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The Gordon Group carbonates consist of biota of the Chlorozoan assemblage, diverse non‐skeletal grains and abundant micrite and dolomite, similar to those of modern warm water carbonates. Cathodoluminescence studies indicate marine, meteoric and some burial cements. Dolomites replacing burrows, mudcracks and micrite formed during early diagenesis.

δ18O values (‐5 to ‐7%ō PDB) of the non‐luminescent fauna and marine cement are lighter than those of modern counterparts but are similar to those existing within low latitudes during the Ordovician because of the light δ18O values of Ordovician seawater (‐3 to ‐5%o SMOW). The δ18O difference (2%o) between marine and meteoric calcite indicates that Ordovician meteoric water was similar to that in modern subtropics. Values of δ13C relative to δ18O indicate that during the Early Ordovician there were higher atmospheric CO2 levels than at present but during the Middle and Late Ordovician they became comparable with the present because of a change from ‘Greenhouse’ to glacial conditions. δ18O values of Late Ordovician seawater were heavier than in the Middle Ordovician mainly because of glaciation.

Dolomitization took place in marine to mixed‐marine waters while the original calcium carbonate was undergoing marine to meteoric diagenesis.  相似文献   

The estimated depth of formation of authigenic dolomite concretions in the Middle Ordovician Cloridorme Formation, Quebec, ranges from < 1 m to 150–200 m below sea floor (mbsf) (mostly between < 1 and 25 mbsf), based on centre‐to‐margin variations in minus‐cement porosity (80–90% to 45–75%). Formation depths are > 350 mbsf (25–17% porosity) in the Lower Ordovician Levis Formation. Outward‐decreasing δ13CVPDB values (10·2–0·8‰) suggest precipitation in the methane generation zone with an increasing contribution of light carbonate derived by advection from thermocatalytic reactions at depth. Anomalously low δ18OVPDB values (centre‐to‐margin variations of ?0·4 to ?7·5‰) give reasonable temperatures for the concretion centres only if the δ18O of Ordovician sea water was negative (?6‰) and the bottom water was warm (> 15 °C). The 3–5‰ lower values for the concretion margins compared with the centres can be explained if, in addition, volcanic‐ash alteration, organic‐matter decomposition and/or advection of 18O‐depleted water lowered the δ18O of the pore water further by 2·0–4·0‰ during the first 25–200 m of burial. Reasonable growth temperatures for the margins of 17–20 °C are compatible with a lowering of the isotopic ratios by 1 to < 1·3‰ as a temperature effect. The systematic concentric isotope zonation of the concretions suggests that the well‐ordered near‐stoichiometric dolomite is a primary feature and not the result of recrystallization. Diagenetic dolomite beds of the Cloridorme Formation appear to have formed by coalescence of concretions, as shown by randomly sampled traverses that indicate formation at different subsurface depths. Growth of the Cloridorme dolomites was probably limited by calcium availability, at least 50% of which was derived from connate water, and the remainder by diffusion from sea water. Dolomite precipitation was favoured over calcite by very high sedimentation rates, the abundance of marine organic matter in the host sediment and a correspondingly thin sulphate reduction zone. Deep‐seated concretion growth in the Levis Formation required either internal sources for the participating ions (carbonate dissolution event) or porewater advection along faults.  相似文献   

为研究浙江省衢州市上方镇方解石矿床的成岩成矿环境,采集了上方镇方解石矿床中的大理岩样品,用MAT-253型气体同位素质谱仪对其进行了碳、氧同位素分析测试。结果表明,样品的δ13CPDB和δ18OSMOW均值分别为-1.32‰和18.25‰,计算的盐度指数Z值为97.42~130.08,均值为118.50,在δ18OSMOW13CPDB图解上大多数样品点落于海相碳酸盐与碳酸盐溶解作用范围内,上方镇方解石矿床大理岩的原岩应为沉积成因,可能形成于宽阔的海洋环境。  相似文献   

湖北宜昌地区寒武系—下奥陶统的碳氧同位素记录   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对宜昌地区寒武系和下奥陶统的碳酸盐碳、氧同位素进行测定,所得δ18O大 于-10‰且与δ13C不相关,表明研究区碳酸盐样品基本上保存了碳、氧同位素的初 始比值。δ18O在白云岩样品中呈现正漂移而在非白云岩样品中呈现负漂移,认为δ 18O反映海水古盐度变化,即δ18O随着古盐度升高而增大;δ13 C在缺氧沉积物中呈现负漂移,但负漂移的δ13C却不限于缺氧沉积物,推测δ13 C可能反映古海洋的初级生产力,即δ13C随着初级生产力的提高而降低。研究还指 出,由于Z值与δ13C密切正相关(相关系数为0.99),综合运用δ18O和δ 13C的经典盐度公式不适用于研究区古盐度环境的重建。  相似文献   

