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Törnqvist, Anders: Förnyelse av äldre arbetsområden i Göteborg. Geografisk Tidsskrift 83: 60–64. May 1., 1983.

A recently started research and development project at Chalmers Institute of Technology in cooperation with the City of Gothenburg is presented. Background research on the physical and economic status of old industrial districts in Sweden shows the need for renewal. Difficulties and possibilities are analysed. A two-phase negotiation strategy involving the landowners, the firms, the employees and local government branches is outlined.  相似文献   

Mattsson, Jan O.: Naturgeografin i högskolan och samhället i Sverige. Geografisk Tidsskrift 83: 4–6. Copenhagen, June 1, 1983.

Geography as a national science in Sweden: Research and University training as well as the aplication of geography in the community. 1982.  相似文献   

Fogelberg, Paul: Geografin vid universiteten och i samhället i Finland. Geografisk Tidsskrift 83: 3–4. Copenhagen, June 1, 1983.

Geography as a science in Finland: Research and University training as well as the application of geography in the community. 1982.  相似文献   


DAHL, RAGNAR. Late-glacial accumulation forms and glaciation in the Narvik-Skjomen district, Norway. Norsk geogr. Tidsskr. 1967, 21, 157–241.

Late-glacial accumulation forms at corresponding levels are described and discussed. Most of the accumulations are moraine ridges deposited at the lateral margins of the ice flowing in the main valleys or at the lateral and frontal margins of ice tongues branching out into tributaries.

The frontal moraine ridges appear only in small tributary valleys or similar depressions in the terrain. They have an arched form and an advanced position in the depressions and are broken by melt-water channels. Together with the different indications of pressure in the material, this shows that the moraines correspond to phases of the deglaciation period in which the ice masses were temporarily advancing. The calculated gradients of the ice surface and radio-carbon datings indicate that these phases correspond to the two glacial phases of the Tromsø-Lyngen substage, which, according to ANDERSEN (1965), approximately correspond to the Early Dryas and Late Dryas periods.  相似文献   

Malmström, B. og Palmér, O.: Lösmaterialackumulationer i blockhaven på Varangerhalvön i Nordnorge—en problemdiskussion. Geografisk Tidsskrift 82: 82–87, Lund, 15. november 1982.

A type of mounds consisting of unconsolidated deposits mainly situated in blockfields is presented. Comparisons are made with pingo-like remnants in northern Scandinavia described by other authors.  相似文献   

När den svenske geologen A. E. Törnebohm 1872 besökte det isolerade högfjället Rendalssølen på Østlandet, iakttog han »trenne vågräta, över hvarandra liggando band» på stor höjd. Han var fullt på det klara med, att det gällde issjöstrandlinjer, men eftersom de lågo på högre nivå an omgivande passpunkter, måste de vara bildade »av en gletschersjö i en fördjupning på inlaridsisen» (Törnebohm, 87, s. 108). Först 14 år senare framställde norrmannen Andr. M. Hansen (27) sin betydelsefulla teori om de isdämda sjöarnas natur. Prioriteten bör givetvis tillfalla honom genom denna geniala avhandling, men det är alldeles tydligt, att Törnebohm längt tidigare rent intuitivt hade strandlinjeproblemet ganska klart för sig.  相似文献   

During The summers of 1957 and 1958 the junior author served as glacial geologist with the Swedish Glaciological Expedition to Nordaustlandet (North-East Land), Spitsbergen (Fig. 1). One of the main objectives was to establish an absolute chronology of events leading to the partial deglaciation of this island.  相似文献   

Journal of Paleolimnology - The spiny water flea (Bythotrephes cederströmii), a freshwater crustacean considered to be the world’s best-studied invasive zooplankter, was first recorded...  相似文献   

全球离散格网:回顾与展望(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球离散格网是数字球体表达的基本数据模型,它提供了一种栅格化表达地球弯曲表面的方法,催生了数字地球。该文回顾全球离散格网与数字地球的发展史,评析了以谷歌地球为代表的第一代数字地球的技术实现。在为科学界及社会公众提供地表与近地表信息交流方面,数字地球的有效性面临挑战,第一代数字地球在很多方面存在不足,其中最显著的缺陷是不能基于社会与环境过程模型模拟地球的将来状态。展望未来,简要分析了下一代数字地球应具有的基本特征。  相似文献   

Journal of Paleolimnology -  相似文献   

乌梁素海是干旱半干旱地区典型的湿地。其位于东亚—澳大利西亚及中亚—印度两条迁徙路线上,是迁徙候鸟极其重要的繁殖地和停歇地。从2009到2012年,我们采用样线法和样点法对水鸟及其栖息地进行调查,共记录了98种水鸟,隶属于6目、14科,同时记录到水鸟个体超过100 000个。其中夏候鸟55种(在此繁殖)、旅鸟39种(在此短暂停留),分别占所记录物种数的56.12%和39.80%。对所记录的鸟类及其种群的迁徙规律进行进一步分析,结果表明:春季迁徙期主要为3月上旬到5月中旬,比秋季迁徙期(8月上旬到11月中旬)短。水鸟繁殖的高峰期是4月上旬到5月下旬。重点保护水鸟(包括IUCN红色名录中的受胁物种以及中国重点保护野生动物名录中的Ⅰ、Ⅱ级保护物种)的集中分布时间是4月上旬到5月下旬以及9月上旬到11月上旬;相比春秋迁徙季节,夏季水鸟的群落结构相对稳定。基于研究,我们建议将乌梁素海湿地列入国际重要湿地名录及迁徙路线网络。此外,栖息地管理对鸟类分布的决定作用同样在文中加以讨论。  相似文献   

