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Summary Mercury deposits in western California are near a thrust fault that separates two groups of Mesozoic rocks. The Franciscan Assemblage, a metamorphosed melange with serpentine and graywacke, is structurally overlain by the Great Valley Sequence, a sedimentary series resting on oceanic crust. These Mesozoic rocks are partly covered by volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Cenozoic age. Cinnabar with silica minerals, dolomite, native mercury, and bituminous matter occurs around the fractured margins of serpentine bodies and around hot springs that emanate from the Franciscan Assemblage. Fluid inclusions and hot springs suggest that cinnabar precipitated from CO2-H2O fluids with <2 wt% chlorine at T<250 °C. Prograde metamorphism of Mesozoic sediments expulsed mercury-bearing fluids that migrated up serpentine-related fractures and exhaled onto the surface.  相似文献   

ERNST  W. G. 《Journal of Petrology》1971,12(2):413-437
The complexly folded and faulted Diablo antiform representsa core of pervasively metamorphosed Late Mesozoic Franciscanrocks surrounded by roughly contemporaneous, less deformed,only feebly recrystallized Great Valley strata. The contactbetween the two lithologic series is nearly everywhere a high-anglethrust, the Ortigalita fault. Thin sections of 679 metaclastics from the 3000 km2 Franciscanarea of the Diablo Range have been studied. A very rough correlationseems to exist between the degree of textural reconstitutionand phase assemblage. Many feebly metamorphosed Franciscan rockscontain relict clastic biotite; chlorite, white mica, and minoramounts of pumpellyite appear to be newly generated from claysand detrital plagioclase which has been albitized. In more thoroughlyrecrystallized Franciscan rocks, lawsonite has grown by hydrationof the minor An component of plagioclase, but more commonlyby the inferred interaction of interstitial clays+calcium carbonate;some of these rocks carry metamorphic aragonite. Intensely recrystallizedFranciscan metagraywackes contain jadeitic pyroxene±glaucophane.The observed changes in mineral assemblages are thought to reflectprogressive pressure increment at nearly constant temperature. In the north-western portion of the Range, jadeitic metaclasticrocks are located along the faulted margin of the antiform.Elsewhere there appears to be no clear relationship betweensystematic Franciscan parageneses and the tectonic contact withrocks of the Great Valley sequence. Evidently Diablo Range metaclasticassemblages do not owe their present areal distribution to apostulated process involving tectonic overpressures accompanyingthrusting of the Great Valley strata over the Franciscan alongthe Ortigalita fault. Jadeitic pyroxenebearing metagraywackesalso appear to be unrelated to the emplacement of alpine-typeperidotites.  相似文献   

