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首次采用飞行时间二次离子质谱在线微区分析技术,系统研究了不同成熟度镜状体的表现特征及解释方法.其结果对于全面掌握镜状体的属性,认识其生源及形成过程具有重要的理论与实际意义.  相似文献   

电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)技术在地学研究中的应用   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
李冰  杨红霞 《地学前缘》2003,10(2):367-378
简单介绍ICP MS技术应用最新进展。着重对该技术在中国地学研究和多目标地质调查中的应用作一回顾 ,包括ICP MS技术简介和地质样品分析需求 ,稀土稀散等痕量、超痕量多元素分析 ,铂族元素分析 ,卤素等非金属元素分析 ,同位素比值分析等内容。着重对最近几年国内地质样品分析的一些新方法加以介绍。  相似文献   

扫描核探针技术在现代地质分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王毅民  王晓红 《岩矿测试》1996,15(4):252-262
作者列举了利用扫描核探针对深海锰结核、单个微化石、锰矿、等地质试样的微区定量分析和元素空间分布分析结果,说明 该技术特别是质子诱导X-射线发射技术在地学领域的作用并指出其广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

利用生物成因磷灰石的氧同位素信息能够重建古海水温度,尤其是牙形石,结合其在生物地层学上的研究,它的数据解释具有明确的古环境意义。牙形石微小的个体一直是其精确地球化学分析的限制因素。作为对牙形石微区原位氧同位素测试方法的探索研究,本文利用Cameca IMS--1280 型二次离子质谱仪对牙形石进行了微区原位氧同位素组成测试,通过分析得到可靠的古表层海水温度 ( SST) 记录,表明从晚二叠世到早三叠世SST 存在明显的上升过程。相比常规Ag3PO4 实验方法,牙形石微区原位氧同位素分析方法更加快速,而且能够有效避免牙形石易受到污染的部位,获得更为可靠的牙形石氧同位素组成的测定结果。  相似文献   

耦合等离子体质谱技术在地质调查中的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
李冰 《地质论评》2006,52(6):799-803
本文简要介绍近年来开展的ICP—MS在地质调查中的应用研究工作进展。新方法包括镍锍试金-ICPMS测定铂族元素;封闭酸溶-ICPMS测定地质样品中稀土等47个元素;封闭酸溶乙醇增强ICP—MS测定碲;半熔或稀氨水封闭溶样ICP—MS测定碘溴等非金属元素。  相似文献   

本文在运用数理统计方法研究滑坡(崩塌)空间分布规律方面进行了新的尝试,提出了采用趋势面分析法来研究某一地区的滑坡(崩塌)发育分布规律。文中介绍了此方法的原理和计算步骤,并以云南龙陵地区为例进行尝试性计算和分析,结果是令人满意的。  相似文献   

μ-XRF技术在黄龙铺钼(铀)矿床铀矿物学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东秦岭碳酸岩型钼成矿带是全球最大的钼成矿带。该带内的黄龙铺矿床是中国最早发现的碳酸岩型钼矿床之一。最近的野外地质调查发现,部分钼矿石具有较高的放射性异常,但其放射性元素的赋存形式和矿物学特征尚不明确。本文借助聚毛细管微束X射线荧光光谱分析(μ-XRF)分析速度快、原位无损、高灵敏度的分析优势,快速查明铀矿物的空间位置,再结合扫描电镜分析(SEM)和X射线能谱分析(EDS),确定铀矿物的种类及其次生变化。研究表明:黄龙铺矿床高放射性矿石中主要的铀矿物为钛铀矿、铌钛铀矿和晶质铀矿,它们与方解石、长石、黄铁矿、辉钼矿和黄铜矿呈共生关系。矿石中铀矿物后期均遭受氧化性流体改造,发生了明显的蚀变,钛铀矿蚀变之后转变为含Nb的钛铁氧化物,铌钛铀矿和晶质铀矿蚀变后矿物内部形成大量空洞,流体来源可能为大气降水。背散射电子(BSE)图像上灰度差异明显,暗示着矿物中元素分布的不均一性。  相似文献   

通过三维激光扫描技术获取公路岩质高边坡岩体的结构面三维点云数据,采用C++开发编程得到插件程序对结构面进行自动识别,最终得到边坡岩体结构面地质图,为岩质边坡稳定性分析提供详实的地质资料,保证了边坡治理的可靠性和经济性,弥补了传统人工工程地质调绘时间周期长、精度低等不足,有很强的现实意义。  相似文献   

