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塔里木盆地中新生代海侵和海相地层研究的新进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
中新生代海侵是塔里木盆地地质发展史上的重要事件之一。通过对新近发现的古生物化石和海相地层资料研究,本文提出了早白垩世、晚白垩世、古近纪的海侵范围的新认识。同时,依据露头和钻井资料提出了中新世海水分布的新范围。这些新成果对厘定塔里木盆地中新生代地层时代,建立整个盆地中新生代地层格架和油气远景分析具有重要意义。  相似文献   

楚雄盆地为中生代形成的典型前陆盆地。三叠纪是其形成的主体阶段和盆山转换的重要时期,也是由海相向陆相沉积环境的转折期,同时上三叠统是楚雄盆地最重要的油气资源层系。通过对楚雄盆地上三叠统进行系统的沉积学、层序地层学和波动地质学分析,在上三叠统识别出3个三级层序,建立了层序地层格架和高频波动曲线。对层序地层格架内的碳、氧同位素和微量元素的特征进行分析,发现楚雄盆地晚三叠世诺利晚期—瑞替期沉积具有海相沉积环境的地球化学特征,同时综合多学科的研究成果,指出楚雄盆地该时期为一与海域相接的近海湖盆,并受到间歇性海侵的影响。而海相烃源岩与陆相烃源岩在生烃能力、分布规律等方面均具有较大的差异。因此,这一认识对于重新评价楚雄盆地晚三叠世烃源岩具有重要意义。  相似文献   

An Outline of Mesozoic to Paleogene SequenceStratigraphy and Sea-Level Changes inNorthern Himalayas,Southern Xizang¥ShiXiaoyi...  相似文献   

赵琳  鹿化煜  唐领余 《第四纪研究》2018,38(5):1083-1093



贵州独山的上泥盆统由碳酸盐缓坡和碳酸盐台地两种沉积类型组成,包括13种沉积相和25种微相类型.它们构筑了6个层序,其中3个Ⅰ型层序和3个Ⅱ型层序.与6个层序对应的6个三级海平面升降旋回的速度、幅度和频率显示了不同的特征,第1和第2个旋回呈高幅、低频速进和高频缓退特征.第3个旋回为高幅、高频速进和高频缓退.第4个旋回为低幅、高频的中速进-退特征.第5、6个旋回具中、高幅高频缓进和低频速退特征.本文最后对不同沉积体系域和两种层序界面的成岩特征进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Seismic and geological information on the Lomonosov Ridge is considered with reference to drilling data obtained during the ACEX-302 expedition. A new zonation proposed for the composite section of the ridge sedimentary cover and based on marine microfossils (silicoflagellates and dinocysts) from several boreholes is correlated with biostratigraphic zones of Paleogene sections in northern West Siberia. Principal stages of the Arctic basin development in the Aptian-Cenozoic are defined in onshore and Lomonosov Ridge sections. Synchronous formation of sedimentary sequences in the ridge, an element of the Arctic basin, shelves, and epicontinental seas is established for the period under consideration.  相似文献   

Cores from boreholes penetrating late Quaternary, glacial, interglacial and postglacial sediments and the underlying late Cenozoic delta complex of the southern North Sea have been examined for their magnetic properties. A magnetic polarity stratigraphy has been established as an aid to biostratigraphic dating of the sediments; the Kaena-Gauss and Gauss—Matuyama transitions and the base and top of the Olduvai subchron have been identified. The strength and stability of laboratory-induced isothermal remanent magnetisation display clear magneto-petrological variations, which match lithostratigraphic changes in the cores. Principal component analysis has picked out a basin-wide and palaeoenvironmental consistency in the magnetic data. Large, multi-domain magnetite grains predominate in the post-deltaic and fluvio-deltaic sediments, whereas smaller greigite or titanomagnetite grains are concentrated in the intertidal and marine deltaic facies. Since heavy mineral analysis indicates that most of the deltaic detritus derived from common source areas, the differences in magnetic mineralogy have probably been caused by the sediment transport processes operating within the delta complex.  相似文献   

