garnet amphibolites) and tonalitic to trondhjemitic gneisses, which suffered two distinct orogenic cycles: the first one is the Palaeoproterozoic Eburnean–Transamazonian cycle at 2.1 Ga and the second one is the Pan-African orogenesis. These new ages confirm the existence of an extensive Palaeoproterozoic crust in Cameroon and question the areal extent of the Congo–São Francisco craton towards the north. To cite this article: E.L. Tanko Njiosseu et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Pan-African basement rocks and a Paleozoic cover series, which were intruded by the protoliths of leucocratic orthogneisses, have been recognized in the Menderes Massif, located in the western part of the Alpine orogenic belt of Turkey. This geochemical and geochronological study focuses on the evolution of the Menderes Massif at the end of Paleozoic time. Geochemical data suggest that the crustally derived leucocratic orthogneisses have chemical composition typical of calc-alkaline and S-type granite. Zircon grains which are euhedral with typical igneous morphologies were dated by the 207Pb/206Pb evaporation method. Single-zircon dating of three samples yielded mean 207Pb/206Pb ages of 246LJ, 241LJ and 235Lj Ma. These ages are interpreted as the time of protolith emplacement in Triassic. Geological and geochronological data suggest that leucocratic granites were emplaced in a period following a metamorphic event related to the closure of the Paleo-Tethys. The leucocratic granites were metamorphosed during the Alpine orogenesis and transformed into orthogneisses. The similar Triassic magmatic event at 233DŽ Ma was also occurred, using single-zircon evaporation method, from granitic gneisses which rest upon the migmatites with tectonic contacts in Naxos, Cycladic complex. This indicates that the Menderes Massif and Cycladic complex had a common pre-Early Triassic magmatic evolution.  相似文献   

Metamorphic zircons from seven granulite facies orthogneisses of tonalitic composition (enderbites), collected from four different nappes of the Kabye Massif in the Dahomeyide belt of northern Togo, were dated by the Pb–Pb evaporation method. They yielded consistent Neoproterozoic ages with a mean of 612.5 ±0.8 Ma, interpreted to reflect the peak of regional granulite facies metamorphism following Pan-African continental collision between the West African and Benin-Nigerian plates. These results support previous ages obtained by various chronometers on high-grade rocks from the same suture zone and from surrounding units in Togo, Benin and Ghana. They are also similar to zircon ages from granulites in the Mozambique belt of souteastern Africa. These Pan-African metamorphic ages reflect continental amalgamation resulting in the formation of the Gondwana supercontinent towards the end of the Neoproterozoic. Received: 3 March 1999 / Accepted: 14 July 1999  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic study of major and trace elements and Sm-Nd isotopes in leucogranites closely related to uranium mineralization in the Gaudeanmus area, Namibia. The results illustrate that the uraniferous leucogranites possess high Si_O_2(68.8 wt%–76.0 wt%, average 73.1 wt%) and K(4.05 wt%–7.78 wt%, average 5.94 wt%) contents, and are sub-alkaline and metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, as reflected by A/CNK values of 0.96–1.07 with an average of 1.01. The leucogranites are rich in light rare earth elements(LREE/HREE = 2.53–7.71;(La/Yb)N = 2.14–10.40), have moderate Eu depletion and high Rb/Sr ratios(2.03–5.50 with an average of 4.36); meanwhile, they are enriched in Rb, K, Th, U and Pb, and depleted in Ba, Nb, Ta, and Sr. The ε_(Nd)(t) values of uraninites range from -14.8 to -16.5, and the two-stage Nd model ages are 2.43–2.56 Ga. Detailed elemental and Sm-Nd isotopic geochemical characteristics suggest that the leucogranites were formed in a postorogenic extensional environment. The U-rich pre-Damara basement was the main source of uranium during the primary mineralization event, which is disseminated in leucogranites, whereas the uranium mineralization in veins possibly resulted from remobilization of the primary uranium minerals.  相似文献   

The Bandombaai Complex (southern Kaoko Belt, Namibia) consists of three main intrusive rock types including metaluminous hornblende- and sphene-bearing quartz diorites, allanite-bearing granodiorites and granites, and peraluminous garnet- and muscovite-bearing leucogranites. Intrusion of the quartz diorites is constrained by a U–Pb zircon age of 540±3 Ma.

