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曹晞雍  谢莉 《中国沙漠》2011,30(3):593-596
 拖曳力系数是计算风沙流中沙粒受空气阻力的重要参数。考虑实际风沙流中沙粒浓度及沙粒形状,利用FLUENT软件首先计算了不同风速下距地表不同高度处两沙粒的拖曳力系数,给出了影响沙粒拖曳力系数的间距范围,然后计算了真实风沙流中不同高度沙粒拖曳力系数。结果表明,给定风速下拖曳力系数随距地面高度的增加先减小后增加,并将沙粒拖曳力系数拟合成距床面高度的函数,该函数与风速有关。  相似文献   

本文利用前人的成果及笔者1992/1993年的南极海冰观测和收集的资料以及水文观测资料数据阐述了南极海冰的特性,特别是南极海冰过程、冰穴以及冰川冰对南极水团(南极表层水、南极底层水、南极陆架水、南极中层水以及南极冰架水)的形成和变性所起的特殊作用。 南极海冰覆盖面积的年际变化,夏季最大年份是最小年份的2倍多,冬季年间变化较小,最大仅为20%;但其季节变化非常大,冬季平均覆盖面积通常是夏季的5倍。南极海冰对大气-海洋间相互作用有重大影响,特别是深海洋区中冬季的结冰和发育造成的垂向对流、夏季的融化是形成南极表层水(含南极冬季水和南极夏季表层水),进而形成南极中层水的主要原因;南极陆架区的的海冰兴衰过程是形成南极陆架水的直接原因,它与变性南极绕极深层水混合并受到冰川冰的进一步冷却作用,成为形成南极底层水的主要水团;南极冰架底部的冷却、融化和冰架以下水体的结冰作用形成的高盐对流过程产生的南极冰架水,亦是形成南极底层水的贡献者。 冰穴是70年代以来卫星观测的重大发现。对其形成和对大气、海洋的影响作用尚不完全清楚,初步的研究成果表明,冰穴中产生的热盐对流对南极水团的形成、变性、大洋深层的翻转以及海洋-大气间的热量传输和气体交换起有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

刘喜迎 《极地研究》2005,17(3):203-214
利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)再分析资料(ERA40)分析了最近几十年冬季北半球高纬地区的气候变化和冰-气相互作用特征。在全球增暖背景下,冬季北半球高纬地区增温幅度更大,但温度变化明显具有区域性特点。20世纪70年代末期开始,格陵兰海、巴伦支海及欧亚大陆大部分区域和北美大陆部分区域在增暖,而拉布拉多海、格陵兰和白令海峡区域却变冷。与此对应,中央北极区及气候冰岛低压中心海平面气压在降低,而再往南区域海平面气压在升高。从20世纪70年代开始,格陵兰海和巴伦支海给大气的感热通量和潜热通量增多,这说明由于气温增加,使得海冰密集度减小,海冰对海气感热通量和潜热通量交换的隔离层作用减小,通量交换大大增加。而在挪威海非海冰区,由于气温增加,海气温差减小,海洋给大气的感热通量和潜热通量减少。在拉布拉多海,由于气温降低,海气温差增大,使得海洋给大气的感热通量和潜热通量增加,有利于拉布拉多海海冰的增多。海平面气压、海冰密集度及表面感热通量和潜热通量之和对大气表面温度 EOF 展开第一模时间系数的线性回归结果均与各自的EOF 展开第一模空间分布特征接近。  相似文献   

