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Jespersen, Margot und Rasmussen, Erik: Jordsand—Erosion und Akkumulation einer Hallig. Geografisk Tidsskrift 75: 13–23. København, juni 1, 1976.

Since 1972 the authors have carried out investigations of erosion and accumulation on the island of Jordsand in the Danish Wadden Sea. The investigations supported by the Danish State Research Council for Natural Sciences are not yet finished, and this paper is a midway report including preliminary results and working hypotheses.  相似文献   

Jacobsen, N. Kingo, 1977: Recreation on the Danish Wadden Sea Coasts. Geografisk Tidsskrift 76: 52–58. København, June 1, 1977.

A comparison is made between the quite different positions of the Danish Wadden Sea coasts as to recreational pattern. This is mostly due to the ever varying accessiblility. The Blåvand-Skallingen area can be reached by land. The islands partly by ebbroads (Mandø, Lungli), partly by ferry (Fanø), and partly by a road-dam (Rømø).  相似文献   

Jacobsen, N. Kingo, 1975: Kongeåens udløb i Vadehavet. Geografisk Tidsskrift 74: 55–67. København, juni 1, 1975.

The problem of drainage at the outlet of streams in the Danish Wadden Sea. Outside the sluice of Kongeåen a canal was established ig63 to guarantee drainage, i.e. a low water-table at the sluice at low-tide. Bors at the outlet of the canal cause difficulties. The topography of the tidal flat, the ebb- and flood currents, the volume of water-masses etc. are investigated, and another technical arrangement proposed.  相似文献   

Mørch, Henning: Population and resources in two types of rural landscape—Denmark 1860, 1900, and 1960. Geografisk Tidsskrift 80: 88–92. Copenhagen, June 1980.

An investigation on the basis of simple, linear regression of the relationship between size of population and physical resources in two types of landscape—moraine and outwash plain—Denmark 1860–1960.  相似文献   

Prior, D. D. &; Eve, R. M. 1975: Coastal landslide morphology at Røsnæs, Denmark. Geografisk Tidsskrift 74: 12–20. København, Juni, 1, 1975.

Based on the field studies the coastal landslide morphology and the moss movement types in the Røsnæs area are described and classified, followed by a general discussion of the factors which promote slope instability.  相似文献   

Thiesen, Grethe: Studier af turistbesøget på Skallingen 1975–76. Geografisk Tidsskrift 76: 78–83. København, juni 1, 1977.

During the summer periods 1975 and 1976 the number of tourists to the peninsula Skallingen on the west coast of Jutland was counted automatically and their nationalities stated by observation. An enlargement of the official parking places is discussed in order to avoid further damages on dunes and marsh areas.  相似文献   

Engell. Bodil, 1977: Befolknings- og erhvervsudviklingen på Rømø 1950–70. Geografisk Tidsskrift 76: 63–67. København juni 1, 1977.

The general trend of unequal development between rural and urban intensifies on small islands. The development on the island of Rømø has further a special trend because of its intermediate position caused by the construction of the road-dam to Rømø, opened 1949. Furthermore, the recreational potential of the island and the special location close to the Danish-German border is of importance.  相似文献   

Blandt de emner som Østgrønlands fattige historie byr forskeren, er det ikke uten interesse å undersøke i sammenheng følgende to sporsmål:

Først, hvad man i gamle dage visste — eller mente å vite — om østgrønlands befolkningsforhold.

Og dernæst: hvordan det er gått til, at størstedelen av østkysten,særlig Sydøstgrønland, er blitt avfolket i nyere tid.  相似文献   

Madsen, Henrik, 1975: Aggregatstabilitetsanalyse. Geografisk Tidsskrift 74: 70–78. København, juni 1, 1975.

A method to describe the stability and size distribution of soil aggregates by dry sifting. The profit and disadvantages of the method are discussed. A methematical adaption is given and further the influence of humus on the soil aggregates is discussed, as well as the possibility of the method for giving significant values in relation to soil erosion.  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 110(2):175–200, 2010

The GeoArk project conducted interdisciplinary studies between 2003 and 2008 to investigate the Thule culture (c. 1400 AD until c. 1850 AD) in the Wollaston Forland- Clavering Ø region (74°N). Faunal remains of recent excavations and re-analyses of previous excavations of Thule culture seasonal features, winter houses and middens are presented, with an emphasis on the two winter sites of Fladstrand and Dødemandsbugten. The faunal assemblages showed ringed seal (Phoca hispida) to be the key game species, although, with important contingents of narwhal (Monodon monocerosj and caribou (Rangifer tarandus) Thule subsistence was highly dependent on having a well developed procurement system and the sea- and landscape was used differentially during the annual cycle. Hvalros Ø, located at the recurring Sirius Water Polynya, was used as a seasonal aggregation site especially for hunting walrus (Odobenus rosmarusj) throughout the entire Thule culture era. Being a predictable source of meat and blubber, the walrus was of fundamental importance to the Thule Inuit in order to cope with a harsh high arctic environment. The site locations of the study area revealed a continued similar usage of the sea- and landscape for centuries and the analyses documented only minor temporal changes in subsistence patterns.  相似文献   

?Solen Går ned over Kolsås, det er skjønn vårkveld ute, bjerken i lysegrønt slør, engene grønne og åsene blå, bølgende langt borte. Det er min verden, den flekk av denne jord hvor jeg er hjemme, skjønn er den — — —.?  相似文献   

Bennekou, G., Rand, P., & Schroll, H. 1974: Energiforhold I den Danske landbrugsproduktion. Geografisk Tidsskrift 73: 36–48. København, juni 1, 1974.