本文通过对南极宇航员海ANT36-C4-05岩心的放射性核素210Pb、AMS14C测年、XRF岩心扫描、多参数物性扫描和主、微量元素的测试分析,重建了该海区中全新世(6 500 Cal a BP)以来的古生产力演变及其制约因素。研究结果表明,中全新世以来宇航员海古生产力波动较强,其演变趋势与南极气温变化基本一致,受海冰范围变化制约较大。在6 500~5 200 Cal a BP期间宇航员海古生产力随着温度升高和海冰范围减小而快速上升;在5 200~3 350 Cal a BP期间宇航员海的古生产力处于高值期,波动较小;在3 350~2 000 Cal a BP期间随着温度降低和海冰范围的扩大,硅质、钙质生产力下降;在2 000~0 Cal a BP期间古生产力水平变化复杂,变化程度相较于之前小。同时,中全新世以来宇航员海区沉积记录较好地反映了5 500 Cal a BP冷事件、DACP冷事件、MWP暖期和LIA冷事件的气候变化,受冷、暖事件影响导致的古生产力的变化最为明显。  相似文献   

南海东北部中生界岩石学特征及沉积环境   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
南海东北部潮汕坳陷发现中—晚侏罗世到白垩纪的海相中生代地层,由泥岩、砂岩、放射虫硅质岩夹鲕粒灰岩及火山岩构成。岩石组合及沉积特征反映出,从中-晚侏罗世到白垩纪沉积水深经历了由浅到深,然后又转为陆地的一个完整旋回,沉积环境则经历了由滨浅海相到深海相,又到滨海过渡相和陆相河湖体系的演变过程,在深海相与滨海陆地过渡相之间存在一个明显的环境突变,为沉积环境缺失所致。与深海相放射虫硅质岩相伴,则夹有玄武岩(细碧岩)层。沉积反应的气候条件从中-晚侏罗世-早白垩世的温暖湿润气候环境过渡到晚白垩世的炎热干旱气候环境。这套海相中生代地层的存在对解释南海北部中生代大地构造演化以及古特提斯洋和太平洋的关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The results of the seismic surveys recorded during 1963 and 1968 for Marathon Petroleum and Crusader Oil in the Laura Basin, north Queensland, have been reinterpreted. Seismic reflections which dip almost continuously from 0.6 to 4.0 seconds reflection time may come from the base of and within an 8000 m sequence of Permo‐Carboniferous sediments, which may underlie the flat‐lying Mesozoic Laura Basin sediments and overlie the heavily folded Carboniferous‐Devonian sediments in the Hodgkinson Basin. Further seismic investigation of this area is recommended since a thick Permo‐Carboniferous sedimentary section here could be prospective for hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the stratigraphy and sediments deposited in Lake Samra that occupied the Dead Sea basin between ∼ 135 and 75 ka. This information is combined with U/Th dating of primary aragonites in order to estimate a relative lake-level curve that serves as a regional paleohydrological monitor. The lake stood at an elevation of ∼ 340 m below mean sea level (MSL) during most of the last interglacial. This level is relatively higher than the average Holocene Dead Sea (∼ 400 ± 30 m below MSL). At ∼ 120 and ∼ 85 ka, Lake Samra rose to ∼ 320 m below MSL while it dropped to levels lower than ∼ 380 m below MSL at ∼ 135 and ∼ 75 ka, reflecting arid conditions in the drainage area. Lowstands are correlated with warm intervals in the Northern Hemisphere, while minor lake rises are probably related to cold episodes during MIS 5b and MIS 5d. Similar climate relationships are documented for the last glacial highstand Lake Lisan and the lowstand Holocene Dead Sea. Yet, the dominance of detrital calcites and precipitation of travertines in the Dead Sea basin during the last interglacial interval suggest intense pluvial conditions and possible contribution of southern sources of wetness to the region.  相似文献   

The Tofts located in north-western Fenland is a low ridge composed of sandy silt, elevated several metres above the surrounding land. Stratigraphically, the feature is the landward edge of an intertidal-subtidal sand body that stretches east into The Wash. It was the location of a Medieval salt-making industry. The ridge seems to have been initiated after 2100?cal?years BP by storm waves and/or wind transporting sediment landward from adjacent intertidal flats. Differential consolidation of peat on its landward side and dumping of sediment onto the surface during salt-making enhanced its morphological expression.  相似文献   

