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Authigenic Carbonate Formation in the Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oceanic authigenic carbonates are classified according to the origin of carbonate carbon source using a complex methodology that includes methods of sedimentary petrography, mineralogy, isotope geochemistry, and microbiology. Mg-calcite (proto-dolomite) and aragonite predominate among the authigenic carbonates. All authigenic carbonates are depleted in heavy carbon isotope 13 and enriched in heavy oxygen isotope 18O (in PDB system), indicating biological fractionation of isotopes during the carbonate formation. Results obtained show that authigenic carbonate formation is a biogeochemical (microbial) process, which involves carbon from ancient sedimentary rocks, abiogenic methane, and bicarbonate-ion of hydrothermal fluids into the modern carbon cycle.  相似文献   

中太平洋地区两个铁锰结壳的生长幕研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对3块中太平洋铁锰结壳样品进行的生物地层学及其结构构造、元素地球化学剖面的综合研究发现,铁锰结壳的生长主要集中于两个形成环境存在差异分别由不同因素控制的形成阶段,一个是约25Ma以来其形成环境氧化程度由南极底层流(AABW)控制的对应于结壳新壳层的生长幕,另一个是渐新世之前其形成环境氧化程度由环赤道表中层洋流和高密度温盐表层水下沉控制的对应于结壳老壳层的生长幕,而在早、中渐新世处于两种环境的转换期,也正好是海退期、大洋低生产力期、低CCD和生物碳酸盐低产率期,形成结壳生长的主要生长间断。该研究成果对于进一步了解太平洋的古海洋、古环境演变有一定意义。  相似文献   

前寒武纪条带状硅铁建造(BIFs)是地球早期特有的化学沉积建造类型,记录了当时大气和海洋的化学成分、氧化还原状态及演化。本文系统测定了华北地台条带状硅铁建造的硫硅氧同位素组成。不同时代和不同类型条带状硅铁建造中石英的硅同位素组成非常相似,强烈亏损30Si,δ30SiNBS-28大部分位于-2.0‰~-0.3‰之间,平均-0.8‰;硅铁建造中石英的δ18OV-SMOW相对较高,8.1‰~21.5‰,平均13.9‰;二者均与现代海底黑烟囱、泉华及热水沉积硅质岩的硅氧同位素组成相似。在同一样品中,磁铁矿条带中石英的δ30SiNBS-28普遍低于相邻硅质条带中石英的值,而δ18OV-SMOW刚好相反,反映了硅铁建造沉积时的初始特征。BIFs中硫化物的δ34SV-CDT变化范围很大,-22.0‰~+11.8‰,但大部分集中分布在0值附近。Δ33S=-0.89‰~+1.2‰,显示出了明显的硫同位素非质量分馏特征,说明当时大气氧浓度很低。与火山活动关系密切的Algoma型硅铁建造的Δ33S多为负值,而远离火山活动中心的Superior型硅铁建造的Δ33S多为正值。提出无论是Algoma型,还是Superior型BIFs都是由海底热液喷气作用形成的。富含溶解硅和铁的热水溶液喷发到在海底以后,由于温度突然下降,硅酸H4SiO4在海水中达到过饱和状态,导致SiO2首先沉淀,形成硅质层;随着热水溶液与海水的不断混合,温度不断降低,Eh值不断升高,Fe2+逐渐被氧化生成Fe3+随后沉淀,形成富铁层。一套硅铁韵律层代表了一次大的海底喷气活动;海底热液喷气的周期性活动形成了规律性的硅铁韵律层。BIFs的广泛分布和硫同位素非质量分馏效应的普遍存在,表明当时大气氧水平很低,可能不足现在氧水平的1‰;火山和海底喷气活动非常强烈,海水温度较高,呈酸性,pH值在3.0~5.5之间;海洋中可溶解硅H4SiO4和Fe2+的浓度很高;而可溶硫酸盐的浓度极低,1mM。早元古代(1.8Ga)以后海洋硫酸盐浓度升高,由富铁海洋转化为富硫酸盐的海洋,是造成BIFs消失的根本原因。大规模火山喷发和海底喷气活动对海洋的成分和氧化还原状态影响很大,使海洋的氧化时间较大气至少推迟了6亿年。  相似文献   

