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The Charleston Granite from the Gawler Craton, South Australia, has been dated by the ion‐microprobe U‐Pb zircon method at 1585 ± 5 Ma (2σ). This confirms previous interpretations of population‐style U‐Pb zircon analyses which record a slightly older age due to the presence of inherited zircon. Inherited cores are present in many zircon crystals, and while the age of some cores can not be accurately determined due to extreme loss of radiogenic Pb, others have ages of ~ 1780, ~ 1970, and > 3150 Ma. These cores record a diverse crustal heritage for the Charleston Granite and indicate that ancient crustal material (> 3150 Ma) is present at depth in the Gawler Craton. This is also suggested by available Nd isotopic data for both the Charleston Granite and other Gawler Craton Archaean rocks. The Rb‐Sr and K‐Ar biotite ages from the Charleston Granite of 1560 to 1570 Ma are close to the U‐Pb zircon crystallization age and suggest that the granite has not experienced sustained thermal disturbance (> 250° C) since emplacement and cooling. However, a much younger Rb‐Sr total‐rock age of 1443 ± 26 Ma probably reflects low‐temperature disturbance to the Sr isotope system in feldspar.  相似文献   

SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology and monazite EPMA chemical dating from the southeast Gawler Craton has constrained the timing of high-grade reworking of the Early Paleoproterozoic (ca 2450 Ma) Sleaford Complex during the Paleoproterozoic Kimban Orogeny. SHRIMP monazite geochronology from mylonitic and migmatitic high-strain zones that deform the ca 2450 Ma peraluminous granites indicates that they formed at 1725 ± 2 and 1721 ± 3 Ma. These are within error of EPMA monazite chemical ages of the same high-strain zones which range between 1736 and 1691 Ma. SHRIMP dating of titanite from peak metamorphic (1000 MPa at 730°C) mafic assemblages gives ages of 1712 ± 8 and 1708 ± 12 Ma. The post-peak evolution is constrained by partial to complete replacement of garnet–clinopyroxene-bearing mafic assemblages by hornblende–plagioclase symplectites, which record conditions of ~600 MPa at 700°C, implying a steeply decompressional exhumation path. The timing of Paleoproterozoic reworking corresponds to widespread deformation along the eastern margin of the Gawler Craton and the development of the Kalinjala Shear Zone.  相似文献   

Geoscience Australia and the Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration, in collaboration with State agencies are conducting a series of pilot baseline geochemical surveys (BGS). These aim to characterize regional geochemical patterns and contribute to what is presently a limited research direction in Australia. BGS can help (1) establish baselines to monitor future change; (2) target mineral exploration; (3) develop informed environmental policies; and (4) geomedical studies on plant and animal well being. In 2004-05, sampling at an average density of 1 sample per 1100 km^2, was conducted in the Gawler Craton, South Australia. In contrast to our pilot region in the Riverina of New South Wales and Victoria, the Gawler lacks well-developed drainage systems and is dominated by aeolian dunes in its western sector. One of the key aims of the Gawler study is to determine whether elemental excesses or deficiencies exist in the regolith and the implications of these for plant, animal and human health. Top (0-10 cm depth) and bottom (~55-90 cm depth) sediment samples were collected in the lower parts of 42 catchments. The compositions of the 〈75 um and 〈180 um fractions were analyzed using XRF (major and some trace elements), ICP-MS (most trace elements) and ISE (F) methods. Preliminary results show that F, Cr and V are locally elevated above national and international guideline concentrations, raising concerns that these elements may pose potential health issues. Heavy mineral fractions (density 〉2.95) in 4 samples (3 sites) are dominated by iron oxides, spinels, rutile, zircon and barite. Some Cr and V may be related to heavy minerals such as spinels, limiting their bioavailability. Cu, Se and Zn are potentially deficient in parts of the region, but once identified in agricultural areas can easily be remedied through the application of suitable fertilizers.  相似文献   

Two inliers with a total outcrop length of 3000 m and a maximum width of 200 m, consisting of a sedimentary klippe (olistolith) and an olistostrome (both composed of banded iron‐formation and shale belonging to the Hamersley Group) occur within the Mininer Turbidite Member of the Wyloo Group, south of Paraburdoo, W.A., 2500 m from the top of the Hamersley Group proper. The olistostrome is a typical debris slide produced by slumping of unconsolidated material. The klippe was rafted into position as a solid block by a turbidity current.