The Franciscan Complex of California records over 150 million years of continuous E-dipping subduction that terminated with conversion to a dextral transform plate boundary. The Franciscan comprises mélange and coherent units forming a stack of thrust nappes, with significant along-strike variability, and downward-decreasing metamorphic grade and accretion ages. The Franciscan records progressive subduction, accretion, metamorphism, and exhumation, spanning the extended period of subduction, rather than events superimposed on pre-existing stratigraphy. High-pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks lack a thermal overprint, indicating continuity of subduction from subduction initiation at ca. 165 Ma to termination at ca. 25 Ma. Accretionary periods may have alternated with episodes of subduction erosion that removed some previously accreted material, but the complex collectively reflects a net addition of material to the upper plate. Mélanges (serpentinite and siliciclastic matrix) with exotic blocks have sedimentary origins as submarine mass transport deposits, whereas mélanges formed by tectonism comprise disrupted ocean plate stratigraphy and lack exotic blocks. The former are interbedded with and grade into coherent siliciclastic units. Palaeomegathrust horizons, separating nappes accreted at different times, appear restricted to narrow zones of <100 m thickness. Exhumation of Franciscan units, both coherent and mélange, was accommodated by significant extension of the hanging wall and cross-sectional extrusion. The amount of total exhumation, as well as exhumation since subduction termination, needs to be considered when comparing Franciscan architecture to modern and ancient subduction complexes. Equal dextral separation of folded Franciscan nappes and late Cenozoic (post-subduction) units across strands of the (post-subduction) San Andreas fault system shows that the folding of nappes took place prior to subduction termination. Dextral separation of similar clastic sedimentary suites in the Franciscan and the coeval Great Valley Group forearc basin is approximately that of the San Andreas fault system, precluding major syn-subduction strike-slip displacement within the Franciscan.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1575-1615
Salinia, as originally defined, is a fault-bounded terrane in westcentral California. As defined, Salinia lies between the Nacimiento fault on the west, and the Northern San Andreas fault (NSAF) and the main trace of the dextral SAF system on the east. This allochthonous terrane was translated from the southern part of the Sierra Nevada batholith and adjacent western Mojave Desert region by Neogene-Quaternary displacement along the SAF system. The Salina crystalline basement formed a westward promontory in the SW Cordilleran Cretaceous batholithic belt, relative to the Sierra Nevada batholith to the north and the Peninsular Ranges batholith to the south, making Salinia batholithic rocks susceptible to capture by the Pacific plate when the San Andreas transform system developed. Proper restoration of offsets on all branches of the San Andreas system is a critical factor in understanding the Salinia problem. When cumulative dextral slip of 171 km (106 mi) along the Hosgri–San Simeon–San Gregorio–Pilarcitos fault zone (S–N), or dextral slip of 200 km (124 mi) along the Hosgri–San Simeon–San Gregorio–Pilarcitos–northern San Andreas fault system, is added to the cumulative dextral slip of 315–322 km (196–200 mi) along the main trace of the SAF north of the San Emigdio–Tehachapi mountains, central California, there is a minimum amount of cumulative dextral slip of 486 km (302 mi) or a maximum amount of cumulative dextral slip of 522 km (324 mi) along the entire SAF system north of the Tehachapi Mountains. When these sums are compared with the offset distance (610–675 km or 379–420 mi) between the batholithic rocks associated with the Navarro structural discontinuity (NSD) in northern California, and those in the ‘tail’ of the southern Sierra Nevada granitic rocks in the San Emigdio–Tehachapi mountains, central California, a minimum deficit of from ~100 km (~62 mi) to a maximum deficit of ~189 km (~118 mi) is needed to restore the crystalline rocks associated with the NSD with the crystalline terranes within the San Emigdio and Tehachapi mountains – the enigma of Salinia. Two principal geologic models compete to explain the enigma (i.e. the discrepancy between measured dextral slip along traces of the SAF system and the amount of separation between the Sierra Nevada batholithic rocks near Point Arena in northern California and the Mesozoic and older crystalline rocks in the San Emigdio and Tehachapi mountains in southern California). (i) One model proposes pre-Neogene (>23 Ma), Late Cretaceous or Maastrichtian (<ca. 71 Ma) to early Palaeocene or Danian (ca. 66 Ma) sinistral slip of 500–600 km (311–373 mi) along the Nacimiento fault and of the western flank of Salinia from the eastern flank of the Peninsular Ranges (sinistral slip but in the opposite sense to later Neogene (<23 Ma) dextral slip along and within the SAF system. (ii) A second model proposes that the crystalline rocks of Salinia comprise a series of 100 km- (60 mi-) scale allochthonous (extensional) nappes that rode southwestward above the Rand schist–Sierra de Salinas (SdS) shear zone subduction extrusion channels. The allochthonous nappes are from NW–SE: (i) Farallon Islands–Santa Cruz Mountains–Montara