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Miocene igneous rocks in the 1,600 km-long E–W Gangdese belt of southern Tibet form two groups separated at longitude ~89° E. The eastern group is characterized by mainly intermediate–felsic calc-alkaline plutons with relatively high Sr/Y ratios (23 to 342), low (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios (0.705 to 0.708), and high εNdi values (+5.5 to ?6.1). In contrast, the western group is characterized by mainly potassic to ultrapotassic volcanic rocks with relatively high Th and K2O contents, low Sr/Y ratios (11 to 163), high (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios (0.707 to 0.740), and low εNdi values (?4.1 to ?17.5). The eastern plutonic group is associated with several large porphyry Cu–Mo ± Au deposits, whereas the western group is largely barren. We propose that the sharp longitudinal distinction between magmatism and metallogenic potential in the Miocene Gangdese belt reflects the breakoff of the Greater India slab and the extent of underthrusting by the Indian continental lithosphere at that time. Magmas to the east of ~89° E were derived by partial melting of subduction-modified Tibetan lithosphere (mostly lower crust) triggered by heating of hot asthenospheric melt following slab breakoff. These magmas remobilized metals and volatile residual in the crustal roots from prior arc magmatism and generated porphyry Cu–Mo ± Au deposits upon emplacement in the upper crust. In contrast, magmas to the west of ~89° E were formed by smaller volume partial melting of Tibetan lithospheric mantle metasomatized by fluids and melts released from the underthrust Indian plate. They are less hydrous and oxidized and did not have the capacity to transport significant amounts of metals into the upper crust.  相似文献   

The Almalyk porphyry cluster in the western part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt is the second largest porphyry region in Asia and hence has attracted considerable attention of the geologists. In this contribution, we report the zircon U–Pb ages, major and trace element geochemistry as well as Sr–Nd isotopic data for the ore-related porphyries of the Sarycheku and Kalmakyr deposits. The zircon U–Pb ages (Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)) of ore-bearing quartz monzonite and granodiorite porphyries from the Kalmakyr deposit are 326.1 ± 3.4 and 315.2 ± 2.8 Ma, and those for the ore-bearing granodiorite porphyries and monzonite dike from the Sarycheku deposit are 337.8 ± 3.1 and 313.2 ± 2.5 Ma, respectively. Together with the previous ages, they confine multi-phase intrusions from 337 to 306 Ma for the Almalyk ore cluster. Geochemically, all samples belong to shoshonitic series and are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements relative to high field strength elements with very low Nb/U weight ratios (0.83–2.56). They show initial (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios of 0.7059–0.7068 for Kalmakyr and 0.7067–0.7072 for Sarycheku and low εNd(t) values of ?1.0 to ?0.1 for Kalmakyr and ?2.3 to 0.2 for Sarycheku, suggesting that the magmas were dominantly derived from a metasomatized mantle wedge modified by slab-derived fluids with the contribution of the continental crust by assimilation-fractional-crystallization process. Compared to the typical porphyry Cu deposits, the ore-bearing porphyries in the Almalyk cluster are shoshonitic instead of the calc-alkaline. Moreover, although the magmatic events were genetically related to a continental arc environment, the ore-bearing porphyries at Sarycheku and Kalmakyr do not show geochemical signatures of typical adakites as reflected in some giant porphyry deposits in the Circum-Pacific Ocean, indicating that slab-melting may not have been involved in their petrogenesis.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the Late Palaeozoic. Indosinian and Yanshanian palaeotectonic settings in theperi-Pacific region of East Asia. On that basis, the Himalayan crustal movement in the region is divided intothe early and late tectonic stages and two principal tectonic phases. From the ocean to the continent, 5 giganticHimalayan formation-deformation belts are distinguished; they are the Northwest Pacific trench-island arcbelt. the Northwest Pacific marginal sea basin bell. the East China Sea-northern South China Seacontinental-shelf down-faulted belt. the East Asian epicontinental rift belt. and the East Asian intracontinentalrift belt. The Early and Late Himalayan tectonic evolution is dealt with. Finally the state of the Himalayan re-gional stress field and its evoution in the region are discussed. It is considered that the mechanism of their for-mation is closely related to the continent-ocean and surface-deep earth interaction.  相似文献   