Multi-Collector SIMS Determination of Trace Lanthanides in Zircon   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
A method is presented for the determination of rare earth elements (REE) in zircon (ZrSiO4) using a multi-collector equipped ion-microprobe operating at moderately high mass resolution (M/ΔM ˜ 3900). The low abundance light REE (La-Eu) were measured simultaneously in six ion counting electron multipliers, reducing analytical time to less than half of that in a monocollection routine. Effective mass filtering, moderate energy filtering and careful set up of detector parameters in order to minimise background counts, yielded a highly coherent set of analyses from the 91500 zircon reference sample.  相似文献   

Advances in the chemical, crystallographic and isotopic characterisation of geological and environmental materials can often be ascribed to technological improvements in analytical hardware or to innovative approaches to data acquisition and/or its interpretation. This biennial review addresses key laboratory methods that form much of the foundation for analytical geochemistry; again, this contribution is presented as a compendium of laboratory techniques. We highlight advances that have appeared since January 2012 and that are of particular significance for the chemical and isotopic characterisation of geomaterials. Prominent scientists from the selected analytical fields present publications they judge to be particular noteworthy, providing background information about the method and assessing where further opportunities might be anticipated. In addition to the well‐established technologies such as thermal ionisation mass spectrometry and plasma emission spectroscopy, this publication also presents new or rapidly growing methods such as electron backscattered diffraction analysis and atom probe tomography – a very sensitive method providing atomic scale information.  相似文献   

采用Na2O2、Na2CO3 碱熔重晶石,水提取,氨水沉淀稀土元素,经氢型阳离子交换树脂交换分离富集稀土元素,应用电感耦合等离子体质谱对重晶石中超痕量稀土元素进行测定,用铑作内标元素补偿基体效应和灵敏度漂移。重晶石中钡的分离效率达到99. 999%,检出限为0. 11~6. 9ng/g,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=9)≤13. 7%。  相似文献   

纺织品中致癌性芳香胺电喷雾解吸电离质谱法测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用甲醇-水-乙酸(体积比49∶49∶2)混合溶液作为喷雾溶剂,在优化实验条件下,将电喷雾解吸电离质谱(DESI-MS)用于各种质地纺织品中24种致癌性芳香胺的非破坏性快速检测,均获得满意结果。分析实际样品时,由于该方法无需样品预处理,单个样品单一指标的检测不到30 s,大大节省了分析时间,提高了分析效率。同时借助串联质谱的特异性,能够有效地避免实验结果的假阳性。方法对大部分芳香胺具有较高的灵敏度,二级质谱中特征离子的检出限一般为10-9g/kg。建立的方法能灵敏、快速、无损检测纺织品中的致癌芳香胺,精密度较好,对同一样品10次测量结果的相对标准偏差为5%~10%。  相似文献   

感耦等离子体质谱法测定商代原始瓷中的稀土   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以混合酸溶样电感耦合等离子体质普法测定了商代古陶瓷中稀土元素,采用In内标补偿测定信号所受的影响,同时讨论了干扰因素及其校正方法。方法经国家一级标准物质分析验证,其分析结果与标准植吻合;经10次重复测定同一样品,方法的精密度RSD在1.6%~7.3%。该方法已用于不同地区的商瓷样品中稀土的测定,并对古瓷的地球化学特征作了探讨。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONDebate centered on Proterozoic tectonic style and crustalevolution has existed for a long time.The customary viewbelieved that the Proterozoic undeveloped solid plate could notput into effect on the subduction because of the high heat flowin the earth,and the continental crustal growth was dominatedby mafic magm a vertical underplating (Wyborn,1988;Etheridge etal.,1987) .However,many observations recentlyobtained from Proterozoic mobile zones in the world suggeststhat Proter…  相似文献   