Mountain, and adjacent batholithic fragments that appear to have been derived from the top of the deep-level Sierra Nevada batholith of the western San Emigdio–Tehachapi mountains; (ii) the Logan Quarry–Loma Prieta Peak fragments that appear to have been derived from the top of a buried detachment fault that forms the basement surface beneath the Maricopa sub-basin of the southernmost Great Valley; (iii) The Pastoria plate–Gabilan Range massif that appears to have been derived from the top of the deep-level SE Sierra Nevada batholith; and (iv) the Santa Lucia–SdS massif, which appears to be lower batholithic crust and underlying extruded schist that were breached westwards from the central to western Mojave Desert region. In this model, lower crustal batholithic blocks underwent ductile stretching above the extrusion channel schists, while mid- to upper-crustal level rocks rode southwestwards and westwards along trenchward dipping detachment faults. Salinian basement rocks of the Santa Lucia Range and the Big Sur area record the most complete geologic history of the displaced terrane. The oldest rocks consist of screens of Palaeozoic marine metasedimentary rocks (the Sur Series), including biotite gneiss and schist, quartzite, granulite gneiss, granofels, and marble. The Sur Series was intruded during Cretaceous high-flux batholithic magmatism by granodiorite, diorite, quartz diorite, and at deepest levels, charnockitic tonalite. Local nonconformable remnants of Campanian–Maastrichtian marine strata lie on the deep-level Salinia basement, and record deposition in an extensional setting. These Cretaceous strata are correlated with the middle to upper Campanian Pigeon Point (PiP) Formation south of San Francisco. The Upper Cretaceous strata, belonging to the Great Valley Sequence, include clasts of the basement rocks and felsic volcanic clasts that in Late Cretaceous time were brought to a coastal region by streams and rivers from Mesozoic felsic volcanic rocks in the Mojave Desert. The Rand and SdS schists of southern California were underplated beneath the southern Sierra Nevada batholith and the adjacent Salinia-Mojave region along a shallow segment of the subducting Farallon plate during Late Cretaceous time. The subduction trajectory of these schists concluded with an abrupt extrusion phase. During extrusion, the schists were transported to the SW from deep- to shallow-crustal levels as the low-angle subduction megathrust surface was transformed into a mylonitic low-angle normal fault system (i.e. Rand fault and Salinas shear zone). The upper batholithic plate(s) was(ere) partially coupled to the extrusion flow pattern, which resulted in 100 km-scale westward displacements of the upper plate(s). Structural stacking, temporal and metamorphic facies relations suggest that the Nacimiento (subduction megathrust) fault formed beneath the Rand-SdS extrusion channel. Metamorphic and structural relations in lower plate Franciscan rocks beneath the Nacimiento fault suggest a terminal phase of extrusion as well, during which the overlying Salinia underwent extension and subsidence to marine conditions. Westward extrusion of the subduction-underplated rocks and their upper batholithic plates rendered these Salinia rocks susceptible to subsequent capture by the SAF system. Evidence supporting the conclusion that the Nacimiento fault is principally a megathrust includes: (i) shear planes of the Nacimiento fault zone in the westcentral Coast Ranges locally dip NE at low angles. (ii) Klippen and/or faulted klippen are locally present along the trace of the Nacimiento fault zone from the Big Creek–Vicente Creek region south of Point Sur near Monterey, to east of San Simeon near San Luis Obispo in central California. Allochthonous detachment sheets and windows into their underplated schists comprise a composite Salinia terrane. The nappe complex forming the allochthon of Salinia was translated westward and northwestward ~100 km (~62 mi) above the Nacimiento megathrust or Franciscan subduction megathrust from SE California between ca. 66 and ca. 61 Ma (i.e. latest Cretaceous–earliest Palaeocene time). Much, or all, of the westward breaching of the Salinia batholithic rocks likely occurred above the extrusion channels of the Rand-SdS schists; following this event, the Franciscan Sur-Obispo terrane was thrust beneath the schists, perhaps during the final stages of extrusion in the upper channel. Later, the Sur-Obispo terrane was partially extruded from beneath the Salinia nappe terrane, during which time the upper plate(s) underwent extension and subsidence to marine conditions. Attenuation of the Salinia nappe sequence during the extrusion of the Franciscan Complex thinned the upper crust, making the upper plates susceptible to erosion from the top of the Franciscan Complex near San Simeon, where it is now exposed. In the San Emigdio Mountains, the relatively thin structural thickness of the upper batholithic plates made them susceptible to late Cenozoic flexural folding and disruption by high-angle dip–slip faults. The ~100 km (~62 mi) of westward and northwestward breaching of the Salinia batholithic rocks above the Rand-SdS channels, and the underlying Nacimiento fault followed by ~510 km (~320 mi) of dextral slip from ~23 Ma to Holocene time along the SAF system, allow for the palinspastic restoration of Salinia with the crystalline rocks of the San Emigdio–Tehachapi mountains and the Mojave terrane, resolving the enigma of Salinia.  相似文献   