The Miocene porphyry Cu–(Mo) deposits in the Gangdese orogenic belt in southern Tibet were formed in a post-subduction collisional setting. They are closely related to the Miocene adakite-like porphyries which were probably derived from a thickened basaltic lower crust. Furthermore, mantle components have been considered to have played a crucial role in formation of these porphyry deposits (Hou et al. Ore Geol Rev 36: 25–51, 2009; Miner Deposita doi:10.1007/s00126-012-0415-6, 2012). In this study, we present zircon Hf isotopes and molybdenite Re–Os ages on the newly discovered Gangjiang porphyry Cu–Mo deposit in southern Tibet to constrain the magma source of the intrusions and the timing of mineralization. The Gangjiang porphyry Cu–Mo deposit is located in the Nimu ore field in the central Gangdese porphyry deposits belt, southern Tibet. The copper and molybdenum mineralization occur mainly as disseminations and veins in the overlapped part of the potassic and phyllic alteration zones, and are predominantly hosted in the quartz monzonite stock and in contact with the rhyodacite porphyry stock. SIMS zircon U–Pb dating of the pre-mineral quartz monzonite stock and late intra-mineral rhyodacite porphyry yielded ages of 14.73?±?0.13 Ma (2σ) and 12.01?±?0.29 Ma (2σ), respectively. These results indicate that the magmatism could have lasted as long as about 2.7 Ma for the Gangjiang deposit. The newly obtained Re–Os model ages vary from 12.51?±?0.19 Ma (2σ) to 12.85?±?0.18 Ma (2σ) for four molybdenite samples. These Re–Os ages are roughly coincident with the rhyodacite porphyry U–Pb zircon age, and indicate a relatively short-lived episode of ore deposition (ca. 0.3 Ma). In situ Hf isotopic analyses on zircons by using LA-MC-ICP-MS indicate that the ε Hf(t) values of zircons from a quartz monzonite sample vary from +2.25 to +4.57 with an average of +3.33, while zircons from a rhyodacite porphyry sample vary from +5.53 to +7.81 with an average of +6.64. The Hf data indicate that mantle components could be partly involved in the deposit formation, and that mantle contributions might have increased over time from ca. 14.7 to 12.0 Ma. Combined with previous works, it is proposed that the Gangjiang deposit could have resulted from the convective thinning of the lithospheric root, and the input of upper mantle components into the magma could have played a key role in the formation of the porphyry deposits in the Miocene Gangdese porphyry copper belt in the Tibetan Orogen.  相似文献   

The Yinjiagou Mo–Cu–pyrite deposit of Henan Province is located in the Huaxiong block on the southern margin of the North China craton. It differs from other Mo deposits in the East Qingling area because of its large pyrite resource and complex associated elements. The deposit’s mineralization process can be divided into skarn, sulfide, and supergene episodes with five stages, marking formation of magnetite in the skarn episode, quartz–molybdenite, quartz–calcite–pyrite–chalcopyrite–bornite–sphalerite, and calcite–galena–sphalerite in the sulfide episode, and chalcedony–limonite in the supergene episode. Re–Os and 40Ar–39Ar dating indicates that both the skarn-type and porphyry-type orebodies of the Yinjiagou deposit formed approximately 143 Ma ago during the Early Cretaceous. Four types of fluid inclusions (FIs) have been distinguished in quartz phenocryst, various quartz veins, and calcite vein. Based on petrographic observations and microthermometric criteria the FIs include liquid-rich, gas-rich, H2O–CO2, and daughter mineral-bearing inclusions. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz phenocrysts of K-feldspar granite porphyry ranges from 341 °C to >550 °C, and the salinity is 0.4–44.0 wt% NaCl eqv. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz–molybdenite veins is 382–416 °C, and the salinity is 3.6–40.8 wt% NaCl eqv. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz–calcite–pyrite–chalcopyrite–bornite–sphalerite ranges from 318 °C to 436 °C, and the salinity is 5.6–42.4 wt% NaCl eqv. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz–molybdenite stockworks is in a range of 321–411 °C, and the salinity is 6.3–16.4 wt% NaCl eqv. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz–sericite–pyrite is in a range of 326–419 °C, and the salinity is 4.7–49.4 wt% NaCl eqv. The ore-forming fluids of the Yinjiagou deposit are mainly high-temperature, high-salinity fluids, generally with affinities to an H2O–NaCl–KCl ± CO2 system. The δ18OH2O values of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids are 4.0–8.6‰, and the δDV-SMOW values are between −64‰ and −52‰, indicating that the ore-forming fluids were primarily magmatic. The δ34SV-CDT values of sulfides range between −0.2‰ and 6.3‰ with a mean of 1.6‰, sharing similar features with deeply sourced sulfur, implying that the sulfur mainly came from the lower crust composed of poorly differentiated igneous materials, but part of the heavy sulfur came from the Guandaokou Group dolostone. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb values of sulfides are in the range of 17.331–18.043, 15.444–15.575, and 37.783–38.236, respectively, which is generally consistent with the Pb isotopic signature of the Yinjiagou intrusion, suggesting that the Pb chiefly originated from the felsic–intermediate intrusive rocks in the mine area, with a small amount of lead from strata. The Yinjiagou deposit is a porphyry–skarn deposit formed during the Mesozoic transition of a tectonic regime that is EW-trending to NNE-trending, and the multiepisode boiling of ore-forming fluids was the primary mechanism for mineral deposition.  相似文献   