正Zhenjia1 well located in the 2nd salt depression of the Northern Shaanxi Salt Basin(Zhang et al,2013),is the basis potash exploration wells,and its main purpose is marine potash prospection,combining with gas exploration.Drilling completion depth is 3443.6m,  相似文献   

湘黔地区的奥陶纪红花园期及宝塔期在三都、吉首、桃源一线酉北为碳酸盐台地沉积。红花园期水体相对较浅,自西北而东南可划分为开阔台地相、台地滩相、台地边缘生物礁相、盆地边缘相;宝塔期水体较深,成为湮没了的台地。通过对红花园期和宝塔期碳酸盐稳定碳、氧同位素研究结果表明,其组成与环境的盐度、水体深度、水温及氧化-还原条件相关。随着含盐度的增加,碳氧同位素值也增大。水体变深,还原程度增强,则碳氧同位素值随之减小。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯古生代海相地层沉积厚度巨大。鄂尔多斯奥陶系碳酸盐岩的碳氧同位素组成受后期成岩作用影响较小,基本保留了原始海洋的同位素组成: δ13C值分布于-7.30‰~2.26‰之间,均值-0.30‰;δ18O值分布于-13.14‰~-1.94‰之间,均值-6.38‰,碳氧同位素组成与全球基本一致。区域上,鄂尔多斯西缘具有相对较高的δ13C值,南缘次之,而东缘最低。纵向上,碳同位素组成逐渐增重,并在中晚奥陶世发生明显的正向偏移,δ13C均值由马家沟组的-0.36‰增加到平凉组的0.15‰,至背锅山组增加至0.68‰。碳同位素的区域分布差异表明鄂尔多斯西缘水体相对较深,南缘次之,东缘相对较浅,由早奥陶世至晚奥陶世水体逐渐加深,碳同位素组成反映的海平面变化趋势与沉积相演化一致。鄂尔多斯西南缘中晚奥陶世碳同位素组成的正向偏移,标志着较高的生产力和有机碳埋藏率,具有重要的石油地质学意义,西南缘的平凉组/乌拉力克组和背锅山组是下古生界最重要和有效的烃源岩层。  相似文献   

河北宽城地区中元古代高于庄组碳酸盐岩碳氧同位素特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
罗顺社  汪凯明 《地质学报》2010,84(4):492-499
对河北宽城地区中元古代高于庄组碳酸盐岩的碳氧同位素进行了测定和原始性验证,表明其原始组分保存良好。δ13C、δ18O值分布范围和平均值分别为-5.03‰~0.07‰、-9.92‰~-4.12‰和-0.90‰、-6.58‰,整体上稍低于前人测定的天津蓟县剖面和北京十三陵剖面数据。分析认为:研究区δ13C值主要受有机碳氧化与有机碳的埋藏速率因素影响,有机碳的埋藏速率与蓝绿藻等生物数量关系密切,藻类繁盛的时期一般都具有较高的δ13C值,藻类稀少的时期则具有较低的δ13C值。在浅水潮坪环境中,δ13C值与海平面的变化呈正相关关系;研究区δ18O值则主要受海平面变化影响,与之呈负相关关系;研究区古盐度Z值主要介于120~125之间,相关性分析表明Z值不仅反映氧同位素组成,也反映了碳同位素组成,δ18O和δ13C均与沉积介质的盐度有关,其变化趋势是盐度越大,其δ值越高。  相似文献   

为了正确分析和评价碳酸盐岩溶蚀孔洞在埋藏成岩环境中的发育和保存条件,对塔里木盆地北部露头剖面中下奥陶统白云岩及其溶蚀孔洞的充填物进行了详细的矿物学和地球化学研究,试图对这类孔洞充填物沉淀时的成岩环境进行恢复。大型洞穴充填物的矿物学特征和微孔洞充填物扫描电镜的分析表明,此类孔洞的环带状充填物具有明显的世代性,由基岩向孔洞中心,至少可识别出4期充填物,即第1期的乳白色白云石,第2期的铁质浸染的杂色高镁方解石,第3期的无色透明白云石和第4期的自形石英。碳、氧同位素分析结果表明,孔洞充填物形成于高温条件,结合微量元素、稀土元素所示的成岩信息可进一步推断其形成于高温埋藏环境,而非现代表生暴露期的充填物;第1期和第3期白云石充填物形成在相对还原且高盐度的流体性质条件下,而第2期高镁方解石充填物沉淀时相对偏氧化,盐度也偏低。据下奥陶统此类4期充填物的特征分析可知,第2期高镁方解石充填物的发育可能与构造抬升导致成岩环境的改变有关。  相似文献   