We compare frictional strengths in the temperature range 25–250 °C of fault gouge from SAFOD (CDZ and SDZ) with quartzofeldspathic wall rocks typical of the central creeping section of the San Andreas Fault (Great Valley sequence and Franciscan Complex). The Great Valley and Franciscan samples have coefficients of friction, μ > 0.35 at all experimental conditions. Strength is unchanged between 25° and 150 °C, but μ increases at higher temperatures, exceeding 0.50 at 250 °C. Both samples are velocity strengthening at room temperature but show velocity-weakening behavior beginning at 150 °C and stick-slip motion at 250 °C. These rocks, therefore, have the potential for unstable seismic slip at depth. The CDZ gouge, with a high saponite content, is weak (μ = 0.09–0.17) and velocity strengthening in all experiments, and μ decreases at temperatures above 150 °C. Behavior of the SDZ is intermediate between the CDZ and wall rocks: μ < 0.2 and does not vary with temperature. Although saponite is probably not stable at depths greater than ∼3 km, substitution of the frictionally similar minerals talc and Mg-rich chlorite for saponite at higher temperatures could potentially extend the range of low strength and stable slip down to the base of the seismogenic zone.  相似文献   

The Transverse Ranges of southern California represent an uplifted and variably dissected Mesozoic magmatic arc, and Mesozoic to Holocene sedimentary and volcanic strata deposited in convergent and transform tectonic settings. Modern sand within part of the Western Transverse Ranges represents: first-order sampling scale of the Santa Monica and the San Gabriel Mountains; second-order sampling scale of the Santa Clara River draining both mountain ranges; and third-order sampling scale of the beach system between the mouth of the Santa Clara River and the eastern Santa Monica Mountains, and turbidite sand of the Hueneme-Mugu submarine fan. Source lithology includes plutonic and metamorphic rocks of the San Gabriel Mountains, and sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Santa Monica Mountains. First-order sands have large compositional variability. Sand from local coastal drainage of the Santa Monica Mountains ranges from basaltic feldspatholithic to quartzofeldspathic. Sand of the San Gabriel Mountains local drainages has three distinct petrofacies, ranging from metamorphiclastic feldspatholithic to mixed metamorphi/plutoniclastic and plutoniclastic quartzofeldspathic. Second-order sand is represented by the main channel of the Santa Clara River; the sand has an abrupt downstream compositional change, from feldspathic to quartzofeldspathic. Third-order sand (beaches and deep-sea turbidite samples) of the Santa Monica Basin is quartzofeldspathic. Beach sand is more quartz-rich than is Santa Clara river sand, whereas turbidite sand is more feldspar-rich than is beach sand. Deep-sea sand has intermediate composition with respect to second-order samples of the Santa Clara River and third-order samples of the beach system, suggesting that (1) the Santa Clara River is the main source of sediments to the marine environment; and (2) local entry points from canyons located near local drainages may generate turbidity currents during exceptional flood conditions. Petrologic data of modern sand of the study area are highly variable at first- and second-order scale, whereas third-order sand is homogenized. The homogenized composition of deep-marine sand is similar to the composition of most ancient sandstone derived primarily from the Mesozoic dissected magmatic arc of southern California. This study of the Western Transverse Ranges illustrates the effects of source lithology, transport, depositional environment, and sampling scale on sand composition of a complex system, which provides insights regarding actualistic petrofacies models.  相似文献   

Details of origin of Franciscan melanges are unknown, although subduction is accepted as the controlling process. Some melanges near plate boundaries in Taiwan and Italy are evidently olistostromes. How do Franciscan melanges compare with these? The Lichi melange and units of “argille scagliose” type in the Northern Apennines rest upon normal marine sediments. The time of accumulation was brief, as shown by limiting time brackets. These key types of evidence for olistostrome origin are rare or absent in the Franciscan, but the pervasive shearing would probably have obliterated such evidence.Similarities between the above-cited olistostromes and Franciscan melanges include the following: argillaceous matrix; large and small blocks of sedimentary rocks and ophiolites; phacoidal and joint-block shapes; soft-sediment deformation in some sandstone; rotation of blocks; extreme dispersal of distinctive rocks; reappearance of older rocks at younger levels. Collectively, these similarities suggest that Franciscan melanges were originally assembled by olistostrome accumulation.Differences between presumed olistostromes and the Franciscan include the following, in addition to stratigraphic relations mentioned above. The Lichi melange shows faint original gross layering where shearing is minimal. Franciscan melanges show various compositional units, but shearing allows tectonic explanations. Blueschist metamorphism is rare or absent in olistostromes of Taiwan and the Northern Apennines. It occurs in the Franciscan not only in random blocks, but also as extensive units of schist and phyllite near the structural top of the complex, toward the “hanging wall” (Great Valley sequence). In the structurally lowest levels, only zeolite facies metamorphism is prevalent. Similar generalities apply to ages of rocks at highest and lowest structural levels. The age distribution would be just the opposite if the entire Franciscan were simply an east-dipping pile of olistostromes.It is concluded that neither subduction alone nor olistostromes alone could have produced all the features of Franciscan melanges, but both played an important role. Critical original features of olistostromes have been modified or destroyed by recurrent underthrusting.  相似文献   