The central zone of the Miocene Štiavnica stratovolcano hosts several occurrences of Cu–Au skarn–porphyry mineralisation, related to granodiorite/quartz–diorite porphyry dyke clusters and stocks. Vysoká–Zlatno is the largest deposit (13.4 Mt at 0.52% Cu), with mineralised Mg–Ca exo- and endoskarns, developed at the prevolcanic basement level. The alteration pattern includes an internal K- and Na–Ca silicate zone, surrounded by phyllic and argillic zones, laterally grading into a propylitic zone. Fluid inclusions in quartz veinlets in the internal zone contain mostly saline brines with 31–70 wt.% NaCl eq. and temperatures of liquid–vapour homogenization (Th) of 186–575°C, indicating fluid heterogenisation. Garnet contains inclusions of variable salinity with 1–31 wt.% NaCl eq. and Th of 320–360°C. Quartz–chalcopyrite veinlets host mostly low-salinity fluid inclusions with 0–3 wt.% NaCl eq. and Th of 323–364°C. Data from sphalerite from the margin of the system indicate mixing with dilute and cooler fluids. The isotopic composition of fluids in equilibrium with K-alteration and most skarn minerals (both prograde and retrograde) indicates predominantly a magmatic origin (δ18Ofluid 2.5–12.3‰) with a minor meteoric component. Corresponding low δDfluid values are probably related to isotopic fractionation during exsolution of the fluid from crystallising magma in an open system. The data suggest the general pattern of a distant source of magmatic fluids that ascended above a zone of hydraulic fracturing below the temperature of ductile–brittle transition. The magma chamber at ∼5–6 km depth exsolved single-phase fluids, whose properties were controlled by changing PT conditions along their fluid paths. During early stages, ascending fluids display liquid–vapour immiscibility, followed by physical separation of both phases. Low-salinity liquid associated with ore veinlets probably represents a single-phase magmatic fluid/magmatic vapour which contracted into liquid upon its ascent.  相似文献   

The Jinshajiang–Red River porphyry Cu (Mo–Au) metallogenic belt (JRMB) is the most important intracontinental porphyry Cu (Mo–Au) mineralizing zone in the Sanjiang region, southwest China. The belt contains a number of giant deposits, including Yulong (6.50 Mt Cu) and Beiya (315 t Au) in the northern and center parts, and several small deposits in the southern part (e.g., Tongchang, 0.03 Mt Cu + Mo; Chang'anchong, 0.04 Mt Cu + Mo; Habo, 0.57 Mt Cu + Mo; and Chang'an 31 t Au). In order to investigate the mechanisms controlling the variation in size of these deposits, the LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating, bulk-rock geochemistry, and zircon trace-element analyses have been performed on the mineralization-related porphyries from the Tongchang district. Zircon U–Pb dating yielded concordant ages of 34.2 ± 0.6 Ma (Tongchang), 33.7 ± 0.8 Ma (Chang’anchong), 35.7 ± 0.5 Ma (Habo) and 34.6 ± 1.2 Ma (Chang’an). These porphyries are peraluminous with relatively high potassium contents (K2O: 4.2–5.7 wt%), and show shoshonitic affinities. Bulk rock Fe2O3/FeO ratios vary from 0.51 to 0.97, typical of moderately oxidized to strongly oxidized magmas. Zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ values vary between 25.9 and 371.8 with a mean of 129.3. The log(ƒo2) values vary from −20.7 to −9.6, and plot within the range of FMQ (fayalite-magnetite-quartz oxygen buffer) to MH (magnetite- hematite oxygen buffer), indicating an oxidizing parental magma. The mineralized porphyries from the Yulong and Beiya deposits, which were previous considered to have formed under the same tectonic conditions as those in the Tongchang district, have higher mean zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ values of 249.4 and 399.5, suggesting that the oxygen fugacities of the porphyries in the Tongchang district is relatively lower. This might imply that oxygen fugacity is an important factor that led to the differentiation of deposit size in the JRMB, and that larger porphyry deposits are associated with more oxidized magmas.  相似文献   