The pattern of mineralisation within the banded iron‐formation part of the klippe, which is identified as being from the Brockman Iron Formation, together with evidence from the basal conglomerate of the Wyloo Group, shows that the formation of the Hamersley iron ore deposits commenced prior to the deposition of the Wyloo Group sediments.  相似文献   

Rubidium‐strontium and strontium isotope data for eight whole‐rock samples of granite varieties from the Encounter Bay area, South Australia, yield an isochron age of 487 ± 37 m.y. Two specimens of albitised granite, formed as a result of late‐stage metasomatic alteration of original megacrystic granite, conform to this isochron. These data support a genetic relation between granites and late‐stage metasomatic alteration as suspected from field, petrographical and geochemical studies. Eight samples from contiguous Kanmantoo Group metasedimentary rocks have an isochron age of 487 ± 60 m.y. Thus this metamorphic event is coincident with emplacement of the Encounter Bay Granite.

The initial Sr87Sr86 ratio for the Encounter Bay Granite (0.719) is significantly higher than initial ratios for the Palmer (0.709) and Anabama (0.705) Granites from the same region and can be attributed to either remobilisation or incorporation of strontium from older crustal material in the intrusion. The apparent initial Sr87/Sr86 ratio for the Kanmantoo Group metasedimentary rocks (0.722) can not be distinguished from that for the Encounter Bay Granite within the analytical uncertainties. Compatability of ages and high initial Sr87Sr86 ratios suggest that the granites formed by remobilisation of associated crustal rock.  相似文献   


The Murray Basin in southeastern Australia is a large, shallow, intracratonic basin filled with laterally extensive, undeformed, Cenozoic carbonate and terrigenous clastic sedimentary rocks that constitute regional and locally important groundwater aquifers. The marine Oligo‐Miocene strata distributed throughout the southwestern portion of the basin are here encompassed within the Murray Supergroup. The Murray Supergroup (formerly Murray Group) incorporates the marginal marine marl and clay of the Ettrick Formation, Winnambool Formation and Geera Clay in the western and northern portions of the Murray Basin in South Australia, in addition to the limestone that outcrops along the banks of the River Murray in nearly continuous section for 175 km. The stratigraphic nomenclature of these rocks is revised as follows. The boundary between the lower and upper members of the Mannum Formation is redefined and a new Swan Reach Dolomite Member is erected. The Finniss Clay is revised to Finniss Formation possessing three new members: the Cowirra Clay Member, Portee Carbonate Member and Woolpunda Marl Member. The ‘Morgan Limestone’ is raised to Morgan Group and contains three new formations: the Glenforslan Formation, Cadell Formation (with Murbko Marl Member and Overland Corner Clay Member) and Bryant Creek Formation. The Pata Formation is redefined and described. Type and reference sections are erected for each new and revised unit, and are lithostratigraphically correlated to illustrate their stratigraphic architecture.  相似文献   