The Mid-Tertiary (Mid-Eocene to earliest Miocene) Misis–Andırın Complex documents tectonic-sedimentary processes affecting the northerly, active margin of the South Tethys (Neotethys) in the easternmost Mediterranean region. Each of three orogenic segments, Misis (in the SW), Andırın (central) and Engizek (in the NE) represent parts of an originally continuous active continental margin. A structurally lower Volcanic-Sedimentary Unit includes Late Cretaceous arc-related extrusives and their Lower Tertiary pelagic cover. This unit is interpreted as an Early Tertiary remnant of the Mesozoic South Tethys. The overlying melange unit is dominated by tectonically brecciated blocks (>100 m across) of Mesozoic neritic limestone that were derived from the Tauride carbonate platform to the north, together with accreted ophiolitic material. The melange matrix comprises polymict debris flows, high- to low-density turbidites and minor hemipelagic sediments.The Misis–Andırın Complex is interpreted as an accretionary prism related to the latest stages of northward subduction of the South Tethys and diachronous continental collision of the Tauride (Eurasian) and Arabian (African) plates during Mid-Eocene to earliest Miocene time. Slivers of Upper Cretaceous oceanic crust and its Early Tertiary pelagic cover were accreted, while blocks of Mesozoic platform carbonates slid from the overriding plate. Tectonic mixing and sedimentary recycling took place within a trench. Subduction culminated in large-scale collapse of the overriding (northern) margin and foundering of vast blocks of neritic carbonate into the trench. A possible cause was rapid roll back of dense downgoing Mesozoic oceanic crust, such that the accretionary wedge taper was extended leading to gravity collapse. Melange formation was terminated by underthrusting of the Arabian plate from the south during earliest Miocene time.Collision was diachronous. In the east (Engizek Range and SE Anatolia) collision generated a Lower Miocene flexural basin infilled with turbidites and a flexural bulge to the south. Miocene turbiditic sediments also covered the former accretionary prism. Further west (Misis Range) the easternmost Mediterranean remained in a pre-collisional setting with northward underthrusting (incipient subduction) along the Cyprus arc. The Lower Miocene basins to the north (Misis and Adana) indicate an extensional (to transtensional) setting. The NE–SW linking segment (Andırın) probably originated as a Mesozoic palaeogeographic offset of the Tauride margin. This was reactivated by strike-slip (and transtension) during Later Tertiary diachronous collision. Related to on-going plate convergence the former accretionary wedge (upper plate) was thrust over the Lower Miocene turbiditic basins in Mid–Late Miocene time. The Plio-Quaternary was dominated by left-lateral strike-slip along the East Anatolian transform fault and also along fault strands cutting the Misis–Andırın Complex.  相似文献   

Geologic, geomorphic and seismologic data indicate that west of Lake Cachuma the Santa Ynez fault branches into several major W- and NW-trending splay faults. Two of the faults bracket the wedge-shaped Santa Maria basin. The most compelling evidence for the existence of these two faults is the fact that the Santa Maria basin is floored by Franciscan basement overlain only by Miocene and younger sedimentary rocks, whereas across the inferred traces of each of these faults, the adjacent terrains consist of Franciscan basement overlain by thick sequences of Early Tertiary strata, as well as by Miocene and younger rocks. The third splay fault strikes northwestward through the central Santa Maria basin. Narrow zones of tightly appressed, left-stepping en-echelon folds are locally adjacent to the faults along the south edge, and through the center of the basin. The geometrical arrangement of these folds is indicative of formation over buried sinistral wrench faults. Evidence for Holocene surface rupturing is lacking or nebulous at best, but epicenters of damaging historical earthquakes are spatially, and by inference, genetically related to the central Santa Maria basin faults, indicating that they comprise the presently active strands among the several splay faults.  相似文献   