王能峰  钟国华  贾疏源  王永利 《铀矿地质》2004,20(2):120-123,128
本文在分析采集于西南某水电站PDl6硐壁裂缝中不同位置的方解石形成年代以及碳氧同位素的基础上,结合坝区具体的水文地质情况,确定了研究河段岩溶发育的时间及其演化。  相似文献   

Bosten Lake is a mid-latitude lake with water mainly supplied by melting ice and snow in the Tianshan Mountains. The depositional environment of the lake is spatially not uniform due to the proximity of the major inlet and the single outlet in the western part of the lake. The analytical results show that the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of recent lake sediments is related to this specific lacustrine depositional environment and to the resulting carbonate mineralogy. In the southwestern lake region between the Kaidu River inlet and the Kongqi River outlet, carbon isotope composition (δ13C) values of the carbonate sediment (-1‰ to -2‰) have no relation to the oxygen isotope composition of the carbonate (δ18O) values (-7‰ to -8‰), with both isotopes showing a low variability. The carbonate content is low (<20%). Carbonate minerals analyzed by X-ray diffraction are mainly composed of calcite, while aragonite was not recorded. The salinity of the lake water is low in the estuary region as a result of the Kaidu River inflow. In comparison, the carbon and oxygen isotope values are higher in the middle and eastern parts of the lake, with δ13C values between approximately +0.5‰ and +3‰, and δ18O values between -1‰ and -5‰. There is a moderate correlation between the stable oxygen and carbon isotopes, with a coefficient of correlation r of approximately 0.63. This implies that the lake water has a relatively short residence time. Carbonate minerals constitute calcite and aragonite in the middle and eastern region of the lake. Aragonite and Mg-calcite are formed at higher lake water salinity and temperatures, and larger evaporation effects. More saline lake water in the middle and eastern region of the lake and the enhanced isotopic equilibrium between water and atmospheric CO2 cause the correlating carbon and oxygen isotope values determined for aragonite and Mg-calcite. Evaporation and biological processes are the main reasons for the salinity and carbonate mineralogy influence of the surface-sediment carbonate in Bosten Lake. The lake water residence time and the CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and the water body control the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the carbonate sediment. In addition, organic matter pollution and decomposition result in the abnormally low carbon isotope values of the lake surface-sediment carbonate.  相似文献   

Bosten Lake is a mid-latitude lake with water mainly supplied by melting ice and snow in the Tianshan Mountains. The depositional environment of the lake is spatially not uniform due to the proximity of the major inlet and the single outlet in the western part of the lake. The analytical results show that the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of recent lake sediments is related to this specific lacustrine depositional environment and to the resulting carbonate mineralogy. In the southwestern lake region between the Kaidu River inlet and the Kongqi River outlet, carbon isotope composition (δ13C) values of the carbonate sediment (?1‰ to ?2‰) have no relation to the oxygen isotope composition of the carbonate (δ18O) values (?7‰ to ?8‰), with both isotopes showing a low variability. The carbonate content is low (<20%). Carbonate minerals analyzed by X-ray diffraction are mainly composed of calcite, while aragonite was not recorded. The salinity of the lake water is low in the estuary region as a result of the Kaidu River inflow. In comparison, the carbon and oxygen isotope values are higher in the middle and eastern parts of the lake, with δ13C values between approximately +0.5‰ and +3‰, and δ18O values between ?1‰ and ?5‰. There is a moderate correlation between the stable oxygen and carbon isotopes, with a coefficient of correlation r of approximately 0.63. This implies that the lake water has a relatively short residence time. Carbonate minerals constitute calcite and aragonite in the middle and eastern region of the lake. Aragonite and Mg–calcite are formed at higher lake water salinity and temperatures, and larger evaporation effects. More saline lake water in the middle and eastern region of the lake and the enhanced isotopic equilibrium between water and atmospheric CO2 cause the correlating carbon and oxygen isotope values determined for aragonite and Mg–calcite. Evaporation and biological processes are the main reasons for the salinity and carbonate mineralogy influence of the surface-sediment carbonate in Bosten Lake. The lake water residence time and the CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and the water body control the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the carbonate sediment. In addition, organic matter pollution and decomposition result in the abnormally low carbon isotope values of the lake surface-sediment carbonate.  相似文献   