The Proterozoic Soldiers Cap Group, a product of two major magmatic rift phases separated by clastic sediment deposition, hosts mineralised (e.g. Pegmont Broken Hill‐type deposit) and barren iron oxide‐rich units at three main stratigraphic levels. Evaluation of detailed geological and geochemical features was carried out for one lens of an apatite‐garnet‐rich, laterally extensive (1.9 km) example, the Weatherly Creek iron‐formation, and it was placed in the context of reconnaissance studies of other similar units in the area. Chemical similarities with iron‐formations associated with Broken Hill‐type Pb–Zn deposit iron‐formations are demonstrated here. Concordant contact relationships, mineralogy, geochemical patterns and pre‐deformational alteration all indicate that the Soldiers Cap Group iron‐formations are mainly hydrothermal chemical sediments. Chondrite normalised REE patterns display positive Eu and negative Ce anomalisms, are consistent with components of both high‐temperature, reduced, hydrothermal fluid (≥250°C) and cool oxidised seawater. Major element data suggest a largely mafic provenance for montmorillonitic clays and other detritus during chemical sedimentation, consistent with westward erosion of Cover Sequence 2 volcanic rocks, rather than local mafic sources. Ni enrichment is most consistent with hydrogenous uptake by Mn‐oxides or carbonates. Temperatures inferred from REE data indicate that although they are not strongly enriched, base metals such as Pb and Zn are likely to have been transported and deposited prior to or following iron‐formation deposition. Most chemical sedimentation pre‐dated emplacement of the major mafic igneous sill complexes present in the upper part of the basin. Heating of deep basinal brines in a regional‐scale aquifer by deep‐seated mafic magma chambers is inferred to have driven development of hydrothermal fluids. Three major episodes of extension exhausted this aquifer, but were succeeded by a final climactic extensional phase, which produced widespread voluminous mafic volcanism. The lateral extent of the iron‐formations requires a depositional setting such as a sea‐floor metalliferous sediment blanket or series of brine pools, with iron‐formation deposition likely confined to much smaller fault‐fed areas surrounded by Fe–Mn–P–anomalous sediments. These relationships indicate that in such settings, major sulfide deposits and their associated chemical sediment marker horizons need not overlie major igneous sequences. Rather, the timing of expulsion of hydrothermal fluid reflects the interplay between deep‐seated heating, extension and magmatism.  相似文献   

Located at the southern margin of the South China plate, the Youjiang basin is a closely related to the NW- and NE-trending syndepositional faults in respect to the configuration and structure of the basin. The evolution of the Youjiang basin progressed through two stages. In the Hercynian period, the opening of the Ailaoshan-Honghe ocean basin gave rise to a number of NW-trending rift belts in the Youjiang area. During this period, deep-water sediments were dominant and the basin was possesed of the characteristics of the rift system of passive continental margins. In the early Indosinian after the Dongwu movement, the circum - Pacific tectonism led to a major change in the configuration and structure of the basin. In the meantime, the Ailaoshan ocean basin began to be subducted towards the northeast, thus causing the basin to be split and expand again, and then the basin developed into the stage of the back -arc basin. At the end of the Indosinian period, the basin gradually closed from east to west,  相似文献   

There appears to be little correlation of earthquake epicentres with known surface geological features in South Australia. Seismic wave travel‐time residuals are used to derive corrections for the velocity and depth parameters for the simple uniform crustal model which approximates to that in South Australia. Local studies of Moho depth in the seismic zone and analysis of travel‐time station corrections from both local earthquake and teleseismic data suggest that lateral and vertical variations in the South Australian crust are small. Data presented in this paper appear to be consistent with a plate tectonic model derived from focal mechanism studies (Stewart & Mount, 1972) for the active South Australian seismic zones.  相似文献   


40Ar‐39Ar age spectra on minerals from granitic, metamorphic and hydrothermal rocks confirm that the Early Proterozoic Tennant Creek Block was affected by two thermal events during its evolution. Although extensive alteration of biotite and feldspar within the granites precludes the direct determination of their cooling history, 40Ar‐39Ar analyses for hydrothermal muscovite from several nearby gold‐copper deposits indicate that regional cooling to below ~ 300°C was not prolonged. Flat, uniform muscovite age spectra were obtained from gold deposits east of the Tennant Creek town site and indicate a minimum age of 1825–1830 Ma for their formation. These ages are within error of those for the felsic volcanism of the Flynn Subgroup, and a genetic relationship between the two may exist. Samples from gold deposits elsewhere in the area indicate disturbance of the K‐Ar isotope system. The second thermal event to affect the region occurred at around 1700 Ma, and is confirmed by the 40Ar‐39Ar muscovite ages for the ‘Warrego’ granite (1677 ± 4 Ma) and for the metamorphism of the Wundirgi Formation (1696 ± 4 Ma).  相似文献   