韩建康 《极地研究》1998,10(4):4-14
分析了威德尔海周边雪冰和大气中MSA和nssSO2-4浓度资料。结果表明,威德尔海是造成这一地区大气中高含量生物硫化物的“源”,其周边岛屿及冰架表层雪冰记载和反映了大气中生物硫化物的空间分布和季节变化特点。源区产出硫化物的强度存在显著差异:靠近南极半岛一侧高于靠近Filchner-Ronne冰架一侧。尽管诸多因素对输运和沉降过程发生影响,表层积雪MSA和nsSO2-4浓度仍呈现出很有规律性的空间分布:随沉降地点离海距离和海拔高度的增加,浓度值递减;但在一定海拔之下,“高程效应”不显著。冰芯中MSA浓度垂向分布显示出季节分配“滞后”现象,在表层表现为受天气条件制约的输运过程造成的相位差,在深层则归因于有待验证的“迁移”机制作用的结果。大气和雪冰样品对比研究结果表明,在类似威德尔海这样的高纬地区,大气中的SO2-4和MSA“信号”在雪冰样品中会遭到不同程度的减弱。但就空间变化趋势和季节分布而言,表层雪冰仍是大气中组分(在本文是SO2-4和MSA)的良好载体。十分接近的大气和雪冰MSA对nssSO2-4(或SO2-4)比率证实,这两种大气组分在由大气洗净和沉降到冰雪过程中只发生微弱的分离作用。这也就是大气和雪冰中  相似文献   

中国西北干旱区地-气温差变化成因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
符睿  韦志刚  文军  李振朝 《中国沙漠》2010,30(6):1442-1449
利用1961—2000年中国西北干旱区49个气象台站百叶箱气温、0 cm地温、降水和近地层风速月平均资料,以及NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均资料,分析了我国西北干旱区地-气温差变化的原因。结果表明,20世纪后40 a西北干旱区冬季地-气温差呈减小趋势,其可能原因是20世纪80年代后全球进一步变暖,西北干旱区对流层中层高度场升高、气温升高,风场易出现反气旋式环流距平,寒潮活动减少,近地层风速减弱使得气温增暖高于地温。而春初对流层中层高度场偏低时,气温偏低,降水偏多,风场易出现气旋式环流距平,近地层风速减弱使得气温增暖低于地温,所以春初地-气温差呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

利用中国第32次南极科学考察队于2015年12月至2016年1月在南极威德尔-斯科舍汇流区获得的湍流微结构、温盐深仪和下放式声学多普勒海流计观测资料,分析了该海域上层海洋(30~500 dbar)的湍流混合空间分布特征.结果显示,湍动能耗散率(ε)和湍扩散系数(Kρ)分布呈现明显的区域性特征,与当地的水团和环流分布密切...  相似文献   

利用静态箱-气相色谱法对泥河水库春季水-气界面二氧化碳通量值进行连续24h观测,对其变化趋势及影响因素加以分析。结果表明:泥河水库24h均为大气CO2的源,其碳通量均值为26.50mg/(m2·h),全天源的极大值出现在1∶00为32.38mg/(m2·h),源的极小值出现在13∶00为20.15mg/(m2·h)。在春季影响泥河水库水-气界面CO2通量变化的主要因素是气温、叶绿素和风速,相关系数分别为0.671、0.625、0.253。结论:水库水-气界面CO2通量的变化是多种因素共同作用的结果,春季水库是大气CO2主要碳源之一。  相似文献   

通过阐述各种型式空间结构与发展之间的关系及如何通过区域的最佳组织使其达到最佳发展 ,从理论和实践的结合上论证了社会经济空间组织的客观过程和“点 -轴系统”的形成 ,说明“点 -轴系统”理论可以导致区域或国家的最佳发展 ,因而该系统是最有效的区域开发模式。根据对十多年来我国区域发展实践效果的分析 ,指出“T”型结构的战略对我国发展起到了巨大作用。  相似文献   

武衡 《极地研究》1988,1(1):1-1
《南极研究》与广大读者见面了.我怀着十分高兴的心情为它的创刊致以热烈的祝贺!我国的南极考察工作起步较晚,但发展较快,尤其是近几年,建成了南极长城站,已在长城站地区进行了三次较大规模的多学科考察,初步取得了可喜的成果.我国已经具备了独立开展南极考察的能力,并取得了一些经验.这些成绩是在党中央、国务院的关怀和支持下取得的,  相似文献   