The Bingham porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposit, Utah, may only be world-class because of substantial contributions of sulfur and metals from mafic alkaline magma to an otherwise unremarkable calc-alkaline system. Volcanic mafic alkaline rocks in the district are enriched in Cr, Ni, and Ba as well as Cu, Au, platinum group elements (PGE), and S. The bulk of the volcanic section that is co-magmatic with ore-related porphyries is dacitic to trachytic in composition, but has inherited the geochemical signature of high Cr, Ni, and Ba from magma mixing with the mafic alkaline rocks. The volcanic section that most closely correlates in time with ore-related porphyries is very heterogeneous containing clasts of scoriaceous latite, latitic, and minette, and flows of melanephelinite, shoshonite, and olivine latite in addition to volumetrically dominant dacite/trachyte. Bingham ore-related porphyries show ample evidence of prior mixing with mafic alkaline magmas. Intrusive porphyries that have not been previously well-studied have several chemical and mineralogical indications of magma mixing. These "mixed" lithologies include the hybrid quartz monzonite porphyry, biotite porphyry, and minette dikes. Even some of the more silicic latite and monzonite porphyries retain high Cr and Ba contents indicative of mixing and contain trace amounts of sapphire (<1 mm). The heterogeneous block and ash flow deposits also contain sapphire and are permissively correlated with the intrusions based on chemical, mineralogical, and isotopic data. Magma mixing calculations suggest about 10% of the monzonitic/latitic ore-related magma may have been derived from mafic alkaline magma similar to the melanephelinite. If the original S content of the mafic magma was about 2,000-4,000 ppm, comparable with similar magmas, then the mafic magma may have been responsible for contributing more than half of the S and a significant portion of the Cu, Au, and PGE in the Bingham deposit.  相似文献   

Constraints on gold and copper ore grades in porphyry-style Cu–Au ± Mo deposits are re-examined, with particular emphasis on published fluid pressure and formation depth as indicated by fluid inclusion data and geological reconstruction. Defining an arbitrary subdivision at a molar Cu/Au ratio of 4.0 × 104, copper–gold deposits have a shallower average depth of formation (2.1 km) compared with the average depth of copper–molybdenum deposits (3.7 km), based on assumed lithostatic fluid pressure from microthermometry. The correlation of Cu/Au ratio with depth is primarily influenced by the variations of total Au grade. Despite local mineralogical controls within some ore deposits, the overall Cu/Au ratio of the deposits does not show a significant correlation with the predominant type of Cu–Fe sulfide, i.e., chalcopyrite or bornite. Primary magma source probably contributes to metal endowment on the province scale and in some individual deposits, but does not explain the broad correlation of metal ratios with the pressure of ore formation. By comparison with published experimental and fluid analytical data, the observed correlation of the Cu/Au ratio with fluid pressure can be explained by dominant transport of Cu and Au in a buoyant S-rich vapor, coexisting with minor brine in two-phase magmatic hydrothermal systems. At relatively shallow depth (approximately <3 km), the solubility of both metals decreases rapidly with decreasing density of the ascending vapor plume, forcing both Cu and Au to be coprecipitated. In contrast, magmatic vapor cooling at deeper levels (approximately >3 km) and greater confining pressure is likely to precipitate copper ± molybdenum only, while sulfur-complexed gold remains dissolved in the relatively dense vapor. Upon cooling, this vapor may ultimately contract to a low-salinity epithermal liquid, which can contribute to the formation of epithermal gold deposits several kilometers above the Au-poor porphyry Cu–(Mo) deposit. These findings and interpretations imply that petrographic inspection of fluid inclusion density may be used as an exploration indicator. Low-pressure brine + vapor systems are favorable for coprecipitation of both metals, leading to Au-rich porphyry–copper–gold deposits. Epithermal gold deposits may be associated with such shallow systems, but are likely to derive their ore-forming components from a deeper source, which may include a deeply hidden porphyry–copper ± molybdenum deposit. Exposed high-pressure brine + vapor systems, or stockwork veins containing a single type of intermediate-density inclusions, are more likely to be prospective for porphyry–copper ± molybdenum deposits.  相似文献   