The mid to outer neritic carbonates of the Gambier Limestone (Upper Eocene to lower Middle Miocene) can be divided into seven units by using criteria of sequence stratigraphy and foraminiferal biofacies. The boundaries fall mainly on erosional surfaces, even though the temporal duration of these surfaces appears to be largely beyond the resolution of foraminiferal biostratigraphy. The Eocene/Oligocene contact is distinctively unconformable in several sections, with at least part of the Upper Eocene sediments missing. Chert nodules, common to abundant in most sections, are associated with deep‐ or cool‐water benthic assemblages (> 100–200 m and <15°C), indicating cool, nutrient‐rich bottom conditions probably influenced by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current beginning during the Early Oligocene. The mid‐Oligocene fall in sea‐level was probably coupled with a major local uplift that removed at least part of the Lower Oligocene, an event widely recorded in the Australian‐New Zealand region. In areas weakly affected, this glacioeustatic lowstand is represented by chert‐free limestone and grey to pink dolomites in some sections, with a poorly preserved assemblage comprising few planktonic and deep‐water benthic species. Local unconformities separate regional unconformity‐bounded or allostratigraphic packages of strata to represent third‐order sequences. Although variations in local subsidence might have influenced accumulation space and sediment thickness, glacioeustatic influence on the packaging of the sequences and units of the Gambier Limestone was easily the more effective and concordant with the global patterns.  相似文献   

Sequence‐stratigraphic interpretations of the 4200 m‐thick Palaeoproterozoic (1700–1650 Ma) Mt Isa Group and underlying Surprise Creek Formation identify three unconformity‐bounded packages termed the Prize, Gun and Loretta Supersequences. Siliciclastic rocks of the Surprise Creek Formation and Warrina Park Quartzite comprise the Prize Supersequence. Rapid facies changes from proximal, conglomeratic fluvial packages to distal, fine‐grained and deep‐water, rhythmites characterise this supersequence. Conglomeratic intervals in the Mt Isa area reflect syndepositional movement along basin‐margin faults during the period of supersequence initiation. A major unconformity, which extends over a period of about 25 million years, separates the Gun and Prize Supersequences. In the Leichhardt River Fault Trough uplift and incision of Prize sedimentary rocks coincided with emplacement of the Sybella Granite (1671±8 Ma) and Carters Bore Rhyolite (1678±2 Ma) and the removal of an unknown thickness of Prize Supersequence section. Deep‐water, turbiditic rhythmites of the Mt Isa Group dominated the Gun and Loretta Supersequences. Tempestites are present over discrete intervals and represent times of relative shallowing. High accommodation and sedimentation rates at the base of the Gun Supersequence resulted in the deposition of transgressive nearshore facies (uppermost Warrina Park Quartzite) overlain by a thick interval of deep‐water, siltstone‐mudstone rhythmites of the Moondarra Siltstone and Breakaway Shale. With declining rates of siliciclastic sedimentation and shallowing of the succession, calcareous sediments of the Native Bee Siltstone prograded over the deeper water deposits. Two third‐order sequences, Gun 1 and 2, characterise these lower parts of the Gun Supersequence. An increase in accommodation rates near the top of the Native Bee Siltstone in Gun 3 time, resulted in a return to deep‐water sedimentation with deposition of dolomitic rhythmites of the Urquhart Shale and Spear Siltstone. The Pb–Zn–Ag ore‐hosting interval of the Urquhart Shale is interpreted to occur in progradational highstand deposits of the Gun 3 Sequence. In the Leichhardt River Fault Trough the Loretta Supersequence boundary forms a correlative conformity. Coarser grained and thicker bedded sediments of the Kennedy Siltstone comprise lowstand deposits at the base of this cycle. These sediments fine up into the transgressive, deep‐water, siliciclastic facies of the Magazine Shale, which in turn are truncated against the Mt Isa Fault.  相似文献   