The Franciscan Complex of California is better understood now than in 1972, when Berkland et al. defined it as a complex and divided it into three geographic belts. A re-evaluation is needed. Belts first served as major architectural units, but they have been abandoned by some and renamed as and subdivided into tectonostratigraphic terranes by others. The Franciscan Complex – considered to be the archetypical accretionary complex by many – is the folded, faulted, and stratally disrupted rock mass comprising the supramantle basement of the California-Southern Oregon Coast Ranges exposed east of the Salinian Block and west of and structurally below principal exposures of the Coast Range Fault, Coast Range Ophiolite, Great Valley Group, and Klamath Mountains. The Complex is dominated by sandstones and mudrocks, but contains mafic oceanic crustal fragments with chert, limestone, and other rock types, and zeolite, prehnite-pumpellyite, blueschist, and rare amphibolite and eclogite facies metamorphic rocks. Review of historical precedence, new data, available large-scale maps, and fundamental definitions suggest now (1) that the Belt terminology as applied to the entire Franciscan Complex conflicts with current knowledge of Franciscan rocks and architecture; and (2) that most named Franciscan terranes and nappes are inconsistent with basic definitions of those unit types. The major architectural units into which the Franciscan Complex can be divided are accretionary units – mélanges and underthrust sheets. Underthrust sheets can be subdivided into smaller units, e.g. broken formations and olistostromal mélanges, mappable using traditional lithostratigraphic and structural mapping techniques. Unresolved controversies in reconstruction of the nature and history of the accretionary complex relate to specific mélange origins; megathrust versus subduction channel mélange models; chert conundrums; delineation of the ages, subdivisions, and regional architecture of Franciscan units; palinspastic reconstruction of the pre-Late Cenozoic architecture; and reconstruction of the complete histories of accretionary units.  相似文献   

Surface geology and heophysical data, supplemented by regional structural interpretations, indicate that the Valle del Cauca basin and adjacent areas in west-central Colombia form a west-vergent, basement-involved fold and thrust belt. This belt is part of a Cenozoic orogen developed along the west side of the Romeral fault system. Structural analysis and geometrical constraints show that the Mesozoic ophiolitic basement and its Cenozoic sedimentary cover are involved in a “thick-skinned” west-vergent foreland style deformation. The rocks are transported and shortened by deeply rooted thrust faults and stacked in imbricate fashion. The faults have a NE---SW regional trend, are listric in shape, developed as splay faults which are interpreted as joining a common detachment at over 10 km depth. The faults carry Paleogene sedimentary strata and Cretaceous basement rocks westward over Miocene strata of the Valle del Cauca Basin. Fold axes trend parallel or sub parallel to the thrust faults. The folds are westwardly asymmetrical with parallel to kink geometry, and are interpreted to be fault-propagation folds stacked in an imbricate thrust system. Stratigraphic evidence suggests that the Valle del Cauca basin was deformed between Oligocene and upper Miocene time. The kinematic history outlined above is consistent with an oblique convergence between the Panama and South American plates during the Cenozoic.A negative residual Bouguer anomaly of 20–70 mgls in the central part of the Valle del Cauca basin indicates that a substantial volume of low density sedimentary rocks is concealed beneath the thrust sheets exposed at the land surface. The hydrocarbon potential of the Valle del Cauca should be reevaluated in light of the structural interpretations presented in this paper.  相似文献   

A persistent 10-km seismicity gap along the Calaveras fault appears to be related to the presence of the Leroy Anderson Reservoir in the Calaveras-Silver Creek fault zones southeast of San Jose, California. A magnitude-4.7 earthquake occurred at a depth of 5 km in the centre of the gap on October 3, 1973. The sequence of immediate aftershocks usually accompanying shallow earthquakes of this magnitude in central California did not occur. A bridge crossing the reservoir near its southeast end has been severely deformed, apparently the result of tectonic creep on the Calaveras fault. The occurrence of creep and absence of small earthquakes along the Calaveras in the vicinity of the reservoir suggest a transition from stick slip to stable sliding, possibly brought about by increased pore pressure.  相似文献   

Outcrops of an ash bed at several localities in northern California and western Nevada belong to a single air-fall ash layer, the informally named Rockland ash bed, dated at about 400,000 yr B.P. The informal Rockland pumice tuff breccia, a thick, coarse, compound tephra deposit southwest of Lassen Peak in northeastern California, is the near-source equivalent of the Rockland ash bed. Relations between initial thickness of the Rockland ash bed and distances to eruptive source suggest that the eruption was at least as great as that of the Mazama ash from Crater Lake, Oregon. Identification of the Rockland tephra allows temporal correlation of associated middle Pleistocene strata of diverse facies in separate depositional basins. Specifically, marine, littoral, estuarine, and fluvial strata of the Hookton and type Merced formations correlate with fluvial strata of the Santa Clara Formation and unnamed alluvium of Willits Valley and the Hollister area, in northwestern and west-central California, and with lacustrine beds of Mohawk Valley, fluvial deposits of the Red Bluff Formation of the eastern Sacramento Valley, and fluvial and glaciofluvial deposits of Fales Hot Spring, Carson City, and Washoe Valley areas in northeastern California and western Nevada. Stratigraphic relations of the Rockland ash bed and older tephra layers in the Great Valley and near San Francisco suggest that the southern Great Valley emerged above sea level about 2 my ago, that its southerly outlet to the ocean was closed sometime after about 2 my ago, and that drainage from the Great Valley to the ocean was established near the present, northerly outlet in the vicinity of San Francisco Bay about 0.6 my ago.  相似文献   