Vlaykov Vruh–Elshitsa represents the best example of paired porphyry Cu and epithermal Cu–Au deposits within the Late Cretaceous Apuseni–Banat–Timok–Srednogorie magmatic and metallogenic belt of Eastern Europe. The two deposits are part of the NW trending Panagyurishte magmato-tectonic corridor of central Bulgaria. The deposits were formed along the SW flank of the Elshitsa volcano-intrusive complex and are spatially associated with N110-120-trending hypabyssal and subvolcanic bodies of granodioritic composition. At Elshitsa, more than ten lenticular to columnar massive ore bodies are discordant with respect to the host rock and are structurally controlled. A particular feature of the mineralization is the overprinting of an early stage high-sulfidation mineral assemblage (pyrite ± enargite ± covellite ± goldfieldite) by an intermediate-sulfidation paragenesis with a characteristic Cu–Bi–Te–Pb–Zn signature forming the main economic parts of the ore bodies. The two stages of mineralization produced two compositionally different types of ores—massive pyrite and copper–pyrite bodies. Vlaykov Vruh shares features with typical porphyry Cu systems. Their common geological and structural setting, ore-forming processes, and paragenesis, as well as the observed alteration and geochemical lateral and vertical zonation, allow us to interpret the Elshitsa and Vlaykov Vruh deposits as the deep part of a high-sulfidation epithermal system and its spatially and genetically related porphyry Cu counterpart, respectively. The magmatic–hydrothermal system at Vlaykov Vruh–Elshitsa produced much smaller deposits than similar complexes in the northern part of the Panagyurishte district (Chelopech, Elatsite, Assarel). Magma chemistry and isotopic signature are some of the main differences between the northern and southern parts of the district. Major and trace element geochemistry of the Elshitsa magmatic complex are indicative for the medium- to high-K calc-alkaline character of the magmas. 87Sr/86Sr(i) ratios of igneous rocks in the range of 0.70464 to 0.70612 and 143Nd/144Nd(i) ratios in the range of 0.51241 to 0.51255 indicate mixed crustal–mantle components of the magmas dominated by mantellic signatures. The epsilon Hf composition of magmatic zircons (+6.2 to +9.6) also suggests mixed mantellic–crustal sources of the magmas. However, Pb isotopic signatures of whole rocks (206Pb/204Pb = 18.13–18.64, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.58–15.64, and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.69–38.56) along with common inheritance component detected in magmatic zircons also imply assimilation processes of pre-Variscan and Variscan basement at various scales. U–Pb zircon and rutile dating allowed determination of the timing of porphyry ore formation at Vlaykov Vruh (85.6 ± 0.9 Ma), which immediately followed the crystallization of the subvolcanic dacitic bodies at Elshitsa (86.11 ± 0.23 Ma) and the Elshitsa granite (86.62 ± 0.02 Ma). Strontium isotope analyses of hydrothermal sulfates and carbonates (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70581–0.70729) suggest large-scale interaction between mineralizing fluids and basement lithologies at Elshitsa–Vlaykov Vruh. Lead isotope compositions of hydrothermal sulfides (206Pb/204Pb = 18.432–18.534, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.608–15.647, and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.497–38.630) allow attribution of ore-formation in the porphyry and epithermal deposits in the Southern Panagyurishte district to a single metallogenic event with a common source of metals.  相似文献   

During late Palaeozoic time, extensive magmatism and associated ore deposits were developed in the eastern Tianshan orogenic belt (ETOB), Northwest China, which is part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. To understand the petrogenesis of the intrusions in this area, we performed in situ zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopic analyses on the Tuwu–Yandong (TW–YD) stocks and the Xianshan, Hulu, Luodong, and Poshi batholiths. Two major suites of intrusive rocks have been recognized in the ETOB: (1) 338–339 Ma plagiogranite porphyries and 265–300 Ma ultramafic and mafic rocks, of which the former are associated with 323 Ma porphyry Cu–Mo deposits and have enriched radiogenic Hf isotopic compositions (?Hf(t) = +11.5 to +15.6), which were derived from a depleted mantle source, whereas the latter are associated with 265–300 Ma magmatic Ni–Cu deposits and have variable Hf isotopic compositions (?Hf(t) = ?10.3 to +14.3), indicating an origin via the hybridization of depleted mantle magma and variable amounts of ancient lower-crustal components. The proposed magma sources, combined with the geochemical differences between these two suites of intrusive rocks, indicate that in the lower to middle Carboniferous, a N-dipping subduction zone beneath the Dananhu arc triggered the emplacement of granitic porphyries in the Tousuquan and Dananhu island arc belt in the east Tianshan, leading to the formation of the TW and YD porphyry Cu–Mo deposits. In the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian, large mafic–ultramafic complexes were emplaced during the closure of the ancient Tianshan Ocean, resulting in the formation of several magmatic Cu–Ni sulphide deposits.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the various mineralization zones especially supergene enrichment and hypogene in two different Iranian porphyry Cu deposits, based on subsurface data and by using the proposed concentration–volume (C–V) fractal method. The Sungun and Chah-Firuzeh porphyry Cu deposits, which are situated in NW and SE Iran, respectively, were selected for this study. Straight lines fitted through log–log plots showing C–V relations for Cu were employed to separate supergene enrichment and hypogene zones from oxidation zones and barren host rocks in the two deposits and to distinguish a skarn mineralized zone from the hypogene zone in Sungun deposit. In the proposed C–V fractal method, the identification of mineralization zones is based on power–law relationships between Cu concentrations and the volume of rocks hosting porphyry Cu mineralization. Separate subsurface data from the two deposits were analyzed by C–V fractal method and the results have been compared with geological models which included alteration and mineralogical models. The comparison shows that the interpreted zones based on the C–V fractal method are consistent with the geological models. The proposed C–V method is a new approach to defining zones in a mineral deposit and there was no commercial software available to perform the relevant calculations; therefore, a fractal concentration–volume (FCV) software was designed by the authors to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