陆相湖盆一些烃源岩的形成是否与海侵地质作用有关,这在石油地质学的陆相生油理论研究中,是一个具有一定不确定性的重要科学和实践应用问题.为给全面深入理解该问题提供参考,笔者等述评了这一领域的研究现状,并提出了值得进一步深入工作的方向.首先剖析了是否有海侵作用发生,为此分析了海侵的各类识别证据,并主要归纳为生物学、矿物岩石学、地球化学这3个方面,多方面证据指示一些湖相烃源岩在形成过程中的确很可能有海侵地质事件发生.海侵对烃源岩形成具有影响,并主要体现在有机质丰度、类型及烃源岩规模上,且通常使得丰度增高、类型变好、规模变大,优化了烃源岩质量.未来为了进一步深化对该问题的认识,一方面要继续加强对海侵识别宏微观证据的综合研究,另一方面可寻找在沉积环境上具有延续性和过渡性的研究实例,从海相到海侵湖相再到湖相,如中国东南部下白垩统,开展时空上的对比分析.这对全面准确认识烃源岩的形成机制具有重要意义,并可为油气勘探提供参考.  相似文献   

Upper Callovian to Tithonian (late Jurassic) sediments represent an important hydrocarbon reservoir in the Kopet‐Dagh Basin, NE Iran. These deposits consist mainly of limestone, dolostone, and calcareous mudstone with subordinate siliciclastic interbeds. Detailed field surveys, lithofacies and facies analyses at three outcrop sections were used to investigate the depositional environments and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle to Upper Jurassic interval in the central and western areas of the basin. Vertical and lateral facies changes, sedimentary fabrics and structures, and geometry of carbonate bodies resulted in recognition of various carbonate facies related to tidal flats, back‐barrier lagoon, shelf‐margin/shelf‐margin reef, slope and deep‐marine facies belts. These facies were accompanied by interbedded beach and deep marine siliciclastic petrofacies. Field surveys, facies analysis, parasequences stacking patterns, discontinuity surfaces, and geometries coupled with relative depth variation, led to the recognition of six third‐order depositional sequences. The depositional history of the study areas can be divided into two main phases. These indicate platform evolution from a rimmed‐shelf to a carbonate ramp during the late Callovian–Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian–Tithonian intervals, respectively. Significant lateral and vertical facies and thickness changes, and results obtained from regional correlation of the depositional sequences, can be attributed to the combined effect of antecedent topography and differential subsidence related to local tectonics. Moreover, sea‐level changes must be regarded as a major factor during the late Callovian–Tithonian interval. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The nature and origin of the sediments and crust of the Murray Ridge System and northern Indus Fan are discussed. The uppermost unit consists of Middle Miocene to recent channel–levee complexes typical of submarine fans. This unit is underlain by a second unit composed of hemipelagic to pelagic sediments deposited during the drift phase after the break-up of India–Seychelles–Africa. A predrift sequence of assumed Mesozoic age occurring only as observed above basement ridges is composed of highly consolidated rocks. Different types of the acoustic basement were detected, which reflection seismic pattern, magnetic anomalies and gravity field modeling indicate to be of continental character. The continental crust is extremely thinned in the northern Indus Fan, lacking a typical block-faulted structure. The Indian continent–ocean transition is marked on single MCS profiles by sequences of seaward-dipping reflectors (SDR). In the northwestern Arabian Sea, the Indian plate margin is characterized by several phases of volcanism and deformation revealed from interpretation of multichannel seismic profiles and magnetic anomalies. From this study, thinned continental crust spreads between the northern Murray Ridge System and India underneath the northern Indus Fan.  相似文献   

The Pb concentrations of atmospheric aerosol in the Chukchi Sea of the Arctic vary within the range of 0.167-0.962ng/m^2,with an average of 0.532ng/m^3,These concentration values are 200 times higher than the natural background values of snow samples there.Calculation of the Pb enrichment factor of aerosol indicates that the ocean-and continent-source lead account for 9.23% and 0.01%,respectively,but industrially released Pb accounts for more than 90% of the atmospheric Pb.The Pb isotopic composition of aerosol has revealed that the sources of lead from industrial lead that causes pollution include mainly the western part of North America,East Europe and the former Soviet union.The calculation of the total fallout flux of Pb indicates that the mean value of input flux into the Chukchi Sea is 0.02mgm^-2a^-1,equivalent to that of southern Pacific but slightly lower than that of northern Indian Sea and southern Atlantic.It is evidenced that the Pb input flux into the Chukchi Sea is far lower than that off the Baltic Sea,the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