Formation and decay of a modern massive sulfide deposit in the Indian Ocean   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In December 1993, the first massive sulfides were recovered from the Indian Ocean floor, north of the Rodrigues Triple Junction. The polymetallic deposit is situated in the fourth Central Indian Ridge segment, close to the rift axis; it is hydrothermally no longer active. The deposit appears to be typical of mid-ocean ridge massive sulfide occurrences but is in a phase of disintegration and about to be buried by sediment. The chimney structures were formed by multiple hydrothermal events and are now degraded by mass wasting showing various stages of weathering. Later-stage, low-temperature hydrothermal mineralization processes led to copper and gold enrichment. Here we report on the geological setting, mineral zonation, different sulfide types and stages of formation of the “Sonne Sulfide Field”, which is part of a larger mineralized zone. Received: 20 October 1997 / Accepted: 4 December 1997  相似文献   

太平洋水下海山磷酸盐的成因及形成环境   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
笔者首次对太平洋与大洋富钴结壳密切相关的海山磷酸盐的成因及形成环境进行了比较深入的研究.研究发现,各种产出形态的磷酸盐都不同程度地交代碳酸盐等含钙物质,而呈现出交代生物结构、交代凝灰结构、交代角砾状结构及交代填间结构等各种交代结构,反映了磷酸盐的交代成因. 此外,其δ13C值(变化于0.7‰~2.0‰之间)也证实其属于交代成因.磷酸盐中Na、Mg、Sr、F、P2O5含量以及Na/P2O5、Mg/P2O5、Sr/P2O5、F/P2O5的比值,特别是晶格中结构CO2的含量(变化于5.7%~6.2%之间),与形成于氧化环境下的Blake plateau、Chatham Rise、Agulhas Bank等处的磷酸盐相近,表明调查区磷酸盐亦形成于氧化环境.氧同位素测定结果表明,磷酸盐的形成温度为5.8~14.8 ℃,平均为11.5 ℃,显示其形成于正常的海水温度环境.西、中太平洋海山磷酸盐形成环境十分接近的事实暗示,西、中太平洋广大区域内的成磷事件存在着时间上和成因上的统一性和相似性.  相似文献   

Using the concept of the interactive water rock- microbe system of ocean floor, the microbialmineralization of ocean-floor polymetallic concretions in the central Pacific Ocean has been studied for the firsttime. Through the correlation and study of the microbial activity and formation mechanism of polymetallicconcretions, the microbial and chemical processes for. transforming mineralizing materials and the observationand determination of the concentration of mineralizing material in the system and the variation ofenvironmental parameters, this paper reveals the reaction rate and evolutionary direction of mineralizing com-ponents caused by microbial activity, expounds the microbial mineralization mechanism and formation modelof polymetallic concretions from the angle of microbial geochemical action, and suggests a threefold division ofthe microbial mineralization stages  相似文献   

高分辨率FMS成像测井资料在科学大洋钻探中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FMS地层微电阻率扫描成像测井技术诞生于1986年,1989年首次在大洋钻探中获得应用。它采用纽扣电极阵列沿井壁纵向扫描方式采集地层的电阻率信息,经过适当的数字和图像处理后转化为井壁地层的二维微电阻率图像。FMS资料具有分辨率高(理论分辨率为5 mm)、连续原位测量及定向性等特点,是科学大洋钻探中岩芯地质分析方法的重要补充,具有其他地球物理方法难以替代的作用。从岩芯归位和定向、岩性岩相识别及地层剖面重建、沉积构造和古流方向分析、地层旋回性与古气候周期分析、浊积层厚度统计分析、构造和应力场分析及洋壳研究等7个方面对FMS在科学大洋钻探中的应用现状进行综述,对目前FMS成像测井资料应用中存在的问题及发展方向进行分析,包括利用率不高、定量分析成果欠缺、研究深度和广度有待拓展等。  相似文献   

Co-rich Mn crusts from four different locations of the world ocean have been studied to understand the role of dissolved oxygen of the ambient seawater in the formation of Co-rich Mn crusts. WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment) oxygen profiles of modern seawater in the Equatorial North Pacific Ocean, Equatorial South Indian Ocean and the North East Atlantic Ocean have been evaluated with respect to the occurrence of Co-rich Mn crusts at depths ranging from 1500 to 3200 m. The oxygen content at these depths varied from ∼90–240 µmol/kg. The oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), with oxygen contents in the range ∼45–100 µmol/kg, is located in the depth range 800–900 m in these regions. The age of the ocean crust on which seamounts formed is in the range 80.3–180 Ma. Profiles of the oxygen contents of seawater with depth in the oceans are shown to be extremely useful in establishing the optimum conditions for the formation of Co-rich Mn crusts. The use of WOCE oxygen profiles to study geochemical processes in the oceans is highly recommended.  相似文献   