The Xiongcun district, located in the western segment of the Gangdese porphyry copper belt (GPCB), hosts the only known Jurassic mineralization in the GPCB, Tibet, PRC. The No. I deposit in the Xiongcun district is related to the Middle Jurassic quartz diorite porphyry (167–161 Ma) and the mineralization was formed at ca. 161.5 ± 2.7 Ma. Ore-bearing Middle Jurassic quartz diorite porphyry emplaced into the Early Jurassic volcano-sedimentary rock sequences of the Xiongcun Formation. Veinlets and disseminated mineralization developed within the Middle Jurassic quartz diorite porphyry and the surrounding metamorphosed tuff, hosting a measured and indicated resource of 1.04 Mt copper, 143.31 t gold and 900.43 t silver with an average grade of 0.48% copper, 0.66 g/t gold, and 4.19 g/t silver. The mineralization can be assigned to four stages, including three main stages of hypogene mineralization and one epigenetic stage. The main alteration associated with mineralization is potassic. Seven mineralization-related hydrothermal veins have been recognized, including quartz–sulfide, biotite–sulfide, magnetite–sulfide, quartz–molybdenite–sulfide, chalcopyrite–pyrite–pyrrhotite, pyrite and polymetallic veins. The S and Pb isotopic compositions of the ore sulfides and the Re contents of the molybdenite suggest a mantle source for the ore-forming materials with minor contamination from the subducted sediments. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of quartz in the ores suggest that both magmatic and meteoric waters were involved in the ore-forming process. The ore-bearing porphyry (167–161 Ma) and ore-forming (161.5 ± 2.7 Ma) ages of the No. I deposit correspond to the time of northward subduction of Neo-Tethys oceanic slab. The geochemical data of the ore-bearing porphyry indicate that the No. I deposit formed in an intra-oceanic island arc setting and the ore-bearing porphyry originated from the partial melting of mantle with limited contribution of subducted sediments. The genesis of the ore-bearing porphyry and No. I deposit is interpreted as being related to northward intra-oceanic subduction of Neo-Tethys oceanic slab in the Middle Jurassic time (167–161 Ma).  相似文献   