王自磐 《极地研究》1997,8(1):20-29
EcologyofnewlyformedseaiceintheWeddelSea,Antarcti┐caⅠ.chlorophylaandnutrientsWangZipan(王自磐)SecondInstituteofOceanography,SOA,...  相似文献   

中国首次南极内陆冰盖考察获得的50m冰芯的雪冰化学资料研究表明:南极伊利莎白公主地海盐离子浓度季节变化特征明显,为冰芯定年提供了可靠的依据。伊利莎白公主地雪冰中Cl-、Na+和Mg2+等海盐离子浓度与南极冰盖其它地方相当,而Ca2+含量异常的高,可能与局地较强的陆地源有关。近150年来,伊利莎白公主地海盐离子浓度具有明显升高的趋势,可能是整个南半球100多年来升温的结果。  相似文献   

An area north of Lake Fryxell in the Taylor Valley, Antarctica, was surveyed to determine the frequency of occurrence of rocks that show strong evidence of wind abrasion and ventifaction, which is defined here as rocks having well-developed faceting, to define their relative abundance in this area of the ice-free McMurdo Dry Valley system and to provide an indication of the role of wind as a geomorphic agent in this area. The orientation of abrasion-caused features (facets, keels, and grooves) with respect to the present day wind regime is also described. Rocks were examined on five linear transects ranging from 300 to 510 m in length. A total of 1324 rocks were examined. On average, 60% of all rocks exhibited distinct wind abrasion features with polish being the most common feature and polished rocks were distributed equally between survey lines, suggesting abrasion was ubiquitous in the study area. Approximately 4% of the rocks had distinct facets and/or keels, and fine-grained ultramafic peridotite-type rocks produced the most finely-featured forms (i.e., sharp facet edges and keels). A larger percentage, ≈ 12.5%, had grooves. Grooves were typically associated with a tabular form of mafic diabase-type igneous rock. The distribution of faceted ventifacts and grooved rocks was not uniform for the five transects, suggesting that the distribution mechanism for the surface rocks and the source areas determined, to a large extent, what form of ventifact could be produced at a location. The orientation of the grooves and dip directions of the facets indicates the direction of the abrasive winds had a strong westerly component, which coincides with the modern wind regime of winter katabatic flows that move down valley toward the Ross Sea. The orientation of the facets and grooves suggests that the rate of formation of the ventifacts proceeds at a pace greater than other surficial processes (e.g., down-slope soil movement, cryoturbation), which should tend to remove trends in the facet and groove orientations, or that the down-slope movement of the surface is approximately perpendicular to the wind allowing preservation of the alignment.  相似文献   

周滔  王笛  李帆 《地理研究》2022,41(7):1883-1897
环境品质提升在城市可持续发展中占有举足轻重的地位,关于城市形态与空气质量的研究逐年增多。城市形态对空气质量的影响在理论与实践中均得到了验证,但不同尺度下城市形态影响空气质量的机理还有待进一步明确。基于文献分析,本文系统分析了不同尺度下城市形态与空气质量的关联性,分别研究了城市形态对空气污染排放与净化的作用机制、城市形态对空气污染扩散的作用机制,并构建了多尺度城市形态与空气质量的关联框架,基于该框架对已有研究的实证结果进行了总结,也明确了不同尺度下城市空间优化与治理的重点方向,在形成经济发展、城市建设与环境质量良性互动的可持续发展关系上具有理论与实践价值。  相似文献   