通过对开江-梁平海槽区带南段40多口井飞仙关组薄片资料、录井、测井、试油等资料分析,结合岩心观察、扫描电镜等研究,认为飞仙关组储层岩石类型主要为鲕粒白云岩、晶粒白云岩、鲕粒灰岩、泥晶灰岩等;储集空间主要包括粒间(溶)孔、粒内溶孔、晶间(溶)孔、(构造、溶蚀)裂缝等;储层孔隙主要为裂缝型、裂缝-孔隙型、孔隙-裂缝型、孔隙型4种,储层中以4种类型复合产出为特征;储层物性较差,属低孔-低渗类型,裂缝系统发育地区,以低孔高渗为特征;储层发育受到沉积相带展布、白云石化作用、溶蚀作用、构造作用控制,其中,构造作用形成的裂缝系统是海槽区带南段形成规模储层的主要控制因素.  相似文献   

Using the data collected during the International Indian Ocean Expedition, maps showing the distribution of depth, acceleration potential, salinity and oxyty were prepared for the northeast monsoon for the four potential thermosteric anomaly surfaces: 160, 120, 80 and 60 cl/t. Zonal components of current along 84°E were computed from the geopotential dynamic heights. From such an analysis, it became clear that low-salinity water from the Pacific intrudes into the western Indian Ocean through the Banda and Timor seas in the upper layers above 100 cl/t surface, while the North Indian Ocean Water penetrates towards the Eastern Archipelago below 100 cl/t surface. The South Equatorial Countercurrent and the Tropical Countercurrent are well depicted on the vertical section of zonal components as well as on the distribution of acceleration potential.  相似文献   

A new combined magnetic database and a magnetic-profile map are developed for the Eurasia Basin as a result of adjusting all available historical and recent Russian and American magnetic data sets. The geohistorical analysis of magnetic data includes several steps: identification of linear magnetic anomalies along each trackline, calculation of the Euler rotation pole positions for the relative motion of the North American and Eurasian plates, analysis of temporal and spatial variations in the spreading rate, and plate reconstructions. The pattern of key Cenozoic magnetic isochrons (24, 20, 18, 13, 6, 5, 2a) is constructed for the entire Eurasia Basin. In the western half of the basin, this pattern is consistent with a recently published scheme [16]. In its eastern half, magnetic isochrons are determined in detail for the first time and traced up to the Laptev Sea shelf. The main stages in the seafloor spreading are established for the Eurasia Basin. Each stage is characterized by a specific spreading rate and the degree of asymmetry of the basin opening. The revealed differences are traced along the Gakkel Ridge. Systematic patterns in wandering of the Eurasia Basin opening pole are established for particular stages. The continent-ocean transition zone corresponding to the primary rupture between plates is outlined in the region under consideration on the basis of gravimetric data. The nature of different potential fields and bottom topography on opposite sides of the Gakkel Ridge is discussed. The characteristic features of the basin-bottom formation at main stages of its evolution are specified on the basis of new and recently published data. The results obtained are in good agreement with plate geodynamics of the North Atlantic and the adjacent Arctic basins.  相似文献   

胡加昆  陆俊吉  杨福全 《地质学报》2020,94(4):1091-1105
班公湖-怒江特提斯洋关闭时间和俯冲方向一直备受关注而且争议较大,前人的研究多半是班-怒缝合带的形成年龄,对于班公湖-怒江特提斯洋俯冲碰撞引起的远程效应却少有报道,所以研究班公湖-怒江特提斯洋关闭过程在西南天山地区引起的远程沉积响应很有必要。班公湖-怒江特提斯洋俯冲碰撞引起西南天山地区的造山活动,西南天山的造山活动使山体抬升剥蚀同时被凝灰石裂变径迹所记录,而山体剥蚀物质又被搬运至山间或山前盆地、最后沉积于山前或者山间盆地内,继而产生盆内的地层沉积充填响应;所以盆地内具磨拉石建造沉积的砾岩反映造山运动引起的山体剥蚀进而反映远处板块的俯冲碰撞情况。所以,对盆地内沉积砾岩的研究也是间接研究造山运动。通过西南天山山前萨热克盆地库孜贡苏组地层的砾石统计分析、沉积相分析、高分辨率层序地层学分析,得到萨热克盆地物源分为北北东和正西两个方向、是冲积扇相沉积、划分为两个中期旋回。结果显示晚侏罗世班公湖-怒江特提斯洋俯冲碰撞过程引起的远程响应可分为两个期次,第一期次构造活动较弱;第二期次构造活动剧烈,沉积了厚层的细砾岩、中砾岩和粗砾岩。冲积扇砾岩的沉积暗示了班公湖-怒江特提斯洋在晚侏罗世末期板块向北俯冲的;班公湖-怒江特提斯洋向北俯冲碰撞引起西南天山抬升剥蚀。  相似文献   