The structure of the southern Pyrenees, east of the Albanyà fault (Empordà area), consists of several Alpine thrust sheets. From bottom upwards three main structural units can be distinguished : the Roc de Frausa, the Biure-Bac Grillera and the Figueres units. The former involves basement and Paleogene cover rocks. This unit is deformed by E-W trending kilometric-scale folds, its north dipping floor thrust represents the sole thrust in this area. The middle unit is formed by an incomplete Mesozoic succession overlain by Garumnian and Eocene sediments. Mesozoic rocks internal structure consists of an imbricate stack. The floor thrust dips to the south and climbs up section southwards. The upper unit exibits the most complete Mesozoic sequence. Its floor thrust is subhorizontal. The lower and middle units thrust in a piggy-back sequence. The upper unit was emplaced out of sequence.

Lower Eocene sedimentation in the Biure-Bac Grillera unit was controlled by emergent imbricate thrusts and synchronic extensional faults. One of these faults (La Salut fault) represents the boundary between a platform domain in the footwall and a subsident trough in the hangingwall. Southward thrust propagation produces the inversion of these faults and the development of cleavage-related folds in their hangingwalls (buttressing effect). This inversion is also recorded by syntectonic deposits, which have been grouped in four depositional sequences. The lower sequences represent the filling on the hangingwall trough and the upper sequences the spreading of clastics to the south once the extensional movement ends.  相似文献   

Long-lived subduction complexes, such as the Franciscan Complex of California, include tectonic contacts that represent exhumed megathrust horizons that collectively accommodated thousands of kilometres of slip. The chaotic nature of mélanges in subduction complexes has spawned proposals that these mélanges form as a result of megathrust displacement. Detailed field and petrographic relationships, however, show that most Franciscan mélanges with exotic blocks formed by submarine landsliding. Field relationships at El Cerrito Quarry in the eastern San Francisco Bay area suggest that subduction slip may have been accommodated between the blueschist facies metagreywacke of the Angel Island nappe above and the prehnite-pumpellyite facies metagreywacke of the Alcatraz nappe below. Although a 100–200 m-thick mélange zone separates the nappes, this mélange is a variably deformed, prehnite-pumpellyite facies sedimentary breccia and conglomerate deposited on the underlying coherent sandstone, so the mélange is part of the lower nappe. A 20–30 m-thick fault zone between the top of the mélange, and the base of the Angel Island nappe displays an inverted metamorphic gradient with jadeite-glaucophane-lawsonite above lawsonite-albite assemblages. This zone has a strong seaward (SW)-vergent shear fabric and hosts ultracataclasite and pseudotachylite. These relationships suggest that significant subduction megathrust displacement at depths of 15–30 km was accommodated within the 20–30 m-thick fault zone. Field studies elsewhere in the Franciscan Complex suggest similar localization of megathrust slip, with some examples lacking mélanges. The narrow megathrust zone at El Cerrito Quarry, its uniform sense-of-shear, and the localization of slip along the contact of, rather than within a mélange, contrast sharply with the predictions of numerical models for subduction channels.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic rocks of Cuba are a key element in reconstructing the geological history of the Mesoamerican (Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean) area. Four different Jurassic-Cretaceous sections are recorded in Cuba, including three from tectonostratigraphic terranes. From north to south they include the following: (1) a portion of the Mesozoic passive margin of North America, with outstanding zonality, especially in the Middle Cretaceous of central Cuba; (2) the Northern Ophiolitic Belt, also with Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous rocks, which is a huge melange; all members of the ophiolitic suite are tectonically mingled along the northern part of Cuba; (3) the Volcanic Arc Terrane, mainly composed of Cretaceous volcanics, with older, primarily tholeiitic lavas (Aptian-Albian) and younger (Cenomanian-Campanian) calc-alkaline pyroclastics and lavas, with many sedimentary interbeds; Albian-Cenomanian deposits with a few volcanics separate both sequences, and an Upper Jurassic-Neocomian amphibolitic basement of the volcanic arc is present in some places; and (4) the Southern Metamorphic Terranes that contain rocks of a Mesozoic passive margin that experienced several metamorphic episodes during the Cretaceous.