The spatial coexistence and synchronous formation of magmatogene porphyry Cu–Mo mineralization and epithermal gold mineralization are due to the genetic relationship between their formation processes. This relationship might be due to the generation of metal-bearing fluids of different geochemical compositions by the porphyry ore-magmatic system, which then participate in the formation of magmatogene porphyry Cu–Mo(Au) and associated epithermal gold deposits. Synthesis of fluid inclusions in quartz was performed for experimental study of the behavior of Cu, Mo, W, Sn, Au, As, Sb, Te, Ag, and Bi in heterophase fluids similar in composition and aggregate state to natural ore-forming fluids of porphyry Cu–Mo(Au) deposits. We have established that at 700 °C, a pressure decrease from 117 to 106 MPa leads to a significant enrichment of the gas phase of heterophase chloride fluid with Au, As, Sb, and Bi. The heterophase state of carbonate–chloride–sulfate fluids is observed at 600 °C and 100–90 MPa. It characterizes the highly concentrated liquid carbonate–sulfide phase–liquid chloride phase–low-density gas phase equilibrium. A decrease in the pressure of heterophase carbonate–chloride–sulfate fluid leads to a noticeable enrichment of its chloride phase with Cu, Mo, Fe, W, Ag, Sn, Sb, and Zn relative to the carbonate–sulfate phase. The processes of redistribution of ore elements between the phases of heterophase fluids can be considered a model of generation of metal-bearing chloride fluids, which occurs in nature during the formation of porphyry Cu–Mo(Au) deposits, as well as a model of generation of gas fluids supplying Au, Te, As, and other ore elements to the place of formation of epithermal Au–Cu and Au–Ag mineralization.© 2015, V.S. Sobolev IGM, Siberian Branch of the RAS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The intrusion of mafic dykes into a near-trench accretionary prism, and continental margin magmatism with characteristics that differ from those of adjacent arc magmatism, are direct manifestations of the subduction of a spreading ocean ridge and the formation of a slab window. In this paper, we investigated mafic dykes intruded into the accretionary prism that hosts the Duolong porphyry Cu–Au deposit (DCAD) of western Tibet. LA-ICP-MS analysis of U–Pb in zircon indicates that the dykes formed during the Early Cretaceous (126–127 Ma). The dykes are characterized by εHf(t) values from + 2.44 to + 11.8. Twenty-nine mafic dyke samples were divided into three groups based on their locations and geochemical compositions: group I has Nb = 8.31–10.2 ppm, Nb/La = 0.71–1.20, and Nb/U = 21.4–37.9; group II has Nb = 40.5–52.6 ppm, Nb/La = 0.84–1.58, and Nb/U = 18.8–47.8; and group III has Nb = 65.7–105 ppm, Nb/La = 1.35–2.08, and Nb/U = 36.5–73.8. Group I is classified as Nb-enriched basalts (ENBs), whereas groups II and III are classified as high-Nb basalts (HNBs). Both the ENBs and HNBs were derived from an adakite-metasomatized mantle wedge that subsequently underwent crystallization of olivine and clinopyroxene. The compositional variations of the studied dykes resulted mainly from mantle source heterogeneity. The volume of the slab melts gradually increases from group I (ENBs) to group II (HNBs) and group III (HNBs), leading to gradually increasing incompatible element concentrations. Considering their geochemical characteristics and field relationships, as well as the unique characteristics of continental margin magmatism in the DCAD, we propose that the dykes emplaced in an extensional accretionary prism were derived from the northward subduction of a spreading ridge in the Bangong Co–Nujiang Tethys Ocean during the Early Cretaceous. The ridge subduction event was also responsible for the generation of coeval adakites, intermediate–felsic intrusions, the Maierze bimodal volcanic rocks as well as the metallogenesis of the DCAD.  相似文献   

Given that the Duobuza deposit was the first porphyry Cu–Au deposit discovered in central Tibet, the mineralization and mineralized porphyry in this area have been the focus of intensive research, yet the overall porphyry sequence associated with the deposit remains poorly understood. New geological mapping, logging, and sampling of an early granodiorite porphyry, an inter-mineralization porphyry, and a late-mineralization diorite porphyry were complemented by LA–ICP–MS zircon dating, whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses, and in situ Hf isotopic analyses for both inter- and late-mineralization porphyry intrusions. All of the porphyry intrusions are high-K and calc-alkaline, and were emplaced at ca. 120 Ma. The geochemistry of these intrusions is indicative of arc magmatism, as all three porphyry phases are enriched in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, and depleted in heavy rare earth elements and high field strength elements. These similar characteristics of the intrusions, when combined with the relatively high (87Sr/86Sr)i, negative εNd(t), and positive εHf(t) values, suggest that the magmas that formed the porphyries were derived from a common source region and shared a single magma chamber. The magmas were generated by the mixing of upwelling metasomatized mantle-wedge-derived mafic magmas and magmas generated by partial melting of amphibolite within the lower crust.The inter-mineralization porphyry has the lowest εNd(t) and highest (87Sr/86Sr)i values, suggesting that a large amount of lower-crust-derived material was incorporated into the melt and that metals such as Cu and Au from the enriched lower crust were scavenged by the parental magma. The relative mafic late-mineralization diorite porphyry phase was formed by the residual magma in the magma chamber mixing with upwelling mafic melt derived from metasomatized mantle. The magmatic–hydrothermal evolution of the magma in the chamber released ore-forming fluid that was transported mainly by the inter-mineralization porphyry phase during the mineralization stage, which ultimately formed the Duobuza porphyry Cu–Au deposit.These porphyritic intrusions of the Duobuza deposit have high Mg# and low (La/Yb)N values, and show some high LILE/HFSE ratios, indicating the magma source was enriched by interaction with slab-derived fluids. Combined with age constraints on the regional tectonic evolution, these dating and geochemical results suggest that the Duobuza porphyry Cu–Au deposit formed in a subduction setting during the final stages of the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean.  相似文献   

