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The principal properties,here called the p-scales,of peat have been calculated on the basis of chemicalanalysis.The scales were derived from quantitative contents of carbohydrates,Klason lignin,aminoacids,amino sugars and conventional chemical peat measurements.The variation in the chemicalparameters was compressed using principal component analysis(PCA).Partial least squares(PLS)regression was used for prediction of botanical,microbial,physical and dewatering data.A rapidestimation of the scales has been made from near-infrared(NIR)spectroscopy and offers,indirectly,rapidly obtainable,chemically interpretable,biological information.A reduced scale based oncarbohydrate data was also tested.The p-scales offer an interface between different areas of peatresearch.Strategies are outlined for the selection of a subset of chemical measurements among thevariables used for characterization.A multivariate strategy based on these ideas is discussed.  相似文献   

It is shown that the presence of 31-35 commonly measured volatile organic compounds(VOCs)inground water can be detected with small error rates by using screening methods which analyze for a subsetof such VOCs.A study of selected data sets indicates that analytical determinations of only from twoto eight VOCs will suffice to detect 95% of all VOC hits.It is also shown that a serially optimal algorithmfor selecting the VOCs for screening is very nearly as accurate as a globally optimal algorithm and mucheasier to implement.These conclusions are supported by empirical evidence from two drinking-water datasets and one hazardous waste site data set.Additional research areas are also outlined.  相似文献   

I.IntroductionDrylandcoverslargeareasinnorthernChinawithaboutonethirdofthecountry’stotalfarmlands,amongwhichrainfedfarmlandwithoutirrigationcovers2.3(107hm2.TherearethreekindsofdryfarmingareasinnorthernChina[9],i.e.subhumidandslightdryarea(aridity1.31.6,annualpr…  相似文献   

I.ASurveyofNaturalConditionsKarakon1l1i-WestKul1l1l11Mtsissituatedi11thel1orthwesternpartoftheQinghai-Xizang(Tibetan)Plateau.Therearel1igl11llountains,deepandnarrowgorqe5.brondplateausandothercomplicatedlandforms.Characteristicsoflal1dfor1115nreaccountablefortl1eforl11atio11ofvario[1sverticaldistributiol1ofsoilspectrun1.1nthisrcgiol1,theclimatcisf;lgidaiidd1:Yi4it1ilitt1eprecipitatioi1.Gc,,c,d11,.pl'ecipitatio11i11plainareaatfootofthemountainsislessthanlOOmmbutitchangesalongwttl1variatio…  相似文献   

I.ProgressofUrbanizationinChinaExperiencedFourStages1.19491957activeurbanizationperiodWhenthePeople’sRepublicofChinawasfoundedin1949,therewereonly132citieswithatotalurbanpopulationof39,490,000throughtoutthecountry.Thelevelofurbanization(referringtoratiosofthetotalp…  相似文献   

ThemostprominentsignoflandscapeinirrigationoasesandnaturaloasesonriverbanksandalluvialfansindesertzoneofwesternChinaisthelushcultivatedornaturalwoodsinvividlygreencolor,whichisinremarkablecontrastwithyelloworgraycolorinotherdesertzones.Besidesshowingt…  相似文献   

I.Background1.NaturalconditionsTheirrigatedareaofnorthwestShandongProvincebychannelingYellowRiverisaveryimportantirrigatedregioninthelowerreachesofYellowRiver,including27countiesandcitieswithanareaof29,700km2,or19.3percentofthetotalofShandongProvince.Amongwhi…  相似文献   

In this paper, a distribution of the oxygen-minimum layer in the sea area adjacent to the South Shetland Islands and north of the Ardleyd Island, Antarctica, in surmner is discussed.The vertical distribution of oxygen in oxygen-minimum layer has the following features: 1). The depth at which the oxygen content greatly decreases is coincident with the depth of pycnocline; 2). There is a thick water layer with low oxygen content; 3). The oxygen-minimum layer occurs below the thermocline and coincides with the depth at which the temperature mostly increases. According to preliminary result of correlation analysis, the varia tion of oxygen-minimum layer is related to physical preperties of the circulation and biochemical process in deep layer of the ocean.  相似文献   


Although acts of creation, scientific or artistic, result from metaphorical and mythological speculations, the role of metaphor and myth has largely been neglected in attempts to develop a geographical epistemology. The significance of these concepts is illustrated by the use of the frontier symbol as a means of understanding both the social structure of the contemporary black inner city and the temporal dimension of the recent expansion of human activities into nighttime.  相似文献   

I.Intr0ducti0nAwnerresource-environmentalsystem,withmanyquantitativeandqualitativefactors,consistsofwaterresourcesdevelopmentandenvironment.Itisveryddriculttocarryoutoverallassessmentsanddecision-maldngstudiesofthesystemusingapurelyquantitativen1athematical-l11odel.However,AnalyticalHicerarcl1yProcess(AHP,anewmethodfOrtheplanninganddecisioll-making,combiningqualitativefactorswithquantitativefactors,cansolvethedecision-mdengpr0blemsOfmultiplehierarchiesandgOalsforacomplexsystem.Thismeth0d,t…  相似文献   