In the northwestern peri-Pacific tectonic belt on the continental margin of East Asia, there is a series of major faults trending NE-NNE, i.e. the Tancheng-Lujiang wrench fault system. This fault system extends more than 5000 km, with a width of 800–1000 km in the continent and a general strike of N30°E.On the basis of the results of special research on the major faults and a lot of new information about the fault system, the authors discuss early Mesozoic (Triassic-Jurassic period) sinistral transcurrent faulting in the different regions. It is suggested that in the eastern continent of East Asia, the E-W trending tectonic pattern of the Paleozoic and beginning of the Mesozoic appear in the nuclei of the Sino-Korean Continent Massif and the Yangtze Continent Massif. These ancient continent massifs accreted both southwards and northwards, which finally led to their collision and suturing to the Angura Continent Massif. Later, this tectonic framework was changed greatly by the Tancheng-Lujiang wrench fault system, along which left-lateral horizontal displacement of 1000–1500 km took place.Since the Mesozoic, the dislocation and deformation of horizontal displacement of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault system produced a series of structures trending NE-NNE in the continental margin, which have greatly transformed the ancient structures of the preceding Mesozoic. This is an important diktyogenese in the continent of East Asia. During the horizontal displacement motion of these faults, the folds, nappes and decollement structures, pull-apart basins, and subductions within the continent occurred in the continent at the same time. Some large sinistral ductile shear zones of horizontal displacement appeared. The depth of the deformed horizon of ductile shear which belongs to simple shear was controlled by the tectonic element and distance away from the continental margin. Whilst the ductile shear deformation occurred, the fault dynamo-thermal metamorphism and the fault remelting took place, and magma activity appeared within the continent. In the Mesozoic, the fault zones used to be high energy zones and recently became the seismic belts within the continent.Formation of the Tan-Lu fault system was due to the collision between the southern and northern blocks. Its large sinistral horizontal displacement in the Mesozoic was closely related to the Kula Plate moving northwards. Therefore, the continent disintegrated by shearing, which produced some new terranes. The shear edge belt was formed between the continent and ocean. The change of relative motion between the continent and Pacific Ocean plate transformed the Tan-Lu fault system into first extension and then compression. Clarifying the characteristics of the Tan-Lu fault system is an important key in understanding the evolution of the East Asia Continent since the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

周岱  胡军  杨文强  陈奇  王祥东  王磊  徐德明 《中国地质》2021,48(6):1896-1923
华南板块南缘二叠纪与三叠纪之交的构造属性仍存在较大争议。对新兴岩体详细的野外调查和研究发现,新兴岩体的侵位时间为晚三叠世(240~224 Ma)而非侏罗纪,其主要岩性为细中粒-细粒斑状黑云母二长花岗岩。地球化学分析显示,新兴花岗岩具有高钾钙碱性、过铝质-强过铝质花岗岩特征,具轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素相对亏损的右倾稀土配分模式,富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、U)而亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、Ti)。Sr-Nd、Lu-Hf同位素分析显示,新兴花岗岩εNdt)值介于-11.5~-10.5,εHft)值介于-2.9~-10.3,具有壳源源区特征。本次研究表明,粤西地区印支期构造-岩浆活动可能开始于~250 Ma,华南板块南缘海西-印支期岩浆作用自晚二叠世(大容山岩体)一直延续到晚三叠世(新兴岩体),且晚三叠世仍存在强烈的岩浆活动。新的证据支持古特提斯洋东段分支的关闭时间在~250 Ma,而印支板块和华南板块的陆陆碰撞拼贴一直延续到240~224 Ma。  相似文献   