The welding of these terranes occurred during the Cretaceous, and ended in the late Campanian and Maastrichtian. In the south, the volcanic terrane was emplaced upon the Southern Metamorphic Terranes, while in the north the volcanics and ophiolites were thrust over the Mesozoic margin of North America. In western Cuba, the beds are strongly deformed and thrust to the north or northwest. Nappes also are present in north-central Cuba, but an essentially Bahamian platform stratigraphy is present. Although the passive paleomargin of North America was deformed in the latest Cretaceous, this event is masked by the early Tertiary Cuban orogeny.

It is suggested that the Jurassic stratigraphy of the Southern Metamorphic Terranes shares features with the southern North American passive margin in western Cuba. The position of the Southern Metamorphic Terranes south of the ophiolite and arc terrane therefore does not support the idea of a Pacific origin for the Cretaceous island arcs of the Greater Antilles, but instead suggests that a proto-Caribbean genesis is more plausible.  相似文献   

青藏高原羌塘盆地南部古近纪逆冲推覆构造系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴珍汉  叶培盛  胡道功  陆露 《地质通报》2011,30(7):1009-1016
西藏羌塘地块南部古近纪发育肖茶卡-双湖逆冲推覆构造、多玛-其香错逆冲推覆构造、赛布错-扎加藏布逆冲推覆构造,构成古近纪大型逆冲推覆构造系统。沿逆冲推覆构造的前锋断层,二叠系白云岩与大理岩化灰岩、三叠系砂岩与页岩、侏罗系碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩和三叠纪—侏罗纪蛇绿岩自北向南逆冲推覆于古近纪红色砂砾岩之上,形成规模不等的构造岩片与飞来峰。羌塘盆地南部主要的逆冲断层和下伏的褶皱红层被中新世湖相沉积地层角度不整合覆盖,表明逆冲推覆构造运动自中新世以来基本停止活动。羌塘盆地南部古近纪逆冲推覆构造运动在近南北方向产生的最小位移为90km,指示新生代早期上地壳缩短率约为47%。古近纪逆冲推覆构造对羌塘盆地油气资源具有重要影响。  相似文献   

吴珍汉  叶培盛  胡道功  陆露 《地质通报》2011,30(07):1009-1016
西藏羌塘地块南部古近纪发育肖茶卡-双湖逆冲推覆构造、多玛-其香错逆冲推覆构造、赛布错-扎加藏布逆冲推覆构造,构成古近纪大型逆冲推覆构造系统。沿逆冲推覆构造的前锋断层,二叠系白云岩与大理岩化灰岩、三叠系砂岩与页岩、侏罗系碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩和三叠纪—侏罗纪蛇绿岩自北向南逆冲推覆于古近纪红色砂砾岩之上,形成规模不等的构造岩片与飞来峰。羌塘盆地南部主要的逆冲断层和下伏的褶皱红层被中新世湖相沉积地层角度不整合覆盖,表明逆冲推覆构造运动自中新世以来基本停止活动。羌塘盆地南部古近纪逆冲推覆构造运动在近南北方向产生的最小位移为90km,指示新生代早期上地壳缩短率约为47%。古近纪逆冲推覆构造对羌塘盆地油气资源具有重要影响。  相似文献   

北羌塘地区北缘上三叠统若拉岗日岩群分布于北羌塘陆块与拉竹龙-金沙江缝合带之间的若拉岗日冲断带,以砂泥质复理石、中基性-超基性火山岩及大理岩组合为特征,夹晚二叠世灰岩岩片及蛇绿岩残块。岩石低-中级变质,构造变形强烈,顶底均被断层切割断失,为总体无序、局部有序的构造-地层体。若拉岗日岩群中基性火山岩具有洋岛和岛弧型成因,它是金沙江洋盆在晚三叠世向南俯冲,而在其南缘形成的岛弧带沉积。在若拉岗日岩群采获大量上三叠统常见的孢粉、腕足、双壳类生物化石,其玄武岩年龄值为201±4Ma (Ar-Ar法),时代属诺利期。  相似文献   

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