以碳同位素值的波动变化与沉积环境、海平面升降及地层界面突变等地质事件相对应为理论依据,开展碳同位素地层研究,建立了各组值域划分标准,解决碳酸盐岩地层缺乏标准生物化石情况下,地层归属难确定的问题。指出奥陶系自下而上碳同位素曲线呈现稳定-上升-正漂移的过程。其中,下统蓬莱坝组—鹰山组δ~(13)C值范围为(-4.2~-0.2)×10~(-3),始终为负值;中统一间房组δ~(13)C值范围为(-0.4~0.6)×10~(-3),以分布在零值附近为特征;上统恰尔巴克组—良里塔格组δ~(13)C值范围(0.7~3.1)×10~(-3),均为正值。在此基础上,开展了巴楚典型露头剖面与麦盖提斜坡井下奥陶系碳同位素地层与岩石地层对比研究,提出麦盖提斜坡中部及东部断洼区发育上奥陶统,除东部断裂带外,普遍残存下奥陶统顶部泥晶灰岩段。  相似文献   

陈云杰 《地质与勘探》2014,50(4):641-648
龙首山地区是西北重要的花岗岩型热液铀矿产区之一,区内控矿条件复杂。研究选取甘肃省龙首山芨岭矿区内的矿床和部分矿点的热液碳酸盐样品并测定其C、O同位素组成:δ13C VPDB的值在-1.50‰~-6.33‰之间,δ18OSMOW值为-2.577~5.051‰之间。进一步研究结果表明,成矿流体中矿化剂ΣCO2主要来源于与区域深大断裂有关的幔源脱气作用,同时伴有海相碳酸盐来源;成矿同时期伴随的强烈流体脱气(CO2)作用对矿质沉淀至关重要。成矿热液的水源主要为岩浆热液与大气降水混合特征,但以大气降水形成为主。  相似文献   

下庄矿田是华南重要的热液铀矿产区,区内控矿条件复杂。研究选取下庄矿田部分矿床内热液碳酸盐样品并测定其C,O同位素组成:测定矿田北部的1δ3CPDB为-7.6‰~-8.4‰,1δ8CSMOW为12.1‰~13.2‰,而矿田南部测波动范围较大1δ3CPDB则为-3.1‰~-8.5‰,δOSMOW为10.4‰~14.1‰。进一步研究结果表明,成矿流体中矿化剂ΣCO2主要来源于中新生代与区域深大断裂有关的幔源脱气作用,同时伴有壳源有机碳来源;成矿同时期伴随的强烈流体脱气(CO2)作用对矿质沉淀至关重要。  相似文献   

土壤次生碳酸盐碳氧稳定同位素古环境意义及应用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
土壤次生碳酸盐碳氧稳定同位素特征是反映古气候与古环境的重要代用指标,其碳氧稳定同位素组成分别受土壤CO2中C同位素组成和大气水的O同位素控制。在一定深度的土壤中,土壤次生碳酸盐δ^13C就主要受当地植物类型(C3植物和C4植物等)控制。土壤次生碳酸盐样预处理中剔除土壤中原生碳酸盐以及有机物污染尤为重要。土壤中次生碳酸盐C、O稳定同位素地球化学在土壤发生学、古气候恢复、古生态重建以及全球变化研究中应用日益广泛,但解译时可能受应用年代范围、成岩作用、原生和次生碳酸盐混杂、土壤碳酸盐多元发生等因素影响,其应用机理和范围还需进一步探讨。  相似文献   