漠河盆地位于蒙古?鄂霍茨克缝合带(MOSB)东段南缘,是研究蒙古?鄂霍茨克洋东段演化的绝佳窗口.本文对漠河盆地东缘出露的绣峰组砂岩进行详细的岩相学、U-Pb锆石定年和主微量元素地球化学分析,综合前人研究成果,限定了蒙古?鄂霍茨克洋乃至中亚造山带东段演化历史.结果表明,绣峰组砂岩碎屑物磨圆度较低、分选差,表现出近源剥蚀的特点;U-Pb锆石定年共获得217个谐和年龄,可划分为3个年龄组,其峰值均与盆地南缘额尔古纳地块的岩浆事件相吻合,其中最年轻的碎屑锆石206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值为158±2 Ma(N=5);样品相对富集大离子亲石元素(LILEs)和轻稀土元素(LREEs),亏损高场强元素(HFSEs)和重稀土元素(HREEs),具有明显的Eu负异常.样品源岩为上地壳长英质岩石,形成于大陆岛弧的构造环境,源区可能为漠河盆地南侧的大陆岛弧、额尔古纳地块以及盆地的古老基底.综上所述,绣峰组的最大沉积年龄为晚侏罗世,物源区构造背景为活动大陆边缘的大陆岛弧环境,形成于晚侏罗世蒙古?鄂霍茨克洋向南俯冲、闭合造山的构造背景下,指示在绣峰组沉积时期(约158 Ma),蒙古?鄂霍茨克洋仍处于俯冲阶段,尚未完全闭合.综合前人研究成果,推断蒙古?鄂霍茨克洋最终闭合的时间可能在晚侏罗世至早白垩世之间.   相似文献   

The Jiutai area is tectonically situated at the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) and is close to the North China Craton(NCC) to the south, serving as an ideal place to investigations of the closure of the PaleoAsian Ocean(PAO). Sandstone samples collected from the Yangjiagou Formation and the Lujiatun Formation in this area have been studied in detail in terms of petrology, geochronology and geochemistry. The maximum depositional time of the Yangjiagou and Lujiatun formations has been constrained to early Middle Triassic(ca. 245 Ma) and middle Late Triassic(ca. 219 Ma), respectively. The Yangjiagou Formation, with a major provenance of dissected island arcs, is dominantly composed of Phanerozoic sediments from Northeastern China(NE China) massifs. The Lujiatun Formation, with major sediments from active continental margins, has a relatively larger proportion of Precambrian sediments, in which the ~1.85 Ga and ~2.5 Ga sediments are typical of the crystalline basements of the NCC and NE China massifs, which were uplifted and eroded during the closure of the PAO. Besides, both formations show the enrichment in LREEs and the depletion in HREEs, the common Eu negative anomalies, and trace element contents similar to that of the upper continental crust. Based on the provenance analysis of these two formations, the final closure time of the PAO in this area is constrained as from the early Middle Triassic(ca. 245 Ma) to the middle Late Triassic(ca. 219 Ma).  相似文献   

In the recent decades, a large amount of anthropogenic heat has been absorbed and stored in the Southern Ocean. Results from observations and climate models' simulations both show that the Southern Ocean displays large warming in the upper and subsurface ocean that maximizes at 45°~40°S. However, the underlying mechanisms and evolution processes of the Southern Ocean temperature changes remain unclear, leaving the Southern Ocean to be a hotspot of climate change studies in the recent years. The present study summarized the current progress in the observations and numerical modeling of long-term temperature changes in the Southern Ocean. The effects of changes in wind, surface heat flux, sea-ice and other factors on the ocean temperature changes were presented, along with the introduction to the role of oceanic mean circulation and eddies. The present study further proposed that a deepening of the understanding in the Southern Ocean temperature change may be achieved by investigating the fast and slow responses of the Southern Ocean to external radiative forcing, which are respectively associated with the fast adjustments of the ocean mixed-layer and the slow evolution of the deep ocean. Specifically, the striking and fast mixed-layer ocean warming north of 50°S is tightly related to the surface heat absorption over upwelling regions and wind-driven meridional heat transport, resulting in enhanced warming around 45°S. While in the slow response of the Southern Ocean temperature, the enhanced ocean warming shifts southward and downward, mainly associating with the heat transfer from oceanic eddies. The Southern Ocean temperature has pronounced climatic effects on many aspects, such as global energy balance, sea-level rise, ocean stratification changes, regional surface warming and atmospheric circulation changes. However, large model biases/deficiencies in simulating the present-day climatology and essential ocean dynamic processes last in generations of climate models, which are the main challenge in advancing our understanding in the mechanisms for the Southern Ocean climate changes. Therefore, to achieve reliable future projections of the Southern Ocean climate, substantial efforts will be needed to improve the model performances and physical understanding in the relative role of various processes in ocean temperature changes at different time scales.  相似文献   

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