Quartz diorites, granodiorites and granites display heterogeneous initial Nd- and O isotope compositions (Nd (540 Ma)=−6.3 to −19.8; δ18O=9.0–11.6‰) but rather low and uniform initial Sr isotope compositions (87Sr/86Srinitial=0.70794–0.70982). Two leucogranites and one aplite have higher initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70828–0.71559), but similar initial Nd (−11.9 to −15.8) and oxygen isotope values (10.5–12.9‰). The geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Bandombaai Complex are distinct from other granitoids of the Kaoko Belt and the Central Zone of the Damara orogen. Our study suggests that the quartz diorites of the Bandombaai Complex are generated by melting of heterogeneous mafic lower crust. Based on a comparison with results from amphibolite-dehydration melting experiments, a lower crustal garnet- and amphibole-bearing metabasalt, probably enriched in K2O, is a likely source rock for the quartz diorites. The granodiorites/granites show low Rb/Sr (<0.6) ratios and are probably generated by partial melting of meta-igneous (intermediate) lower crustal sources by amphibole-dehydration melting. Most of the leucogranites display higher Rb/Sr ratios (>1) and are most likely generated by biotite-dehydration melting of heterogeneous felsic lower crust. All segments of the lower crust underwent partial melting during the Pan-African orogeny at a time (540 Ma) when the middle crust of the central Damara orogen also underwent high T, medium P regional metamorphism and melting. Geochemical and isotope data from the Bandombaai Complex suggest that the Pan-African orogeny in this part of the orogen was not a major crust-forming episode. Instead, even the most primitive rock types of the region, the quartz diorites, represent recycled lower crustal material.  相似文献   

In the W Hoggar (Algeria), the major transcurrent N–S East Ouzzal shear zone (EOSZ) hosts several world-class gold deposits over a 100-km length. The late Pan-African EOSZ separates two contrasting Precambrian domains: the Archaean In Ouzzal block to the west (orthogneisses with subordinate metasediments, reworked and granulitized in the c. 2 Ga Eburnean event) and a Middle Proterozoic block to the east (again orthogneisses and metasediments, involved in the c. 600 Ma Pan-African event). The EOSZ is a mylonite belt, 1–3 km wide, with a 50-m-wide ultramylonite belt hosting numerous quartz veins and lenses (giant hydrothermal quartz system) associated with a quartz-sericite-pyrite-carbonate (beresite) alteration. These hydrothermal events occurred under ductile (evolving towards brittle) conditions, between 500 and 300 MPa, at 500–300°C, with aqueous-carbonic fluids derived both from underlying devolatilized metamorphic rocks and a mantle source, as recorded by stable (C, O) isotope data. No gold mineralization was associated with these typical mesothermal events. Following a pressure drop (to 130 MPa), related to the inception of extensional tectonics, the EOSZ was later percolated by a new set of hydrothermal fluids, evolved from basinal waters that deeply penetrated into the In Ouzzal basement. These fluids were Ca-bearing brines (up to 25% wt. eq. NaCl), characterized by high δD (-9 to + 18‰ range), mobilized by the thermal energy released by the late Pan-African granite magmatism (Taourirt granites). As demonstrated by Pb isotope data, the brines leached Au from the In Ouzzal granulites (which contain 3 ppb Au). Fluid inclusion studies indicate that gold was deposited from these brines in the EOSZ at a depth of c. 5 km, due to mixing and cooling with descending diluted fluids.  相似文献   

The Natitingou area within the Atacora Structural Unit (ASU) of the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogenic belt, northwestern Bénin, is characterized by the monocyclic metasedimentary formations, amphibolites and orthogneisses which belong to the Internal zone of the belt. Representative samples of these different gold-bearing rocks have been analyzed geochemically to determine their petrogenesis, mode of emplacement, tectonic setting and role in the genesis of gold mineralization in the area. The orthogneisses are subalkaline, peraluminous and emplaced in a syn-collisional arc setting while the amphibolites are metaluminous, tholeiitic with an E-MORB affinity and emplaced in a rifted lithospheric setting. The metasedimentary rocks, comprising quartzites and mica schists are cross-cut by auriferous quartz veins. The metasedimentary rocks are recycled sediments varying from wackes to sublitharenite in composition and deposited in a passive margin setting. The quartz veins similar to the metasedimentary rocks are enriched in LREE, depleted in HREE and showed a negative Eu-anomaly (0.31–0.72). Their chondrite-normalised REE patterns deciphered them as Upper Continental Crustal materials which were probably derived from the reworking of their host metasedimentary rocks. Gold concentration in quartzites, amphibolites, mica schists, quartz veins and orthogneiss were 0.004–9.587, 0.26–1.76, 0.0005–0.464, 0.023–0.147 and 0.0−0.0005 ppm, respectively. Devolatilization process of the country-rocks, is the most probable mechanism for the ore-forming fluid, which could have been generated during the Pan-African Dahomeyide event. Remobilisation of gold and associated metal (As, W, Cu, Mo, Sb, and Sn) after the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogeny is suggested for enrichment of gold along shear and fault zones of the Natitingou area.  相似文献   

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