Rates and processes of rock weathering, soil formation, and mountain erosion during the Quaternary were evaluated in an inland Antarctic cold desert. The fieldwork involved investigations of weathering features and soil profiles for different stages after deglaciation. Laboratory analyses addressed chemistry of rock coatings and soils, as well as 10Be and 26Al exposure ages of the bedrock. Less resistant gneiss bedrock exposed over 1 Ma shows stone pavements underlain by in situ produced silty soils thinner than 40 cm and rich in sulfates, which reflect the active layer thickness, the absence of cryoturbation, and the predominance of salt weathering. During the same exposure period, more resistant granite bedrock has undergone long-lasting cavernous weathering that produces rootless mushroom-like boulders with a strongly Fe-oxidized coating. The red coating protects the upper surface from weathering while very slow microcracking progresses by the growth of sulfates. Geomorphological evidence and cosmogenic exposure ages combine to provide contrasting average erosion rates. No erosion during the Quaternary is suggested by a striated roche moutonnée exposed more than 2 Ma ago. Differential erosion between granite and gneiss suggests a significant lowering rate of desert pavements in excess of 10 m Ma− 1. The landscape has been (on the whole) stable, but the erosion rate varies spatially according to microclimate, geology, and surface composition.  相似文献   

Summary. Palaeomagnetic results from Part I of this study and their analysis in Part II are combined to eliminate bias from the Cenozoic apparent polar wander path for Australia – a bias due to non-dipole components in past geomagnetic fields or, for poles calculated from hot-spot data, due to the motion of hot spots relative to the Earth's rotational axis. This path is extended in approximately bias-free form to the late Mesozoic, and indicates a significant change in the drift direction of the continent between 26 and about 60 Ma.
The bias-corrected Australian path is used, first, with seafloor spreading data for the Southern Ocean to derive a corresponding late Mesozoic–Cenozoic pole path for Antarctica. The latter shows that the Antarctic drift direction reversed in the early Tertiary. It is suggested that the early Tertiary directional changes of both Australia and Antarctica are part of a global reorganization of plates during the Eocene, postulated by Rona & Richardson, Cande & Mutter and Patriat & Achache.
Next, the Australian path is compared with hot-spot data from the African and Australian plates, indicating a movement of the hot spots relative the Earth's rotational axis during the Cenozoic. The direction of this movement is found to be consistent with previous results from other parts of the world.
Finally, the Australian path is used together with non-dipole components in the geomagnetic field to explain a prominent westward displacement of the mid- and late Cenozoic poles of India relative to those of Australia.
Because of uncertainties in the original poles and in the analysis, the present results are likely to contain appreciable errors. Nevertheless, their consistency with independent findings supports the dipole-quadrupole model of Part II for mid- and late Cenozoic geomagnetic fields.  相似文献   

《Polar Science》2014,8(1):1-9
Water-soluble trace constituents affect the physicochemical properties of polar ice. Their structural distribution provides important insights into the formation history of ice and inclusions. We report the first finding of KAl(SO4)2·12H2O (potassium alum) and Al2(SO4)3·nH2O (aluminum sulfate) micro-inclusions in the Dome Fuji ice core, East Antartica, using a micro-Raman technique. Eutectic temperatures of these water-soluble species determined using thermal analysis were −0.4 °C for potassium alum and −8.0 °C for aluminum sulfate. Although the formation process of the aluminum-bearing sulfates remains unclear, the occurrence of these salts largely depends on ice depth.  相似文献   

To investigate the fate of ice algae released from sea ice, we investigated the abundance, species composition, and sinking flux of diatoms in the water column under fast ice near Syowa Station, Antarctica during the summer of 2005/2006. The diatom assemblage in the water column consisted of chain-forming planktonic species, in contrast to the under-ice assemblage dominated by pennate species reported from this site in the past; this dissimilarity suggests the presence of an unconsolidated platelet ice layer under the congelation ice, within which planktonic species can bloom. Among the dominant diatoms, Porosira pseudodenticulata and Pseudo-nitzschia cf. turgiduloides were dominant in the water column, and their water column stocks were higher than their mass sedimentation. These species apparently maintain their populations in the surface layer, as their production remains in the water column. In contrast, Fragilariopsis kerguelensis and Thalassiosira australis were scarce in the water column but rich in the flux, indicating active sinking and export of their production to the benthic ecosystem. This distinction in buoyancy control and sinking characteristics of the dominant diatoms on release from the fast ice influences the diatom species composition and carbon flow under the ice.  相似文献   

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