This study uses carbon isotope chemostratigraphy to propose an age for the Success Creek Group and Crimson Creek Formation in the absence of any direct radiometric dates, palaeomagnetic or reliable palaeontological data. The δ13C values were determined for the least‐altered dolomite samples. Suitable samples were selected on the basis of grainsize, cathodoluminescence petrography, most enriched δ18O values (> 2%o) low Mn/Sr ratios and low Fe and Mn concentrations. The average least‐altered, most 13C‐enriched dolomicrite samples in the youngest (No. 1) dolomite horizon are + 4.6%o. This is typical of Neoproterozoic (but not Cambrian) carbonates. The δ13C values of all dolomite samples in the succession are significantly positive (up to + 7.5%o) and the excursion characteristic of the Proterozoic/Cambrian boundary has not been observed. The lack of negative δ13C values in all dolomite samples studied also suggests an absence of correlatives of Sturtian and Varanger tillites in the dolomite successions. The δ13C values in all three dolomite horizons suggest a Neoproterozoic age between about 820 to 570 Ma (Cryogenian to Neoproterozoic III) on the current global compilation carbon isotope curves. This age for the Success Creek Group and Crimson Creek Formation, inferred from carbon isotope chemostratigraphy, can be substantiated by other evidence. The age of the Renison dolomites is constrained by K‐Ar dates of 708 ± 6 Ma from detrital muscovite in the underlying Oonah Formation and 588 ± 8 and 600 ± 8 Ma from doleritic rock in a lithostratigraphic equivalent of the Crimson Creek Formation from the Smithton Basin. Furthermore, acritarchs and the stromatolite Baicalia cf. B. burra also suggest a Neoproterozoic rather than Cambrian age.  相似文献   

近年来湘西黔东地区铅锌矿产勘查成果显著,已发现矿床(点)200余处,铅锌矿主要产于寒武系—奥陶系碳酸盐岩地层中。通过对该地区典型铅锌矿床碳酸盐围岩和成矿期方解石的C、O同位素组成分析,结果表明:碳酸盐围岩的δ13CPDB值(-1.16‰~1.70‰,均值0.51‰)和δ18OSMOW值(18.56‰~22.42‰,均值21.04‰)变化范围较小,组成相对均一,在δ13CPDB-δ18OSMOW图上投影点位于海相碳酸盐岩区;而成矿期方解石的δ13CPDB值(-5.80‰~0.42‰,均值-1.18‰)比围岩略低,δ18OSMOW值(12.96‰~23.05‰,均值18.36‰)有明显的下降,在δ13CPDB-δ18OSMOW图上投影点主要位于上地幔区和海相碳酸盐岩之间。根据C、O同位素组成特征并结合前人研究成果,认为成矿流体中的C主要来源于碳酸盐围岩,S来源于地层中的膏盐层,Pb、Zn主要来源于下寒武统牛蹄塘组地层,成矿流体是一种高盐度的低温热卤水,它与碳酸盐围岩的水-岩反应和降温的耦合作用是该地区成矿期方解石和矿石矿物沉淀的主要机制。  相似文献   

介绍一种碳酸盐中碳、氧同位素快速制样装置。实验证明,该装置具有真空度好、使用方便、无污染、制样效率高、成本低的优点,所生成的二氧化碳具有高纯、分析结果准确、可靠等特点,完全能满足碳酸盐中碳、氧同位素分析的制样要求。  相似文献   

选择青藏高原14个代表性现代湖泊的表层沉积物为研究对象,它们是冷湖、大苏干湖、小苏干湖、大柴旦湖、小柴旦湖、托素湖、尕海、茶卡湖、唐古拉-1、错鄂、乃日平错、纳木错、空姆错和普莫雍错,探讨这些湖泊碳酸盐矿物组成及相应氧稳定同位素组成的影响因素。XRD结果显示这些湖泊的碳酸盐矿物多以方解石为主,并含白云石。其中冷湖以白云石为主,尕海还含有一定量的文石。碳酸盐氧同位素分析结果显示总碳酸盐δ18O在-15.9‰到2.6‰范围变化,方解石δ18O变化范围为-16.2‰~3.9‰,白云石δ18O变化在-15.3‰~-5.4‰范围内。通过氧同位素与湖区环境因素的相关性分析,认为总碳酸盐δ18O受湖水δ18O组成、温度、降水量/蒸发量、盐度、海拔和纬度多种因素影响;方解石δ18O主要受湖水δ18O、温度、盐度、海拔和纬度的影响;白云石δ18O受降水量/蒸发量和盐度的影响。总碳酸盐δ18O对湖水δ18O、温度、海拔和纬度的响应是以方解石为载体而体现的;总碳酸盐δ18O对降水量/蒸发量的响应则归因于白云石δ18O对其的响应结果;另外总碳酸盐δ18O通过方解石和白云石δ18O的叠加作用响应于盐度。该研究初步建立了总碳酸盐、方解石和白云石氧同位素与环境各个指标之间的响应关系,对于揭示过去青藏高原地区环境变化有重要意义。  相似文献   

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