The Toodoggone district comprises Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Hazelton Group Toodoggone Formation volcanic and sedimentary rocks, which unconformably overlie submarine island-arc volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Lower Permian Asitka Group and Middle Triassic Takla Group, some of which are intruded by Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic plutons and dikes of the Black Lake suite. Although plutonism occurred episodically from ca. 218 to 191 Ma, the largest porphyry Cu–Au ± Mo systems formed from ca. 202 to 197 Ma, with minor mineralization occurring from ca. 197 to 194 Ma. Porphyry-style mineralization is hosted by small-volume (<1 km3), single-phase, porphyritic igneous stocks or dikes that have high-K calc-alkaline compositions and are comparable with volcanic-arc granites. The Fin porphyry Cu–Au–Mo deposit is anomalous in that it is 16 m.y. older than any other porphyry Cu–Au ± Mo occurrence in the district and has lower REEs. All porphyry systems are spatially restricted to exposed Asitka and Takla Group basement rocks, and rarely, the lowest member of the Hazelton Group (i.e., the ca. 201 Ma Duncan Member). The basement rocks to intrusions are best exposed in the southern half of the district, where high rates of erosion and uplift have resulted in their preferential exposure. In contrast, low- and high-sulfidation epithermal systems are more numerous in the northern half of the district, where the overlying Hazelton Group rocks dominate exposures. Cogenetic porphyry systems might also exist in the northern areas; however, if they are present, they are likely to be buried deeply beneath Hazelton Group rocks. High-sulfidation epithermal systems formed at ca. 201 to 182 Ma, whereas low-sulfidation systems were active at ca. 192 to 162 Ma. Amongst the studied epithermal systems, the Baker low-sulfidation epithermal deposit displays the strongest demonstrable genetic link with magmatic fluids; fluid inclusion studies demonstrate that its ore fluids were hot (>468°C), saline, and deposited metals at deep crustal depths (>2 km). Sulfur, C, O, and Pb isotope data confirm the involvement of a magmatic fluid, but also suggest that the ore fluid interacted with Asitka and Takla Group country rocks prior to metal deposition. In contrast, in the Shasta, Lawyers, and Griz-Sickle low-sulfidation epithermal systems, there is no clear association with magmatic fluids. Instead, their fluid inclusion data indicate the involvement of low-temperature (175 to 335°C), low-salinity (1 to 11 equiv. wt.% NaCl) fluids that deposited metals at shallow depths (<850 m). Their isotope (i.e., O, H, Pb) data suggest interaction between meteoric and/or metamorphic ore fluids with basement country rocks.  相似文献   

We studied primary ore samples from Kalmakyr, a giant Cu–Au–Mo porphyry deposit in eastern Uzbekistan. Disseminated and stockwork-type high-grade Cu–Au–Mo mineralization showed average concentrations of 55 ppb Pd, 5.5 ppb Pt, 0.95 ppb Rh, 0.49 ppb Ir, and 4.1 ppm Au (n = 8). This type of mineralization is characterized by the presence of pyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, and gold. A peak Pd content of 292 ppb was determined in a base-metal-rich quartz vein in granodiorite porphyry, which contains galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, and gold. Palladium correlates with Cu, Ag, Se, and S. Mineralogical and laser ablation ICP-MS study confirmed that Pd is homogeneously distributed in chalcopyrite, which contains up to 110 ppm Pd, and tetrahedrite, containing up to 20 ppm Pd. An assessment of the Pd and Pt budget at Kalmakyr showed the potential of approximately 17 t of Pd and 1.7 t of Pt.  相似文献   

The Wunugetushan porphyry Cu–Mo deposit is located in the Manzhouli district of NE China, on the southern margin of the Mesozoic Mongol–Okhotsk Orogenic Belt. Concentric rings of hydrothermal alteration and Cu–Mo mineralization surround an Early–Middle Jurassic monzogranitic porphyry. The Cu–Mo mineralization is clearly related to the quartz–potassic and quartz–sericite alteration. Molybdenite Re–Os and groundmass 40Ar/39Ar of the host porphyry dates indicate that the ore-formation and porphyry-emplacement occurred at 177.6 ± 4.5 Ma and 179.0 ± 1.9 Ma, respectively. Geochemically, the host porphyry of the deposit is characterized by strong LREE/HREE fractionation, enrichment in LILE, Ba, Rb, U, Th and Pb, and depletion of HFSE, Nb, Ta, Ti and HREE. The Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of the porphyry display an varied initial (87Sr/86Sr)i ratio, a positive εNd(t) values and high 206Pb/204Pbt, 207Pb/204Pbt and 208Pb/204Pbt ratios. These data indicate that the magmatic source of the host porphyry comprised two end-members: lithospheric mantle metasomatized by fluids derived from the subducted slab; and continental crust. We infer that the primitive magma of the host porphyry was derived from crust–mantle transition zone. Based on regional geology and geochemistry of the host porphyry, the Wunugetushan deposit is suggested to form in a continental collision environment after closure of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean.  相似文献   

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