The implementation of new type industrialization and urbanization and agricultural modernization strategies lacks of a major hand grip and spatial supporting platform, due to long-term existed "dual-track" structure of rural-urban development in China as well as unstable rural development institution and mechanism. It is necessary to restructure rural production, living and ecological space by carrying out land consolidation, so as to establish a new platform for building new countryside and realizing urban-rural integration development in China. This paper develops the concept and connotation of rural spatial restructuring. Basing on the effects analysis of industrialization and urbanization on rural production, living and ecological space, the mechanism of pushing forward rural spatial restructuring by carrying out land consolidation is probed. A conceptualization of the models of rural production, living and ecological spatial restructuring is analyzed combining with agricultural land consolidation, hollowed villages consolidation and industrial and mining land consolidation. Finally, the author argues that a "bottom-up" restructuring strategy accompanied by a few "top-down" elements is helpful for smoothly pushing forward rural spatial restructuring in China. In addition, the optimization and restructuring of rural production, living and ecological space will rely on the innovations of regional engineering technology, policy and mechanism, and mode of rural land consolidation, and more attentions should be paid to rural space, the foundation base and platform for realizing urban-rural integration development.  相似文献   

综合应用森林生物量及生产力计算、地理信息技术、生物地理统计等方法,对梅里雪山森林生物质能资源赋存量、资源总量以及与海拔、山地坡度和坡向等的关系作出定量计算,并对其相关性作分析,发现梅里雪山东坡森林生态系统潜在蕴藏生物质能资源具有明显的空间异质性和空间相关性:在海拔2 000 ~3 900 m,森林生物质能资源数量随着海拔的升高而逐渐增加,3900m以上急剧减少;生物质资源数量在坡度25°~35°期间最大,不同坡向上生物质资源数量差异明显,较为集中分布在东坡、东南坡和西北坡.相关分析表明,生物质能资源数量与地形因子海拔、坡度、坡向具有相关性,与海拔、坡向负相关,与坡度呈正相关,其皮尔森简单相关系数分别为-0.17,-0.86和0.30.在山体中部形成森林生物质能资源富集带,构成环形生态廊道,为山地生态系统和人居环境提供了优良环境条件.  相似文献   

太阳在这里铺金月亮在这里铺银上海人在这里铺心超负荷的滩头在我的笑声中下沉国旗下的钟声响了霓虹灯炫耀着黄浦江的缤纷所有的情感都在这里流动于是声控彩泉擎起醉意朦泷的黄昏该怎样的写首抒情诗呢我抛锚了思绪的拖轮五光十色的夜上海呦外滩上拥挤着生活的兴奋流连的游人以惊叹的方式感受莱笔下的涛韵缠绵的恋人用喁喁的私语升华着维娜斯怀中的体温打开无拘无束的闸门吧溶入白兰花熏染的纯真我的诗就是这浓浓的香滨酒还有送给夜上海一个漂亮的吻外滩(外一首)@向春林  相似文献   

Many global emission reduction strategies have been proposed, but few have been assessed quantitatively from the view of equality, efficiency and effectiveness. Integrated assessment models (IAM) is one of the effective ways to make climate policy modeling. So in this paper we developed the MRICES (Multi-regional integrated model of climate and economy with GDP spillovers) model, which is an IAM but extends to include GDP spillover mechanism, to make assessment on several strategies for global emission reduction, including the egalitarianism strategy, the UNDP strategy and the Copenhagen Accord. Using 1990 as a baseline for historical emission levels, the egalitarian strategy argues that developed countries should implement urgent emission reductions, whereas developing countries are allowed relatively higher future emission quotas. The UNDP strategy addresses the issue of substantial changes in global temperature but acknowledges that developing countries are not able to afford more costs for mitigation measures, which is inequitable from the perspective of a country’s right to develop. We also simulated the Copenhagen Accord to determine the consequences by the year 2100 if each country continues their current emission mitigation actions, and results indicated that the increase in global temperature will be 2.8 ℃by 2100; consequently, much stronger emission reduction efforts must be implemented after 2020. Based on analysis on mitigation strategies, it is recognized that the common but differentiated responsibility principle must be insisted when making global mitigation strategy. To comply with this principle, the emission reduction baseline of developed and developing countries should be discriminated, so 1990 and 2005 can be taken as the base year for developed and developing countries respectively.  相似文献   

中国能源安全形势日益严峻,机遇与挑战并存。生物质能发展具备资源丰富、产品多元化、循环利用和增加农民收入的显著优势,加快生物质能开发对保障中国能源供给安全极为重要。本文通过运用灰色关联分析方法,对中国生物质能开发与粮食安全之间的关系进行定量评价。结果显示我国生物质能开发对粮食安全的影响并不明显,中国的粮食安全主要受其农业生产条件限制。但这并不意味着中国生物质能可以不受限制的发展,中国发展生物质能需综合平衡多种因素,如短期内大量投资、生物质供应的激烈竞争。清洁、可持续是中国生物能源发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

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