The pertochemistry and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions and the geochemical characteristics of REE,U,Th,etc..in the Late Proterozoix and Early Palaeozoic strata in northwestern Jiangxi and western Zhejiang provinces are described in this paper.It seems to be sure that the middle Proterozoic strata of southeastern China are low in the degree of matrration .The strata contain much mantle-derived material.At the end of Late Proterozoic there was an abrupt turn with respect to the crustal geochemical evolution of the eastern part of South China .Since then ,the geochemical environment has undergone a change from a simple reducing environment to a complex oxidizing-reducing environ-ment, which would be geochemically beneficial to the formation of Late Sinian to Early Cambrian U-bearing formations.  相似文献   

The Olary Block comprises a set of Palaeoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic basement inliers that were deformed together with the Neoproterozoic sedimentary cover of the Adelaide Geosyncline during the ca 500 Ma Cambro‐Ordovician Delamerian Orogeny. Balanced and restored structural sections across this region show shortening of less than 20%. These basement inliers represent the interface between a region of thick‐skinned deformation bordering the Curnamona Craton to the north and a region of thin‐skinned deformation to the south and west in the Nackara Arc. The basement inliers represent upthrust segments of the subsided basin margin with the sedimentary package thickening to the south and to the west. Earlier formed extensional faults provided the major strain guides during Delamerian shortening. An early phase of east‐west shortening is interpreted to be synchronous with dextral strike‐slip deformation along basement‐relay structures (e.g. Darling River lineament). During progressive shortening the tectonic transport direction rotated into a northwest to north direction, coeval with the onset of the main phase of thin‐skinned fold deformation in the adjacent Nackara Arc.  相似文献   

The presence of base‐metal mineralization at Woodlawn was first recognised early in 1968 when a roadside reconnaissance geochemical sampling survey, conducted over felsic volcanic rocks in the Goulburn‐Tarago area, encountered anomalous B horizon soils containing up to 200 ppm Cu, 800 ppm Pb and 300 ppm Zn. Regional soil thresholds have been determined at 50 ppm Cu, 90 ppm Pb and 50 ppm Zn. Chip samples from the subsequently located gossan revealed up to 2000 ppm Cu, 8000 ppm Pb and 2000 ppm Zn, 500 ppm Sn, 25 ppm Ag and 3000 ppm As.

The first grid B horizon soil geochemical survey was conducted in 1968 over the gossan and surrounding area, and repeated with closer spaced sampling in the first half of 1970. The first survey delineated strong Cu (to 1000 ppm) and Pb (to 2500 ppm) anomalies coincident with the gossan zone, and intense hydromorphic zinc anomalies (to 3000 ppm) located down slope from the gossan in residual clay‐soils derived from dolerite bedrock. Threshold values have been determined at 140 ppm Cu, 700 ppm Pb and 580 ppm Zn. Ag and Sn in B horizon soils show pronounced anomalies coincident with the gossan and are suitable metals for geochemical target definition. Of fourteen trace elements determined in 1974 from B and C horizon soils on two lines across the ore zone Cu, Pb, Zn, Se, Ba, Sn and Ag show direct correlation with the mineralization, whereas Cd and Mn show moderate hydromorphic dispersion, having accumulated principally in clay soils derived from dolerite weathering. As, Sb and Bi, whilst responding over the ore zone, show elevated values in soils over hanging‐wall units; Ni and Co show maximum levels in soils over dolerite bedrock.