大数据技术在地学领域的应用越来越广泛,大数据思维为地学研究开辟了新的思路。从数据出发,以数据驱动模式去分析地质问题,在元素分布特征分析、矿床地化异常识别等方面较传统地学分析方法有着明显的优势。文章基于便携式X荧光分析仪(pXRF)测试的原位、无损、快捷、多元素分析等优点,对宣城矿集区内的荞麦山铜多金属矿床岩芯进行高密度的全数据原位采集,使用主成分分析(PCA)、多元逐步线性回归等方法进行量化分析。2种方法均表明,荞麦山铜多金属矿床中元素Mg、Ca、Mn、Co、As、Se、Ag、Hg、U和成矿元素Cu、Fe、S、W存在正相关关系;钻孔矿化和蚀变特征、铜硫矿石、钨矿石、石英砂岩均表现出不同的元素组合,特别是主成分综合得分(PCA)和第一主成分(PC1)元素对钻孔成矿区具有较好的指示效果;逐步多元线性回归分析进一步量化了元素富集规律,对成矿元素的拟合能够较好地与钻孔信息形成对应。因此,pXRF高密度的原位测量能够快速获取全面、准确的元素数据,分析结果能够直观反映荞麦山铜多金属矿床各元素的深度空间分布情况及量化相关关系,对深部地球化学特征的恢复和找矿提供帮助。  相似文献   

Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) is one of important ocean color factors. In the background of “Jiangsu Coastal Development”, it is important to monitor the water quality and pollution status of coastal waters by analyzing its spatial and temporal distribution characteristics with remote sensing data. This paper was based on the high temporal resolution of Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) image downloaded from Korea Ocean Satellite Center. The temporal-spatial distribution of CDOM in Jiangsu coastal waters was analyzed on daily, weekly and monthly time scales from April, 2011 to May, 2016. CDOM in Jiangsu coastal waters are mainly terrigenous, and higher inshore than that of offshore. The monthly average concentration of CDOM in the western coast of the South Yellow Sea was 0.167~0.201 m-1, and those of central and southern regions were 0.086~0.187m-1. The maximum values were outside the maximum turbidity zone of the Yangtze River Estuary, which was 0.180~0.206 m-1 (absorption coefficient at 440 nm). The diurnal variation of CDOM in near shore waters was found to coincide with the change of tide, which decreased at first and then increased in the sea area. By fitting the monthly mean using cosine function, significantly cyclical variation of mean CDOM was found in the South Yellow Sea. The central region of the South Yellow Sea waters fitting coefficient was 0.823. Affected by the Yellow Sea cold water mass, the sub-regions of the South Yellow Sea changed seasonally, whose CDOM concentration in winter and spring was higher than that in summer and autumn. Because of Changjiang Diluted Water and other water masses, seasonal variation of the Yangtze River Estuary was contrary to that of the South Yellow Sea. On monthly scale, CDOM concentration was positively correlated with total suspended matter, with correlation coefficient r being 0.72. The trend of the central and southern region was more significant.  相似文献   

Analytical perspective on trace element species of interest in exploration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of soil and sediment samples, using selective extraction methods to distinguish different phases, is of particular interest in exploration geochemistry to locate deeply buried mineral deposits. There are various mechanisms of binding labile elements in the secondary environment, including physical and chemical sorption, precipitation, chelation and complexation. Phases present in soils and sediments which are likely to scavenge ‘free' elements include amorphous Mn and Fe oxides, the humic and fulvic components of humus, and clays. This paper reviews these forms of trace elements and the methods in current use to quantify them. Examples of precision data, both for control and survey samples, are given with respect to trace elements dissolved from the ‘soluble organic' component of humus, Mn oxides and amorphous Fe oxides. The high sensitivity of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) is required to measure accurately and precisely a large suite of trace elements, especially where only small fractions of elements are dissolved by such leaches as the commercially available Enzyme and MMI (Mobile Metal Ion) extractions. The relative standard deviations (RSD) obtained for 33 elements (e.g. Ag, Cd, In, I) in the standard reference sample (SRM), TILL-2, are in the range 0.5–8% for the hydroxylamine hydrochloride (NH2OH·HCl) leach designed to extract hydrous Fe and Mn oxides. The corresponding RSDs for elements in the reactive Mn oxide phase extracted by the Enzyme leach are in the range 3–19% except for some trace elements at levels close to detection limit (e.g. Cd, Bi). The RSDs obtained for field duplicates are inferior to those for analytical replicates (i.e. sample splits), probably a reflection of different concentrations of the host phase. In one soil survey, the Fe extracted by a 0.25 M NH2OH·HCl leach ranged conservatively from 0.2 to 1.7% whereas the Mn extracted by the Enzyme leach varied extensively, from 0.3 to >999 ppm. In contrast, precision, at 1–7% RSD, for field duplicates was found to be comparable with that for both analytical duplicates and the SRM, LKSD-4, for elements associated with the humic and fulvic component of humus samples sieved to <177 μm.  相似文献   

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