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Progress report deals with: 1) Geochronology — potassium-argon — principally Precambrian. Gives dates on Precambrian of Baltic Shield including eastern Sweden, Northeastern Norway, Finland, Karelia, and Kola Peninsula. Gives a correlation of the Precambrian for the entire European U.S.S.R. 2) Depth and origin of magmatic ore deposits using reconstructed erosion surfaces for the major periods of mineralization. The depth zones of ore formation of American and European theories is questioned. 3) Tectonic mapping in crustal studies. And in this conjunction 4) Bathy-metric map of the Pacific has been prepared, conspicuous features are major tectonic and volcanic forms of the ocean bottom, as well as minor detail. Brief mention is made of ore deposits from the ocean. 5) “Weathering Crust” studies of subaerial weathering erosion and deposition, mainly of ancient crusts. 6) Study on the origin and distribution of “agricultural areas”, mainly phosphates. 7) Compilation of a Manual of Minerals now underway.--M.A. Klugman.  相似文献   

A newly compiled geobotanical map of the U.S.S.R. scale 1:4,000,000 is described. Two hundred and ten categories of vegetation are mapped, classified under 15 major groups. The relation of the mapped vegetation units to climate, soil, ground condition (permafrost), watersheds, and major geomorphic features is emphasized. -- M. Russell.  相似文献   

謝家荣  刘季辰 《地质学报》1926,5(2):143-147
INTRODUCTION Iron deposits are widely distributed in S. W. Hupeh, especially in the districts of I Tu (宜都) and Changyang (长陽) where native mining industry has been carried on since very ancient time. Production from such mines  相似文献   

Among the topics covered by the 12th plenary meeting of the Commission of Geomorphology were 1) status of geomorphological research and mapping in the U.S.S.R., 2) application of geomorphology in construction and mineral prospecting, 3) geomorphological training, and 4) standardization of mapping procedures and symbolism. The plenum went on record as favoring maps based primarily on genetic classification of features.—M. Russell.  相似文献   

Up to 1931 nothing was positively known concerning the Cenozoicformations eventually preserved in S.E.Shansi.The large area bounded by  相似文献   

Up to 1931 nothing was positively known concerning the Cenozoicformations eventually preserved in S.E.Shansi.The large area bounded by  相似文献   

Changsintien is a station on the Peiping-Hankow railway and is situatedabout 20 km S.W.of Peiping.Further S.W.for about 15 km is the townof Tuoli where begins the Tuotsin aerial ropeway for transporting coal and at  相似文献   

Postschizotherium chardini nov.gen.,nov.sp.,is the name createdin 1932 by Dr.von Koenigswald~1 for the curious animal described in 1930by Teilhard and Piveteau~2 as Chalicotherid nov.gen.ind.on two isolatedteeth (upper molar and premolar) collected by F.Licent in the Villafran-chian (=Sanmenian) beds of Nihowan.  相似文献   

Changsintien is a station on the Peiping-Hankow railway and is situatedabout 20 km S.W.of Peiping.Further S.W.for about 15 km is the townof Tuoli where begins the Tuotsin aerial ropeway for transporting coal and at  相似文献   

As a result of deep drilling and complex geophysical investigations conducted on a large scale the existence of a deeply fractured graben zone has been established in the basement of a pre-Paleozoic and epi-Hercynian platform. This zone stretches from the northwest to southeast over a distance of more than 4,000 km. In the northwest it is traced through the pre-Paleozoic Russian platform and includes the Pripyat, the Dnieper-Donets depressions and the Donets basin Hercynian folding zone. In the Fore-Caucasian territory it passes along the Russian and the epi-Hercynian platforms boundary within the buried range forming an extension of the Donets Basin. Further on, within the territory of Central Asia it is traced in the Mangyshlak mountain structure and the Bukhara- Khiva fracture zone. The activity of this tectonic zone during the post-Cambrian was displayed at different times. There is observed, therefore, a gradual NW-SE rejuvenation of sedimentary deposits filling up a graben system associated with the tectonic zone: Devonian deposits - in the Dnieper- Donets and Pripyat depression; Middle and Upper Carboniferous deposits-in the Donets Basin and within the area of the buried range; Permian-Triassic deposits - in the Mangyshlak mountain structure; and Jurassic deposits - in the Bukhara-Khiva zone. This shows that the renewal of tectonic activity along ancient fractures first began in the western part of the platform most elevated during the Paleozoic. During the Hercynian stage of tectogenesis tectonic processes of different characters took place in separate links of the entire zone: platform development - in the Dnieper-Donets depression; geosynclinal - in the Donets Basin, the buried range in the Bukhara-Khiva zone; geosynclinal and intermediary stage of intermontane depressions - in the Mangyshlak mountain structure.—Auth. English summ.  相似文献   

王竹泉 《地质学报》1932,11(4):436-477
The use of the heavy minerals in sedimentary rocks as a means for correlation of stratigraphic problem is becoming more and more widespread in recent years, especially in England and United States. Where the rock formations are scanty in fossils or can not be correlated by fossils alone, the study  相似文献   

通过盆栽实验,研究了不同营养土改良的铜尾矿对旱柳(Salix matsudana)扦插枝条生长及根系特性的影响。处理方式分别为TA100(100%尾矿)、TA80(80%尾矿+20%营养土)、TA60(60%尾矿+40%营养土)、TA40(40%尾矿+60%营养土)、TA20(20%尾矿~80%营养土)、TA00(100%营养土)。研究结果发现,旱柳枝条在5种处理方式下均可生根成活,但长势存在差异。随着尾矿含量的降低,旱柳枝条的生物量呈现出增加的趋势;随着尾矿含量的降低,旱柳枝条不定根数目增多、平均根长及最长的根长增加,根系活力先增强后降低。结果表明,旱柳可用于铜尾矿废弃地植被恢复,利用营养土改良有利于柳条不定根的形成和生长。  相似文献   

段万倜 《第四纪研究》1989,9(3):195-200
本文简要介绍了李四光教授从青少年直到逝世为止的毕生活动中的重要事迹。其中包括早年留学日本时参加中国同盟会和辛亥革命时期的活动;入英国伯明翰大学后,专攻地质科学,走上了“科学救国”的道路;新中国成立前后,专心致志地从事地质科学研究和地质教育工作,在长期的科学活动和社会活动中,为繁荣祖国科学事业,发展和提高中国地质科学水平,为社会主义经济建设寻找和开发矿产资源,做出了不可磨灭的卓越贡献。在国内外科学界、知识界享有崇高的声誉,为后人留下了大量宝贵的科学文化财富,中国人民引以为荣。  相似文献   

In recent years several localities of highly alkaline rocks have been dis-covered in Shansi by the National Geological Survey of China and the Sino-Swedish Research Institute.The results of investigation in this line up to 1927are embodied in the paper:"S  相似文献   

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