The increasing supply of energy in Danish agricultural production has reached a level where the energy lost on its way through the food chain in animal production only just balances with the gain of energy obtained by vegetable production.  相似文献   

Simonsen, Kirsten, 1973: Studies of household activity patterns and urban structure. Geografisk Tidsskrift 73: 26–35. København, juni 1, 1974.

This Paper focuses upon the daily activity patterns of individuals and households. It gives a survey of the relevant literature and discusses the possible use of activity studies. Furthermore, it treats the interrelationship between activity patterns and environment and illustrates this by a case study from a Danish provincial town.  相似文献   

Ordtaket om at »Norge er flatt oppå« gjelder storstedelen av gradteigbladet Vinstra også, som inntas av f jellmark i omkring 1000 m o. h., især for Vinsterflyen som med sine 4 à 500 kvadratkilometer i denne høide vel er landets største høislette. Andre iøinafallende trekk i topografien er en fremherskende NW—SE løpende retning av vassdrag (Espedalen) og fjellrygger, dernest en tversgående retning NE—SW, som ikke er så tydelig på det topografiske kart, men straks faller i øinene fra ethvert utsiktspunkt: Nesten alle »høer« og »kamper« som hever sig over viddenivået (almindelig til 12–1400 m o. h., høiest i Heidalsmuen 1743 m) bar steil helning mot SE og slak skråning mot NW. Som en flåte stolte skuter seiler de over viddens bølgende hav med baugen mot SE og frontlinje SW—NE. I Vinstras dypt nedskårne dal gjennem Skåbu er den samme retning skarpt markert. Denne diagonalopdeling av kartbladets område finnes igjen i det små, som kløvningsretninger, tydeligst i rigide bergarter, og foldningsretninger mest synlig i de bløtere skifrige lag.  相似文献   

The Central Graben in the Danish North Sea sector consists of a series of N–S to NW–SE trending, eastward‐tilted half‐grabens, bound to the east by the Coffee Soil Fault zone. This fault zone has a complex Jurassic history that encompasses at least two fault populations; N–S to NNW–SSE striking faults active in the Late Aalenian–Early Oxfordian, and NNW–SSE to WNW–ESE striking faults forming in Late Kimmeridgian time (sensu gallico), following a short period of tectonic quiescence. Sediment transport across the Coffee Soil Fault zone was controlled by fault array evolution, and in particular the development of relay ramps that formed potential entry points for antecedent drainage systems from the Ringkøbing–Fyn High east of the rift. Fault and isochore trends of the Upper Kimmeridgian–Lower Volgian succession in the northeast Danish Central Graben show that accommodation space was initially generated close to several minor, isolated or overlapping faults. Subsidence became focused along a few master faults in the Early Volgian through progressive linkage of selected faults. Seismic time isochore geometries, seismic facies, amplitude trends and well ties indicate the presence of coarse clastic lithologies locally along the fault zone. The deposits probably represent submarine mass flow deposits supplied from footwall degradation and possibly also from the graben hinterland via a relay ramp. The latter source appears to have been cut off as the relay ramp was breached and the footwall block are uplifted. Fault growth and linkage processes thus controlled the spatial and temporal trends of accommodation space generation and sediment supply to the rift basin.  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 110(2):315–336, 2010

Excavations were undertaken at the site of Cape Grinnell, Northwest Greenland, by the Inglefield Land Archaeology Project in 2008. A well-preserved Late Dorset semi-subterranean mid-passage dwelling and an early Thule semi-subterranean sod-block house yielded radiocarbon dates of ca. 700–500 cal. B.P. Faunal remains from both structures had marked differences in species diversity suggesting Late Dorset had a wider diet breadth and made more intensive use of locally available resources than early Thule. Spatial analysis of the house interiors revealed that Late Dorset tended to concentrate carcass processing and discard at the rear of their dwelling and bone burning is minimal. The early Thule processed their food in two main areas: in front of the sleeping platform and on the central paving stones adjacent to the storage alcove. Burned bone was concentrated near the sleeping platform and to a lesser extent on the central paving in front of the entrance. Carnivore gnawing was virtually non-existent in the Late Dorset structure but ubiquitous across the early Thule structure.  相似文献   

Matthiessen. Christian Wichmann: Byerhvervene. Lokaliseringstendenser 1970–83. Geografisk Tidsskrift 87:22–26. København, juni 1987.

The Danish pattern of urban employment changed little 1970–83 although dynamic structural changes occurred, and although the total increased 23% to 2,353,366 urban jobs. The manufacturing deconcentration was more than counteracted by growth in no. of tertiary jobs in the large urban places.  相似文献   

Mangen. De eldste finner ved sjøen Mangen — Sigfrid og Morten i Sør-Mangen — synes å ha vært fastboende allerede tidlig i 1630-årene. Den forste er i den gamle folketelling opfort med en alder av 70 år, mens Morten da var død, idet enken Berte er notert som bruker av den ene plassen i Sør-Mangen. Straks efter bygslet imidlertid Per Sigfridsen — fodt i Mangen 1635 — Morten og Bertes plass av sogneprest Jens Boalth (sies ved de tider å ligge under »Mangen hospitalsgods«).  相似文献   

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