LakeTaihuisalargeshallowlakeinChina,whichpalysanimportantroleinwater-quantityregulation,watersupply,cultivationetc.Withrapiddevelopmentofagricultureandindustryinthearea,alargenumberofpollutantshavebeendischargedintothelake,leadingtoanincreaseinnutrients…  相似文献   

SlopelandameliorationandutilizationwithcomplexagroforestrysystemraisedbyProfessorHuangBingweiwasmainlyaimedatimprovingslopelandsustainableproductivitybyusingbiologicalmeasuresforthepurposeofprovidingnewmethodforfuturecomprehensiveexploitationandutili…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONQuality of chemical properties of flooded soils isgenerally determined by salinity and alkalinity,bothof these acts as inhibiting factors of plant growth.Thecorrelation of electrical conductivity and other analysisindex has been reported by …  相似文献   

Sincethe195Os,theCentralPlaceTheory(Cpp)hasbeenprevailingallovertheWest.Nevertheless,theaPplicationofthismodelinChinasplanningworkusedtobeanargUableproblem.Negativeviewswerefl.thehyPothesisabouttl1enatUralandhumanhomogeneityisdevoicedfromthereality;2.thetheorytvasge11eratedfrol11caPitalistsociety,wherethehistorical,socialandeconomicconditionsaredifferentfromChina's.Inrecentyears,theauthorshavetriedtoapplyCppmode1toChina'Surbanal1dregionalplanning,thesatisfactoryresu1tsprovedthegenera1ada…  相似文献   

The effect of peak shifts on the performance of a Kalman filter multicomponent analysis algorithm hasbeen investigated.A series of Gaussian test systems were employed to characterize the concentrationestimation errors and the morphology of the on-line residuals(the innovations sequence).Both forwardand reverse filters were used in the generation of the innovations sequences.It was found that thedifference between the forward and reverse innovations sequences gave an accurate indication of thedirection and magnitude of the peak shift.A series of overlapped two-component systems were alsoinvestigated.Again,a correlation between the difference innovations and the degree of the responseshift was observed.The behavior of the Katman filter in fitting the shifted fluorescence emissionspectrum of benzo[a]pyrene was also examined.The response for henzo[a]pyrene in cyclohexanesolution was compared to that obtained on the surface of a reversed phase thin layer chromatographyplate.A red shift of 4 nm was detected for the surface spectrum by observing the difference innovationssequence.This approach holds promise for correction of response shifts in multicomponent systems.  相似文献   

ThevisitorsgivethecaveenvironmentagreatdealofCO2.AverageCO2contentofthevisitorsis13,00015,000ppminthebreedingandonevisitorbreeds40litreofCO2perhour.ThevisitorsstronglyinferencetheCO2contentinthecaveatmosphere.Inspring,CO2contentwas500-600ppminNo.1andNo.2chambersat8:008:…  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Drepanopus bispinosus (Calanoida: Copepoda) was studied throughout the year of December 1983-January 1985 in Burton Lake, a littoral saline lake on Vestfold Hills,Antarctica, and the environmental factors of the lake were observed simultaneously. D. bispinosus is univoltine. Its population life cycle could be in 20-21 months and reproduetive activity stays from winter to early summer. The adults (male and female) and nauplil mainly form the winter population. Adult females are instead of male and, copepodites are instead of nauplii in summer population. Then it consists of copepodites mainly in stages II-V from late summer through autumn. The density of population components considerably varies for their whole life time. Most of nauplii appearing in winter may not develop and transform into further stages under the restrictive conditions, such as low oxygen content and scarce food. Earlier stage copepodites of new generation appear largely in summer, when the lake is rich in o  相似文献   

Aeropalynology,abranchofpalynologyspeciallydealingwithairbornesporopollencontentanditsvariations,iscloselyrelatedtomanydisciplineslikeplantgeography,bioclimatology,agronomy,andmedicalscienceforwhichalsoneeditsresearchresults.Numerousresearcheshavebeenca…  相似文献   

A study has been conducted on the status of water quality in two disused man made lakes, which have potential for cage aquaculture project. This study highlights the quality of water analyzed with reference to various physical - chemical parameters in two selected lakes and their suitability for fish farming. A number of parameters were measured including the amount of NH3 - N, NO3 - N, NO2 - N and total phosphorus while in - situ measurement including DO, pH, temperature, conductivity, TDS and Secchi disk visibility. Beside the physical -chemical of water, the location, morphometry and climate conditions were also investigated. The chemical data analyzed for six months indicated that Lake A and Lake B are characterized by relatively high DO, slightly neutral pH and low TSS. The concentration of NH3 -N and NO2 -N was very low (0. 058 mg/L and 0. 04 mg/L, respectively) and total phosphorus was usually in low concentration and sometimes would seem negligible. Besides, NO3 - N occurred in slightly higher concentration (1.75 mg/L). Results obtained indicated that the study site has high potentiality for development of inland fisheries practices.  相似文献   

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