Bark and leaves of Acacia mearnsii, collected from a line across the gossan, contain anomalous levels of Cu, Pb, Zn, Sn and Ti near the ore zone, and weaker, but clearly anomalous Mn and Ni levels over dolerite bedrock. Both bark and leaves of Acacia mearnsii reflect the presence of concealed mineralization. The shrub Solanum linearifolium grows preferentially over and close to the Woodlawn ore zone, where it contains up to 840 ppm Cu, 250 ppm Pb, 7300 ppm Zn, 6 ppm Sn and 250 ppm Ti in leaf ash compared with levels of 200 ppm Cu, 2 ppm Pb, 400 ppm Zn, 0.8 ppm Sn and 60 ppm Ti in plants growing 1.5 km from the ore zone. This shrub has potential as an indicator of base‐metal mineralization.  相似文献   

Palaeolatitude data obtained from palaeomagnetic studies of Australian formations are described and compared with the palaeoclimatic zones inferred from geological observations. The two techniques produce results which agree for most of the Palaeozoic. Only for the Early Cambrian (and late Proterozoic) and Mesozoic do the climatic indicators appear to contradict the palaeolatitude evidence. It is pointed out that each of these geological intervals follows immediately a period of widespread glaciation.  相似文献   


The geochemistry of Early Proterozoic sedimentary rocks from the low‐grade metamorphic terrain W of the South Alligator Hinge Zone in the Pine Creek Geosyncline is reported and discussed in terms of the stratigraphy and differences in rock type. Major element trends are dominated by lithological and mineralogical variations; in particular, the dolomitic nature of pelites in the Mount Partridge and Namoona Groups, the presence of chlorite in Crater Formation pelites, and the volcanic affinity of pelites within the Gerowie Tuff. Concentration of Th, U, Zr, Y, Nb, Ce and La in the clastic sediments of the Finniss River and South Alligator Groups is probably related to the presence of felsic volcanics in these groups; high levels of Sn in these groups may be similarly related, and highlight the apparent volcanogenic source for this metal. The South Alligator Group is a preferred host for base‐metal mineralization, and the regional abundance of several metals in this group enhance its economic potential and support a syngenetic, possibly exhalative, origin for these deposits. Anomalous Co, Ni, and V values in Masson Formation pelites are probably related to the nearby mafic Stag Creek Volcanics. Detrital minerals derived from reworked Archaean basement account for high Zr and Th in the Crater Formation. The geochemical data support the shift in REE patterns related to changes in crustal composition about the Archaean‐Proterozoic boundary, though patterns within the Early Proterozoic have also been influenced by felsic volcanism in the South Alligator Group. The chemical index of alteration (which reflects the degree of weathering of sedimentary rocks) reflects the existence of a major unconformity between the Mount Partridge and Namoona Groups; however, other hiatuses observed in or inferred from the rock record are not evident. The dominant felsic volcanic component of the Gerowie Tuff pelites is also indicated by this technique.  相似文献   

Kolodyazhnyi  S. Yu.  Baluev  A. S.  Zykov  D. S. 《Geotectonics》2019,53(1):60-83
Geotectonics - The tectonics, morphological features, and development stages of the Belomorian‒Severodvinsk shear zone (northwestern part) found in the East European Platform are considered....  相似文献   

Four samples of dolomitic marble from the Proterozoic Einasleigh Metamorphics of northern Queensland contain unusually high δ13C (5.1 to 5.9‰ PDB). A hyper‐saline depositional and diagenetic environment for these rocks adequately explains the available field and chemical evidence, and the heavy carbon signature.  相似文献   

The Cryogenian succession of the Northern Flinders Ranges reveals a complex sedimentary record between the Sturtian and Marinoan glacial deposits. A major unconformity separates the Sturtian and Marinoan-aged sedimentary successions in the area. This forms a subaerial erosion surface with terrestrial and marginal marine infill directly above the Angepena and Balcanoona Formations in their respective localities. This exposure surface is here correlated with the previously documented submarine unconformity between the Yankaninna Formation and the underlying deep marine Tapley Hill Formation. This erosional event provides a chronostratigraphic marker horizon that coincides approximately with thepreviously defined Sturtian–Marinoan Time Series boundary in the Northern Flinders Ranges. These stratigraphic relationships also constrain lateral facies relationships between the Oodnaminta ReefComplex (Balcanoona Formation) and the Angepena Formation. Similarly, the shallow-water Weetootla Dolomite is correlated with the deeper water carbonates of the Yankaninna Formation.  相似文献   

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