陕南丹凤茶房村黄土-古土壤剖面色度参数特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以丹凤县茶房村黄土-古土壤剖面为对象, 研究了该区黄土色度参数的变化规律及其主控因素。结果表明, L*(亮度)在黄土层中出现峰值, a*(红度)、a*/b*(红度/黄度)在古土壤层出现峰值, 色度参数的峰谷变化特征与该区黄土-古土壤地层旋回相吻合。L*(亮度)的变化与有机质含量密切相关;a*(红度)、a*/b*(红度/黄度)的变化则受控于铁氧化物的种类和含量。尽管三者的受控因素不同, 但都与风化成壤强度密切相关, 且与磁化率形成良好的对比, 可作为良好的气候代用指标, 间接地反映该区气候和成壤环境的变化规律。  相似文献   

KIM M. COHEN 《Sedimentology》2011,58(6):1453-1485
This study presents a detailed reconstruction of the palaeogeography of the Rhine valley (western Netherlands) during the Holocene transgression with systems tracts placed in a precise sea‐level context. This approach permits comparison of actual versus conceptual boundaries of the lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts. The inland position of the highstand Rhine river mouth on a wide, low‐gradient continental shelf meant that base‐level changes were the dominant control on sedimentation for a relatively short period of the last glacial cycle. Systems in such inland positions predominantly record changes in the balance between river discharge and sediment load, and preserve excellent records of climatic changes or other catchment‐induced forcing. It is shown here that the transgressive systems tract‐part of the coastal prism formed in three stages: (i) the millennium before 8·45 ka bp , when the area was dominated by fluvial environments with extensive wetlands; (ii) the millennium after 8·45 ka, characterized by strong erosion, increasing tidal amplitudes and bay‐head delta development; and (iii) the period between 7·5 and 6·3 ka bp when the Rhine avulsed multiple times and the maximum flooding surface formed. The diachroneity of the transgressive surface is strongly suppressed because of a pulse of accelerated sea‐level rise at 8·45 ka bp . That event not only had a strong effect on preservation, but has circum‐oceanic stratigraphical relevance as it divides the early and middle Holocene parts of coastal successions worldwide. The palaeogeographical reconstruction offers a unique full spatial–temporal view on the coastal and fluvial dynamics of a major river mouth under brief rapid forced transgression. This reconstruction is of relevance for Holocene and ancient transgressive systems worldwide, and for next‐century natural coasts that are predicted to experience a 1 m sea‐level rise.  相似文献   

Shoreline displacement in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland during the past 9000 radiocarbon years was reconstructed by studying a total of 10 isolated lake and mire basins located in Virolahti in southeastern Finland and on the Karelian Isthmus, and in Ingermanland in Russia. Study methods were diatom analyses, sediment lithostratigraphical interpretation and radiocarbon dating. In southeastern Finland, the marine (Litorina) transgression maximum occurred ca. 6500–6200 14C yr BP (7400–7100 cal. yr BP). In areas of the slower land uplift rate on the Karelian Isthmus and in Ingermanland, the transgression maximum occurred ca. 6400–6000 14C yr BP (7300–6800 cal. yr BP). The highest Litorina shoreline is located at ca. 23 m above present sea-level in southeastern Finland, whereas in the eastern part of the Karelian Isthmus, near St. Petersburg, it is located at ca. 8 m above present sea-level. The amplitude of the Litorina transgression in Virolahti area is ca. 4 m, whereas on the Karelian Isthmus and in Ingermanland the amplitude has varied between 5 and 7 m. The regional differences between areas are solely due to different glacio-isostatic land uplift rates. The seven basins studied in this research were connected to the Baltic Sea basin during the Litorina Sea stage and their diatom and lithostratigraphical records indicate a single, smooth Litorina transgression.  相似文献   

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